Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Apr 1934, p. 3

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THURSDA , APRIL 5, 1934. x.:. Get in touch with your Barrie Agent for Rates etc. FACTS ABOUT HYDRO -N0. 2 of (1 series of oicia Electric Association, representing the Mzmz'ci[)m'ities zc/J0 We have Special Low Rates Good to Return within 60 Days from sale of ticket, to as... . __n N .*v.-;. $1". I`.$..`,;'.,I 1-?:'!xm`._`h-0.1.1 3 - - . .. - * Keep t/Jis iufur/mztiL' sfzzfmzy/2! mu." nu/r/2 for /mt/.u-r ::/an-;12u;;zfs by the Publicity Committee. 1-4` - 1, ` .:, 3. What Hydro Has Saved Domestic Consumers Qwmmm MUNICIPAL;.~:;:':~rww;:+z:. ASSOCIATION C/Jairmzm, Ck~ntr0Hcr James Simpon. Tommn In 1932, the last year for which comparative gures are available, all the domestic consumers served by Hydro municipalities used an aggregate of 740,000,000 kilowatt-hours, for which they paid the aggregate sum of $11,676,000, or an average cost, inclusive of all charges, of only 1.57 cents per kilowatt-hour. According to United States census gures for 1932, the domestic consumers served by priVately-0wned utilities in that country paid an average of 5.60 cents per .l It is a simple matter to compute that, if Ontario Hydro domestic consumers had had to pay, for the 740,000,000 kilowatt-hours they used in "1932, as much per l:ilowatt-hour as United States consumers paid, their bills would have aggregated the vast sum of $41,490,000, or nearly $30,000,000 more than the amount their electricity actually cost them under Hydro service. av; 1'1YdI'O has SHVCCI CHC CIUZCHS ()1 Uh.` 2l5.\ULl'.uL`u 1 1_vu1u Auu1uL.1},1au\.u:a u.u millions ot dollars for clcctrxc ecrvncc. And in addmon, it has made possible the enjoyment of con1fm'L~g.:wing nml l.1lmr-suvmg uppllzmces on a scale that, but for low Hydro mtes. would lm~.':.- lwcn lucvond the means of the average citizen. The facts about Hydro speak for tlwmsclvcs. Hvdro has saved the citizens of the associated Hydro municipalities tens of ..-.-'n:-.-, l'\ I'lt\l|f\l`(` cm. pl/u*t`ri:` Ct'I`\'i(`(` Am! in .~.ddicion. it has made oossible TO USE HOUSE FLIES TO MAKE SUPERFINE PAPER 21 pound of paper. It has been found that the wings and legs of ies, if mixed with the pulp of superne paper, gives the nished product :1 peculiar and handsome wate1'1na1'k. As llh;-8.liZl1 aut.l1orities have meduced (lies to compa.rat.ively few in the United States, Misklla said the`: would have to look to Europe to sup- ply the flies, an(l_negoti-.1tio11s me under way with 21 man in I*]Lii~o1:e to . them in carloud lots; Iompara time Cost of Domestic Lighting Service 11 Typical Canadian and United States Cities Toronto London..... H-mnilton . Brantford. Ottawa NoT1-:-~H)'zIm S('r1/'\' 56,000 rural comzmu-rv u/ an average cost, iur/m`/`yo of all c/Jargvs, of 4.37 rants /Jcr / L'.\'nH: Hvmm SYSTIEM Mo.\"rHLY N131 Btu. l UB[.'l(,IITY '(;UM_.\I1'1`TiEB: -341.44 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 Frank L. Ms. A new use lms been found for that pes`, the common house y, in the nxumtfueture of paper. w 1 M:=L-nn mmsizlent of the 0ICi(l[ amzouncerrzcnfs by the Ontario Municipal 5 own the Hydro-Electric System of Ontario. (This is the fifth of a series 0* seven articles on Iiefoiestation in Simcoe County, prepared by the On- tario Forestry B'.';mc.h and z1rppoui'ii1g in The A{1\'2l.liCc zzom \\'_~;-`.\' u \\'.-._-.;). I ARTlCLE V. THE WOODLOT (By A.S.L.B.) j"ne ciiicf Value of the woodlot in the eyes of most people is as at 1-cad; and convenient Supply of firewood and for small qua11tit;ies oi` lumber ifhe 1hin' to be aimed at, however, D .. I(\ .1 1n .+ hm 1-\n< nnrnn. and ta bu u:,L; u. LVL ....... L....-r.,..- ..._- the same time mz1inL:Lin a con_<.:anI supply. Woodlots play an i1wpo`1'tant p wt in rural lli$'1"i(:t>` as \vin(1b`.'ez1ks mm s`ncl'Le1`bc1t;.~;. Where the count.1'y is rolling`, or has steep hillsides, tin.-_y nu-1\\'r-21'. .-.-vm-n m'n. and where `am hillsides, they p1'C\`(;l1'-sU\'L'l`0 erosion, soil is sandy, prevent it from (lriitizzg into 1o:uiv.'a_\'.< and on to tillable ia.iu 'l'iie pi-c.en~ee of woonllots often dc- cides the amount of water in $Dl'ln_2,'. and .~:tre:ui1s, and has a (lireci; in lluence on water supply and um amount of moisture in the soil. ii addition they provide shelter and net- in-g places for lll.\>'L'i.l\'Ol'0Ll>' lJll`(l:. 'l"he farm woodiot is an outlet fox . .; `xorli. not only from the stand- point of impr0\`in5.," ;.he a1\,a and tklix .113; ULIL Lie supply of fuel, out also for Luilizing pe1ina1'ie!1t or tem- porary llil`O(l help. The present mean of win`ertran.spo1't, by trucli, bi1'ix.;_;'.a, the market close to the 0-iest and considerable revenue may be (lL'l`l\'l:(. from the sale 01' Ill'O\\"O0(l Lllltl .~;1-:-." logs. .~\noth.(-r income fiom. Ln.` woodlot., providing, of course, it con- tains a fair percentage of hard inapuz-_. is in the iiiamifacturiiig of 11111`: ..- `3, syrup. in many localities, notably * Tiny townsliip, a tidy income is re 0 ceived each yea: from `iiiis source. Woodlots have an aesthetic Valur. wl:ich it (lifiicuit to e.~:ti'mate. The (1 pre.~:en<,-e 01` trees on the rural pr.)- ie perty gives it a beauty and atL1'zic'tixe- ` ne.~.~; `.\'lllCill often make the (llli`(:1'Cli'Zv(` be"~.ieL-ii a farm and a home. it has . 12w1ui;iti_\' l)'., 11 the (la.-ciii:1q4' unto: zu \\"n.,-n makinir :1 pu1'( and :. :1` time of nancial pressure, tile pm`.- ; Qu.\.\'nr*.' or I`.Lr.c_Txuc1T\' LI.\'m ex PIUVATF. OWNEKSIHD MonL.v.'cnl..... Detroit Bu`.11o . New York . Boston ..... Reforestation in Simcoe 31!. Oshawa ;' to be annu-(1 an, nowt-Lvcz, 1t for this purpose and +1.... nu-.1in1!1in n r-nn_e:zu1I of W. J. Misklla, president Pup<.-1- Foundation, Chicago, said they would exhibit at the 1934 World's Fair for hhe 1'st time a. paper with the wings and legs of ies as the prillcipzll ingwedients. It takes about 10,000 ies for the mz1nu1'z1cture of The Northern Advance .$3.15 . 4.35 .. 4.14 . 6.60 . 5.30 T. W. McFarland, London once. of a well cave-d for and we"'; stocked woodlot would form a ban for borrowing money. , '31.. u'nnrHn1'. i< nn. nn`.'; of 9'1'e:;.`-`I well cared for and we"; .1. r1. '1'urn.ouii xuro Twp.) ................... .. 200 ac'.c:. foi-Vborro\\'ing C. M, Wattie (Midlhur. ) -/10 'd.Clc.~` The ``i0`0dl0+.- is 110?. only of g 1`0:A- Most 01' these woodlots are com "alue to the 1nCllV id1-1211: but Such cu` posed of tile cha1'ac.`e1'isicc llllfxillli ~1- . ,1b,. ',' rt s...` , , . . - .\.. 1'(l( a1ea,i o\\nu 3 4 mumupal y, mas of haiduods and comicious tlLL> 0 add g1'0i1l`1Y I10 the ed11Ci1T10n. 1{1C9m~ ditfercnt ages, \\.hich is typical of t and pleasure of the people 111 tllc most of the \\'o~ods of Simcoe County.l neighborhood. ln recent years 1.1`--:2` `.The Alliston wood~lo'L, \\'l1lC`l1 fo.rn1;; a ' C has been some activi y in thls reg`a. `splendid backgrou.nd for Lhe l10.S}_)lLdi,; `'.l and municipalities have purchases} 01 was improved in the \\`.inter of 1931- ' t" have had areas of \\'00d.lzmd given tv , 32 when about 100 cords of fuelwctvd V them with these objects in 111 1d-i1'rom cnooked, branc.hy and di.:c.1sed H These h'=WC 11013 01113 b0011 USCG f0` I trees and trees of inferior species 1.\'a.- C` recreational purposes, but. have been ` ob ~'LlinL`(i the work p1'o'viding` 1-eh-cl` 5` a means of the unemplo,'i `lfor manly of U110 u11e1n'pl*oycd 01' me t1 in the neighborhood for the ;.)u p-.~:e:v111a,ge, d of making thinnings, cutting` re ` At the Orillia Provincial Hos=pital Wood and sawing logs. i\1oreo`/er. ' the bush, covering twenty-ve acres`.53 this i(lea of municipal forests is IN? 2 of land, is largely a, 5ug'a,); m-.Lpie- 2 a new one; it is common in 11]3.u}'[l)0O'(1l1 woods, from which fiy cordsl` other countries, paiticularly in Eur :of wood had been cut annually fov ope, where in some cases the muniz.i- ;1'uelwood. Trees which should be re pality ihas levied no taxes for ycalus imoved to improve growing condizions. because Lhe revenue from its f01`btS'have been marked and the fuelwood c has been S11iCie11t 1&0 C0\'0r all OP-`1` lfor the 1932-33 season was Lakcn outuc ating expenses. Some of idle T1L`~ * 1 with-out spoiling the appearance ;:lllC I 2 s examples of forest manageinent, and `.1-.ho trees were ;`(,`uttC1`c(_l tlu-ou__-;houti :1 +`m-net is. after :11]. onlv 21 lv.2';'.`c ` the area and no large block 01' zirees; forest mzmagcment, trees nun;-mu .,m-UL.-__-,...,u.; a forest is, after 2111, only large `t,l1:e large zlree-5', woo are found in these munic1- was cut down. The maple trees zrrel pal forests of 11110 Old \\'01'1d. also tapped for syrup and sugar,l T110 0Y1t'1`i0 F01`0>`U`Y B.1`i111Ch \'\'113' .\vhic!h is U.~".:d in the institumon. ' ` L>4L- I .`,l...,.n run in. mi`. _\n_~ .n u h-xnlvrx :l('l`l`< (ll. l1:].1'd ` pal Iorests 0: me 010. \\'u1'1u. km Branch A; ingly gives technical advice and in- struction as to how such areas can be managed to the greatest 1.(lVZ).Ill.21g'C P in order to proalue :1 maximum crop tj of timber in a minimum length ol 1'- time. Six (lemonstration woo-(llots ` 3 have been e.`<`ablishe(l in Simcoe n County under the following co11di- (- tions. The owners have agreed to p co-operate \\'th the FoircsT.1`y Branch,` he t1`ee.~'. to he removed have been C marked by a competent teclmical for l 1; (`.4t(3l`, and are to be taken out at `he ` 1 `t I J , 1 owner s convenience. Signs liave been e1'ec1.e(l to d:'m\'z1t:ention to`, t'l1e. managed woods. One munici pality, one 5.:o\`ei-mnent institution and l ] four privzite lY1(ll\'l(lLl11l.\' in Simcoe 3 County, foll0\~`.<. halve taken ad-l_ vantage of l.hi:~: o'e1' and are manag- H inn' +`m-i.` \\'nn.'lln1.< on scientific min-i vantage 0.1. 14115 U11UL' unu an: nuu-.u.b- ins: trhoil` woodlots p1in- L'ijnlo.~: : The Village of Alliston (.-\.1'1'ic111t'.:1u1 Grounds) 5ac1`c.< The Orillia Prov. Hospital 25 acres [ ' I or auu an: n|u.1m.;5- anty, 11121;,` c n. mcpmo Ic >10 t!'.c1 1* zars 1.1`.-_-re 1 '1 us `s "chases. I \ 1 _g`1ven : m 1d. .1 \1r~nll 4`,-H E4 p1-1m-mat 1n_`_I1'(.`(llUIlLa. flies 1:- lwhiclh U.<'.:d in the instltuuon. tney are oust 'cu1`cL11L\:u w.. Mr. Aus .n s twelve acres 01' The Consolidating of AL_0~nsh1L. wood bush has never been severely.sch001 bomdb. was urged by A. J. B pustured. `He practices selection :ut- `` _>.Cc1.Ct.`u.y of the York Tow}, ting: oi Ll"l(- u.n(l'e1s11'21b1e trees ior Ship Board of Sup.e1.viSm.S. T.1H_. con- 1l101\V0`0 Emil WC-Slollillly 'Jl\f`-`=` Ouj `solidatiion of 17 individual school sec la few feet 0f lumb`-`l3 11? 15 L`-_5t1'ltio11s in York township into one area lmilmd tvfl`-l'~ 11 \`-`I11 lJl'0dUL'`~` 112 111,11`,-l1.a(l reduced vhe expenditure for ('0r(ls of wood per acre per OM 1 maintenmme from $623,000 to $530,~ P1`PeW11-Y. _ '000 in `..h-ree years. In one township 3113 T111'"bUl1 15 1} 'a'1"ddat0 for aneurby G0 trustees control 20 sclmols ester and well recognizes the 21(l\'iLl1- [with about 300 pupils and in an. lt11l~."0-*' t-0 b`-` S"`1lUl from l _1'P91 other 27 trustees will 1,000 pupll-. " liillldlilig` Of his f1"~`-*'t 1'=1d- H15 Li-`1'* In one section be:.1cher.~: will be asiiec. 3`ten:=i\'e woodlands present many d11'- to work for as 10. as $300 A yL.ar_ i,f01`011i~ t)'P0S Of 5011 C011 and 1 while in the next section the teacner .tree associations. All wood removed! W111 be getting $1,000 a ycal-_ `113 1 has been taken Out \\`'1th 21- 03' t0.consoi(la`ti.0n of areas or townships J improving the growth of the remain- would mean unifal-mjty and 1.355 ex- - ing` trees. Considerable fuelwooil is u..(-.d.\,-amt - cut annually and some wood, in `uhtm " `-`form of bolts, has been sold to tire; ln..,...m.....-,. nl-An` in Orillizi. In L11el., ChaYacte`.' Education Dr. Gregory V1i1. ~'.ns, of Quc-en s ~:`\' .-h-nu:~.:l ,.h11 nlrnrwl of cl1d1 - - i :f-o`rm b . co0`p01'21gc \vimc1` of to the We uncm-ploye Ecolds pul- lcux. four { Mr. Bu \ I S 3.6130 V\'00( J. H. Turnbull (Oro 'v..~n .`&1\'Lu :\uauuL \ 1uuunu.;-.,.u. Twp.) Wallace Broxm (Cundlcs) Alvin Austin (Tecumsefh "I"uv~n \ iform bolts, has noun sum. LU um.-, 1coopcrage plan`_ in Orillia. L11-1] 1`.:JZ-33 J:'ue1\`.'ood was .~,uid`_ Welfare Board of Ori111u., Lin.- uncmployed being allowed to cut fom couls 1112.11 for tht:1ns<:l\'1;.s if `he; cum 1'01` the town. 1 | 7 . . . 1 . . |` B1`-cam, 111 ad(11t1o11 to 1115 [um i I ere woodlot 011 L111: 11ig11\\'uy 211`: undlcs, has 21 ne e\'c11-ag'cd staml bout fty years old, comp1'i>111g u1`(...`S eight to 1"0111`1cc11 1111-1115 1111 1dia.n1etc1', \\'111ic11 an: 110w putting 0111 `their 111z1ximum g1'0w1,'11. '1`11`11111i11g.~ `will b; ca.1'1'icd out 111 this sLa'.1'.i 301 .reducc the '.m110u11t, 01' co111pctiLiu11 be- nm frntn: 111111 cu11cu.11tr21tc L111. l .. car . reduce `txvcen the | g'ro\a'1;h on ` 1 lVl1'. Wat iwith the 1*` `ample Opp: `value 01' i H1150 mzmag ',11ic2i1 sL1pervi;<,io11. | iVI.l(ll1U1`S.i Nursery provides :1 lz11*_g`u~ ent types 01' wo`0(l1.vuull with ditl'erent methods of treaumn" and Visit-01'.~: are im'iL.ed to i11spcct_ lthese and receve ll1>'l.1`uC'Ll011 on the. most approved methods of ca.1`ing' I'm 1 theiir own woodl-ots, If fire and cattle are kept out 0;; the woodlot natural 1'ef0`1'eslzltl011 mil] usually take place and small ope.ning.< will be tilled in '03` me .aee(ll1ng.,-`s which may often be seen co\'g-ring Lliu.` forest floor in their l1u_ml1'e Ii. however, the woodlot has been bzully abused 1'01` yL`:L1'$, la1'g`e opening'.< may have dcvclopc-(1 whicfn are so densely cov-r.-red 'ith grass zmd weeds that 1` is impossible for the tiny trees to ; cure 1-}. hold. In such ca: as this` articial 1'e1`on`esL-.1tion must be re-' sorted to. For this purp0.<:: tlme On I tario Fo1'e.~:t1'y lhmleli will supply` t.rc-0.4 free just as in nlw ezmz of tn.-e.~' for 1'(:l.'o1`e.~'Iii1y_!; \\'zL Tie:-.x' of all the lllUrl.' \'alu;1bln.- uz11d\\ oud .+pi:. I;-..~` 1` ..4 R-Thllnn-<.`. T\.'I1r_-;:1"v . bu I vzxriety of (iilfer l E1 \ 1 i l I r 1 1 1 1 `their muxlmum _g`1`()\\'m1. ;m.....u~ . out ~01 amount bc ' `tween trees and lgro\\'1;h the Very bc;~:L .~;pecimcns. 1 Wattie, from hi; cu11m:ctio.1'; iwith 1*`o1'esLr;y' Bmnch, has had, opportunity to deL-crlnkue Lnc; ilnp1`U\ L`11\011t work am`. is} also managing` hi.-' \\`ood.< under \.,-_-`n- supc-rv'~:ion. I : NIirlh1n':` N~u1`se1'V 1)1`-0Vidcs l'.11`g'(r; l'1`cc just 111 MW case ()1 L11.-I:.~ n1o.~t\'alL121bln.- nlll(l\\0u(l I;-..~ are g'1`o\\'n at Midlm1`. l\'L11`.=.el`y. only small siocks haw: been producn-d to (late, (lm: to the small (icnmmi for tllL`SL` kimls. If, l';o\\'c\'er, o\\`ncr.~: 01 woodland can be murle `0 1'0:-1li'/.0 the im;:o1't:m~ce of (.'0ln1)lelJCl;\' .\:tocl t-llclp 1'owrcst land \\'ll.l1 trce:<, the (le- mzmd for l12u`d\\'00(l;~: will incxcasce, and he nu1.<(-ria:-;; will immxL-Lliatcly! turn out stocks i1(l(.`(]1121tC to meet Lhci ' sch ` chi` , mu 5 id} a 80 increzLsc(l ol1'(Ic1`.`. An excellent l)ull(!1.ln cnxitlcd The Woodlot may be . cur0d fn.-c by ap- plying to the Ontario F01'(;S[1`y| B1'an.:`l`., P:L1'li2um-nt 1uil(ling.<, To-H _.A._n.. IL 15 ulnmunuwu treasury will cl0.<(.- 1VIzu'L'h 315`; with L"JI nnn nnn H... marcn on; um. .. .m.,,...., \l4 \(V\4- 31.000,000, the 11111:`:-st to lmve been rcp01`t<-(1 in tvn _vcz1rs. and in con z'z1.~'1; to the 82.0()0,000 (lccit re- ported for the p1vr:vious year. No n1ni(\\- no\\.`m` in the world has . ported 101' the p1'(*V1Uun` _u,-ui. nu. in:i_j1~ })0\`.'e`i` eemlml in nmkine; suvli 21 . Sim-0 the l)(f_,"ll11lll 1f_`,' oi" Llte (lepren sio=n. To this s1n`plu.< pnicticallyl everyone in the L'ni`ed l{ing:dom con- tributed, including' the unemployed. Wrhose meagre weekly insurance pay- ments \\'c-.1`e vetluced by ten per cent. The hez\\'ie.~'L burden fell on `he in- come itax payers whose payments were .~:(':Lle(l up 25 per eent_ for the lowest ezitegories. With increased H'a inl the last few months, it is anticip:Lt<-cl `hat; g`o\'e`rmn:.-nt i'eve1'iues will flow` into the tn-zisury with g`l`()il.tlf`)` f1-ee~ (lom, and the people are looking for a (mat in Ulir: income tax. The resul achieved is not only a triumph to the eicizeiicy of Neville Cwlmmberlain, Chancelor of the Exchequer, bu` to the British public, whose co-operation made the zu-hi(-\'em4ent possible. ___.________ Dr. L. J. Simpson, member for `Centre Si7.1'(`O('. mid I.'.be1'z1l candida.te in the coming` p1'0vincia`1 election, is having rather :1 .oug*h time of it 21 the hands of some of the Liberal tcmnpcnuu-(2 \\'o1'k01`s these (lays, Who is to be the Come-1'\'z1`.i candidate in Centre Simcoe for t coming provincial election? is (]l1L`x~'ti0n 1`wq11en`1_v z1.' 'l`ha`r"'. 1 hhe con\'ontion- to decide--.-\\'e are 1' s(:1(>c'tim.=; the man, as some _naper.~ . },:L.';-1; 1_\' hzxve. BRITAIN LEAD~S THE WAY 1 that the Britis-11' - the scal year on a surplus of over 4..n un-are nut` in .n Q1.-um-nn fnu .` 3 1lU.1)1L.u,i . - ti .1 pecios I ling ed me C. 11 -\-n :,1x1'.J<'." LUIXILJXJ-`A|L= inches on} - s L01 petition ` L:11t1'-utc ` - 1 :1 `S . k That Lhere IS need of some change 3111 . . uU_,i]1x our educational system was evi- 01-| dent from the di. at the an- nu-3.1 meeting of the Ontario Educa ltion-(11 Association in Toro.nto this :1t\'. . [$21 week. From the trustees point of im` gview, the StE1g_Q`L'1`il1j cost of educa- ,-Jxl: tion is a pressing problem. (1 A xviwnhln. Insuectoi--A(imi.n.s- 1` Ul'L`..\L1y | ng`.~', To- I WAY { EC 1 s 4. (lccit =3VlEWS EXPRESSED AT o.E.,s.,'oRnN10 Htion is prooiein. 1 G. A, Wheable. .111spector-A(imi.n.s- l t`rato1- of the London Board of i*` _ cation, au1 the Urban I`rustees it-`section. advocated the stretching of the use of the school building to re- duce capital out.l:1y. and intrioducing >1 new methods of instruction. The Dlsysteni of stag`gered classes was one _ !\\'.'1y of servin-g a larger pupil popu `silatioln with fewer rooms. London J. i had reduced the cost of education c'\;i- isiderably by this method. LS! Ad\'a11tag:;es of a first year genera; d course in high schools were pointed Itout; by J_ C. Anderszon, of Oshawa. :e By combining the -at-z1de1nic, tec.hnical lti and commercial courses the rst year, .-sistudents have 4 chance to acquaint rei|t,heni.~`e*1\'e.< with the work, and `ad; the r,1end of the year >:witch to the course "they are best adapted for. A rm.,. ,.,.m..n1:.4n+:.m ni` `..mvnshu~ ` max u;_;,uuu,. ` i Dr. Viastos, Queen's u University, .-tressed the m.=c(1 of char- `acwcr education mui sxlggestcd course in biog1'up.`1.i(-;<, int1'oduced only, in which moat c`.m1-ac1.e1.: In the past would he ~.T',udied, and by `means of which boys and girls would xlevmn thu causes of success and fail `u1`(~.<, `.0 be followed by an inte11i,,~.m. study 01' the drama, works of an" an-` l`t;h0 like, through which mo1'u1s"\\'0uld `be emphasized in a much more effec Ivtive way than by direc`: teuchirng 01 .,...m,m:u..~n-- in 4-rmvcn in observation )`.~'(1'l\lOll1ZlI1_`.."; u CULurL; ... _u.,.`e...._.--.. _ _ of . it.~c~`.l? 1r.;u '.v!..e`n. \voL1'm le ' woven :1 .<`..ud_v of the st-aie, twhe econ- omie machine, the lamily, and even .`the s\`. 0'1` e:lu(-utioii itself. These ll ` - would not be (-om])le`.e \\'1t.hout; a 0 cour.<<,- of zmnly: in which the 1'u.'nda- "L1nent`ul_ cmicepta of life would come `:'EO1'\\'ill'(`. for dis<:1'in`.inz1'ion, Sm-l1 a `g lcou1`se. should be given in ll:-,: g'l.'gu`\L{.. .[_l_ atin_e'_ yea*_i'. 4 `(l This kmd of teaching; would re-SJ I ouire new teachers with new habits g` f of mind. There would have to he Lt . . . . ,L,'S111f't1T1.' from the ilvlll.-ll0l`l2ltl\'(.` `.;y"~)-` . . _ . . H `of lenelilxig to the type. . with te:1che1':~' and pupils seeking after Jnhe t.1'uth. I 4 J1 ! _ _ . JUA ` not sap-. unka LA u.... Dlhstic Ec0n0m`:es Needed The whole edL1r:u-Honnl .~;y.~:t<\m rm "t. 7_ be 1'0-01`j.ru11iz(:d. said J_ V. D`m`iS,` , I pr(-.. of thv Urban Suction of "in: Tru. and Ratepayers Associa 4 tion. The .~a1zu'y 1 oducti0n._: had far : '\.1f1-om solved the rising: cn: _nf educa- ',.tion, and fz1i1(.-(1 in 1`0;~'t.o1fJ1g_," bu-t1.c:?.` ' 7 `time:~'. But dm;~:tic. c-,conom_\ beyon'. " ._ :m_V`Ch1n_L: yet :1tt<-mptod must be up ;_ @})]i.~ to 0pe1`:1ti0n cost and capital-. 1 cxp(rmlitL11`o. Evc1'_\' muni(:ip:Llity ` i ;sh()uld be 1':-. for 100 pa` ;j `cent. of the cos` of nducuiion of . . A131,: l':\'1'nh`\\H .hil`l 3 zxrua. T ? .\ Npw lnur rnnnrl to-in `no-nr urn-n Now is the Time to Travel -l`\'Ul'_\l L'11lHl ll\Al|" n 'schools in town:< :1 `children `o e<'hu'at( ,111'l111iCi]1Z11iti("~`~. why 1:,.:.m1:'in= 130 1: `r. off ,n1-1m1c1panL1o ~=. \\'n_v iir-ipa1i`ic.< be Int ` '80 per cent. of the ~ wmaw. New low round trip fares now in effect (approximately 20% under previous fares) offer choice of routing. both ways via Vancouver, both Ways via Chi- cago. or going one way, return- ing the other. Choice of lines beyond Chicago. Reduced sleep- ing car fares. Tickets good to return within 12 months. yxxanula av\aAL }Uul. Luuuus . . . refreshing breezes . . . sunkisscd beaches . . . ideal golf. riding. bathing . . . Summer's most alluring charms await your coming _ rnfrpchinn hrnnvpc ELO".IDA Jacksonville, Tampa, St. Peters- burg, Palm Beach, Miami. Con- venicnt connections me made for all Florida points via Detroit or Buffalo. Full particulars from v any agent M. D. Cubitt-Nichols` Clarkson Hotel Phone 62 01 l'uLlL'1u1uu UL uithin I . and c1ti(s.< uccup. -ate from :ulj:1:z.nt. 1}` should the mun- NY with pz1_\`|nf_-' only. `an Nn:- 1. '_ 1 more uuuu r.oach1mg . . 1. mm. `,3 r, zvraumii Any Town or City in the United States

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