Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Apr 1934, p. 2

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Page Two Bldg., Barrie. v.u... T. A. McCarthy You ll rind our Prices Reasonable Correct M. H. Esten Barrie. Phone 53 Ll I will always be a plebian myself, ; but I am in favor of titles for Can- a(lian:<, if they are restricted to those who really emu them, E. W. Ben.`1'y, pm: of the Canadian Pacic lailway Cmopany, observed in an in- it plain, however, he is opposed to {tewiew at Ottmva. Mr. Br.-atty n::1(le 1heredita>1'_v '.itle.< here. rnxzuuunv AJVU aununun Ofce 51 Dunlop St. West of I`.0.. ' Square, Second Floor) Residence: 144 Maple Avenue i Phone 700. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES: I2-.n-3- Il-.......I-. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, 'DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe County Ofce and Residence 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Oice Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.3!!- DQl'l'lO nrnncn MISS BEULAH SCOTT I148 Toronto St. Phone DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oice and Realdence-Corner Eliza- bert and Bradford` ., Barrie. Phone Office Hours: 9-10'a.m., 1-3 pm... 7-8 pm. 1'1'l1D1L/LIXIVD ILXVIJ DU1V\11-EIUAVD Phone 213 47 Maple Ava. Office Hours: 2-8 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coronet County of Simcoe. wuxvmm Associate Coroner, County of Simcoo Phone 61. Ofce---58 Collicr 5!. Ofce Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. DR. WALTER H. WOODROW EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST Orillia, Ontario ]will be at the Queen : Hotel, Bun-`lo, , Every Saturday. 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoint- ment. ULAV 1 ."\1J b3U].\\JJ\.IlV Post Ofce Square Telephone 585 Above Express Oice FAVORS TITLES IF EARNED 1 I1J1I1V.I1I'.l.D 1 D 82A Dunlap St. Phone 403 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionlc Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustment: Blood Tests and Urinalysis Homo or Ofce Rate: Reasonuhlo LICSDSEQ CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESI THIERAPISTS Q: nnA r\.._I..__ Dhnng AIII We carry a full line of Magistrates ,__ Constables and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases. G. 6. SMITH & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mob: Amlmlnncc in Connection Open day and night. league an Guys! in connoathn. ` Eutuhlished 1869 ,nL_.__ no R--vi- nd THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1934.. `-4 DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DL-.__ `)1 ! A ! I__I- A..- J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Li... :1 I'\.....l.... Q5 \XI...r. II` D DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN ..-u-nnintn (`nu-nnnv r`I\I`lY\+17 A`, Qivnnn GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS T it-nncnil DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON :1:__ c .... .. 'l".l....L.. I-LIV \Jl\lJI3l\ \Jl' Barrio Brunch IQ Dl'.`lll ALI Cf` NU L. A Licensed 'T`f\DQ n nrl Ull P 23 :5 Look over your :requirements and place your order with the Advance. 703 Barrio, Ont. Nnrthvrn Ahnanrv Printers in Barrie since 1847. DOWN P1-1oNE53 The I-Ioove: Hedlice en- ables you to clean beta: and more easi1y--on dark est days, in darkest cot nets, without overhead light. The Hoover is the only cleaner equipped with the Hedlite. Liberal I I ,l. _..J_ IJJC L.I-C\Dl_lt\o-\-Ln: allowance for old ele cleaners. Telephone fox no-obligation Home Trid _.-:oLnuo Anlnn uU'vuu6uLn ' `the. W J This is news indeed! Now, for a limited time you can get one of the new Hoovers-- either the Popular-Priced Model or the Two-Speed I-Ioover-complete with Dusting Tools or Dustette, for a down payment de- cidedly less than usual. Hoovers, as you know, are lower priced-and more effi- cient. All models have the patented, exclusive cleaning nction, Positive Agitation, the only effective principle for dislodging rug-ruining, embedded grit. The fifth session of the Eighteenth Leg'islatu1'e was brought to a. close witih pro~roga.tion on Tue-s(l~a.y, but there will be no rest 1'01` Piiemier Henry or `his i'ollower.s, as it general election will be broug;h~t on, probably early in June. it is expeete(l that. Premier Heirry will announce `..hc election date within the next `three weeks, and the first Wediiesclay in June is men ioned as the probable day. Spi'ing' seeiliiig will be com ploted by that date and country r'_`z1(l.~' will be :31 g.:'o0d 5ilLL1`)(3. It has been S'i.zl.t(-3(l illlilt beer and wine under the .amended Liquoy Control Act will be on sale in hotels and 1'e.stzLu1`2uits by July l..~'t, no inuaer wvho wins the provincizil ClI_:Utl0ll. With only nine n1einbre1's in the House voting ugaiiist the new beer and wine zunen.lmont, i`. is evident that the opposition intend to su~ppo.rt the clizuige. There will be Hepburn Liberals. McQuibb'.Ln Liberals and Sinclair Liberals, as well as Liberal P1'og.i'essivves, and ii. is hard to see where the opposition is going to up- peal to the electors to vote for u disuniied group, with :1 split liquor policy and didvided witliin and wi1.h- out. 'I`'.`.. f`nn.~inv-.-n+i\-.. Cm-m~mn.m+ `H11: \ 0111.7. The CO11. Go\'(:1rn1ncnt nus 21. clez1.`1`-cut policy and will appeal to i elm-to1'.< on `..he 1'cc01'(l of the past and !to implement the Clhllllgcd liquor pol- `icy. l`hue clectuizs are given an op- portunity to expnrss `.`11oi-1` opinion :15. `to the z1(l\'i. of 1n21l~:ing' beer and wine eu.~ie1' to purchzise. The local option clause still stzmds and municipalities have still the right to say \\`~l1et11er"c-hey wanl: liquors of am} kind sold. nu u. \a ' course. the .~:LLu ` 1'cm:.1in ` a.110ttcd Lhosc W] show 1'0 The i: by the tended stuudc-'11 citizens Sue-h 21 geograp study 0 housuho and hyg will hel ' use of Considerable discussion took place [at `uhc O.l!l.A. C0l1\`011tlO11 in Toronto 'this week on s-.,-condz1r_V `educanion. It is not desirable that the stzuldards of education should be lowered in any `way, bun. the pre. higth 501100] [Course is planned only for .~;tudvnt.~ i_\\'l1o are headed for LL university x..,.....,-.,. T n;-.- +11-,n1 (-'11'+v !\f\\v r-r-111'. nf ` who neuueu 101 LL Luinu-1mi_x Less than fifty per cent. 01' .~:LL1(le11,'.;< who enter hig;-h SCl10UJ for four ywcur.<, which is the a.ll0ttc(l time to inatricillaa`-0, and those who do not, have very liltle to foy the time spent at school. intermediate stchool propuneo Minisvteir of Educu.tion is in 1.0 provide :1 cou1'.~:c fog` .euch s.tuud`e'I11..= that will better fit: \1.l1em as in who ordinary walks of life. course should include civics, geography and eonomics, also the of art, music, mzmual training`, household science, physical traimng hygiene. These are subjects than. help every citizen to make bettei leisure time, as well as work hours. V 'l`L. A nno+ AP n1-1i11f',1i\1I'1` .`.l1i< ll urs. `The cost of maintaing cliis second form of education at the present time is the biggest problem, but it would seem that with some adjust ments made, most of our high schools at; the present time could, with very little added expense, carry out the proposed plan. Perhaps wlmt is needed more than anything is teach ers who are qualied to take up such ;work. To get the best results such teachers should be qualied to teach all the subjects on !he c111':'ic-ulum and be 01' rlxiy;-l1 moral stan(1ing. 1`C`(.'L`l\'L`U. Ul'U lady wished 1 gave her nu` `i informzxtion, pected 21 smz ` How much < 1 'I"Iuu+xv r\I\ A shabbily dressed, ostensibly poor, elderly woman entered the classic: portals of a large uptown bank in New York recently, says a well know... nancial journal, and told the 11... formed guard she desired to open an account. She was shown to the new iaccounr department, where three ` officers of the bank were more intent upon the approaching` lunch hour than upon new bu. pa.rtieularly busi |ness which came in such inauspicious garb. .-\.s it happened, lunch won, and the woman was left to the inanager. After stating her mission, the U'.d lady asked to see a statement of the bank's na.nei:~l po. much to the surprise of the m:u1ag'er, who was ac- .... ` . . . .1 .. ' `r\ ... H... .y-_+.4-. .l.LLU'l` bLi.\l/1 tc bank s nanc 1 surprise ti c.u.x't0med to nancial stat pa.1'ticu1a1'ly However, he ` s`.atement, ..,....,. .~+n..41h~ RSIHLUIIIUIIL, v.1La\\ some startlingly ir tinent questions, v neceived. brouglmt to ope` fUn1vr\ 1... nn1\1n nr S/oort time only ALL SET FOR ELECTION `j)l.'CLL'(l 2!. 51111 ( T]1i1'ty-on plied the old she proceed lnmrnnv in hi |l!`l,llL'.\ ti ons. I :\H UU_|(fL'v: H-'h.`Ull Ill HU\\ UIN` 1.11 diistry in-Ips zmmher tliroixgtii `um: Ottawa agri-c:c:n1ent.< between the Dominions and Great Britain is :0 be found in the expansion of Can- ada .< export canned fruit trade. In 1933 Canada exported 1,909,'.r'.. ;.I3 (`1lS(`:~' of czmned fruit and vegetva.b1c.s; 8,007 barrels, and 3,743 bags of var ious fruits and vegetabhe products, the canned products alone co-nstL`.,ut- ing an increase of 24.6 per cent. over 1932, and 38.7 per cent. over 1931. At the same time Caneula uses imported Welsh tin-plate for canning purposes, and `her increase in no-n-na 4'-n+ nvnnwhu in vnnnonnl tn D . ca zu 1931._ ....... ....,,v...\. ..e..1.. .....-1....w W. canned fruit exports is reected in the 177 per cent jump of imported Welvse during the months ot July, August and September in 1933, compared with the same pe"iod in 1029 SECOEDARY EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL * TAKE YOU NEVER CAN TELL ! -30, con 1932. Thrift offer I V 7 V5 ' 7 7` 7 V 7 Published at 123 Dunlap St. 9 \rrie, every Thursday M. D. MORRIS).- }".i`1m and Publisher objec,`. ` helps , Ill.` 1)l`B5(.'llL-CU LIIU 1'L`(]l.lU.\lL'H t, a11s\\`O:(:(i cou1'teou. ,1't1ingl_v intelligent and pm` iestions, which szLti:~'1'zLc`oril_v the il1 ih`.utl0l1 Um- ied open an account. She name and other necc.-.<.~".L1' ion, and castlally, for he ex small initial sum, he a.::ked. uch do you wish to deposit 2 y-on(> thou. dollars." .rv- - lady equally czisllally, as rec-c(l(.-(1 to count out the 11 bills of vzxrious denomina- bjecx. Ic-s.~:on in how OH-(': in helps Lhc ns and so (1 por: In `nmn.ln nu-suns.`-Ar} 1 fl -).`) LU Llo tutus .. 1- 11: Northern Ahnanrr .N.l...A -0 I? n .. .. Q I ylllg HUI` IIIISSIUII, UHU ULU 0 of :i:vl he `;1z1ving` the institu`ion';<. tux taken for g by small depositors. ` pre.~:ent4ed the reque.~ted ngly ions, ought i}1`ih`.Llti011 open nne nil inifin] nnm hn naicmi, UH. J. Lll.`b\l`iLy, Ullb 0 rest l10\\'c1`.s, \\'iH nwnnnnmu `.110 The Northern Advance t:LUIT)}ii ; --"-3L $4.95 GIVE AND I Work S`iJ{U.`tC(i on the new z11'er.;1| building` this week, inside the race) track of the .-\gricuItural Park. Just why the building is bciiig placed on this location is a niystery to many. The Pu=:`k.< Contmissiou is, sL1pp;>.se(l} to have jurisdictioli over this 1,-u-`:, the same the other pu1'k.< in 1:10 town, but so far 21>; Mt: kl.-ZJ\.` Parks C0n11`nis.~,im1 has not be 1 con mill:-:3 in 111111 41-nxv '1`-L1. l`iU.'1ib' LOl11D1ls5l0ll has not been ` RL1ltU(l in any *.`.".1y. "his is but an othc: ixistaziue of lack of co-opera dun Lutiozig the l)o(liu` of the 1;0:'.'n. Th; Agricultural 1-`arm: is the 0:1" zL\.`;;il ablt: place for sports, and t`ne1'e \vas little enough room before, but build-I ing th-3 n.1'(.-11a i!1vSl(lL 1110 1'.;c.- tl`2l(.'lIil \'~'llL . affect future summ-erf sn01't;~t. Theli too . Ll building looks sadly out of place away flolll` a street. VVh0e\`cr is responsible 01, the locaiion will see that at n1i.~,Laiu:i has been made when it is too late. I ____._____.. By :1 ruling; of the ju(l.zu.: of the Su].~1cn;<,~ Courr, appliczints for divorce 1 ' in On:tz1l1.'1o `m.L1stV11e11cei"orth take I pioccc-<.1ng.: in `mi: county .own 01 .nu- ` County In W-l11c`h they ineside. \Viiilevq under the old rule, the place of liuzu` ing was, subjocrt 10 stat.ut0`1`y r0zLaon.<,, the county town in \Vll1iCh tllc plz1iu- tiff resided, provision xvas imule for the xing of place of trial elsewhere, on the motion of citlier party. 'l`his`, led to tllw piactiwe 01' 'l`C.~.`l(lL,"1ll.~ of the ;l la1'g';;r cvntrcs t21l{ll`lf_',' lll(.'ll' (li\'o1'4--3} l z1(-ions to small] towns, {)l`L'. with the intention of z1\'oi(lin;_=,' pub-1` licity where tlie-y '\'r:;.2`(.- kno\\'n. 'I`l..~ `g ` divo1'ce cases added extra expeme on 1.l1c towns, which the new ruling will ox ..`.`L'L)l`1`1L'. I i ithollgllt and labor. `wowk, not big` talk. __j_________ V What Is needc-d to-day is not mm"; thing.-`s, but true things. I`. is an old 3% PhOI world. T`hei~e 1s enough of happiness and p1'0g'1'05s in the world, just fo1`l' the brin_L;'ing' out. It means hard. 7 It is one of the\ old t-ruths, the new truths, the ever- - - lLoND'oN CONSUMES mass MEAT lasting truths, that there are no` ?- Sl10l`t-(31.1?-S to t'hin-gs worth while Dieting and slimming` by women Those who foolishly imagine that they l and girls, popularity of canned goods liuvo some new way to change thevwith week-ende'1`s and unemployment '0`1'1 01' W0 1l3~1"5 Of "119 '0`l'1d U10) are given as reasons London con- zulorn, are . .~telling' tl:en1:~:ol\'e.< gu]]`1.ed 10,000 Icons 1955 of meat dur. l' L'hou_2'hts by l1lg'l1-p-l`0.'~Z.>'L1l`(: hyp- mg 1933 than in 1932, noti. The world continues to make prog' to better things, not in new ways, on` by loud lnouthlngs, but quietly and .~`L1`l'{`l}' througli ell'o:'t z1:1(l `E A11 inch of time, Pin told, l 13 worth its length 111 gold 1 I ,...- C.N. CHAIEKN APPEALS FOR CO-OPERATION or EMPLOYES_ Hon. C. P. Fullerton, K.C., chaiivi man, 'l`rL1stc.-e Board of nhe Canadian National Railways, in the April i.~'.~:uei E of the C.X.I . Magazine. makes a` s't.1'ong appeal to all employees to co- operate in evlery way 1-0 .<;1\'u the. situation. There has been, says the c`hairma.n, for months past propaganda ( on foot working to the amalgamation I . of the C.N.R. and the C.P.R., anal such an agitation may have a se1'i0u.< I I effect upon the morrale of 1.110 work :5 m-< 'Fl1n fnnv h'.mt' nniml ' `T111115! (T0- L llL`CL UIJUI1 LHU l1lUVIC'cl.lU U1 lalll.` \\'Ul'Ji I o1'.<. The fear that unied ma.nuge-' ment mlght result In a diminuuuon` of employment. T110 rrvnnnric nnf. f'n1~x\'n1`rl rn The grounds put f01"\\ 211`(i m sup UJ. (.`IIlpJ.UyIIlBIll. I port of the proposal fo-r 2lmD.i)_"i11n'.i-i tion are: That 21 \'(ll`}' 1arg*e .=zu'i11;_v'i. can be effected, and that it wouldi relieve the management from the evils of political inuence. As re- gards tho first, the C.N.R. has t;hrou_h economical immzzgenientl greatly reduced the operating` ex pense, the total disbursements on that ` account in 1933 being $113,000,000 under the 1928 figures. Further economies are possible through co-` operation of the two roads just as well as through amalgzmmtion. Ac 1-n thn-nllrnn-ml r-vii: n1" nniifir-nla "811 3'5 TIll'Ul.lgl1 'cl.ll1?.l.1g'LHl'cLLlUll. ll As to ti1e'alleg'e(l evils oi` political`, the Canzulian Natioiial is just as free from having to consider matters from a political angle as any; railway in Canada, and it the in~l mention of the trustees to keep it so. There is this to be said, that unlc-:~'.~. the position of all 1'ail\\'ay.~: in Can- ada materizilly improves within `hel next few years, many C.\'1)G1'll11;l1t.\`.l p1'e.-enitly unpalatable and presentlyl unacceptable, may have 10 be tried. It is for this reason that I appeal to every employee of the Canadian` National Railxvayxw to devote the very best that is in him to the success of the railway. The t,-ru.~v'ee.~7 (um (lo their part to enzsure that no political ' l11!cl'f(:`_'(:11C<?, no foolish or insane policie.-:, and no ext':avag'an<-e will in- te.1'1'e1'e in the hl:lI'1d._Q`(!1]1('11t of the 1-uil-.x~-.uv luv? 1l14- muvl Vii H10 HOOVER I(}[L`| 11) [Ill] IIHIII \\l.\l (LIL? Ill K/ll`!-LE,\J| M tlw u<-tizul m1t<~1-p1'i.~'r:. I am sure that; eve1'_vm'.u1 on the Can-ucliun Nad- ional Railmtys; will make Llzc :~"u('vc. of the entc-ztpriszo his 1'. con: ation and nor"hin_q' .\`l10l1l(l be counten- anced which will cmbzu'ras.< the man- u;'c::n or impui" the efllciency of` the s_\'. 'l"n<: public look not rmly 0... H. 4....-.+.. V. 1\..+ r\ r\\vr\\-VI nr\-\ 1)OllC1e;:, anu I10 UxL:';I.v' nu. Ill- in 1'21il\\`ay, but the 1'(:;\l succr.-:<.< of the 1'ui1\'.'zL;' (lc1)L~mI.< upon she efTo1'ts putl forth by the men who are in charge, f.. nn sure` LL..6- r\vr\\1\v .-nu nn #1..` f`nv....J.n \'n.* UIILLUU \\'ll4l\4ll \\lll UllIU(l1l(/LB.` LII`? lIIn|lA" to the trL1.steo.-s, but to every em- ployee, to co-operate in :1 gigantic task, but one which (`rm be zu-com ])1ishe(1, This co-operzition is of`f(.i'cd by and will always be f0i'thcomin_-2; from .110 trustees, who awe :1})p:'ecia- ` Live of the position of the men and are sympat'hei,ic with their (lif cu1tic;~:. A: A rm] rm-ti, inf. mn {>"I1Ih]11lK"i1(3| U.1'C Syl'I1pi1Dl1eLl(.'. \V].3\l1 D1101)` (llITl('l1l1l(,` ` As a nal word, let me enrphusize tlhzxi in the xnanzureinent of the 1'ui!~ way v1.11-e trustees are not interested in race, religion 01- politics, but :~:o]e~ ly in the merit and ability of the mr-n. Fvm-v mnn mnv rwnm-f. from ly 111 LHU Hllflla Lulu ?LUll.1Ly UL LIIB men. Every man may expect from the musteos a fair deal. Merit, not favor, is the watchword. ` The oppo3i`ion did not raise any objections when the full indemnity of `$2,000 was paid members for the session which closed on 'I`h11rsday last. During the past `two years; members pay cheques have been cut; 10 per cenrt., but evidently nhe` Government is looking for better times, and then there is an election 0 n ~t.he way. ' ' Park. - tion is :1 n1v +n m-mv Ear on not been my. This 1' (:5 to` 11. :'k only om bui1d- Q trz`.('z: :. u uuuur p.'J.1`1\> H1 L.i\I` 1 4 ., Iunadizm )1'i1i;.-we I a 33 upagandal ( r:Lmn1'irm . [ ruanun u. uu....------_ BA.RR.ISTERS, SOLICITORS NOT- ARIES, CONVEYANCERS, E31. 3 Owen St. Telephone 69 BARRIE, ONT. A nil _I` With Hedlz'te- Only ` GORDON LONGMAN EBARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY : ETC. IuI..__-.. 5.. I nan I CAMERON & CAMERON 1BAR.R.ISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC | 5 Owen 5t., Barrie. Phone 406. ! G. R. Foster V ,_,_ I I DONALD F. MacLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN ll ---- .. Tnmnln Rlrltr, Rnrrig_ ` RADENHURST & HAMMOND !BA.R.RISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC nnnauu Q-n [nan nl Lowest Rtl ( STEWART & STEWART BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, NOT- LRIES PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS j I hbney to loan in any sum: at I lowest current rates. I 18 Owen St. - Barrie ID. M. Stewart C. D. Stewart `G. H. Este 1'1 I |3o1icitors in High Court of Justice 1. Notaries Public, Conveyancers Jloney to loan at lowest current rates. Ofce: 1st Floor Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. (1 1'1 Wcfnn M. H. Esten ALEXANDER COVVAN \ BARRISTER . Solicitor for obtaining probate of` .vi11, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary Con-` vnvnn ma! nth, BA.R.K1S'1`1$1(, 5UL.I1U11U.l\.D, uxu Money to Loan at Lowest Ofce, First Floor Masonic Temple Building. Balance Mont/Jly i BOYS & BOYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC1,mQ(9N'VEYANCERS, 1 ]`.`J'1"b. ` Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce. Elmvnle, Ont. `W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys D. F. MccUA|u, n.A. Succesqor to Creawicke & Bell BARR.IS'I`ER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN 1 nm... Dr... Rlnnlc, Barth. I LJL`ll.'JQR.lJ IIAJIAJVA van 47 Elisabeth St, Phone 218 AMBULANCE SERVICE . nxu. Money to Loan Masonic Temple ULVLI LU nu.-u Masonic Temple Bldg., I Wedding Statzonerjv Northern Advance UNILI 1 U uunn Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. PRINTING - For Better arm.-... ...4- RESPONSE N0 JOB TOO LARGE NONE TOO SMALL PHONE 53 Northern` Advance 123 Dunlop St. Barrie. MUNEI 1U uu.-Ln Oice: Ron Block, Barrie. FOSTER 8: McCAR'l'HY -4------ unvw-nwrnrxncw xn on Phone MONEY TO LOAN Here's one detail of the wedding that need not worry you a parade For our announcements and invita tions are correct veyancer, etc. MONEY _TO LOAN -... IUI .... .. T.......I.. R ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISIPERS - :. 'r_r.'...-1. F.-my-+ nf Business Directory F211 DULIUILUL , $V veyancer, etc. rmwv To 1.0; P. C. LLOYD NERAL DIRECTOR MCCUAIG, B.A. tn (`up-n.nu1h\Pn 45 N YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS

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