Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Apr 1934, p. 1

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1. Ill.` [U members` [U L15 1'()Ul 1'.~=t abol the re. Tllitn n. LaIlU INCU- Witness said he had learned t.h:x some of Mrs. McEwen s furniture had been removed to .\Ia(lz1me Lar- kin .~: zlpartmen-t on Dunlop St. Cvns -r-x;1minml_ (`.h1'nf' R,:n\v;u-+ will K1115 ilf)21l'LHlL`Il'L UH JJLHHOI) DI, C1~os:~:- -xamined, Chief Srtewzxrt said he had vi .itcd M'1':_:. McE\\`en s oil and on for the past sxx years`, and 11. \\':1< Ind`. {`nm-r- 511-rnlnrl Hwn (`I V yG11'. _\ n yuur. Anna. Quancc, Penetzmg; Stu, saicl tha`. prior to the re she was living. at 189 Bradforcl St. with _\Ir;<. Mc- Em.-11. Hrs. Lurkin \\'a.<'. not there at `.`no time of t;hc-re, hz1\'ing' moved ' about two mom.hs prior. Wifnr-.<< (Ir- Hum x-nvhwna 51v- JUl' lIE.l.\lllj5 HLILIUT UHlZl\\'llHly. In View of this uLl1(~1' colxvictlon, I\`Iu;2;i:~'t1`atc J0"`s \\`21.~; forced to rai.'~;e the ne to $50 and $10.50 costs or 30 days in g`-.10]. .~\n(1c1'son paid the ne. \ .l,.u~n.. ....`I.,. ` 1'(.`l`l1(1LllL`. L'DOUl1 1]l(,'l1 \\`(.`1'(.` D!'0U{. ,'HE 77) `JW lockup by C0n.~'1:\b]r` W. B Elliott. }1':1ing.>:01', who \\`:\.< c1m1'j.:'mi with reckless (1ri\'inr.: ziml bu-in_-.; drunk in c.ha1'g_:e of u cm, was u1`.mv ed out on bail, whiln .-\m1e1'. .~:tz1}` ed in custody. On I'ue. after- nonon G1'aing(e1- pleaded not guilty to being: drunk in charge of 21 car. so the case was adjourned un-til Tues- day. Apri 10th, in orde'r that Crown .~\Ltm-nu.-3: F. G. Evzms migh 1) present. Incinerator Manager for the Town of Barrie . is p1'cp211'ed to take away gzarbage paper, cans, e4:c., twice weekly, at prevailing; parices. Arrangements may be made to move your ashes and other refuse. dUULlla L\`\'U HlU`H`L-HS ]_JI'lUl'. Witness (Iescribe(l the various ar- ticlcs of 1'urni.`1u1'e t1hroug~hout the houso. About three weeka prior to the fire some of the fu1'ni`.u1`e \V21.~= `aken to Uadam-e La1`kin s. )`I1's.< Quzmce said tzher-3 was $3,000 insur- zmce on the contents. She saw [hi policy the nigln before the re. (Continued on page four) 1`1l`C and rouce LOIUHIIEECB. it-\'. D. M. Rose, ehairniun of the Orillia Public Welfare Bo;u'd, wrote: Walter Dunn has been on relief for some time in Orillizi and has Just moved to Barrie so that he may re- ceive some medical `ureatment while ii\'in_<.v; with his fatlier. The O1-iilia Public Weli".u`e Board is responsble for his keep for trlvree months` from to-(lay (March 29) and will be ob- liged if you will be good enough to issue odors for gr0cerie.s, bread and milk for :1 family of six to an umoun: not excel-zlimr $5.50 per \\'(.`\:l\ , and ax?` the expimtion of Llnree months if you will charge this back to Urillia we shall be _L_-;lzu1 to pay the bill. \}V:- l1:|\'n :1 dc-nifp 1in(l(-1'. Anderson, who was in company wlhh Geo. Gn'ainge1-, of B:u-rio, \\'u;< Mn-. Satu1'(l:.L_V, M2u'c:h 31st, at Fcrndalc. Both men were broug`ht To 1... r~m1..4.,m,. ur n Tl1o.<, Anderson, age 31, of Lisle, Ont., was asscssccl $60.50 in tratu Jc:fl';s" court Tuo. afternoon on :1 cl1ar.g'c of being intoxicated in 21 public place. The zu-cuse(l plcadml gruilty. The information also al- leged that the accused on Sept. 5th, 1925), at Colling'\\'ood was convicted for ha\`ing.r liquor unlawfully. ln \'im\' nf H1i< ml1m- i-nnvirimn $50 FINE FOR BEING DRUNK 10:` um: pz1.sL SIX _Vezu'.<, :.m(1 no ; last there 211-ouml the {inst of no ,. ` EU LEM`. 11 also report : L".-. pro_-,>'1'.un he local .-L3: ..1..,..\.. W. LIVINGSTON LHL` 1UL'u1 (.'O1Hml?l and rli;~:cL1.~'sio11 on Mill follow, . 1.:-in`.-Ln. A... L... .`\.U U(|H\`Lll.`- ilb LU" G p.111. The Fin` .1-r. are co-u;)c.1`.1tiu;;` ncnt of who notcl [4 \- .v..' r`n-u.. rm A Stalw- Tnnnl the evening` ml`- xrun, :ec1`cLzu'y of ) >\ Hf ? 1111 II` snuu DC _:;'1-an LU pay Lm: um. We have :1 denite um1er.~:tunding with .\h'_ Dunn that we are noL to be re. fozr any medical ex })cn.' of any kind incu1'1'e(l by him out; Orilliu, nor for house rent, fuel, or any other changes, except for r:a`ab1cs. 'l"h., Inna`. unxo u-nf'n\-1-Hr} fn Hun . tin: pro- -3115' ilwcstiga I (*(\nxmi`l.:,.. Lhu J T`. Simp. M.P., . ti.- the I`;rJl'l'l\` Junior Fz11'1nez'.~' and Ju..i01' Ins itute on l'ues(l21y e\'enin;_.;`, out- lined of the new l0g'l.~'l.dtlOI`. `hat is being introduced in the Hon-,5`: of Comnium at Ot'zL\\'a tllis .~:e. (,1hicl' among` the :1d'vzn1ue legisl.1t.ion is the I\'z1tu~;:1l P1'uduct.: Blztrketing Bill, which [>1 `.0 provide 1'eg'L1l:1toi'y _mz1chine1~y 101' `die xmii-luti1:_'_r 01' unt- urul products, with the sole pu`.`p0_~`e of getting lxiglior p1'ice.< Ior `Ln,-n1. The Government is uslzing; P.;.i'iiu ment to give protlucers the rigilu 01' self-5.,v'o\`<:1'11n1e11t wi him their partiuu lar industries. The bill pi-ovide-_s the n1ac11ino`ry1'orestablisl1ing' the fair profit to \\'hic:h at 1nanuf21c.u1`e1' 01 mercham is entitled, and conten1pl'iLe.< the regulation of .~'p1'0z1(ls" and pro ts \\'l1l':l1 a busiiiess concern man. make. l\/Tu CZ 4.1.- Ln! _, `NEW MARKETING BILL EXPLAINED TU JR. FARMERS n Great Britain three years ago the uiunu. Mr. Simpson said the bill wa in~ tended to control the maike;ing of certain commodities in Canada. The bill had passed lite second re-a;l'ng and the discussion on it will come be- fore the third reading. We are living to-day under chang ed conditions, said )I~r_ Simpson Some years ago all our eifort.~s were concentrated on production, and little thought was giveii to niarkcting, till we found an o\'er-production, with no market for our surplu::. In re- cent years the Department of Agr:~ culture `has been conducting an in- vestigation into the marketing of surplus products, and as a resu't :1 Marketing` Board was set up. This board, after studying` the situation. draf1er.l certain rcconmiemlatinns submitted to Parliainent. The ii.-.2` measure is not a compulsory, but rather an enabling` ac- It is not intended to in any way limit or control production, but 10 control and 1-e;;;t1late exporting of products of the farm, the forest and the sea. It is not intended that wheat will come under the measure, as the ex- porting of this is now pretty well controlled. During` the last lwo years the Dominion Government, through J. IL iVl,c`Farlane, has been buying surplus wheat :0 keep it off the market. If this had not been done the price at times would have gone down to perhaps 20 cents a bushel. farmers were getting such a low price for hogs that it was decided to limit the amount imported. Bri- tain consumes about a million tons of bacon annually, and of this about 80 per cent. imported. In 1932 Can- ada. entered into an agreement whereby Britain was to take 250,000,- 000 lbs. of bacon a year. The result has been that the Canadian farmers to-day are getting` double ihe price for pork that the farmers of the United States are gettiiig`. Canada also gets preferences in the Briti.~'h .~ ,.,- 1 .- Km; -11 W_ Sacku, :15.-:0 16, of V\' . ion. as z1s.~u.<. $14.50 in )'Iagi.~:- trute Je`s` court Sutur morning for driving xvitnout :1 license. 'I`1'.11i'ic Ofcer Thompson said tim` Sutuulziy, Mzu'ch 17th, at Stroud, his attention `was d1".1\\'n *0 the mznmcr in which an Ovcrlzlnd sedan \\'z1s bc2i:`.;1' driven. He stopped the car, driven by the ac cused, who did not have a license and said he had never had one. He xvnu :1:-r-nn1n:1nir-ti hv hi: f'<,1Hnrn- 1 vo:-rlial in\`i*`ution is extended `so all bu.~'inwc.<< men of Bzxrrie and Allan- dalo to attend the Co-Pa-Co ban('.uet meeting of the Bwrric Branch. Retail Merchamtis Association of Czmadra, to be held in the Simcoe Hotel on Tues- day, April 10th, at 6 13.111. Banquet nrckets 50c. Clli \\d..`i HHUU QLLU IJILIS u]$`.{.UU UUDLD. Samuel Chodack, Toronto, was ned $7 in police cour`-= Saturday on 21 cha1';;e of having: no red recctor. He \\'zLs driving an International truck on hgihway 11 on March 13th when stopped by Trafc Ofcer I-Iodgson who told the court that he had twice wzwnod the accused about having no roc.-ctor. The ne was $1 plus $6 costs. According` to the `Vital statistics for the town of B:11'1*i0, as recorded during the mon1Jh of March, t.ho1'c were 1-eporied 19 births, 8 mar- 1'i:1p;0:< and 11 (I0:1tl1s, compared with 13 bir1;hs, 2 1nz11'ria;.-;e.~t and 15 deaths for the ;<:unr: month last year. L`:-.u irhn -H-m~.-.1. n1nn+]\:< rd` Tr111n-n-u (leatn 101' [DC SUIIIC lllUIlLl' IHSL .VUill'. For the tvhrrec months of J zmuury, February and March 7.1~.(-re has been repo1tod :1 total of 40 (leaths, 60 births and 20 mawiages. For the szum: tlwvu mon`rh.< in 1933 the-1'0 \\'0rc 1'e('02'(lo(l 46 deaths, 57 bir l\I`.l] IQ 1n-n~\'inn-rm 101' rzaiamcs." The letter was 1'0fC1`1'u(I to the town solicitor and the c'nai1~niun of nance g`i\'C11 power to act. County (Ilc1'k J. '1 . Simpsoii \\'rotu notifying council of tho zulmi.~:.x-ion. of Iivc in(lig`cnt.< to the R.V. Ho.- pi`al. 0 J -\ I`.lIi. .-c~cr<:t:u~v of Unem UHU. szuu IIU IIZLU HL \'U1'.llZ.l.ll UHL`. I'll,` was accompanied by his fatner. He was ned $10 plus $4.50 costs. .Qnn1nn1 (`hn1I:1r~1: Tn1~nn#n \\"I2 um! Us l`l1z1l`L'l'd..',`l.'SV 'i`l1L1-(2 xxxsre no building: pc1'mit.~: iSSLlC(1 (lur1n_9; the month of March. Y'W .1. ilnpsull, M.l`., .510 \`ic\\'s .\.{c\\' LL-gis:e1i`ion U Inder J.)1su11s.sim1. BUSINESS MEN! c;--~ y- ----r r- --- -- - -- {Continued on page ve`) VITAL STATISTICS TRAFFIC COURT Fred L. Douglas, Pres. A_ M. Ramsay, Sec'y. Cj_Jd.lLlllUlll, UL :1gL`;~ ivinrr H10 ` Established in the Year 1847 przu. u J. .-\_ 1Cl1i.<., ~'cc1'ct:u'y of Unem pioyment Relief, Toronto, 1'u1'\\'z11'dud a mcn1ou`z\.i1du111 to relief oicers and medical men outlining` Ci1Zl.!1j._1'(*S in reg- ulution;; in comic:-tion \\'i":1 medical . HL-fL*)'1`C(1 to relief commit toe. f'1.n-1-.\ .9. f'l-n-L-n uvrnfn :|Iu~rr'x:1'ini`r. E151" 1 VH2`? tee. Cl:u'ko & Clarke wrote suggrestixig that the proposed incine1'uto;- planned to be located just south of their plant, he placed in some locality where `.l10'l`(' would be no pox-`ibility of any trouble zLx'i.~'ing from the operation of the plant and dump. The letter cull- ed. zrtontion to the fact Lhai the burning of the 1-ubl_i.~h would throw oil smoke and soot. Oneof our (l1').'i11g -rooms 1e21the1'." cont,inue(l Lhe leter, situated on the '~:econd floor of the south wing`, the other on the tfninl 11001` of the north \\'in.}; and h'.i\ in5: \\'indo\\'s facing` south. DlU`lILL'l.l1(. \\'arxm~;- \'.x-utlit-1' we nz1tur:1ll_v liuve the \vimlo\v.< open, and in 2ul we have a fzm su(-king in air at tin- . end of the . floor (ir;.'i11;_-' room. (`lvur air is ~-.'. for (I11; ing l0Z1tl1(`l` and we are at'2'uid thu the s1n0l<.- uml mot from the lll('ll`.(.`l'~ ator will #1-t, on this leu`l`.ui' and p1'0(lL1ce . that would show up up in the nishml 2-.1-ticlo. This \\'oul(i lw :\ 4m-inns nm for us :l,Il(l if .x. for His most na.11 a mlu: .L`!'UIll wuurc nu 1LH _i . Teddy was a bright boy, ful`. of `lfe, and a general favorite. Much $-yn1pzLt11y is extended to the bc~re::ved parents. Paper in the Gountv UL` it .*L'l'HJu: nlu L\ A nu urn an :: t-umlitiml should exist only hold the town of I`zu'ri tr` .-,,,__,| _,, ,N,__ 4-_ l":1'sli:\_: 'vi1`()L1_\:`n .~-`ln,-ll ivw <'o\'.-sin:-' n um-el<. T('(i(i_\', 1'01n'-_\'e:1r-nlrl .<.')1. of .\ll'. and .\l1'.<. ll. M. \\'il.=on. of St:1_\`1lm'. \\'n.< on 'l L1e.~' 'l`lu- little ll-llow. wifli :1 clium, Billy I\'i1'l<\\'<>o(l, wzxs plz1_\'in5.:c at the stzrezun in t.'m- :1f'u1'n(mn. \\'hen the Ll`2lg'C(i].' o(-c1u'1'<-(l, and thougrli unable to `nclp his comrade, Billy summoned help. The swift cum-vnt, i`l0\\'c\'(?l', car- ried the boy far down streani and tlxoupgh l-he s:-.r:u'ch continued all night, it was not until the next. after noon tliut the body was found. al- most half a mile from where he fell :7. '1`nrhlv \\'n.q :2. In-iarhf. hnv, fnl`. nf' .STAYNER CHILD DROVVNS IN ' FAST FLOWlNG STREAM w m`;%Lxx;m1_ No. a uu:.u Univ .... .. (Continuod U1] U115 ICU. HUT IUIU up md article. would 10:` for us nn1,| .\`-?+ \|':\ nub! pa\,:c f0 :11`) @132 Nntjmtm nmww {RUSH FOR CAR LICENSES { AT THE LAST MINUTE Se\'_-nu-on new :Lpp1icz1tion.~: for t-has old :1g`L- pension were ('011si(ii.ULi at the 1 acting of the county boapd, which met in the court i110`us.e on 'I`h.ui'.< i\Izu'r:h 2.`)f.h. Of these, three were held over for 1'u11;h01' in- v(-. UU`."l.` were rc1';l and eleven gzmted. To the eleven `ga-(1.1 - ,..l r\r\r\ v\:.V\ Jun u-an +~.-nu-H-4'.n.--..i |'r\\\\ UIUVUU. ":',d(lLk1(l. JU bl: L`1L'\L'Il f.,'(lIl ed, one ponsiovn \\'z1.~: ti`z1nsfc11'c(i from York to Orillia and two pensions previously refused \\=e:re re-considev ed and 1'ecomn1cndcd_ marking` a total of four`:-on added to the list. I c;,.,.n +1.,` Lm.....I 1..:.+ nr\n+ I\V\ M....,.11 ` U1 IUUY l,`l_`Il d.(|(lL.`(l LU UUB J.15l/. Since the board last met on March 12th, twelve pensioners have died and there has been three canvcelizr '.ion.~:, making a total of fteen names removed from the list. Thus the number of county pensioners is do c1'e21.~:ed by one. Thu now nm1 nrn `Fvmn Hw- (_'l`L LSCU. Dy U116. The new pensioners are from the ifoliowing municipalities: Orillia. 3, .~\iliston 2, and Vic1.ori-4 Ho.rbor, Stay~ "nor, Orillia to\\'n. Medonte, Sun nidale and Essa, 1 each. Out of eleven app]i(':1ti0n.< for ii`.- crease in pension, seven \`~.'ere rec-om Innntln DiSCJ'iJ.)]i11iLtiOI1 in 1-1.i.1u1g5 M011 on New ;\1ru1m, sztys A1dc:1-maul. Rev. E_ Long, .t11e speakey at Kiwanis on Momlay e\'enin5y_`, gun: 21 timely Inessag-`e, his theme being Spring Cleaning. There was, said the speaker, 21 cos- mic urge in the spring, as dorman- things come to Fife a; and this u1'g:(.- ought jco have somethLng' to do with our lives. ory `cells us Lhzl the Pag:a11.< in the ezu'lie; timnx ;_2,`z1ti:i-1'e(I ;;'rezit x)i1e.~: of wood and made bonres, around which 1`.-cy u....l`,u..nn.l ..Hrn..1_-Ho I'A|V\lI/\.- +n n~n1 wo\r1 A total of 608 licenses were isllcd on Saturday, U120 bcs-.. day M1`. Paynr: ever haul. This week about 100 ii conscs. a day are being issued. Qn 'f':n~ .*:'nk- V0111` 9., 50 mm`. 224. CC`n'5(,'H El (l'(/Ly d.l'U ULHH}; lbhullu. So `far this year 2.250 cm`, 224 commercial, 20 convc1.'tible and 50 trailer licenses have been issued. In 1H.', :1 for the first ivlwcc months 2,-' 77 cm`, 230 commercial and 16 con\'(.-1't- ible licenses were issued. ONE LESS ON OLD AGE PENSION LIST Fouricrzn A ddcd but 'l`\\'elV0 I _l.)icd and 1`hree Were Cancelled. (.'l'(.`2l.\'L` 111 mended. SPRING CLEANING GIVEN AS EASTER MESSAGE AT KIWANIS R. W. Payne, issuer of mI_;:.m \)l2LLc.< and permits, was pa-1'hz1p.s the busiest man in Barrie 0:1 .\.'::L....;'1:-._` Hui.-g \-.21.: the lust (lay zxiiumui Lu ..4.u`C in: .1933 licclmc and thcre was an all-dzw r1 u.:21 at M1. Paync .s office. So great \\'u.~: the c1m\'d that the (1001 iuvl to be locked to keep 01de`~' and allow nhe i.-`:L10r and his a.~:;=ist2mL.< to \vo\rk_ A Irnh-.1 n4` 09 H:-nnc.n.c uvnrn Lvuunri \\`lLll our HYUS. [-115 UP)" l/L.`ll.$ U.` Lilll great `l`.-ey pe1'fo`1'med 1'ituuli. dances to wol come the spring, or :1 new be-giin1:in1.'. Later the early church ch1'i. J11i.~'1)21:.,_"a11 custom by hzwing im- mens-3 L-and1e.< burn for se\'e1`a1 duy.-s at Eu.~:te1' time. Our 1".2L.-,-tor cu>:tom.< have ci1a1n_L,'eU.. but we need tshv..t. urge for spr'.ng Clezuiingz, which life needs if it is to {:0 on. &ience has done '_`f1`(;`.'.`_ things for us, but if. hzu also (In ])l'i\'(:d us of inzuiy things and C.h21`nL`- ed the mental utinotiphewe in which we live. We are i-n dzmger of suf- fering from this menial change an h-.<.< we get back to the idea of the hm,- 01' . cleaning`. Iu`a: is mt-ant '0 mzike us see each yuan` thzu life needs renewing in the thin::.' that count. most in our real life. 11.. Ll.\...ln u.i (-nx-nI'v|] nxnn1k.u-_- `Linn; coun-L: most 1n our real me. Ur, Hardy, wi`h several n1e1nber.< of St. An(l1'e\\"s Church choir, p1'o\'id~ ed a short music:-L1 program, whi<"n xv-as enjoyed. Mr. Hardy g*a\'e :. short talk on singing`. The ear`.;\ Ch1 i. had chants, but it was 1101 till the 1)(.-,g`i1111`i11_9; of the 12`.h centtlry that much stlccess was made at eon`.- hining sounds. The (10s`('2n1'. \\'us one of the forms of .=;i`r1g'ing used by the early Christians. Lately the members of St, Andrew s cho-i1` have `been .<`udyin;:t the descant, and . oral i1lu_ were given, the choir first singing a verse of well known hymns as they are .~'un;,:` to- day. and `when in the (1e. tn .~how the c0nt1`us`:. VEXED QUESTIONS 3 COME UP BEFRE TUWN CUUNCIL STEWART BELL 1934 Winners of Advance Leadership Trophies NORTH SIMCOE WINNER L`ll'L` I1`V(ll'U L1UllllHl>.'.`,'lUXl, Mi`. Finlayson"s dcpzu't,u`rc from the political arena will remove om. of the Gove1'n1neml. :: most active unn- paig'ne1'.< and .'1(i11)iI1l>'l;1`iLt01's. Mi . Finlz1y; t0g'uthrc1- with the u(lm1n- i_ vufinn nl' l1i n\\*n rlnnn*.'1|nr-nf lulu. Hon, W'm. Fin}:-.;,'.~;o11, 3-.{i11i._ 31' Mines and Fo1es`.'s, gmd 11hJ`.7.`.bCy for East; Simcoe in the Lcg'i.~'121LLu'u_. wili :sho1',ly be appointv.-d 21 judge of tin. Supreme Court of Ontmio, and will not contest the f01`H1L'01ni11j._',' election, according :1-o advice luu1'l`.c(l 1);.` th; ';`o1'o..Lo 'l`clcg'1a1';1. Wixilc t'i1L~1'u h'cL\'L.` been 1~u1n~ox's to 1.hi.<. effect, .\`.'1'. Finlzx-J ~ son has denied there \\'as zu1_\,'thing in 1t, bun. it is said vhut Lhc move has taken concrete form. 13:0:-\rv|:I\\a Unvniriv .`+ 2` 1, UL'l)'(ll'LlllUH'y U`L' UIIU lllllllbl Cl` \\'lAl ha\'<.- to be dropped. NOl`l,ll01"l1 Devclopmient is likely L0 be joined w`itl1 `lie Depuitlncnt oi, Hi_2'Iln\'21y.~'. It is also hinted that tin- DL`pi1l'i2n]C11. of Welfare may also Lil: a3.~pezm', to be z1b;~'o1'bed into the Fm vinciul Sec1'eta1'_v :< branch, leuviiig the Government wiv-11 seven or eigm; active cabinet ministers, as c0mpzu`e with the p'resen,`.. nine or ten, includ ing Hon. J. R. Cooke, c"nai1'n1u:1 of l:il`1I;- Hydro Commis.~:ion, 111.. 'lTlnlnqu-nu-' .lr.......A-.m.n t`...-nu l`1Ill2|._)SUIl, LUgL'LIl'L`)_' \\ lLll LHU d.(l5Hlll' i.-'.1'uti0n 01' his own (Icpu1'tmc-nt, 11:1.-I taken the direction of the municipal law zL'z1i1`s, and has proven himself 21. mos. 21Cti\'(' \'.'orkc1' in the party. Rrwfnmv wninrr to tho r-mmh-v it i< d lllU.`s- iLL'Ll\(' \'\U.'k\L`1' lll UHU pilfly. Bel'o1'c going to the country, it is likely the Prc-mim' will present a fairly well revamped cabinet. H in arlnwiffnrl H191` ,1 non` T31-nvin. Ldl`l'ly \\ U11 l'U\2.1lll{)UU L'Zl.UlllL'L. 1.1` is admitted that 21 new Provin-I cial Treasurer will be appointed, and for some time it has been felt Hon. Leopold Bizicaulay, ;\Iiniste1- of High \m_vs, may be again .-2hifter.l to :.11is post, with a new 3\'Iinistei' of High- ways appearing in the picttvne. I.` in nhn hinfrui in vir-ur nf' rn1.. SAYS FINLAYSUN I TO GET JUDGESHIP At him `own council on .\Ion(lay nig-ht; cou.~i(lcrable (liscu:;;~io11 place on mling; woak for the unem- ploycd. While the building; of the l1`(.`\"1'L`5(:l`\'U;.' by the and Light C0n1m:.~,~.iu.1 mul the new a.1'c11a is taking` a lzugc I1U.l1lb(.'l' of men, then-e are still mzmy who, though not on rel`-ief, are badly in {meal 01' work. " l`ho::u vmo have .~:.rugglcd along witlxout appcztlixlg 011` help are do serving 01` uvuniy z1.~'.~:.i.~;L-.1ncc.-, suid ni.-; Li .l.k\L'll LZUUCIULU lUJ.'H".. Premier Henry, it is lezrined, in La re-organize his cabinet be1'on: z1,1;~.m~ ing to the cou1L'1'y. In this zc:~ oxgziziizzzitioli L115 D(*])ul`Ll1)Lnl; oi La11d.~' and I".:1'c._+ 5 and .\'01't`l1o1'11 D;-~ velopment which has been a ed by Mr. Finluyson, will ofTic.i'.1il_\ di. Lamb` and F0l'C>.'t.3' u1';~ likely to be grouped in \\'i1;h the Du-~ ]_ )d.1'tmC!L'. of Mines, Fish and Gzum: the new dep2u`tm0~nt to [J-`.3 i{n0\`.'I1 :15 Nutmai Hu.s,oL11'ce.~:. to be u L'1L(] Hun. Chas. ;VILC1'c21, pr :~2(3l1t _\li21- <;1' 01' .\Ii1ia,-5. Thu Di.-purtn1cn'L 01' ` l.ll.`dL; iri Fish and Game is at um. r:,.,. m...1i:,... l.`~LL'1' U] .\1lU'.,' LHL,` JJL`1)d.l'lIl1CHL U1 pr sun Hon. Goo. Challics, Provincial Sccrc tary, but witxh a reduced c.1binct, on depzutmont 01' one mi11i:u(.'1' will `n11\'r- `(I }\f`- l'1`.l\l'\I'\P-I] \\?l._`, S d1J1Jl.`Zl1'l`l1g H1 hill! [|llJlLl`l`L . 1-`.2 also hinted, in vie-xv of con.- stant c1'itici.<,m, that a ;\Iiniste,- of Education may be appointed o re- lieve the Premier of tliis onerous (ic- partment. But appoin`ees to either the port1'ciios of Highways or Edu- cation '.11'(- problematical. I1. may be that the Premier will switch Hon. W. G. Mmiin, presenvt. Minister of Wei- fure, to the Education Depzwtniem and stock :1 ;\Iiniste1' of Hig'hwu_\'. from the private members. Wk ~.-rxinr-Hrn1 nun` r-nrnn LN :1 crnn- Prelnier to RudLu~ C;1`ui1>.m ;\I.<:(,`-real and Mz1cuulu_\ for New l os`r.:. l.l'Ul|| MIL} 1Jl'l\ill.U lllL`,IllUU1't. His selection may come as p;1'up'nica1 move, probably fro om Ontario. as the late trons presentctl an e:L<.,fe1'n v1'idin;.>;. nrx vnnnvt hue if H1211- [J1U>L'llLL'U EH1 UiL\..1U1'il 'l'lLUll;.','. One report; has it that Wilfrid Hci;:hi11g'to11, Consc.-1-\'z1ti\'e 111011111-1' for SE`. Dz1\`i 111.ig'ht be trhe 11<~x`1 Cabinet Minister, but other 1'epo1`t..-` i11(lic:1tr>r1 that. Capt. Hei<;,`11i11g;'ton 11111;,` be in line `1'ov1- position of Speaker in the 19th 1.u;:i: of course dc- p<-m`1r*11t 011 .119 G0\'c1'11111ent .< 1'ctL11`1`: to powel`. \V -1 nzziwli K F`. Hit:-11 P.-11'}: i- LU })U\\'L'l'. W. A. Pz1i`1' l{.C., High Park, i~ also mentioned in connection with the S1)szal post. . 'l`lmr<- is also `.he position of chain- mzm of U1: Milk Control .o;11'(l, \"hi('l1 is likely to be mzulc \\'ithin Clan nv-xl 1'(+\\' lz1_V.~, so thzl` p1'o\'i. oi` the new Act will be brought into (`orce im1ne(liutoljJ. `HON, W. FINLAYSON DENIES REPORT IN TELEGRAM Hnn_ Wm. Finluyson when in Mid- land is said `~o have stated that he knew nothing` of the pr0p0.'.(.-(1 c11z1u1_2'es reported by the 'I`o11`0`nto '1`e1eg1'am, that he was to be appoinicd to the Supreme Court Bench and his dc- partment mergc-d \vi oh the Depar- mx-xxt of Mill- 2.~'. llill KLUBULIIUUB, LU IJU i.I\lL.'1lAlL`.` U1\.(l Ion. ;\`ILC1'c21, pru.<,e11t pr: en Geo. SCCl`c~ I\n- \I';",L` /\ unnnnll nx1\(.~.,.l- I\II hL'l \/1l|",3" U1 (.'\L,`|l_'y' EL`: `.v.u1':Ii1ip_ . (. ouc or C0n1)2J.i11`(,`( .14 All P h 1 1 H t young single men \\'c1'c \\'or}~:in;:' on we an.-xlu building`, while mumicd men wnth mmilies were 111 need. A nnr.-n-n4-n~.n u~n.- nu+Jnn`7:...l Ln in ,Ldll(.'L.', nzuu Ills. Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, April 5, 1934 ,,.....,, .-.., uunu ....m~.- ship in Junior Fz11'nu-r.<' work during: the yozxr, \\.'0;'(~ }).1`n. at UN` lnonhly m<-(-tin_s.-: 01' the Juniors on 'l`Ln_-. ni_g-`ht. I Smith has been a\vm`d0(l the South Simcoe Cup for the third year. Both muse boys have given ne leadership during 1 9 3 3. The Leade1'ship Tro- phiv.~: donated by the N01`t3he1`n Advance in 1932, for the boy in North Simcoe and Ihc boy in South Simcoo giving the l)e:~:t ]e;.u1m'- .L2.. 3 T.....2~.. 1.1.. __._. . ,, V lllil_\ CUIIIU d5 kl. 3.',L U`} , from ]-}.1.~:t- trca.=u1'c1- r.r: `-1:`n1~'Y\ .\'3rHnn' \,......-.. .,\,...- .....,_ Dick B1`oth\\'iL-k szlid that g'o}f wa different to hockey in that it \\u.- played without the cheering cromi, 'bu1: golf was a ne game to ken,-;.~ hockey niayers in condition. R11:1in1- ($11.7-It r-nnr-H1 nf Hun Rnvvin UL'KUy Ul'd.y(.'1'S H1 CUIIUILIUII. Buster Claark. coach of the Barrie hockey team, said that the Colt.-2 were the finest bunch he ,had ever hau an-ything to do with, and aI\\'u;y.< did xwh-.1: they were r\; He l*.op<,-d L.- see them go fd'1- nerd; yozuz 17 \U F)/`.}\\r:`11 51`. 1'11'.1nL inn' Han DVJB bllttlll gt) .1211` ilLf.\b )'l"clJ`. F. W. Dob.~o~n. in th2mkinf__1' 1119., guests for their atte11(la11c0, said i: wasn t so much (li::1`cnce \\ hcti1<.-" or not the team won the ;\Iemoria1 Cup so lotig as they were real .\])O1'1L>' zanu playu the _;an:c fair am! lx0nc.~t}y. Members of the Ba2'1'ic Colts jun- ior lzockcy team. \\'L'J.c< 0; *'.'.1L Lions-Club at }c.~t 'l`hLn'.~:Liay s mcc - ing. Three 'l' s1)01`L->Ime11 \\';:1-r.- also 3:,-`uf-sts at the lncztixlg, Irioi, Crosby, a member of `whe Barri- .= imli team of 193:2 and now witn Lm: 1|- ronto,Ven11o.2L; :` Fred B. S`;~un;;u.`:1_.'.< 7 a.<-_ spor 5 editor 01' the lq1`0`.s J lven1n_2_' 1`e1c;`1'.`-1:11. and Dirxk morn- wick, p-1'oi'c. G olf Club. `Finn Du,-. .3.1..uJ- |..4- D. _.o11:1i at St. .-\m1:p..". l?LL'l_y `Ill U'cLbUUiLll. Fred Stra11gw\'L1ys co11g1'atL1laLo `Tm: Barrie boys on the splendid showing` made and reminded them that if "~.c;= slick to, they would gp-L tum; chance some d.1y_ MINEISINC-. WIN CHAMPKONSHIP I OF TOWN HOCKEY LEAGULI \\ll.H. iillllllle \\'13l'b` 111 UUUU. A commtlce was autliorizetl be in~ te1'\'iew the c0nt1'acl;o1' about label- that should be employed. Gray Coach Lines wro-Le in1'orn1in_g' council thu' 11.4 300.1 as road condi- Lions permit they would i112Lug;L11".L`.e a "coach service between Barrie and (.Tu.n1i Borden. They had recently obtained :1. permit from the O11ta1`io M.unicipal I3oa1'(l 01' the Dvpartinelit of I-1ighwuy.< to conduct this service. The company asked permission to ex- tend the use of the service to `per- sons 1'esi(ling' on Elizabeth St., in no \"a;; to interfere with the local bus s(.-rvice operating between Barrie and Allandale. 'l`la.\ ..l 1|vn-- Cn.4mu.4-mi-I 4:. u-~.u'~n Cruisaders, last; year s uhampion.-.- defeat2e(l`1VIi11esin,<;' 5-3 in the local town league hockey final 21: .\1i(Uzmr`- '.u'r.-11a']as,t 'l`hu1's(lz1_v night, but 10.:-L 0 the round to the Vc::p1'a boys by `he score of 10 to (5. Ilinesing dc-f(-atcd Crusaderr~: here on .\Izu'ch 9th by to 1, and carried a six-goal lend Lu l\'In'd1aaxd. ~1\;T. ;Ir|nI hurl H- n1`. nxinv Fi`:-:1:]r... HOCKEY TEAM GUESTS 0F LIHNS uuu. \;1l.lU. Vi.?e-P1'0;'i(l-nt Art Pugh, W110 p sided; c()12g:':LtLIl21 the Colts on ne showing` made in o11tm'in_u t;hi1'd`rouncl. With -.1 new :1-Luna next -season, the Colts should go 1 C. ,W. Lowe inirotlucetl each mg but of the tuna)`. and expres.sed p1'0ciJ_tiun to the Lions four the Vitation. The '.e:m1 had been 1121.. upped this year, but the boys W.) be right in the hunt again nux IRON, A EUIL '7 The Toronto visitors, who \\'L":'. 2;: trodu'_ced by W. A. Bell, spoku b:iw.' ly. Bob Crosby 1`c`mintlc(1 1110 bo_-,.-~ that it was I?:.s- team \\iL-11 the ru.~c1'\' power that nally won out, pzu-Li:-p larly in baseball. Fvnd QfI~nnn'\\'.-H`: nnnn-rnhll-:Hml `inr- AVLIIUZEU {U} `lvliilesing had it all over Cmsmler in the rst game. but bhe latte) showed marked imlprovement in the seeond tussle, when they ran in ve goals in the first two pcriod:~:. At the end of the second frame Uilc score on the round was 7-6 and it looked a.~: if the Central boys would take the lead, but the extra \\'eig'hL of Mine- sing and the experience of Cra\\'J".ord and Adams proved too much. In the first period Pat.te'r;~;on and Houghton scored for Crusaders , and Lorne Adams, Blondie Wiles and Le: Wiles added 1.hree more in `the second frame. In the nal period Central weakened badly from their efl`ort..~: and Minesinp; no`;<'he(l three counter. The first \\'1LS :1- by C1a\~.'l'o1-xi o u nir-n enln n'nr pill l .ln(ru` "'11? Lvll(,` Ill`S'lJ \\ZLS .('()I\'.`(l Uy \_/lZl\\LU1'|'. U a nice solo L-'o1`. Bill Bloggz; 5:01 t-heosecond and Torpeytl1elas'L. Walsh xv-as scn. in the nets for C1'11sa(lcr;~: and stopped many .~:lmL.~ .l1ut loloked like -:u1`r,- goals. 'l"1.,u-n 1IIt\\vr\ uL\nIv' onn :v~nn+-:1 Iv.` -HZIL l()UliU(1 IIK" UK'l,' ._LULl.\ There were about 900 spectatow present in the Iviidland arena, many of them motoring up form Barrie and Minesing. After who game the Cup? {:01 Theatre cup was presented to Lin: Minesing tezml by John Dobson, 1;. usi- denrt of the Tuwn Lr.-ague. (`rn Wnk-Ir rlrwfnnr-'2 K100(1\\'lIL .\Iin0. E, Adams; fence. Crztwford 211211 R0na.1(.; can C. Foyston; \\'i11g`;<, N. Foyston Babe Adams` subs, Luck. Blogg Torpey. new: 01 we 1u\\'n m.-uguc. C1`L1.~:zL(le1`s-Go:1l, Walsh; (l0`.fL`.I1C" Bo;"zu'rlis and Pzlt'CCl`.~f0D; ccrtrc-, Hougihton; \vin<.:.~`, Hines and L. VV'iie.~:; subs, L. _~\dz1m:~:. Lorne .-\(1an1s, C01p*iH..=,, Roy Wiles and Goodwin. Hnn_~Cnn Finn] T4` Ari-:1n1.~ 1].. When in need tnv I`.:n'rie Auto old St. Phone ~ .-\l1d.l1(.l2J.lB. I The clerk xvas in.~:t1'ucted to write the Gray Couch Lines tlizu Lhe town council cannot give permission to pick up passengers within the town, as licenses are required for this scr- \'1(`|'1, ' EUGENE SMITH SOUTH SIMCOE WINNER OI USCG I)il:l'l,5. (.d.H Wrr.-cko:'s. 56 Bay- 4120. of use d pans. \VI*t-rv].'n--4 .7\{ F -._ thanking 110., nnrlnm-n a irl `.\1.u't:sauu 4,)- .;:-- 11z1...i:- \v.)L21r.1 n n.':\' qw- . pro Its tin: tcring t.'.n- for 1d 1'41. zach mam- ressed ap- mv thr- illlh ` and (.2111 1` ... ur2u1'.eu_ Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com- pany, Toronto, wrote quoting` price; on C01-porutioll re Iwsc. Referred to Fire and Police Committee. I),.. T\ M hum ..1m:.-mun n4` `hn ~f1'om.thc Guardian Insurzuice Co. rcuu : l That on February 9th, 193-1. .-in` did, in conjunction with onu 11211"); Ann Mchlncn, z-onspire by tictuik, f2liSOi100(i and f'::zudL1l0nt ineans and device, commit; tha; c,-riim: of ;:i'. and that she did in con_junct;ion \.'iLz: ;\Iary' Ami McE\\'(.-n L'11Li21\'O`l' to ob I tain payment of in. money ....... and thereby to cheat and defraud Ln .~:z'.iu in.~:ui'z1nce company umlvw; the . policy, which \vz1.~. payziblu in L'2L.~\' of loss by fire to one Mary Ann M(- E\\'<:n, the owlirer of the chz1ttci~ C0\'(:1`c(i by said policy, contiwry tr..- thc provisions of the Criminal Code.` i1I(i.'in1n Tnrizin ic nn+ nh Q`? znn Limited, under policy No. G249`l`7" 2 Tnhc l`;~T5 ge11c1'z11 Inc-cting of the newly organized Barrie `bumch an the `.c~mi1 Me1'rth:111ts .-\.\~:0cL;`.Zo11 will be held on 'l`uo.~t( ;z1;\` c\'cnuD', April 10th. The xncutirug will take tin Jfum. of LL C0~P'_1-Cu bunque. at Lu`- Sinlwc I-101:1 at '1"nc Fin L`,-L)-()I.(`1 H`: L'A>\ :11-n {'n-1\ u.1-xH-...- T110 cllzwgc on which Mr.. I zL.ric:'.L Lurkin, 1)-.'lt1' lmm-.'n as .\I:1 Larkin, 1)`1ll11i:t and tea cup 1-czula.-., was committocl 1'.`-1' `.1'i:~.I a, the 11v./-xv court of compct(.-nt jmisdiction b,\ ;\`Iz1g_>;i;<.`ratc Jeff; on '1`hL1:.~:(1z1y1u.s`L, read : 'T`1m.+ n'r\ T?nL....u..... m-1. 1n): uuu [)l'U\l:lUllb' U1 Lue \.,rm11nu1 puue. Mudzune Larkin is out on $3,500 bail and will appeal` at thv fa`.1 a._-- 'IZQ RETAIL MERCHANTS ASSO. TO MEET TUESDAY, APRIL lu MADAME LARKIN MUST STi`\ND TRIM. 'Cl1z1 1'g'u(1 \\'ith -'Co.11.spi1'acy and -\rsn11 ; 0111` <>111'3z1iTl of $3,5(J0. SIZED. Chicf Alex. Stewart, rst Crown witne:~:s, testified that :1 re occurred at 189 Badford St. about 2.15 p.m on F`2iLlz1;.', Feb. 9`h. He arrived thorn the szxme time as the re 1-eels. H: !~':li(1 he had known the accused we man two or three years. At; the time of the re =~he was living on nI1y1In\-\ Qf _\. -Pun n:- LA .. zuun Lnu UL` MlH;`t: _\rL"cU.'S. .`-\E I110 Dunlop St. As far as he knew, .VI1~s. Mc'Ewen s home had always. been well fLu'nished, but at the time of the fire it was only partly 50. Most of the furziiture had been re- moved from the room which iad p1e\'i0u.<.ly been occupied by Madame L3)1`kil1. \ I-L.-.,..,\4.1.,`.. l.,\ La)1'Klll. .-\It.0get11e1', the chief said, he found evidence of seven or eight res Iiaving been started in the var- ious rooms. He examined `.he hUu:(_` about 8.15 13.111. on the oi` Ithn re, v1ce. Albert E. Prince, Peel St, askun penni.<. to cut down two dead tn-cs near his property fog re wood. Gl`2L11'.C(1 - r:,..\.u.1.\.... vmm T?n1.1.~... r'mn_|

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