| Page __ , ....__.T:_.._:._.:.: Patronize Home Industry COL. THE HON. THOMAS L. KENNEDY Minister Ontario Department of Agriculture ..._u1 .\__ va- .\\xon's. _ Dr. G. D. Pzxttencon is no` [mg as rapidly as his many =a_ on T1102 `Item ftiz TU! TI\l'|V\ A `J11.-.)'2".tL` 1':::1='~ ISIS \\'.`l`.7.. Mr. John A. Jamieson is slowly getting` around after being` conned to his bed for . wen-ks. W`. are pleased to note his imp1-ov(:m~em. Mia: Man: Pnllnr-k of C0ok; plea.-`e to note nls 1mp1'u\'t:1m:1rL. Miss Mary Pollock, of C0ok; war: a week end \'isito1' at Fred I\Iix0n s. 11.. r: `h D-`Hm-cnn iu nn` 1'nn\`.'nv- LETTERHEADS SALE BILLS GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS SYMPATI-IY CARDS LEDGERS BUSINESS FORMS or me meeung. A very effective monologue by Joan Ruth, with piano a.ccompanimcnL by Lloyd Tufford, contributed much to the .scn'ice. ;\I1'.~:. Ward and Miss Mary Johnsion i'a\'o1'ed with a very enjoyable piano duoL_ Ac a~hL nnint Mr. Long` took over improv- f 1-i en d-.~: would ,\\'ish_ "`h.~ hchools te:1chm'.< and nupils are looking` 1'orv:a1'(1 with ph.-21.~:L11`e to" the I-lu.=.te:' holidays. Mzmj; were comp1uini11g' when the hoavy snow camr: :W011(]Z`.j. O\'O""liT1_!1`. N!-vm"]mTc.=s, if should have provided Eutztbul <'o\'r21~in:' for the wheat and "lover. But let`: cheer up, for '.\':u~n1<:1- \\'enthc-r 7..< :~,-urn to come yet. STATEMENTS CONCERT BILLS CHEQUE BOOKS NOTE HEADS SHIPPING BILLS SALES COUPONS CHURCH FORMS James B. Fairbairn N-`1~u'y Min 5!: K K t X \ N \\ N \\ BARRIE `n/0MEN`S au_1o_vub1e pxano auct_ AL thi_~ point Mr. Long" took over the mccting. He traced in a beauziful nmnncr the events of the last week of the life of our Lord. This most 'Lmp1'essi\'c story was 111ust1'atu(1 throughout with particulztrly low-,`1;.' and z1pp1`op1'ia`.e- slides. Rnfm-n tho (-lusu of the meeting" a zmu ll.pp1`Op1'lu suucs. Before the close of meeting much appreciated number was gi\ cn by the Y.I`.S. quartettc-. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1934. - Did you ever hear the joke abou the 1`au`1ne1' who was selling lettuce to customer `I The customer said. `Is there lots of vitamins in this '1'" and the fzmners said: Oh, yes, but you can easily \\*u. them otl." Up until :1 few years 219:0 that is about all the lay person knew about vitamins or protective foods. But with the ad- vent 01' Wo1nen`s ln::ti`utes and their activities, the l10L1. are t:xl\'i11{_' a keener interest in foods. 'l'o-day. for the Ilsliillg`, any woman can have a. simple cliurt to pin up in her kit chen, issued by the Ontario D<:p:1l't- ment of .-\_i:1'ieulture, \\'omen .~: In- stitute Brunch, called A Simple Cl:1<. of Foods. 'l`hi_- pl-n1 ic -\ \-m-\' r-mnnn|hm1 b1El.\'.\'lllL'2lLlUH U1 xuuua. 'l'hi.'< c-h:u't is u very cc one and gi\'\.~.< such as 1:1 Encrg'_\' Giving l*`o0d.~', B and l{.u;:'.llz1ti11g: 1uod.~y Food.<--\`it:unins. .\1-n :~nn11; n-..n.-r-\] 1-n `\LU .`U plmmlng : 1. Dri .; 1'l\'.`AL fruits twice 4 -J `- J. .tm~.-. daily. ~. J -\ HI Fgl.i1'C`St Eas.er lilies bloom, Round the resting Saviour s tomb, Glad are they their watch to keep, As He lies in deaf.h s deep s10cp-~ Easter lilies passing fair--- (Haul 1-n L nn\\` tzhnf 1.l1x.*V 11.11: there I .tocs muly. _ ` _ -1. A quart 01 111111: for mtch cmld, a pin of milk for m-nth zulult, a day. 5. Use plo.-nty of 0:.`-`i 6. .\Iuk(~ u. of c0ok1n_Lr \\'utc1-`oi veg-;ota.b1os and fruits in . g`1`:1\`1c;~. (l0s.~'e1'tS, etc. _ '7 Wm qnrnn mwsn salad foods day. 1U. use 1101110-grU\\u acusuu foods If pos. . Consult Food for the Fam11_v" suggested menus. I<`.vm-\' hous-ew1fe should have t-`~llI[.1`CS't(`(l menus. l`I\'01'y housewife one of these charts tacked up in her kit.- en in a prominent place. She will amazed to nd that such common foods as turnips and cabbage, which at one time were considered hard to (ii!!`{`.`~ t have quite a prominent placc on the chart. HAVE YOU A FOOD CHART ? :1) . 10. Use homo-grown scasonable nn.L- H` nnzeihln COLLIER STREET Y.P.S. ST. ANDREW S W.M.S. V, . Avoid an excess of rich foods. , pork and 1)a. at one meal. Provide a variety from day to Glad to turn ?'hcii' wondering ey-;s-- First; to set: the Su\ ioLu' 1'ise- Glad to .~;h(:d their f1'agi"uncc swcc-1., In the pathway for His feet. Easter lilies pu.s:;ing' 1'uir-- Bea.utcous lilies -_;:ov.ix1g there ! mg : Drink 3:` dui!,\'_ 11.. n 1 uucs passlng 1a.11`--- know that they are there! `S (1{1ll_V_ F1'u.~:'n uncooked dzuly. 'l`\\`o \'ogot:1b1c.< I-silv rts, etc. Use some c1*1. salad foods EASTER LILIES mus. g'cx1cra1 rules for men su`.(-iont water; :sLy. ` G. A. Paine. INSTITUTE ' comprv.-11e11si\'e = the following; Body l1u1din:,' .,l . `)\M\",x .6 C`-.. Make me like Llmsc-. lilies pure; Make my l'ragraz1cc just as sure. Fill me with eternal grace, `Wo1tl1y to behold l"hy face; - orthy, l'l.-1011 Lord, to see hee, in g'ru.cious MuJ<:s1y. ---_-\. G, Paine \'cg;etab1os besidus pom- I) l)llHUH1 Protcutlx c 5 \`x' ith I ' for With a rather large supply of i'a1'm and garden produce at the marke: Sattlrcluy morning, there was little change in prices, but there was liitle diiculty in disposing of the producu-.| Pnnlnm \\'n< h1(H`I- nlr-ndzizll and in? UIIIXCUIL) lll UlS1)Ub'lIl,`" U1 Lllt.` p1'UUl1CU.l Poulwy was more plcmxiul and in; demand. Yearling birds sold quickly' at 20c: to 22 :1 1b., whifc 'he older b~i1d.~: bmtlglrt 15c zmd 16. {acre '.\`c1'u no gm.-use or ducks m"[L1x;.l. But- tur rclxxztinctl the ammo as the week p1'c\'10u.s an 30c 21 1b., bu`. was rzzthex hard to dispose of. An ()\.'('J`* oi" r>mr< zmuin kr-n1. ! 1121.111 l1U U.L.`]_JUb'U L'.l.. | An oversupply 01' eggs again kept. the price down to the same last! week. The uve1'ag;e price was 18c tol 23c u doz. However, some of the 5L`d.1l'h0l(le1`S got. as hig'h as 25 a doz. at the opening of the market. On ac` count 01` the large supply there were-`[ many eggs still unsold at the close` 01' the market. 'l`1-umzg onnunn.-I 4-r. Inn rv1.n| n-nu-Anni 01 T1110 Il1}.Ll'K(il}. l 'l`hc-re seemed to be more garden! vegetables. sl1.0\\ 11 `.l1zm usual and thei dc.-mamd was very good. Fresh car E rots sold at 5c LL bunc`h, celery 25c a} bu-nah, `rhubarb 3 bunches for 25c,, turnips 5c each, boots 20c a basket,: carrots 20 a basket, onions 25:: a basket, dried peas 15c :1 quart, cab- bage 5c and 10c each, ciiron 15c each, and potatoes $1.25 a bag. Ap- 7 ples were good stcllers at 35 3. bus- kot. 'I`l.,..-` ...n. .. rVv\.`1\r\:l:r] ......n.- A-fl AUL. Tlwre was a. spdendid hon-cy at `Tu and Du a 1b.. supply is amost exlmusted. 'I'1w>mn um: H19 11:11:11 1 The April 1112 ting oi the Bariic Won1en s 1n.stitu`e will be held in he Library Hall on Tuesday, April 3rd, at 2.30 p.m. Roll call will be an- swered by the payment of membe1'o.1ip fee, at \\'!lric'l1 time ballets will be 1` 1e sented to members 101' the election 01' ofiicers. Mrs. H. Thompson will ac. as chairman for the election. Con veirers of committees will present. their reports, after which the election will take place. Mrs. Mills and Jlrs. Meredith will be `l1.ostesse.s', The meet`.- ing will open promptly :15, 2.30 and all members a.re requested to be pres- ent and on time. supply 15 ELHPUSL U.\Il`il.Llb`Ll`.'Ll. ` 'l`lmrc was the usual display of wood and dressed meat on the outside . n1a1'-.kc, but no chan.g'c in price. ' Of all the festivals celebrated by` the Chrislian c;1.1rm, none is n1oru` joyful tllmn that conlmcmo-1'ati11g the " rrecLion of the Son of Man, <-n" '|'l1.-mt mnnn< lio'.l11'. nnf unf 1. l.Ll'l'L!CLlUll U1 L110 011 01 Jlilll, [Gas er! '1'l1u.t means ligiht out of dai'ki1e.ss; civilization over b2l'L'bkl.l'l5l11_ It is sig'11i(-ant 01' the triumph of huniamity, of blle new world of bright- er sunshine and hzrppier lives, which began upon the nu-s:szLg`e and 1nea.ning of the first; Easter morning, sweeping, I away the old world-the world 01,` pagan gods, of darkness, of hopeless sin. Above all it means Christ; Lin resurrection and the life. The history of the 0bSI'VELI1Cl8 of Easter is in 21. 1nea.su1'e the history oi the church. ' C-larx `r\'\r\`1rv r\n\I`1v (`I-n..-Jinan C110 Clll.ll.'Cll. .-Xniong the ezirly Christians `she resurrection was an idea for wlxich men and women gave up l.`l1ei1~b0(ll(.`.:`, but the sanctity of special place: 01' seasons was \\'h0,'1y alien to.their lives and methods of thought. In the \\'1it~ I ing of the New 'I`est'van1e11i1: or of thel Apostolic fathers there is to be found 4 no trace of the celeb 'zLtion of Ea.s`.e1'} as a Christian festival. Early in the second century the observance of ihei period began among the Cln'istizms.l The diversity of usage between the] Jewish Christians and the Gentile: Cliristians was graduzilly brought to`, an end by the Church of Rome, andl bhe point was nally settled at the: Council of Nice in 325. ` `Wig:--.~un-:n1:-inc I`h flan H-nun nf` nix.` UOUILUII U1. Vll.'U HI OLD. . `panics Discrepancies in the time of ob-iunifol serving` Easter existed, however, 1111- when til the eighith century. During` rhel and t. latter pait of the fourth century the 3 gewim` churches of Gaul kept Easter onWGuide L\Iarch 21, those of Italy four w-zeksi (5 Pm` laier, on April 18, while tlioae 01'} Egypt did not celebrate the festi\'al`_ until April 25. In the zmciem church f the celebration of Easter lasted eight! days. After tlre eleventh ceni`.ury,! however, it was limited to three da.ysl and ai'te1'\\`ard to two. M th The origin of the Easter egg. one C110 of the most beautiful of the custo1ns;ca_uw of 1-he season, is of great antiquityugas Ch IL is supposed to typify the bur.~tiwD~ Cu nf spring imo life. A peculiar cus- { n tom, for many years in vogue in cer- ` Trea/ S tain rural (li. of Scotland, \\'as1ta1.y that of seeking the eg:.;'s of wild fowl I mittd on Easter morning`. Success in theito 1.0] search was a {road omen. And, c....:..... :. 1.......4;....- L. H` lH'n '1...-.u-n` mer c interf Comp The once to he r(.`}U'CH \\?lh' H ;,UUU Ullllll. Spring` is bLu~. into life. There: is an added biuuness `o the etxher; aU g'rce11e1- tint to the grass. The cold? raarth is thaxving under the hot glare`: of {the midday sun. And this is an E other of the nuinberless iiieaniiigs u; the Ea. Easter is the Rcsur rection. and the Rcs.u1'roction is life. And she who above an oher 15 guilty of Easter bopncts is Dame Nature. The mou-ntuin f1`csh(3ts, far from the t.ii1'oxi;;'s of men, are breaking` forth. The early i10\\'e1'.~' are 1'zLisi11g' their hoajis. The brzmches of the L1'(-es arc.- taking: on :1 aim of fl`Ct$hl'l0>'S and vigor. I`hn nnntrv of F:1sfm`: Lot not { ngor. The poetry of Easter: Lot not your heart be troubled; yo believe in God, believe also in me. In my fathc-r s house there are many mun- sions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare :15 nl-n-n Fnv vnn ' SIUHS. 11 lb V! place for you. `From the m\ place I01` you." . From the m_Vster_\' of the Crucix-I ion gmtl the Re. the greatest f):Llllt\`l`.\` and mu.~icizm.< of all times; luwv (l1-awn their loftiest in; Blot ou` from art and music all per-` t:1inin_-: to the (livinv signicance of: Rho Eztstc-.1'ti(le and `he l1ig`lmL-st \\'o1`k. of llumzm _e;enius will be lost to thel \\'o1'l(l E`...-:,\.. ... \\\II:-:1! Duf in Han unlcmnn l Easter in xnusie. But in the solemn clnints of the u.-zu`lior centuries there` was . inL'on::ruous. The: . \\'l1i(-h i:<. from within me` f..,l'l_\` cold walls of the n1on:L.~*tery to greet the world, and to rouse it to *11ougl1ts of the Resurrection were a: , ln*.~`t ill~t.`.ing. They loved well and` wors.l1ipped well no doubt, those early zealots. But men behind gray walls cannot well know the real signi- cance of tihe Eastei-tide. For it is a message of great joy. L'A'd.5LL`l' LL Glad to If one person fails to nxogasure up to his responsibilities, it 15 not he nlono, but all of us who suffer. Nothing great was ever achieved w1hout enthusiasm. N Habits are :1? 5 ` t cobwebs, at 1431.1 I \'<'lb|L$. SATURDAY S MARKETS HISTORY OF EASTER array but 1'; `NUS 3. `cUU(l CHILE 1U (10 50. .101`? M00; sociation is a body of representative ._-J people whose standing ensures the IL soundness of the movement in the theieye 01' the parenis and public, and `i\vho'se work is to take all otltside `'59! ` work off the shoulders of the Captain. , and leave them free to work in their l ` ` Izms. } the I utile ; t and the V \\"11 lCl1 the Association could give ad visory and practical -help are: 1, to suggest to the Commissioner people raising` of funds; 3, In providin,i.r Com- ' uniforms and equipment; 4, To act` `"1 called on as Badge Examiners trainers in particular work, c.g., 1' 0 1 Guides or Guiders to training weeks; 0, Pl`0\'1d1I1g` and arranging` tor sum- J . I tvival `_ urch ` . Companies; this is left to the Guiders. .-ight I I`hp Aaenr-infinn h1."l\f nnlv nu-n`: First she explained that the Ar` Companies. Some of the ways in: suitable for Guiders, and when nees-A sary, place for club rooms; 2, In the` panies, especially new ones, with 1 zsewin V; a, To arrange for sending` camp. The Association does not` interfere with the running of the` ` Association when she `:1 Our annual local association meet- ing is to be held next month (date-` . to be announced late). 2 Of Miss K. McMahon, Gulde T1'ainer and 0rg'amze1', to Lhe Lhis month pointed out the assistant: this orgaiiizaion should give to Guia- ing in the district. As space in this column did not then permit of giving an outline of her address, we think this a good time to do so. Fircf. I:l"m n\"nl:1innrl that fihrn A\- The address V DOIIIIYLIUH * visited Barrie . ` puaupunuu lU".I}l1 uJ.$E weex. | ' At inspection the Bulldog Patrol I xvor. the honor of breaking the 1155`. - After patrol corners period, we troop assembled for anotliur 1'a`l5 aid lecture by Dr. -G. R. Burns. Ana hm. l portion 01' the general rules for l1L`.lLl`. = `in $cou ci11g for~Boys \\:a.s covered ` m th1s-tall~:, in WIl1lCl1 exe1'cA1s_es for the 1 development and swengtliening of the |.hea1`l; were taken up. The use 01 the spirill bandage witll and without lthc reverse was explained as a point 1 01` ixm.-vest. A few interesting` point-I E em on using a compass were illua1;:'az,- D ed, along with in:;L1`ucti0n in finding 1 0110's dl1`eCi-i011 and following 21 course [at night by compass. l A1 .`n.. hr `Run-.1-: hill: 1-.l1.n W T. '.--Jn a troop i'o1'mation gamre, which ..`.c Owls won. The idea was to see which [patrol could obey the aigxml. nu gquickcst by getting into the rig`htl ; L'om1:1'ion smartly. I ' At 1hr- I-n1nn:H1'u H10 .\ R VT 1.11-1 I Ai`:cr Dr_ Bums talk, the FL. ram I 1 gut. 11134111. uy l.ZUlllj_J'd.b'S. l St. An(l1'c\v s W.M.S_ held its reg ular n1on:.l1ly meeting on Wudnesdty, l\'lzu'ch 21.51;. Mrs. Rookc pvesidcd. Scripture reading, given by l\'lr;:. %infor was followed by prayer 1:;, -1. 's. Hodges. The oW(.-lcome and Wcl fare Committee reported 15 call made sill-cf: t;he February meetmg. A L-nlmulirl nnnnv n'n M10 \r- LUL'.lllU.'lUll 5lll2l.L'Lly. I At the ca.mpl'1re, the .-\..S.`.\I. <:`.1-| quired about the pwg'1'css in pusturl fr11zL1;i11g, but found very little, anal _ga\*e fuller instruction-s reg'zu ' LUHYII`, : Our meeting for March 16th \\'a.~, 1 I t . . `postponed un.;1l uast: week. I At inqnnr-Hnn H-no 'Rnllrlnn `D..:.~n!l l`ii,lHlU. I` The Bulldog Patrol leader 1`e}J01't. 4 a very good patrol meeting: during 1 which he had made a general sL1rvc'-y . 01' his pa:'rol s second class \vorx, .and then given them instruction in`, 'C0ll.iZs'.'..4s points and signalling. They lthen made plans for a Saturday hike... ` Apple Day News ' ` April 7th is coming closer a.l1(L ` closer, and our mouths are beg*innZi.,;_ ` to water for those luscious Boy Scout E Apples, which will be sold all o.e1q Barrie by Scouts in uniform. The` more apples we sell the better l'hr camp we will have this sum1ne1'_ ' ` bU!I1]_)il.IllL35; M115 IS 1811) L0 L110 \1Ul(1(i).`, only meet). y _ 1 a year, Or oftener, but is there =1 help the Guiders when called on.` '.'-\t the annual 1nee`.ing' the executive is chosen for the yezL1'und HICCL: when ` 5ca.].1eu by the Connnissioner, who act. 7as chai1'mzLn. Vexeu ive at present are: Vice-Chair- ` man, `Treas., Mrs. W. N. Bell; Badge Seen: wary, Hrs. A. C. Brown; and a com- mitte-e of eight. ifn ~.-mxrnumf f.`nr> nr~\\' Cnn1nn`.1v nf. R` The Association may Other ofcers of me Mrs_ W. N. Sec.- K no wles ; Two more me1nbe1~_-- an ICES Ellllll CUSL. \Vd.g(:s are much too high, but they should be raised to c1'caL: pur- Lzhasing power. Govemlncms ought to do more for : the '.1\"c1`agc man, but may should also .\'0ducc 1hL'11' cxpendxtures. \ \\/`n 1-nn nnvnv rrxtnrn fr) the old `UULLC-8 UJ. Ul.g`llL. .L\VU H1011.` .lllL'lIlU@l'L:' ito 1'cp1`csent the new Company at S1. _A11dre\\"s, will be udcicd to the com . mittce. So many new ideas are being add- ed to the formerly accepted doctrLnes' of economics and business mu11age- mcnt that it seems 22. shame no`: to start: a scrap book 01' them. A few 01' them should be p1`eser\'c-(1 for pos- terity. Here we note jus. a. few 01' them : H L- n c-in nrrnhxcf fn H`., .'.n (110111 2 it is a sin against society to m.-.`-: a pro-fi: and it 5 equally 1!. sin to sell at less than cost. \\,'un-(..- nu-n nun-11 fnn `1in~`.1 `.11! `l'(.`(|LlL'C U1L`l1' (.`X1)(?Il(.llLu1`\:S. } We can never return to the old f gold 5: a1u1u`rd, but the sooner \\'.- 7._d isome secure anchor hke gold to .w * to the sooner we shall roach . l`1`.. L.` . nl \-nrIn\'()\`\7 n\n-f hr. nu L to we sooner we 511211! ruucu .\Lill)l1!'.). , The basis of recovery mu.~,t be an, `expansion of in'crna.tiona1 u':u.1(-, hm, `each country ought to mend its own tfence corners and strixje` for 21 larger niua. of economic self-su"1iency. Th1~if`.. inust be encouraged, but Lu] 1 `income except earned income` `should be taxed out of existence. 1 1 '1`hn .~1n-4`o~.nn nf (".nnv.1r1v.i c nnnnrfnn-` nmue sin-cf: one reDi'uui`y Il1(.`(;'LlH}.'. A S'plL`1l(ll(l paper on ulie subjcc Peace" \'\'as read by Mrs. W. A. 'l`hompson. Peace, which is an essei: Liul part of the Christian life, cannot be disturbed by care or sorrow. Onl_/ God can give us peace, and our part i.~; to t1'u.~;t him. The 128th report of the Bible So-l ci-.-Ly as g'i\'e'n in 1932 wzLs`1'ezul by Mrs. Rooke. Tbs report showed Elm! more Bibles were sold than in any previous year. In the B1`iti; Isles 200,300 Bibles were sold; 125.000 were sent abroad; 1,491,000 New Testaments were sold. In Canada and Newfoundland 354,000 volumo.~. were sold and four and a half mil- lion volumes were placed in no hands of Chinese last year. M.-J Dnnlm 1-lnr>rl H10 n1rml:i1w' \\'il.'n THIS NEVV ECONOMICS IS SO SIMPLE `.snou1u Dc Luxeu out UL c.\usLe11cc. 1 I The surface of Ca.nada s opportun- Lities has hardly been scratched. but! we have Vasily expanded our capmal} equipment. _ I Cm1z1(lz\ s home market and net ; uqulpment. I 1 Canz1(lz\ sta.mla.1'ds of living must be adequa.i;e- ' |1_v protected against foreig.-;n laucr, 'b1m the cost of living of those .-.;x-. gugod in export trade must not be in- -'reased_ i Q:.++3nn- Hanan idnn: dn\v'n =in1nL. --reasea_ Setting these ideas down simpl,.- and concisely makes logical thinkirg on our problems so much easie1.- Financial Post. Rese:rve-'I'hursday, April 12th, im V a_r_mua1 Bridge and Dance in aid of` :,..` ,,,,,.c,._ SECOND BARRIE. TROOF Eat wisely and not too We1L GIRL GUIDES ySCOUTS A GUIDE: The N urthern Advance nalms 01 pnlllcsu Lam. ycau. 1\/Its. Rooke closed the meeting \ prayer. -L -I-L9-I-Ilul-` In `I-L` 3for a pe1'iod of nearly ten weeks, \ Rev. F. G. Puvnell was able to preach in 114: vcm-inn: r-`.'1nvo`n: nnnwnlv TVV. : After being absent through illness` I Kev. 1*`. L2. rumieu was amt w prcauu in his various cha1'g`es, namely, Ivy, `Baxter and Townline. Needless to say, his many friends were pleased to see and hear him again. MTV and 1\/I've .T A `h7`i.K7`{"iT1f"._ Of to E1110 11021.1` nun agu.u1. I Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wiggins, 01_ Bond Head, with their Elmer. called ' Order Your Stationery Business Forms and Counter Check Books In Barrie All Orders Will Receive Ppopmt Attention--Phone 53 ENVELOPES SHIPPING TAGS TICKETS INVOICE FORMS CALLING CARDS LEDGER LEAVES CARDBOARD SIGNS Northern Advance "I_'HORN TON Low Prices and Good Workmanship Quality The Best H QM! the PLATES . The Young People's Society of Co. lier St. United Church held an one}. meeting Monday night for :1 special Passion Week service. Miss Jean Mzulcomson, the president, hacl 01121.1-gs of the meeting. ` A \:n|'\v an ...-1iv.~ mnnnlngwltz bv Jmm