Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 29 Mar 1934, p. 2

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Page Two 1A\/nu Rhona 218 rvrnw Bldg- C1211 uuaruzs. In case of necessity, exports inuy be limited or increased, and authroihy is given to control inter-provimi..l trade in the interests of all concerned. Imports of any commodity com` into competition with Canadian pro- ducts may be res't;ricted. Investiga- tion int the costs of production and price spread may be conducted and rcg'u1aiions respecting these en~ forced. ,,., . .. u. cases the Government may take the initiative in setting up control of Va: ious commodities. There will be 4 Dominion Marketing Board, \\';ta power to form local boa1'(1s and to work in co-operation with the p1`ovi.1 cial boards. Tn nm-n A4` ,...,.,..:+.. ..-...,...a... .-.,. _ J.\lL\.\4\.ln The measure is intended to help t stabilize prices that W111 be fan to the producer, the processor and the consumers. Up in Cobalt the tax rate was set by the council last week at 106 mills on the dollar for public school sup- po1' an increase of four mills our last year. Separate school suppo1'tc-:`.= will pay 106`/2 mills on tho doll;Ll'. It mus-I; be wo.r1:h s.omelhi11g to live in Cobalt. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES` Rn 1-rig R-nu.-I. rn1o1uuuV Anu oununaun \ Ofce 51 Dunlop St. West of 1'20... I Square, Second Floor) Residence: 144 Maple Avenue 1 Phone 700. DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe County Ofce and Residence 50 Mary St. Phone 10! Oice Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.30` DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Office and Residence--Corner Eliza bert: and Bradford Barrie. Phone 1 Oica Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-8 p.I:n.. 7-8 mm. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, DRS. LITTLE 8: LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SUI`vG;EON8 Phone 213 47 Maple Ava. Ofce Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. I.itt1e, M.R.. Asenriniza (Xnnnnnm. V ID I \Jl\lr\AV \Jl\.IJl`4l\ \.Il' IVIJI Barrie Branch MISS BEULAH SCOTT I148 Toronto St. Phone A. 1. 14151318, 1V1..IJ. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. VVUIVLEAIV Associate Coroner, County of Simeon Phone 61. Ofce--58 Collier SQ. Oice Hours: 3-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m.. um1V1A1.a oU1$u.taUN Post Ofce Square Telephone 580 Above Express Oice orn.L.uu.La1` Orillin, Ontario `will be at the Queen ; Hotel, Barrio, Every Saturday. I 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoint- ment. 1 ILBILVAILDL D 82A Dunlop St. Phone 405 Electric, Hydro. Physio and Electionic Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustment: Blood Tests and Urinalysis Home or Ofca Rates Rensonshlo _ .._.-_.___. -__--..-v-v- Motor Ambulance In Con:-notion Open day and night. Morgan and China] in DR. WALTER H. WOODROW EYE. EAR, N`0SE AND THROAT SPECIALIST f\..:II:- f\..n....:_ ' Phono 32. Look over your :requirements and place your order with the Advance. LAICBIIBBQ CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESI THERAPISTS Qt RDA l\....l.... DL--- ARI DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN Aunnn;nfn Fnrnnnv (`nu-nu l\'. 138.... THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1934 J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Tu-A I-11 niunlrs Q} \XI....'. A: D GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS Licensed nnnnxmrvrnnq ant` nnnn_n.~ G. G. SMITH 8: CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS (lily ana mgnc. IEO Chapel in connutio Established 186: D.. II`) DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON N1- C ~ . . . was "I'_I_-.I.._ 5"?` Barrio, Gut. ll 23 :3}. Nnrthprn Ahuanre Printers in Barrie since 1847. DOWN P1-1oNt-2353 The Hoover Kcdlite eo- ables you to clean bettu and more easily-ondnrke est days, in darkest coo ners, without overhead light. The Hoover is the only cleaner equipped 1441 01-: Ll ...-lI:.- t.`\nc-Q` van] \yA\aIlJ\aL vxiusrvywu with the I-Iedlitc. Liberal wnuu nun. ;.a.\-\:.I..u.\... .I44u.a\.:.-a allowance for old electric cleaners. Telephone fox no-obligation Home Trial -John... Ag]-.. uv-vuusunnuu 1.1 without delay. This is news indeed! Now, for a limited time you can get one of the new Hoovers- either the Popular-Priced Model or the Two-Speed Hoover--complete with Dusting Tools or Dustette, for a down payment de- cidedly lcss than usual. Hoovers, as you know, are lower priced--and more ef- cient. All models have the patented, exclusive cleaning Iction, Positive Agitation, the only eective principle for dislodging rug-ruining, embedded grit. ` With the introduction of legislation I in the House 01' Commons, and sim- ultaneously in the Legislatures of the three Prairie Provinc-es, whereby powe-r is to be taken by the several govenments to con-tol the marketing 01' wlmeat, a reversal of the policy which has illihC1i;O been one of the oiitstaiuliiig :L eatLm;s of C-z1nada s de- velopment will become ellective. 1n the past all governnients have given every possible eneouragmen; to pro mote the produr.-tio~n oi" win-at. Un- der the legislation now before the] parlianient.-<, go\..1n1nen1s are to talve control 01' wheat sale; and niarkctinh in order to restrict the volume oz sucih sales, and .0 apportion amon_-V," farmers the amount each will be per- mitted to sell in the coming crop year, while the l"edei'z1l authorities, will con- trol the volume of sales and deliverie:~: outside the provinces. Control 01' .\larl:eLing; of W'he.u Act, of it unil'orm L'i1`d1'LLL`i;(.`l' sub niitted to the legis-ia:ures 01' Mani- toba, Sasl and .-`x1be1'ta, pro- vide,1'o1- control by license or 0'.her- wise of the quantity 01 \\YlhCitti wliicn each owner or occupant of land may sell during; the crop year of 1934-9. This legislation also provides .na`.' any xvhe-at sold in the province .~:h-all be sold and delivered in accordance with regulations niad-e by the Provin- cial Board; a~l1o\\s an interprovinciai board to Lake po:5scs,sion and sell wheat stored anywhere 'in the pro- vince. In :1 \\'m'(l, tlm nY'nvinm=.Q La` .- \\llL'il.L .~Lurt:u uuyu 11011;` 'lIl `Lille 91'0- Vince. In :1 word, the provinces t.x`..e absolute control over In-arkeiing, pm- clhuse and sale, and luLudli11.g' and lL1'LlIS1)O1`L21Ll011 of all w.l1(.-at within their respective provinces, while the Dom~i`11ion takes control of the so.-. and deliveries of w-l1e-at outside tue pu'ovince.s, w`l1etl1c1- within Canada 0.1` to other countries` l`l-\~ .. Ll-\.r\ .unn-nu 3.-. .. LU UUHUI CUUIILFLDSA This is the manner in which it :5 proposed to im-plemenvt Canada s un- derxaking in the International \Vl1<.~.1L Agreelnciits negotiated at London last year, r2Lt11er than to avteinpt to enforce 2:. denite pCl`C(:l1`t'.2L`_.`,`(2 reduc- tion in the aC1`(3';LQ,'C sown :0 mlieat, and which might or might not result in a. lowered whc:.1t production. T110 ;nhni11i. n`F 1`J1i< Imv'i WHEAT CONTROL LEGISLATION U] U. 1U\\U1'L`L1 \\'ll'\'.'?.lL 1Jl'UuLlCLlUll. The zulininisiration of 11111:; legisla- tion will call 1'01` ;;1'eat tact, and the task of issuing individual licenses fix- ing the quantiiy of wl1eat which each fa.rmer may sell will b-e 21 real man s Job. The new legislatio-n is to be elfective 1'01` one year only, but may come up for review before its e.\pi'-.'- ation. in View of presen: world con- ditions, Lhis restrictive legislation, in tho vinw nf all o'n\`m-nn1nn.< ie nm-oz- UILIUILS, U115 L'L`Sb1'lClalVU I.{`Jg'lS12.lLlUll, lll| the View 01' all go\`ernmen.s, is neces- sary, and wlleznt g'1'owe1's are asked to co-operate with as little friction as i possible. u_yux'U bUl'\'lL'-U. A similiar computation for the years 1914 to 1932, inclusive, based on actual Hydro records, as contrain- cd with L`0; per kilowatt hour in the United States as set for:-11 in the Cong'1'es.sional Record and in the American Year Book, indicates a dif- ference between fhe result of apply- ing Uni*od Stzm.-s eo.~,cs per ikilowat. hour;-to quamities of electrical energy used by Ontario Hydro, domestic consumei-;~7, and the actual Hydro charges paid by Line Hydro consumers of more than $250,000,000. SIIPI1 f"|u'l1'.r2= cf-vvn fn nI\1l'\i1-1::iVIn `in,-. UL more Lnan q;z0U,UUU,UUU. Such guiies serve to emphasize the real achievement that the Hydro un d-ertaking; has accomplished in reduc- ing` costs per kilo\\'al;'~. hour to the con- sumer as coinpanml to costs paid cl.-e | whe1'e, and .<.h0\\` that Very la1'p,`e sums of money result from applying; Lin; (llifOl`CnCc in cosus` per k-ilowatt l'1\)Ul to the trcim.-mlou.~r quantitie.< of elec- trical cne` "y used by Oi1t.z1.1`io s Hy- dro domes. , consumers. lven if it b.: 1`cco;.*;nize(l that the probable effect of attempting to L`.l`.1Ll'_L(L` in Ontario at the rates preval- ent (`:L<(:\\'l1ere would have been to prevent Ontario c0n: from us- ing as much 'electricity as they act- ually (lid undo: the low Hydro rates in force; the fact l1()\'(,`l`Lll(l(`..<.s' re- mains that Hydro has probably saved in actual cash to Ontario consumers many tens of millions of (lollars, and it has, in addition, made possible tin enjoyment of comfort-giving` and labor-.s'aving appliances on a scale tha. but a low Hydro rates would have been beyond the reach of a large proportion of Ontario consumers. LOW COST OF HYDRO SERVlCE' ` COMPARED TO UNITED STATES In 1932, the last year for wvhich comparative figures are available, 21.13 ' the domestic consumers served by Hydro municipalities used an aggro-l gate of 740,000,000 kilowatt hours, for which they paid the agg'reg'atc sum of $11,676,000, or an average cost, inclusive 01' all charges, of only 1.57 ccnis per kilowatt hour. Ac- cording to United Staies census g- gures for 1932, the domestic con- sumers served by privately-owned utilities in that country paid an aver age of 5.60 cents per kilowatt hour. It is a simple matter to compute that, if Ontario Hydro domestic con- sumers had had to pay, for the 740,000,000 kilowatt hours they used in 1932, as much per kilowatt hvui as United States consumers paid, their bills would have aggregated the vast sum of $41,490,000, or nearly $30,- 000,000 more than the amount their electricity actually cost them under` l-Iydro service. A :in1iii1n' r-nn1nnf-,\ inn Fnu Han S/Jort time only A test is to be made of lighting the Kinrg"s Highway, which it is ex- pected will eventually be province-~ wide. The Highway Department. agrees to light a section in the Grima- by district. The plan is `.iO put up proximately 21 300-watt multipl-z: lamps or the same number of 5,000 lumen scrim lamps per mile, mount- ed about 25 to 30 feet above the road bevel. The cost is expected to .un i from $1,000 to $1,500 per xmle foe` . v v -vv`--vw v- -- Tr-w wv-vvw-v ` , Publiahed at 123 Dunlap St., 5 \rrie_ every Thursday M. D. MORRISON. Edilox and Publisher Cine Nnrthkrn Ahuaggfgfj Publinhed at `I23 n....I.... St I n-.-6 -........ The Northern AdAVaz;(-_e 2:;DITOR:AL - __.:.__--/E 1}1'2EwEurswi'm % g g. 1`i-sELmsibLAi URE; __-_-. The Henry GOV(`.'1'11111L'11t5(.'O. ad tncir t.hir(i `ovc1'\'.':lwl1ning vobc 01' `..;1t: ses- sion when the House dividul on cz1n_y- mg` ~'.hc budget by '79-19 Uhis \\'1;L'K. 111 conc1udin.g' the (Iebutu 1'01` the Gox-"c`r1nncnt, 1 rcn1iL-1' George Henry delivered a sn1z1shinf.; (lc1'<;ncc upon opp-osition Cl'itiLiS1]1 on .>x.'\`t:1u..' iseues, pzu`Licula.rly 1n conllcctiull \\.'Ln the recent; $=.l0,000,000 loan llutmion. A;.;uin tnc l Lc1nic1' uru\\' (:01)1pu;'i:so1'. with the loans fluu 1:11 by me l)1'u1'_v zu'..,:ini.sL1utiun1, umicr \-.'ln'c.i1 the 1 1'L-nlier chu.1'g(,-d tlzcir i':'iund`.~: ncul bun;J'1LLcd, \vIniviu undcr :-his loan um G.ovo1'1m1cnL `had obtain-..-4 9.1; lxnn.-.~. rate of any loam oated in ovc: 20 yeu.:'s.. I \A/;.-11 Ihn u-1 nu. -..... S.` 1 _yUd.;'::.. Willi the :,:U11(: \`igoi'ou.s z11';,-,'LI111c11L, the P1`cmi:;,-1' cl1z1llcng,'c(l both l'i'ogi'i:.s~ sivc l_A.'zL(lc1' Nixon and Dr. L_ J. Simpson, Liberal. Centre Libuml iinuncial crilic, to say \\'m-Ling, tlwy approve of the policy 01 Lll)L,`l.A. Louder Hepburn :0 civil sol` vzmts i11 wholesale iiumbcrs SliUl.l. they be i'etu1ncd to p0\\'\;l`. l} Smpson lzeld that political 1'I1(:1`nl)(.'l`.w` 01' Jim Hydro Coinmiasiuli .snoui `u; (lismisscd, for being allied with the Cionservatvc ]_.)2lv1`i.l:y'. To this Prcniim Henlryb (ldfendcd the Govemimm .~; policy in having r:ti1'c(l one 1'01-rn`.-2' c0mmi.ssi0n':1' who had I"u.ilc(l `Lo agree \\'lti1 the p()ll(.`lC`s laid down by the late Sir Adzun Beck. llnnn 111,. (\'icinn lm:..... . Simcuu, < one Law on` A(l2un beck. Upon the division being regi-.< cred the House went; into committee 01' suppriy to consider the e_~;.imuLes total- ling $37,467,519, \\*hic'h are a sli_:;21t zulvanee over last year. The Prem~ ier drew long ztpplauso when he an- nounr:e(l there would be no supple- n1en1;u2'y estimate.=:, which is :he 1'.s1 time in 21 years this I121; been accom- plished. On :1 .:h~ni.l-H. .1;x~ pll1D'lH`.`U- On a simi'lzu- uivision the Govern- ment was also ;.:ustzLincd on the ismu of using dogs in `hunting deer, the divi`sio11 being nequustcd by D. J. Taylor, P1'og'2-essivc, North Grey, thus nmintaining the present law prohibiL- ing the dogs. Affrn-n r.-. in I1n\~n I \U U TL2, , $4.95 LHE uzc uugs. i .-\tto1'11o;y'-(;`e210i'al W. H. Price in-l troducod the Gove.1'mnun.t wider .~u1c` of l.)L`Cy and wine policy in amc-11(l- mcnls to the Liquor Control Act. 'l'lu.-,` measure provides for sale of bUp1' unu i wine with meals in dining room standard hotels, and at the option of bhe Liquor Control Board may include l nesfaurants and clubs. It wlso pro- vides for sale of beer by the glans inl refreshment rooms in standard hotclsl and in veterans and labor union clubs, Qnn1,...........L...... 1--.: .1,.,,-, -u - LJILUJ Supplemenitary `legislation likely to be iirroduced will empower the Liquor Control Board if it deems it' advi.~;ab1e to make it Lliniecessmy to have a permit to purchase beer and wine or ei:`her of them, as carried |out under the present liquor 1.1.. I The act will not be bl`0Llf.1'llt into` force until procluma`.ion, whic.h is in- terpreted to mean not until after the {)l'O\'lI1ClLl_(:lCcElOl1_ `H41 21 ninur +n n.~+..1. pmvinei-ai_ eiec; 1011_ I With a view to estiiblixliing eon-' trol on the 1TlJC'EISlU.'(3_. the a1nen(hnent.< lay down several dras:ie st,ipuiat`.i0ns. Only British subjects may secure li- censes, or as the act terms the priv- ilege authorities. No au`.ho.rit_v is isswed to any one interested in brew- eries or wineries, neither will sale be permitted (:0 any one on premises who are minors or intoxicated persons. No bars are to be erected. No pack- ages of beer may be removed from authorized salie p1'01ni.s0s, and no slot machines are to be operated therein. Notoriously bad C.ha.1`ac-te1's are not [permitted on premises. i Tilt`: Rnnrri i (rivnn hnu-nu 4-. ,1 . |pULlIllbLU(1 on pr(=m1ses. The Board is given power to de- ._ sig;nz1`e the premises to be used as re1'1'vshment rooms, where rooms are to be located, what and how muc'-`E beey and wine are to be sold, and the. periods of the yeu.1', days and i10u1s' when they may be sold, served and consumed. Holders of permits 0.1- authorities must keep books and file returns to the Board. l A-+m-nm,-_ -m.......`1 D :.. (\ in .'..L..,..1.. . n:uu:`us 130 1.110 DOa1`(1. Attorney-Generzul Price in introduc- ing the bill, said that the mezlsure is an aide to temperance and .<'obriety, poinv ing` out that the free distribution of beer and wine would mean :1 fur Lhcr dec1'0u. in the c0n. of =pi`1'ituous liquors and an inc.1'ezLse in the consumption of beer and light \\'i1](`. Z \\'nn1rI :l`| vnvnrn-n `Inn {-`nnL um: uuuauuipuun 01 U001 and light wine. It would also remove the feel~ ing of the z1\'o1~.1 \\'o`1'king: man that . 11.0 has been (]i`>fC)`i1ni11z1t(:d :1p,'ainst in ' in.-1'. i)Ci]1_`,' pr-i'miLt'od to buy 21 g1 01 beer; cIiminat;i.on of the ]10n1(.`b:1`C\\` 111`-C11i1C(: as built up in the province umlir-.1` Fcdtrrai jurisdiction and auth- ority_ 1 'I`hn hill ("n1 Du-{an 1'\r\;vuIr-J:-.uu4< ..i UICL1 The bill. Col. Price poin`Lc~d out, al- so maintains the Local Option clause as included in the 1n'es(.~M. act. bu they will be exucnderl so ifhat Local Option disbricts may vote on whether they want beer and wine in dinin-5; I-nnn1< n\- hrmrnv in 1-nfu-n.-Innn+ ....nm.~ Lucy \\u.u'L UUU1` and WITIO In (11I1lI l'_`.; rooms or beer in )'r`i'rr.-:h1n(mt rooms. Authority for permitting: liquor ad- \'e1"'isinp; in newspapers and by radio and 1.0 f. ,'l`ZI.l1t permits for coiisttiimtion for beer and wine at banquets is now \ in the Board. I innnv nn~n.;-In-nn`?n-n 3 4.1.... .4..- \(.'Sl-|`ll 111 Like 1:-oaru. Liquor consump`ion in the pro- vince has dropped from the peak year nf 1029 from $55,000,000 to $30.- 000,000 in 1933, said Col. Price. The g'1'cz1tcst l`(`(ll1('Ll0n has occurred in spirituous liquors, a much smaller reduction in the c0nsump`ion of beer, while the consumption of wine has decneased very little. It is autoi- pa`-ed that with a freer distribuLion of beer and wine there will be a fu1-`iher decrease in the consumption of spiritu-ous liquors and an increase in the consumption of beer and of light wine. I " i_-'j""-`_" I initial ins=,ta.11z1tjion, with a main`en- aux, ..u.:u UJ. $20 per nuie a yuat. Thrift offer --.--.., .,....w.,; itic, say` \\'ll~.,'Dl1L`) l e 01` Libu-1...; J : numbers .si2ui.i-., L, l]1(:l`n1)(.'1 .w' 1mi<.-lam _-n.\nI.. !.. : dlVi(l`i`:d on ca1-;_y- } Uhis \\`1;L`l\ . e nier George S. I ; cleience ; tieisnl .5CV`t:1u.` :1 I #00 I urew `ed me Druryl .uie1' the, LUJll]_Jli:L7d. llC(;' d.IlU SUUIIUI/y. Premier Henry agreed with the resolution tabled by A. Russell Nes- bift, Conservative, Bracondale, that some action should be taken into the cha.1'g`0 that pmctically 1'acketeerin_g' exists in the sub-let`ing of contracts !l)y cont1'u(-to1's to the detriment of `ithose emApilo_ved. The Premier agreed itliat the Labor Committee would be j called to deal with the matter. i Nearly 175,000 homebrcw ,;m`:7'.i*;- g'1'z1111'e(l by the Federal aL1t11o-`ides have p1`e.se11t0(1 2`. menace which had to be met, said Col, Price. This act puts the control of the consump- *ion of beer back in the hands of lthc Board and should be an aid to tempe.1'ance and sobriety. p1`nmin1~ T-Tnnvv nrrvnn XVH11 Fhn I A ma.r.keti11g bill introduced into i'he House of Commons on Moinday ;by Hon. Robt. Weir, Minister of Ag`1`icu1tu1'c, should have a fa.r-re`ach- { in_Lr effect in helping the producers in `Czmada. The main purpose of the `mez1su1'e is to authorize the pro- iducers to control the ma:'keting' of |t11ei1' products, ahhough in certuizx DONALD F. MacLARN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN I\n_-....:.. 'r........I- RM. Rafi-;n GORDON LONGMAN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT.-XRY ETC. I.._..... L- I n-.. I 1 CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC I: nuunn 9.! Rnrrin. phona 406. 1 I vunuu 5-. .-.u.`........_ I BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOT- . ARIES, CONVEYANCERS, E21. 'r-| I -,,, an !c.. R. :=...:." I Balance Mont/aly RADENHURST & HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC Rnnnv On `nan A} Lowest Ratal ' L.l\11`.AD JTULJLU. U UL \I\J.L\ V LJLILLIVLAA Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - Barrie D. M. Stewart C. D. Stewa STEWART & STEWART !BA_RR.ISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- : umas PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS lo..- on Innn 3n uni! turn: nl DI `G. H. Est`/en 1 ALEXANDER CO`/VAN BARRISTER Solicitor for obtaining probate of .vi1l, guardianship and administration,] and General Solicitor, Notary (Jon- veyancer, etc. Mnmzv rm LOAN I THE NEW MARKETING BOARD BILL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC, 'I(`3(-(_ )N`fEYANCERE:, E . nn_,__. .. I ...... ..s I .-.......o D-o-. ` uuraaz ISUID - Succeseor to Ureswlcxe an xseu B-ARRISTEJR, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY T0 LOAN (IE--. Dana Rln-lr R-rrin I bannmuuno Solicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyancers Iloney to loan at lowest current rates. Ofce: 1st Floor Masonic Temgole Bldg.. Barrie. r: n w=+,m M H, mgmn 01' OFFICE: In the premises 1 the Rank HOOVER branch umce, W. A. Boys, K.C. I P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR 41 Elizabeth St, AMBULANCE SERVICE "_\`{~_`.'.-.~.v - . bjuubixhno, oUu1u1Lun.o, JALU Money to Loan at Lowest Ratol Ofce, First Floor Masonic Temple Building. sA:uu:>1.::m.o, DULILULL uno, uxv 5 Owen 52., Barrie. Phone 406. MONFTV Tn LOAN Lib. Money to Loan at Lowest Rate: of Interest f\'I17YI("lI`. 10 nnrwm Q T` I`JL\Jo Money to Loan Mauonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. IVLUIVIIAI LU LJU1`LJ.V Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrio. D. I`. McLUAlu, n.A. Succeseor to Creswicke & Bell a onmvmzm .enI.Tr`.T'I`nR F`.'I` i\'lUlV.I1ll 1 U .lJUl`L$\ Ofce: Masonic Temple .1\..Luu, uun v u ; sun u..u....., ...... 3 Owen St. Telephone 69 RARWIW. ()N l`, Witb Hedlite-- Only U1*'1*'JU1y: 1;: uvvxnn ax. formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce. Elmvale, Ont. A um... Va _1_ 11 um. I/IUNEX 1U MUAJV Oice: Ross Block, Barrie. Buy $1,uuu for $940 (4-year Plan) FOSTER & McCARTHY .____._ ..,., -....~ r\.- 1. D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. .... and 4-:\ (`u-nunlnlzn X! W en 31., barne. TDODB MONEY TO LOAN veyancer, BLC. MONEY T0 LOAN . M-.....:.. .... Tnrrunln R ESTEN 8: ESTEN BARR1.IS5I`ERS in `l _11'n--. Fnnvvl nf 'en at. I clepnon BARRIE, ONT. BOYS & BOYS Imnc QnY.I("T']`F YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS Business Directory 4.4-naja I nterest 1 3 O WEN ST. l.',u.w..n-In nnnn n1'x T. A. McCarthy Buy 531,000 on a monthly basis through :1 new 5`:Vi!l1;',=.?}:L1!1. Our new booklet The Thousawl ;\'Iark" has a plan to t your income. Call it a copy. F"" ' You can Buy Money `.]OU buy many things on the instalment plan-why no: buy money? You can soon buy $1,000 if you treat your savings as .1 monthly bi11--an Obligation that must be met. IC. Stewart The Ryai Bank 0% iigzmada ` 1e M. H. Esten ue, unt. J. R. Boys We carry a full line of Magistrates , Constables` and Coroners Forms, also` `Farm and House Leases.

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