...' L l F`ru'1k Spcm-v.-. ('0n.s';*.`.\'21tl\'(! mem- S her for Fm ? William, p:e.s'er1`tr.-(l a t plan for the provincial and fe(le1'al li g`o've1'nn1ents to c0mple`e about 400 ( mil<>.~: of the *..1*zn1.~:-('I:m:1(la ?\'o1't,l1west- I *1 cm Ont-a.iro l1i_ in 011101` to p1'o- ' vide work and 1:1l many people o` `"- (lirec; relief. .\`lr_ Spence said the F cost would be $10.000,000. sl1:Lre(l by i the two gcve1'nment.~', the work would, r employ 40,000 over 21 five 12`.-0ntl1s ;r peri-od. ' ,T-nn Tmnnnlrl l\`lm-nulnv. .\/lini. \ ' penou. V .Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Minister '1 I01` Higvh\\"ays, in i11'tro(luc)'ng' amemI- tn-ents `.0 the Publir Commerciallr Vehicles Act, ann-otmcod that he I: ` c I*nt1I1:\.r`:1.run 1-1\.. Iuunvvu ..n'| 1lnv\u1I'\'\*.:\v\1 I I \.uxcux\uuu.' Cd, 0Y`(lm- tlm`. :1(i(`(]ll21tf`. pay will he in- sured llndcl the new regulations. If For? this minimum \\`ag`e is set up. it will 1)? tho 1`.~*t r`SFt:1l)liSh0(l for men in 011ti11`i0. The HOW 1`-".L |1iatl01`-9 x the ?\'o1't.l1west-Itlmoun-t. na`u.:*o and class of insur- v1m-r- or bond which shall be provid- -=.d or czm'ie(l by conmw1':-i:1l 'c. ::icle r>wn<.-rs; publication. ling: and post- ingr of tarifl"~' or tolls and the pay- mcnt of tolls, and provision for the omploly ve l`.`.-O!ll.iln" ; niinvimuifn 2:20 of clrivors angl miinimum eri-o . vatoce 0 pay or \\'z1:rr>.= or -rivmrs. p.Hon. lllzicuulay, The act is tho l'f'>=l1il. of tho iwter of i`p.1`ovin"ial ('o11i"-i'r-m-r- hr-lrl at Ott.1wa 1I:aun.n nuvx: u t|lL.llll` - . _ _,,_, . C`omm:ruial I rocc:ntl_v, :1`t.nndc(l by i'oprr~sentntives Vehicles Act, 1: iof all p1`ov1nr'r=.<._ which (i0iV0(i mbo 1*oqi1(:.~vt,in_g' tin; provim~i21l (it.`])`r1ll'lTf`lll V hho our-~'t1on of uniform rules and of `-'il.-::- to ii1\'-.<.`.ir2:at the matter of regrulations for commercial vehicles minimum mtc.-. of pay l'o-.- (lriv.-: l : i'm.'oL1gl1o11t Camula. 1'-~-:-~-u---. Ord1'na1'y 1`cvenue.-~ decreased .)Z,1 091541 'f"vn1n Hun nvnnwnf 1-nllur-1`;-:1 THE LEGISLATURE l'l.`\ UHLll. r' UL3Cl'UUSL`lI ip,` nu the mnouznt collected 0 clnief (lucn-:1.-,=-_-s a.1'i.~:ing l fees under lfgll oliiccs ':%,000; insurum.-c age-nL.<, l .'1djus cc1's llcenses, :58,- zmd timber clues, $792),- mjon tax, $452,000; Pace I'H)- Innrl fv:n1:I'n1' fnv 5.31 1 as u.),.L()_1; ` tnm n\,,` `H L`V.)bI`f;l:`-.'L|l.l.'?'.)"Tilltlllf . Il:fl;)1.l'lilf5 U:5` Z1,-ll(| tmgaf-.1., .>r-....'>., .sLan1p.x:. .j...00; 1" 111g- ,?1n_.~ovn, (;e?\'pc'I1.<(:.~.` ro:u,1.< c_m1w:n-no.1}, %ln:).(;)g0;1g`:.(`IIo s18`ca(l:11I1g' g1'2vl.'e1, - y I `r -0 ' - oe un b1"u. C511, 4, 161; 20,. $6300; [-1_ Mlsrumpbcll, L1nclerb Con. 5, 1o_: 20, 25.50; .\V. J..,_Co1'1-ig`;u1, (1rag'- E;"|I1z'. W. tQ\\'11`lx_pe, $1.00; 1. ~'Moo1'::, 511(Je1:b`1'L1s1j.111;_,' (,0n__-1. lot 10, t31l.8;_>; R. CL1]1'.1(:'T:L, 1en_L` 01 1'o2L(l\\'zL3',2p1Q:00, . . _oe, aupca1'v1so1`, on _accnu_~nt, .$l5; Bnrrle .-\g'2'1cu1tu1':.1l S0u10t_\, $10.00. W (`ruin 4-nu-nplain \II\.\1` ......... i 'z.|ag1'UCll1l.`TlC. Notice was presented from J. T. Simpson giving amounts required ' , from Oro for county puxnoses for `I934: Road.<, 8-10 mills, $2 036.00; general purposes, 6 2-0 mills, $15,- _779.00; total levy, $17,815.00. Cnnn gnn`. \ ` inch-In-tot] fn inn]: 5 Z` -.1-.u.uu; .uu1nL'1pz1L w()1'm, .5L;p1J1lC5, 251.65; .~\i1i:~'Lon kluuuld, $10.50; Dom- ion St.()l'u, .suppii~e~s G. Seller, $57.75; F. S. I-luckett, .~.:uppIic.s H. Campbcll, $7.95; '1`. Shaun , supplies Paw/0`n fam- tly, a';:;'().1:i; J. E_ Baker. supplies A. I3rit;ne11_. .>'3.lj1; T. \"."i'lcy. who-01 oicer, Nu. o , :;=5.`.')0; N. Cox\\`ortl1, 1cgi.~tr:z'i11g' bixths, 1n;1.Lriz1g'es and d(:a`;.lL i" '75 sta111p< > 12.0(); F_ Hig- rm-n...-H. The family lawyer, the family physician of many years standing, are people in whose judgment you place condence, and who treat your affairs as a matter of condence. i- _ ocusiey. . Vi Gown. Scott 1-epoi-t.ed R. Storey L Wished to purchase 3 pine trees on `Div. 97, and Reeve Crawford 1`epo.1*t- 1 ed W. Me-Doug`all wished to pLn'c'l1a.se - ' trees on line between Cons. S and 9 ; from railway to lake. ; A motion wa.~, pasxsed stating that dgthe council is not selling any trees ;on road alliowances excep at request jof parties owning p1`op adjoin ;ing same, and then only at council s - l disc.1`et.ion, and any trees which are dang`e1'ous or need to be removed due to road impmv=ements. J, A Wlliq ant-1-o1.n1-xr Tlnnwnulnv. r Lbla. The various accouns before the `council were ordered paid and treas- uyrel-_inst1`uc1ed to pay balance of 1933 school levies to the several school . 01' the to\\*nLship_ Next. meeti1m- of (-mum-il In Im hum ._.._._. Essa council nm; in Thr>n.'nt;on on Mzwch 5`L.i':, with all the members present. 'N~... r.mm.-;....- uuscllc. T110 1'o1lo\\'i ng' accounts were pass- ed and 01'dc1'r:(L paid: B011 zmd Mc- I.!.-zm, rozxd :u}lo\\'z111c-`; re Ckms. Hyde, S-37.00; Mullicipal World, .sL`.pqJ11e5, ;\i>`LOY`l HR (1 $10 5n' nrnin- muue .-\}.;`l lCul1'.u1`:l1 b'oc1Ct_\, :$lU.U(!. R. Coie, tOE\'11S11i1) road . rc.sig'nr:d on 21:-on-nf. of ill health. The 1'(-sigxxatioll \\'zu.< `accepted with regret. M-1'. C0Ivc: always had the intem-.~:t.s of the rzLt;pa;vc.1`s av? heart and looked after his duties very efciently and honwtly, 011 mznfinn nf (`,nn'nr-illnrc I-Inna.-I. bLTllUUl .\`L`CIl0l1.H` 01 C110 TaO\\'I1LS-l1lD_ 111eeting' of coum-i1 to be held on Tuesday, Apvml 2}. W R 'PnrNannn r`*l,...I- umclcntly zma nonwuy. On motion of Councillors Haugh zmd Bzm`ing', the C10-.'k \\`a.s` instructud to a(i\'(,1*ti.<(.- for at road supcn'is01'. A h\'J:1\\' \\':1.: 1\:1 fn nu-m-izln 4'4:-1 DU d.ll\'U1"Ll.\'L ,LU)_' d. l'UEl(l SUDCYV C01. A by~1a\\' \\'as pzlsseri to pJ'0\'i(le 1'01 e.\:pendi1u1'c.< for rozuls and brndgcs for the yam 193-'1. Also :1 by-law was pus.-1-d `10 (iL'bL`l1ILLH`('.~' in com1`.:-c- tion with Wson munir.-ipa.l (lmim. Council :u!joum.:d to nwc at 'l"nm'ntou 0.1 .\Iomlu}. , April Zmi, 21!. In .. UELLI. `for this year be the saine as last year: Labor, 20c per hour; man and team, 40c; oversecrs, 22`:":c. This `scale of wages for spring and sum- `mor work to commence after April 1st. 'I`L- .....:_.., A "I It was decided that .summer wages 1`. ` . . In respolrse to request i'1om Miss E. A. Rix, a g-rzmt of $20 was made `to womcm1 s rest room in Barrie. ; Coun. Clark was instructed to ilmve posts and wood cut on Cons. 6 and 8 loaded and piled at town hall. , ` T4- .....- .l.`,`:.).._1 A_.L ,, . Q` 1% xx\ Q Q `D `t N (3 l ~ \a l I y A fmv yv;u~,< ago the su52:a.r indus- try on the \\ o.-t Indian lslzxnrls was llinwziti-in-l with ruin oxving 10 `he low p-1`i<--:~.< pi-<:\'uilin,r: t!n'ouy,'h0ut the \\'o1`l but tho grral`. ia~.r_2` of 21 p.2e~ l`erc~mi;1l tzu'i' on l-Empire-gzivown I;uga.1' has saved the situation. and lhv \V<>.-`t lnrlizm l.~lun(l.< feel he de prcs. pcrli:1p.< 10.~`s than zmy part of the Elll])ll"(`. The L`.ina- St. l\Ia Sug`zu- Factor_v at 'l.`1'ini(lad is the 121.1321-.<" 1`('ll( l'_\' within the Em- pirv and _:i\'o.< omploymm-.t 1,9 .-omc 12.000 l::m(l.<. Of tll(. :=D. 5,000 are Om])lO_V(`(1 in the elds, while the re- maimlor culti\'2Ltr.- thoii" own crops and sell 50 the com})z1;ny wt xed rat:-s. \\'liic":1 fluctuate with the mar- kets oi" the \\'01'l(l. 'l`hi.< year it is estima`.e(1 that the islands will pro- (lum 120.000 ton< of sur::1i'_. the l1i_:;l1- est point yet reached. _uu.uu; Loldl. lC\'_V, L1,51o.u'u. _ Coun. Scott \\'a.s` inst.ructed to look into reques`. of Peter Mzuldsley re Div_ 106, and letter from J. C. Tud~ :hope was ordered sent on to collec- hnv - PREFERENTIAL TARIFF HELPS WEST INDIES uuu LU l'U2l(1 1I1]IJl`0Vl1Cl1lS. . J. A_ Ellis, secrelary Unemploy- ` ment Relief Fund, wrote bliat the re lief work program for Hawkestzone l1ad'l>een approved and enclosed zngreenient. Nnnn u`-Ia mm.-m.+n.l +`...m. 1' rv A xvurning` lms l)c .=-3-nt to all :LL;vn~l.< and (-:1.~'hi::2.~: 01" L`nc- Canwlian Natiomxl Rai_l\\':1_v;< nv2m'>L111-emu that coum.e1'1'ci`. United Stzltes $100 bills are now in circulation. Fuw places cam clmange $100 bills uo\\'zula._v.=, any way. Oro t0\\'11S`1'ip council met at the Town Hall on Marc11 5th, with all the members present. Several com- munications were read. (`mm r`.....-:,\ ..:,1 (-10 .:n 4-,... ,...1.. |lluIllL'iLbl`UI1b were reau. 9 Cou.r1. Currie paid $12.50 for sale of trees opposlte R_ Mu11"s to Archie _Beas1cy. R (Ton-11 Q1-nH`. 1-nn.nv-tn.-I P Q+.n-on ESSA COUNCIL ORO COUNCIL J 4"11J`l`ll ' - W. B, Tudhopc, Clerk. Ynu il find our -N. Coxworth, Clerk. ..'.1i|lI 'X!V_,' U] U. IIIIU` Tho T ' in - Q1 rage Th res! ! LU Jlllfk` 1` M) ./"QC Phone 53 ..UiL1' l1llJLLHL!!' ' a million '.x'oc.<. cstatinn oi the \\`-J ..n.....I,4..,l ,...I | U) '(LKli\U .\l_L`,ll \\'lU"'H (lX"(l\ `-o t':; forest. On {.1142 fnrr. near the fo1'0m:m s house old 10:: bui1 .~LiH in :1 ~tz1te of p1'o. whi ihu 1'zumm.-: H:).1m'lton Ta Ir,.1... u......:1.A.,\.. .. fliL:_, Clll .\I01`(: been 2 \V\ '.'yI\I lint! U1|U'LLlU. LEA`l` HHI. hzwn been pluntml. In :1.`. `.1;-.2 1'e}.z`L11a1- p]'.mtzxL1on.< 21 :[u`.ron~:t.1`.1ti!)11 plzmtz1ti0n.< ml .~'pe:'i0s h:,`..~~' bren laid out in 1'm'med by the Lox"-.'I:}im_~ Mctlontrs and Flos to\\'n P-.~z1ctm1g`L1i::11-eno road \.\'hm ; to Hm: 021.~- to avoid OH` 1.: mm .,.`,.... .m..n.,\..:.. `\`(\1;1- M- Iuvt.-M51 Ldllll Juuu, WHIUL: .U\`.ib1'Ll LIN. .~o~ui .11 11. c11z1nge:s to a good `hard wood site, mcr1`ging' into sxvzum) as the .~v_;=iI becomes \\'0tt:c'1'. Dhe `llzltului Ft1.i1d< are `.1 (Ii. as-sevl to the for- est since they not only provide `L sommc of 1'L-xvemm in the early d'ays when the plantations are will too young to tinin, but they sctrve z1.~: do m04n.<:t1`a-`d0n.< of how the farm wood- lot can be improved by scienmlc muna:`oment. I _P=-fa -0 the 'f0n.~. nursery \\`;1=. .~L:1;Lu at )Ii some of the luizd :21 the H<~n: ::'iv_` forest `.'.'::: ' -,. zx-.n.mI.m+ I11z\- `THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1934. Ll.-I IIEJIII ZHUU. :1 half 0 the \ tonal of about LU UH. U21?` I,-U ZLVUHI U the m0.~:t nox*t11o1"|;\' bloc est :1. re tower of huxn;:on:.1l (IL-si1..='n h:1.: whicll cmmnzmd;< :1 \'i l;Lr_v:c portion of the Gt,-mj'.1'iz1:l Buy and I.:1k:.: visib!-0 from t.h~i:: point c Hcndric f01*c:I:- con1-prises several ty-mes of i`o.1ve':~:t land; most of it is the sand plain type which is so ideal for the g:ro\\'1h of pin;. At .110 ,north end there` is a small zu':,-:1 of lbvttr.-1' farm land, w'niIc t0\'.'zu`d the ..\.n 7.1 .i 1-I\unu.~n;~ +n c~. n~nn.I `kn.-rl .........._, -.,.\,.n~. l In the year 1922 the County of Simooe purchased 1,000 acres of land immediately south of the townlin-e between F 105 and Vwespra tovwnsnip;~. and jusb west of the King's Highway No. 27, which is now known as the Hendrie Forest. On: the day that this forest was ofcially opened the whole county was en feu e" for the occasion, a holiday was declared for the school children, and hundreds came from far and near to celebrate the event. The late Dr. J. L. Banting, \\ ho was at |hat time war- den and later gaoler for the coumy, planted the first tree. Mr. A, H. Richardson, of die Ontario Foi'e.sL1'y Brrmrch, and many well known local men, including G. H. Murdock, M.L.A., Centre Simcoe; Reeve Wil- son. of Vespra; Mayor Little, of Barrie; D, Quinan, county treasurer; several on rtihe Reforesta+.io;n Com- mit ee of Simcoe County at that` time, i`11cludi`nug C.hai.r1nan Dutton, 03' Tay. Reeves Wilcox, Moore, Cole man and Jardine gave speeches out- lining the purpose and objects of oounty forests. T1, ..J...'- 1.`. . U, ; K. ~ .r1`.v11.c1u1 ru in .\'orfolk County and tgmxt the Yale Uranzsaplunl 1 is: a. board used for tm2~.: .~;cedIings from the :<<)r3d t;':1:.-=p1;m1 lines and \ about 50 t1'C at oncv , ,1 ".1 on ,.\-4-.-.. Reforestation in Simcoe Co. :THE WEEK WITH ARTICLE II. THE COUNTY FORESTS OF snucola (By A.S.L.B.) l'|l',`. Iii 1LU,'iLH_\ IUVZHI rational npint oi` 1.~:1nds of people pu.~. 1' and cmmot fail to 1 tivc Si}J,`I1 \\'-hir-E1 (Ira ` . "'n|`nz-I (Wu 9`\.'. \-` l(Hll "NU U11 Ll. be-`\\`I:en Prawn ; . .'.]....H.~ \.\)nL LU CL`l(:H:' L mom; on Junc 18111 c : 1'orenvt1_v two Othffp L added. One iv.-0 m :~:;~,i:1 men and one A4` A mm 111:: 1- K` Northern Advance kd.EI:ULl.-I HLLIXIIIIUI Hamil"?-on. a n of Watc1'l'v0 .14-an .\\..` l.lUL'~D L'.lX u an exten Sixty '1L`1'L.` :i in I(`y`)*" ULXL.` 111'] g! 1 111Sv1)1l11t HI , ll 1'1i11l'lL.' EUIU. T`x'.`lL' 1d/-ally In:-a1'cr.l from I \1I\v'ni` Hf` x'v:x\I' occup} nn (nu \v\U.\l IHilX\Hl_'.' t 1.000 acree.~'. :~(';L1;1:t<:1' mi}: `10111-{I In -1 . LL`. I U] l:il\'ll ) l'Zl/1. 0 tr21v1..s havc mxlos nmth ofl 1:] nn.. a nu?! nrarll `HI U11 ` block 0!` ratin- L... L, .. The Northern Advance Wedding Statzanery LC'iZ'.ii U1 Li `(I his '.'1'0l1i('. .\' Llmt epic (an of each yam`. 4 . ` .. Hun . board, \\-`n msfe1v1'i11-g 1 hrzds to will set nv\ `urn IV C . v')r` U l(`](.'Z1).' the 1...`. .-3 p:;Lm.- 11111` mi]- 1.i1'ty-two nvm-I.~:I I7`.".\`-I and .4 ,..... ll 13 docs` zxiquul `_ ,v| V. IL vhich` For our ann)unceT13.1-is rmdfinvita tions are carrzct \lllL'1.`, land, I4` au\LL:I: \\1u UL` j_"l\lfH .L1`U'L:. If 1.'L1'.'t,':1c.1` int'ox'm:1ti0n is desired` 0:`. t'hi,~: . it may be obtained bx u;rpI)'in_u' to the Ontairo Fo.1'es`-.1'y {1:z1rrri1. I":.u-Iizmwmt; Bllildin-{.',`S, To- ronto. for its ch'cL11m' numbzr 14 on [if-led llunicipal Fo1~est:<. L.'.`|: out tha- um L(`l'.< 4l`),H2F. . \'.U:'ll..\', 6.1.1 1-} \'L`1'.'\'L`S 1 | 1.180 chapte1'.-1 and 56 books. The word reverend occurs om ,onco, whic-h is in the 9th verse of the I ' ` 1), .\Tu\ uavu 10llO\\'C(1 aimcoes ie-an and have es`.abli.=*hue(l county forests. All these county fioi'(*sts are ham - led under The Counties Reforestation Act xwliich was passed in 1921. The conditions of the agireemenr`. between the provin-ce and the county are tha` if the county piirchases I`-the land (a minimum of 1,000 acres) suitable for the establishment of :1 county forest, the provincial goveminennt will LII}-(lC'1`i','.-[lie to ii'efoi'e:-t the area. fence it, erect the TlCC'C'S.S21l'y blllltllllgs, ap- p`0lE`.-i. zi coinpotent forenian, and in. ."a<:`i'. br.-211' the `.'\"i'l0lO cost of estab- lishinent and niainteiizince of Ulu 'oi'5-st: fey a no-xviml of tliizfy y:~ai's. At the end of t3`i< time the county has three al.'(:i'ii'.i`i. \`e.-;. its l'olo\'-:5: (1) To .~'liz1:'~L- ec;ii:ill_\' with tho p1'0~. vim-e the net ("`.'i:' zmd ii:-t (`(l]'l1ln_Lj,'F xi." `ire foiest /-9. 'r,\ .. U}_Jp'US1|/IUTI." Crowcled g`allei'ies llS`b&:`nd in in- terest to the P1'*(:ml(3l"$ preseiitatioii, which required an hour and thii'e~e- qua.-n.`iei-s, S1.1`CsSl1l`g' the surplus 1'01" {predicting 2ln*O1}h(~31' surplus, de.wp'ite out a single ceiiii. of new taxation. The Preniie-i' also pointed out that when i'e\'enues permit, taxation th-en had iiidicaienl tiie .-,:uiiilu.` aiiiount to $1,000,000, in: .~ai(l if that {had been possible, tiir.-ii iaxziiion :would have been reduced. The surplus 1'o.i' is bzL.~.u(l on (:a`lZll11ill.(:(l i._-veiiue.s 01 `$51,079,000 andex1ieiidiLiii'e:so1' $50, 864,100, while the . 1'01` the Ilaet _\(.'11` il.)L'[)l'L':`i.ilL$J the (illl'1.'1"c1ltt,: jbi.-t\\`(.-eii iL'\`cI1Ll( .x' zunouiii iiig to 51, I `l 7`1 H11 4-..4.. ..`,. ..-..lZr... . . ...~.l ._-.. `the last fin-aiicizil year of $476,000,? ldifcult; Liines, and accoinplisliied with ` ;will be l'(.`ClLlCl'(l, and ivhile a 1'eiio*r:- . I Y ` `.\OU1u 4:}l`1(4) euiu-'ent ye-.ii It ne\'c1- pzxys to .~'ti('k _\'o`n' tongue out except at the doctor s requesi. A yw1n_:' hulv did so at LO.'n(l0l1, 01112., and lmd it fro /.011 on 21 steel railing. L'iU.'U. In the p1*eviou.s article of I this ` series a brief description was given of the sand zu'ea.s of Simcoe County. A num.be1- of other counties in tario have similar wa9 e lands several, inchiding Duf'fe.1'i n, Ontazrio, Vict0`1'ia, and Counties of North-umbe=r1and Dm~h~ain and of Prescott and Ru have followed Simcoo s lead and I es`.abIi.=*hued forc. AH i`i1r\<`r\ 1-nnmv Fnu-nufo nvn On- an (1 York, , the United i and I ssc-ll ] iave | 1-nu}, ; S_ J. Cox and Joseph Lea have 'been caretakers of Hendlric and On Lake fo-rests, respectively, since their inception. Their duties in clude not only planting` trees, bu` also care and manag*e1nv.=nt of the for ests. In summer a sharp lo-okoui must be ke'p`1 for fire, which is the worst enemy of the forests, but in addition constant war is wag`-e ag'ains:t fungus (list-{L505 such as the white pine blister rrc.st and against various destructive insect pests, including the white pine weevil, `:h-e Leconte s pine sawy and the pine shoot moth, wliich would otherwise take their annual toll. In winter `he natural worodlots are thinned, mature, dead and dis- eased trees, as well as ce1`t:!in otherr, are removed to prevent overcrowding and everything is done to ensure a maximuni production of matmre tum ber in the minimum time. I Visitors shoCTd compare the rate of growth of difl eren`. species of trees on d`i"Cl'e'I'1t soils and should be svmue to visit the Woodlets to see how {iU'(.'lil. stands can be imlprox-'e and pro(l`uc-wion increased by proper]. care. i'U<[`, Z153. \'(, l'>'|` U1 lfll` (LU Cl 1' Iilzm (-o11tain.~: all the Ir.-tLe1's 1p`hzLl)(:t nxrr>p1. tho ]el.`<>1' J. T110 l'n1c~.~'t chaptul` to 1`L:1(l Uth (412111-r.1' of the Act, . :o. 'vm.. 1n-Z. ,.x.....:.,... n+' I: I.':..., A rsi z.-n.:'. (-mxdmnnml to Soiltary` mnmm=1t. ohtaincti 9. copy of thcl Eb}-*~ zmrl by tln-cu yozus careful: ,:1 obtained thu i'nlIo\\'in-gr fa.(:Ls. | The Biblv r,-ontuins 21,586,489 let r.< 772-},fiS)2 \'.'o;'r1..<, 31.174 V01-:~:es 101') nlxnndrn-~. ..n,l KI! Ix.-.n1n~ Here's one detail of the wedding that need not worry you a pamcle :1` mm JUi (2) To: and 1-1.: P421, 1111.`! '1')`, _!U>'LlL';1. Thv 1S)t.'n . 07707:. ,.I. 1IU' [UL-I`. \w"il};LL'L 0- 37th ('hzLpte1' of I`m: longest \'(.-1`sc- V the 8th czlmp-tor The \'(`1'.\C !' 'L.h:~ 11th c1*.z1pt<-1' '`1w. Q41` 151G`. 0|`- CURXOUE` BIBLE FACTS lU(LH IAFLLHI . ill ".1 \'.'-1'~'-'.- of the alike. To 1`c1in(1uis;h 2111 upon ;my:ne11 t, (1? 1"nn n1m-?- DUI, lo')ll 107th 15: word THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE mi<.l(II0 \'o2'se" i; H8111 Psalm. I...` v-r. nI' 4 0 ,' l)1'<'Ul(.'K '..l' the forest, m comple. 0' con \\'iH hr- o'\'rxh . .... .....J...\..,, of the pm"c7na vhhout interest. :counL;,' d<-<'i< Iil LU L {U iJl'U\ IHCU, \\']'x all money expondccl rm -nmrl 'mnh1-1ninm-; no v.`0rl.~= i.\. .~'_\'Ilz1bI-.4 \ \ L m; `.1])tf' 1' .`1 9. I Lu _"` '_" j` unuu All`) luau llUuH.k.`ll HI n 71' of I,-"a""h 3-'99 a1`k~ WiLh 21 viuxv to rc.-mox "" H the 9"h V0 -" unfair commi:<.-ion (-iu11'y,'c.- bP't" 9f 4'Eh_'3r' ubdsu. in tt.<- >`:l](,' of live ""'* '5` P11`: 3"'}} "C15" A;:;1'icultLL1`z1l Committor ?`I`}"'" 01 bt- J0`m- rcsolw ion a. Ll;_;- Sim )`r -)`l*`"` ml '31- "9""-`C-`I at OLl.u\'.'a to inquire in '*`:h 3" 1`k- !st0cks'm (-0mIni.~'. n 0` 13611` P""`1m` condi.ton.< ])('1`l'dil1i11f.!f to m live .~'t0(:k. The motion 2:91 " 0" m~" "7 inqui.2;,' was movvd and .< illlll. of H10 "H H. 1 ' 01' Ii. Kingrs. and F Isaiah u is vers A-L` `-H-Ian ' is the 8th verse` A I As a Confidential Friend . . . '1' ll ntlul, 4`...\,-. I occurs 1,85.) 10 7th chaptu. of th* 'Ix1I T claim to L by the 13.1 n1-it-0 nf' 1'. mum, Hut)` 120 Onta (-nlltinllr 1 I {ha l)I\II'V. to 1'etz1.in \4~ vvunvv In. L'ULl:iL_`. | echnica] ! I of the lJl:L\\l.'Ul1 `lL'\'L`l1Ll(.`5 ?.llHOLlll.I.U1g KC 01, .!373,051 and e.\;pcmlitL1i'c.s `t0L2J.I.Ul1g .$)0,8S)(5,(52.). La.-,1; _\'u;1r':~: pubiiic u; 1 counts svh-oxxs 21 1'c(.luc'.i0n of .$5,300,- 1,000 in o1'd`in211'3' cxpu11ditu-'t,- and 21 $9,000,000 cm. in capital u.\'.I_)e11(liLLllC :,from the 1932 figure; ~ `revr~nnr- n r' .\` 2-19 10.1- I . w I x Capital Paid Up - 30 Million Dollars Reserve Fund - 30 Million Dollars :1't:\'cuuc 01 a.a.3:),lu-1; -'1cClL':`.L.sLd `liquor revenue Lb thze ext-':nt 01.` $5, :7-15,000; u-men.ent 01' .;-15,000,000 I111 New York treasury bills; l.':`;p\.Zll(ll` lturc of .`5-32,637,000 on l'.-cc g_;.:'.n\.s `and scLv1<,c.- frr: J`1LlUllL' \`.m.'u1u; ml ;(l`1t1ona1 ll_`.'(ul\) 1'L.~cr\'cs of .`$(3I),00()- 000 21ml co-minuzuiuil 0;` all HUL"\'lw.5'n ,z1t u`.~'ual levels (luspitc coomnnic dc- ipresslon. Gross (lubt of 111).: 1.-l'0\ 1li(.'(` .i< gnf. am `$09 mm mm `-412, :\r`.' .1.-.n. Llflllilly UIlLlL'r' 802,181 1'1'0n1 in 1032, the clnief in nes and inapuctio-11, .$.?h,000; brokers and 000; bonus $790,- 000; co1'por::..io11 b1'acl:.~', :,~_ .1(.i,O00; land tru11.s1 er Lax, $52,000. cu-. .e\'.;-nue iHC`.`CZlSCS oc- curred in L'1'O\\'l1 lzmds, h:u.~;L-s and ii- censes, $78,000; minc.~: department as- se.-.:me11r1;s, $140,000; mining licenses nand record-ing fees, .:'3IiS?,000; :.;`aso1im> tux, $288,000; moto'r vehicles li- censes, Q .-c., $~14,000;\-.'in`c tux, $86,- 000; s~L1cces_+~ion (luties,, .1,045,000, and stock t1'2111::1.'(:1' tax. .*,:.35-5,000. vrlm D|~(xI1win\- -um .Im'...\.1..{l f`n.n `HILL! D`L`L\rH,L'> J. J`/LHJHLI \iUJ-LLJ.U, il.'\i ll_\.'(um `U00 lpression. 1.-ro\'inco vis set an $502,000,000, \'.`ii.3z nu`; (lCl)L ioi $299,000,000, 'nLHU SLOCK Ll'ZlIl5.l.L'vl' LHX, Q0 UUU. The Premier also tlcfx-mlcd the Go\"01'.nn1(.-nt agztinst c1'iticE.~'m 0.1 t-he rc(:cm`: $40.000,0`O() 102111. (IL-cldring` that the G0\'er1mu:nL nml nm 1a\`m- ed the lzmvgc co1'po1'2LLi0n.< and in\m-.sL- ment houses. Figu1'e.< .~:!1o\\'c(i .h;1`I. 2: g_:;o4o<.l ])C'I`Cl`l11z1f_','0 of L`1:_: bonds ha-Ll gum: into 'L'=`c '.1z1nd.< 01' Lhu .~'m:,1l1 in- vestor. Thi.~: loan, to-u, had c0sL less ;.'n:m any loan floated in many 3,-'e.'u's. x'cn1o\`ing' 2L11C;. ,'L'\l nn ."-Hv pnnuni nn I-V1-_n-u-we nnrl nilnn Lruuu ZLUUUU L110 province. ` Tell him to sing a song of optim- 1 ism and hope in the 1'u~2u:re of great p1"ovince, (1<. CIil1"Ed the Preln-lg ior, and not to spend his time going 1 i-up and down the country sowing seeds of dis1;ru.~a , tlhasension and dis- '1 lorde'1'. The people of the province 1 }1.1'C proud of th-e statements 1 hlVt:,} made on the budget. They will be`t p,roudIc~.- to speak some time this sum- ' ;mer as to what they think of thc'[ .stewa1-dsmhip of the Conservative an ` ]min'is;`.1'ution and 01' the rc-cro1'd of the} opposition. 1- ! C1'nxx'ri:i:I n'nHrn-inn 1:.+....m.,i :.. v. nucu IS SULHICI ZLIIO 5132100." To Progressive Leader Nixon, Prem- [ier Henry de1ive1'ed 21 s't1n`g1ng re-`or; for the i'o1'1ne.r 00 go and tell Pro vinrcial Libeml Leader Hepburn tin: truth about the province. Tell him tn qimr :1 , rm+im_ A surpus of $215,000 {'01- the ilSL`21z year eiidilig October 31 next, \\'a.' foivecast by Premier George S. Henry in presenuuation of the budget in the Ontario Leg'islatu.re last week. In delivering the nancial picture f0; 1934, the Premier drove a wa-rm at- tack on members of the Opxposition for their lack of faith at a time wliei. Ontario is emerging from dep=res.,ive conditions to renewed -prospe1L:y. ` On all sides we find faith andi optimism, declined the Premier- 'l`his feeling of conxfiden-ce exists be-j cause a Conservative adn1inistrat.1o'n is in con.:ro1. And despite blue-iuin talk from opposition critics. the pro vince is sound and stabe. Tn pt-nmv-nwcixrn T.n-nlnu \W\-nu Dlim . H, .1. uuns unu .)0m1 ._ L.r~.u;;, Lun- .`(:l'\ zl.H\'A:.~', l*Iu. Elgfill and .\ 01'Lh La'na1'k. D21 :1 on :1Hr-;:0 u11fairdL-al inf.,'s z1.1d ('11z11,g`x:.< an: to he submsit.tc(l to the co1nmitt0<-., which \V'111 p1'(`:.-sent it -'0 the Stevens inquiry, The com- nttcv also cm1oa'.<<:d a scale of re- duced c`0)11')11~iss\j'0x1~ c.i:2m'ges. .'\H\ru~1' \7 \Nn+nv.' (`nIn<{n'vnH`.'n ULICUU UUHl'Jll`LS.\U UH' L'~HklllgC.\. .-\lb(-rt V. \)\ z1to1`s. C0'ns0n'ati`'e, North Cocrhrum-, in . akin_-I on Lha- lbudgnrt (1(`bZl.-L`, urgrcd the G0\'L-rn- .mcnt to have control of .<.r,2ttIm`s in No~1vthm'n Ontario \ (.~'1J9d in who On- tario Dcpzu'1.mcn~t of .-\g'ri:'u1tu1`0 and adoption of :1 plan to improve con- dirvons for nor1.h-urn scttlr.-rs so that bhe pmvinvc would have I':u'mm'.< and not road mcndc1'.<. M1". \'v'uL(-rs asked that settlers in the ag'1'i('ulLL'.ral 1111-as H1.-\`.' wnnhl hn rlnvnlnnmi h.'>'rrrnI.'md LHHJL ULLlL']'S ll] LIN.` Z1}_','l'l('lhLLuI'ill lU`(`2L\' \`v]m`.' would be (levelopcd b-':';r1'0u:)(.-d in .o).'der to form cmmnu.niti-.<, tin- to`."nsh.ips to be su1`\`,-},'(:(I into 100 acre lots with EL narro\\' fr(n1tag(`. Tuhis sclheme, he said. should be lmsoti on who present policy L`Xi.~'1.'il1L," in the province of Quebec, \\'h(:`.*o he said remarkable results lmve bmzn attain- ed Your banker, too, is a professional man-a member of a profession that works as 1nucl1 as any other in the public interest, protectin the depositor against loss an employing his liquid surplus for the general advancement of the country. Each member of the staff of The Canadian Bank of Commerce is bound by professional oath to treat your affairs condentially. Make use of his services, lacing him_ on the same friend y pro- fessional footing as your family lawyer or physician.