Page Eight _ +;:%i;cL;m;5:A`: Thgse splendid products The Ontario Dept. of Agriculture will publish advertisements from time to time to assist the Ontario producer of farm. orchard and dairy products to sell his goods in his home murket-Ontario. Nature says: Stored with Vitamins, packed with Flavour, Ontario grown veget- ables are equal to the world s best. -ENJOY THEM TODAY -BENEFlT IN POCKET -BENEFlT IN HEALTH -HAVE VARIED MENUS -SUlT EVERY TASTE FRIDAY, MARCH 9, from BXRRIE to TORONTO CLARKSON HOTEL, Phone 82 lSubj(,-ct to :".:a:1y;r- 1:1: Tickets, Time-Tables and All Coach H'a\e1 Information at COL THE HON. T. L. KENNEDY, limes B. Fnlrbnlrn. Minister Delmtv Minister pfbyn Is there any reason wliy our debt Sl101Ll(l have im-1'ca. by 340 mil- lions in ten short years ? he asked.'_ The Conserva1.i\'e party mus: take the blame for they have been in p-ower with the exception of four years of the Drury AclministraI.ion. In only one year was this Govern- ment able to . a decrease in the` debt. A.<.sets of the province were listed at $622,550,000 and the public debt at $592,200,000, a margin 01 assets over liabilities of only $.28,- 722.000. If the p`1'o\'ince was unfor- tunate enou,g`h to have another Ten years of Conse.i'\'uti\'e rule the liabil- ities would be in excess of the as- mts. he said. 'I`l-ua D`-in-.n \'f.`n..o l\.. Ontario Department of Agriculture IOL THE Hnn, T I !(FNlNK~`n\ 1...... n w-:.n...:-- I I \\' ()'U) H HlU(lL`lh'. Tvhere new whr.-cls on the two- to n trucks, br:in;: fxom single `.0 dual. H111:-v- rn r-I-`n :1 n1' r-nl inLc1'c11angca})lr; inwvrnrnvlnn 1-n f: SI AIUUI -`.iHlg'lU IU uuul. x Uthcr m(.~('hamcul nn1)1`0vemt.-nt.=, - ; throughout the Chm-e lines um; num- I r-.rm1.~'_ .. , rm: Lngvrolet specxal t1`uL:K motor I is now 91ft;hy' for its new manne- } t_\`p(r _<,-.y 1mIm~ head and for he nozzle uh/nn \'nI\'r- nnnlinrr xvrhinh rlh-_ L)`[)(! g'.yllIl(l(.`1` llL`2J.(l llTl(l I01` U119 nozzle A iype valve seat cooling, which dir- I i acts a spray of cold water on the} ` exhaust valve seats. The engine de- v(-[ops :1 maximum road speed of 57.5 miie;~1 an hour in the two-ton line, {and has a. torque of 148 foo`.-pounds | at 800 to 1.800 r.p.m. The new ve- ; speed t1'ansmi.ssion, with quiet fourth, ` L9 also a distinctive fed ure of the `| 1wo-t,0n models. These of Ontario s farms are now ready for your table Rough Riders. Lloyd De1ane_\ their hes`-scorer. counting S pomez The Ryan brothers got -1 points each Harold Sharpe scored 2 and Ear? Hunter got a single on a foul. D011 Beverley netted 2 points for :..-I Rough Iiders. Mark Marien scoxca a single in this game on a free throw and also one in the first game THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 193-1. CORN BEETS CARROTS CABBAGE PEPPERS VEG. MARROW CAULIF LOWER POTATOES lame: Defmty with the exception of four Admii1istraI.ion.` Govern-l 01` liabil-. 215-: The Prime Minister says that we spend $50,000,000 a year without laying any serious burden on the people. Is it of any consequence to the people \\'-l1C`l7llel' a tax is direct or indirecii The people. have to pay just the same. ister evidently means that the Gov- ernment just prepared lvlllllgfs so tliat; some one else must do the collecting`. The debt retirement policy of the Government inaugurated in 1929 had been dropped. Not one cent of the $]0..`)05,000 ( l1Z1l'_'..'_'(l to direct ieliet in 1.93:} had been c.liai'.;'-d to ordinary account. If one-fth of this amount, $2 181.000. had been chargretl to or- dinary account as the had plaiinr.-d, this amount. would have been added to the existing deficit of $428,000 occasion<-d by llyrlro lo.<.~e.~ in I\'oi't.he)'n Ontario pi`opei'ti::.<, lllZll\ in: a deficit of S2,(i0.`),T. )0, l](: charged. We find this ;vv~:ii' that the _a'ro.~;.< debt of `lie ])]'U\'l.l(`s' has Iiwrea.-`<.-(i by $19,708,000, while the net debt sliow.~: an increase of $21.707,47$5. and is now .'-tandin_r: at .`.~'.229. flizif rlizl flu. n:.nv.l.. nvn.-in ml` v.-..o The Prime Min-i G ove rnin C r.t : slight. Meat Supper at Burton Ave. United Church The meat supper which the W0- men s Association of the United Church sponsored Monday evening` `was~a decided success. It cernainly deser\'ed to be well attended, for the su.ppe.1- itself and the program which `(followed were most enjoyable. The tables were tas.I.e1'ully decoiated with daffodils. Mrs. W. Hanna, Mrs. J.= K (now `: Wliei`. 5 rie, t" dale who was z and 1 Ke ` Lieut . of Re i 1718- A, Henderson and Mrs. W. Park, on'. the program committee, were respon- sible for the entertainment, which in- `eluded an organ and piano selec- tion by Mr, Tupper and Miss Mary `Johnson, solos by Mrs. C. Bomhweil, -recitations by l\I`i:~:s Rhoda Young, vio- lin solos by Lorne Arnold, and a duet by Miss DeHart and Miss. Strange. Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair `was chairman for the evening. K.E. School Hockey Team Lose at Collingwood Last Saturday a hockey `team from King` Edward School journeyed to Collingwood for an exhibition `game with Central School there and `Were defeated by the score of 4 to `1. .-\.lthoug'h they had been of good ice before setting out, it \\'as found to be quite soft; in `fact, wet. The _-\llandalr.- team started out with ;~:ome nice combination plays. but that `;;'ani<- soon resolved inito a display of individual hockey, polo '3 or was it water \`ai11.a_g'e lay with the lionio team and` their four goals were all scored on lone l'l,l:'ll(.`S which cau_u;ht the Allan- dale team with only one man back inn (lnf'nn(-n All \\-mm \\'r-ll n 21 mm ntl ln this sort of _`1'OlHL` the ad-: 1 DlV\' In tice . . the z ` How: ; shen: riet l 3 dresr J The will 1 'l`l' n -3- . e eiglii` dron suspi in J ` l'lll.(l( anot l0 l): ;14th 1 away how( r high` ' th-ey ear and unav ` upoii (T-16) 1`) p.I11.--1110 \.mlI1`c.II on.-vun. 7 ;>.n1.---The x\Iinist.or. T7x'id:Ly. `.\l:n`. 1`. 7.30 p.m.. H11` }\l`\`~ 'runw\nnI'nn Raw-viva cnargeu. nd xv l1a. nvt; 1uo\`i.1(' Sll0\\'.~ 1.11 What (lid the pr,-oplw of Ontario gull They got` an ll1('l (:2l.'(` of air: million in the total' ca.pi`:1l a.<`. for an expenditure oil and for tlxesm (:xpr:n 20 million in (lll`(:(:t Pf: 7 loans million in <-ontingr-n1.` loans. set 5-! In llszl . lm ls; nr-r- linluhlifir .- llllll \ H1 Ubll on defence. o I|UL`}\\5_\ , U1 \\ it IL \\ LLLL' 1` 3 sort ad-l and? at $229.441,2u5.i with All were well earned In the (lying moment of the st1'11g;g'lci .-\llzm(lule sent evr-ry man up in an cntlczwor 10`t :1 .<:l1ut~out and wore nally 1'c\\'zt1'(lud whvn lA:Ut:i1.l'l But a;\;.`bz1ttc(l in 21 pass from Raynor. enul L . It .'\'l'1()-Hlll hr! nnl ml, in inxrf im- in I. an HI<'I`lf2l.{` oi .-ix million in Lm: Lola: cap1`:1l a.<. 0: 21 sets must balance liabilitir.< mid to ucliieve `his: end we find that unen. ployment relief of H million is t;li,ro\\'n in us :1 bulum-ing' item, which few would call ,':'rm(l fin:Lnr:inx_'." In (,'0nn(.-ction \'.'itl1 rvlln-ii I-.\:p4-im.- tu:'n~'. Dr. .'~' alv-mu`:-l Llizit bheso vast. sum.~ .~lioul not lw li.~.:i nniir-rl \\'li`.l1nn1 .n`inu'ivur `luu-I: unnun .\Hd.ll(lZU(_` :~L'llL (:\`('1'y mun up In 1.11 avert, and finally lA.'(,'il.1' batted from It sho-uld be noted, in jUSlilC(.` to Lh-e \'isiting: team, that the C(:11Ll';1l team had l)<.-en st,1'tmgt;li0w:(l by the zultlition of two defence men from illI()Llllf)' school, and they were the i-liief ol).~tz1('l(> in mlie way of the A1- l:lll(l.`Lll` zittzu-k.<. Centre ice play \v;xs ` ubout equal. ln :1 i,\\'1xnf'.'-i'nIn- nnnilu in-ulii but that he was not llilie only man ;L(~ be out with Mrs. Hopkins. i Foster (`Ol`l'ObO1`i1l'C(l the evidence of Hopkins. {HAMILTON BOY GIVEN SIX nun .uuNTHS FOR ORILLIA THEFT Smnuvl Roy Cl]i1Il1l)(`l`.<. a._9,'e 19, of llzimilton. \\':1.~a .<-ii`:-im-(l to tliree !montl1.'~: (leterminzlte and t.ln`-0 1T]OIlLll.x' I l)l(ll'tl*l`lllll12lll' in illti ()n1,:n`in T?n`i'n|-I11. LL11`! , 111', .\ ll"('l.l.)`(`tl Llml. vu.s".. li.~`.~'i ` patcd without Ihringing.-,' buck /.ann1c~ u.<.~'.<-ts to `.110 provim-r:, nml .~tu'r" `L ed tha? as the pmvincu r)r).~'.s'(-,5 un limited .'1c1'cz1;:t- of non-prmh1('t'\-r: lands, that thu ()m't~rnm<-n1. l,'ll1])} ):.' men at Ii\`in;_-' w;1_;v.- 1:) plan` 1'n.- .. barrvn \\' \\`iH1 (W-u.~' from wI*1i<-'1` `posterity would .-mnur rt-w-nu with which to take care of Lhis m ` dxbtednesrs. 8 rzunus ()1 M) nun-,:a' U1 um: Lnwn. The Ontario Hy(il`0-i`}1(.'CLli<' Pow.-1 Commi.<. \\':xs 0p'])0s(ed only to the distribution plan. A. B. 'I`11o1nvps-.on, Orilliu solicitor, said Ylhcvv \\`:u' no infmion of trespzLssin_2 on Hydro territory and Orillia wa willing to give up the request for tihc right to distribute power, except to town- ships, now served from Omlilm, and to Minden. _ _ Hon. J. R. Cooke paid tr1b_u1_-.- to the efficient and capable administra- -1 LL- n_~n:.. t".\.-.......:.~.-bun knc ..... .._. . uaI\|I|\ L\Il , uu u um I uni.-\|u`\ |l!L.~"` at the home of his }M II 1*}. Sc-ott, '|'m`(mtu. .\l 1'. (':unp- H)(', who xvus born at Wolfe l.:i.'nul '\vcnt to 'l'or0nto when 17 zuul j()ilh`(l the .~'.t.'1fY of ue old Gray and Brum- Rnilway. Later in! trun.s't'(:~rrml to |the Grand Trunk at Allumlule and lived here for mzmy years before p;`0~ ing to Port Autv}m:r. He retired 14 years ago. He was .'I. lifve member of l{um- Lodge, A.F. zmd A.M., Bahr- l`l(.'. Surviving are three daughters, IMYS. `G. C. Allxm. Lofrnv: M.rn_ W Plans of the Orilliu. I-Iy(lr()-I'J1u(-triv Colnnssion to p0\\'m- 2;`; W0rkma.n`.~' I*`ulI;' on Lhv Gull Riv:-r ip Haljburton (`ounty \\'-ru n`nym\'-:1 in principle by Lhw pri\':1"~ l)i|l.< min- nttee i.n thv I.<-gisl:x.tur- on 'J't1e.~;du_\'. ` Tthe z1ppro\'v.1 was gm-n whz-n Orillm` agreed to With(lraw its `rvqur-.s'L I'm the 1'ig`.ht to (li.~'tril)u1,(.~ power wihhm radius of 60 miles of the town. I`I\n nfzurin I-I\rrh`n-l<`.Tn1-l>i:- I nu-.n ORILLIA ITOWER SCHEME IS APPROVED IN LEGISLATURE. to Mmdcn. tribute administra-I (ion of the Orillia Commission, but thought the plan should be refexvred to a. small commission and work the whole thing out. This was agmed. Collier St. unate1churE?II`Amdai REV. E. E.__I,Q.\fG, 13..-\. 11.0. Miss Elsie Clou:`nloy, 01`g:1I1isL Ir, .-\lcx:u1dvp Ixnox. Cl1oinn.'1ste1' Sunday, Mar, 11, 1934 V` 11 am. and 4 1).m.--l{v\'. \V -n.~.. \Hn.\ch1:v L 1!. HI. unu I u.1n.--u\'\. Iv .u, .\lim:sing. 3 p.m.--C1'us:1ders Bible Class. p.m.-Chu1`ch School. THE PEOPLE'S CHURCH Xilnlnnvnn I I by M1`. 1}. 1'. nu'\-u:u_L';. n-unii:\ll.\' invitvd Lu tlxosotl l'4\Jl"LAL'4 0 LI Welcome ! ..._.__._... y Mr. |.*'r_ml (`:n'n1iv.|I.-ml sgmuut Lhvl `\vm-ls n-ml in_(,lulliIu:\\"uud. , ' a\l1~.~:_ .l. Gurim,-', lirm-k SL, was in` '|`umuLu hhiu \\"v1-k. .\Jm'm:m llmmx-1` is \'isi1:-ing' in Una. vilv , 1 I .lu_vd l\l0m`isn.n, 0 I` lTni\'o|'.~`it:_V u 1' ' .'l`m~nnt.u, \':L~4 home for the week` I 1 0nd. \I.... n :!....a.....- 4'....o-.... Qt \ (`IHL 7 Mrs. ll. L}n.x-mun`. (`vc:11t`.n- St., \\'zL.-a`_ in ('-ullin_-.';\\nml for Sunday. : . .\li.<.~'l|-It-11 ;\rlml,1. u|' 'l`m'un.u,} 's}nI1L {Aw \\`(`:`.l( mu! \\`it.l1 hm` p:1r `Inn .Brm'k St. 1 \ .\h'.<. G_ Sm-:n n. I*I.-'su. l{0:ul, v isiL-' ml in (' lzlsl. \Vt'({lH`s(l:l_) . Bliss l)m*uml1_\' Ritldoll, 0.!` 'l`0m.uLu.3 ,:1])\,`H1v Hm \\'m\k vml \\'i1.h In-.1` p:L'n-.nL.~.~ on \Villi:1m St. \I.- ll \l.-\IiHn I\\:\.I\\uu' Inn-.. I-| l`llll(1.\`. k1llllCl`UlXlll(l Db. I Mi. R. Cockbu1-11 has returned 1' 'from 'l'01`onto, \\ she .spenIL Luci; i pz1. week. ` \ I It is `rue .\l'zu'el1 value in like :1` .lz1mb" tilis year, but we uil think it .1 his :1 little early for l"..on-like \\'eu- ` 1 `tIh`Q\l'. It is fortunate that the heavy j ( )'zLir..< have stopped or there would luwe been more damage 1`epo1`ted3 thzxn a few flooded cellzuz`. L:Lte.. ; wez1tl:l-1' rL`po.11.~.s indicate Fresh we. ; ] ,=Lo noithwest winds, local sniow` ; .`u1`1'ies, mostly fair and somewhat 1' _ colder to-night and Fri(1ay. I Fire at Home of C. Firman, `- Centre St. cl Fire broke out at the home of Mr. r 5 and )I`1's. C. Firman, Centre St., on Friday afte.moon last. Mrs. J. I L; Hunter, who \\`z1.< pz1: noticed the ` l_l roof burning; and immerliatlye gave ;` nlthe alzmn. Ho\\'e\'e1', Mr. Firman `j r.:a.nd Ben Ode were able to quench" p, the ames before the fire briqade zuv l ,1 rived. The cause is atributed Lo ,s1)a1'ks ying` from the chimney to` ,t the roof. This seems ra o-her unusual 1. as it happened to be raining` at the j_`time, and it. would be interesting to ;LC1~:11ow just how the spamks mu.nag'c-d -A, to ig*nit.e the roof. The damage was slight. .. l Man! Sunnnr at Rurfnn Ave. UH \V1lllillH OL. Mr. u. Ms-Millin n1uL01':d In-n: Lu` ;spmul the \\`vvk ("Nd with his. p:u'en1-.\. `; .\l1`.~`. G. \\"il.\0n, Ct-Iltru St., .s`",)uni.3 1 Lhe \\\-vk < ml with her d:uI_L:'li`.u1', M 1' ; R. .~\n11xm.~~v, ut; \VvsJ!0l1. .Vlr.<, 1}. Ull`tl1n`1' and Mrs. C.` ']`lmrj11g:Lm1 \\'u1'o in '1'orumu on Fri-. iduy 1:1.~t. 'I .. I4`.- !. 2.... I"`1u_~ .\I' 11:1:-Inn `nu; mm. _ I Tin-, l*Ixcvl.~1or (312155 A _.~\\`v. C11lIl`c`h (_`l1j0_V(`({ :1 .~:'()vi: at the home 01' M1`. and M Jenkins on 'l`l1u1'sdu_\' lust. Ru.~`s Im\\'n 11:15 gone I:11l.~'. \\'1n~1'e ho cx1)cn-is to 1 Lin: 11-xt two months. `H... \-I (\nin.1..n L` .-nu E. LONG, B..~\. ? Minister 1 Lloyd Tufford, Organist and Cl`-m:<; mnstcr. : Sunday, Mar. 11, 193-: | 11 z1.m.--'l`hv Szu'1':unvn'. of the Lord's Supper_ I 3 p.m.-- 1`]1e`c.h Sclznnl. I '7 x)11,~-T114 Ministor. `, L-Ht: next two mulwus. | .\1r.<. M, Quin:1zLn is $])CI1dil1j the-3` \\`int-1- with her .\Ir.=. S. B. Hinds. (`mncrblxmd St. 11. . 1.` {`n.l.-Inn-n I111: vnfun-n.w] `uuuuh L-quzu. ` In all t\\'e11ty-foul` pupgls mam" the trip, and zunonp: tvhvm tlmy ct.-2'-% tninly the play in Lao; railway <-ouch gzoing both wuvs, even: tlmugrh the p]zLym`.s' were (lumpclmdg in <-n)11L1. or .\`011H`Lhill`. ,' on tiny `rr-tm'n jnurnr-y. R(*])0)'tS that tlwrnl -is an outlm-:Lk of \\'<.-I.)-1'(.w:t among ltlwm is t-m'pl1:Lti(-nlly denlt.-(I. A1l:unlu1(:--(loul. Clzuultr Md'nr:1v; I.l,.6`....,... I.` .. Y..I`...... \Vl\I .. A, ll('ll`ll('l`, l',l`l(' l4(~l:(.'Zl pl!".m1, Doug`. Hill, "\\'im.-;.<, lit-rt (losm-y, Vt-mun Sharp:-_ Mm `J:u~l< Hill; (Juntn: `IHIIL. `1AA" 1`. FORMER ALLANDALF. DAII D(\AI\E Willimn C:1n1])ln-ll, :Lm- 80, rvur-'-(I `ruil\\':n_\' mmluctor, (lied on 'l'ht'..'.:(l:1y lrL~:` I:1u1.rl1lrsr, }Mr.'. S4,-011, .\lr. (Yum; ,_ 1h..lI wlm Iunu hm... ..+ I.xr..n`.. 1.: 1 v I nunvu n7nvupI', .uUl'll'_\ l\,l('IHLl`(l.\'()l1, .I:u-Ix (M-11tI'us. Vic R(`yn0Mn', hllw .\IcBri (ivorxru l-Iun.. HI`I'M`:-1'--Bl`ll('(5 Cook. (`.ollin;:wou gnu. ourvnvung are Lnrcu uuugmtcrs, Mrs. G. C. Allan, Lcfroy; Mrs. W. W. Brown, Toronto, and Mrs. H. E. Scott, Toronto, with whom he made his home. vL~io1' of c11_]r_>_v1-(1 .~:'(n-ial u 2 and .\`11's_ I`l~.. l.n.4~ 1I4l._4I`\lVlJI`\l.lT. RAILROADER PASSLS rzuly Iu:I|.l3(l. ul, c-(}r.~zu', Nm'm`:m Ap- Iill, Fwd Rzlymm; m-y, B0l)l)Iu Dixml, ;\l I{i('11:Lrd.\'m1, H-nu \7u .. l).nvnn!,l. Uommumon Service. At the I\lid\\'ock Svn'icx- on .\I;u`ch 14th. :11 S p.m.. thx` (li:'\'ll&\`i1)ll on V\'h.'1t Lhu Uhurch Means to Me," will bx` lvd by Mr. D. 1*`. .\[\'(`vll:Li.,". \'.m -n-.- mmii.-\ll\' in\'ih`d 1.11080. Newsi w. II `no B u'1*lc s 1 i 1'.2n1ui1~. for I" Burton` L`\'(`l1i.ll_a.',` \- W A D0110; Barrie V L' ! H. .\I01`edith 1 xvncf ' 1\.T II .0 \ '1 3 '1`\wnt_v now :u)pli are to be coxlsitlon.-d at the Old A;,:- Pension Bond, \\2l1.ic'l1 1m :-L.: cou1't'l1~m1sc on 1\'Iun(luy` l\'1a.:'. 12At1h. in the county I ,` The Col`lup;intu sltudwnts pvcscntctl Lin: play (Ilcun Sport" at the Sul- '\mHnn A1-nu! Hnll nn '1`|n\.urI:|.v ninrhi: LIN.` [H-'ly "\lL`(LIl D[)-Uufb ill: LIN`, Dill- `Wutioxl Army Hall on 'I`uu.~'xlu.y night Ho an :lp|)'l`l'.('i2l.ti\'(,` 1LU((`ll1'4,`. Piano `.<-Ix.-(:'.i_>n.~: wvrc given by Kenwick [Watkins and Ang:u.~: Ross. ,. L\\U |)il[H'x.` \\\'l" :.',l\\.'Il, UIHT Uy n1I'.~i. , Lo}.-':u1 on l.1`g l>`l1lllll`U and one by `.\lr.~'. link:-r on ()l(l Ruonls fovy Nw.-w. "l"m:n- \\':1< quilv :L l<-,n_;-`tl1y dimzusslo-11 _on tdw .\lusic:L1 IN-. to be held `in the`. 'l`x-mplc on Mu_v_l?~'Li1. ,'l`v;L \\`:l.\` xx-r\` i by Lhv l1()s"m,-.s's, us- `.\'l'.*11('(l by Hrs. Dv zmd Mrs. 1105.-':m. 'lh(` April 1ncu.dn;: zuul un- |1vu'.1l v1~ction ml" o!I'u-cr.s' will be held -in mu l,ibr111`\' H211}, I 'J'lu~ iIl:ip('t'L(H' of UM,` C'hil(."1'cn's Aid `-Society this wutrk received an appli- tvutiun In zulupt. :|. girl from the Shul- Ihur limm 1mm-nts 01' Llxmu uhildI'('n `Kin lmn (TiL_\', Utah, U.S.A. . _. .-,.....- 1 'F.`hv 1'<').',`l|Iill`<,-_' of Up ll:u'2i<: 1W'om<'n'.~4 lnstitutu \\':1. In-Id :).L the ` |1mnv ol' ;\lr.~`. l.:mIhi<-_ 2:5 lx:`ui.<.:1 St, 1011 'l`Lu-miay a1'tm'nuon. 'l'\\':11Ly-six mm-min-2.4 :1I1.<\n-1-ml thu mil call by ",;`i\'in_-_,-' hints on .~:prin;;' }l<)Ll.\"('1`:l'Iil\_L,". "l.`\\'0 |)2l[h'{.< \\'t-r<- j.L'i\'(.`ll, mm by Mrs. `L0.L':Lll i.\`l1lllll`U Mrs ll:Ikm- (HI ()h| l\ nmn.\' Yum N`.-xv For S'.Llc--.l00 acres, good clay loam, south half of lot 10. Con. 5, llmisl; [nick house, good barn and pig pen. Apply )1. J. l<`1`u\\`lu_\`, Barrie, Ont. A `rink of Barrio boys reached the fulnls in L110 Junior 'l`ank:1rd computi- 411021 plum.-I in 'l'oront;o Ellis \vcL-`k, bu! j\\'e1'e oL1tcIz1. by an Orillia rink` Rzlwritu in NH Hr`-1 "llhll 1]:-{'1-n.'4~1I 11 would be i-njerestiiig to know how Barrie got its name. Barrie, `and also 21 village named Ba.1`1`icel(l, `near Kingston, Ontario, were nameci :ufte1' Comm~o Robert Barrie, who was . < t211.iOI1c(l at King`srton during the `\\':11' 01' 1812-14, and for some year: after. In 1828 he proceeded by way I of Lake Simcoe on a tour of inspec- tion of the nzwul depots of the Great La.kes_ Allandale was firs`? named Barri: Station on the completion of the Huron, Ontario and Simcoe Railway (now C.N.R.) to this point in 1854. 3 When a spur was constructed to Bar- the name was changed to Allan- in honor of Hon. G. W. Allan, owned land in this vicinity and 21 friencl of those who prolnoted constructed the railway. Komnnnf'olrli`. Rnv '21.: 112*n1orl luv fl: BARRlE BOYS LOSE IN ` JUNIOR TANKARD FINAL ;\\L`l'U ULlLL'Jil.`bl'(l Uy ?.Ll| Ul'l1lliL flllh` Bum-ic in the 1'.~'L i'0UH(l (lcfc-:1L<:d ; 10 to 9, and in the second grouml (li.~'p().~`\.-(I of Cobourg` by 1:1 1-0 ` 1: d. pun}. VT. Ty1'e`1'... I1. 4`V1L'I'L'(ll .M. Knox ` T I`.-min ,i Assize Court on Tuesday, Jus- Jefuy gwzmted 21 decree nisi in :4 action for divorce brought by 1`Howard J0.~'(:ph Hopkins, Wanbau 4` shone baker, against his wife, Har- I.` Elizabeth Hopkins. Louis Laten- v(ll`CS>' \\`as named as co-respondent. `The custody of the three children be decided later. The Hopkins \\'(:1`0 married on May `t`.-,. .lf)`25, and lived top,'ether for lclgli year. They have three chil- (lron, 21310 '7. 4 and 2. Hopkins was . of his \\'il'e s conduct and July last l(.-arned that she had made m'ra11g*oinents to go out with another man when she kn(:\\' he was be awziy. On the evening of July `1/1H1 hrn and Alhnvl` Wnehv ml"-11-frul LBARRIE I f`f`|! . ....\..,....,_ ....a.. ....\.u 1 ,`1/lth he and .-\H)0rt Fostw st:11'1;(-(1 E i away, intending to go to O1'i11a_ They, [,;howc\'L-2', parked on tho BIL1u\\'zu`2er glmighxvay zmd went up 11 lznze, whore fth-r.-y lay in wait. About 11 p.m. :1 stop~p0d near them and a man woman got out. Coming: 11-2111:1- unz1wa.1'e, Hopkins, wi`:`n Foster, cztme upon Mrs. Hopkins and Luton(I1'0ss lying` in the 5,-'1':1>`s. Latontiress said '1`h<- \\`;1.< .:m;r_\' to be found this way, I but man 1,. tr V I E Vn.t1.m' (-nvrnhnr:1f'nr1 1.1111 nvuln-n nt- 5! in Ihv On1.:u'i0 Reform- _|utm_v by .\I:u:i.~'tr:|tv J1-{Ts S:1tu1'dz1y _im0rning in local police cnurt, i'm' the ;?,tl1(`f't of :1 purse and n`thm' articles lltukvn from the (-hoir clmxk room 0! "()ri|Iiu ll.-mti.~t Chm'('11. _, On Sunday (evening, Feb, 25th, Lhc ,}lzu-(-11. Wmpputl into the ()1"?Iiz1 Bap- "Itint (`hu1'('h In-Fm-(-, thv .~'o1'vivv. Ho. ]i. to Lhv m;::u1 1'02 u fvw min- utvs uml Lhvn \\'on`L mm 1111' choir ' .. I... a..n...,| ._.:u. u.,. ._. ma... I|~n DR. SIMPSON CLAIMS TWO MILLION DEFICIT U.IlU l'U'HSL1'|.lCLL`[l l/Il`(.` J.`?.lIl\\E1-y. Kempenfeldtt. Bay xv-.15 named by `Lieutenzmt-Governor Simcoe in honor Rea1'-Admiral Richard Kempenfelt, u 1718-1782. `DIVORCE IS GRANTED WAUBAUSHENE MAN nnu uru L\I Illl' \n_L:iLll II)! it ll`\\' llllll` Hum. \\'}u-1*- hv tulkwl \\'iH1 the c'.11'0- mk:-r. Hv :1mm:u'v(l to be i111uro.s't`c(| :in the uhurx-h, -:0 hv \\'a.< slmxv. |l]n'ml}4`h tzhn Suml:1_\' Sc'h00I. S-r1n,., Ia pimm, hv :|.: 1(':l\'v to plzly. Com- ling Inwlc into thu (-`Io.-1k room he said his nm1rhnv.- \\':1s to sin}: in the clmir that evcnim: um] hv rvqtxustucl that 111- he 2l()\\'('(1 tn . in the 01021.1 ` rnnnv "HUNT. Af.t`e'r churoll Mrs. Ar('.hio Jzunk -.m nlisw-(1h1m`purs-, w`h.i('h com;\in<`d $7.75, and oLh:-r of 1.110 rlmir ('Un1])]:lilH'(l of lo.s"im.-: w(-arimz, zlppm-r-I. A thm0ug`h .x'u.'1`rc`h xvas m:l(I- for Lin unu.~'u:v1 vi.-zitm-, who w:1.~' fuuml wru-;_:istom~(l at the Royal 110101. In Iris ])0('k()`L*1 was found a mi. (-ullq-('t.ion of m'ticle.:. l`.lum- \\'(-1'1` suvrmll men's scarves, a r'nnm1u"t. <'i1.:'m`ct`tcs, gloves, etc When his ov(er.<'.hoo.s wcm rctmovcd Lhv purse was found with the $7.75 :~;fi'l-1 in it. \HT1nn nlunvfinnnt-I `kw 4`11n (WI-H2: S'|`H In H}. When questiorrlotl by the Orillia police, Ch-wmbcrs gave a false name mud :ul(h~ess and denied evc-rytihing he was am-used of until he faced the facts, when he admitted the uhefts. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE RIE NAMED AFTER COMMODORE BARRIEFIELD Final um 1'. '1`. Phillips J. Miron D. McNal) R_ I{(:11.m:`(1y `J1;-; .\'(n'tl1c1'11 Advance Dr. L. J. Simp. Ccmre Simcoe :-1 member and nzmcial critic of tlltm Liberal pu1't.y for Ontario, . in the Legislature 'l`uusLluy_. said that" instead of having a surplus for 1.).j:'. ` \\'lllL'l`s ilu; Govcrnlncnt c.i'.Limcd, there; was in reality a decit of over two` million. He c.l`.arg'cd that the Gov-` ernmcnt had a.rrzu1g`cd its bookkccp- ing to bring about a fictitious suim plus. On orclinary accounts alone, exclusive of relief expenditure, Lhcl p`1'0\'ince actually had a decit of . 5: nnn 01-illia. 3111",. coLLEii{ an uc--p:u1>;op win}:-;o1>:n;uo:o Barrie Junior Girls vs. Collingwoou Juniors On Szxlunlay nig1ht; hhc Collim, wood jLll1i()l'S c.m:u down L. pizxy tux,- I'n';L ;::uno 01' L\\o for the Gco1';.;E:.:1 buy cn:unpi(msnip. 0 (Zollim.-;wood got Llu: r.-;.` bzLslu.-L. 'l'l1m-n H:n'rin gm. uH(!. 'l'h(:.1 Culling-` wood .scuH:\'l '.1_L;':Lln, and u_:.,zLin i$.;z' rim: c:\`<:n<.-(I it, up. At the (.-lid of L.1\ lirst qu:u`L(-1' 1.:x(- scorn '\\'l..~; r;-(; nu: Colli1ng\\`ood. In the flrsl. 1.-1;.v_'m Lzn. l1L(:.s' it looked as if \"inlL()l'.~ wcn- ..-ux-. \\'i11m:.1'.s, but in 1.111: .+u(:01:d <,'uzu`.... B:u'1'it: bugun to scum zuui Liar: ;,-um \\;1.s never clusu u.H.m' Lhut. 'l'};`:,- Iinn scorn xvus 32-20 for the Bzunu and tlu-y lutvta z; 12 point. loud Io thus rrlnrn -rznm-_ ...x._, ....... .. 1:4 ,,......, A`..u.u AU , .|111(, }`(:LLll'l\ gz1mc._ \ Two 01' the (Jollin;:wuod 1'm\v:uti. 3 were much tzuiu Llxzm. the Baum. g'u'.u'd.x', but 11. j1`u\.v, M. Vuir am` M. Webb hold thum well and bmkn,` I I?- nn I1. .u....|.n..1i,.:. '\Y.. .\'l. \'1(3UU HUIU LlH.`lI1 VVUU 2.l.ll(l UFUKL up Llwir conlbinution. .\1c.-ml Jinn :L 1'dn'U.lle /and U`(;\'(:l"].(:y Si:mmun.s' did the .a'cu1'in;," for 1. -urriuv \\'J1"l(.- ;\1yr`n. 1"osLt.-1' plu.y<:d '4 nice;,-` gun... (}<)Ili11g\modhus not Haul 21 girl.- tuum in the 1:lz1)-01i': Ior .s<.-vum! yours, but under Lhc coucmng 01 Fmnk 'i'(.-sk_\,~', the girls .~;u1`(.- knou Llu-iy bu.~;l\u'.-ball. 3:: vi-in inninr (I`iI`l< Vi Il'|lL)\Y 1.|1n- ` I/lll`lj' l)iL.`})\UrU' 5 llurric junior girls will play the rm.-L.L1.u gunu: in Collingwood t Fri- day night, while the sr:niio1- y;irJ.= will` meet. Owen Sound in u .~:ud(lcn (IL-u`.l;: gu.1m.- on the same lluor 'li1(: min , night. if the Ba.1'1'ic tczun: are sue-' cc-.~:.'l'Lv1 they will go Lo Toron-0 tln,-v folluwmg Friday to compete for thc .C.0.S.S.A, c1w.mpions.hip. I Pu m-in linn-1n';.._Wnr um ml: \l ! ll K4-\).D.D..`l, CIIELJXIJIJJUIISIIIIJ. .-M1-ic line-up--Fo1\\'u1'ds, M 1 Ric11zLrdson (145), B. Simmons (1-3;,` l\I. Fsober, D, Mclinight, Ii. Scott ` g'uzu'd.s, H. Crew, M. Vair, M. We-bb,I C. Seitz. ' l_3.C.i.` vs, Barrie ) .111 the Uollcglatu gym last Fridu; mght the two lrwal teams met in one of the most interesting ganlcs ox fhn cl--.1nn Tlarx furn fru.nh< \\`n1-n ha`! h i UHU UJ. LIIU l1lU.Su 1lllaUl`l2L1Ug SMIIIUD U1 ] the sea.son. The two teazns were both out for the fun 01` the game, and u.lt2h0L1g;h two 01` B.C.I. s high .3-corh.g i'or\\'ards were 1101. present, they played 13 men to Bzu'rie'.s 10. .. The town team won 35-15, but the` score was so close up to th).`-.'c- quarter time that one could not tel`| who would win. To watch the plug it didn t look like an exhibaion gzunc, for every tme the school team scored, the tuxvn came back \\'1L.'. another basket. All through the) rs: thtree-qua1'te1's the Collegiate` lads kept the score even, but in the last ten minutes he Barne team seem ed to break away and ulmos; doubled! Hm: -:r-nvn I CU. L\ tlm ..=__..._-.-_ N :5 m IE>.JE;'4\i{ REV. l0U|S PICKERI NCr MINISTER me score. _ The scoring` was very even, withi all the 1'orwar(ls on b0t11_si(l0s ne. I: Ling shots. R F`. T__Tnr-1: 'l`nrM_ nnmr, Huh" I 1111}; SHOES. B.C.I.--Jack Todd, Doug. .\IL;i1'" Frank Muir, I-I_\'l1iard Chappell, Gar- butt Smith, Fred Norris, O.:L'J.z Chappell, lay L-i\'ing'ston. Perry Mu lntosh, Ed. Bartlcy, Bill Sutcliffc. John Rooke, Dave .\I.cCu11.`oug'h. "Pnuvn Hill .Qfrnt~11:n1 T?nv Qfnw.-\' oonu uooxe, uzuc n1-L;\.u11uugu. To\\'n-Bi1l Strachv.n, Roy Storey,` Bert Fell, Ken. Miller, Gordon Wood.` Archie 'l`homp. Bill Hare, Victoxi Knox, Roy Lee. i Monday night three more games" were run off in the school basketball` schedule. The winners of 1.11es.:! were the Stu~p.s (captained by Juhf" R00-kc), The Hot Sparks (czxptained by Bill Long`) and I-110 Live Y rs (cap 1 tained by Ernie Iiyzm. The R0;.g`r, Riders played two games, ag`z1inst 13.; : Stups and the Live Yrs. I In Hm l`.\'f srmnn tho Sf.11n.~: ('01; btups anu LDC mm 1 rs. In the rst gszune the Stups cor. :~1sLC11t1y \\'z111-'r.*.`. all over thc 1{ou:'=1` Ri Don. Bow-rlvy \\'z1s 1.11:1; only scoring threat. H1: . -1 poims of the Rough Ridvrs 5. F4; Lhu Stups the .\TCOl`(:l`.< \\'('l"` .\IcC.xi~l lough 6, C. G. Smith G, T_\'r0r /1 Him: 4. Final sco-ru 20-5. |DZlLlll'UZ|_\' 101' .\'(`llL('lll'L'. i In local police court Sz1t1:nl;.;:] morning: Chzunbers said he had been given suspended .~:cntence .~"0ntcm'0i- in l,4ovmlo`n :2. year ago. He also szudl he hzul bvvn ngvr-printed in 1:10! States and deported to Car.-:1du Rrrfn-v-n rrivinvr 1'1nhrn1nn1' \1:w`i.<-. I-Iv :1}1p<-:11'c(l lm1'o1'c Mz1}.1'ist1`a Le Jcifs m Orillia police court Monday and cmnlnittcd 10 B:1.1`)`i0 3.:ao1 to appear SzLtu1'd;|_\' for . ntuncc. Tn Inn.-.1 -r\I\1:r1(\ nnnv+ Q-\C'|-.-.1: .. E . u ` K Dl.zil.L(,`.\' dH(l (lL`I)Ul'Ll.'(l LU k.rZLn'El(liL 13o1'n'ro giving jtxdf.-'n1m1t. .\lug:i.<- tmto Jc`s pointed om that the mat- er of suspcx1ded smnmu-u in this case boro out his st:1tun1o11t mzuiv . days b(-fore Hhnt f1equentl_\' those g1i\'l`l1 . . \\':Llk out, the door and with :1 sh1'u_2' of their shoulders think they are free and 1'01,-,`-t that thc,-_\' h:1\'o been sun tom-t-(I. I-Io hoqwd that .~'.in('c the Lri:Ll.. would turn up in the bo_\".< l':1\'o1`, but. a-\'m'thin-g,` pointed in tin` oppositv directi(m. The boy had 110\\' cn.m':~d two (':hl1I`('hCS and rob- bt-tl tho clot.hin_x: of those at prac- ticum 'l"hut t-vri.-i11ly brzm(h`~d him as a p-ickpocket. With that in View he imposed :1 st-ntoncc of not less than three and not nwro. nu:-. ~1.\ month` in tho O1171L1`i0 R0f0x'm:1t0`.'y. 1.. r`1m...I\...-.' um-L-n+ u-nu 1'nn*nd nn LHFCC .1H(1 1101. Ills./[(3 LlI:'. ~|.\ xnuuun 1 In C11mnbm's' pocket \\'z\.~: found an old tuhlv knifv Inzulrr into :1 knife uxml by pivkpockcts to rip open coat poukvts on the street or in n c1't)\\'d. Tho blzulv was cut :40 that Llve point haul :1 \'L`l'_V sharp hook on it. I~`ntHnu-in-v~ Mm s"1':1tD .T0iT.~" iuda:- mu! sharp noon: 11;. l"nIIlm\'in}_~' Mm.-'is"1':1t(` .T0'.< judg- nwnt, (`011st:1l)l(-s B2L1'1`z1clo11;.':h and \V:1ll of York County \\'vr(.` on hand to take Chzlmbors to Richmond] Hill. \\"hc'm he is wanted for theft, from `he United Chtrrch there. It is Clitilllvd that he walked into the chun`('h there one Sunday mornning and sat around Minging with a group of boys. That morning: them was :1 . speztke-I` mm] the Richmond Hill people thougwhtv he was with the evzLn}:c-list. '1`Lhe boy lingered back when the rest went into the chwurch and as soom as the choir were seat- ed he went thnrough their overcoat pockets, taking` several scarves, a. pair of goloshes, some cash and several pair of gloves. `He wlso molested the or_2`:\nis1s':: music and took the key to the Sunday Scfnool. p1'U\ IIICU i 5428.000. "rho Q1 ! BASKETBALL ii New Chevrolet Commercial Cars `C0lnm(n`(:la.l (-2125 with 2: wide range 10 IHQCU -En`) H._rl*LlCl[)2LLL`(l H(.'2lVy UL` mzmd for t1`uoks'- in 1934, Chevrolet i is (l`isplu.yin;,: three distinct lines of of lmdy t,_vpes, designetl to meet ininuty per cent. of all r<,-quiremenL.~'. I ;in The eld. The 1934 lines are all equipped with 3. new szpecial truck 1 <:np;in<.-, inert-:)..~<:(l ]m`.'.`e1'1: and are-u.t(:r torque, and l;i1(.'l`(: are} numerous mt-<-hanical .'mprovem_,m.s; i-n fi':m1e.<, bi`ukr:'~; and L)'ZLll`n`l1llS>2lf)I1. '. '.l'.h<.- first lint: <'on.s'i.L of ttmmnc,-i'<:iul.` cur iJ0(il(5.s' of hall? on ('u])u(:ity, on 21' \\'rhm-llmse 01' 112 in('h<.-.-. 'l":.A 0`u:1(:l` lines are (me and one-half ton i.,l'Ll(`l\ \i and two-ton trucks, re~:'per:L1vel_V. mil both 131-inch uml l:';7-inch \\`}-l!.'[.`!`4 hu.~: and the ilvt:-`O11 .'~'f')lli-l.l`LLli('l'. I I ! The next game was between t |Jun1or teams, `une Hot Sparks and 1 fiunmcats. Play was ;1:.z;; men u lspite the fact that the Cars o..1y `r gfour men on the oor. The score V I6-2 for the Hot. Sparks. Tn Hm. nal r.-`mnp nf Tho ovnn 'D'L. . 101' L118 I10} Dpi:ll'Ab'. ` In the final g-:2m1e of the e\'em11.' `the Live Y further u:es.~:ed up thv nu.-ct the anticipzxtctl heavy dr.:- g` The Chgvrolet special truck niotor I For ` l!)f{A (`.hnvvn1n1`l is nnfA1w`nrhhv for HR `now rnnvinn- also to BELLEVILLE, BROCKVILLE. COBOURG, CORNWALL. DETROIT, GUELPH. GANANOQUE, GODERICH. HAMILTON, H.-XRRISTON, KINCARDINE, KINGSTON, KITCHENER. LONDON, LISTOWEL. MORRISBURG (station for Dr. Locke s Clinic), NIA- GARA FALLS, OSHAVVA, O\VE.\' SOUND, PAL.\IERSTO;`~", PRESCOTT, SOUTHAMPTON, STRATFORD, SARNIA, VVINDSO1-1. Attraction--Toronto, Mar. 9--Toronto Skating Club Carnival. Cent-a-Mile Round Trip Bargain Fares -I1'l\'I"-I\A'r'r -lirn-Inna:-I--r f\ n -can-In-I-.1--I-I n E.\ICL11`SiO11 tickets sold froni ALL STATIONS Burk s Falls and snufz; `.0 Aurora, including Midland, Penetang and Meaford b1`.1nch lics. Consult nearest Agent for fares and train service to any point. I-nu-r-Q pxnuvg--any --_----p4-;--4- q.:o.uUU. The Simcoe members suggested that '.he Go\'ern1nm1t accept the re-` signation of Rt, Hon. .-\.rt:I1ur Me-ighen` am! Hon. J. R. Cooke from the Hy-1 dro Conunission and replace them with men not iied to a 3; political party. I4 fhnru nnv w-n u'11v mw Ar-h+