9 Feeding Opportunity .-\r.-<'mvdin:`o A. A .\I:u-Mil`: Dominiun hive Stock Brzuu-`.1. t':. is an tzxcs-lont upprrrtllvlily for __-3"-., o nfammers in'- the vi:-inity of ronto, I\"lon't.nc:1|. 0`t:1\\`:1, Winni}: Moost-. J;-.w. Szlskzxtnzm. R~_ Prince Albert, Calg.-::u'y and Edm ton. if tho)` could be iHtl`1`Y`.~`t`(l lamb feeding. Af `Ir-m_-n nnin{< .-n ~ll'H:l" 0" V` . st 0 much it. The lu. 4.|. .\ - l'U_\ \:h 'll\"`.', ;i11 felt that . and `who attL'1`x(`.`(l .~'e\ieml of. the 11ie(ztli1i_ -`his: 1)\'L;`\`..L. x .-eemore. Ul1l1'L1`O0l1, :5L,a3 (`ool<.~' own and Loretta. The average J.ttCl1I_lz1l1(`l: per nieetine; wag thiity-t\\'o. Consi the <-xtremr: cold \\.'eat:he1- and unlavorable road (-o:: ti`.o. in L`l`l211".!'C of Lin; such an zuttenzl :m<':e v.`a.< remarkable. The A.~':=oeiation is _L"l`(.``cl`l_V indi,-bl; o Di. S. R. NIel{el\'e_V. Beeton, Dr. F, 12. l\'Iax\\`t"ll, -\llandale_.' Ctl and ;:'a\'e valuable advice in C`0I1nQ(.'~ Lion with the eradication of infectious L1l)0`l'-l0ll and 'l`.B of cattle. The .-\.<. was also fortunate in be ing able to secure the services 01 Dr. V. Brown, of the Onrtaurio Veter inary College, Guelph. Dr. Brown ll(l(ll'0.~ SC(l all of the xnee*in;.g,';s held nuri115.': the second week and took for .~:ubj<.-ct The Warble Fly and -How it Could be Contolled." Consid `third of the annual - taken co-operatively. = Fly Po '\'(l('l'_ erable interest is being taken in the control of this pest, wliieh causes a loss of approximately $223,000 to the farmers of Simcoe County an i nvually or an amount equal to one! taxes paid b," fan'me`1's. V The first district; to make a move of this kind in South Simeoe is thel dis.t-rict known as Scotch Se"-tllem-e-nt. At the meeting held there a commit- ee of three men, namely, R_ F. Can`-s cadd-en, C. Melbourne and W. G. Faris, \\'a.~; appoined to o-rganize the farmers in such a !`.`..'1I1`l1C1` that th.-- \va.s'l1ving 01' the backs of the cattle to destroy -he \\arble will be under- The material.- used are derris, soap and water, and anyone interested can puirehase the DL`l'1`lS and soap already mixed from any dlu2,`_`.'fi.~-. It is knio\\'n- Wa-rble l`nere is a poss'ibil1t_\'i that lnnisl to\\'n:~ihip may follow 21] similar plan, a.; two int-etin:_".< are l)<-- ` lllf_-' held this \\'ei-k to eompl-eve th-.. o1',;`a1iizatie2:. and :1 l`t'([ll(! has al | r(~nd_V been i`('L'(`l`. (`(l from 1h-cr Iaxni l urn nu-ar Sin:.:'l1ainpton for some as l A .4lf'.('(: in ()l"":Hli'/lllf-' :1 i A1-ill -n-. . I })iLl'\. iI ' g cattle ` `nx-nun. . L'\ U11` I down. \\ U Govc A V... UL L1 .LULlU\\lI1` j S wioud, 'I`ot.tL-n-1`: `ton, Coulso*n(.- H i r.~.~.,..,. r<..,.,. ., {VV ARBLE FLY AND ABORTION I 3 DISCUSSED EN S._ SIMCOE} uxuuu L(`. Ill tion of rr-zurt Li1i.~: bull:-tin. New low round trip fares now in effect (approxinmtcly 20% under previous fares) offer choice of routing, both ways via Vancouver. both ways via Chi- cago. or going one wnv rmnrn .....u.uvcr. pom via going way, return- ing the other. Choice of lines beyond Chicago. Reduced sleep- ing car fares. Tickets good to return within 12 months. F_LD|DA fjzlcksonvillc, Tampa. St. Peters- urg, Palm Beach, Miami. Con- vcnicnt connections are made for all Florida points via Detroit or Buffalo. Full paI'n'cz(.lars from any agent , -gyy Summer's most allur churms await your con . . . refreshing breezes . sunlcisscd beaches . . . u golf, riding. bathing . (.0 CU! xr-etmgs (~unt_\' Li V-.inHn.. .~ .(121y. 1 Honda 4H,. (`m IEJLIUII ` L I)`; l :1-fold. I.a;~7hIle},*, 4 * for Sou` l\41 1-` -.\.uI.. U11 pastu1'0s I lll'.*`.' Lxy, Jan. mH.\.~~.`u..~ ~51` DERI\ CY DPT ' . DL."~.'l,UIl, J. YIUTH` [E11, Scotuh Settlement. ore, Duntroon, SL215 I nnzl T.-n~n+-A '1`?-... ost alluring coming 2 breeze: , ` u.L".`L`Il EVE.` S10CK ;'(:;i by the Simcoe . fmpz'o\`(.-nmnt As """:t to 21 close last 1.-<~ti:1;:.~' commenced 12th, and were held pizu-es: Chxurchill, DI D.rW`f*nn 'I"1m-~.-.. AV\J F TION icu1tu:':1J repre- Simcoc. reports 1:1..ec-n live stock ln-- -ur\ Q~.v....... __'h_phe1n Advance ;Jic.1e.:ai 1934 Plowing Match I Accepting" the invitation of Ymkj Counrty plnwmen, the 1'c<'(.-11` con" tion of the Ontario I lo'.\'men s .\< I so<:iu`.io:1 decided to h0\l(l its z.n11u11l match :11 ;\I'2u'yVale next October. I : that the first plowing lwmnn m Lhe Yo-rk distriet was l1-id exucly one hundred years ago. site will be the 550-acre fz11'n1,` Mary'.'ale, owned by F. I , O Can-I nor. Hundreds of plowmcn, inclu(l-l ing many with intetnatiomxl repuut--,. tiou.~:, will participate in the c0nLe,at.: ;_ which will include every class of tractor and team plowing. I v Thir`.-een pow cent. of all the cases 01' tub0v1`cul0-.~'i.s admitted to the Sick Chi1d1'en s H0>'1)it.'.11 are sf bovine o1'i;,riz1 derived from L1npusteurizc(i milk, and all such cases come hon`. outside the city. \Anm.. ' v...,.,..... ....., ...._y. When muni<.'ipa.'1itic.s can protect Uhcmsclvcxs fnom milk-borne di.<-:L~e by the simple process of heating the milk to 140 to 145 degrees F:~Li1I`0l]ilLli`. and 'hni(iin,2' it there for :1 limited iTJ:.i'iO(i Of Linw, if. ch--nmr.... Fl :-1+ | luuu umuuiny, l'L Mu:'L'e I01` llmliled p,-..-iod of time. it seems st1'z1ii~g'-0 that there should be any opporsiiion to this p-1`0c<*s.<. As to the cllange in the food value of the milk resulting from pa. investiga- tions in the feeding of animals and cliildrcn lmve cl0z).rl_\' shown that cl-e\'uLi0n of Leinper-.1`.ure (loos not alixmrscly 2.fT the nutritional V .-tlue of the milk in any way; it (loos, on tho 0`Il1e1' lmml, make it absolutely s:.1l'c-. 'l`l1u(,- time would, tlio1'o.f0r<-, ap- . ~-- ""-`rv*r`=Fj?;_vj;?,i?:.Ffi:i:7,i JJ MILK PASTEURIZATION At Home Care of the Hen. .\'aturuI incubation is still us:-d 1.): temsively o-n the farm, for (he hum <-an do good if she is properly ]OU1\'-(i after. How-ver, if the hen is to b: used for incubation, see that she 2). Tail` ('h.'m('t-. R4-r Q-nvnn--wl --4 "'(-)4? Advertise what you are doing. Advertise what you are going to do Advertise to holdliyour old trade Advertise-- to get new trade Advertising is not a cure all" Advertising is iapreventative Advertising should be consistent and persistent Remember Do'you visit the stores in Barrie and make enquiries before you purchase out of town? The Dollar spent in town may work for you again but a dollar speni elsewhere never does Juast give the local mercharits a chance to supply your daily needs and special; purchases Advertise in the ,,,, . .-, ...~...,..wu.., ncu L.uu.L sne gem: 21 chum-L-. S431; s'evc:':-.| 2U 21 time in (:I<::m I1<..~=ts, prefelvmbly in 41 sep- arate room or colony house. See that ` they are free from lice, put for.-(I zLm.i1 water in the pens, and p:1 vc 1h(:m well` scIv(:1wl '-s-'x:.v. By t(`Sti'I`lf. ,' out the un-, ' ' N255 it may be p0:<:-'ihI0 `(,1 tmnsfr-.1` the 1'e2nz1in(hm' frbm three; }`.('i`.'.< to two and return the him to} the laying qL1zn't0`rs. When the (-.hic1\.- awe hatuhcd it may be that one hen can tukv <-:1r<- of them all. Krwp tin -1 mothwr and her brood :u\':1_\' from} thv 1'o. 0!` th-r: flock. in :1 .~':mi urj." CUOYL {H1 (']l~:1n (rvnlnnl F pear to be opportune for 1nukin_e_' 1 pa:-tuLx.1`izaLio'11 of milk compulao particularly in zihe Ia1~g-er c3`.~2t,:L--.4, the interest of public health :1 safety, 11' {Inn-': hnf _~.-mun i.. h.-. J`..:.. .i :u..Luuy, 11; does not seem to be fair `(nut innocent children and other member.-.~ of the commun.it_\-' should be . ed to (1i.soases whicl1 can be readily comrollcd and have been controllr.-d in hundreds of 1m1nic.ipaIitic.< \.'I1(.-ru p:m.tcuv'ization has been enfoq-ced. [KENNEDY RINK LOST IN ' WRIGLEY TROPHY r=1m..z W. H. Kennedy's rink 1'c-aclurd LL:o. semi-nal round of the VV1'ig'ley 'l`rop'hy at the Toronto curling: bon- spiel, but me`. defeat in the nal \'.'it'!: l'C. E. Robins, Toronto, 11 to (5, GO!) Rnhin- n}: n9 1L.n,.4...... `U. L. nomns, Loronto, 11 to b . Goo_ Robin-.~:on's rin!-: of Pom-tum; czxptum:-d the North Alncricztn L11 ;- Trovp`h,\', and also the Sca,4'mm Trophy. t.i1e` Laoxfy, I M; In , Ln aml _..\....\.:._y. Mm, W. Stoncham, of Bmwio, .vas the guest of her parenxc, Mr, and Mrs. J-01111 Do`:,-.~on_. on S:nu=.'dz1;.'. l\'I-1-s. Mark 1\'IcI\lasvc1' \'I.~'itcd f1`iL:n(l: in .-\n;;'us lzlsrt week. Mrs. Edwin Smith is holding own in the Bz_u`1`:e hosxptul. U-ey m f1'ioml.~' wuvula lnku to .<:-.;- 21 ..`p:~ rnl-nvnvxv Gilbert and Domxld ML'.VIu. nzui :1 little excitement last week while ow. breaking roads after the storm. They got o` the sluiysim to do some sh`0\`e-Hing and the horses took to run11ing' and never .':topped L`.11t.il the) |a1'1'iv0(l home. Hog Producers Orr; I{ep.r(s.~:m1t:Lt,i\'1- . 1 all Oxmxrio uoun ins we-. and A.J,1.'......\... ., A ` M2`. H. Bell has, I1i5h(?(l lling: inc house at Camp Borden. Mrs. Wi'Ikins`0n, of A11}.-'11., 3; :1 fr-\\' days last \\'vuk \\'i`J\ 1101' . LV.I.n M_ McMaster. THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1. 31. UTOPIA .~\nf,','ll.\`, spent ih sister, 1'. U1) wucdv _ `_ ' Acre '1 I Hidzlc 1olIo'.\'ing 1-ut,(,-5 pm. awe 1-0:: 50- mg U0 g`0I1f;ra.l I`-CCO]11.11i,f13(iLtiOlIs based on cxperimenns by the E`igl(z. Husbandry Division of the Domlmor Exrleriniental Farms Br2m'ch- out: 9:. . , . . ' -1. : })u.}1LI.s, fall and ;'px'm_s,-' w2.<-a bl`-`v'h91-9; bill`1CY 2 bushels, n1i.\:;i g1``1v b'l`10Y 1 bushel, oats 1 bu.~sh:". 1 ppzL.s lzu-g'c 5120 3 bushels, 1).. _,__.`:,m SlZ(.' 2 to 21/. bushels. hIl('i\ \\'hx . yycb-3 uugu. 312.6 .3 ousncls, [)l'2l$ 52.`; size bushels, bUL3k\\ l1L`it `L to 11 bushels corn E busncL p.` toes 18 to 20 bushcm,1nungcB U 8 p0und.<, LLm1ip;~', 3 poeuxuls, rapt; 3 4 pounds. I Huge Market Reported for Cntah. , Soya Beans C,`-.1nadi:m Soyabeans Limited, off Milt-on, On`.., rcportzs lo tin; Ontauu' Mzm~k(-tin_r.:' Board that t.h::r(.- i.'z1 (in nite market for at 1c:1.~'t 250.000 :1 300,000 bushels of Ontzmu-p,'1`o.-`n so_.'z1 bx-k.r..-, r:<<:lu.~;i\`u of the cxpozuz, demand. ` UUCLIUII. ' M1`. K(`l`.ll(`(l_\ . '!l1ut. tlw n.-\\' or- gtmizzltiml lxus Llw .~:u1.\pm't 01" :31. Cm'm'mn:-nt, \'.'l1i-l1 will aid it rimm- cially in its our-Iy stzlgzw. 'l'ln- mm'(-- mcnt, he zuldvd, would lw l>:1-lcml by 1~hc \\'l10l(-. vnergy of the ()nL:m'(> MarkeLing.: Board and ":0 l)2m`_\' Branuh of blw (lcpumm-11:. C('llll'Zl.l ofllt-cs of tlw ;L:. he said. would be t2s`.'Lbli. in nl'll\`- ` ville. Ho declared `(hat about 20 On-` tario counties lmvo ronunitt.-l than-l selves to the .~:("l1cmc. 50521 Dru. demand. Pa gm ,4 3: uv 1L'>l, Ul um IIOCK. hop, on clean grouml. Ontario Pastures Over t\\'unt_v-t;1n~ct: per cent... um; ou` of v\'m'_\' four of 1 `1`()\'(-(I lunch: in (I-.4...~:,. lu. um-11' p1'0(Iu('tS Lrt F Ju-mg to Octob<-`r is ` $ Of` `hi (In.-rived from dairy 111.: of o.\:p(:.1'iznm1t.~: hu J hvnnnn ||\nu\-.1- Farm News How Much Shall I Seed APVA ') Abortion in Cattle possible that some xing trouble about Lhi. 0; of bovine" inf.`-ct.'o their ht.-rd.~:. If . fn Han LT ,\...IA.1. ,_ .- 1:;-r 1'11 :I_1b_)':3r'*..,' n1.'!tiOI1 L` H: MIC , protlucts to 0LTtOb( \ nnn l`\I JUl'KHL'(I \\'HlCl1 "p1'On1l.~'.(,*>i our L'h(`l?.\`(' L.\'[)0l'L~' and c1'c2Ls(- (-on.-umpti< (luction. '|\4Iu l.'.........l.. ,._:_I ..I, 1 ,zu'I0 :;\\'n1 Oiulals lII'1\`u- 4`. mu: app md is-olnni Jn... ..- .. p: cu'uL'zLll and zlllim he upplix rl Kn]-, Fm .1 onan 1 Acre ? .... ....... ... I I SU \ H eulth : (mt of .3 (-`in N0. .r|..-,4. .,:.. y.\lSLEU!L`(` radlczxtim n\' I\n ..... , . -1 .cticz1II\' I .. H I 1:11:11 5.51 ;'a1`d111g' tn` NJH !'(?"lI 100 to 200 5 : ])1`0p0lti0n H1 IL Il!l.U1- mo\`(2- 0 Ontario nv ' uunu lL'\.'U`ll|$ ,. At `-h(.`.i(' points :1 .~u_n}:lg lambs is readily :wz1ilubh~ pl u_\x!!1i'LLL`<` 34,000,000` -innn r),. J :\lllIllU.l:5 ricuItur 50. (`NW4 \ H. l\(`','l I111. Edmon- .-O `.1 in cpor; I "I'll-`Ull abor- 1 vhould `- 1:m..x.| .'\.D.y lut- lH' .:rnrp.< of f':u'n' f<~wlil1j:, thv 1'1-oi or nbzlttoir to `.'r. rvduvvd. of lh1i.~`11m{ lambs l|1`V III/\'I)u .l' l`.. The 111:` I but HUIH I i'0:1:I.~' |Prm`i1 I r.. Re-organize Cheese Pl` .-\m1ouncum(-nt 11215 `I-v nmdv by Hon. '1`. I._ Kt-m tcar 01' A;:ri-vulturv for 0 :1 goxurml Ontario (`Zw Patrons` A.~'so('iu1.i0n is formed which p2'0n1i.~:(,~.< ... "63 1-I-n-nun zlnunn.-63:. ..,.u ` u. L.. nu- bu;.rin.< to her I`w: . shoulder. WU by -5 ; `. A L111(Iu~:z1y n'v:m_. _. `: dr0\\'`ned him. m 3 \ Tim doctor \\ ho l a.utop.~_\' found tltirl of u1(-o;'v.olic liquid x C and the lun I nun-u Inn! u~/~. . 1114.1`. 1)1.,-uuwx ; { Cohen, of Toy pany with Hi , `d1~i.nkin_u' in :1 \J\'v. J11 itenced to , I for brezw! j tears sh`(:7 |I\\:|v\ I I ms Blanch ` proplul [din-tin_g' ` 1918, FRENCI-I l)istr%{a:7i: News |uxpen I few _vcv.1`s lment spy: k..+ :. :. UUv5L/.\ `l1~Ui: 1929 and t o\\*ns.h ips |e,\'nnn (I Ham LL IS hog: D050 I i ` 2111 The pv1-oprieto`1- oil the Review, '[`h0'mbu1'y, is zul\'01'tising' for old-fashioned sxpinning \\'hecL witl1 small \\'lm0l.<-\ V<']1, tl1z1t .~' the lxvay it g'oo.~. now:1(lz1_v.<,. r1c1'eLld~ - V . . . u ! A numbm` oi cu.rhn~g stones m the` I I Y Elm\':zlc c-L11-1i`m: rink were broken by: isomo pg-1'.~.:o1`. or p(>1`.s'0n.< one night J.1.~L' weak. The club is ol1'L-ring a 1'c\\'ax'(E; i for inf0.1'mati`o-n .!<-zulingr `Io con`.'ic- I I tiou, ' gmzln 71101 `IBARRHZ-5 Af`!I'\ .! Elizabeth Mc.\'i\'cn, age 78, died in_ ;Oril1iu last \\'(.`(.`1\'. She \\'21.< u (lzuL;.,='u- "tor of `The late John .\I(rNivcn, pion:-1:: " of O'ro tow1L=4h~ip, I _ 1 r- ! .\'I`1'.~`. Samuel Bu)'ne9.`, ztgu 41, of: ?Cla:k.~.b111'g;. '.'.':Ls found (lead in me? lkitclu-n 01' 1101- `nmnv by her (l21uL:`ht(_-1', `one (lay 121:4, \.:-ok. She '1i\'<*(l M0110` ]and o\'iu.em-c- :-h0\\'(`(l tfmt . \\;L~: evidently akin}: wood out of the ; ,oven, which had bx.-on p1zLc\:=(1 thou Luj !dry, when `her cl0t.11in;:; caught rr-,` `.and she had been overcome by S:1UCi\ 9 and burns. _ | I Jm: \\'a_'.';u vzuu I) Dc } .w0'rl< in Orilliu townshi $2.25 for foromcn. labor` per hour, man and tL-zun i hour. \\'21.':i H0 UNI ,brokr. out, lhr.-zLt<;(l pipe; |crm o,nt:a Wt` The home baushene, \ `by u: one c '11 2: n n nn. I 1:` Eli: Lak 0 I\(`LH1-`L, rumnuon Mr. W . I`. V I-lram-h, has 1)(,`( sociution to ([0 11; is pI:ufn<-I to I pxodm.-iny: nn 114' l'nu-nu in n- ...\.L_v u cnvery. :l;`H(IL _ and the In 111- iv!` H)ll>: I01` Hit1(:1".- H! L... I| (LII hym ma]:- The we :41: 'n,y~l.r in D . I\XlL{J\.,'3 ADDED L) 1111 drop nv.J `Inn . Supe. (12133 . Hill. -15 ,......1. , uu um:u'1o nus and Addington met in ('`1lU_\' and undmtook !h of an Ont;u'i0 Swim: I`; S()('i:l`inn n{Y..I..l.. `.4.-I HUHIU U1 \ "KL". L7- zne, \\'u.s compilctu : evening la.~:t v n nn`. 1:1 "murs xv`, l;;2OI HE'F'3SS Pwrzoxcnl PROSPERITY I f':mn(-r.< undmiook lamb hhv f1'oi_L`11?. from .~*t0ck_\'.u'(l iv `.}`.w `fu- lot wquld he making: up of (-zn`Iuzul.< I I:nnh< \\'nn]:l Inn nu:-Iv v----1 llllLl.'(l hm 5.1` |'.`i HU . (l(~\'i~ aftm 1\O\`- Lmtl vex sax` ed. an, Thos. liquor hn nx.M'n-. .- . u. w zL~:.:c'l:lLm (->L1:'u;_-'- thu pro < ity market hogs, to stabili7.c production an `h1'rn,1-~'hr:u1. thv }'--:u` and of _\'I`L)`.\` and to ])l`()=IIl()U` k<~Lin._L: <'0miiLi0nr.<. Mu ur n w..-._.. pm-Iic'.io11.~' Mmv. L u.~'L- <-ry.-Lu! gxlolw.-~ . S110 _:()(as i:1Lo ' .-ho\\'in_u' su'o:'in;: Dtlring` this tinn- . ps nu ht-1` lllj_J l|JLUl:v nus l'U_\l.'1 .' wecvk. Thorn nut: mien the fin nzlbly from om` `cry little of Lh: ,l LU in talu- full of `.1 .1..,~.. [`h0s. l{L-urncy, last week. 1:`-r1'm'n1ed Lhu ` to fury 0LlHL'(}.~` In H... ...\.\. late nun .=IHUUHll_\. - is `-0 lw Lhr nrchy m Spain rilliz ..,.I . good nu aux-\a .\JI 1Ll H I G `rl `N U\I lIL'uILH .-'.moo1.hi_\'. `n l.,. 11. ou\.Ic| mu. unlulals Hui zutirm is purely for th(' rais(>r.~: tI1(:1ms(:l\'u.x` an zation will be <-ntir<*}_v of the f'a1'rnL-rs. 1 . . n I .