Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 1 Mar 1934, p. 1

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$ 73,212.70 59,932.40 1,100.00 111,426.44 $ 81,201.84 $134,245.10 14,199.11 15,279.30 5(i.:'>09.:32 66/137.(S7 42,1sz.2r; 4o,` .~'. ;'\.1{l OR 42,63-1.32 u,u1u.o4. 7,(i1. ..H. 12,3~14.<;o 94.97 73,212.70 598.41 2(i.70F.1h 10,823.05 9,000,00 15,000.00 3.00 _61,624.81- 25,?) (U.').l 493.80 1,4S5.'l`.~' 1,020.53?) 3,102.46 ],22?..(Sl 5)30.(i;> SR? 5!) 1: cm year. During 1033 we added 52$) v0.- umes to our slhelves, about 50 of these being c'hildz1'en s books. Of the res`', 181 were replacements of worn- out books, 14 were gifts from var- ious sources and 2 were bound copi.;.~. of m-algazinnes. This leaves less Lha.. 300 new books purehasecl. When we place alongside of these gures tn; fact that we discarded 461 books dur- ing 1933 you will readily see thu`. \\e are not; even holding our own. D1n'i`mr the 152 nm.n.f.l1< nl 1922 um 1,3lf).3(3 >10->.-J. (59.31! 300.00 3,0m;.30 2,r;m.:;.s 7,023.00 ),.)~H).iIz\ 3,516.82 .' {El ) U! , DUHJU rates 1932 ll.'illlIli' l/U 11:. 1 H1 L1.(` 1112110!` 1)] pulpxt .~:u.ppl}`. `.'.::.-: ;-m .ur;z':i ' The lneetmg nu... .sL1:'1'eu as 1'. Ala` tuned to 2x very able u(l(11'e.~:s by 1{..\`. J. C. Cochrane, .~upe1`i`11en(l(;nt Home Missions, at the afternoon ; sion. He told of reductions lmxnno been made in Home Mission wowk be-I cause of the decreased income of me chuxch du1`i'ng these critical day. 1` wouold be most; `}1e'.u`te`11i11g to ulll people if we suceeded in ba1zmcin}_ the budget in the Misssionary uzm Mai-ntcllallee Fund, as this would mezm `..';m'. we would not need tn make any 1"u1-they reductions; in Home Mis;~:ion.s. The church did not fully realize the .many sacrices made mu `h:11'.'i. . luv amnp n-F nn. 1'lfd.l|Ll;` lAIl'L',Illi:Hl`y 52J.(,"1'lIlL'US Hldc huui.~;~hips .~:11"e`red` by some of 0111 men in order to serve it. FreqL.cnt was heard of the business administi-atio~n of the church enter- prises, but it involved more than hhe jugg-'li:'ig of gures; it ..\_V,`dLs ,Vaw1n:;.t_l_:e,~_ of human welfare, human l1ea~i'cs, with people with hlumau interests. af- fecting their social and .spi'i'itua1 well. being. The Home Mission Board was compelled last year to reduce its budget four hundred lihousand doi- lars, and this year it is further re- duced to at least ve hundred thous- and dollars less than `he Vear 1932. The Home .\'lis.sion Board are even - oinizii`.-1.1, as much as possible. and-yet we must face conditions that con- front it. The Presbytery 01' Simcoc, Unit.-\'J Chrwrch, met in Cen`.;mI C*hu`1'c.h, Bar- rie, on Tuesday, with Rev. W. R. Auld, Midland, :.x< chairmzm in Ln`-, zl).\'(:l1cc t1x1oug`h (.'u'nti11U.Cd illlless JJ the c'l1airma~n of the Pm.~'byte1'_-3. E);p!` 01' sympathy fo=' Ru . Louis Pic`l in his il'.nc.:.s and in lizo m21,tL'r L,-.`1dU1':('(i tux -,1; in` .i,, HUME MISSION WORK STRESSE 1 AT PRESBYTERY At U110 p'rese11t time we are fact-:L. with 21 back to the land l)l0\ C111L*1.-L, which is making` its appeal to the The l`1'L`l1(1 for years imd been from rural 1.0 urban, resulting, in our population being lU1bE1lE1UC(:\l_. but the dup`1'cs;~;io11 ims changul Li.e' atLii.u and outlook of many people, and hhrere is :1 new valuation of life in1'u'1'al communitic-;<. 3111113; 1'olk.~: are 1m'g1uting back to ihomesteads, bo- sides those assisted by the Govern- ment in its relief land sebtliiig sclu.-me. So many in the cities i1._1.';- founti them-.~`clvL-.~; in positions \\`.h('.l . they niust ]u1'gc1_\' btgill lifc mm agai11. Sumo \\'e1'e p1-u. until `;h<: dcp1'cssion, when their mean. 01' living largely di;~'z1pp<.-:1r(e(l, and they come to thv cuun`.r;.' to begin ovci a.g'ain. 'mw. rlrlaririhnri cninn nf i`\l< LIIU IIUL UVCH .I10'lUlI'l`g' 0111' OVVTI. ( During the 12 montlis of 1933 we had 387 new borro vers added to our list of members, but we also subject -ed`our list to a most drastic '-house- cleaning, at the end of which we had withdrawn 1,508 names from our roll. 'Fhis leaves us at the end of 1933 with a membership of 3,951 and a total number of books in the x-brary of 13,890. We issued 61,728 books during the year, 12,119 of these being chil- dren s books. Our percentage of classed books read was 20 per (:ent., but among; the children s reading; it was 38 per cent. We had a small increase over 1932 of 2,091. Early in he year, Feb_ 7tn, we had a. visit from the new iiispeetor of libraries in Ontario, Mr. Jeiiningzs. He made a most thorou-,=:h inspection of the library books, records, etc., hem with my z1. and with- out, and_apparentl),' \\'a.: well pl:-a. with the service that we are gi\'ir.:, to the community. He made-a few .sL1,',; g'e>: ions, hiowever, which he -thougtht would augment our facilities for better service. nun 1"nH-Hn1n 1.-oi;-+nn+ uvna nxn `xv. Lil.` c14J.,-'.~.J.;;.; 1l'U1L1l U1 .u1(1nu1'sL on " ri zxI'Lu11oon_ The t1;;cI:, driven by Rump!) `l`1101n:1.~:, of C0l1in;;_:'wood, izual almo.~L passccl over the t1'ilCk.: \\"lw11 stru... in Lhc rear by the main. l"he 09.; 01' the impact tinew the truck some 114 font, while the curuons of gm- <-<'1`i(:.s' \\'(.`i(.` .~st1'e\'.`~11 along me t1"1L;*' l'('H(".P ..u..~,,, uuu .1. ..;.' fence, Mi1':1cL:IoLx. d1i\`e1` and his cunxpzlnion, Smlie I escaped injury. 'l`:aonm.~: 1'ucc.~: :1 charge of rccnk1(... (i2'i=;i11g amt vvivll appear in policu Luuit on Saturday. He who beams failuvc with put?-`Iwc is as much philrosopher as he \\'no sum.-L-ds; for to put up with the world needs as much wisdom as 1-0 control :5 Ann-Ln HUl.'Ll`h' LL`: lllut mt.--Aughey. The speaker described some of his experiences when visiting the inany new communities in tin. nor`{h coun try. These people are expe1'ienc1n;; l`l2Ll`(lSlll])S, but they are trying to get a foothold in life a; The cihuich ()U_L ,'lll- to do something for tl`1c1:`.. Christ is concerned, so ought the church in a larger measure. Dr. Cochrane said he was particularly con- cerned for the plight of little chi.- dren, many of them wihout day school, Sunday School or any religious erlrucution. He i'el'er1'c':l to commun- ltiws where as many as thirt_\~`-ve child1'en have been for eiglneen months without any school or <-hutch. D1`. Cochrmne's 2uldre.<.~ :nLulI- it . appeal for support of Home ;\Ii<.-.on \\'o1'l:. 11' 1 1. .~. n u QTRUCK HIT BY TRAIN I AT LEVEL CROSS1N(_ . A Ford ve-won truck ]`ov.(l`cd w.i.t`n g'1`0cc1`i0.~: from the National`. G);)cL-1.x of Cuiiiznb-"..'0o(l, enoute to Furgu.;on- mic and R`, on hi_:l1\vay 1:7, \`.':1s .~truck by 11 C.P.R. freight train '17., .,n_- c1 w.~.J.;;.: 1]'UiCh 01` Midhurst on ' (Iii n-:)1I). \`1 vln_ Much of the Pi .-. .< time w:1.~: taken up with repoi".s of committees. The Missionary and .\ Committee il.(l\'l>'(:(l that the repoi't.s conc'eu'ning' the recent Balance-Lne .ii Cmnpuiixn were not yet completed, but it was believed nhai. tine Pl`()>'l)y`4B1`_V would not be V(?l'_`.' far behind the g;iving`s of last your .The Home Mission Committee 10- norted _-_j;1'zu1ts to be imule within me I i'<;sb_\'1m'y amounting; to more tl1u.n $2,800 for this year. Re\'_ A. McVicai', of Amxus, a:;&ted `.hat he may retire from active wolik of the pastorate at the end of June. He was favorably consirlr-1':-d by the - l r<:. with exp1'0s.~.:i0ns of ap- preciation of his long` and fai`l"hIul service in the minsitry. Rev. F. W. Madden, of C-oluwater, asked for a dnange of pastoral relationship at the end of the Conference y-ear. Tim was recommended `to the Settlement Committee. Several mut.ters were 1'"- ferred to the recently appointed com- -~if rm l(nn\v'n nu flip 'Pnnf.nrr:4l Ierrea 00 me recently appomtea com- Wt no known as the Pasto~raI Charges Review Committee, dealing \-with sitlmtivms vsithin thr Presby no men rawerson. In the other apzu-tment-a 1nus;11 more subdued and yet quite as tense an atm.ospl1ere-some of nhe old boys a_,nd._gAi,rls strove for the victory in cards. Among others we notic'ed1n- tensely interested and efcicmt -handlers of the_paste l)03..l`(lS, Jim Gilpin and Bill Hicks and Miss Malay and Dr. Speers and Bill Kemnare and Stewart; Wilson and Bill Kelly and Mrs. Crosslcy and Andy Stewart. The prize, we believe, in this con- test was nally handed to Andy, wno no doubt handl-ed the cards just as dcxterously as he once handled the t1'0\\'cl in Simcoe Coumy. 'l`l1r-\w- \\'.'Ic nlcn n Hxiwl (l`|'I`ll'| u-..n .LU1' UULLUY 5U1'VlCeu O,ne full-time assistant was one `uhirig which he cox1si(lm`ed badly needed. As it is now, one 1ib1'2u'izm is attemptzin-g` to! do he wonk of three. 01' cotuzse, I understand why I have so lit le help (two evenin;;`.i each Vweek) but it is hard and dis- coL1rag'in~g' to hear of criticism of out work not hvnigx what it .~vhouI1d be. These people, of COLl1`se, know no .;h- ing of Hhve amount of work it H1(,'llm' to keep 21 library of this size func- tioning". A trzLim~ 1ib1`zL1'ia.n Wei: knm-.'.~: what .~`hould be d but in a ca..<~ such as ours the mm'e impor- anrt tz1. must be (lo_m- rs` and Jm-ndin-g torn ])1._'_'.`f}>?, 010., lei. for the rst spare moment. pi(`fl1\'(|< in in'iwi1`nn '.Il1l` ha-n|H."v .~uu;._',iit LU 1'L`Call. The p'.1~1'ty" rather naturally seem- rd Lo i`L;.~`Ol\`(' itself into `.wo sections --t.2e yoLmger element (for there \u(!LC many of the second generation piesemt) spenu the evening in (lanc- ingito the strains 01' an e.\'cel~lent orrchestra, while the senior and more sobe1'-1ninded contented ?l10l11s(:l\'Ca' in another apartment with 1)]'01_.','l`L`.~,-- sive euchre. Did 1 say the younger people danced 2 Well, that, 01' course, is qui`-e correct, but there were othe1_`s w-`hvo 1'org,`ot for a time the burden 01' years and when the old-fashioned square dance sounded could not resist the alluring invita- tion and proceeded to trip the light `fantastic just as blithely and just as efficiently as ever they did. Aniong OI2.`(}l`.~' he tIhu.< shook .hei1' fists in the face of old Father Time were !.~:omml Pzlll.C`1'.50I1, Al:-x. Gll).:()l1 and gllerritt Cline, not to mention a number 001' ladies who equally \\ith the boys enjoyed mhat must have been rather a novel sensation. If you ask me who won in this contest of head and heels 1 should say with- out hesitation that the honors went to Len Patterson. T-n +1-1..-.. n414n,, ..........L...-..4. .. Hui.` \_.m.ul 3, ..-._:n':ui.-(1 once ug,-'aiz1 Lne a.n-nual 'l`h0'.nton-Ivy reunion_ The g`i1ti`.(.*l'l11g` took plzue on F2.- (lay evening, Feb. 23rd, in .})ite 01' as sub-zero ten1perz1tuve, in Vicwiia Hall, Queen St. l;'., where about une hundred and 1\\'(:11t_\' of the b;ys and g'i1'ls foregatlie-i`e(l to recall Lne oldl scenes and events; to forget 1'01` 21 time at lezL.~7t L11e,:.iccumulated years which have in most cases brtmght. bowed s'l1-oulders and white liairs, and to renew acquaintances with .~'0..lL) whose faces were strangely familiar and yet whose names we vainly souglit to recall. Thu nzm-1\" I`v\+il1r;\~ n..+.....~.Il.. Ll'U\\l.'l ll! DHHCUU L;UUI1`y. There was also a third gtroup, who probably because they doubted then agility on the dance floor and tlieir astuleness at cards, preferred to oc cupy a place on the . lines, not only wa,tc.l1in-g`, but also visiting witi: old friends. .-\inong' tliose we noticed many more fznniliar f3.ces---Mrs. G. 1. Crew, Mrs. W_ C. Henry, Mrs. John C2L1`l`. Elias. lrirclay, Dr. Dl\`la, Albert; Burton, .\Ir.~:, Geo. Croa~:le;,r, Norman Coxwortli, Miss Laura 'l`ihompso-n, Mis.~'. Mary Boake zuui Jas. Power`, and ii` you are interested in knowing, I should say that the l`i0ll()`l`.>` in t.hi.~:. group went to Jim Power, who has no`. forgotten how to tell :1. good story. Refreslnnents were served at eleven and after zinother hour of real fellowship the third annual reunion bmke up and Llle happy and satised purt icip-units turned out into the frig'i zmnosphere ea;_:;erly looking 1'o41'\\'m'ri to u liigga.-1` and better cele- bration in 1935. The committee in cilm1`ge of the arrzmg;e1nent,s was: W. C. Henry, chairman; Bert Brown, seen-etz`.i'y_. and Wm. liemnare, Win. Kelley and R. J. D. Simpson. T)m-imv 1.110 I`V(`hll1D` fl iil-*D'l`1 Il11 PY- Rezulers of the .-\d\'ancc in the 01. ! home coumy, writes 1:. J. D. 53111;)- son', will be i11tc~1'c-.~:ted to know Llml. l..u.~v in 'l0lonto who had the honor and ad\'antagc of commencing` life lllltlcy the blue skies and amid the peaceful ;s`Ln`mu11di11g: of Simcoe CUVLUI `Cl 11'.` l)l':lln(l l`nl`ll'lI snruin '-In 1\t.`1lU_Y iulll 1V. do 1}. Dllll])5UIl. During 1.110 evening; a tel-~g'ram ex- tending` C0ng'1`atulutiur1s and good wishes was read f1-cm the 'J`hAo1'ntun Old Boys Reunion Committee at Thornton and signed by John A. Corbciut, c.hui1'1nu.n; W. .T_ C. Boakc, secretzu'y, and A. G. Buckillglxam, t1'eusure1'. Beautiful Wallpapers, 1934 de~ signs 1.0 be had now. For a limited time I will paint or hang paper at a very low price.. See me for sa.t.L~.~ factory work at satisfactory prices. R. W. Burton. Phone 989. THORNTON-IVY OLD BOYS REUNION IN TORONTO 'l`hi1'd .\nnu;1l. ('rz11'l1m'ing is l'.'11_`ju_\v(l l>_\ ()\'<-1` Um- H11n T11-4: Libmr_v Iiozwd has just Ic- ceived an u1`g'ent call from Wcstorn Camula for 1nz1g`a:Li11cs and old books, to be (list1`ibutc(l zunong` .sc`-lers in the bac1<\\'urd di'st1`icts. 14- .1"...-.1n,1 ..,. ....,.L. ....,a r,..., bevy. It is composed of Rev. A_ A. Waill. c.hui.1vn1m1; Rev. F`. G. Stowa- bury. secretary; Revs. T. D. Jones, H. H_ Eaton and Levi Atkinson. `pi-:nc}1\1+nm\7 !lIl':n1I1!'h()t` in n\nn+ ...-uh LIIUSU LTULUII, U(` UULH.IIl(`H Dy UDIHYIHL! to the Ontario Gova.-rnmen`. Motion PiL'tll1 (.` Bun-nu, \\'hcn- they may he obtainctl at :1 1'ea. cost. Flue ones we now h:1`.'u mm :<.~1'tz1E:`,1_\' buzz- ly .< aim-d and milml and (u);;](! xx .-1 be replaced. Wrn.I1:I\'r\ hm} :1 rvw-21+ Jun] n{' .4-.r.-.:L 11.. n._ JDBUHI RTICI. LEVI AUCLHGOWI. Pwzsbytemy adjourned to meet next in Elmvale St. J\0|h.h'S United Church on Tuesday, May 1st. MAGAZINEES AND OLD BOOKS WANTED IN WEST LHU UZlL'K\\'iLl'(l (Il'SLl'lClS. It was decided to pack and for- ward two or 1ln'ee boxes If citizens will co-ope)-ztte by b1'in;:in;; zmyn1ag,a.- zines or used books they can spare to the library within the next week or two. VIVLA \Ir\:` .311 ,... ...- 4`/\1\ k,.u.... The ra.ilw-ays will czu'ry the boxes free and there will be no cha1'g'e ior d1st1but.1on_ Established in the. Year 1847 Eight Page - .. - . zLg'z1 inn Lhc HTSL "S[)'ul.l'U" ITIUTTIBIIU. Pictures to brig`l1i0n and hea.utiIy the wzmlls was another suy,'_g'os1;ion. I`11c.s'c could })(- ()})tlill(`(1 by upplyinu to thin Ontm-in GOV;-rnmr-n`. \In:inn DU fB[)l'vlCUU. We `hgwo had :1 g'1`(-at : ."ul of .<.b(-z1I ing of tnupruzim.-s this your, and I have been forced to keep some of H1. m at Lhv desk. Altogether 1933 was no`. :1 very ( I]L ()Lll`Z).[,. ,'iH_L',' year. What books we did have to o'm- were the most out- standing ones, but such a few wen available hhat many went away wi`.I'.- out a book at 211]. However, the dark- est hour is .~'upupo~sed to precede the dawn and I um ('I0. this report with `me \\'i.-.h that beam` things mu; be in store for us in 19341. 1.51- McPhee. ALEX. COWAN MADE GRAND Z" ONTARIO ARCH MASONS At the annual convocation of t'n::| rGrz1nd Chapter of Ontario Arch Masons in B1-ockville on Wednesday, Alvexumlcr Cowzm, of Barrie, was elected as Grand Z by act-Iamatiun. This is a high honor and Mr. Cowmn is to be congratulated on his elec- bion. Geo. E_ L. Vansuone, of Owen Sound, was elected as Suvpemtendcnt of the Grand Chapter for Dis"tl'Iul. Mn 0 TI . urns: Hp:-inrh in Mold hhn. Thedlcieg Paper in the Oountv N0. U. ll} W38 (1(`.'ClClE(!' B9 (D010 1935 convocatxcm m Kltchennr. 01 me urana Unapu!' I01` UlS'L-l'll.'L No. 9. It was decidedu to hold the. 1007. nnnvnnnnn in 1{H*nhn11nr @133 Nntithmrm Rmmms CRASHED INTO HYDRO , POLE WITH NEW CA}? ha. A. LITTLE GOES | T0 ms _L_nNaIgsI He subsequently lled Edward Alfred Little, clerk of the Surrogate Court of Simcoe Coun- ty, and former member of the On- laric Legislature, died at his home, "Kite s Ne.<.t," south of Aillandale, on Fiiday la; as the result of a stroke. On Saturday, Feb. 17th, he suffered a .~:lig;hl stroke, peared to be recoverinig, bu-t on Tl1ursda_\', the 22nd, he was s.ized with a second attack, from which he .a'led to rally. Mr. Little was born in 1859, .110 oldest son of the late W. C. Little, pioneer of Innisl township, and for many years member at Ottawa for South Simcoe. Ed. Little attended the public school at Allandale and the Barrie Col1egia"e Institute, after which he continued to farm. ln 1885, at the age of 26, he was elect- e(ls`cco.11d deputy-ree\'e of Irmisl. th-e oice of first depuiy-reeve be1'o1'e being pro- mntecl to the vee\'e s chair, an oice he lled for ten years in succession by acclamation. 1894 he was chosen by the Conservatives of Cal'(l\, compri.sing' part of Sou Ih Simcoe and Duiferin, to be their standard bear- er, and in the general election cap- tured the seat by 300 majority. 'l`;.is majority was inc-rvca. to 700 in Line election in January, 1905. He al\\'a_,.a attended *0 his duty and was rarely absent from his seat in the House. A farmer himself, he took :1 df.`'..;) interest in legislation peiaining `.4 u.g.'riculture and could be relied ug- on to extend a helping hand Outnlil the 1eg`islative chamber. nn `.l1n rln:il.'n nf' .l \lr-l. .Q`i {J\'l'I'.. from wh~ic~h he a.p- ' A115)`. \;`UL'l'lU lllltl kl UUULH UYUKEH. 'l'ru"1c Ofcer Thompson investi- gated and :1 charge of reckl-e; driv w.:_'; \`.iEl be laid against Baxtr.-1. \\';: L11 : lL`gI.SlilLl\'L' L'3H'r1lUU(.`l'. On `he death of J. MCL, Ste\'u;:- son, Surrogate Court Clerk, on Jum- 4Lh, 1906, M1`. I..ittl`c- 1'esig'n0d his sad`. in the LL-;.;i.~,:latuv.'e to accept the ap- pointment, a position he lled \\'iL11 (li.~:tincti0n up to the time of his dt.-z1t.h. LIX. I 3441,. Iuvaum n n-...\.1...`. A4` 41... \".. H(.'i;l.l,-ll. :\'lr_ Little was a n1~c-tnbcr of the 1121- J sonic Order, the Orange Order and the Sons of England. He had been In Warden of St. Gco1'ge s Church for many years. Unnizuricd, no lived with his sister at Kitc s Nest, 21 cha1'min5.: home just :~:-outh of Al- lanrlulc. Su1'vi\'ing' are live ln'0tl1<.-r.' unll two sisters, D)`, A. 'l'. LllLir,', ..\`l.O.H., Bu.r1'ic; W_ C. I.iLtl OLtz1w;L,` liobt. H. Little, [`01'ont0; A1"-l1u1' B. and CllEll'l(.`S P, Little, .-\llamlale; .\I:`.<. Jas. W_ Scott, Barrie, and 2.1:. .y Christina Little, Allzmdalc. 'l'h', ftiin.-ral \\'a.~: hc.-l(l on Wotlilu;-.', -<-x-\'i(-,- l)wim:,' (,'Ol1(ll1Ct()(l by Rev. G. H. l"iei~l1cllc-1' and .-\1'cl1dcacon A. it Beverley, when toui.-hing: l`Cf(:1`cI1Cv; \\'u.< mzulr: to the stsrx-'icc 1'(-nclciicd I); the d(.'c(.`ils0(l in this community. Hon01'2u'y pa.ll-beam-1'5 included Hcn. Wm. Finlayson, E. J. Juinil:-s-0:1, l\I.P.l'.; D. H. Coleman, John Mac- liuy, Wm. l .u.~'l<, W. M. Dinwoudy, W. B, Sloan. The ru1nz1in.s' \\'r..-n.- borm: by six ncpl1(.-\v.~:, while mum In.-rs 01` l...O.l.. -132 z1L`r.-ndt.-rl in :1 body. 'l'lm- ll01'21lLributu.s' \\'m'e imuiy, en1l)unl((: about the casket. Intui- mrmt \\`z1s mzulc at I z1ul's ('.'c:2.v `w lnnisl. I Harry Gibson, 110 John St., 4,)- I_)('2U`L`.(l in police comm Fuc-sday morning c1m2'gu: with the theft, of auto chains from Livingstows ;_1'2Ll`21f_','('. I". Hznnmond. who renta- .~:a-,nLc(l the ucctlsctl, 21$k0(l for an ad- joumxm.-11t unnil Saturdczy, Mar. 3rd. It is :LlloQ'ml that nn Thin- `Vol. LXXAIVIII. N0. 1. _jULHlllllL'llL UH Ill Dd.LUl'(l'.ly, :\'1a.1'. 5i'(.l. It is alleged that on Thursd.i;,' Fob. 15t;l1, Gibson stole it set of tru.-.1: ch-uins valued at $17.50, `.:hc proipcrry of Frank Livingston, Bayeld St. 'l"h(:. cliuins are of :1 large and heavy make, and \vevo found on .1 Hudson sedan, the property of tau accused. Iiunvill ulna: I)n.u-in "Inn nnunx . A.) u'L(.'l'UCU. David Dunn, Barrie, also appcmed b<~1'o1`I: N[ag ist1'z1to Jeffs 'l`I.l(`..3'(1:'1_y mo1`n,in1.-: ('hE11`g'(`.d \vith `ihe theft of five pairs of ladies hose, the pro- perty of Miss Vera Lyons. At 1531.: 1'o of Crown Attorney Evans, the case was adjourned f;o Saturday, March 3rd. Dnlinn nnnnn H-uni `l'\nn-an |1I\`A H... LVl`ZLl.'L'JI OFU. Police allege that Dunrn stole thn host` after dark from the clothes lin-e in the _vzu'(l of Mrs. A]bC1"- Lyons, Male Ave., on the night of Jan. 27 The accused was represented h_-' Gomlon I,o'ng'man_ Cihnvi -Imrl nuwwwn urnrn H/\H1 olnnnr. l|_` \v0l`(l'OH I,0ng'ma.n_ ' . Gihcnn evmd Dmm were b')t.h a.'11ow- ed their freedom on thnir own ru- cognizance. THEFT (-2-HARGES ADJ.OURNE`D R. J. Finlay,- rmhw, I<}|i'/.;nhnf.-h 'z'..s' z`..\` .\1ll`l`I`;S_1,'&lT(', 'Uo11r1 (310.1, 28 ft-211's; >.\l.. I_ .1 . [for 12 Years. Hudson-Essex car Q1- !I']1._v\ .]u?vu`nn I F0UR**(fIT|7lVllNA[% ' | CASES run NEXT . I WEEK SASS|ZES] PUBLIC LIBRARY GAVE OUT 61,728 BOOKS` IN 1933 Four c1`im.inal ('2l.i0.i, L\'.'O divmce cases and one Iwn--jury cam: are list- ed for t;h'e .-`msizc CC-urt, \\ '-ic'?1,0`pc1xs in the Court House, Pzu'1'ic. on Tuesday next. wih J u.'~7&c-(2 I\IcFu1~ia11d p1'e:~:i(ling'.. The Crown )1'0>'I`L`lltO?_' in Gary Hamilton. 01' To:-'oi:to. a.s. ed by F, G. Evans, Crown .-\tt01`;:ey. Criminal Cases ....- The King vs. I-Ieirbc-rt Arm.~:t1'ong, of Sayner, cl1211'ged with man- s`121L1.',`i1tc1' a1`is:u'ng out of 21 motor acci- dent at Mi(lhu1's1;, when 21 1)` engci in his truck, C. E. Smith, x\'zL.- killed. J`o:<. Hood, Stayncr, fay the dei'cnd- ~.m_ vmm mm Mm. I',v|'\Y Vin- The King \'.~=. Z\'I1`.<. )I::1'_\' )[('-' lieovcn, cha1';:ed with arson zu-isillg out of 21 fire at 189 Bradford Sta, Ba1'1'ic, 0'11 Fcb_ 9th. Gray Humil- ton and F. G. Evan.< for the Crown, J. R_ Boys for the defendant. 'I`11n T\'1'nxr vc, Jnhn T-Talifax. CO]- J. 1-c_ boys I01` me (1CICn(1:).I1E. The King vs. John Halifax, Co]- lingwood, charged with carnal knowl- edge. Thn Nina` \'<, Wnwilt-. LnHo.'e and The King` vs. Emile LaRo. Alma L;1Ro;~:c, .\`IidlzLnd. chzu'u'e(l ~ ....-.nn Bzn'1'i(: Hy-11'o-IC1r:ct1'i(: has im proved its positon eon.=ide1-ztbwly (lu1'- "mg the past year. The .sta`c-ment 1'05. 1933 .<`ho\\'.'< that there was an oper- ating prot of $4,033.62, compared with a loss of $2,808.44 for 13352. `Mus ; a gain of $6,842.07 during the year. The (rm-nings oi the plant were but $593.13 more t-lmn in 1932. but ;:1'eate1' savings were e ectred in expen~diture:<, brough: about chiey t'hrough co-operatiom `and p.rompte1- payment of accounts. The .'-1rrea1'.=, of ``.t:,- Ligrhf Depa1`tn'1e11` at the end of DL-cembe1'\\'a:; less them $200. I'\., 1`\, ....._1.-.. 014. 1000 H. 1nt-n` George VV-hite vs. 1t;`ne1 White and Leslie Brunskill. Eizabebh Vincent vs. Frederick `.*'inccnt., Tiny township. Non-Jury imma Bri1l.ingcr, Oriilizx, execvu-trix of the estate of the late Roy B1'i11in- Umnp2.1r;1`ri\'o S1zm'1no1ut fr." 1932 and ]S)I3:-3 S]l()\\".\ l"n1]n'm'<*(1 Po.s'11`i.0n. IFLl\l\Jl On Dt.-camber 31st, 1932, the 106111 r'mnmi.<. owm_1 the Ontario Hydxu Commisson $19,107.08, xvhcreas tho znmounz owing on Dec, 31st, 193.), wzm $10,823.65. Earnings-- Domestic So1'\'ic(.- Commercial Ligvht . Co1nm'e`1'('ia1 P0\\'c1' . Municipal Pox-:01` M(:1'(-hztn-(li. Misccl]anc0u.< Lxpencutu-es: Power Pun-h:1.<(-(1 ............................................. .. . Sub.-ttution and Mailmrnzulce Di, Sy.~,tt-m ...................... .. Lint: 'I`1z1z|. Blzxintenance .\Iete1' .`.IzLin`(-nztncrz StrevL I.i;"::Lin;;', Operation and Mainte Billing and C0Hectin;,v' Oicv Sul:u'i(-;; zuml I`:.`CD'(','I1(lit\11`O.\' 1Tm1i. Expenclitums Truck, Operation and Maintenance .... Zuilding M:1inte`nzLnce Rv. Bud Dz,-bt.s' Interest ......................... . .. Siynzkin-gr Fund and Principle Payment Debentures Deprecizvion our` ................................. ........ Burric Public Library had a circu- lation of 61,728 books during` 1933. Of these 49,612 \\.'c:`:2 udul. books and 1,216 were juvcnilc books. The total circulation in 1932 was 59,031`, l]la.kil1g'Lll in:-:`cz1.~:c last year oil 12,119 wcrue juvenile books. The Library being" cu. last year. the board had to curtail in purc`ha.s'mg new books, but cvidently this did not af- ..-ct the ci1'cula.tioIL At`. the incctmg oi" the board on Monday nig`ht, ofl`ic~cr.< were 1'c-e1cct- ed of 1933, with Mr. A, R. Gird- W`O0(l 21.5 chaimian and Miss E. B<.-oLh as secretary. The other mcmbcr:< nrn H .\ Qllnc Xlvu T.nnrl: 7\IliL- if `Barrie Hydro~Ele ctric Dept. Shows $4,033 Profit in 1933 Assets-- I.zu1ds and Bui`1 Substation lquipmc-n` ' Distribution S"::tcm, Overhead "Distribution System, U11(1e1-p,'1touncl Linc Transf01'1nc'rs I\`.r.-tens .4 ...................... .. Sweet Li;:htin~g' Equipment, Regu`1a1' . .... Street Li_r:htin,2` Equipmrmt, Ornamental ..- Mi.s~cel1zmr2ou;~:, Construction Expenditure . Old Plnnf. , ,, `.HlSC(.'.lli'.Il(5U Old Plant . 'l`o`.v.1 Plzmt .. Bank and C11,.-h Bzvlzmce Accounts Rr~,coiva.b]e, includmg November and 'Dr~r-mnhm- Ri]]ihn', not (hm .`\L'L'UuHl;.S l\|?('l.`|\'iLUlL', lIlClUUd`H'}',` Dc(-on1l>er Billing, not due . nventork-s . Equity in H.I..P. System Other Assets . Total .A\.<,.-c-is ................... .. Liabilities- Debenture Balance ....................... ..- Accounts Payable to H.E.P.C. Accounts Payable to Others Bank Overtlraft Other Liabilities Total Liabilities . Reserves-- For Equity in H.E.P.C .... .. F0\1' Depreciation ..... Other Reserves ..... .. Total Reserves ..... .` Sul'p|uses-- Debentwres Paid .................. .. Operative Surplus ll! ill l'1ill lll Expenditui'es- I||' PH rr-11:1 (>l] .`\UL l.U.`:.\} Net pm": \\Ul'D'Ill1J JUd._YU'1' \./`l`illg'. The book committee was auth` izced ho purchase 100 new books, re-.p1'ints, and have 100 old books bound. '1`1-.n 1..~n...1 nr~1'r! +`,... n 1.... ,.L' Total Surplus Divorce Cases nn-. 1: .1 Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, Marcli/1f,m1193;1i( OPERATING ACCOUNT BA~LAlC ,'SHEET an d W Fifteen to twenty dog o\vne1'.x' will be summonsed for allowing` "their can- ines to run loose and will appear in court next week. The town of late has been overrun with loose cl0_<.:`;< :I.::;! the owners and l1arbo1'e1's of . have had ample notice to keep them hed up. 7 Time halzxm- .ii1L`Qi ,x:`i\*r-;< I-go `.1-';-`I-7.~' of ilocztl Hydro ELS .,`388,i98.l9 on December 31, 1933, compared w.t.1 $374,479.79 at the end of 1932, a gain of $14,018.40. Liabilities are given as $61,624.81, comp-.n-ml xviti`. $69,915.71 21 ylear ago, a 1(_`(iLl{,'i.l0 .n n1` $8,290.90. O1 `.`.i-in ,Q1R mm 00`n: in- H1 q>O,4?1U.UU. Of `Jho $108,000.00 (1(3bO1`ntL11`CS ia- sued against the local plant, $8].- 201.84 `have now been paid, leaving $26,798.16 to be paid. At H10 and nf' lm Onbm-in T-Tvrlrn -\.'./.u,'r:ns.1u no no paxu. {St the end of the Ontario Hydro Elejctric year on 0c`... 31, 1933, Bar- I'iq\,-_}.a.%1 21 cedit of $7,126.16. t-h`1'oug`h Lhe' I`hirber1`th Power Bill; at the same date in 1932 Ba1'1'ie s credit was $1,514.33; in 1931, Barrie had 21 debit of $8,613.77, and in 1930 a debit of $2,970.09. Mnnv tnuma are .ctrnn1o-'.imr wftn ZLS UU1.'L,'Li11'). 1111.` Ul/HUI 111131110015 are H. A. Sims, Mrs. Leeds, Miss E. King`, Miss Cavanaugh, Mr, R. G. Norman, M. D. Morrison, and 121: wowhip Mayor Craig. "N10 hnnk (-(vmmiH'rrn mu: nnf'-znr. For who month of IN.-bruary then: were reported at the town ch.-rk'.~. office 20 birtl.-.<, 4 1nzu'r1'ages and 13 deaths, compu1'c(1 \\'i.h 8 births, 8 n1a1'ria=,*:e\s and 9 zleabhrs repcmed for the co1`respondin2; month last yx-mu No building permits \\'<.=1'c dur- ing the month. gel`, plgjnti`, vs. J. W, Price and Hu;g.h R. Tudhopc, (lcfclnlants, in- volving i`ns.u:rance of some $5,000. Boys & Boys for pla.intif`f; .-Xgzu` & [`hompson, Toronto, for Pirco; Ii. W. Rusk for 'I`udh (IUDIIQ 0]. Jd,UlU.Ui}. Many towns are st1'ugg1in~g wit large decits for 1933, but if Ban;-w does as well in 1934 as in 1933, som reduction in light` and power ratm should be in order, A nnwu-\nun+-`urn :~l-nfnn-\nn+ Pnv HIP. SHDUIG D8 111 Ol'LlUl'_ A comparative statement for and 1933 will be of 1nt;e1'e:~`f. I Reference has been made in the press to the 0l 1.\\`ins in varir ' parts of the province. `vv' haw ju.-L 1e `mt-(1 that 3.'Ir.<. 11, Ti. .\`IcCcam\'u and`-Miss Z"Izu'-,, .21; cCm11:e-5 0; St:-oud, who 21?.` Lwin.~'., \'~.'i:l ; -`oz-z;'L.` their 78th `., `.;duy in i\.Iz'.;, 1:;-x. The;-,' \':c1'v2 h;;__: ()1 tin ;:0u('\ Si0'T: of Inwisl and have bmzcn 231".)- long -Tesitlenvts oi the tov`u_1i;1 4.-: Innisl. Tltcy haw : enjoyexi (.-xu;<;d- ing11'_v' good h:u]111 ail `M.-ir `_iv~_:.< ;.;1d at the present time bth are able to be around as usual. F011 Q:m...-m r*n....+.. L,... .1.:- -1 McCONKEY TWINS NEAR THEIR 78th BIRTHDAY c aruunu as usual. Can Slmcoe County beat tnhls ? VITAL STATISTICS ...$105,2S):').19 81,340.97 -1,383.5!) 161.71 095.44 1,033.04 3,471.01 1,211.39 1,148.61 701.00 The board asks for 21 levy of 4-3 rents per eapita for this year. Librarian s Report In submitting my report of me prog'ress of `110 Barrie Public Library during` 1933, I feel somewhat in the position of the nurse in eliarge 01' a poorly nourished patient who has re- cently been: forced fco undergo an operatiovn for ainpmation. The same reply to all inquiring friends might be Doing as"we.l.-_l as can be expect- ml." \Vr r--r-1-f:1in-lv hnvn had in $108,103.63 2,808.44 ...$37=1.A1S) T.79 ...$295,832.G9 50.00 $186,371.15 II 1932 51,192.96 30,472.73 14,904.21 905.20 132.80 1,677.29 1'1.10.`i.11 15,189.30 55,718.44 ('G,437'.(i7 42,18-1.26 3!),:'309.(5f) 5,546.98 6.51(i.82 7,896.10 -12,634.32 13,293.63 499.55 ($3,832.24 971.68 29.489.54 19,107.07 7,448.68 13,855.42 15.00 69,915.71 63,832.24 53,460.69 nnn nn UU JJUlIlg btb` \\ J.`_L ilL\f CZUI UL` UXIJKJCL` ed. We c-crtain'1y.havc had to suf fer a. very serious -.unputatio2_1 an; every department of the lib1'a1'y s ser- vice has felt, and is ff:(.`lil`l'g,'_. the shock `.n)"v lmrmlv Rank: :1: vm: L-nnur 78,510.46 107,860.69 2,991.09 2,569.55 6,737.00 18,192.93 ),`kI)U.l)il 900.00 $1o5,8s'sT:az 7f$,`2.01.02 s:).1..1'r 2,870.33 1102 R0 $1o1.s5.1..V.3 4, 33.13: . $297.] :')9.7 5,0871 $192,628; $388,498.11) VICE All'clS IUIL, 2lIl'(l IS l{3Ullll g', LIN.` .`,'I"IOL'K `.Lz1"y kucnly. Books, as you know, are the very life blood of 3. 1ib1'au`y, and our purchase of books has been quite low for a number of years, but has been cust most seriously this year. n'nI'in('-' 1022 um sulrlrul R90 vr...

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