Page Eight It; doesn't pay `to lead a double life; ` `in fact, it costs twice as much. u1,....m :g. -1 fnwm nf` fnnv and all Worry is a form of fear, and all twice much. . t forms of fear produce fa.t.ig:ue.-Bert- ` mnd Russell. nun, tn. 1'v-M-n\~11n1`;nnn`1 11nrh=>,1's'tand-l wmd Russeu. Only by internationznl understand- ing can we reach national prrosperit__y. -J. Ramsa_v MacDonald. TENDERS J 01111 F. Clark government lecturer n lnnrr-nH:1n-0, will give 3.11 111115- 1 I BELOW ZERO DAYS E DURING THE PAST WEEK` ` 14-Lo\v, 14 below; high, 20 n2 '15--Low, 8 a.m. 17; high, 6 u .lJ. fl. LJ\}LIIL|LV1:`\L\', County Treasurer, B211-rxc. :1 vxv 1'1"r`1\vr\'IT 17 -Low, 18--Lov.', 1)UlI( )'||()|(l(`I'Sa The total inr-ruusml in A " I)! (hi: L1. VV_ DILLVLEI , Chamnan, Property Com. . 2l--Lo\\', . "2--Lo\\', I 1 6-Low, 19-Low, 20--Lo\\', D. H. COLEMAN 1 n.n-m+u 'l`unnmn~n.- Dn .. ........,., .. . .........- .0, . C. w_ HENRY, '1-uniwwunn `Du-nnnn-4-w GARDEN PICTURES ` 20 below; high, 1 no to cm, Midlaml H. H. Hudson... N. Playfair ...... .. G. .-\( W. Cave .. lIl('l'k'HS(`1l lll 1H.)-.3 \\'2lS -$0.1 I*l,H`-)1.` 47;"). Of this mnonnt, $1.:`.R3.300.- 706 was in tho Ordimlry dop:1rtment, $1.507.-1T0.~!?!" in tho Imh1st1'i:11 (lmn mlums 11:13 Me \\'m-My or mnnthI_\'\. and $80.22 :30 in the (imup. 'I`hn rm-m'1 was rulhul up at tho :1\'(`l`:l;.`.'|` rate of 1),!D`_.) 1)l)liCi\`S for $10,513,227 on much husinoss day of the your. The cmnhinml total is. in itself, II|m'(` than the (`nn1p:1ny`s total of lmsinoss in fm'('e at the (`ml of 1913-only two docndvs :1:.:n-:1l`lor it had hnnn ning: businvss for m-nrly n hzxlf-4-r\ntur_v. A distinct in('I`u:1se over 193; was I`(,Z iSIl'l`(`ll in the 01' dop:1rI~ ment--$I .:"v.`l.300,T0(` in 101)3.n:.::1in: $1,571,593, `.33 during the 1i!`C`(`0l1ilIj_' year. 'l`h{\ fnfnl nmmmf nf` \h\h-nnn1H-In 15 below; high.1 > below; high, 2.. below high, LC.` high, 28; sn.>\.\,[ high 4; smnv,` H. Buttery. RINKS V c uric rs . . ch 1 0 u r L Y en mg. DK`4111JI.`41J LIIAVIJILIVD pl`Up1'l) marked and addressed to Mr. W. 11 Nesbitt, secretary of the Commission, will be received until 5.00 p.n'... Thursday, March 1st, 1934, for the :con.~7`-ruction of a reiniorced conicl"-1.. l1'eser\~'oi1- in the Town of Barrie. n1...._ ...-_) ......,.!l:....:....,. .e..... L. ..2\ |u...u-;\un1_- u. mu, .n.unu \I.L .uu.;Lu.. ' Plans and specications may be oh tained at the oicc of the Consulting` Engineers, 01' at the oicc of the l Commission. run 1 . ,,,, L.., 1 ,, 1 \Ju`uunu_w.-.;uu. The lowest 01' any tender not new.`- essarily accepted. '\r~n rs rV 1"r1\r1\(`1 Water, Light and Gas Commissilx ` u, 0 1V1.L1._ W. 11. 1w:.o1:>111, Sec;'e<'a.ry of the Wa.ter, Light and Gas Commission. James, P-rector & Redfevn, Ltd., Con- sulting` Engineers, 36 Toronto St., Toronto 2. Dated February 21, 1934. I Tenders will be received up Lo 1\/Ia.1`ch 84.11, by the undersigned, bulk l or separate, for the various trades 1'0- quired in the erection of the Bacrle `Agricultural Arena, JAS. THOMPSON, Alehitcet I 91 \7m`nn-in Qf 'T`n\-nnrln TENDERS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE RESERVOIR SEALED TENDERS pl-oper1;' 1:H'1:nd S)!-I` :1(h]I`p<- fn M1` W H ,, V5 6% Cent-a-Mile Round 'rripABargain Fares 'I'\ I 'I'\'I'\'I'1TI J..- -.-_._ . -- -_- -`An---- l'\ n .-\'-vv-. _ V also to BELLEVILLE, BROCKVILLE. COBOURG, CORNWALL, DETROIT, GUELPH, GANANOQUE, GODERICH, HAMILTON, HARRISTON, KINCARDINE, KINGSTON, KITCHENER, LONDON, LISTOWEL, MORRISBURG (station for Dr. Locke s Clinic), NIA- GARA FALLS, OSHAWA, OWEN SOUND, PALMERSTON, PRESCOTT, SOUTHAMPTON, STRATFORD, SARNIA, WINDSOR` Attraction--Toronto, Mar. 9--Toronto Skating Club Carnival. Excursion tickets sold from ALL STATIONS Bu1'k s Falls and south `.0 Aurora, including Midland, Pcnetang and .\Ie-aford b1`Ll11`Ch line. Consult nearest Ageiitjfoi` fares and train service to any point. i-- -- 4`-41--u\wn!Lv 1"V""f""" V L\'11Y.. LA. La. 1`l.1XV1JD Chalrmzm of the Water, Light and Gas Commission. ---.. ..u 71- -.vvs.~.u-s-rrnrn Rat0pa_Ve1's are offered Prepa.y1nent Rec-eip18 on 1934 taxes dunng the months of Ja11ua1`y, F0b1'11ary, Mal.-011 and April at the following discounts: TO APPLY ON FIRST INSTALMENT Amounts $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Jan. 16-31 cost ...$9.75 $24.38 $48.75 $97.50 Feb. 1-14 . . . . . .. 9.78 24.44 48.88 97.75 Feb. 15-28 . . . . . .. 9.80 24.50 49.00 98.00 Mar. 1-15 . . . . . .. 9.83 24.57 49.13 98.25 Mar. 16-31 . . . . . .. 9.85 24.63 49.25 98.50 Apr. 1-15 . . . . . .. 9.88 24.69 49.38 98.75 Apr. 16-30 . . . . . .. 9.90 24.75 49.50 99.00 TO APPLY ON SECOND INSTALMENT Amounts $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Jan. 16-31 . . . . . ..$9.60 $24.00 $43.00 $96.00 Feb. 1-14 . _ . . . .. 9.63 24.07 43.13 96.25 Feb. 15-23 . . . . . .. 9.65 24.13 48.25 96.50 b Mar. 1-15 9.63 24.19 43.33 96.75 M31216-31 . . . . . .. 9.70 24.25 48.50 97.00 Apr. 1-15 . . . . . .. 9.73 24.32 43.63 97.25 Apr. 16-30 . . . . . . . 9.75 24.38 48.75 97: 3 NEW 1934 1!)": J. lIlL\.A -... in History 1 n \\ FORD V/8\ -unn-1 TENDERS WANTED P1'epa_Vment Receipts may be obtained at the office of the T1'easu1`e1'. All cheques payable to the Town Treasu1'e1'. Prepaylnent Receipts must be presented with tax bill. on 01' before June 27th, 1934.. \.zUll'.u1L Illlotluhb :15c:1u. .u.u ; Lb` THE CANAI)I4L6;~`1`\uIvAL~`1AA\I`;;I;I`;C)m-1IL;.;19..._i.. ('T`-1G\ MR. C. C. HINDS A'\:I\'\`lI\`I`\ A4-` 4-Ln \XTn-I-A uuu uw; uuu--u.u..uu... MR, W. H. NESBITT, ..'.n.u nf 4-Ian \7Vn+-ov T Town of Barrie CHITTICK MOTOR SALES Jib. lf1UlV1fDULV, ."X1'UIllLU 81 Vio`m'ia St;., Toronvto. 1s. 1'u\'1v<- nu 1933 \\':IS .$3.`lT4,9()~l 1:4 nlvnnnnf` ('1 -".Q`l `JIM -9-,_}ro7m7 7B:RRIE to TORONTO _______. ...-..,~..-..~n. /~r\1\'|?"Y TOWN OF BARRIE TAXES FOR 1934: Larger Amounts NOW ON DISPLAY A. W. Smith, Trasurr, Town of Barrie. PHONE 491 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1934. `(Hillier St. UnitedChurch REV. E. E. LONG, B.A. B.D. Minister Lloyd Tufford, Organist and Chom- master. > Sunday, Feb. 25, 1934' 11 21.111, and 7 p.m.--The Minister. 3 p.m.-The Church School. You are in\'i*ed to the Midweek Meeting): on Wednesday evening, Feb. 28th, when Mr. J. E. Thompson Wu.- lead the discussion on VVha1: the n. 1.1- J , wur u is. 1'evivo 1!L'{f{ \\'nc .QR,`l7.1 n:u.u uuu ulobuquxvnt uu Sacramcnrts Mean to Me. 10.15-M`o1'ning Meditations in the Church Vestry. 11 a.m.--Mo`rning Worship. 2 p.m.--C1-usaders Bible Class 3 p.m.-Churc`h School. 7 p.m.-EvcVn-ing Warship. ([3 IE. ll. REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER` r Miss Elsie Cloughley, Organist Mr. Alexander Knox. Choirmaster at the Same Rates THE PEOPLE S CHURCH \`Un1 /-r\1\'| n I Sunday, Feb. 25, 1934 I`4Uf14L`4 D \.II Welcome ! inn.`- (T-16) and 00.1 _ \AI|andaie News` 1 Miss Florence McQuade spent a. day with her parents last week. Nfm, H, Gartner snent Mondav and day wltn ner parents Jasr, wuex. Mrs. H. Gartner spent Monday Tuesday in Peneta.ng_ M1-, mu] Mrs. D. White mo-homdl METROPOLITAN LIFE PAYMENTS BREAK REGOITIDS Iuesaay 1-n reneta.n~g_ . Mr. and Mrs. D. mo-bored to the city on Thursday. M1` 1 (`.mn:v~nn xvhn hag hnen liv- to ne c1t_v Lnursuay. Mr. J. Coruron, who has been liv- ing on the 14th concession, has se- cured a position in the mine.-; at Kirkland Lake. Mun I-Inn-:m snarl Mme F`nH cnrsrnf weunesuay 11). L111: c1Ly_ . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Riddell, of Toronto, and M1`. and Mrs. Geo. Bell, of Orillia, were in town to attend the meral of `the late Mrs. Cluson, `|\/Tm-a A 6-MA1 T\/Ton-when n11fnr1'a:naII nmeral 01 one iane lV11'S. musun, Mrs. Athol Marshall entertained the Women s Association of the Bur- ton Ave, United Church at her home Wednesday evening. I I'.}m VPS`. nf' Rnvhnn Ave. C`nL1rch weunesaay eVeI1mJg. The Y.P.S. of Burhon Ave. C`nLu`ch had Mr_ A. Morrow of the B.C.I. staff as their special speaker at Monday n`ig'.ht s meeting. Mr. Morrow spoke on Citizenship. [`.1nn Kath Parka!` Grnun of Burtnn lxmuand L:aK0. Mrs. Hogan and Mrs_ Fell spent Wednesday in the city, M.- 2111!] MV`Q Alhprt Riddeil. of L;1r.1zensn1p. The Seth Parker Group of Burton` Ave. Chunc.h is still going strong. Tuesday night they played before a` large and appreciative audience in St. Paulie Pretsbyterian Ohuxch, Bathurst St., Toronto. 'I`lm vn (1rAnn11.`IrnnY1`n had' Ibatnurst nu, 1o:ronw. The re depavtvrnent had anvother call to, this part of the town last Friday at noon, when the ciuimney m the `house of D. Jones -took re. No (1:n`nzLg'e was done. Thu Pnv N T? T), Sin('I:1i1- .uI- tlarnuge was none. The Rov. N. R.` D. Sinclair ad- dressed the Essa Road YP.S. on A stronvomy at the Monday nrig".11t meet- ing. 'l`hn VM (1 .A, hnckev team m`e- mg. The Y.M.C.A. -hockey team pre- sented v`:hei.r mo-st poxverful 1ine-up of the season last night and were able to defeat the Baraeas in a 'I`.':,\\v.n League xture 7 to 5. The Y hit tlieir stride in the third period and bun` in enough goals to take me }.j,d1nL. Zslzmslizxll, Bell and J0wl]ll.3`}0Tl were the leading play-ens for the win- nnvc Dividends to Policyholders for 1934 Third Largest 3 .-.4-nuur A-\;La. Shower for Mrs. C. Madill A shower for Mrs. C. Madill was p;i\'en a`. the home of Mrs. Ivan C]cn1mcns on Thursday nig,`ht1.`.st. 'A large number of friends were on `hand and many useful gifts were re- ceived. M1. and Mrs. Madill 1`ec-411-t- ly loss most of fiheir furnishingz, in a re in their apartment. IVA` .1. H111 ., .... ....... ..._, ...... .. Althougli ailing for some time, the sudden deatli of Mrs, Mary Cluson on Friday last came as a great shock to her many relatives and friends. Deceased was born 58 years ago in Toronto, and had lived in Allvandale since 1915. She was a cl1urte1' member of Beaver Rebekah Lodge and also a member of the Ladies Aid of the United Church. She is survived by one brohher, Robert, of < Mrs. Cluson s sister, Mrs. J. Day, passed a.\va.y only a few months ago. The funeral took place from her late residenc-e, Essa Road, and was conducted by Rev. E. E` Long, of Collier St. Church, B2L1`1'lC. Wisdom, A. Fl-eethvam, A. Pugh 'Pouche1', W. A. Jenkins Spearn. C`emetery. Ghapleau. C. and L. Interment at Barxrie Union The `pall-bearers were J. D.. E-Iockegr N ews` IRISH PREPS BEAT BARRIE 6-2 AT mun: x: I run? nuanrrm The St. Michael s Props (or peps) came through on `hhe long end of a 6-2 score over the Barrie Colts at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, on Tuesday night after sixty minutes of good, fay . hockey. The Colts were always in the picture, despite the score, and if the fo1'wa.rds had (',e`.pi talized on the chances they had the resulrf. would have been Very mucl" dit1"erent. "\r\ Quinn-. rV-]`|I\II'{)t` H-xn nA`-uni.-amn (llI1'Ol`(i UT. The Saints showed the advantage! of 1`eg'11la1' practice and good coach- ing, while Barrie. due to bhe lack of a rink for prztctcie, found great dith- cu1I'..y in getting anywhere and wen- inclin-cd to bunch together. It was the latter as much as anything which aided the Celts. Instead of the Bar rie forwards spreading out and talc ing advantage of the large ice ::Ll1" face, they bunched togthcr, making a passing` game practically impos- sible. St. Michael's, on the 01,110: hand, played the largeness of the In surface for exerything in it, :':._l that was plenty. Barrie will have the edge on the college -team in Orillia Fl`l(lil}' and the way . the boys are taking four goals will be just; a :3LJ.1'l- for them. T`l~.,. ..-. \\1I\ u-n.~ n x-nu-v {`4..~- nfrwiv lUL' l/HUIII. The _:a1nc was a vc.-ry fast afl'ai1', bo*'h teams turning" it on when we occasion deman(le(l_ The Preps scored the first {road on a ga111'in;: attack while l(a.~'lmer was serving a pena`.t:_v. 0 F`lahert_v got the counter af`er names by Smith and Conway. Fire Reynolds went on the attack one min- u`e later and and banged in his own rebound to tie the score. Eleven minutes went by before the Col legrians were able to score ag.-;ain, Barrie again being a man short, Ken ncdy being: in the pcnaly box. Smith get the counter` on a soio effort. at \r:,.i.,.n1v,. ..-n+ +u-n 4 nn,.1. nfl enort. St. ;\Iichno1's got two in each of the fol1o\\'in;: 1'r:unc:s. Ryan and Smith .<:-zmwl in the second on p.L<.<- ingr :1l..ta('k.<. and W. Sheedy and O'F1zL'nc2'ty (`otmted in the third. Coulson ::.cored Bzu'rie's second and lust goal in `he middle frame on a pass: out by Arnott. - Tn tho Inst norind the Colts onened Mrs. Mary Cummings Cluson .1. -LU... ~n-.-un $:II\1f\ A In. ,.` out by .`-\1'nOt17. In the last period the Colts opened up and hvmmed the Irish in behind their own blue line and gave Murphy plenty of work to do. However, he turned all the shots aside. In was in this period that Barrie had most of viieir scoring chances, but were zuvuy of!` in their work around the net. Fnulpnn QnnH- T?:nrnn1A.e and `\rn- A very satisfactory financial report for 1033 featured by a ro<:nrd- breaking total of paynients to policy- holders; an increase in assets; and declaration of the third largest dividend to policyholders in the Con1pany s histor_v, is presented to- day by the Mclropolitaui Life Insurance Com11an_v to its more than twent_v-five million policyholders. The Company is entirely mutual, having no St0(`l\'hOi(]('l'S. `his report gives striking evidence of the reliance of the people of Canada and the United States on the security and protection of life insurance, as more than Two Billion Dollars has been paid by the Metro- politan Life to its policyholders and their beneficiaries during the past five years. In 1034 $f);'),230.4.')2 was reserved for dividends to policyholders. The regular scale of dividmuis on pre- mium-paying policies are the same as those of a year ago. Including 1934 declaration, the Metropolitan since its organization has paid or credited a total of $018,472,210 to policyholders in the form of bonuses and dividends. Of this amount $400,000,000 was earned and de~ clared during the last four years. not. Coulson, Scott, Reynolds and Arn- ott played good hockey for Barrie, with Hooper makinxg some nice saves. For St. Micha.el s O Fla.he1*ty, STIIIUI and Ryan were the pick. `Rn-1-v-im_Grm1, `Honnnr: defence. a.n Ryan me pxc-K. Ba.'rrio-Goa1, Hooper; defence, Kennedy and Kashner; centre, Smtt; wings, Coulson and Stransrnan; al- IDI1 VKLFD DLI-\l DHKKIL 0'4 AT MAPLE LEAF GARDENS When in need of used parts, cal; the Barrie Auto Wreckers; 47 Bay- Inh] gf phnnun 1190 IUHB Da1`flC nuuu VV1.`t Ield St. Phone 420. [` Foy Sa.1c-100 acres, good clay` loam, so-uth -half of lot 10, Com. 5, Ir}nis1; brick house, good barn and! pxg pen. Apply M. J. Fmw1ey,l Barrle, Out. 2 V I The play Good Clean S_ .)O1't; midi ne music by B.C.I. students, in me Public Library Hall on Tlmursday, Feb. 22nd, at s p.m. Tickets 25.` Students 15c. Sponsored by the` W (1 '1` TT . The usual epidemic of dog poison- ing which occ1_11's every spring in the Vicinity of Maple Ave. again starteu on Monday when a wire haired ten`- rie.r belonging to J_ D. Clelanrd died as a result of -poisoninqg`. At a meeting` of the executive of the South Simcoe W0men s Instltutes -held in Barrie on 'I.`uesday, arrange- mens were made to hold the annual musical festival in the Oddfellows Temple, Barrie, on May 18th. HARRY D. VVRIGHT Third Vice-President and Manager for C'a.nada., Jlletropolitcm Life In- surance Company, who reports in- cmascd in vcstmcnts in the Dominion. Canzuliam Cioncert Association was given. om Thursday evening last '. the Oddfellows Hall, Miss Enid Gray, soprano, being the artist, and Weldon Kilburn, ac'c'o1npa~nist., Miss Gray won the applause of all present by her charm and rendition of English, Gei- man and Italian selections. Weldon ` Kilburn also pleased with SQV(31'3.l The second program of the Barrie` piano selections. ` INNISFIL TWINS WILL BE 77 YEARS OLD IN APRIL Thomas and Isaac Gilpin, twin bro- thers, nu.ti\'es of Innisl t.o\vnsh'U, ' but now residing` in Toronto, will cele- br-a`c their 77th birthday on April 19th next. It is claimed they are Onta`1'io :; oldest twins. Th-omas Gil- pin farmed in Imiisl until 25 years ago, when he retired, as did Isaac, who was prop1'iet.0~r Of a go-new}: store at Lefroy, his native `village. FOUR BARRIE. RINKS TAKING PART IN TORONTO BONSPIEL Four rinks oi Barrie curle'1's are ta.king' part in '1`oronto s seventh an-. nual bonspiel this week, and afLer| `dm'ee days play it looks as if the big` si1ve'1'wa1~e may go anywhere Lhisl year. There were no unbeaten rinks after Wednesdays. play. The Barrio rinks are : LT 1:-\vV. \ !'\ T1 T)-M-fnu-~.nn LI 'i\rL ) n, JIIILKS ause I H. Love, 0. B. Patterson, H. 1\I:-zc-l dith, J. M. Mills (skip). ` B_ E, Robertson, M. Robertson, R.` Malcomson, Dr. Sholrti (skip). . .H. Armstrong`, F. Simon, A. J. Simon, W. H, Kennedy (skip). A. Moffutt, B. Underhill, M. 1; . Dnn`nIIn D II` (`_nuw-.~.H- fob?-a\ olurou, vv. 1'1, J.\l':H`ll.'Uuy \ax\iy)_ - 1 Rogers, R. F. Garrett (skip), - The Mills .ri'nk reached the third 1 round in the North American Life - `Trophy, but were defeated by SLron- 5 aeh, of the G;1'm1ite Club, in the semi- `; nals 13 to 8 ` D1`. Shovrttis rinvk reached the semi- finals in the Royal York Tophy, de- feating a Chatsworth rink 15 to 5 '.n the third round. This rink also won` in the rst round of the Bi'rks-Ryrie competition, but were defeated in the second round by a rink from Toronto. xxx 11 1z,.....,.,1..:.. 1-:r\1- 1m.+ 4-,. nl .l.U1`UI1laU. ' W. H. Kc-nnedy s rink lost to ai Chaisworth rink in the second roundi of the Royal York Trophy. Tneyi won in the rst round of the Birksw Ryrie competition, but lost to Kin- cardine in iihe second round. D T?` nn1nIn++ n `J-nip Iivnn ha lnn. Cd.l'(.llHU lll U18 5UCUI1(). J.'Ul.ll1U- | R. F. Ga1'rett s rink won in the: second round of the North American Life Trophy, but met defeat in one first round of the Seagram Trophy. RUSSELL--In loving memory of my; dear g'randson, Arthur Russell, of J .G-alt, who \va.<, killed instantly in his glider one year ago to-day. Sadly and quickly came the call, His sudden death surprised us all. We have lost what God has gained, One of the best -`.~he world contains. --Sadl_v missed by Granclma. Gray and Family. ` Commenting on Canadian activities of the Company, _l`hird Vice-I resi- dent Wright, Manager for Canada, said: In 1933 we paid out more to our po1icyl1oldei's in the Dominion than in any year since we com- menced business here in 1872. Dur- ing the last five years the total amount so paid \v:L~'. $]_]f3,()T4,4-16. It was :i1; pointwl out by Mr. \Vri::ht th.-it in\'o.~:(1uents of the Met1'opo1il:m Lifn in C:m:1t1:1 haul In-en iI1(`l`v:lSCd during the _\'e:11' to $`_ lG,`_ 2- ..`%.~1().s`, and that the uumllnt of Junzuliun business in force exceeded (me Iiillinn I)oll:11's. vrl... 1..1-.1 -,Iu\"lli n! Hm (`nmnnnv \\avuuu.u\.u. LLVAIA 1:u.{.,\, vu l\IanzL_<:cment Committe-e- Teachers salaries .....,..$25` Supply toache1's Ag1'icu1t'-.11`al classes Chemistry classes Miss H'.m~'.c1' ..~. `.\IisceI1a1*~e0us BOARD 01-` EDUCATION WILL I SPEND $121,577 THIS YEAR` . $27905 00' (The above salary list is for teach- ers wli-0:0 salary is paid in academic classes only. The salaries for corn mercial c.lasses are included in voca- tional estimates). 1I___;:..,,-1 r`l__-__ uuy u Receipts-- Government gmnt . I '|'<`.\'nn'nrli1`n1rn.c_. ' \1U\'l'.`l'IlII!BH'L g'l`il`llL Expen(1imu1'es-- Salzwios . ............ .. `.\'Iisc0Jla'\0o11s JNl`glll U1 Rece1pts-- Govc1'nm.cnt grant Wnna L` L'l`.\' ............... ..............- Expenvd1tures-~ Sa1'.u`ie.= ...... ..... Miscellaneous LOCAL NEWS Total receipts ................... ..$ 6278 50 Toml expenditures ......... .. 11578 50 To*`a1 to be estimated for to cover`; Vocational Classes, $5,300.00. ternzltes. Reynolds, Amot`, Dytc and Gording. . Sf. `Mi:-.1~nn1:.---Goal. Murnhv: d0- (mo Billion 1m|l:11`s. Tim is-1:1! zxsstc-ts of the Cumpnny on lmcu1x1l(-1' 31st \\'m'e $3.SGO,T(31,- 101, an in:-rense of $'.)1.3SR,T(`.6 over 19532. It was pointed out that one of Hm DI'i!`t'i::ll <-|::u15.'vs in the :1s. (1nI`il17_" Hm _\'v:u' h:u1 h-on an i1wreu. in Him lmml hnhlinsrs`.--1*l1iufl\' in uorumg. St_ Micltaels---Goal, Murphy; d<-- foncc. Crz1\vfo1'd and Mitchell centre, E. Sheedy; wings, W. Sheedy and Smith; a.1t.e2'nates, Ryan, Conway, O F1a.her`y and Orsini, `Rnfm-r-n_`P \Vm'Hnv. (Continued from page one) 1 .....,.....-......4. r`<-..........'4.L-... 'r`la.ner'y and urslm, Roferc-e-E. \VortIoy. IN MEMORIAM ., uuuuu\,n, , Vocational Classes -ux ,r '"i:i-ii" c'I;;"s'" 1-.u ..vun; u-uou Day Classes The Northern Advance .|/I 8'91` ...... "$25980 00 . 375 00 150 00 150 00 950 00; 300 00' 832 3 150 (lHI`ll1f_ H16` _\'l`2lI' ll:Ul lN'l,'1l uu |1IrH:iL>u in the lmml hu1lin_::s--vhiufiy }m'm'mm~11t', I`I'm`iI:vi:1l. Shite HIM] ;\Inni<~i;ml hunds--:1n:1 in the (`N811 in-xn, plnving 1lm(`u1I1p:111_vjnnneven 1l)nl'e liquid 1m. 'I`hn (`nmnznn~`< fntnl int-mun for 1518 0: 5296 00` 9770 00` 200 00 l For Goal Supplies aild Coal for I County Buildings. TeI`1dCv1`. $ will be received by thel iundersignled up till Wednesday, Feb- [nuary 2811, 1934, for supplies for the `Gaol and coal for the County Build- invgs, for the period of hvelve months, lfr-om April 1st, 1934, to Marcll 31st, 1935. Supplies for gaol, consistingi of meat, veg'etab`.es and g1'oce~1'ies. A1-, ls-0 supplies of gm-orzeries, meats, b`rea(` {and milk for the _Children s Shelter. , '1`:ern:der forms and any info1'matio.n- I may be ob.z1ined at the Co`un`.;y _lT1`ez1'su1'er s office at the Comzt House. I A1,.` -9.... ...`....1.. me ,.....1 4,. 1,. 4,. I J.l'U2l'SLl.1'Bl'S UIIICQ HE EH3 \.1UU`l'-U DOUEC. Also for supply of coal to be de- livemd at the Court House, Gaol, Registry Office and Child1`en~ s Shel- ter, estimated as follows: C~ou1' House and Registry Office, about 100 tons of soft coal, best quality; Gaul. about 70 tons of s.'ove coal and 10 tons of nut coal; Childrexfs Shelter, about 15 tons of fu-1'nz1ce and stove coal, as required. . nnlixrnnwr nf nnnl in `run nnnrln af Hun CUZL1, 'c'.S l'BqLll1`C(1. Dolivmy of coal to be made at the veques,` -of the C.hai1'man~ of the Cour.- ty Propelrty Committee, and `tenders for the coal for Gaol and Court House to be `given for the delivery on slegihs and also fur (`Le.1iver_v in May. AH fxnhrlrzvq tn ho conln nnd -,\rl-I may. ' All tenders to be sealed and ad- dressed to T\ 11 (`V11 I71/r.\M l i The dog by-law is being openly! flouted. Unless the owners and mar-| borers of dogs have them tied up at, once, prosecutions will follow. | ALEX. STEWART, Chief of Folios.` `FRED DOUGLAS HEADS ` RETAIL MERCHANTS ASSO.` At a well attended meeting` in the! police court chambers Monday nignt, ofcers of the newly o)`gani_zerl Ru- maily l\[erc`h-ants Association were electcd as follows: Presitient, F1ed Douglas; Vic:-President, Harry Mc- Cullough; Sccretary, lVIuz'ray Ram- say; Treasurc1', Harry Twivsvs. Fl'\I-.. ......,....J..'n,\ ".311 1 \f\ ..An-...~,..l AC nqum 1m. The (,`nmp:m_\s tum! int-nme for the yon!` was $.\`T1,`_`33.003. This was zlmply Sllffivilt to meet all the de- lmmds of Thu H411`: to make pay- ments to pu>`iv_\"~nld<'1'.<. to pay ox- ])(`l`.SUS, to 1n:1I:.- the n<-<`c.<.~::n'_v addi- tions to reserve, and 1'in:1l1y to increase the surplus funds to $243,- 123,032. An nddition:11 m:11';:in of safety is contained in the Q0ntIn- gem-y fund of $43,000,000. ]`:n-rm-um fn Mvtrmmlirnn nn]i('\'- . Brennan; _ Ladies Wear, _Goods, Harry Binion; Publishers, K. . ,'Wa.lls; D Gri'itIhs; Furniture, A. E: Smith; any , ; Lk/b.)uA\.1, ;;u.u;_y 4 u l_-..:. The executive will be composed of one man representing each line of `business as follows: Mem s Wear,l |Cha.s, Lower; Coal Dealers, W. C.. lBoad\\'ay; Leather Goods, W. R A1-" Radio, J. G. l{eon.m_;` ers, Geo. Wrig:l1=1`; Auto 'Ayerst; Tobaccoists, C. M. McBride; M1`. Dlillevr; Dry BL1lC`l1`Oll`, M. J.l Plumbers, Harold ;VIcNabb; Fancy Goods. P. Brymner; Shoes, W. Paints and Wallpaper, T. E.'Harley; Hardware, Ralph Urry; Lumber, J. D. Cleland; Pwhotographers, G. W. Jackson; Fruit Dealers, Jolm Saso, IMil1ing', Mr. Beach, Sr.; Jewe`.ers, W_ B. Webb; Bakers, Alex. Clelaml; Dairies, Jo-hn Hodges; Creamery, L. lan; Grocery, M. L. Chantler; Sieeusgh , G-co. Brown; ` Electrical, Ralph Gribble; Dry Clean-'_ Dealers, Ha: old ` M. N-orris; Furrs, V. Simmons, F7....,. T `I1 I`- ....l.,,...... \X7n/I :\v\\ .... u........., - |A'l-LI, . . ..,.......-..-_ Zone Capvhains-J. D. Wisdom, `Harry A1'mst1'ong, Frank Dutclaex, Wm. -G,arnez1', C_ C. Hinds, Bert Rob- ertson, Grievance Committee-M. Rmn;4a.y,. `secrctmgv; Frank Dobson, Frzmk `Hm-lbuxt. Geo. B1`-o\\'11. `V A motion was passed what 1`/IS:.1'S. Douglas, McCullough, Ra1n;~:ay and; Twiss attend the Omario p1-ovin.ial| branch of the Retail Merch;mts As- .socia.tion cm1vention at the King` Ed- iward Hotel, To`1', on Wednesday. 7`l'V1......, 1` lur, {O u. r\\\ nlunnrlu K Iv;uA.\| Axvvyny A.v`LvAAIvv an -yv\,. The=1 e are 53 members already signed, but the czunpaign will con- tinuue till the sixty mark at least 151 reached. Mr. Jones, the oa'g'anizcr, `will be in town next week for hree _days to assist. in completing` the cam- -paign. Meantime any illterested who` have not yet signed up should get in touch with any of {he four officers, ;Messrs. Douglas, McCu11o-ugh, Ram- isuy or Twiss. ---- Four rinks of Midland curlersl '_playcd a friendly game with four? [Barrie rinks here Saturday e\'en111lg.1 `The local men won 63 to 43, '\ D......:.. `v\ Htl|:\n-rl l NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS ` LOCAL CURLERS WIN FROM FOUR MIDLAND ` 1111: 1UC'd.l UXUIL I Barric- \Dr. Shortt ........ .. R. Malcomson... BEAUTIFUL Jolm 1". Ulzu`K governmem. 1L-)CLu1`l.'1' on horticulture, will give an trated address, \\`i`l1 fty beautiful slides, in Public Library Hall, March lst, featuring roses and rock gardens. ` `-Flower lovers should not miss this.[ Silver collection. ` gl.'ll('y lllllll U1 v,h,).\" .\VU. 1`L|..\`H](`lllS to Mvtrupulitnn po]i('_\'- ]mMe1'S and their lwtwt`ioia\1`io.<, whivh p:1. the hill!`-hillinn nlark in 1932. s111'p:1.;-u (won that record lust ymr, whn-n $:"nT2.G7$!.:':S0 was disbursed in the form of death benefits, m:It1m*d en un- nuities, divhlonds. di.'<:1hilit_v bx-nefits. (`ash surrmuler vnhms. me. Of the total amount, $1.'1.:'M;.. `H was paid `in settlement of dmnh claims and well over $lntI.4\I|U.0l`)0 to living p01i(`_\'lmh1vrS. l`h0 tntnl is. rn\'i\`r-1] nml