Page Two J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ofce 51 Dunlop St. West of l".0. Square, Second Floor) Residence: 144 Maple Avenue Phone 700. DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simooe County Ofce and Rcudeneo 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Oice Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.80 DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Ofce and Realdence-Comer Elin- bert and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 1% Ofce Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-8 p.m., 7-8 p.m. IVIIDD DEL 148 Toronto St. DRS. I..lTTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Office Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Corona ` County of Simcoe. Associate Coroner, County of Slmcoo Phone 61. Ofce--58 Collier St. Office Hours: `S-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.80-8 p.m. I T` 3 Phone H2. DR. WALTER H. WOODROW EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THIROAT SPECIALIST Orillin, Ontario lwill be at the Queen : Hotel, Bnrrk, Every Saturday. 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoint- ment. UIDXV 1 A11 DUfCUr}U.N Post Ofce Square Telephone 585 Above Express Oice L l'1JL`J1Vt`LI`1D1 D 82A Dunlop St. P110110 40` Electric, Hydro. Physio and Electionlc Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustmenta Blood Tests and` Urinalysis Homo or Ofce Rates Reasondblc YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS LIICGIISCQ CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESI THERAPISTS EA ROA n..._I.... DI---- AA- , - vow-------. -----v- -7---.. Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chnpel in connection. Established 7* . LII.-_. HG Kl-..-J- Q._A DR. VV. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN ncacnrafa (`nu-nnnv (`nu-.4" .1` GI..... GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS unu-111 U|u.Ir.K ur HUI Barrio Branch MISS BEULAH SCOTT Tn:-nnbn Qt DL--- G. 6. SMITH 8: CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON FR:-A Qnnau- "l`_l.--L-- - 30 Million Dollars 30 Million Dollars IVIJ IL. I-\ Licensed TDDQ .1 Phone 2355 We carry a full line of Magistrates , Constables` and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases. UBQIHQ, 9&- The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing froln a Business Card to a Catalogue, Look over your :requirements and place your order with the Advance. Northern Adv a_nce i23 Dunlop St. Nnrthern Ahuanre Printers in Barrie since 1847. DOWN N0 JOB TOO LARGE NONE TOO SMALL PHONE 53 This is news indeed! Now, for a limited time you can get one of the new Hoovers- either the Popular-Priced Model or the Two-Speed Hoover-complete with Dusting Tools or Dnstette, for a down payment de- cidedly less than usual. Hoovers, as you know, are lower priced-and more el`- cient. All models have the patented, exclusive cleaning action, Positive Agitation, the only effective principle for dislodging rug-ruining, embedded grit. PHONE 53 The Hoover l-Iedlite en- nbles you to clean better end more easily-ondnrb cst days, in darkest cor nets, without overhead light. The Hoover is the only cleaner equipped with the Hedlite. Liberal Allowance for old electric cleaners. Telephone for no-obligation Home Trial without delay. ` Burma. ---_. .-......\. u. . vr-nnunu Premier R. B. Ben.neb`i zm.`no`u.u-.eui `last \V'C(`i\' tilmt a select speclal cum- 'mitte of nine members of the I-loam: lwould be appointed to inquire _1 n-no and 1'4.-port upon the operation 01' the `Commission U.I1(i0\l` the Czitlzuiiazx I Radio Broadcastin-g Act of 1932, as amended last session, ,`.o advise and recommend what, if any, oilzuages should be effected in the .(:.\'lSLi'.g' syst2e:n1 of radio broz1.dcastinvg. A revie\\' of tho rmlin h)'n:|rh-n.-r.nn- Ibyzmuiil U1 1`d.(l1O o1'oz1.ucasunvg. rc\'i.(:\\ of the radio bi'0z1(lc-ustinig situzurion should be most useful. Radio is a live public issur and 011:,- upon which any citizen who O\VI'l1S a.1`.;v thing from u C1yS`tD.l bet to 3. 1.3- tube triple toirgued loud spcunci feels coinpeteni` to express an opin- |ion. Radio is in 21 state 01' :1ClZl`.""` evolution-, and no one can say der nitely what; part it is to play in ' future. In the eld of business ii. is slivoxvinwg itself to be u compexiilix factor with establislimi institutions. I Thu ;I\rPI`:H)'n 1-Hi-znn in 1"|I\l|Vl\!*I\iI inn MAR Ur 1:.UKUl 1:; .` Christopher C. Robinson, a form- er Toronto barrister, bw`, a reside-2.1 of Geneva fo several years, sees i::- the Nazi 1noven1en1;- in Austria `.1 mounting menace to world peace. The Nazis, as everyone knows, have been trying since they came to power _ i in Germany, no dominate Austria, and 'iare a.pparent.1y succeeding. The S0 icialist revolt is only a tenioprary ihalt. We are naturally indignant ax`. jthle behaviour of the Nazis and ap plaud Herr Dollfuss resis`ance. We `perhaps picture him as struggling to _maintain Austria s independence, and a democratic g`overn~ment. Herr Dor1l1'uss, however, is criticisinag` demo `crate government in language hard- _ly disdin-guisnhable from that of Herr 3'I-tler or Sigmor Mussolini, and is doing` his utmost to convert Austria [into a corporate state upon Fascls lines. i 'I`1'|n K`.-...,. 3.. (-1A._,______, __,, I l.La.L;Lur wiun (.`5EaD1.lS.1l'C'(1 mLLtut1ons. Fhu average citizen is, however, more conicerned about rihe prog'1'ams that come to his home. The develnp iment of radio prog`rams that W1.` satisfy a majority of the people 1: ione oi the hardest tasks in Canada where we lack the number and var- iety of entertainers available in th United States, Great Britain ant orthrear c0un~t1'ies that `have hundreu':- of pers-ons specially train-ed for 1?; amusement and entemainment eld. Tho l".n11:1.rI`i-an Wnrlin r'nIv\m-1:u:-:r\-*- u.u1u5u111cI1L and enu:-1'Lzu'mnent I1e1('.. The Calmdian Radio Clommis-sion {has been under re fnetquently, and few realize the ` unvdertukell, but we believe that a majority of -Can adizms are still in favor of national broadcasting. 111193. The Nazis in Germany are des'oer- .a.tely eager to succeed in Austria. f.r criticism of their predecessors to an active foreign policy of prestige, but ;they camro-.5 yet support a policy by favrms. They are committed also by `their own official party program to a pan-German policy in Europe. The union of all Germans on the igimund of the self-determination of `ipeoples into one great Germany. |All who are of German blond, whether they live to-day under Dan- _`ish, Polish, Czech, Italian or French domination, should be united itvo one Gcrrman Reich. A.,;4-,.:.. n4- .n.,m,n1L ,\a`-..,. {they are committed by :`.heir scornrfui ` S/oort time only !WILL NAZI DRIVE REVISE THE MAP OF EUROPE. ('.h1'1':fnr1:nm F`. Wnkhmnn n n.-. uuu uewman uexcn." Austria at present offers am op- |pon`;unity to iG,ci2'many, but their am- bition includes the Little Entente. `:The ca.mpaig'n against Austria suits .Gc1-many. Its aim is uwc.--fo1d--to lmzxkse adininistmfxion impossible for {any Austrian government that ex- idludes the Nazis, and life under any :but a Nazi government inwolcvrablc f'n.r H1n Anc`h~inn:.' I I `about only by united LU\l' Luu .`\USLrlU.nS_ Nations intevestcd in the peace of Europe and of the world are not un- aware of ~`uh<:.~;c facts, and German failume in Austria can be brought opposition of tlu: Germany must oth er pow-0 rs. ;again be tz1ug'ht `the lesson she fail- I ;ed to learn from 1914 to 1918, terest rates on public debt as a lmeans of relieving` the tax burden of tlhe people and hastening recovery has found considerable favor among [the public. That there is another :aide to the question was emphasized, lhowrever, by Sir Joseph Flavelle in a lrecelnrt address at Barrie. Sir Joseph `pointed out that adoption of this `policy might impair the ability of lfe insurance companies to meet their polic_\' claims in full, that the incomel of many small es~'.ates would be ser- iously affected, and that the banks of Eanada hold a chief position as mem- `s 1` ll . -v.~l`t ' -1; l Cll"ln(x)v.. "(fl ,(l.l~.(.)11.4-L iii": ..n u.....- 1 IJLDI l Proposals for sealing` down of hr` | I.|.U III-LII!/$l|\l'.' CUI Canada bers of the creditor class. There no doubt tha.` all tlicse factors must be taken into consider- ation, but they can hardly be deem- ed .~'u1licien~` to warrant (log.-;niz1.1lc re- jection. must also be con; Commodity prices have adju. tl1em. conditions, but _\'<-d c.l1:11-y,-<;_< remain at pre-depr(-. le\'el.<.., Holders '01 public securities i.<. ra.`es prevailing prim to 1929 there- fore occupy a particularly favorable position. The intere:=.t rate on l021.1.< oated to-day are considel-a.l)ly lo'.~.- er than those of some years ago. These loans are readily absorbed. Canada, moreover, has had no dim- cuL y in obtaining money to carry out its voluntary conversion loans and Great Britain last year su'cce.=.~- fully converted a part of its debt at a substantially reduced rate. 1 Reduction of capital debt by v:.Lrtbitrary act of government could not be justied. But a re-adjusrnnenfc Of interest rates in kooninvrr uril-.`n f.`r.n , f0 1927 .`.lnr. 1"erg'u.~'on had paiues `LU meet men IWIUHIJ I1`1'0UL1Cl3-" Mr. Henry said he appreciated the of the deputation. _It was thr~oug`h such g'a:1hering`s that the Gove1'nment is able to make up its mind. I realize the responsibility of the Govemanen-t in this matter, but the question of a cliangie in -`.he law has come up because of a c'hanvgc of `attitude of the people, not because 'J`h(.-re are other factors` that 1 01' any particular interests. The I remi poin.`.ed out that in called tile [Liquor Control Act an e.\'1)cm11e11t. I think that the :.-.\;pe1*11nc11~t 1s re- at in.`u-r..~t g'arllcd by the people g_,renerally a.: at au('ce.<.-`. O1 cour.~:c I l{l'l0\\ 'aln-re are ,people here who would be>'l`lt.`(l with i:otliin_v,v' short of total prohibi- tion. 1 hope they live to see the day when I hat is ptmsible. But I am afraid they will have to live a long time. It is, as I have said many times, a matter of education. In the mean- time we must discover what is most acceptable to the people of this pro- V vince. That is g'ovennunen,`. our mission as a 'l".l-an I-.n.llnn+n1< nl` {ah-n-....1 ..A-.,..... l 1 I I iUuL bl. A\?J.ZI g'uv(31'n for the Austr1ans_ \"\h'nvn;- in!-nun;-tn INTEREST RATES ON PUBLIC DEBT .. ......l."-.... D\-n1xr.;..u1- 4',` .].\...._ -1` 2.. .'l|Ula UU J Ll.`Ll.llUll. rates prevailing le've1 : There is much *5 4'...,,... A4'4.r u.|. uIu:u:aL 1u.u:: lll Kceplllg wnsn me Is a differe-nt nutter. that" can be said in- its favor. After all, the ability of the people to pay 1110 cost of public tlvhf enmm`. lw lrft ( lll.ll`(`l}. out 01' A . . . . . ..l... THE. RADIO SITUATION $4.95 .- ~ vvs-v-v vv -www-u--vvvo-7? ` _ . . Puuiahed at 123 Dunlop 51.. U xrrie, every T!----mday 5? N*`!Pr".?`:h}'r PuHi.h..I .9 I23 n....:.... cu .l.llL'll. Dub 21. re-aajummenc 1n keeplnvg` wlth the love] ic :1 rH'nrn.11f~ 1-nn`+nr M. D. MORRISON. 3--i-`.1; -.1. cmgr; I 'l`1n-, Nm-them. Advance &i;Di'T(:3i< ;2-'-Ki, LU uu s0n1c;.ining' ll)(.'0llS'l5L(3I1l, about it all. Tlie V.O.N. is saving,` the town money every year, for it is the town council s bL1si11ess to look after bile l1L;).lu,l1 01' the citizens, just .15 much as it is to look after the edu- (:iLtl011 01' the cliildren. As for the Ag'ricuLturzLl Society, ilii is u commun- ity 01'g`1LI1iZ2ltl0`!1 luwin-g an education- al vulwuc wliic-l1 slliould be e11eou1'ug,`ed. I l I IIL .,wuu mm but: v.u.1\`. by :51`UU and :1. 1,-,'mnt 01' $400 to the Ag`1'icul`L'uml Society by $200. T'hc1`-c` would uppcur to be .s0n1c;.al1ing' inc0ns'isL(211L about` 'l`~In- vnw .'_. 4:...` I u l "l`hc town council decided to sipenui only $4,000 on new fire iignfuig equipment, and naturally the Lawn` will get just four ctihousaxid dollars worth. The equipment, however, will I not be \vl1u;i 21 town the size of Bax ' nie should have if niiouglit 01' the future is taken into C0l1Sl(.lC).`atl0I1. The matter, we "uhinuk, should. luwe benve gone into more czLreI'uliy be-I fore a decision was made. Deben- tures are to be issued for the pay ment of the new e-quipiment-thcn would i-t- not be better to pu1~c11a.s:.= equipment that can be absolutely dc- pended upon for years to come and! extend the debenture payments over ten years lllsiiieazd 01' ve ? There is such 3. `ching as false economy, but the future years will detenniile vv.hert'l1c1-on` not the 1934 council` Drzlcticed in-. l RESPONSES I 'l`.hc town council will this ycuri hand over to ~i`,h:: Board of Education I .,\'S5,b'8A1.:31> L0 udL1cuLu the rising ;.-,'m1- I c1';1tion--u lot 01' money to rui.s"u in tlu.-so -linm1cs--zvnd then cut: 11. g`ru.nt V of $500 for the V.O.N. by $100 kind ;.;1 zmt .`irl0~0 Ln the Amvi.-nI4 ....,.i BEER LAW TO BE CHANGED, BUT UNDER CONTROL, SAYS PREMIER i be divorced from the Govermnent or , the party in power. Any ohanlge made in extending the sale of beer and wine will be under the control of the Liquor Control Board in a very denite form, said Premier G. S. Henry, addressing some 300 members .-of 'ivhC Ontario Pro'hibition Union, who petitioned against any change in the pre_~t.n2, act toward wider dispensation or beer and wine. The Premier recounrted how tlleii Liquor Con-t-rol Act was brou.g'ht in- to force, and he insisted that the.` liquor question could nor. be kept out; of politics, alrtzliougli the deputation urged that it be sI.1hmi1'.1ed to the people without being coupled in an election contest. T1110 adn1inist1'zu`;ion of law cannot . l Comtml had hmm on'm.+:.m1.. tun`- VVJ 1`U' lJU.U 1' OT pructlced 1:13. r not p1~e to accede to mheir '10-1 ` quest that licenses should be extend- _ ed to them for beer and wine. I feel , view. tut: pwrty 111 Coaitrol had been effectively car- ried out under the Act, and while he respeo',edVthe views of the depu- tation, he felt they were largcry founded on the feeling of alamm. The Government has no inrterest in any organization such as -the Mod- eration League, except vth`1`oug`h a vote that was taken in dierent places in the province and sent to me. I have had no deputation from the breweries asking me to do 2111;, - thin-g'. 1 had a deputation f1'om the luotelkeepers, and I told them I wasi the people still want the di=5t1'ibution of liquor unde1' the C0`11t1`Ol of the Gove1'1m1eut. I still think that is the r1<.L,. T).......:,_, ,_: . I v u v - l \'lUW. I The Premier said he had n-o desire to retuirn to conditions that existed prior to\1()0G. Prrovgress had been made in the province in the 121.51: 30 or 35 years in the `Leeth of very con-I siderable opposition from prohibition forces. Sir Janreu W'hitney s local op-`ion clause had made piogress to- ward real temperan-ce, and this] clause was still in effect under the Liquor Ar-1:. up nun crau-.51. 5 Liquor Act. f-'J1n.11u-mu utquur ACE. Cl1a11g'ers in liquor sale had bcen nwule in the United States, and Can- ada, due fuo her p:`b:(in1ity, would be atfected. But I want to say -that we will never return to him nnnrlifinnc. H too H..- u.1quor Lm1u'o1 ;\L`L "c.\:pcmnent.i BUY: 6: bur: I L-.\:1)>c1`i1nc11`t is re-`BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- us. a4`-`ARIES PUBLIC, COI\'VEYANCERE>, |:ll('L`\'~* l;:1o\ ETC. D \\.:~nu `\/`Ills n-I./\ ..~,\m`|.I Ln ...t3 J! ..I II.__.._. A_ I A-.. -1. I nu-A-O nf-n Thrift offer y,uuu:u u_\ um: puupu: gum.*1'u11_V 11:1 21 k1'l0\`\' wouhl }:0'L,hir1l`j. ,' prohibr the; -`hut uml time. I I tune. I times,. nieau-} ` a' I The collector of internal revenue received the following from a wo- man. ``In regard to vfzhe enclosed in- come tax blank, please take my .name oil the list. as I Wu driven to mn"v-i- Pmnv lw Hm (ln1m~:-:?-(H1 and now .'L'n ' \-.'ou~;mg 101' noohmg. `Ind Publisher ......... ..,u-..-...,, u.. m u uuuuuu11- mizutlon : RADENHURST & HAMMOND 'BARR1STERS, SOLICITORS, ETC Monty to Loan at Lowest Rates 7, Ofce, First Floor Masonic Temple Building. i H-on. Dr. Robb, who, in addition t=o his own work, `has taken over the }dru.ties of -`-the late Hon. D1`. Monteith, Ip-oints out that it is the aim of his idepartrrnent to do away with direct lrelief Wlherever possible. Hence the GORDON LONGMAN 'BARR.ISTER, S%LICITOR, NOTARY TC. I Im........ A. I n-.. n \IhIIl`I\ 11:351.`:--_- BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOT- ARIES, CONVEYANCERS, Etc. _..___ C; 'I`nl.._|-....... R0 1 ' CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC 5 nulnn Sf, Ran-in. Phone: 403. DONALD F. MacLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC . MONEY TO LOAN 9 l|A_-.._2.. 'I'........I.. l'I!I..I.. I2..-..:.. _c. R. F...:," ' utuyo runuxu oz uuu vmxnmunu I Money to loan in any sum: at ` lowest current rates. i 18 Owen St. - Barrie D. M. Stewart C. D. Stews LALLLJL5 rul = `. Hl Money to 2? OFFI( :1 [In the prerc _: the Branch :, 1 W. A. Boy: `t ? `~ f D. I I Successor to Ureswlcxe oz Den IBARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC 1 MONEY TO LOAN \ nu--. D--. nl....l. R...-r:- I ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISTERS Solicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyancers /Ioney to loan at lowest current rates. Office: 13!. Floor Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. .f`_ H 121:1-on M FT mcfnn ] Dllbll I Solicitor for obtaining` probate of` .vi1l, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary (Jon- veyancer, etc. MONEY T0 LOAN DEC--. lUl........:.. 'l'........I.. Illuln 1 or Interest | ; OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. premises formerly occupied by Bank of Toronto. Ofce. Elmvale, Ont. `W. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys uuuuauzlno, au1.u.uJ.L uno, 1:; - 5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 406. MONEY Tn LOAN I . ` FUNERAL DIRECTOR 47 Eliubeth St_ Phone 218 nxvu>L;LAiiCE SE1 Mag. . HOOVER I'd 1. LI. Money to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. 1VlUlV1111 1. U JJUALV Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. nxu. Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest n1:vm1r~1:". 10 nxxnrm Q'T` .u.Luu, vun v u ; xx \.u4.u..., .....u. 3 Owen St. Telephone 69 BARRIE, ONT. R. Foster T. A. McCarthy LVIULVEA 1 J. U JJUILJV Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. F. McCUAlG, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Beil A D`DT\"l`T4`.'D urn` .*mVrn1? WET LVIUNE1 I .lU L:UI11\ Office: Ron Block, Barrie. FOSTER & McCARTHY v ALEXANDER CO`/VAN BARRISTER n... L... ..1.+...'.~..n- nrnko `en BL, D&I I'lO. FDOIIO MONEY TO LOAN With Hedlite- Only THE CANADIAN BANK | || | OF COMMERCE BOYS & BOYS `PDQ Qf\I.1("I l`f\ L Business Directory P. c. LLOYDA Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund A home in Canada is pre- ferable to a dream-castle in Spain. But it is 0115)` only to dream of a new home, of buying new possess- ions, or of taking a pleasant vacation. Castles in Spain cannot be tradt.-d for homes in Canada, but savings can. A Canadian Bank of Commerce savings ac- count is often the differ- ence between a dream and a plan. Dreams buy nothing. Planned savings do. You will be welcomed at any one of the 800 branches of The Canadian Bank of Com- IIlG1'C. Ureams or Pians 'l'HUlLSDA.Y, I*`ICBRUARY 22, 1984. _ j sanctioning of a program of public works. Dr. Robb is quite right. This direc-t relief business breeds lazi- ness, and dependency on others, that is not conducive to self-1'espect.-- Guelph Mercury. -ui VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Burr}. Rn-an.-In Balance Mom`/aly