Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Feb 1934, p. 8

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8 smau II'l3l'DOIUe II"OITl YOLIT drug`- fist, and in Just a_ moment you'll be rec from rheumatic and sciatic pain. soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. Old. honest St. Jacobs Oil" has relieved millions of rheumatism suerers in the last half century. and is Just as good for sci- atica neuralgia, lumbago, backache, Ipraius and swellings. ; on Mar. pass- La LlA(:| the sun .-. Revenues of Mhe Dominion for the, ten-month peroid of the nscal year ended January 3131: last are $8,395, 000 ahead of the corresponding` per iod last year. Ofcial gures show that the revenue for January wa.. $5,977,000 ahead of January, 1933. Revenues mo date show that $279, 463,295 has been collected by the Dominion treasury compared with $271,067,461 in the same period last year. COMMITTEE IS NAMED TO I PROBE INTO MASS BUYING A committee headed by Hon. H. H. Stevens and composed of six Con Sel'\ LlLi\`C- members, four Liberals and one P`1'o_:,rr0ssive, was named by Prem- ier R. B. Benmer!/c to probe into maaai buyn~g', living standarcls and the; spread in commodity prioevs. The I c0111-mitten is representative of varied in.tcro..s't.s, ma.nufa.ctu.rcrs, inerciianivs, lumber men, farmers and lawyers. If you would be thankful. think of the things from which y~:.-u do not suffer. 'o'a.1U suu_]e('J17 to a reserved mu. 1 Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase muney at the time of sale .-mdf the balance w1'=;hin tihirtgy` days I -Lulu-J after. `lib... l.`....LL .. L___.., , v I Barrie, |Dated January 31st, 1934. nmv. :2. ID. LaUlV\1, 15.3.. 15.1.). Minister Lloyd Tufford. Organist and Chom- ' master. Said properiy will be offered fox sale subject to reserved bul. Tnrm: - T071 nnv nnnt A4-` 41-... ...... For further terms and pzu't1('.u1n.:`.~; Iof sale apply to C; J I Lots Numbers Forty-three (1.-`Ml and For`.y~fou:r (44) on the East 51.10 of Essa Road, in the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, according to Registered Plan Number 30. ' This property is comprised of LWO good lots. upon which are situated a comfortable one and one-half stozey dwelling house_ KV_'I at me QUEEN S HOTEL, BARRIE by W. A. McConkcy, Auctoneer, bh;-I following lands and prem-ises, name-H ly : T nfc Muymnnn... 'm....... LL`.-- Of Residential Property, in the Town of Barrie, in the County of Sirncoe. Undrcr and by vi1"ue of the powr_-2;; of sale contained in a certain innrb gage, which will be p' at the time of sale, vhere will be offered 01` sale by public auction on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Elli 19 nn n r-n/-I: nnnn l Of Valuable Property, in the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mo*rl gage, which will be produced at 913 time of sale, there will be offcmd for sale by public auction oe SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 1934, at 12.00 o clock noon, at the IP11 lNr`.'rn1\r urvrnv n A runn- nun: .suUJeCE `to a reserved bid. Terms : 10 per cent. of the pur- .chase money at the time of sale an] the balance within thirty days -hhe;-e- after. For further partculars and terms` of sale apply to ROW: R. 11...... D_....:- r- - at me ! WELLINGTON HOTEL, BARRIE. by W. A. Me-Conkey, Auctonet,-1', the following lands and premises, name- |1yI uy W. A. I ' F51.)-cflxr - Firstly: Part of Lot No_ 13 on the W-est side of Bayeld Street, ac cording to Regisfered Plan No. 115, amd mlore rparticulaly described in Registered Instrumven-t No. 19069. Secondlv : Pm-+ n+` 1_n+ M... 1-3 .... For Sale--Lady's nearly new, size 38. cheap. Apply Box B, ` Boys & Boys, Barrie, Ont. Mortgagee s Solicitors. Dated January 31, 1934. uuuw.-;_y "U1 coal to DC made at the neques.` -of the Chairman of the Coun-' ty Propclrty Committee, and tenders for the coal for Gaol and Court House to be given for the delivery on s'1eg17hs and also for delivery inl May. I All tenders to be sealed and ad-` drcssctl to 1 `h 71' /any nu .-- 1.u:51b'Lt:1'eu 1ns1:1`umven-1: No. 19069. I Secondly : Part of Lot No. 13 on I bhe West side of Bayeld Street, arr I cording to Registered Plan No. 11.),` and part of Lot No. 14, in the r;ar_ the-roof, more particularly described! in Regisfered In*st1'ument No. 1906. ). Thirdlvr Thrace nnvfzc n+` T.m,. 10 U USII1 BS5. The property will be offered for sale subject to reserved bid. Terms 2 10 `nnv /-n.n+ 1-.4-` 4-Ln ~..--- County Buildings. Tcndv(:.1':: will be recvzived by tho: unvdevrsiy:n:cd up till Wcdnc.-:(lz1y, Fcb- : nuary 28.11, 1934, fow supplies for tho G,z1o1 and coal for the County Build-` ings, for the period of twelve months, v from April 1st, 1934, to l\/Iurcll 31st,} 1935. Supplica for gaol, of mca.1;. \'og'ct-ables and g'rocc~ries. A!- 5-0 sum>l'i<.vs 01' g'1*o(;c1'ius. meats, b`l'L';('| and milk for the _Cl1i] s Sll-L`lt(3-l`.* T~C`I`l'(lL`)' f0'I'ms' zrml any inf'0rn1:1ti0`nl may be 0`b.`u.?nu(l an. aim Countyl Tl`L'fZl'.\'l11"L`l`.S` office at the Cumwt. I-Inwm For Goal Supplies and '-Coal for ] x I cotmistingx m uegxsrerea 1n*st1'ument No. 19063. Thirdly: Those parts of LoLs 12 arnd 13 and that part of Lot 14 in the rear thereof, secondly described in Registered Invstrumen No. 14314. There is xairl tn kn n1~nn+nJ >111 LI... neg1stered lnvstrumen There is said to be erected on the said lands a good cement block bu1'ii- ing suitable for a garage or other business. 'T`1nn ny-nn,...+.. ...:n `L- -m - n may 00 o`D.'uznu(l ul. 'l`1`ez1-sL1,1'L-.1 `s Court I-louse, for supply of coal to bv dc-' livcmd at the Court HoL1.~2o-, (12:01,! Rcg,'i.st1'y Ol'}'1('o mid Chi1(I`1'L:n- s Shel-5 tcr, es'tim_uLo(l as follows: Cour.` House and Rcrg'ist1'y Ofco, about 100 tons of soft coal, best quality; Gaul,? about 70 tons of :=.'o\'c coal and 10' tons of nut coal; Chi1drcn`s Shelter, about 15 toms of furnace and stove coal, as required. De\1iv'e`1'y-of coal to be made the 11ennr2,g`-n+' Hhn (`1.x..:....m.. -4: u._ ru FEDERAL REVENUE UP an 1 unul-\ I , rlLl5KUAKY 17 1934, at 12.00 o cock noon, 211' .`?}\n 10.15--.\Io1'ning .\Ieditu1ion.< in the Church Vestry. 11 a.m.~-Mo1'ning Worship. 2 p.m.---Crus:1de1's Bible Class 3 p.m.-Churc-h School, '7 p.m.-Evening Worrship. MORTGAGE SALE MORTGACE SALE TENDERS Ly uu Boys Mm-nu nan : =..1..: .. 3., UV Stewart & Stewart, M0'tgagee s Solicitors. Barrie, Untarno. nmrv 31:1-. 1024 U. H. (JOLEMAN, County Treasurer, Bzu'1'ic. (`V 111 Trvw-xv-u-.27 - . ......n.u ul. , . HENRY. Chairman, P1-open; D. H. COLEMAN 9 nmmfv rr1`{\O:"\'I1~r\\- D... unn..1 . P1'ope'rty Com. \Ju`unLy ; r (10- C110], ShcL ("n....v. Y . h CANADIAN NAIEONAL gils Bv PBEPAYINE CHITTICK MOTOR SALES NEW 1934 FORD V/8 Jan. 16-31 Feb. 1-14 Feb. 15-28 Mar. 1-15 Ma,r.16-31 Apr. 1-15 Apr. 16-30 Prepayment Receipts may be obtained at the of the Treasurer. All cheques payable to the '.l L My ,,,,---.. .....VuV;lJu.; :uu_] UL; \JlJl;(.L.l1lULl ill; All '.L`o\\'n Treasurer. Prepaymellt Receipts must be presellted wi1"h tax bill on or before June 27th, 1934. OF COMMERCE NOW ON DISPLAY TOWN OF BARRIE TAXES FOR 1934 Largef Arhounts Capitalgaid Up Reserve Fund L. W. Smith, TrIea,surer, Town of Barrie. Be generous to yourself. In this Way you are bound to succeed--to enjoy life much more, to be indepen- dent when independence means most. Then plan to live comfort- ably on the balance of your earnings. FIRST of all, when you are paid, pay yourself. Unfailingly set aside a de- nite percentage of your earnings, deposit it in a savings account with us,- and leave it untouched! Let Nothing Come Ahead of This PHONE 491 Rub Paln right out with small trial bottle of old st. Jacobs Oil." yv-uv 9.63 9.65 9.68 9.70 9.73 9.75 at the Same _1'?;ates THURSDAY, FEBRUARY .'5, 1931 j12 -_:.:_..Z:-_ $30,000,000 $30,000,000 $96.00 96.25 96.50 96.75 97.00 97.25 97.50 $97.50 97.75 98.00 98.25 98.50 98.75 99.00 office In (la " `E11 I':'I'u:"|'1"` `I. REV. Louis PICKERING MINISTER E IE `$115354 it LOUIS PICKERING MINIXTFR Miss Elsie Cloughley. Ozirzmist _ Mr. AIe.\'ando1- Knox. Choinnaster New low round trip fares now in effect (approximately 20% under previous fares) offer choice of routing, both ways via Vancouver, both ways via Chi- cago. or going one way, return- ing the other. Choice of lines beyond Chicago. Reduced sleep- ing car fares. Tickets good to return within 12 months. What's Rheumatism? Pain only. Stop druggingl Not one case in fty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" directly upon the "tender spot" and relief comes instantly. `St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. 7 in-"Imp uni f\...'o. .........1..:._:._._u 1-,. iacksonville, Tampa, St. Peters- urg, Palm Beach, Miami. Con- venient connections are made for all Florida points via Detroit -or Buffalo. F_l.0I'-ilDA You are corrdia.-11y invited to of VI lbb I/AIL; JJALIAB AVACCCIFD UL, XVIC ! Giana ar>n'v'ir*c-Q I Page Eight auxuuoocu Uc dCIlCS . . . idea golf, riding. bathing ---.j:-:_- -1??? Summer s most alluring charms await your coming . . . refreshing breezes . . . sunkissed beaches ideal nnlf r;rnn '\n'L-'-- Full particulars from any agent REV. E. E. LONG, B.A. B.D. Minafnv NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS THE PEOI L-E S CHURCH \`7n]r-nrnn I cannot ourn tne smn. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from drug - zist. and iust a moment vnu 1l he Sunday, Feb. 18, 1934 U1 I41`; D Welcome ! umvuu V1111 J.uuuvv ALEX. STEWA.R1`, (war of pan . DLDVVALVL, Chief of Police. beaver coat,` W111 sell very Advance. Bar- , umnt; Jinupp Best, Skatin.-: C0upIc~-Mi::;< Whitt 1934 at a salzu and Mr. Ba'n'men'man. Council udjo Oldest S'katc1'--Ab. Patterson, 69, 19th at 10 21.1 years. Runners-up--`Engineetr Jack War-' ren, who had not been on skates for the past 35 years, and Wesley Webb, The C.N.R. : who demonstrated the advantages of has been closet the old-fashioned spring skates. uously since 12 `unuuL:uHJ.l;ULy. I Burton Ave. Social Tim Burton Ave, Y.P.S. cute-1*tai.I ed the Stroud oirganizatioln at a Val- enil.-inc social Monday night. The cvt-nin,'.;' xvus spend; in games and con-' tL-sL.<. l'o-llowed by 1`Cf1'CSl1lI1Cl1fl2S. Open Meeting of Girl Guides l The Girl G`-ui(l(~.< l)lOCtll`l_L',` tliis week was open to `\.l1(- mothers of the! Guides and fmiemls into:-o.s`.c in Lhei Girl Guide l`nO\'(.`lll(,'Il'l'.. D<;>mm1sti'a-I` itosns in . first aid and wl1i.~7tl:- si_u'nz1ls were given. The Blue g Bird Patrol \vu.~' i'c.`spo11usible for 1319?, . by Winnifred Po o`r.=. The!` 'l`u. P1lIl'0l, umlcr Marjoiic Mode-ii land, displayed f'u'st aid, and the Blue Bell Patrol, under Phyllis Mat- ' hows, (llS])l21_V0(l the wrhisztle sig'nal_s. ` In mhe interval between the musical" part of the program and the (listribu- A` timi ml` l):ul_-.z'c~.~' and .~'0'n'icc .s~la.1's, Miss` Jzmv Simp. Conimisxiowrr, spoke`- most in. on g'uidi114;:. Miss] Evelyn Kig'l1tley, caywtiii of the com- pmiy. is to ho c-omg_rr:1.t.ulzLted on the pi")j:j1"-.~`.~' '11-" ('U!l`l])l.l!_\ is makimz. 1` Carnival at Allandale = A ('(Ll`lll\'2ll \\n.s hold at Lhe Allan- I dale rink last niglit and a lame at-l `comlunve was on `hand. l`lm nvnnle 1 m>_\'.<' mt-0, 1n=dt-1' ]0--Jim Scott. 3 Under 20---Boys, Bud Hodgs-0.1;` _Lv:irl.~'. .\I:1_v Reynolds, ~` L111-ky Sprot--I\`I4r. J. Hutchins. Me*n s Cost'ume--M1'. A, Pa.ttI02*s.o.1. Givls Costume---Miss Bunty Gm-I `ham. Oqdkt .q'L n4`In-, -LR T)-`L ````` " "A uule mm: last I11`. \vvn- as follows 1 Ro_v.<' um TT1-uhau 00 `D-- Fife in Apartment Fire broke out about 9 o clock on` T`hu1'sday cv0m'n;g in Mr. C. Madili-.` apart.`m1cn'1; on Road, over Me-| Lzu-.hl:m .< fu1'nitu-re stove. The cause is z1tt1` to an o\`c.1~heated chim- ney. Th-c re .p1'<.~ud rapir.1 1y to the` di'cren.t: rooms and gutted the in-j t01'io1'. The alarm was put in by the; bus driver. The dalmtgc, which quite extensive. is partially coverc-J by insurance. McLachla.n s furniture-. stor .=:u`cred (.'OrI1si(l0rnhlv 1'1-run +--I-1 RubRheumaticPa'n, V Soreness, Stiffness j Al umulzulcu. xuc1_4acvn1a.n furniture! considerably from me? wa.-Ier, mhidh tunfmed to ice alIT1:0.`5'.] immedia.te1_v. w a.jn-cl , \\'!HlGI'. immedlately. | Run-G (Hg. Mr, G00. McMiI11in, of SJ.1'I1ii, motomd home and spent the weex end wltlh his parents orn Holgate St. BITS. .4 cnnw f"1-mn 1-Invi Valentine Social I St. Andrew's Young People s So-| cicty wcic the guests of the Essa Road Society at a Valentine social Monday night. The musical part of the p-rog`1-am included 21 solo by Emory Hill, two choruses led by 1\ Ii.5>. Margzweit Hubbzuxl, guitar mm mouth o-vgzm in.s1;1'umcntals by W. Bell, and 2:. pizmo duet by Mr. Woods! and .\Ii. Hubl)a.1~d. Rev. N. R. D.I Sinclair won the con`. est for the best , costume. After an vunjoyable inter! val of gzunes, delicious refreshmexits" were served. I, |.Lu1' '-ne Weeli. $ I Gilbert Martin, forrnerly of Allana-L dale, underwent; an operation for lmastoid at the R.V. Hospi-tal On lsuturday. ; RI)` r`.]:`u1"L'n Q.-ne+ n|' 'l`..........l.. ......- euu Wlu ms parents Holgate St] { A_ Madill came from her. .home near Midland to help x Lne` l`adjustmemt on the me {11 her sons_ ztpantment. Mrs. Madill IS 1'e1na1ning,' for `he week. i I ('1n"1Irm..4- T\A ....L:.. .L'.......,,v A --- ` Mr. Clzurke Scar-`c, of 'l`um~nto, xvetsi h-omu on SzLt:u1`day_ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Garside spen: Sunday in Tooronto. '|`hn Qnm 1\mnrv"n -'\T\ rv..W:~- .2 ounuay 111 1o~rom:o. The S.O.E. mueefts on Tuesday of next week. M0551-s. Art Pugh, Franlk Maxwell,` Bill Bell, _-\1'ch'ie Ma.1`.s*hall and Frank Dovbson motored to I`o1`o~nt.`.c and took: in the Maple Leaf-All Stan` game 1 last nig`ht_ ` NT 1`, nnn Rlxnwnv {o n kin ' .. L A L ~ uzun on. Miss Hildla I-Iuynes, of- sp:-M the xvouk end wibh ocn Burton Ave. M1`. Cla.1'encu Ridde-1-1 was in Tu- rornto 21 couple of days th.'.: week. .\I`1'.<. B. 1`o'2-ry spenot. a day in Al- l:m(lz1]e last week Nfr All-n~ her parerzt ` T)n....a.... .._.,.,; .1 v Toronto, ` muuzuc inst; \\ eeK_ Mr. Allzm B1`un. .o`n spent 1 party of the week at the M1`, and Mrs. J. Bruntolx, Ave `Mm. T.` h..- L, ,, I 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.--The Mim'ste1.,i 3 p.m.-The C`hu`rch School. 1' A.t the Midweek Service ncxt W'ed- nesday evening, Magistrate C. Jeffs will lead the discussion on VVhat `the Bible Means to Me. I 1r_A_ 1: :1V`U M rs. E. P1`oc r,or, who has been set iously ill at the `home of Mrs_ H. Johnson, Alfred St., is slowly impro`. - I ing. 12:51; mg'm:_ Mr. Don. B1`o'g'g' is able L0 be ba on the job rtl1i week. Mr. Art: Pugh rep1'e;;cnte(l :2;-> local Y.M.C~.A. at the n1tio=n:1l com~`e-v !tion in M`on.trca.1 on Friday, S2Ltu1`da_y` [and Sunda.y last. I rh:D F`(]'n'I1:m-\7 nu~.nHv.... AI` "L44 `n, ,, u v-mu-:1'. I At the St. George's A.Y.P.A. mee`.- ing Monday night, the Rev. M.:.i Fierhellver gave an in'sL1'ucti'e talk on a tour of Quebec. .'-Lt lasv-a bleak in the \vez).the",l and do we of the frozen pipes, emu, eIt;c., ever welcome `it ? However, the severe weather of last week pro-_ duced at least one good thing, the` spirit of fello\v.~:l1ip. On Thursday} and Friday neig`l1bo\1's could be seen ll1.ur1'yin-g to and fro, the fomtunate lmclpixmg the less fo1'tuna.te. The lesat fo'11;u1w.te of all were those Whose wa.te1- pipes fnoze beyond a. neigh- bor s help and 'had to call in the `plumber. Those boys 2m`en t quite , lso broruherly ! I `tutu ounuay last. l`.h;e FC*b1'uzm'y meeting 01' the Bur- ytlon Ave. W.M.S. was hcld in Lh; Sunday School rooms. Irnstallatior ` of ofcers took place, and an outline of the Presbytcrizxl which was held at Midland was given by Mrs_ F. W D~obsou1~, who represented the Societ; ~t\here. AF O-Inn OJ. f`-_A-- ` ` "" ` . I I I uuymge; zu. ms ruomc In LTOH-m_s:\v0-od. ; Mr. P. ROS:L \'l:1* visited Izrti. xvcck`, \\'i')h Mr, and 3121's. W_ L1i;i0, \V.l-I` liam St. ` .-,...A M .\Ir_ .-Xlbcrt Kelcey spent: the xvccki end in town. ` Geo, Potts, of U. of T., spent (.2195 week end wimh his pairenuts. : W1 . and Mrs non .Qm.,m 1.2..- vvcuui mm \\'LYd1 ms pasrenuts. Mr. and Mrs_ Geo. Spezrrn, Essuj Road, spent a few days 111 D.cLroEu` last; week. 5 IT" 'l`,\,I fV..... W ` 1 s - lill; \\'UCK. Mr. 'l`cd CzLrm1c'hae1 has mean how dzlyinp: at his Home in Coll-m_s:\vo-od. Rns2n\'r:n`.. vI'c|'+.ui In.-` `... .`v Wiandaie Newsi McCAUGHRIN TO STUMP FOR LIBERALS IN NEXT ELECTION .. mguu and lame at The evenlsv -ws '. ` i the eanyi : home of mm ..~ .* eyiug mmis, m2Lm'1ag'es and d-.:at;hs, _'$17.25; M. L_ Chantler, supplies for iiidigents, $5.00; Jas. Pierce, work on ,i\Iidihui'.~1` road, $3.00; Chz1.~:. WI1`ig'ht, *wire fence bonus, 50 rods, $10.01)` f_!Geo_ D. Shannon, supplies for indi- :;9;e11ts, $63.83; Mrs. No-rnmn Scott, `lsupplies for indigen-ts,, $1.90; Juim ]TjMcLe;m, wire fence bonus, 40 rods, 3 $8.00; Consolidated Fire and Casual- ;';ty In: Co., premium on hail, _'_l`.*,T.15.00; .-\g`1'ieultura1 Society, gram, `iorection of horse srables, $15.00, :1 J 14` um .....- ...:-.- .7 - ~ glad} 3; A. Walt, 1,000 lbs. crushed wheat, W $15.00; Municipal World, six copies, $6.00; Harold Osbo1*ne. smnnlinu Pm; [111 me nownsmp of Vespru. 4 . T he rcrove \\':1s instructed to get the Hownship tvreasurc-r s bonds from {county `m`0nsu1'cr, and to deposit sanu: `with the clerk of the peace as direct (rd by statu-*0. I A h\r_]nuv nu. --~--- ` .M_.-.. `(A ..ui.u.- r1a.U1L'b', DJ.O.UU_ J. F. Hill was given permission to lerr.-ct a portable garage on the road allowance on 2nd concns-tion line, 'nmt11 of side road 5 and 6, c0Il.':C.s- `sion 1. providing he would agree to rmnovc sanio at any time if requestco V 4 .0 do so by the council. i I Notices re dumping rubbish on {road were ordered to be posted up aiil tho Icrndz1lc section, and the `clerk was instructed o write to the gtown clerk to tho effect that this council is in favor of the Town of `Barrio d'ispos'ing' of ;:,`m'bag'e wi,t.hin vthe town, instead of dumping same {in the township of Vospru. The iiistrimtml tn a-n+ H-r vu uy stal;u"e. I A by-law was passctl appolxm-1;: Grant. Knupp assessor for the y-;-cu salary of $135. Council :1(Hmn-nr-rl +n nun; ..... .\Ir-. 1.106 u.u.n.. snatvon at New Lowell `has closed after serving conun- 1885. called to give evidence in the inquiry into the 1\rIcCaug`h~1'in charges that he was being bought out of.ofce, testi- ed that HcCaughrin had talked lo him twice since the charges were levelled through the Globe, and that on these occasions the ex-magistrate told him that he would not take all his furniture out of his old office be cause he e.\pelc-xted to be back in fun: months, and that he expected to bx.-| Chief Constable Church, cf Orillia,` I speaking aga.inst the Conservatives: next election. 1:10-1 at salary of $135. adjoumcd to meet ( ` a.m. -nn __.:j.::j_ \ ,; Alli.-a'o-n 1n0`1'c`l1aw11It..~: and bushnc: ` ` men are zu1.\'i0us to link up with "-.c ` @ Retail Mu1'cl1m1Ls .~\ssocizvt.ion; 01' C371- ada, zuni have z:. Mr. S L. Jones, 3: who is o1'g`anizLng a bmmch in Bar- rie. to come to L\Hi uriilh .. ..:,.... !`,\'1a.UU; Mimicipal Osborne, supplies fur !indi{.,rents, $5.45; W. J. Cole, supplies gfoxr indig'ents, $25.84; W. Dobson, 2 bug's potatoes for indigwnits, $1.50; D. H. Coleman, hospital account, in- dig'en:`.-.<, $63.01; Mrs. R A_ Suther- land, grzuit toward womc-n`s rest room, $10.00; A. B. Coutts, register- Iingc births, n1zLm'iag'cs I1 Ch!`H1Hr`I1` cnnnlinu 4'0`. `V... vv wuu, u: Lu.-u\:\\'u1g SUUSCFICIOII. f Further applications weu'e received |fo1' the oice of assessor from Grant Knupp, Ca.1'man Down-ey and Howard Benmram. l`1-.n #',.11,\.. Uominunications were read from . J. Simpson, advising` that two ip-.1t1ent;~: hzid bee`n gdinittcgl _to hlie lR.V. Hospital, 1:-amrie, _ gs 1nd1g'ens_. IS_ec:retary Ontar1o_Mun1c1pa1 Associa- `hon, re 111e111bci'si111); Mrs. R. A. Suth- erland, 1'cque.rt1nrg gwant toward wo- men s crest sroom, Barrie; J. Buchanan, O.A.C., Guelprh, re spamlings; Munici- spnl World, re renewing subscrition. I Wan-Hm`. nv1In./-.n4-:,\... .._ , - - 01 ms assistants, will give a. pr0,;r-.:m `day c\' next. iill Collier St United Church on Thu1's- ` ,, Feb. 14-t;h, Mrs. A. '1`. Cooper _1\'Iary Craig`). lLme1'al on Satur- day an 2 p.n1. Im.e1'1ne11t at Elm- vzule Come-tely. {C-OOP`ZR At Elmvule, on Wed1;e.~'. I The Local re b;'ig'acLe has bent. {busy this 1nmrt`h 3.11-swc-rinvg calls caused by cxhi111v.ucy res. In all hhe lb1u'g'a(lc \\'21.' called out -to four chin}- pwy res, but no serious. war do-no at any 01' 1.110 places. On Mon day they answered a call to the `some 01' Dave Bi:~;h.op on T(yz=o11'to St; on Tuseday at 12 Wel1Lng=Uo'u St. West, VVcd11esduy at Ja.s_ Hend(:rso11 s on Essa, Road, and A. Ricvhamdson, 7 \'4~ `pier St. The council met on the 5th inst, as per atljourmncnt, with all mom- bcrs present and the Teeve in the Ec-.11air. I I Dentovn Massey, leader of the York: B1'b1e Class, To1~on~to, with a number of his assistants, will give United Chlrrnh nn l`h , `EAUFORNIA leased only last June froin Ports- mouth Penitent1~a1`y, where he served three years for participating in 21 robbery, was yesterday sentenced if)` three months denite and twelve months indenite in the Ontario :0 `t'or1nz1.`.;orry for asslaulting J. 1VIerrici\, povo11'o~on1 prop1'ietor. I John Ai11swo1=.h, 27, of Crillia, lt- ! Mr. and l\'I`1xs. Geo. Leslie a.rriv.'d =ix1 St. Pete1'sbu1'g', Florida last w'eel<, fuwlwre they will spend two months. 4'l`hey motarc-_d from B`a.1'1`1e, the `trip in four and a. half days, and ifound real summer \veat}re1' on an`- I rival. I For Sa.1c--S` of `red clover hay, `about 40 loads, close to highway No.| 111 at B1'adfo1'd. A. E. Smtnlnn QUOTA NEAR COMPLETE FOR RETAIL MERCHANTS ASSO. 1Ul1LU Uu. .L`e`D. Z1313. Any me.rcJ1a.nt or business man nor approacllcd who would join, c-all Fr; iDo-uglas 01' Douglas Drug` Store. munu m u1;.;uu'1z.J.`11g 21. mvuncn H1 Bar- rie, come to A1l1.st0n wiilh a view `to org'amz111g' 21 branch buure. auuum -iu umus, nose to n1g11wa._v No. ,11 E. Scanlon. [BradL`o`rd, Om. I The rc-qui'1'ed 1nembe1'shi1:- for or- ganizing` :1 b1'a11ch of the Retail M01` ;ch2m`1s .-\ssoci2L1:ion in_Ba'rrie is pun.- Iticay assured. If the quota is reached :1 meetimr will ha ham 1.} xuL:u.J.1y a.ssurcu. 11 the quota is lreachrxl meeting will be held 1.1. iMo.n`d-z~y, Feb. 19th, at 8 p.m., in the ;Police Court: Cinambers, to elect -ofcers and appoirn`; delegzvtes to the I Ontario co`11vvea1-u'~o:n to be held in Tu `route on Feb. 21st. An`, n,,,,..,,,1.......4. ,... 1,...,.:-....... ...-._ -- u The play Good Clean Sport, and ine music by B.C.I. students, in tune `Public Lib`1'a1'y Hall on Thursday, iFeb. 22nd, at S p.m. Tic.k(.ts 25. gstudcnts 15c. Spoxvsored by 1.110 ; W.C.'I`.U. The dog by-121w is being` openly, outed. Unless the owners and nar- borers of dogs have them tied up at once, prosecutions will follow. A `I TDV orrvnurr A 11"!` ` Wlu,-In in need of used parts, ibhc Bzwricr Auto Wrecker.-2. 47 E I eld St. Phom: -120. IU1)n|1'.l.Hl. The followmg accounts were :1 : Alli:i' 00: Munir-inn] wmm :-;\- mm:~. LUML NE WS VESPRA COUNCIL shation at New Lowell ed after Snvvinnr ..m.4-..., DEATHS A. B. Coufte, O`-err`-2. The Northern Advance Cqier St. United church)

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