Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Feb 1934, p. 7

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\ Women sage James B. Fairbairn Deputy Min ste STATEMENTS CONCERT BILLS CHEQUE BOOKS NOTE HEADS SHIPPING BILLS SALES COUPONS CHURCH FORMS Page Seven JJLuur5 uu.uugu_y mu. \.u....... .... '01` cases nursed \'as 28, number oil visits 189, and the tot`:-.11 acten( at the four child welfare clinics was 113. 'l`hcso clinics are not solely for the pu1'po.<.e of weig:hing all llllullta, but l'.L1`g'cly to enable 1nov'r.l1~crs Lo 1'1.-- ceive as much instruction as p0.~'.sll.)ls.`. n....:my 1`l1n I\`ln- Hl l1 R l *4 \\'(-"I` (`CWO lnucn lllbLl'Ul,"LlUH up pU.~.mu1\.. During the mo-nth 8 Lu.-scs \vc:`t: enti`1`.-1y from cure and . 51011, but the gwcatcr 1nz1jor'L.j are CzL1'1'i(,`(l over much longc1'_ urn 4|-ncf Hmf nnvrmn in npml nf C2l1'1'l(.`(l mucn luugt.-1'_ We Lrust that anyone in need home n-ursi11`;:. t.1'1:zu:.mcnts, etc, xx not go unat_tended. Ofcers Re-elected A1. the 1i1'. meeting of the 1.`). exccu"ive on 'l`u(2.`Lla_v e\'m1*ing', ;\. G. 1*}. Smith \\'21.s` 1'0-elected 21:: mo (lent; .\'I`1`s. (D12) Turnbull, vi< ])1u_-sident; Mr. D. F. Mz1cLzu`cn, .:`L retary, and M1`. F. Hammond, In-cz H YD? VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Lu'e.r. ' hr: uld committee will c0n.~1 all `A110 lz1dir.~: on Lhc oxecutxvu-, .\I1~.~=. M('Ni\'(:n in charge. NI.-g Hllnxnn 1-r-nn1'h-H 1.h:1t .\l1`.~=_ i\1('1\`1\'cn m cnarge. ;\1r.<. Ullmzm )`(.'p01`tcd that the tickets i'o~,- the benet .s11mv had sold well and the ladies would 1'c-alize 21 n. ... .-11111 Owing to \\`c:`.Ll1er L-on the 21ttcndum'c at Lhu mon::'.1ly mcctlng 0:; Feb_ Shh \\'z1.s n`oL very large, but 4. u~`.m u"n\'n an-..::.n'r r-ninvu'*.(i HM` L, k`eb_ sun '21.; mm very xurge, um, those who \\"cx'e ]_)-1'(:SCHt enjoyed the p1'0g1zu11, \\ i1ici1 had won nhc 11ig"'ne.-,2 score in a. competition put on early in the year. .-\1'u.-r being judged at :1 lmzcting, .~`-\.`\'C1"ll of Lhu .,.-ntriuz` were sent no the department, where .\1i:'.S Howell gzwo the l1ig;m_~sL. score LU M15. 0. Bl'.Lck .~: L-11t1'y. It. \\`u.a Llscd Li1is_n1o11tl1 and \\'as us 1'uH0\\., Hull call-a.n il1t01`C:>.U.]1g' 11cm 01' ctu-rent ne\\`s; communiL.y . u pagu-r. Tho BU:-L (`u1t;:1`::l L'.<.u of Spa:-(r Momexrts, by Mrs. G. He\\'. 1-(2214 ing, Thu .\lu. of S1\.`ig.;`h1wll.s (N, M. JZLl11iC>i()I1} .\[1'. 0. Black; demon- .4-vui-`nu 11?.-nI'n-:~Hl\(I' n on.` 01' \v0u11c.. Du.rin-g Jzumary the total uumbcn `I rum-< n|n':\-mi was 28. number Of. c`cu1--u.u AILLULUJBLJI5 .I.\.uL v._ ...-\ Mon1en; cs, reu`-. . (li.~`i11f u ('u.: 01' wounu, and pwopur b2u1 of .~.L1l1c, 3115. Bert, Wright, l{.I\'.; impromptu .~'pcL-L-n, 5011-3; 01' iI1.s`1,l`Lln1L`11LL1l by me n1u1nbr.:`; \\i.<. \\`us 12151 in coming,` `L0 she n1(:ct- nig; vxhibit 01' 1;omc1mulL- ILlf__{`S; coil`;-.; and .~;zmdwiches. 12....:...._~mm1..1-< In-mu--`n1. hr.-1'u1'u STROUD WOMEN'S INSTITUTF and szmuwlcnes. Business 1nut.Lc1's brought be-1'u1'u the lneetingr \\'-1-<* re musical f(3.\'Ll\'ill zmd the publiv .<'.umnL-r 1`1'lL'(_s ing. .!\n0L.l1c1' i11Lg1'(-sting; 1`)1'uu;1':L1n will be put on in Max'ci1: Roll ca.ll--how 10 Humor 21. Husband; paper, Irclauul and lx'i. CLl>'.iOlll>.; (lg-111on.'L1`:Ltio11, I1`i:';l1 \`V2t_\'s of Cooakimv; Mu1'pl1ics', solo, Win-11 l1'i.~'-l1 ]_\'<-.~t zm: Smilixnq, Jlrs. \VzL1lucc l.atimc1'; humorous 11-isalm 1'cucli11_u`, .\I1`s. O. R_ Black; com- munily . "My Wild Irish R0s,e WL~zu'ing: of the Green"; lri.~l1 gco;:1'z1pl1iral contest. I-'i\'<: Iriphs llontcsscs will >'(.`l\'L` 1'ef1`L-sl11m:x1Ls. The second pri'/.0 prograln, by Mr '1`. A. S.p1'ing_~', being: zxppropriatc for Dccenlbur, \'.'2Ls put on in that m0nLl.. O1'.hc'1`s are In-lug` held for use at 1'L1t.urc meet;ings_ L L11 The W..\l.S. of Collier SL. Cliunm. held its Fcbruu.1'y meeting on Fridu;.', the Utzh. .~\f':01' the minutes, the pm`-.~`idonL rvzul the S('l`l])l.L`.1'(: lo.<.+on uml brou:_-`iit :1 1ll('s.~'2lf.;`0 from the Sim- coo P1`(:sl)ytnriu] at .\ll(ll1lll(l. us did also Mrs. .\Ic.l\'ni_<.rliL and .\Ir.~z. NC\\"`OLl. Mrs. Mz1.lcom.son zumouniced that, the P1`-::. will meet u_t i>t:L_\'ii<>i' in 1935. .\li'.<,. Robertson led in p1`z1)'cr, z1l'tm' whicli .\li'.<. Long _:_';a\*e an in- 5iL'lVC.\"(.ll1_`.`,` talk on mission work, touch- ing: briefly on that of l{z1g'a\vn. 'l`hi-Lu mm` moinbei-s were wclcom(- by tlm piresidcnt, who then concluded xln-. meeting \\'it:h prayer. ( l .-`. n:c). f:L\ 0l'il.1)1(` tu1`nou:` of .~:L\'.,\/ (5 mm L"t""v 5- NV Hurst: 581`- Or mortr uttnmled the meeting: of th}; O; ,. a Coliicr St_ Y.P.S. on Monday, which: `-*1 `""*>' New Lowell; A. took tke form of a S3. Valentino 50- ~S`unCl11%a'.CSty"v `W21 -7- W11- ciu1_ sing-_scng., ap ,0 ute ameb 'i_ >`, arr , were appoxn c a com. and a short program `Berg thorfughly ;mt_tec to look aft0-1-zlllroad transpor enjoyed. followed by dainty Valc-n~ `anon for the July 12 celebmtioi-1 Hun mefmeshments. "%z:h Iodge 13 celebrate Where it SECS (`I1_]()_VC(l. 1UllU\\ cu tine refreshments. COLLIER STREET W.M.f COLLIER STREET Y.P.S. )L'd.l ll\.lHlU\.'ll of .uten( ..` u-:.~ icr SL ;ing - minutes, (-,r11)tu1'c e from H..n.l ..,- ,l,,1 The builder who rs`: bridged Nia- ga1'a s gorge, Before he swung this cable, shore to shore, Sent out :xcrr).<.< the gulf his vL:ntm'- ing kite Bearing a slemlc-1' cord for ui1s<.-(:11 hands. To _L`,..`L<`) ug:0:1 the fui`I'm:1` clif and draw A g1'eate~r cord, zmd then :1 _;'r('-').`c1' Yet 3 Till at last LlL'1`03.~i the cha.m`n .<\vung The ua.h]r'- the-21 `uhv mifxhty bri(l_'_;'c in ha I tn, CL`. ` tI'l:`..3 pros} vim- u 01 111 SIMCOE PRESBYTERIAL REPORTS ACTIVE YEAR The <:ig'hth zmnual P1'esbyte1.'I:fl W.M.S. of the Unimed C.h`urch., Sim- coc Pt_~r.~rbyte.1'y, was held in Midland on Jan. 3151; and Feb. lst. with 1;.) delegates present. M1's_ J-us, R01);-`>1 son, Banic, prcsitlent, presided. The ~u:n~inn4 1':-unt: qhnwr-d 71 vrxar of ff ].'()'_`_,`'1'(,`. Nlrs. C`21.s'\\'cl1, P1'e;~7by`,..mi2ul t.1`(2a.~- urcr, reported $9,110 remitted to luunch t`:ea;~;ure=r. \... . D .u-.... ..n.unn.onnnrliru1< elm-I-n. u wncn asxcu I0i1'. Ti1')'(.`e-n1il1'ut(! 1'(.])01 I`n` from secre- taries of the \'a.1'ious dcpa.1`tmvc~nt:_: showwl how well the auxiliaries aw falling in line with the systematic tu- ports of t.`hei~r work. \/Yi<< W:1lI\\'in. .~.1ocreta1v of Ch1'i-I or tinenr worx. 1 Nliss Wullwin, ;~,1ocreta,1y Ch1'i.-I tion St(-wardship. said 18 auxillarxus have nance c`o1mni-ttee. ~', 44 missi :- arias are prayed for, 10 adopt a [11111- gut and 22 have 21 quzxrterly survey. She told of one atlxiiiary w'hic.h fem`- ed they miglmb have to disband, but reported meeting their allocation -411;; having' 3 new members. `Hm (`.nrvin-nn, M1'ng1'nrn.m-v `.\I4nnl.`n- na\`1n_-4' .3 new memuers. Mrs. Co1'riwgan, Missioin-ary Monm- 1y .~:ecvet.zu'y, told of an 111-trease in suh. for this paper and mg`- gesicd that members a.rrzmg'e to lawn (tO1)i('.~`. in h0me_~: of women who \\'e.1'L not int(-rt:.~:.t0d. M.... LL.-av _\_._-,...:u+n L:..lm..-.- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1934. TI A IIOL lIlLt`l'l_`5bLu. Mrs_ Haney, .-\ss0ciate Iriulpcrs secretary, rc.porte(l 288 1nembur.< and 6 new societies. Two new Mission Bands o.r ix.-:1 and 21 tmai niimnhc-1'sl1ip of 57-1," \\'21_-` the repox` of .\Ii. Lz1`.\'x-cm--_-, .\li.-sion I-and .~; Ton hunC.. qualiuctl for hono.1' roll and in um- V band u\'cr_v `nembn-1` czun.-(1 t'n:i.| ; money. ' 'l'hr- Rnhv Punt], ronm'1.mi bv Mlnalz money. The Baby B'.1n(l. 1'epo1'Led by .\l1*.<.- Clugmcnco. also .~".m\'. cd 2 new bum.i.~ `o1;2u1i7.0(1 at Cook. and Guthrie. \/Tim 'T`.1\nnnn;- n-nnrn--11 an/-vn+v.n-V ni' ()1,`_ 2l':llZL(l ilb \.UUi \.\l,U\\ll illlu \,xuuLu.1L:. Miss T-homas, 1;c11c-r211 sec1`0tzu-y of (the Dominion Board, g'a\'c- two in- .~:pi1'ing* u(i(h`ess0s on the Kingdom of God A\i0\'L`7`.i{`I`li. and its grrowth `in Liv: last four years. In her SCCOTILI ad- tiroxs .$Ii`lL' 1'e\'ic'.\'ed #1110 part the W..\'I.S_ \\'a.~; pluyinir in paving the way for the 1)ui1 of 0i".u1`c'ncs in outlying di.=trict.<, by thei1' iiospitulst, mission homes, .~:cho-01 homes, etc. Ofcers Elected .\I1'.~:. I-Iu'r\'e_V g'av(~ the ropon` oi` t`=.onomi11:1ti11}_-` cominittve and the clct-tion of oiccrs resulted as fol- Dxwn.-:r](\|\l NIH`: T T1 Wnixrnvfunlu mu-.-1 : ; P1'esidem':, Mrs. J. H. Robe1'tsou,l; Vicc-Pres'idernts, Mrs. Flatt, Mrs, Bell, N11-.~'_ .\'i(~hol, Mrs. Burgess; Recording Secrctzugv, Mrs. Broderick; Cone- , sponding Se('1'eta1`y, M15. B0yc~':; ' 'I`1'r.-:1:-'u1'L-r, M131. Cztswell; Sec1'0-tar; ofA'1liat!-r1 C.G.I.T. G1'oup;~:, Mrs. SL1\\'y<.-1'; Sc-c'1'r>t2u'yo1'Ci1`clos. ;\I1'.<. Cz1ut11er:<; Sec1~ct.2u`y of L\'Ii:a.sion Bands, Miss`. I.a\v:'enr:<:; Suc1u`a1'_\' of Baby Bands, Mrs. K011; Associate He1p<:r.< Sec1'et,a1'y, Mrs. Hexrvcy; Supply ac- 1`oL21:'3'. .\I1.<.. M:-Imorl; St-1`zmg;ers Sec-~ retay, Mrs. Todd; Lite1`atu1~<;- Sourc- t tzu-3'. .\I;r.<. Clcmence; I\'Iissionax'3, .\Ion-Lzhly Se(:rct.`m-y, .VI1'.'. Corrigrun; T1-1`.11j)(*l'.'l!H.'('S1501`:-t21)'y. 311*`. Wood, Press Sc-cr0t:L1'y, )`I1'.~`. Dr-m.~y; (,T`m'i.;- tion St:-\\'m'd. .\Ii.<.< Wa1`.\\'i11, Delegates to C7 Bram-11, M1; I`u~m.~'}' and .\I1';:. Cm1t.h(`1`;<, with C .VI1'.s-. Hzu'\'0_V` and )`[r.<. B011 :11 ernzxtw.-. Tlm in.<`-allutiun 01' 0f`c~ .-1'5 \\'a.s' con- `1 ducted by .\`l1`.<. 1\IcC0.rmz1ck, 01' `, 'I`11ornton. H` -r.` M--. :.. v:t..,.-...r _f`|l21.~'t \\'(:Dl{, \\'1r,n "l`'s11ip ac W :m 1nc1'cz1.~'(2 of 75 _" year, and the. V: I reported incrczwotl 3 KILL-:1m` W_ H. Uzxys `.` 21 most in;~'t1'u('. ivo `-W nm...\.-.- mm-.-\ n1.- 0, Modern denition no who has 2111 his < .. 1.... .. -tur mi n'nt\ ttw :;n~~<>~.~'()1' ox (mu tnousztxm (l0nzJ.r:s in the bank. W011, tha."s not so bad. but L1`.te1'(.- are other (1r>ni`.ion.<. H<>`-.`:1hm1tL11(2 man with for'., sir: _v, om humlrt,-d friends, even though he be ridden with debt anal has no funds in the bzmnk? Not so 1u1 .' How about what valiant sou] \\"h0.~(. dr~bt.< an-0 abouu`. to engulf him and yet --no c1'(:dito1'. no man in hi. c`01mnu:1- ity, but kno\\'s some day, somohcw, mmn wnv nll nf H1 < m:Ln s (l(2b`S WT] 1 .< \\ u ` be paid. ` W:1iH1 1116 x'z`.rHf'- L{E<`1l u1\'n::;.;nL_y uIl\l_2J'\./ ... air ! So may we send our liyrtvlc tixmd th`oug'ht Across the void, out to God's 1'uz1vhin_.- hands-- Send out. our ]'.)\`c and fzxitn to thread the deep-- 'I`h0ug:'nI M11.-)' t1JuL1g`h L un~L1] the little co-rd Has g1'eatcn w! 1 u <' no chance can break, And---we are anchorred to the Innii -. | nornton. To Meet in Staynef It was (1cci(l(.(1 aft.L-1' much dis(`u.>- -`ion to hold the m-x~` zmnunl mectin_.: uL Stuym-r in May i11.~'~L<.~:;1(1 of Janu- he pam. Faith ! It ; :1 ;;'1'and asset, and hm- who has it :Lml is able to justly in- . it-~is not so p0or.-G1`ad_`,, Duhnhh. WEST S1171-COE I...O.L, MEETS IN BARRIE, ELECT OFFICERS L\lHl.<; W.U.;\l., L100. nmu, pumn, '..uuxl'. D.(`..\1., D. Knapp, Barrie; ( ('E1;xpl:1in, Roy Mu1'tin, Stzlyncr; ( Rev. Scc1'o.tzu').', T. J. Williams, I-`>21 \-i..- (` Wm Qnr-r(~(:1r\'. Wm. M211`: Rel`. Sec1'(`tzu'y, '1. .1. wnnzm1s, nur- Hu; (7. Vin. Sm-,1*(~tv.1'_\'. Wm. )'I2ms- bridgre. New Low-11; C. l`roz1surc1-, N. O. 'l`h0mu.<, XL-\\' Lowell, C. M211` .~"':'.1l. John I`o\\'man, Bzu'1'1e; C. 181 Il(.)(..tL`)`(` Hzury Long, Collingwvootl; (`_ S. N. Hurst, Bar- 110, ppcsmemz, pm-esxuuu. mu reports showed a year of but Kn>0\\'s` (my, surmuu: , 2 way, all of this mzLn s dcb`s sd about that ['ulI.o\\` who has home hu])1)y, cheerful, peace- MILLIONAIRES ! . of 21 nxillionzxiru : : (IL-l>t..< mud and 1. H t`nouszLn(1 (tollurs 'l...n,. ....+ mn kill] AUXILIARY TO CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY RE-ORGANIZED Due to the extra-mely caold \\'vea. ol`.er,! the ma.rkr>`t on Satu-rda_v was poorly attended, produce being` in much. sn:21lle1' quant.iy.ic.s than for some" time. Dhough there was little cimnyre in p1'ice:<, stallh-olders had littlv dim culty in disposing of heir proriucz-. I Chickens sold at from 18 to 20. 21 1b., while older birds were offoxxdg at 120 to 140. and \\'c~1`e in d`ema.nd. There were no geese or ducks of1`.:r- ...: . . . . 1 Eggs: took a s11_<:ht r1"e m pr1ce| 0\'\:1` the p1'e\'ious \\`u(.-k. F50 5:1.-:1era1 price was from 26c to 28 21 cmz-:,_ U ' ' I I i u u while some `\\'<=1-c :1.~'kin_;` hi`:,1 n- -'30(' for .=e1o." t,<." I3L1]10!.,<' N1`.!1'.~` 'm2.' b1'i11g'i11g2' 22c and 23c 21 dozen. T1115 product enjoyed a good .~'u].:~. But.`.':;- was : at from 25 to 27 21 ii). A n.nHr-n:1}11r- fnnfm-re m" the mar- |\\`aS 3011121154` at IYOITI ;:.:)L,' U) .'.1c at 2.; A nnoticeable feature of the ket was "he ab; of fresh garden vegetables, which have been so prom- inent other weeks. Turnips w re, h.ow<:\`c.1', 21. good seller at Sc each orl 3 for 100, and ulso cabbage at 10c and 15c each. Onions s-01d at 30c and 35c 21 basket; parsrnips 30.: El basket; beas 20c a basket; L--.m'oLs 20c 21 basket and potatoes S1 21 bzlg`. n Hun nnfahln n1:n*L'rx1. H1xP1`r= wnc .1 3 ZUC nasxec zmu pULzLLm2.< .31. ll uu_:_;. On the outside market thwere \\'a.~` .1 good supply of In;-I-f, which sold 1123(1- ily at Sc and 10(- a lb. Pork um]! lamb were not in evidence. A fr;.v |1o;u1:< of wood \\'c1'c o'er<- for sale, I Lent p1'esents its problcnis to imam I housekeepers, but all it`. requires is :1 little f0-l`Cl3l1`0Llg`l11J. The best way is to plan >:eve1`z1l days or 21 week in `ad '1 Vance. Besides, it is morre inlzeresfinwi to sit down and plan your meal pr.- g"2Ln1 when you have time to co,n. all the points. You will nd, too, that`; your meals are apt to be more sa1:i:sfacto1'y from a dietetic. :a?:an more ec.on'omical also, for if you plan zmeizul you can use cihcznpcr cuts, and you can utilize left-overs in mos: 1 l . I 3 i as well as m-ore \`L1`l('.`(l. l`lie},' \.\ Ill bars I . apmotizing \\'a_V.<. 3 Onion S0up---- l large on1on.<, 1 qt.` milk, paprika, `1 cup g`1'at(:d cl1e<`.~;(:, butter, salt and pepper, 2 _V01k>'. Qnnn Hm nminnc in mmm-n--l'hin xii('.0.4 lbutter, salt and pepper, :5 _\"Um.~.[ ,' Slice the onions in pzupem-L'l1in .3lice.~2 |_ [and fry until 1ig1hll_v b1'ownr2(l in but-'3 tor. Scald the milk over hot water,` : add the salt`, pepper and paprika ands the 1i_q*ht1_v bl`O\\`llC(i onions. Continuc '1J l1uu..n1_u' over hot \\'atr:1- for ten mm-! ut<-s. Beat the egg` yolks, add 2). little of the hot liquid to e7.'l1~<-m and 1'et111 n to the mi.\'tu1'e in the double b0iI:.-1.?__j Heat for two minutes, s1`i'.'r'ing 1-on-'1 stuntly. Just before .~=cr\'i1'._(._5 add thc `j gmted cheese, stir until 1neh`.ed and, servo at once. Six servings. I Beefsteak and Kidney Pie-2 lbs. round or chuck steak, 2 beef kid- . l I 1 teaspoons salt, 1.2 t,':ea peD})(:1` 1 .` \'i!1eg;u1'. 2 tezispoons \'\"o2x:e.-; tershire sauce, 1`-'_ tablespoons oil ul` melted fat, 1 medium O'lllUl`., 2 table- spoons (lripping, 3 mo 4 ('.up.~; wziter U1 neys (approximately one pound), Z`. 2 tablespoons chopped pa1'sley.2 l2 i.` stock (meat or vegetable), 3 to 4; 1al)1e.s'p 0-ona our. Wash the kidneys in cold \\'u.te1', - cut owl: the veins, cords and fat. Drain and cut into small cubes. Com- lJ1l`lC the salt, pc'ppe`1', parsley, \`l11c3.;al', stir well and allow to stand for illlj an hour. Cllli? the bC(:f.$t('1ll\' into to the dripping in a pan. l>l(.-at un- til the meat is SO`dl`C(l on all >~:.ide.< and the onion is lightly browned. Add afne kidneys with the (ll'L'S.,1`ig` in which they \\'f:l`(.` stamli11,:;, l;ro\.\'n sli_g'htly, add the water 01' stocix, (E()\`lnl` and .~immer until the 111021`. i.~ tei1de1`--ul.)ou3i one and a half to two scald and remove the skin. Split and E g` Soak in cold xvztter for half an hour. i sauce and oil; add the cubed ki(ln<-_\`:, ` ` cubes, chop the onion and add bm;h_ 3 houi'.<. Add more liquid (luring-' the cooking` ii. nece.ssa1'y. Put the meat into a (.`Zl.\,'SC1'tJlt: 'm nu.-at pie dish, thicken the liquid in the pun \\'i.'il1 the llour which has been mixed to it paste with U. Littl4_- cold water and pour it over the 1ne.l`: -.11 biscuit d0ue;h and bake in a hot. ()`.'(:2l until -`hie crust is nicely b1'o\\'n'd. tin: cu.~'s,e1'0le. Cover with patsry o1'_ _i\pp1`0xim'.1tely eight ;se1'ving;s. SATURDAY MARKET -we of 1 ull<.~x who think they havow '.:|.'ig(-.sLion" have only an acid condition - Hnzh omild be c0rrect,:.d in five or ten minutes. An elfur-rive a.nti~acid like Piiillius Milk of Mugznr-sin soon restores digestion to normal. } A numb~,2' of 1a(li(_-s in Bw1'.1'i0 Zu- tcmes`ed m the Ch'i]d1'cn s Aid Socit.-t_,` met last week and re-orgzmized t'.1c auxiliary disbanded some yea1'.~4 ago. O1c*e.1`s arc: Prcsitlent, N11-.3 Billings.`- lcy; S0c'1`cta.1'y, Mrs. Ho,g`un; 'J'1'L-a.- u1'(e1', Mrs. W. J. Simp~sa0~n, l"hn lmlinq hm-o fn1'mo(l .~}(T\\'iI1.' cizv un;3x.auu.u. -.u ..-.. ._..-.. Phillips loos away with all that sour-I neas and gas right. after nwuls. Tt pre- vents the (listri--as so apt to occur two hours after eating. What a. pleasant prepnriition to tulce`. And how good it in fur the system! Unlike a burning dose; of soda-wlii is but Lem mrary relief at b(`St--Plll1llpS Milk of .\}z1,r:noaia. neu- traliu.-s many times its volume in mid` Next, time a l1enrl._v me-`Ll, or too rich a. diet has brought, on the least diwom lnvvf frv_ 5- (Huh nan: : fort, try- DISHES FOR LENT Wiaenfboii ours pmmps '1 Milk _ I 1' `'i71'ii1{' ' 0.3%. Magnesia The Northern Advance Lvlrs. W. J. DUll1J`blU`ll, The ladies have formed .~'.e\\`i11_~.," ('10s aml \\`i1.1 nwct once :1. \\ C(:`k at the Scheljter to provide suitable clothing for the c`hi1d1'on in the Slhelter Lu.-,1 in boar homes. 'r`Iu'_- :4 1| mn \\'m'thv \\ o1'l\ znul .p1"1kz1 and Conti11uu:JUDCaMENT AGAINST PLAINTIFF ` IP11 IN McKNlGHT CASE, ALLISTON .11.! 4| HfiYn> ; Judge W1smer on gvnunuuy gztvc ;judgment in the case: of )I1`.\i. Charity jE1izabeth McKnight, Alliston, admin- `is crat.1'i:~: in the estate of Grant Mc- ` "Knight, who in November last brought Judge Wismer Monday gave nrlo-mmrlh in tho onsv of Charity Order Your Stationery Business Forms and Counter Check Books In Barrie All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention--Phone 53 H EA ENVELOPES SHIPPING TAGS TICKETS INVOICE FORMS CALLING CARDS LEDGER LEAVES CARDBOARD SIGNS Northern Advance Low Patronize Home Industry m boarmn}.; homes. This is :1 most \\'o`1'thy ()1']\ will be of y;wzLt u..i`stancc to the board and to the coumzy. COL. THE HON. THOMAS L. KENNEDY Ontario Department of Agriculture 1.. .... .-.. Minister suit against the 1a`ter's three sisters and b'1'ot]1c1'-ix1-1:9.w to .'~ecL11'e the ful- llment of an un\\'rit.ten agreement between her deceased husband and his mother, whereby she should main- tain possession of the farm. The action was disxnissed \`.'1th0u' Lillll pU.\>L:n:Auu action , costs. LETTERI-IEADS SALE BILLS GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS SYMPATHY CARDS LEDG-ERS BUSINESS FORMS ETHEE There is no ha.1'dc1' xvork in the \'.'or1d than ;<'m.--Sou~t.h. Peace begins when :1 1~.ation ba- comes civilized enoug'h to see that \\`m' don t pay and H111 pt-zu-v doe-< p:1;v.---C-.u'1`ic Chapman Ca`/L. ANCHORED TO THE INFINITY

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