Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Feb 1934, p. 2

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Page Two Ureams or Pians THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1934 VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Rnrrin ll:-nu:-L J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office 51 Dunlop St. West of I`.O. Square, Second Floor) Residence: 144 Maple Avenue Phone 700. , rnxmL,1AN AJVU b`UK,u1:UN .' Special attention Obstetrics iAssociate Coroner for Simcoe County Office and Residence 50 Mary St. Phone 101 \Oice Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.39 IVIIDD DLL 1148 Toronto St. I UK. 1:. Li. IUKNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oice and Residence--Comer Elin- bert and Bradford ts Barrie. Phone 1% Oice Hours: 9-10 a..m., 1-8 p.m.,. 7-8 p.m. DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phone 213 47 Maple Ava. Oica Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Corona` County of Simcoe. I1 . Phone 82. wummv Associate Coroner, County of Simcoo Phone 61. Ofce-58 Collier SI. Oice Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.80-8 p.m. We carry a full line of Magistrates , Constables and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases. J. L'11ZJ1VJ`1I.'.lD1. D 82A Dunlop St. Phone 40` ` Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionlc '1`reatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustment: Blood Tests and Urinalysis Home or Office Rates Rensonablo DR. WALTER H. WOODRQW EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THIROAT SPECIALIST Orillia, Ontario lwill be at the Queen : Hotel, Darrin, Every Saturday. 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoint- ment. ur.1V12u. DUKULUN f Post Ofce Square Telephone 5&5 Above Express Oice __--__ ___._ - _ -_._ ` Motor Ambulalco In Connnulion Open day and night. llatguc and Chapel in oonnectiun. Established 18`-:a OLA..- Q9 I)_.....l- K3_~A LJICEIISEG CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESI THERAPISTS Q5 119A n....|.... I=I.-_- A-- DR. \V. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN taunt-`urn nnwnhnv (`nu-.4" .4` GI..._.. DR. N. VV. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON usociate Office and Rasirlnncn GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS Tfnnnunrl uxuruv ununn Ur NU] Barrio Branch MISS BEULAH SCOTT Tnrnnh-. Cr DLn--- . G. 6. SMITH & CO. FUNERAL DIRIOTOEI The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, DR. E. G. TURNBULL nrlnnfn nf T\/|'n(1H TTuhn-.-oh DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON FA..- <....;.y.. 'r..l_..L.. 3U\|iHim1] 3.. $iiii;;Li IVIJ IL. I-\ Licensed 'r`rm.q MA Jvu, aux. 1 Dollars I Dollars mu 1 1 Phone 23:)j )II Barrio, Gil. Look over your :requirements and place your order with the Advance. Nnrtlyern Ahnanre Printers in Barrie since I847. DOWN PHONE 53 The Hoover Hedlime en- ables you to clean beta: and more easily-on dark- est days, in darkest coa- ners, without overhead light. The Hoover is the only cleaner equipped with the Hedlite. Liberal allowance for old electric cleaners. Telephone for no-obligation Home Trial without delay. " I l I ` mot` and collferrcd ix1\'e.<`ti:_:`zLti01L 01. Uhe M:Cau_1;'l*.rin (:.11ZLl'f_` ,5 in the Le;_},'i.~:lutL11'c, and would p`re1\~i- to have hrt the 1nut4.*u1- u1'b'o1'Ll1e Globe's suiisational are. l r(:mi('1' I-lc111'_\'. ho\\'c\'01', rig1l1:tl_v (Ic- cidml 0the1'\\'i.wv. .-\cco'1'din.;' Ho `mt Gl0he'.< recital, the Orillia mzLg`1st1'aLe xvas approached witli :1 proposal Lo buy him out 01' oice, zuui znppurc-nt ly he \\'z1.< all 1'01` it. Then we find him revolting at the bai`c-.t'a.c0(l at bcmpt to ba1'te1' his oilicu. 1`eud were led to hc`lic\'e thn" Mc- Cuug`ln'i11 1'u.~'.hc to the Globe oicc and tllicne in the hallowed solitittule of 1.110 editorie . bared his soul in aIli(la\"it form of the hide-ou.:' mzxchinution which \\'a;-. under way. Th(.- legal committee of the L-egisla 1 tum loznrncd, however, Ulia`. he was not alone when he sought the Globe editor. With him were I-Ialry John- ston, Libcml 0i`g'aniz0r, and Arthuz I-Roebuck, :1 Liberal cz1.n_di(lz1te. I.i- was fu1`ti1`0l' learned that Iv1cCaug;hrin had with these and o`Lhe1- Libc1`a.1s in Orillia some weeks: before. I v. n 1 .. .. The I.ib(.-1'uls did not press for` I It i well known tlm`. the Govern }ment had good and suicient reason for the remrement of the mag1st1'ute and that any payment to him wa.~: in the nature of a (.'0!111)iLaSl0ilZ1lI(3 allow ance. It could he nothinrg else, sincr ithe G,o\`e1'nmc-nt had the po\\'ev1- `no re |1vemove him xvitlzoul; 1'ecompense. The [payment of :1 1-etirillg; allowzmce 13. is-anct1`on`0(l by cu. and was Lhe ic;1`.<.~`-0111 and \\``;is the practice adopted by the late Hon. W. E_ Rauey m at least two cases. V`,x(- +'nn ffflnkn `r\:\r- n.~.u4u;un.l 4-1` in This in news indeed! Now, for a limited time you can get one of the new Hoovers-- either the Popular-Priced Model or the Two-Speed I-Ioover-complete with Dusting Tools or Dustette, for a down payment de- cidedly less than usual. Hoovers, as you know, are lower priced--and more effi- cient. All models have the patented, exclusive cleaning nction, Positive Agitation, the only eifective principle for dislodging rug-ruining, embedded grit. IUUBL L\\U CHSUS. Yet the Globe has contniued to ix`.- `.sist Vllat what was p`1'opose(1 was a 1bz11~t0ring of office which was revolt- ling the high ideals of the Orillia L 111ag1.~: rate. ' ...u;-.4 money, \\'o'.11th, l vcczL1Ll1 { ho`u.~:e.~*., . uni-...1. ug. vctxuu `Iv The only reason money is in ex- gistence is to give us :1 medium of ex change, and the - more easily` this medium can be converted into goods and services, the more serviceable the money is. Through a long per` iod of history many kinds of money have been tried, castle, grain, shells, iron, etc., and mzmkind has found by experience that to be a satisfactory medium of exchange money mu. -,~`u; possess certain cl1a1`21c-te1'isLic. It ,n1u:~'Jf be c0mpzLrati\'e1y rare to g`i\'e it value, easily nortable, indestruct- `ible, and as free 21.5 po.<.<:ible from sudden iluctuzLtion.< in total volum-;. 01' all materials gold has bent. Vserved this purpose through the years, "and prnctic:1lly every great nation eit"ne;- bzL. its money upon gold, or nn u.~L1.1e:~: its money in terms of gold. The p`rcoe.~:.s began in I:`.n-gland in the 18111 centur_\', and in 1816 '.he gold `e.,n,l.n-,1 .l,.Gnu'+nlu -ul,nn4n.l \ uu. u ...- 1 l rum"\ I 4 C . `unv gun l(L01l:.n', 1' I months , silw,-1'. \\ I lx1) ..u.I,) u.u..u.., uuu nu .v...~u :13.-'0 c\`m'_v dollmx ,si1\'(-1'. wzxs (-on\'(,-rtilylo. If you \\"J.nt- `ed gzold dollzu'.~ for your pupvr or `silver you could mzxko '.'n0 -xvl'.:1n;- at z121_\' bunk in the count1`_-.'. `HO\\'('\'l`)`, \\"h(-n Lhv Ulritod Stat;-s` 1(}o\'t-rnnurnt 1'ofL1.<(-d to pay out gold ?J'o1' pupm` money, and non`. only tlml. but It-1nz111d<-(I .\'Lll'v1`C`11(1C:r by its cili- '/.(-ns of _L',`<)1(l and gxold cc-1'tic:1l.os, of \vhi(-h thvy \\'(-we tlw 1u\\'1".1l p().<. sor.~'. Lhv (loH:n' b0_<.L`21n to dc('lin`e in ,v:1lu-. You may call this \\'hd.t yuL1 u vu L\4l! paper 01 rbut it \\`:1.< rcpu(`n. 'l`h(.~ 1'nitt-(I Stzztt.-s is now t:'_Vinp: the <~onm1o(li_x` lollur, 0-1' 1nzu1:1;:(:(l cur- .)-nnr-v xvhir-h s-vhn1\r \nnn'wc vn I ! iwill and it mav have been 110('esso1'V. . . . 'ULlL IL \\H I 1'n I <~0n1'n10(lij `rency, \\'1 nH1r\ wnhl 03).`? the (411. 4 . `J't:n('_y, \\'llIUIl mllnply Illl2l.`ll`S \*zu'yn |\ _tL`()](l (-()x11L,-M 01' the dallur fro IL-4 (0 Limu that it will lxuvr: coI1.~:t:mt. pLn'-l1u;in_:' p0\\'(.~1' in ton. of n-nn1xn0di`.i(-.4. I'[m\' this will '01 ununninn {A I... (~nnI\ THE McCAUGHRlN CHARGES PRINTING; P or Better `RESPONSES N0 JOB TOO LARGE NONE TOO SMALL PHONE 53 Northern Advance 123 Dunlop St. Barrie. All LHU lie .-Lnrl pr Stntt-.~: is 1 1y mu'n- Lh condition "IO .- 7,:-n.s` ; In lHl(ll`l'lHlll(` |)ul)Il(` (`Oll- fitlc-nw in wlw value of thrift; and s:L\'i{u: is >'h`ikil1}:' at the \'e~r_v (`mm- dation of ('ivili'/A-(1 . The 01'- 'fect of such d(:sLru(-tion of c0'n (':um0~L be over-~sil.1n:L`ed, :L.1(l in its (lis:1.~ <-IT<-(`Lu cam he innitdy more J'zu'-.reachim.': than any benefits] to be derived from t.'Lkin4p: the seem- im:l_v quick and easy t'0L1~me to re- covcr from the depression. '(ll` _\ HU\ \\'h i (511 SOUND MONEY . -7`- vvv -vw%ivvvo-V? ` , _ , Published at 123 Dunlap .31.. U xrrie, every Thursday M. D. MORRISON. inilsm and Publisher IL, uuu What .-4 Hulmr, U-I` lll2lllilJ. ,`(t(l cur- r11ich s'imp1_v mozms vzu'yin,.; from :2 4. nu.`-la... inns nu-.... H. \ . . . W -?2!_1z.?I2 awm:-It Pn|.li.h..A IS LHL` [)1 which up V NJ `ll The N01-the:-11 Advance Short time only EDl'TC9R+.L Car loadi'ng's in the Dominion I the \\`<:L-k ending; Januzu'_\~' 20th tom led -10,782 cars, an i11crczLse 4 7,832 c2u'.< over the co1'1'csp0ndl1 \\L`(.`]{ 01' 1932. Hcu1'i ng' \'iu\\'.< cx1)ru.~;s0d by mom- bors of $1110 t`o\\"n council and mcmbn '5 of Jlhc Boz1.1'd of Education on the u..- of public funds, the ilUI)l'L`L-5- I sion is _<._:'ained that there Is not the} 1 -0-opemtion bet\\'e0n those wo h0((.'.~.' that should exist. 1 r Naturally Sir Joseph Fzuullv is op-- po.<~e(l Lo the propos~.1l to nL'Z`llO down dCb"S due and matm'in.g,', or intoa-c.4L rates, but the fact is that _ou1- problem must be faced some \\'a_\' or .1'nte1'cst clml-gas will bzmkrupx thel country, I ` 8 T110se who dream of world peace must feel dishear.ened uL (.-vents these days. Hundreds Shot Down in Vienna Streets as Troops Buftle, Mob Seeking; to Overtho`.-.' the Gov [ e11men;h; Twenty-four-Hour Strike in France Ended; Rioting; by Reds, Unrest Spreads throug'h Spain"',l Trade Way Bc5.r,`in:s', B1'iLi.~h .-\ctio1. `Met. by French Re])1`iszl]S--Lhrc:.~c z1u:' some of the headlines in the press. So long as jC2L]`Ol.1_\ _,`. zu1(Ibitt('1"nes.< e.\:1.~`t zL111o11.;.;* nations. th~Dl`(3 can he no hrun-n The total value of 193-`? produc- tion in the Canaulian mining industzyk is 0.\Ttil l1El.|':(.`(1 by the Dominion Bureau of Stzitiwtics at $198,253,000, com-I pared with the fig'ure of $182,682,000` in 1932, an incraso of 8.5 per cc-n`..: _._.._._ 1 I I Ac(.'0~1'(lin to tabulute(l stzitistics, ltlae annual crime score in the United S;`.ates is twelve tl1ouszn1(I Inm'(IC1`s, three Lliouszmd kidm1ppi1'.g.-2, one hun- dred thouszmd zisszlults, fty thoug- zmd robberies and forty tnouszlnd burglaries. Prevention and puni.~:l'. ment of crime, mainllenance of penal '- institutions and loss of p1`o])erLy} _throug'h arson and fraud co. tllil-` Iteen billion dollars zumually. Rack-` etc-e1'i11g":a.\'r9s i1`.(lust.1'y fteen 1,)llll'OIl.:,: and is the bi_2`y,`est: indust1'_\'. The in-; c1'Ca:~'e in the n1I.1.1'(le1' rate since lJO0 is 350 per cen-L; inc`1`ea._ in p1'i.~:unl population since 1926 is 50 per cent.' There are one humh-ed and twen yi t.l1ou. z1SSl. \ZS\`l)1a` at lL1`_`. ,`0 and t.ne1'e a1'e1 ou1'rln1mlre(l t;l1ou. people living` exclusivcly tlirougli erinx;-. There may be some CXd.,'g'GI`il.tlOi1, but if these experts on crime are exen `-y per cent. mwo-nvg, the 1'ecio1'd is still 2'. disgrace. `WAR PICTURE STUNT SERVES Q STRANGELY MIXED IDEALS The leg'cn(1a1'); man from .\Iu1.<, vis- iting` the .\ 0rLh .-\mc1-iczm continent just now, must, find himself sorely! puzzled. Pin nun-4' )\\-in-Ivnl ..o Y`~.. :1, at puAz.u:u. ` He mu.~:t Ipcoplc to an a: | Some time ago, in the Unit-d' States, some brilliant mind cerlct-ived -n.u.* poor. oq p[l1u.\1 4; 3,1219 nap; mm` 1)zL9,'a,11(iu for the armament makers, and the zLi1'pl2u1e mallufzw.t111'e1"s, and the baLt.1e. build<-r.<, to Dllblih .1 lot 01' pictures .~'!h()\"iI1g` g~r;1pi1icuIl,/ the .horrors of \\'m'. The United States C-011`L,f'-l'0.\f>' had a big navy bill bei'o1'e it, and propos-.`d also Iz11'gL- 01`(le1's to z1i1'p121n(.- mzmu fLCt1l1'C1`.'~1. , 1,,,.4. ..,.,.,...n.. ~ ' " $4.95 I J 'cLL7l.zLll'L'1'S. Just 1'(:Cul1 C]y, for: L-xzunplc, we road the 11c\A'spa1)cr 11:,-a(lin;:;.~:--UniLcd Sa .at(-_s {eportcd to Be .~\rming to Teeth to Be Greatest ;\'zL\'ai Pom.-1'-- .~\i1'pIzmc Stock S`ky1`oc.kets on Tip to Intentions. \}U.'lll:..m v.\...1 .1. II,,,,,, n ELS. 120 Lntcntxons." Willliam 12-. 1 1 1 H v '.\-t'.- : ~;. STLEWA 3` STEWART I papers 1'o11`.}1\\l']ilL(l1Opblcg-:11?1)L1;Jli]31;:1g|BA`R`R`ITER`S' SOLRJLORS NOT \\'2u' piCtLl1'L`>'---1)iC`tlIl'LfS c1nplm.sizin;.-;` XRIES PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS 1 the hO.O)._\.` of .m._ Real :w1_1_m_ pit I Money to loan in any sums at was tl1c.~:e~--Pictures so ::;1'ue.son1e1 lw" furren` ram" . that nausea n1ight well o`.5e`1'L;1ko :1` 18 Owen S ' Barr: 5: .1-ong man on \'i(:\vin_g' them ID` M` Stewart C D` Stewart I The 1`(.'1l.'x'Cl1.x` nr :IH.r-(rod `.`n'I-nI1.- I`:-.-I *-"" I 'mu1uHg JIILLII on \'1e\\'11Ig' `I;h0m_ 1'ez1sc:1.< or 2111(!. ,`C`d rozlsolls for publication of the l)iL'tUl'Ca' are stated in the cz1ptions-- .C.rn(\:nmn T*i4-hn-nu n4` \\/ -~ 7 C`1~---- HI LIIU L'ilpLlOll.\'--- vGA1'u0some PicLu1'e.< of \\/uy Sho\v Necessity of P1'epa.1`e(lncss Now." .-\1ne1'iczL s Lea(le1'.< have Wzu'ned Uhan Prepmedness is the Fullest In- surzmee zL_<.';z1i11 Fo1'ei;,';n Agg'Les. Even Civilians l-{now No Safety from the Ho.1'1'n1's of I)1\'a(iing' F0es."_ Alert; l1P.\\ .\':1)2l[)Cl' wm'ke1':: in Can-I !ada, noting these events in thei United States, thorug'ht of the great lsorre of official war pictures at Ottawa` lin the Dominion wen` archives. F01` r1l*l\'l1r vnnu-c +11n.~n I nunt-`uh . Lnc uomnnon archlvos. For l'tce'I1' yours tlmso pictures have b<-on uvuilzxble :`Jlw1'e to anyone who would pay :1 small fee for them. Occ`z1.~'i.om1lly small .~:clectio11s were made for .~'c`l1ool l1l.s't0`1'y pu1poso.~:, or to illustrate tlhx: olcial \\':u' historian. l`ho __','l'(`Zll.' bulk of them remained un- ioucllcd, What excuse could be oll"m~od now ('(l.l'l'}'ll1_L{' :1 ;.';1'oz1t store of int:1'c.~'t `.7 l C-llllildil has :1 1)c:1cu and di. `Inc-Ht ('21|ll])Lll};`11 under wzty. lt; was :1 n-:ul_\'-nmulu uc(':1.~'inn for publ1.'l1in_-._v, 101' dolvin-.-.3` into this mine 01' pictu1'u.s, `V Llw pivLu.1'os. |`lw ho1'1'o1'.< of W11`- \\'(:ro to bo taught l1ist0)'1('allj,', to convince the C;n1zuliu11 people of the [need for disarmament. I '|`n vnql.-n H ..l..n .. . ;uul:u 101' u1szu'mamcn1.. | 'l`() xnzxlw it :1l.<~0 L], g;r4:z1i. Ilmvs even: and a circulation booster it was an- nnum'ud that tlheso pictures were: just released by mhe Dominion wur upchives. I X: It ak ... Hence we find, one one side of the border line, the publication of \var `pictures as :1 powerful incentive to building` up more and more arma-B moms, and on the other side of the] `line the publication of similaz pictures} to instil in the minds of the peopie a liwrcd of wzu'.--VVinuip<:g Tribune. UNITED STATES `CRIME. t marvel at who capacity of dcceiw: tlu-1m~:c1w'cs. I :3-. :1: :1. =1: .uu'.u.uuIl u1 s1nma.: plcturesj "`"'` "'`""v"' :1` . of 47 Elib` Sh Ph' .' AMBULANCE SERVICE Thrift offer fur 4 I Religion is either caught, like When all is said and done. me `measles, from some one who has it, \voi'1d s `real wealth is not gold but .01` it is imparted directly by the labor in its actual results, eithe- lSpirit of God, which, like the wind, manual or menta1.--Si1' Henri D1} iblowetah where it listc-th.--Dean Inge. `;e1ding,. I GORDON LONGMAN `BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NO'1`.-\ ! ETC. lUl......-. L- I .-..... E CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC; 5: niunn RI Rn:-via plunnn A06 DONALD F. MacLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN !\........:.. 'I`n.....J.. D14. 1)..--..:.. n\I-vanans on. .u..'.-.-___.. I BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOT- ARIES, CONVEYANCERS, Eu. '2 f\....._. CA 'l"nl.....l..-.4. R0 I RADENHURST & HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC l\lIrn-`nu ln l.n.-an nlv I nuynaf Rain: I; Successor to ureuwlcxe a neu ' [BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC I MONEY TO LOAN -. rum--. D..-. 'RIn.-L RnI`I':Q I G. H. Este I1 HOOVER I DILIVIVIDLKJX` t Solicitor for obtainmg probate of .vill, guardianship and administratioml land General Solicitor, Notary Lion- veyancer, etc. ` MONEY T0 LOAN DEE--. l\Il..-n..:.. T`.......l.. R14... ` l Dlllhl Solicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyzmcers /Ioney to loan at lowest current rates. Office: 1st Floor Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. G H F`.=1-nn - M W mefnn i DUID OE DLIID BA.RRISTI.RS, SOLICITORS, NOT- `ARIES PUBLIC, CCONVEYANCIZRS, 3 ET . V 1 Illa..- A- I I\r`-~ ..| I.......-| Do-`Q: * or Interest | ! OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. In the premises formerly occupied by l the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce. Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys 1 D.I`Ll\-L\.Ln)L 11411.0, IDULJLULLUIVD, .Ll.l.\J Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Oice, First Floor Masonic Temple Building. ):1ru\.1o;.1`_u.\.o, ouu1uu.u1\.o, 1'41.` 5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 406. RNQNWV Tn T.AT\' Lib. Money to Loan at Lowest Rate: nF lnfnrnf nun. Money to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. Lvlunnx LU uunn Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. U. I`. Successor ` I D'DT\"T`Ta`D Balance Mom`/aly LVLULVID 1 J. U LIUILLV Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. .;va.A.n.J, \J\JA\ v L_JJ.ALA\\JA_lJi~1 ..-- 3 Owen St. Telephone 69 BARRIE, ONT. ..r-. Int`, Iv1Ul`4l14I 1U uunn Oice: Ross Block, Barrie. FOSTER 8: McCARTHY no-y IO 1_.oa1 of .n v\\~n\-\-\:c/xa -I ALEXANDER COVVAN BARRISTER I-nr {run A1-\ --nu-n'|-an en Dt., barne. rnone MONEY T0 LOAN ESTEN 8: ESTEN BARRISCFERS c in I-1-n'|x Fn\1w` .-.4` THE CANADIAN BANK | | I i OF COMMERCE BOYS & BOYS T.|')G COT `I f`T'X`f\1Z Witb Hea lz'te- Only Business Directory P. C. LLOYD NERAL DIRECTOR . Mcpupuu, n.A. ` to Creawicke & Bell - cnr.rr-rvrnn wt` McCUAlG, B.A. +n (".1-nuurh-lrn :9. E 1 5! LOW Interest 1 nxxrw` T. A. McCarthy M. H. Esten Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund 1`.-LRY A home in Canzul-.1 is pre- ferable to :1 dn'vun1-ca.~il1e i11 Spain. But it is (`1lH}" only to dream 01' 1! new home, of buying now po.~'. ions, or of taking a pleasant vzu-alion. Castles in Spain vannot be l.1`udvd for hmncs in Canada, but savings can. A Canadian Bank of Comlncrce sawings ac- count is often the diffe1'- ence bclwccll :1 dream and 2: plan. Dreunis buy nothing. Planned savings do. You will be wclcolned at any one of the 800 branches of The Canadian Bank of Com- mcrce. YOUR PBHITING ' REQUIREMENTS

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