. , , I J}0r1'o\\';1ng' and S])(:11d1ng by Nations and Citizens Should Stop. ucnL, \\'l'OECv1l1E board as 10Ii0\\`.~': Regarding the fee of $2.5 xvi` cl`. has been uI1C.`(])CL`tL'(U_V tuxud on s-'-~.- oral ;~tu(lents at the B.C.I. zLfLc1- kin; school term had commenced, 1 am w1'itin to explznin the delay in puyiw and express my vobjection. I lmvc 11:.-`. seen how the Act is stated, but 1 ll!` dersztand it says, `Any student whc has nnmnlr-fm] ch \'|"L`H`< in :1 gnr-~.n.1'. ut:raLa.x1u H. says, `Any stuuom \\':`.C has complcred six years in :1 .~:ecJv1u'- ary school may be c`na1`g`e :1 certain fee if the school board so desires But should his fee not be set and known before the students enrol ? In my case I miglu` not l1:1v.- ccm:2 ba 1-: to High School hure. Also I had `.0 attend a continuation school xvii only two teachers, and it was nee.-s sary :to spend four years there, (inc. impossible to take any Upper Schou: work. I tlfmk there is room tu ml. fault with the Govelmmacnt Act. A. present I am niisliinig up my ]1l2l.l1l`l:v.`- lation, taking [our subjects. True I have been longer at school than I should have been`, but since mum" is not ta.ug`hn: in school here, I l1`d\'(: been studying umd-ea` privalo tea.cl1o'.'.s and paying extra for it. Finally 11' `you still think I should pay the fee. I don t see why the Barrie b(:;.ru should collect for four years 1 513%`-17 - in C1'enn1nrn sulmnl, an it 1': in H ~. I"`..'\. '_i`(~;1:~i1ci-s Must Report 15)` 8.4. ) a.1n. and 1.25 13.111. The rst meeting of the 1934 Board of Education was held on .\ Iom`.ay night, with Chairman i\"Ic'1\l;u'ti:1 pr`~ siding`. Discussion on tin e. for the year occupied consi(le`1'abie time, and a special meeting` will be held on Monday evening` ne.\t to com plate the progrnni. It app:u'enL1_v is not the intention of xhe board 1.0 proceed with an expensive trpe of fire escape for Iiing Edward Sch .-31. The Vocational Advisory Committee recommended tzha. $5,300 ue plaice` in the estimates as the aiiiount 1; quired for 1934_ At 31 vnenlf rd` _-nan . ......,.n4.l. .. :mu'I.uu cuuecl. 101' IOLl1' years 1 Sp. . in Creemore school,, as it is in t:.:-. same county as Bamie. Teachers Must Report at 8.45 a.m. The management committee ILl!`- ier vrecommended that the regulatlon of H10 hnnrd 1'nn11i1-imrr H10 1-".'x<.'x:1 .. N161` vl`BCUl]lIl'1BI1(lC(l EHZLE 17f1\G 1'Gg'UlaB10Il of the board 1'equi1'ing' the 1;:'esen.-; of public school teachers at school 1-` 8.45 a..m. and 1.25 pm. each day. be strictly enforced, zmd that every +nnn:`hn.. \|r11n 4-`n:I(. en ..,wm..+ ...+ 41.,...,. O. -id dulll. ZHIU l.... 4O [J11]. (:'clCl1 Uly. teac`~he1- who fails to report at these hours must be considered late and .~-,-. r<.po:r'l:ed to the board on monthly r -- porl; of principals. Nfins S `AT TTvn1Ihnr1' \\`.4. r-'rnv.._~- pU1`b U1 p1`1nc1pa.LS. S. M. Urquhart \\'.,i.. ~,;`1'ai:~,._~-. leave of ab. on Feb. 225r(1 to ac: tend the conven.i.io-n of In.l.ernationa` Counsel for Exceptional Children. Finds $160 Paid in Error The Vocational Ad\'i. Commit tee recommended `bat the xx-,ci'i-1.2:-;v of the board write to the Unit:-.3 Typewriter Co. ELSkiTllg' Lhcm to for- ward cheque for $160, amuu.nt pain for adding inac-nine some yc-a)'.~: ago, and paid in error, as machine \\'z\:. _r(J-urned. It is found that ve Ln);- writers in the commercial clam :12` badly worn; the 1919, 1920 and 1:732 series inachines can be used anol. '2 year, but recommend that M1`. Gll'(i- wood try and dispose of the "N 1916 series at best available price, also `chat prices be secured from Rem- iiitgton Co_ for two inachines and pric-_- checked by Mr. Rutherford of the Vocational Dep"c.; that subjects: ibis year be the same as taught last year; tha.". board in striking estimates In- clude $5,300 as am-ount fo; Vocatirxm al C-ommittco for 1934. \lI....n. A.._l:s.....J l..L ALI. 7th YEAR B.C.l. STUDENTS TO PAY $25. FEE UR UUIT LL: \4'UIllJllll/LL (.' LUIS .12]-)4. Want Auditors Job A lotto)` was rr:cei\'<.-(1 from W. M. Salter and H. A. Henry ofTorin-g '0 audit the books of the bozu' for .~_'.-)0 a year. Miss Joan Goedfcllow wrote ad v.-- ing that .5110 was comnletinvg hv-~ sccond your at I\'o1'm:11 School and applying` for :1 position on the tear!`- ing` staff should th-ere be u \'acun.'_-' in June. /I-`nvu`-:v\11r.r' Av-\ u.....,. +'.-.. ..-\ 35 BELOW TO 30 ABO`VE, THEN DOWN TO 14 BELOW Y War Cost 208 Billion Dollafs National and intx~1'nation:1l cl:-,lit.< `is a rusult of the war sot tho nations li.'1r'l< 208 billion (loll:u~.~', and no nan- ion had a penny of a.=: to vnuet this o.bl.ig`ation. They paid by char_:;- ing` it to the fl1tl11`.(? Money was bor- rowctl by nations and by -`he citizen body of the nations, in(lu.~'ti'y, fzmn (*1'.<, labor, all ii1c1`o:1s'0-(l their ex- `."'"'lltlH`|".\`. Go\'r.~1'inn0nt'.< \\'(l`f` pi'o:.;- ml to snontl ll10) (`. Conncil.<. school l)0zml.-, ho. rzlilrozuls, all bor- rowed and spent rec-kle.*sly. Tn 1014 the direct bondorl debt of (`an:1(la was $435,000,000, \\*l1i(-'11 hznl a<'<*uinul:1tr:(l since 1866. By 1918 this: had in- m`ou. to two billion (l0ll:1l`.~` as u r"- sult of "110 war. in 1933 we find it up to tliroo billion. and 5.3:-ltin~: fur- tlior 2l\\'11_V from :1 lizilziiicm`. ln1 Arldrxd `0 this is 11 billion for l)0I1(ll`(l in(l0bi`-(lm\.~:.< of tho rzlilrourl. 'l`1n'nin;: to m'o\-im-izil (ll`lll>'. in 191-! the lilo-mlml imli-`l)to w21.< 158 million; in 1918 it \va.< 289 mil- lion. :i.nl in lflflfl one billion. llH'l~." h11n(lrNl and sixt_v-tl1i'o(- millio-n. ln the munvicipal eld in 191-it bomlrizl indebtedness wu.-s 561 million. in 1918 if w:i.< 676 million. anal in 1.932 om) billion, two humlrod and se\-nnt_V- \'o million. rm Am, +i.(,.... :- A6 .. .-n..!.-..-.,-. :n\ The cold snap of last week, when the tc1m)0\1'at1I.1'<.- dropped to 35 be- llow on Thursday, modomtcd, and on Sunday rose to 30 above. Tuesday. however, zmother cold wave came our way and on through the night the tclnporature dropped to 14 be- ` low. TIVAL 0 TA... 0:` LA-.. 1_:,_1_ n4 ' 1\)\\ , Feb. bc]0\\'_ 'L`,.L "rue Iacn man ighty 15 no sum u good zur .p11ot FlI0\\'. 1 Feb. Feb. Feb. '1: u.v| 10 H1. Ecb. LULU (Continued on page four) act that ` 1:1 -r|.r\ l~1l\rv\ 1 0--Low, 1 1-Low, i 1 3--Low, I1\u IIHIHUH. To-day tiion: is not :\ pr0\'im`e in tho Dominion hulzinx-i11,r: its budg:ct,' and tlw debt` is b(-int, inc1'0asod by bm'i-owinpr. 'I`h<- total debt r-m-rind t0-d:1_v. F('(i(.`l`2li. provincial and mun- icipal, has roa<-`nod about <-igrht billirm doIIa,r.<. This \\'a.< not (-zuisod by :1 `Eu hi_a'hb1'n\\'s. but dotormined by (muncils, school }m:u`ds, members of ]')Il1'1i2l.Tl1(`!1('. all t`1v('iN1 by tho poopln-. Am] (~\'c.-n _\'-1' proplv are ('z1I1in.:` for more nxpmulit-.m~.< 9/Low, * Established in the Year 1847 , 22 below; higxh 1.). , 10; higxh, 30; snow, 35 below; high, 1 30 below; higth, \ 20; high. 14 below; hgjh, 15. 6 below; you are a trie , that you would: be Eight Page` The o1atT* T Paper in the Gountv high, THREE-CORNFRED FIGHT IS PREDICTED IN E. SIMCOE I A t.hr(:o-('ornor(`d xxlrt in Fast Sim ('00 in the comiw: pro\'in('i:'.l nlm-tier: is predicted by J. B. Johnston, ex- mzwop of Orillia. Bcsidt`. Hon. Wm. Finlayson, Conservative member, and Dr G. E. Tnnnor. Liboml ('andidatr=, there would be an inndepondunt czmdidatc, Mu`. Johnston stattes. , ---?--- 1 "r"arn1m's in the Taber di.`.1n`ict, Al-'1 bumta, started preparation for seeding, < on Tuesday, Feb. 131111. Severn. ( fzumners are discim: and harrowing,` 4 and :1 few pllowing. Very mild wca.- ` -the: prevails (ihmoughout hhe district. 5 my imtbmm fmmamm \J"l 21.V'tf'Il|Ill.H.'Sla. `Consolati-orn women s doubles want rto Mrs_ A. R. Beverley and Mia- Jeam Dunbar, Barrie Garrison Club, and the coznsolation men s doubles tn; J. R. Boys and C. D. Stewazrt, bar- .v1' n John V. Peterson, Mou-nt Albert, was assessed $20 in police court. Sat- urday mornin-g for using improper license plates on a. truck. The truck was driven by Chas. Morton, of Mount Albert. Traic Oicer Hodg- son said he had previously stopped the truck and the driver said his ownership card was 2.`. home. He ninififiml t.h.rn- rxnnrhnr-\mf r`nnr-avrninv` The Orillia Garrison Badminn;c;1 Club were winners in the zmnual county badminton tournamenat nlud in the Orillia A-rmouries on SaLu1'(la; last. Over 200 matches and 50 games wove played before the cor. testa.n~ts wore elhninated. Finn; standing of the clubs: Ori`llia Gawi son Club, Ontario Hospital, Barr}. Garrison Club, Midland Club, Camp Borden, O1'1ia, Barrie, Penetan-_r, Gwravre-nthurst. 4(`.r\r1mr\l1n+:.r\n\` 1IVr\rv\r\r\`n n\ .1,`-nk1n.~ 11' .n` V'o1._L'2Z YVII. No. 51. Inc. It was decided -no hvold next year 2 I tournament in Barrie. lrllli bL'Ll.C~|\ E1-MU Ullti l.U.'1VUl' SZLIU HIS notied the depa.1'tment concerning I the driver and truck and was inform- AI` H...+ Hm "nnncn 111nr-no Marl 1.\...\..| LallU U.l'l\ U1. ELHU. l/L'L|U1\ UJIU. \Vi1?5 lU.LUl`lIx" ed that the license plates had been issued for a. 1930 dump muck. Mag.- istrate Jleffs impased 21 ne of $1.), plus $7 costs. `REVIEW or ammo HOSPITALIZATION I Sixiy Years .\gu 0111) Eigln Ilnspitals; G01` Stzue Aid, N ow 162. We have just received, with thv compliments of Hon. J. M. Robb, Minis ce1' of Health for the Province 01' Ontario, :1 copy of :1 new publica- tion Hospitals of Or1|`.na.rio, which gives a short history of all the h.o.=-. pitals in the p1`ovinco, as well true ing` hospital work from the beginning.` Itlhsm :1 a`m1:m'n`r.1'nn nrrn, ORILLIA WINS HONORS IN COUNTY BADMINTON SERIES [Hg llUB1JlL2J.l \\U1'l \ J.1'Ulll LHU UCEIILILIIIEHI LO: Itihan a genneration ago, . the .\Iini. of Health, our public h-ospit2Lls existed solely as public elm`:- itius for the care of the indigent sick in our midst. To-day all crlassxos of people in nzhe pxiovince are adequately served by the 162 public ho.'pita.is and sanitaria which are in operation. l.1'1`f:ln ha: hm-on 1-or-nwlnrl nf' lmngmifnl ?.LlllL-'.'ll'lil \\'IllUI1 d.l'(.' III 0I)(5I['clLlUX1." I..itt:le has been recorded of lwsrpital activities H1 Upper Canada till we year 1790, when mention is made uf 7 a hospitztl for Indians at Sault Ste. 1\'Izn'io. comluctetl by inissionux-;.r prie.-1 vs. Tlieve is also 1'O(.'01'(l of u m.ilita.ry `hospital at Kingston even before that date. and also a milituyy building in York. Again in 1812 l11L'n tion is niade of 21 hos'pitI .al in the town of Yovk. In 1818 a tract ()1 land comp1'isi'n_0_; 39!) acres was g1'anL- ed by His Majesty's council in and zmound the town of York. for the pu1'po. 01' Cl`(:L'Hln}_',' and cndowing :1 ;:u11(:1'z1l hospital. .-\ppz11'ently tin- building` was not completed till the end of 1.824. When on Cln'istma:; l'l\'r,- of that year ~`.h<.- })2L1'limm?n`. buil were bumecl down, the n-n\`r-m1n1r-n1 n(' Hun (luv fnnl: nn; . l'l\'~c govc.1`11menL of the day took pos; . 01' the new bui1(lin-g for leg El.- tive needs and was so used till 1829. In .\`Iu1'ch, 1-830, an .-\`ct \\'u.s passed by .`lll(: L(!":i.<.l2Lti\'0 .`-\:.. placing` the building: as at public hospital, xvhcrc sick, destitute and unfortuna.-.: . uml emig'1'3.11`ts may l'CL`Cl\'(: medical and . ll..~".'~'lStzll1L:(.` zmu 11a.m<-(1 11 34mm` of 100. In 1832 an Act \\'us pu.<.se(l to provide 3,000 to be nppliotl in aid of erection 1`.a(l (-omplction of 21 hospital in 01' mm UM` town of l\'in_9'. 'l`l1i.~' sum \-.'.L.+ pu.i in tlimc mmuul puyn1en'.< of $1,000 each, and in Z\'I2u'ch, 1837, 2: 1'Ln'i,l~.~i' g'1'ant of 500 \\'z1.< votud to cromplete the 1`i'0jcc 1. In the \"l`}ll` L) 1')H'H1(nI- n+' L")!-'\ uni.- BARRIE SERVICE` CLUBS HEAR SIR JOSEPH FLAVELLE L"Ulll[J1Ul.(? L-ML` ]'l'UJ(.`C'1. In {[10 .5zX.i'C` _\',-my 21 1'u1'thc1' sum of 250 \\`u..~' ;:1zuu`:0 to the York Gem.-1-211 Hospi- tul (from then on called the Toronto Cu-n<-ml H.ospit:>.l). ((`.nnHnnrArI nn nnrrn ;?v\ DEPARTMENTAL EXAMS. TO START ON JUNE 25th A Limo-table received from the Dc.- pm'l:1nont of Education advises ihut Dc})zu'Ln1cnt:Ll Exaininatiolns for 1934 will . on Monday, June 25th, fol Middle and Upper School. Middle School .~`.'.u(lents will not bu t`l1J1'ou;__'!; till Friday, July 61511, while it will be \\'-<-(lns<> July 11th, 1J(.`fUlC all Up- per School papers are wribion, linxvrm Qr-lannl :h1rlnn+;- rill g-fall pm cL'nm)1 pz1pL:1's are wnuvcn, Lower Svhool students will start '0 write on '[`hu.rsdz1y, June 28th, 2m}(11 will be t1h1`oug'h by Friday, Juiy 6t Ulall .\Iode1 Enrtrztncc st.udent:s start \\':-d'11~o~.< June 27th, and will through by Wc:`_`ne.~:d:1y, July 4th. nirrh Kr-`hnnl nnlrvznxr-n -:1:nrm~n+u ch , _____.____.__.. ORILLIA MAN FINED FOR NOT HAVING OPERATOR S LICENSE hlll`Ully,'ll Dy VV L`?L`I1L`S(l1l.y, duly `LEN. High School en.'.a'a.ncc studcnrts star`. 'l`uvsday, J uly 3rd, closing on Thurs (lay, July 5th. Samuel Zwaegenbaum, Orillia, was l:`~.~``.<.~'(`(i $14.50 in police court on S:LLLl1'(i`1_\' morning for driving 21 car without a driver's license. 'l`raII'1c Oice Hodgson stated tahzv`. Zwao.gcn- baum informed him he `had a license in -his pocket and with much hesita- tion produced a. 1931 license. Ac I cussed said he had not been bo~th.e1eal during 1931 or 1932 for a license, so did not buy one in 1933. Nrncrihrnfn .Tn'u imnncpd n Fmn nf `(HG HOB [my one m 1966. Magistrate Jeffs imposed 21 ne $10 plus $4.50 cove USED IMPROPER PLATES Members of the Ki\'.'ani.~: Club and Lions Club had the privilege of ~hear~ in.g' Sir Jose )'h Fiavelle on Monday evening on liconomic Conditions in Canada. Sir Joseplh is chairman of the board of direoctors of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce, and was for many years connec-.l.ed with some of Canada's largest industries. He made it plain that he was not a pessimist and he had absolute faith in Canada that. she will play ll01' part, but he wished to sound _a note of warning: that as citizens we have been driving` through red lights, ignoring danger .s'i;.','I1:1ls and it is dfiine that we talk less and look mo-re. Recently he had been motorin-,<.-: through the city with a friend and they got so engrossed in coiiversaihion `chart the red and gtreen lights were ignored rtill suddenly a policeman stopped the` `fear and informed them that they had bcittexr talk less and look more. It was his purpose, said Sir Joseph, to play the part of that policeman and to tell his audience as part of the citizen body of the world that they have been driving througih red lights and ill`. is time to talk less and look nmn an 1111 rl,US])LLU.l). (Continued on page six) Mrs. Mary \n;n Muliccwn, 189 Bradford St, was commita`.-ed lur rtriai by judge and jury this morniu_,, cimrged with that 011- Februru.ry 9m she did wilfuilly set re be 21 lic'u;;-; &i"ii117c11tCd on Bradford St., and said L1; be "the property of Dr. W. H. Oaka. M.r MPKPn\L'h wan `I'nnn..u=:nnfntl i\.1 uu -me pI`0pe'1`t.y or ur. W. r1. UUKa. Mrs. McKeown was `1'ep1ve;;en?.e(1 by J. R. Boys, who advised her to elect; trial by judge zvnld jmty. Crown At tornuey Evans p11o`secuted_ Onxlv 1`.\\`un \k'iH1`lAH.Ql'\Q uzrnm nnllnrl in Lu1.'J1It:_y .|14V'l.Ilb` pl1U`SL`(.'uT:(l_ Only two wi. messes were called to establish enouglh eviden=ce to put the accused on trial. The rst witness to be cal`le(l was Chief Alex. Stewart`, who laid the information. He said the had known the accused woman for eight or nim- yewrs and that she lived at 189 Brad- ford St., vwhere she kept a board.`r.g house. He believed lhor mo be a tenant and that the -house belonged to Dr. Oaks. About 2.15 Friday afte~rno'o'n he attended the file aznhe home of the accused, where he dir- ected trallic 011 Bradford St. Upon his arrival the house appeared to be on re from top .10 bottom, as ames wL=ne pouring out of doors and \vi.':~ dows. He also saw some ..:.`.icles ol. clloatliiirg lying in the street, but '1.- furniture had been removed. He re- nivained at the re for a couple of hours, as the remen had uonsirlez- able trouble in putting the re out. That evening` Fire Chief Shrubsole told him the re looked very .<~uspic uous, so about 8 p.m. he made a thoroug`h examination of the house with a flasliliglrt. When rho a.rri\'(.d at -the hou.-~e two men were on _e;uard and the place boarded up. The two men remained on guard unitli Mon- day morning. l`hroug'hvout the house he found many places wh-Cue various places had been fired. In the base- ment there was no re, but in the stairway leading` to the basement out of the dining; room the re apparent- ly had been the hottest. The dinim, room was completely gutted arou:;d the base'men-t enutrance, as well the walls and ceiling. The -room was well furnished and all the eehairs, table and buffet were completely burned. In the kitchen behind the stove he. found a separate re. There was a pile of papers partly burned. T-he papers were receipts bellon-girrg to Mr. MeCo-omb, Fuller brush man. The kine-hen is just off the di`n.ug' room. The wall behind the stove was blister- ed and the re h-ad burnt itself out. He was not certain whether where had been a fire in the sitting" room or not.` TY......4...:.... 1.,` :`-......l ?\C-:/114 ,_ .. L` uccusea on 1 V V u-.nm.m um ! A-L. Mrs. Mary My-l{c0\\'11. 1 !-an-<.u`. Under Arrest after Fin- in Jglome. WOMAN T0 STAND TRIAL on CHARGE I or snnm; Hmas Upstairs he found evidence of 2 re in the bedroom of Mr. McCo0m`u who \\'a,.< a boarder Widlh Mrs. Mc- Keown. The re }m(l appare-nttly been set near tine. z*eg:istev1'. This room 3. in the novrtih-west corner of tlw. hou.se. 'l'here was a pile of pan." a,.~Jhes n-ear the reg'i;<`ce1' and ihe \\'-21}: were badly scorched. Here, tn`. the re had bu-rn out. In C1n krulunn. :v\ 4-Ian .-t\114-14 ..-, I./UL,` lH`l.' HEIU l)L'-l'Il(T(lIllnCv!l 01.11:. In the bedroom in the south-xvc-~' cox-mer he found uvidenccr of zmot':n: re ha\'ing' been st.a1`t'c(l near she registel`. A blind had been tom of: the window amd \\'a.< found ].v:L1":.l;v burned on the 11001` 2-.10-ng' with 21 pH: of papers. Trlw \v2L1ls in Llxis room were also ba.dly szcorched. 13:-hind Mr. Mc(`00n1b;:` 1'-Com :1 f'm: had been . in a clothes (:10.s(.-t and bumqd tin-1'oug`]. the partition. 'l`11<~, closet xvus badly bu1'n<.-d. Alto g'etiu_-1' he found evidence of ve on six re-.~: 'na\'i~n.<: been stz11't.<-Kl on 122-: f`{')`.lI nnr -.r'nl in nn uv:u~.- I-nnmurf 3:l.\ lll'L.`.' IlilVl`ll`._',' UUUH 5bi\I'Lk'\l UH LU`! .<<;(-oml oor, and in no way coxmect ed with each other. He \\'z:s ce1't.1E1`u none 01' L11e.~:c fires were caused 1'r'.):n `he zuncs downstai1`.<. The door la-.u1 ing to the attic \\'z1.s' bu L. sco1':hv::-J and b1is`e1`ed. In the zmic in the centre of U119 floor he found it b-;.\ `in which a pile of papa-rs um} dcbri. had been burned. Herc, tor, the fizz: hud lu.-m`. put. out bcforc it `had time to sp_1-cad. On :\hnrin'.' wnnu-n'inxr hm no`-.1511 \-E; HAS FAITH IN CANADA LU .\lJ`l`L`H.U. On SutLudz1;,' mo1'n'ing,' he ag'z1iv vi; itcd 1111(- house, ar:(-.ompan'ied by J. H. R0d;`,`C1`S, of the Ball Pi21'..ix1:: Mill, and ;\`I<,-.~:.`1'.~'. Jo1'(1an and B;;:`\< of the F ire M-arsha1`1 s Departmen-f.. The four of them thorougxhly rexa.mined the house. On Monday morning he pIz1ce(lM1`.~'.1\'Icl{0ow11 uxndxrr 211':-.-.-.' and chz11';','(s(1 hr,-1' \\`it`1h arrson. Thn nf}1n\- urH'run:a r--_1HnrI u-uc T Y1 ELIHI L'.lld.l';l,'(`.(l. 11(3)` \\`l1i'ln Zl.l`l')'()I1. The other witnvess called was J H. R0dg'ers. He :-`aid vhe accompanied Mr, K<.-1'1`, re zuljustcr from Toronto. to the re on Friclny afternoon. Tic cundi1.ion.s \W31'e such t:l1u.`.. Mr. Ken` 11ml him board up the hou. e and place two man on g'ua.rd. About 4.30 ho `.\'c.n1; through the house and noticm two or wihrce suspicuous place.s where re may have been started. Ho 1111 mediatcly got in touch with Ofcc-I Hamm-er, of the provincizd pciicc, who z1l;~`o accompanied him througa. t.11c building. Mr_ Kerr nuL`.f1erl the Fire 1\Im's1mll's Depa1'tmcn". and Mr J o1'dz.u1 requestml him to make :1 plan of the house showing places where ; the various res had been located. M `Dodo-m-a nnmmk.-u.n.+...-'! +1.... l'\II; `UH. \'Zl.1`IUUh' Ill'(.`b' l1ZL(l DCCH IOCHEBG. M1`. Rodgers co1*vobora.-ted the evi- dence of Chief S.`Iewa1't concerning the nrii~nf.r of the different res. He was quite positive that the fires had been set im;en`iona11y and that the furnace was in perfecrt working order as `he had two men light it up to test if. In some of the rooms he found a pile of papers and junk mady to be set are, but still intact. In the rear hall upstairs he found a cupbcard that was badly scorched and Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, February 15, 1934 uu up. Chief Stewart was notied and after i`nvest.igzLting was satiqed tlml Hhe theft was Uhe work of some lean: pamy. It was evidently well plzumcd and gthe thief got busy as slcrm 2511:.- saw {all leave the pzw-_;o11zxg`e for Lhe church. One light upst-aim was le.T; bu'1'ning when Mrs. Long: and El".- Thompson left for clhurdh, so that Lnc house was not in dzt1`kness. So 1111 no clue has beem found. The Orilli-L1 Water, Light z,11(l Powu` Qolmnissionr, w-hose plant \\'a: the 1's`:. municipully-owned dcvclopmem for long` distance t1'a'n.smi:5sion Ji Hyd'r'o-E`a1`ect-1'ic power on the Nonih Ame1'icun continent, has as'.se't.s of over a million (101-lars, and liabvilitk-.5 nf rvnlv 92159 nnn H` is ahnum in in dlllu, `p.L.)U lll (ZIll'.l.Ilb (i LLlcKCil [T0111 HUI 2'orom, while a ring` and b~-`ooch be- loxngipg -J-o Mrs. Long; \\'c-we also pick ed up UVL']_`> d. llllU.1Ull. UUl'liLl`b, d.llLl Hd.U'lHl|\`l of only $152,000, it is shown in i...: a,111n>ua1 nzmcizxl smtcnu,-nt 1-(21:-am: last nigilt. -'\1'\1nnu- Hwn :y<:r3fu :11-n H14` Ynnf .1` While Rev. E. Lo-ng \\`21.s con- (luc-1'ing' the Sumlu_\' soi'\`iL..-, thdeves (. i11JC`l'c(l. the pz1i*s`oI.:1gu n..\c door to t;`hu elm-rcili 211111 Look $2.8 and some jcwcl1*y. ln~ry \\a.< :;z1i11c._l throu-g'h a west. cellar win(lu\.', a1".ci wh-icih the C1001` loading to the kit. :`;r_-: wag forced. A ca11'c1'11l .~r;;.v.1`cih Wu.- evideliitly made zmd u-vc.r_',` room n`. the house \'isi'l;ecl, (lruz1\\'c1'.~: bcging mn- sackeid and zmiicles strewn around Two ten dollar bills xwce taken fionz. Mr. Long"s t-notlsers lm11gi11g in a closet and (33 Coppers. Mrs Thomp son-, of Tozvosnto, who was v1s`iti`ng' `:1 the pansommge, had a ve dollar bill zund $1.50 in <:`l1a.nge taken from her 1-n.n.n'x u'i`nlln u vino` nrul lu-innnlx kn. ORILLIA COMMISSION HAS l ASSETS or OVER $1,000,000` Opposed to Rcdlwing J_)~::'r;i 0b1].ga1im1:-3 or Out in Interest Rate. Lush mgm. Among the a.s.~:ets are tlu: plant a.1 SW-if-1; Rapids valued at $552,001)` real estate, Federal and Provnriciul Go\'e1'mnen1, bomlsr, C.N.R_ and C.P 1}. bonds, nd cash. The rzlm-.`Iri(--,1l (`(`131H`h11P :l _ :1 uu-nus, Rlnu cusn. The elec-;"1'ic-al (ie1)za1~t1ne11< L shows :1 surplus of over $6,000 for the ye-4:. after havixmg; pirovided all costs -f' opo'1'amion, mainrtcnance, cap i` u` I-`rmrrn-rs: nnrl rInnrrwin1`inr| zvnd hnvi` \ UUU. Despite ZL (lccrease in consum=_r.-t'u-1 a.m-ong inrdusbrial consume-3, due Lo home factor:-icx.< n-ot 0pc1'u.tin_<.1' as S4`.'ead1'ly as du1 in,g' betstyer times, I'\,`\ emues from power are down omy abou-t $2,000. Revenue from Ii;>;`:t shows a small inomase. hnKVh:4(- n An/u-nan In 1vn+nu r.F UpU'l'}.l.ILlU.l1;, l1ld.lll'L(:llZ|.Il(.'L', CH _|)l' ;` cnarrgcs and dcpreclafnion, and l1:wi'__ fo-1'wa.1wd`cd to the town a1.mo=st $`O.-| nnn LU'L VV H 000. nnr SHOWS Z1 smau LI1U1'B*2LSU. Despite a decrease in rates of ovew 10 per cent the \vate1wvarks de- parhnent showw a surp&us of over $2,LU. -The cost of.opemanejthe sewage depamhnent was who de- creased "PL.-. ,l,`v.n\.+\-.-.,.n+ u-.l1n.`n man? I c1`e2L'se(1_ The depa.1*tm<.~nt, \\'~hic-h provi 1.--.~ electricity for `the townships of R.'1`n:n. M2u`a and Orillia, shows `revenue of almost $18,000 fo.;- `the year, \v: " surpluses and reserves for contin- g'e.ncies. THIEF LOOTS HOME WHILE MINPSTER IS IN HES PULPI] CHARGE CHAIN STORES SELL BUTTER BELOW COS"! Chzwges rhzm. chain stores had been - known to sell butter at prices cheap- er than they a.ctuz.l3` paid the cream.- cries for it, and nzlmt the use Ci bu-bter by such stores as leaders fur the sale of other produce wzus dr=i,ri- mental to bu.~'im_~.<.<, were heard .1: the meeting` in the Royal York Ho`.--` of the (l'ivrect01'.~; of the Czmzulizu`. Creamery Association Ono 4-m-w- \\'rn.`..~ f.hnI* '1" lll'UI'L'-. The nations of tfhe wo'1'1d are to- day su erin~g from the t.1*ag'ic conse- quences of two serious disabilities both the (Iriect resu]:'; of the Great War, T4":u:~J< Tv.Ln..~...J:-.-.1 1.\.'$.J.-.--u...... :11! LJ1'U2.LHlUl'y .l\S'SU($l1J.L1UH_ One (-o1'rc.s'po11d`ont wrote had seen his own buttt.-1' .< (hzuin SI.(Jl'L` :11 less than `n: for it. I"h.. .l..v...-nu Invngu ,.rz..l n{' (- .l.U'l' IL. The was cited 01' the com,- ing in this country of o`na.in- Stu": methods in Enggland, where in'stmu(::-, had been know.n of butter Lu: 2-, g'i\'cn away as 21 premium for Lin pL11-(-hunse of o~Lhcr staples. \7V1'H-1 T-I M _Tn(*L'<.'nn nf .Qin1r`r-0 |pu1`('n&1:SC 0[ O`L.H(.`X' b"ld.pll5S. With H. M. Jackson, of Simcr-0 p1*<-. in the chair, the Associa- tion's (lirectors discussed p1'opon`..~: for mzu'king' buA.te1' 1':~:t g1'a(ln or Lhm: w1'zLppin~g of the best product, rx-1:` of suitable nlarking for qu-alitics be low that .~:.ta.mla.~1'(l. This would pm vcnm. it was pointed out, the n1-41".: ing; of second 32:1-ado prod-ucc as our nc.~:t g;1'zr(le or similar \\'U1'(1in-Q,`.~` ..-.< now used. Tho A<.nciat.im1 does .'x;!. expect to achieve its cud thlougth 10;`- islation, but will approm-:11 .`.'hc O"- tario 1VIzu*kctin;;' Board to 0rd.- suitublu mzxrking on pzu:kzp;L-s. 1 'N~m rlirm-in-\-ntn vn-fml i.I1s nnn\'rw.n |bLLlLilU1li lllilfixlg-` U`H [lil\.l\uC',L:.`.. The di1`CcL0'1'ate vo-ted L11-`~ appvwwa. of Hon. H_ H. S`o(.-vans move for '.'_.c invos-tig:z\tion of .-ling` and disLri`n11t- ing, and may fo1-\va1'(l a `rc-so]`u`t.`on `Lo thvzvt ffcect to the ;\'Iini. Of Trade and Commerce. Some twenty can load:-d \\ it}'1 men, boys and ladies journeyed lo Co`liin.g;\\'~oo(l Monday night with ch : hm.-l\'r~_v team to cheer them on in 1.11:: Ba.1'1'ie-CoI1ing;woo(1 gmnn. C0m`n~g home the snoxv storm c:w.;:ht tv'.1u:n and most of `the cars ware ; in the drlfms, while the occupzmts had to seek shelter in farm homes or re main in their cm-s till late the I`l(`.'?{L tiny before the rozmds were open. HOCKEY ENTHUSIASTS CAUGHT IN SNOW STORM Jack Tyler, an Orillia, sc`:wo1 pupil. 15 yezvrs of age, d-issa.tiso(_l wi+`.u school, disappeared on Monday In and is being` `sought by the police a hole burned through the door 'I'h1's cupboard was away from any evidence pf re and apparcntly h:-.:I broom red with feathers soult of a pillow_ ' Mmr=1:r:-tr: Jpffn nnnnidemed the eiri uow_ I Magistrate J effs considered. the evi dence sufcient to commit the ac- cused foy trial. o tlmt sold in VV'cLI" | Fi1'st--Inte1'nutiona1 bittemess, ill feu}ing', (lislfrrust and fear, resulting in deimoralizationi of invtcrnational credit and excfimmsres, impairment of national cum-encios, political disturb- ances and reduction in i'n'ce1'naxtiona.I trade. mom a ounci; urawer. Com~.tz1Ti]e H-amen` said that on be- ing notied of -tfhe thef.1-, information was1ai(l-cmd circula.1`s distributed. On Sutuwdziy, Feb. 10th, H-cndcixsuu was zu'1'cstc(l, in Toronto by the ci )- policc and brought to B-wrrio. He made a sttatciiwnt that nbow` 4.30 p.m_ on the day in question he went inrto the McDonald ho~u.sc and took an old suit case and 25 cents from 0. drawcvr and left for To.ro71to. A f1-ieind` of his was t`hc1'e and it was he who took the \va.`.c-I1 and chain. He wouild not, however, ~1'eVea1 tzhc nam our ac1cl1'es.< of ihis 1'i'iend. Mm.-;. L.n-.. ....4 UH.` L 5 UL IHIH 11'1en(x. Mag'i`st.121te J4,-'s \\'a.< not inclim.d to place much c'r.dcucu in this f1`iC11.1 s.`.:o1'y and imposed the ubov-.~ sen- frxhr-n SXUJL U1 llTI1'lS`nl. Mc~Don\z1Id said he hired Hender son to work on his farm at $10 a month. On the In'0l']'li']1lg' of Jan. 8vi,l1, when the accused had been there ion day, M'l'. M(:Don::1d with his wife and father went away for `dhe day, leav- ing Hender. in charge of the farm. When `they mtuirncd about 10 p.m. -fhe accused was missing` and the chores had not- been done up. The gold watch, chain, a five doilla-r gold piece and :1 sum of money we-re atkcn from a buffet drawer. r`*nn..+..T.1n 11.`... imm KILLED WHEN TRUCK SRASHES I FREIGHT TRAIN an 'uL_y tonce. I E. Smith, 11`m1nm' C()llStilb1(.`, Moots ',l`1'a1gir- End n1 Midhurst. Everton Smitah, age 56, of Entc-:- pri. and a f()1`mc1' provincial police constable, died last T.huirsday night shortly aftey being injured in a col- lislion when he truck in which he was riding crashed into the side of a moving` C.P.R. freight u-am at Mid hurst station. He was badly injured about the head, arms and body, and ader being attended by Dr. W. C. Little, was ru;~"`ne(l to the Toronto Ge11- . oral Hospital by ambulance, where he died on the operating` table shortly afr! er admittance. , I I-Tnv-1`un\~4- A... .+..,...,.. M..- on ,.:- David Ha-ndlctson, ago 20, of To rm). 0, \\`zx.< s0r.'tencL`d to .101-ve not less than t'111'ce months and not more than nine monlhs in the Ontario Ro- fo1`mz1to'1-y this n1`o1!11~i11;.>; i11 police COL1F1}.v for .~tc.Ll_11g a golid watch, 21 chz1'iw11 and it sum of money 171-0111 the homc of C. M1-Doxxald, 121.11 cunce~:- sion of ln`n-is*l. NT,-.h.n`..!,l .....:.l 1.- 1-:..-.1 n'-...u_1. | il.1J`.B)_` ZLUIIIIVCIZLHCC. Herbert .'-\1-m. age 20, of Staymc-1', (l`l.`lV'0l` of the truck. owned by McGuire Brovs., of Stayner, received only slight inju-ries about the )'ig`l'1t leg` and a scraped olvin, and after being` treated at the R.V. Hotrpita-1 war- able to go home next clay. A('(`nwl1'nn' tn A1'.n1Q`h~nmn- ho lnF9- l N` `Thursday evening, bound fey Stayner, uuu: LU _L,"U llUlll(_` next (nay. According to A1'.mstro:ng', he left Toronto with 21 load of freight on and had picked Smith up in Toronto. He said he wanted to `go no Collin}:- wood to see his brother. Armstrong said he warned him before 1eavii-- that he was riding` at his own risk. It was a cold nigrht and "the windows of the truck cab were f1`0.~J`t(.'(i over so that he could not sec. Fo:1lo\\'in;_- the collision. amout 10.30 p.m., Arm- s`rong' sta_L'g'ere to the station at Midhur.~:t and told the operator that a man had been killed in his truck after st.i`ikin,r the train. He could g':'\'e no e.\'planation for the collision other than that he did not see the irain at all. The train was a C.P.R. f1'eig'ht, number 954, running from MacTie1' to Toronto. 11; had 30 cars and stop~ pved at '1\'Iidhur. for \\'ate)'_ It \\'a.~' just piullin;-; away and 23 cars had passed over the crossing` when Arm st1'on~g crashed into the 24th, and though it carried 2. load of some 60,000 pounds, the impact knocked it completely off the track. The next car \\'as also knocked over as the rear end of the truck struck it. "l`r1.n +~..n..1.- n 1001 1)I\!\ .... l\Pl 1... Sescond-A burden of natiolul debts, private and public, and with them a serious impairment in sense of scale, balanced judgment and good sense in -falnve citizen bodies. oc- %<-asione(l by the civculati-on to them of immense sums of borrowed money. WYW1-on Hhn nsafinnq n`F Hnn urnvlrl YOUTH GETS THREE MONTHS IN REFORMATORY FOR THEFT UHU U1 lzlll.` LFUCK SLIUCK ll}. The truck, a 1931 Ree. owned by MoG.ui1'e Bros. Transport, of Stay nue-1', is a complete wreck, the engine bein_L-: knocked out of the frame and the cab and body tlemolisherl. It -is 21 miracle how the d1'i\'e1' e.~;cap be- ing killed. T+ .....,. .......n 4.3- `L..J!.u.,. L1... 4.....:... lug Kmcu. It was some time before the train could p1'0('('ed, as `lhc auxiliay had to be summoned to place the derailed cars back on the `c1'a(-ks. VT`:-"(Tin f\fY,./...~ LI.-.,I.. L'2ll'.`i UELCIK 0]] L110 Il'd('I\'S. Traic Ofcers Ho(lgso11 inve. ed and Co1'onm- D1`. N, I{og-<:r.< has ordered an inquest to be held on Friday, Fcb_ 161.11, at 2 pm HOCKEY OFFICIAL IN TRUCK CRASH NEAR COLDWATITR Ernie Wortley, well knmm l1oc.'kr,x\ 1':-fc1'(:<,-, had a nzu'.1'0\\' esuape VVt:.- no. I'li_2'ht when (h'ivin_e; from O-rillizi no COI(1\\'Z1-CO1`. His Cd]; collialcnl \\'ith a S1l)'i1t'11(1C0 tmzmsport truck \\'1'cc1_ his car. A 1)z1s;~;eng:e~1' in tho truck, Fred (}'1`cz1\`es, of St1`L':fO"(: was seriously injured and is in Hr Owillia l1osp~ita] .`:u{Tc~1'ing:-_' frcm a fry-.-5` tured spine, as wc.11zLs-cuts and bruises. Strychninc is the bitterest sub- stance in the world except pride, when you try mo swallow it. A large number of Barrio f".-1. n.< motored to To1~on~to last night L.) witness (the Maple Leaf-All Star game and do their bit toward the Acc" Bai-ley ben-et. Nearly 15,000 paid adnn' mnotmting to nearly V $21,000, which goes to Ace." quirea I01` 1:}i54_ As a result of some $(:\'(nvtl1 .\ :'.r students 21.` the Collegiate nnot `1zn'1ng paid the fee of $25 imposed by t`..<, board, and objection taken by sonu. to paying` it, 2;. resolution, was p.1.~;i-fl Tliat .-he regulation of the bozml garding the fee of $25 from sevezxtl. year pupils in the Collegiate be ad- hered to and the principa.l advised to collect any outstanding` fees at once or suspend the students in defaulc." F Ram] xxrnmq .. ,..m,...+1. ur suspcnu U110 sLuaem;s m (101aulL." F. Boyd Wood, a seventh year stu- dent, w1'ote.i11e board 1'oI1o\v.~': 1:?nrrn\-rnnrv I-]n 4'nn A4` |'. f: ... "U1 IIHIIIUILSL` SUDIS 01 D01Vl`0\VC(l YUOTIEY. When the nations of the world failed to settle mheir differences be- fore the war, it was inevitable t`nat the death of "ens of thouszmtls and devastzttion \\'1ou,9;ht woulld bring: suf- fm-ingr. The l`1'(*at_v of Versailles left unuredeemed all the bitterness of war. I`; was plann-ed without the spirit of 1u2;u-0 in the hearts of those who planned it. Mivllions\a1`e without work because of in-tm-nationzLl (list.1'u: and fear. and who l)usine:=s of the world has o_-one to pieces. The world cannot ai {m anotht--r war, and yet most of the nations continue in :1 state of Ilvfi u