10.15- 'Church ` `Of Residential Property, in the Town: of Barrie, in the County , of Simcoe. ` ! Under and by vir`ue of the poxvt.-1:3 lof sale contained in a certain mnrt gage, which will be ])`l`0dUL-Cd at the `time 01' sale, t~lie1~e will be oflered for sale by public auction on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 1934, at 12.00 o cock noon, sri: .".l1n \lA4n_ `C by W. A. *Fn1'|n\\'inrr By W. A. following `ly: - Into: V1 ` Lots Numbers Folty-three (1.54) ` `land Forty-four (44) on the East snie lof Essa Road, in the Town of Barrie, `in the County of Simcoe, according ?[to Registc1'e(I Plan Number 30. Thie nvnnm-hr in r'nmnri.=nd of two `L0 1<.0g`1SILCl'C(1 nan muinncr ou. This pxoperty is comprised of twol ,good lots. upon which are situated a` comfortable one and one-half stozeylt I dwelling housc_ n -1 . _ ,,_!11 L. -n-,..-,l 4'. . 1 1 u n \,.....h .... ....,., Said p1'opr,-ry will be offered fox ,sa1e subject to 4 resc1`\'cd bul. 1 TAFn1c - 'I`rm nor r-mu, of 1.110 nu1`- I 1 w u ,5alB SUUJUU`. LU 1L.'.3L'l\\:L| `l Terms: Ton per cenL. ,chase money at the time `the balance \\'1'<,hin thirty n4"n1I -a1`01'. I For further Lerms and p:u'tir:ui:1:`5`i of sale apply to ` CL, _,_. .u D. CA.......u-0 Darn le, "iDated January 31st, 1934. BOARD OF EDUCATION Sir Joseph Flzivelle will add1'e:\s tnc Kiwanis Club and `uhe Lions Club at a joint meeting Monday night. Phillips does away vnth n.ll that 9011' less and gas right, n.ft,a-.r meals. It lnre~ ; vents the distress so npt to Occur two} hours `after eating. What. as pleaexmt geparation to take! And how good it ia ` r the system! Unlike a. lmming dose? a! mdn-which is but tA`.`lDI)l'?Ll'Y relief ` indigestion have only an acid condition 3 digestion to normal. Lots of folks who think they luvs which could be corrected in ve or ten minutes. An ellective u.nl.i-acid like Phillips Milk of Magimsia noon restorai 1 ,.L , n A.L..L .......` V for the system! Unnke lmrrnng urmew T of soda-which is tum angry ` It besb--Phillips Milk of IV 8+-neaim neu- ` ta-Llinea many times its vohlme in ncxd. -- . .. u . . _ `_ _:_`_ --.~--V- ._....__, .-,,,,_ ,_, Next time a. hearty meal, or mo rich I diet. has brought on the least diccom lnrt. t.rv-- ill; `-HU QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE 1!! A 'urErv.._.l.-.. A....4......\,... When Rod Soars MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE VLIILIIV FILIIILL, DHKKIL . I\`IcCor1kcy, Auctonecr, the lands and premises, name-' 1y LU Boys 8.: Boys, Barrie, Ont. Morlgagee s Solicitors. nnn-:n-xr 37.1 109.4. The town council acted wisely In deciding: to replace lhe old re truck, which has given good service, but "an no longer be depended upon. Fire fighting equipment is only as strong ias its weakest link, and the fire truck the main pm".. of the equipinent, has been weak for seine time. The outlay may seem large at the time. but it is false economy to subject life and property to re ghting` equip-` ment that will not meet emergencies. l ________ 1.: u ..A\JhAdla, gun.`-ma-.4 . McConkey, Auctoneer, the lands and premises, name-1 I Stewart & Steyva, Mortgagee's bollcxlors Barrie, Untano. n~nn1-1! Q1c+ 102.1 H`PL,E..,,%E3 13 .. 2 4-. of the pur- ` of sale .-md 7 days Imcxu-1 l to the un ti}! FfIh| ll- J{?vE av Pnmviii H.:11op:1yc1's are 0f'f.'(:.1-o(1 Prcpayrr1(m`r, Receipts on 19234. mxcs (11n'1n';1' H10 m of Jz1nu:L1'y, Fcbmzlry, Mzmslx and .A\] n"i| :11 1:hv `f'01l0\\'ing` d1s<-ollnts: Amounts $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100 Jan. 16-31 cost ...$9.75 $24.38 $48.75 $97 Feb. 1-14 . . . . . .. 9.78 24.44 48.88 97 Feb. 15-28 . . . . . .. 9.80 24.50 49.00 95 Mar. 1-15 . . . . . .. 9.83 24.57 49.13 98 Mar. 16-31 . . . . . . .. 9.85 24.63 49.25 98 Apr. 1-15 . . . . . .. 9.88 24.69 49.38 9E Apr. 16-30 . . . . . .. 9.90 24.75 49.50 9E TO APPLY ON SECOND INSTALMENT Amounts $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $10( Jan. 13-31 . . . . . ..$9.60 $24.00 $48.00 39; Feb. 1-14 . . . . . .. 9.63 24.07 43.13 97 Feb. 15-28 . . . . . .. 9.65 24.13 48.25 97 Mar. 1-15 9.68 24.19 48.38 9: M31216-31 . . . . . .. 9.70 24.25 48.50 9' \ Apr. 1-15 . . . . . .. 9.73 24.32 48.63 9 9 Apr. 16-30 . . . . . . . 9.75 24.38 48.75 Prepayment Receipts may be obtained at the efre of the '.L`1-eas111-er. AH <:heq1.1es payable 10 the '_l`o\`.'n T1-easu1-er. P1'epuyn'1en1i Receipts must be presented with tax bill on or before June 27th, 1934. Miss Elsie Clou_::hlv_\'. Or_.r:mist I1`, .-\1vxnmi-`r Knox. C-lmir1n:1. Ottawa, Feb. 6--Whether or naf |there is to be a general election this I } ea1`--zmd it is no` p1am1ed--tl1e Con- isoxvative party proposes to prepare .."an- H nnrl n1nHxn(]: Of n]`L"1I1lZ1>1ti0I) iS'OI\'aE1VC party proposes LU [Ju:pa1'L: gfor it, and methods of orgamzatlon !were discussed at a general caucus to~ nay. 1+ xvns mid Hmt f.hm'e was an uu ` 1 It was said that there "as `cmimous deman( that Genera`: Mar.- Rao be in charge of the oiganization, `1 position which he has nof agreed to mzoept so far. All dwelling places built in Orillia during: the current year will be 311;; free for this your and next, and im- I ~ pn1'ovmnm~.ts `o d\\'elIiI1f.`fs1 :.`.l2'q.c1y 1ercctn,d"r.:1.\: frne for the same permd, `:1:-r-ordinr! fn :1 rrwnlutinn DE1S.x'(`,d by v ..... .. .. ., .. tn. ,;..\. ,,:_4_,, NEW 1934 HOLD CAUCUS ON ELECTION QHITTICK MOTOR SALES TOWN OF BARRIE TAXES FOR 1934 T0 APP-LY ON FIRST INSTALMENT H Here ancl There l J`" Ipa-xv (4-year Plan) Larger Amounts NOW ON DISPLAY ..~ v\ x,. .,..\. UH, . .., .u _u.LmuAaw budding. A. W. Smith, Tfea,surer, Town of Barrie. OU buy many things on the instalment . plan--why not buy money? You can soon buy $1,000 if you treat your savings as a monthly bill-an obligation that must be met. Buy $1,000 on a monthly basis through a new Savings Plan. Our new booklet The Thousand Mark has :1 plan to t your income. Call xcx a copy. The Royal Bank of Qanada PHONE 491 at the Same Rates The first event in the celebrat- tion of the (`outemmtl of the (`ity of '1`u1`m1t0, to be held this year, took place at the R0_\'=.11 York Hotel in the closing week of 1531). when Mayor Stewart handed out loaves of `Centeunia1" bread to a large crowd of interested reci- pients. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1934. -jj `EARL ROWE MENTIONED AS PARTY ORGANIZER Select members of the Conservative pamty, representing every province, met in O`tawa on Thursday last. for conference on organization. With pi-actically no party spagle work done since the 1930 election, it is felt tha"- preparation must be maue for the ne.\:`L general clectiun, which may not be so far distant. "Flnn ~n-:nnh'nn- 1-vr-nnrrkf nnf :2 nrinhu not no my oistam. The meeting brought out a Wide expression of opinion and `he name of Earl Rowe, who sits for DulTerin- Simone, is prominently mentioned in connection with the organization posi- tion. Mr. Rowe is young and enur- gretie, and :1 shrewd politician. {Ie knows well `the problems of the farm- ler, and can mzike an 0x('e]l(:nt speech. l A nnmlmu fen-nv Hwn rnhirn rs? and make ex<-c11<:nt spuucn. A number favor the `return of Senator A. D. McRa.e as g'ene1a.1 or- aanzcr, while others think an `out- -hln umn vxrrlnf Fri fnvn--t-I] hv NIL 5. ...`-5 Buuxcnt. , \VnC OLIIU DHIUK UH `(`uL` `--.n r~i:}1t be fnvn-1-I1 by M1. vo- ~qlJ.\.In\I\I $100.99 _$1"0o.o0 Emile St. Goddard and Leon- hard Seppztla, heroes of many hotly fought Dn:.: Derbies, will `fight it out u:.:tiu in the Quebec Dog Derby of i~`ebrum-y 33-25 next to be held in Quebec City. .\1'.Lny other teams have ztlrmtdy regis- tered an_d special training events for the big show are being held. I $i3%;56 97.75 98.00 A.` A... ' $96.00 96.25 96.50 \96.75 97.00 97.25 97.50 uvav 98.50 98.75 99.00 REV. E. E. LONG. B..~\. B.D. Min Zeta! A tip for the encouragement of the younger ski generation is given by the Canadian Pacific Railway in the ennui-.my's inaug- uration of a special school age ski excursion at low rates to the Laurentians just ou;.~.(1e Mont~ real. The special was heavily patronized by the youngsters. Statistics recently issued by the Bureau of Rui1wa,\' News and Statistics show that the safest way to travel is by railroad. In a year s operation or Canadian and United States railroads only one passenger was killed out of a total of ~l69,0-18,52!) persons car- ried a total of lr:.f'v:1,2v16,10. l miles. TH]-I .l`1~I0l`H-TS (`Hl`l{(`H \\'v1cunw I The old belie?` that women can- not wear high heels without in- jury to posture and health was described as `bunk by J. S. Brower, shoe expert of Milwvaukee, delegate to the National Shoe Re- tallem Associatioii convention re- cently held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. A Canadizm inter-collegiate ski meet, unique development in East- ern (`anudu as far as ski-ing is concerned, will be held at the S0ig.;I1im'y Club, Mnnlehcello, end of .Iz1nuz1r_\'. 'l`ommn l'nivm*>'.lt_v, Ott.'1\\`u Universit_\`, .\lc(`.iI`. and St. I zurick's Cnllc-_s:n in Ottawa are zlmnng the collegiate teams 1.0 be repro, {?'.7l(`(l. Snow slmvels and twenty below in inziny pl:1(-rs in ("anzida are re- placed by m:1;'.iii.i-:: and (move at Victoria l5.('., iliew la-._\'s where the sixth annual iniilwinter golf tournament swings into a.cLimi at the Royal Colwood Course Feb- ruary 19-24. Enquiries and early entries from ardent 1:0ll`crs in- dicate that again this your the tournament. will be a big success. p.m. Silver Fox Breeders` Associa- tion convention was the first of three big :_';:ul1eriI1gs lic-ld at the (`hateau l1`ontenue Quebec City this year. It was simultaneous with that of the Cunudizm Fruit and Vegetable J0hhers' Associa- tion and was followed shortly -. I... .1... ..m..mminn of the WILD Lllill, U]. Luv \,.u...u..... . Associa- after by the convention of Canadian Association of Tourists and Publicity Bureaus. Sunday. Feb. H, I934 \ yn Gratification at the way in which the public is using the new ....u "qimnlo. service" between public is using me new rail shuttle Moose Jaw and Regzinu was ex- pressed by H. R. Aiuiiiewson, gen- eral passergzer 111:-`nit, (`anuriian Pacific Railway. Winnipeg: when interviewed recently at Rt-xxina. He had had ample UDD()i'Y1iZ\il)' in view the running: m` I`: - new seven-a-day" train .a-.-.--\u:<~ be- tween the two cities and u: ` '~"-r.V ' with tin: I1.-km... 1-1 - ..\lm*nin_:: .\Ivdi(:\`.ion.~` \H\~tr_\`_ an - n-,._,\.:_. Collier St. hgfch A (`n1smim`s' llihlv - Church School, -I-3\`vnin_:: \\'mx ~\.| _\_ .\'lm'nin_x: \\`m`ship. 1e two r.-.n-.-.-. ....\. w'ii.`n the rum. bnaver coat, WI sell very` ` Advance, Bar- Allandale News` I Miss Runklc is spending a few day` . : with her . Mm. F. Wood, Lssa I Road. 1 ` .-\\'u. ' ' l .... .~ .- 11 \ , 1 1,, 1_,__ L _ ,_ ! T-1.`. Unrdnu \\'\)ml.~4 spun! the \\'ucI: 90nd in Toronto. 1t)up;im-vr Jus _l.cG-u:Lr umlcr\vcnL an npmutimx in l`uronLo on Satulxluy `Inm`nin_-.,' hust. 'l"m-. 0pL`l`1lLi()l1 \v-us um. 01' :\ .~`\`XiU\|.\'- n:Il.urv and he is uxpccw ml nouns .H\i_x:.l1l`. .\lr_ I). l)m1_x:hu1'ty, 01' .-\rmsL1'ong, has voluruml to his home, porlllitting .l:u'k \'o:1l1_v: in return humv and mu linwu J;u`k ('ml_\. \\"im n>cm1tl_\ undx-1`- xwnt :m rpm*:1.inn in l`un;nt.o. \Ii\~\- \|.-n'\' I`.-mun mu-111. last week um rpm':x.mn Ill |UxL.nL.u. .\li.\~' .\l:n'_v l`:|tl.on spent last \\i1h n'l:ui\'u.- lll Hamilton. .\l1`s. H. l;\u1- nml dzmg.-:l1t.(\1' l3c;lc um` spomlill-g.:` :1 I'u\\' days \\'i'..l1 rela- xivvs. in Hamilton. 1\.... HI........ \.-.I..\ l`.._. lxnnn ah-L- fn. uvvs m ttunnuon. Dun Bloygg. mlm has bcvn sick 1'0. the past, few days, is able to bus around 4Lg`uin. Mr. V:u`]v_\` Drury spent the \\'()\,1{ land in '.l'01'ol1t0. 1 .)Ii.~:s M. Kclccy and Miss 11}. Steven- son, of 'l`o1'unto, were week end wini- M013 \\it.h .\l1's. A. Hooper, Burton 1 Ave. I \l:._- |JnnI.-In ;c an-ndhnv :2 |':\\\' H.-xv~` L For Sale-Lady s yearly new, size 38. in'hpan, Annlv BOX B. 2 The Sons of 1-lnglzuld hockey te.`..m \\'e1`c disappointed lust _l`I1\1rsd:.;' <*\'\`l1'i11~. ,` \vhe.n vhe Coliing'\\'ouod boys failed to put in an uppezmuiee. They were probably .~:no\\'bou.nd. The Sons got it lit,` le action Tiiesdzly ni3_,-`ht, how- ever when they took on the Y and 111150 21 6-1 de1'eat. ` At 1\Io11dn_v nig.>;ht s meeting` of Bu`.- ton .-\`;e. Young People's Society, the Rev. W. K, Batty, of Bzzrrie, was 'the guest speaker. His subject was . C`hritizu1 Citizenship. Mr. C J. L Seitz took the worship peri/2d. nu A `Y n A -4` ma. Ft. E Rhoda Wice i Rhoda Wicc, beloved wife of .-\lbcrt Sczm`lebury, pa.~xsed away on Jan. ;30th, from a heart attack while on in visit to friends at Estcrhazy. She }was born on the 12th co-ncessio-n of ` ilnnisl and from there went to To- _ . `ronto and latter` to Zcneta, Sask., ` where she resided for the past twenty `years. She was actively connectcd wifh the Ladies Aid of the United disposition and made many friend:-`. She is survived by her husband one `sisters, Mrs. J. Booth, Craigvale, and .Mrs_ Wm; Rusk, A11a.ndale;_and four brothers, Charles, of Painswick; Eldon of Vine; Ernest of Capreol, and _Allan of Toronto. The funeral took place on Feb. 3rd from the residence of Mr. Wm. Rusk, Rev. Sinclair offi- ciating, assisted by Rev. W. L. Nichol of Stroud. Interment was made at Stroud. Church there. She was of a cheerful ' son Eldon; also her mother and two` ucuu .-uun mu. ..u..,....1, rug; The .-\.Y.P.A. of St. -G.eorg`e`s en- joyed a. skzrting party Monday night. C There was 11. good turnout and after i an hour s skating the group reLurr.c:l ` to the Memorial Hall for refresh- ments, after which euchre was played for a short time. Mr. Robt. Sinclair took his fa.tdier s pulpit in the Essa Road Presbyteriazi Cnurc.l1 Sund2Ly nigiht-. The service , was in cliarge of the young people of , the church. -{gluing of his adtlrcss . with 21 certain amount of fear that `he received the lI1Vlt21.[l0l1 to occuyy ` his The speaker at the be- said it wa.s fatl`lG1"5 pulpit. Mr. Sinclair spoke forcefully and (held the lI1t(5l`U.:l. :`of the congregation throughout his talk, l '1 Tennis Club Bridge 1 On Friday evening, Feb. 2nd, A {very successful bridge and (lance was Iheld in the Oddfellows Temple by ';the C.N.R.A. Tennis Club. Bridge ixvas played frm 8.30 to 10.45, when 1 a bounteous repast was served by the club members. The prizes for oridge were won as follows: Contract, l..c `ladies, l\Ir;~`. 0, Cameron; 2nd 1adie.~., ; Mi~.<. (Dr. R. Ri 1st ge11:.s, - Dr. R. Riel1a1'(lson; 2nd gents, Mr. R. I J. I\`IcPhail; Auction, lst ladies, Mi.~.s i G. Blair; 2nd latlies`. Miss S. Ray- vm-onrl; ,l. 5_-'<-nt..~'. .\Ir. D. l{inc.l1ii1; 23.: .`,li`_ C. J. Bll'(.'ll1Ll`(l. {nu 4-n vnncin luv [Jinn-',~ rm-nlnnc. 'ZU'g'IHn(`.nU. K/. X\llLl]J]), IL. DUL\\ iLl'l: LLHU jF. Lennox scormg for Thomton mid . C_ Lee for Ban-ie. In the second ami `, third. periods Bzwrie pressed -hard 3110 at 110 end of the 1'eg:L1lar time f.1.L score was 6 all. Lee, Kery and Urry `secured the goals for Barrie and M. -Lennox and H. Campbell for Ti1m-n- `ton. In the overtime period Thum- tton sr-cm*e(1 two goals, M. Lermox get- ting both. ` '1`hm~n+nn__.Tonnett. F. St;ewa.r't. II. _ .`rll'_ L/. J. Dl1'CI12Ll'(l. Dancing to music by I{ix1;:'s o`rche.~.- ' tra everyone enjoyed themselves unzil the wee sma hours of the momix~.g,'. 'T'11n r-nnwrnfifnn \\'k'h fn f.:11(r- H:iQ nn- U110 \VC(;` 511111 IIUUYS U1. Llll.` Il1U1'IllH.b`} The commtitee wish to take this op- po1 tuni`y of expressing their appre- 'cia.tion to all those z1ssis*Li11g. |tmg Dom. 'l`homton--Jennctt, F. St;o,wa.rt, 1 !Campbc-11. J_ Scott, C. Knupp, I nDavi-r, M. Lemmx, R. Stewart, ` Lonnox, Dcsjardinc. : Bzwrir--J. Byrne. J. Dickey, `LI-tn .-\. l\'-1-1'. Hu{.:'.'m. M_ Robcwtsc H\Icl,)on:1_L:'r.. L'm`_\'. Gill. I i Thornton (lefeated Barrie 8 Lo 6 . aa`. Thornton on Tuesday night in ten ` mnutcs ow,-1'time. Both teams p1a_',~eu' `lgood ck.-an hockey, u comhinuton which broug'ht; re:;ult.~;. In the {hat periotl Thornton had -`.he best of I731-: Izurgumont. C. Knupp, R. Sr:Lwa.rt a.n_d jF. and I1 T ,... .... `l)...n.n T `>`\!\ r~nnn~.x.l ._-X (L 'D.`?:`I1I'J'i1c'?1"`|l REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER Hockey 1"~Jz'e.~w THORNTON 8, BARRIE 6 STROUD 4, BARRIE 3 )1 n0(`K(.`_V at .5 mun an ax: .-n. w :1 clrmn crztmo th1'r)11_':hom two pm:1?.1ios boinp: haw]-~'l Iivolny and [.00 being: sont cu ? r- 1:1,-t pnriorl. us ! I`.r\Vn0ld.~; \'.'i`h two psouls and UY`.t"y and R. Nr`o'.:1nd.< xvifh om"- '~'"r-rn tho .<('(n`crs= for Stwud, Byrnc, Kerr and Low \\'r31`v L'..: *nLt(srs fo1-Barrie. The team; ..n .`...+..1...I 4I'\I` Wu. I`\`I\`."ll ~ mxvl -h~fo:1tmI Barrio in .1 snap of ho:-kvy at S mud `ast -.x-.-. r; n nlnnn rv-nmn thrm1Q`Hn H u] Rr-id: .J.J . 1) I !.(?1 ("1((l 21"!` V `H r`HH"r suspense until the last. ! `m::`.. Jwhbt; rlr~f I . l`.. ...I. F` [Iv ('(n`crs= wrrie. 16'... ..m`..-.1 ..... ------ 1 Bzuwic Women's Canadian Club,` Public Librrary Hall, Tuesday, Feb.` 13th, 8.15 p.m. Mr_ .F.'dm`und Hz11'd_,,` Mus. I3zu'.., I".'l`.C.M., will spunk 0.11 Pictorial Music, with piano and V"'(3d] | illustmtions. Donto-n l\'I:Lsscy, l(`1l(l'(`l' of the Yom l Bible Class, 'l`m~mn`.0, with 11 nwumocr of his :1.s.~;istz1l1t.:. will give u pro,:r.:m l in C0llim' St Unitml Cl1urc.l1 on '1`h-ur-.s- day (`\'('lllll'},`f ms.\'l'., KISV. L. 11.. uunu, u.:\. L).u. Mimster Lloyd Tu`ord. Organist and Chom master. ---------------- I 'l`hv .\'L`(`0l1(l progrrzmn of the B:n'1:(: (`:111:1(li:L11 ('om'.m*1: .~\. will he p:i\'m1 in Od(lfI`l1o\\'s Hull un l"nuv`~- day evening, Feb. I5th_ Mi.<.~: ltlnid G-m_\', .<~op1':u1o, will bv Llw artist. ` 'l`lu- W..>\. of Cuntmul United Cnwclx will hold :1 Valentino tvu zunl sale of holnmnxulu lmking in :`:hv S.S. moms nn \/\.7nahnm1|\,' rI`nl\ IAHI 'I`n-,1 u.nr\.nll I ll ()HH`Hlil(|(` l)`XLK|ll:.',' I on Wo(lnv. Fob. r- frmn 3 to . p.m. l .\ dm ission 25c. 'l`;h:o [adios of Circlv A VV.A.,` (`.0Illim- Sta, Ullitvd C.l`.un*ch, are h dd-1 mg: :1 V:110.n:tinv Lou at lihc hunlc 03.1 Mrs. C. W_ G. Smith, Collier Ss`.., r.~.` 'l`ue.~`l:1_\', Feb. 13th. from 3 to G p.m.! 1 I l'l_ Shutol`, zone l`(`])1`L`.\`\`I1t:Ll.l\ c of `vlm (`umulizm l.v_<:ion. h:1s bevn noti- ed tlmt thorn will bo :1 quolum of -`the C:1n:1(lizu1 P(`l1. l (7mnn1i.as`io`n l1cl(l in Bzuwic on l\I:u'ch 1-llfll, to }10a.1' plaints fowr p011.\'i0'n!s in tins d1s~` Lrict. The meeting will be held in tlw Cowrt House. 14 'Robert P1cke1-1115:. son of Rm`. 21114 Mrs. L. Pi(`.ke1'i11g, had the 1ni.~:f0rt:me to break his right 10}: while sl~:uf\r1;.v; at the 1(i\\';u1is Rink last I`hursday e\'('nin}.:. The lad was skzxrvg around the out;-'i of the cushion when he heard his name called. We immediz1`.`(:1_\' t.u1'n,o(I L1`OLl!1(l and W1 -.:?(: Z :1ttcmptin_r_.: to .~:'nz).tc zxgainst the croxs. \\'21.~1 knocked down and su'cre.i .1 break below the right knee. COLDEST SNAP YET 35 BELOW IN BARRIF. Wednesday night wa.s' the coldcaw this dis o1'ic`r`. has experienced in lnzmyf years. l`l1e1'momete1';~: ngeisterec. . from 30 (le5.>;rees to -15 (lesgrees below ;:e~ro. W. H.`Butte.1'y, official weatlxer recorder, informs us that me lowes` during the ngillt was 35 below. 01'. Wednesdy at 8 21.111. it was 4 below; and it kept falling steadily all day. It was 8 below 21:` 2 p.m., 17 .Jel`\\m at 8 p.m., 20 below at 11 p.n1., tilll it got down to 35 below. At 8 a.m l to-(lay it was 26 below and at 101 a.m. it was 26 below. ; At Craig'l1urst this mvorning tl1e1`mo- l mleters reg;istered 45 below, while .11 I miller points 40 and 42 was reco1dcd.? v I IJUDGMENT AGAINST PLAINTIFFEC I IN McKNIGHT CASE, ALLISTON g 1, Judge Wismer on I Monday gave` judgment in the case of i\`Irs. Chzrrity Elizabeth McKnight, Alliston, adm1`n-` istratrix in the esta`>e of Grant Me-; Knight, who in November last brought `_ suit against the 1a?ter s three sisters and brother-in-I:-.w to secure the ful- llment of an umwitten agreement; between her deceased husband and his mother, whereby she should mai.-1- '. tain possession of the farm. The nfinn xvnc riicwnicznrl uv|+}1nI1' 1 x 1 1 E ( k 1 1 Sunday, Feb. 8, 1934 11 a..m.---C.G.I.T. Festival Sv1'Viuu. 3 p.m.--The Church School. 7 p.m.--The Minister. 9 Midweek Service, VVmlnosd:Ly, AV 3, * p.m. Speaker, Mr. W. Sarjeant. - You will be welcome at all these sIMcz'sE PRESBYTRYEZ TO GIVE $1200. T0 BALANCE BU3GETg The reg-'u1a1' monthly meeting: oz` the Simcoe Presbytery of the United ` Church was held in Collier S1>1'(:(.i Unied Chuvreh on Fri(Ia_v afternoon, at which meeting Mr. Geo. Wdiams x as.~=is secretary of the Missio-n:u;,"i and Maintenance Fund Connnittce, Toronto, was present. \ Tvh` Wi]}n111u {H ]1;c fall: Hui-`n-.-.:. `LUIUHDU, \\'zLs prcscrlii. ` M1`. Williams, in his talk before the P`1'0:'b_Vt,01'y_. strongly urged the necessity for balancing the budget! for the pas`. year. He also presexib-i ed :1 mn.:.' 01- from Nov. T?n`hf_ I.ni..l V um mu: yam. _vc'c:.1`. nu also pre.euL- ed :1 n1essa.g'e from Rev. Robt_ Laiul,` D.D., t1`easure1', stating that while the , accouncting for 1033 had not yet been completed, is was estimated that the total expendiures of the depart.-. ments of work would be approximate- ly $2,600,000, or about $400,000 less than in 1932. To meet these expemLi~- tures, in addition to receipts from other sowrces, it will be necessary to receive from the l\Iissionzn'y and Mztintenunee Fund a total of $1,745,- 000. On January 30th the l`e(:C1p'-S totalled $1,454,000. In the next few days normal receipts are expected to rcueh zLpp1'o.\:imz1tely $180,000. 'l`n lniltnu-n flan l\n1l(rruf will v-nnniws, 21.111 [)UbZ.S(.`SSIO`I1 OI U10 Iarm. The action was dis1n1sse(l \v1thou' naf-e uuun up1)ru.\;111mtC1y .';>1z5U,UUU. ]` '1`o balance the budget will requite` an additional $110,000 before the closing; of the books. Failure to do iuhi: will undoubtedly mean zuiotlier cut in 1934 expenditures on Wonk` wlhieh has zxlrezidy suffered acutely` in l(' of $500.000 in 1932 andi $400,000 in 1933. One final effort` in every de])zu'1.ment of the church will secure this $110,000 and eiiulue the c;l1urcl1 to enter upon its 103-'1 t.zL.~'l< \vi`.h new couragxe. T1". nI1.\L...,~...4. r,... o:...,... nVI-?\lAL ` L-ZLSK \\'1 .11 new c0u1'a5;'e. The allotment for Simcce P'resb_,- `cry is $1,200 towzu'd the fund for 1933. The Prc-.s'byte1'y (1(3Ci(1(3(l uu-` zmnmously to accept this responsib .L ity. 1 The dog: by-law is bei1 ;g openly3 0u1't~(i. Unless the o\\'no2's and nzu`-` I bore of dogs have them `ind up an ` 1 <:n(`C, pro.<'c-cutions will follow. , \ T L`\` C"T"l' 11' A T\'|\ n LGCAL NEWS . Bm'rin--Goz11, Gila; dnfc.-ncc. Byrn-.:; ml Kw-I~v: !'o1'\-sards. Kvrr, Lee uud' ' " "}::. .`.Y('Dmr`.-"'~ TM wmw-vv -~ ~" Speake-r, Mr. w. ba.1`_]ezuu.. You W111 services. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS H.KlIl:.',' [H i'3ll(' D-D. 1.007113` Ly 14th. Tea served 256. | ALEX. S'I`E\VAR'l`. Flainf n4-` DA` The Northern Advance D I I'4\V;`\lVl , ' Chief of Police. uumocx` the Board ro,:r.:m of the A: (`0lli11_ 'l`~hv lm\ E llUC(`.\`4.\':ll`_\ 'I"nuv`~- l:n'riv. .J:I List. I Gnu` ('1'. 5 1` . u_(\|'L nll I `Haw Of Valuable Property, in the lown ` of Barrie, in the County N A ` of Simcoe. _ I ']d". Ull(lm' zuul hy v'n'l;uu- 01 A`.-In: power 1 flof 311.10 ('onL:1inu in :1 (turtztin mo-11 I .10 E g'z1;_:;(', \\"hi(!h will be ])l`O(IUC('d at J1; ." (' ' `time of s:llu, thorn will be r)fI'u1'ml J -Ar ' p'm` `|sulu by public auction 00 ; 1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 1 Vc 1934, at 12.90 o'clock noon, 1 noti 3 the H OI `WELLINGTON HOTEL, BARRIE , . \\1 \U A TH:-{`nn1n-v Ant-Qnnnnr Hun ` T?` ' Tenders Wanted | I Seald temlcrs add-ressul the`, 'undc1'si;.-med will be received till; I 12 o c"loc`k (noon) on Friday, Febru-i i :u'y 91:11, 1934, for the several trzuit.-5 . required in the erection of u TOWCE` Fire ldscupo on fhc Kim: Ed\\'a.1'd Public Schoul at Allzmdalc, i Dlunu nu! cnn.-H'n-nfinnc: 1-1111 .1: i ruunc ocnuuwl zu. nlluxluunu, Plans and specifications am we` seen at the olee of the Secretary of` the Board at Barrie, or at the om!-e ! Amhitect. John Wilson, at (`elIin_<,-'\\'u0 _ l`.lm l.m-.- f. m- zmv 1. -ml:-r not i I 1 o||:n_g'wu0u_ v! i lmwsl; or any tn.-n not ` llUC(`.\`A.s':ll`_V :1('.('v}m-(I. ` , A. H. I"l`}I. l`, 3!; Ross St. Su<: y-'1`1~(-:mu rc-1', ` Pmzml 01' ls}(lLu-ution. I` I...........- |),I 1(l'.`.I Page Ei 211+ ` I}l)ill'll Ul `l linrru-. .J:lnu:u'y 24. I93: . VVLLLIIV` by W, A. following ly : Win-A.-1.I\v : 1y : . l3`i1':aL1_v: Part of Lot No_ 13 on` .Lhe Wust side of Baym-Id Street, ac- 'cording to Regis`c1'c(1 Plan No. 115, wz1.n(l mlore purticulzuy described in _ I{cg'istcrv(1 ]nst1'un1cnt No. 19069. ? Qnnnnrv ' Part nf T.n1. ?\7n 13 nn` lCUL'lSLCl'l`(l JIlSLl'l,UIlL'llL l`u'U. LUUUU. ` Secondly : Part of L01. No. 13 on` the West side of Bayeld Sbroei, ac ~ cording to Reg:isto1*e(l Plan No. 11.),` and part of Lot No. 14, in the r-a1' t110~re01', more pa1'ticL11a1'ly (lo-scribed in Reg'is"c1'c(l Instmmont No, 19063. vm.:..,n... vrwmm \1`II".'L` n4` I.rIuL* 1) `I11 1l(.`glS'{,`l'(.`(l ll1`5LK'Llll1L'Hl; i\U, .l:)U\).7. Thirdly: Those parts of Low 12 `and 13 and that part of Lot. 14 in the rear thereof, secondly d0. in `Reg'i. Instrumcn" No. 14314. ']`hnrn in Qil] fin hr) nvr`-I-.*.(\:} nw i".1t1 1VCf.;'lSEC`l'C(l ll|SLl'llIllCll LVU. J`ECJL`. , There is said to be erected on the ` said lands a good cement block buii.i- ` `ing suitable for a g`ar9.ge or other`. business. 1 'f`l\n ht-nv\n:I~+\v uvill Ina nn"n\'nI` +`n.~3 ousmess. The propelrty will be o"cred for i sale subject -fo a reserved bid. ' ` I Tnrme - 10 nnv r-nnf nf 1311:: Inn'- S2110 SLIUJCCE '70 U. l`(:`5-(3l'VUU UIU. Terms: 10 per cent. of the pur-` _chasc money at the time of sale an]! the balance within thirty days vthe.'e- after. For further pz11ccu1a1's and terms of. nnmlv tn 1`U`l' LLUCbIlL5l' P4 sale apply to Rovg Iuurlgagee H =Da.t0d Ja,m1a1'y 31, 1934. [early new, slzc ac. xheap. Apply Box B,