Miss Evelyn Znd Mm. Wm. A/Ia.!c<, of Toronto, spent the week end as their home on Owen St. I \1T\- Di:-11-n~.I 'Dnum.l'l A". f1nH n.n~| umc<.- U\\`H1_'_',' to 111 !`I(`.u11;.h. Y _VIiss Brwnicxe Courtney, of B.'1m'I1.-,1 was at her home here over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wz1l`m- Dmvney at-' tended tho . <-oulzse banquet in Barrie on F`)'i(la.y'nnvenin;' lZ1..'~`1_ 1 The annual 1ne-iinfa: zxml ('011E1`(-;;';1- tionu] supper of the L'nitod C-hm-cn \\ZLF held in the ba; of the L'1 lL1l'C4h on \Vcd11uc-.s(!uy (.-vs-nin;;' last. The attrmrlancv \\':1.- nm ah 1:113:50 as usual oxving` to tthv . \vc-at}.o.--, th,e1'C b<-in5.,>' '.1buu< f'o1'ty p1'0. but :1 p1ou.-:m*. and pmt-.1b1c time w.-Ls spent. The various 1-eport.s given and occrs 0]- -ctnd for the yum. The Fpastor. Rm . Goo. C.'Ll>'(.`, was (-hz1i1'm:m 1'01` tine (.'\'< nvin-g`. '0 PC I i x l l l I l l `L '[`lm Women s I1]s"l'Ll1tl.` met at Fnelf . homo of E\'I1~s. Walter Doxvnoy on 'I`l1`ur.<(l4a_v afternoon, Se\'rsntm-n la(lic..~' b1`aV(*,d the wintry blu.~:t.< and an en- joyable afternoon xvas .~'p(-nt. Ro'.l call was an.=we1`ed by the `name of a Canadian author, the progrzun being on C2mu(la. Some i.nt0rcslin_-.7; cur- rent events prepa.1'vd by l\'Ir:<. Craw-' ford, \\'or(: rezul by Mrs. Beill)_\', m.~;-: :1 poem on Demo.-=sion." .~\ splen- did and well p)'epa1'u(l 1)znn01' on The New Czmarlaian. by Mrs. .-\(l2Llll.\`OH,` \\'zL.< rezul in her absence by MI;-.< Jv.~'..=i(- P`o_v.~'lon, zmd xvas cl0s(=ij.' fol- loworl and much app1'N'iut1-rl. M15. Ht-rb. .lohn.tm1 road 9. vlery inte1'esL- ' ins: 2u'1icl(- on the life of M1'.~'_ Nollie 1\`lcCLmg`, the p:iftc(l \\'1'itcr. Snveml (-ommunity . were heartily sung` 1 (luring; the pro_:ram. .-`\ftr,=1- the Nat- ional .-\ntl1(.-m hzul l) . ii. pleas- ant .-o-inl hour wz1.< spout, while a` t}L~'l_\' lunch \\'it.ll tlw Cl1(`('l`y' cup Off` tea \\'u.'~' . by Mrs. Herb. Jolm, stun and MJ.`s. Goo. Jotlmston. Tho! '.\`l2u'ch mt-otin,r.1' will bv at Mrs, Wilm-at (`o0k`.< l10mo_ \: l `TV I. On account of . the play H1 was po`; at \V<'(lm.-s(Iz1y nig'h c. Nliss \I."n'\' R1-rw vvt'(1IM.`S(lzly mgm;. I Miss )I:1r_\' Brown and .`.Ii.<.< \Nh:m: urv inking: over the work of telephone .'~m1tral. R4 .....l 1:... ur: u' 1uU1'11Lux1 on ounuay. ( Some of the C.G.I. I`. moup wor- .-'.hippL'(l with the Clurrchill g'1'oup at! St. Pctm-'5 Church on Sunday after-. noon. ` r:-nurzu. M13 and Mrs. Wice \'i. friends, ir '[`ho2'nton on Sunday. S()ll1(' Of` HUI (`CIT nwnnn \I'In.~- J L `.`. Ll secomlo 1... n ..`.\ UUH, The Lofroy Mission Band have in- l7(`.(l thv mothers and W.M.S. mem- (rs to meet; with them on Saturday 1 2.30 rum. in the church basement. M 1`.<. Iom. is visiting` wi`.h Mm. Raid no" I\I\ nut` am: vn-1 M2.-. Juim Bezxtty. who \\'.1.< 91' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1334. mt. 1'1 171. D to <-axrb zxbuses A copy of the '('(\:I `r: T-Ynn `Hw- _.', \xu<'n (2 ~;~oIuti0n ` 711211; the . rs-\r\r\ "4 L1;~".:z1lly easy to : but It is not wise :L_\ Lu.i|I\..1. I.ll\;' nus: zu`-c (inn for :1 < slation must be wa` H. Hui w. n 111 .. n` m,t1'::m`_-m.'__,,( 1:311 U.', D2u`1'1C, 214 .111 ranch of the l<:t;1i =.<,oc1'atio-n. are 100 pa on. H H. St0\'(~ns nv!\-11 nkn_n,. LEFROY bIlL`l1' nunlc on uwen DE. I Mr. Richard Powell, of Gait, was! 8. week end \'I$iLOrr with his parn'o.: on Maple Ave. Kt -nnr-'h and Wvntwl` (".ny11nhu'-`H nil `(L :`t;*p1`esen1:aIl business. ; body \\'at<:~hes of 1eg'iss1ation 1:10, and this c4 I-4\nn`x rpr]-\r\ ]4x~1 heavy roads and; ` Here Comes Ch2\r1ie ` at C\lu11-chill Hull lavt` 'r11rf` Ecatty. on Feb. 2nd. is Lh. She. has lived -rion all 1'.-r lift.-. \ ilh LlH'LLlll.'1 retail mcr ` Barrie, :1 P 4`. . The Northern Advance \lL UL `UL (Ln 1'ep1`esentati inr`-Q: spend an you If` :&H and >5 md L-mly 11! Mr.~t. spent 1.1 Tomto Nlrs`. . ,1...` 1-. ntc-1. Mills. u~+'n WT... p)`Og1`.'l1n ' will hzrip : v<' I LL u1u1I..'x, nut scl- It 4-`. ., care 1 u H M` mu .. 1 in and A \..+ n I IIUFU t'1'0m null-` .\I 1'5 T A very successful n1i1a`(]LlO)`11(iu A f .a'rnival was held in the rink 11011: on 'I.VIonda.y night. Music was ;-upplied `;by the Allandale bum-(1. ~` Two rinks of curlers from hen: "l\\ ere guests of `rho Barrie Club Wod- 5 ncsday i1.i,9;ht and enjoyed a. friendly " game in Barrie. 'r}1n 1.n+`1-nv \vnnnn- man! u. .mn..4 gjillllf` H1 DZl`l'l']C. The Lefroy young people pxcsent-` 5 ` ed their play, Here Comes Charlie " 9;in the Community Hall w11m'(- on Fri- -idny evening`, u`nde'r the ztuspices of. S the Shroud Young` People's Sucietg. "`"hv players and their leader are Lo Jo congwaxtuzxlted uu heir clever pre- epsenttation of this humorous play, which was .h`ea1'ti1y enjoyed. Vi.' dllrinnr Han wr-n1: int-tnthcl-l S \Il{'Il", [ .:1t<-.~; to three hilli( .4 \\m.cu was ..'1`ea`11;11y enjoyea. Visitors during the week includndz M1`. and M114. A. .\Io1'1'i. and (:hild1'.n `of Ne\vmz11'k(.-t, at Ben. VV<*l)b's; Mr. and Mrs. G00. .\l1)in(* and fzunily. 1:1` O.~l1awa, :1` (_`Em.~'. Spr0L11o s; Mrs. `Wm. Culhert ,o1' Bond I-lead, \\'iLh :fv1 1omls h(:rc; I\Ir. toy Pm't2 i(1,:'- and `Mzxurice. of Sl:z1.n`t_v Pz1_v, at Fwd `_ Wice s. I .4- Miss Evans .s*pL-m the \\'r3ek 1-ml in Toronto_ Mrs. Iddwin Smizh is not imp1'0\'iug ::.\ fast its her Immy 1'2-it,-n(1.< would Hkc her to do. . Mr. Pew is vc-r_\' low at time of .\`1'itin_L:. 'l1ru-4: um: nn _-,.m.'.... in 4`nr. !Tni4.~,l \\1xL1Il:.:. . 'l`11erc w' < no . in the Unitul ;Chu1`(-.h last Sum1z1_\' owing: to the 2!}- {ness of Ihe minister. The W.A. of tho Ijnitml C]1Ll)`L'JI will meet on Feb_ 14th at the home of `Mrs. Harold Bell. A nnulnnd A-I` 1." ..-..,. ....l..n.I J Mr. A. W1'ig'ht, of Pam'g' Sound is visiting` with his sister, 1\`I1*s. H. A. - .-`u'n1strong. N17" CV... \X'......2,.. L A-r4 I I mm pond. [ Some of the rosid(:nt.< hero weze ` 'sunprised to -hear that Henry 'I`h0mp- son had passed away in the Parry Sound hospital. He was well known f.u'ouuml -here, lmving` :~'pen*t somo time \\ i`h A Md 1'(\\\_' Millmi Mrs. _Jask lhe] home in `:1 few days Guest. Mr_ Sam, Wm'ni('a lms started to 'nzn\`ost his 1934! I-rop of ice. Young.-: pc-op_l~ in this uwiz11bo1']1.~od report :1 nv time :1 the Stroud . i`n_:= r'a1'ni'.':\l lust .\Ion m'<.-nngr. 1 M1`. anti T\Tv< .'ln\ \`in11nl n`F I :LL nsszl station on Monday. 4 _Cuttmg ice is in full s\\'img at the m111 pond. ; Qnmn ni` Hm .-M;..1,...+.. lwnvn ..m...; `gurs. r1a`ro~1u 1501!. ; A carload of hor. \vm'e unloaded i at Plssa Station Monday. 1 Cutting ion ix in full <\\'inm` at H14- Hz; I-2u'm`.':u 11151. .\1onu:1_V I Mr. and Mrs. J11. .\'ichol. of O)zm9'f:\'iHo. \\-1'0 \\'enk end \'l>ltOL`S :11 Frank .-\r1n: Thx-so are some of tlw 1)2'0blom<, that the young pa-,o~p10 should .-tudy, bu-i cause they will h-.u*r* to face the future and in heir ]1:Ln(l.< lies the: nutkingz of Canada. ` TT1.. `X7- ... `Ill... BIG BAY POINT STROUD UTOPIA Guest has returned to '1`oro'nto after spc-ndin_r,r wit}! Mir, and Mrs_ E. WHEN YOU SUZDDENLY REALIZTE ITS HER BIRTHDAY . . . AND you CANT TELL HER `szou FC)}.~:"?~ ;:;T ....AND YOU RE MILES APART Long` .Distance=. C363,. will, make both of you 1 SIJCHL IIH` \\'".`K UIIU ZIL lVd.llLyl'. >Mrs. John Reynolds spent 1V[o.uluy in Toronto. The s_\'mpz1th_\` of the (-mmnumiy is r*.\':"11dw'. `-n I??Mon Wior in fin ';0.~< J0l' `his . Mrs Ber`. Scuu'r.lubu"}' (nee R1:oda Wit-0) \\'ho.~1r3 (loath on- curred nn 'l`un..~'(iuy. The 1`em:1ins are bving `.\1uu};`n1 oust for burial. (Too late for last week) M1's_ Harry Rt-yxmms is Iaid up \\'-.th :1 severe cold, Mr. Torrance Black is vi.~:itling hiss` musin, Cliff. Webb. L`.-J f'1H\knn.~ nu-ml 1n/Jr T)nvnn\.:_ \"0USlH, bllff. VVUUD. Ed. Gibbons and Jack Re_\ no`v1.~' spent tho \\'r\0k end at Nantyr. I N11-a .Tn1m1 Wnvnnlrh qrm11`l`. T\ [.u.u}u\` CHU- NI1. Hector Ford, of Toronwto. was 111 town for a few days thxs week. Viv: .Tn: Pnhc-=vf.unh `w-h1v~nr\.ri hump IIIHU. DL. d'd.ll H;'S wt. 0 p.l1l- l r The annual meeting of St. Pet<:1 ;~;; will take place at the -hall on Feb.] ?1st. It will be preceded by 21 sup- y.--r. to whim-`h t.|.~n (-<)ng`ru_cca1io11 is in- ted. Se1`\'ic(- in Knox ChLl)'L'h nn-xt Sun- day at 7.30 pm. M ? : R Pninn n`f' nmilpl i< :nnrL nllg U. \\'U(.`|K db LIIC l'UCLUl'V Service at St J`Olh`I1'S`:d.t 11 21.11:. and St. James at 3 p.m. T1-m nnm11n] Innnn-tr n+' Kt `Pnhw -.* uuy :u.' l.OU p.m. .`.Ii 2 B. Paine. of O`l'ii2L, is spend`- ing a weeuk at; the rectory, .Qm~vir-r: :11` Qt .TnxT1m q :11` 11 :1 `.\I Get to a telephone . . . For forgetful husbands, and anybody ;1=:e, tin: `:c".:-~ phone is always ready. A Long Distance call new is as simple and easy as t2:ing across the s1.':eet. Look in the front of your ciircctory and see how low the rates are-100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. CRAIGHURST ayrw `- xx d & VERGREEN PLAVGRQLQJQ 1,` 55.), '_/``c u .. . .. mu. Cznzad/'mz Nrztimml Te/g7'z11'2l>s _ and Expiwxs JHUH S .\'Irs. sjwnt W1`. A I\V'Itx l"u1 Al:/nys Use Lmzad/'mz g V %%i:aaa_@;;g;g_a} Nant0uafi_ ...--Y-.-__....~. KNOCK Turn Winter into Summer! Come to Canada's Everurccn Canada's Ever vrccn Playground on the Sunny aci- c Coast. Spend balmy days out of doors riding, golng, hik- ing. motoring. mg, motormg. LOW rnilfnrcs and special win- ter mtcs nt hotels both contri- Ewuzc to the economy of a holiday in this sunny Cunndinn Pluy- uruund on the Pacic coast. LKI`/V rnu I(lrL'S DTIU SpCCl[|I \VlYl" y,x'uund Tickets good going Nov. 15to Feb. 28 Return limit. A ril 30. Stop overs ullowcd at u lintcrmcdintc points. Full infurmaliou frum uny liclccl 'u;,'0n I. ml Reduced Fares to VANCOUVER, B.C. VICTORIA, B.C. also to Seattle, Wash. l Mrs. Brown, widow of the late S. 5 R, Brown passed to the Great Beyond Ion Sunday nigtt. Sl1evhad only been suck durime; the last few days. '1`hrce h1'o`.he1-s are left to mourn, John and 'I"h-om'a.:< of Cleveland zmd Russell of ']'hm'nton_ \IJ. .,......\.... His Worship Mayor C'1`11lj.,". il.Sl{l`(l tn: 5213' :1 fuw \\'o1`ds, said he \v:1.< 1n(lu_<(l proud of the (`onvtribdhon {.110 _vou`n,.': people of to-day were making; to the life of the con11m1mV`y. It wan 21 privilege to have the Junior Fa2`n1(:1.~`.i and Homemakers in Pm.m'in and 110' `trusted that it would help in m-eak- in}: down any feeling; of (li.~'tim".ionl bet\\'0m1 the town and country. We` are all one and must" pull to.-:etlne1'i for the common good. \K.. 17 T7 'I',T..1.. A1" LL,. T3,. .1. L 1 0 I I I l i I I ...,..l ,........,,, .,... ..... _,-. ....._ -., .,.. \lIAI-It Two _\'ou.ng men from the no1'tl1 sta*1'te(l for)` Th-0A1`n`0n m then` cm` on Sunday even1ng;. When they avrlved ` at Holly they could not proceed any ful-thor, zmd nally took to footiog il, 'l`l'mv worn nnifn xvzn-m xvhnh tl1ru I Rev. F. G. Pumell is still conned :70 the house and not much improved in health. We 1`.o~.pe to soon see mm `mound again. I J o`hn. J amieson is slowly im- ]n'ovin;_z;, but is not yet able to be out. VP... ........... I-\\r\v\ -\ut\I\-\ 471-. n....6-`L u u.\uu.u \n.-;\.. ;\'Izmy of the \ i1lay_;g~ folk are unable to re wood. Now would be '- good time to sell for those who `mvo it to spare. 1 . - . 1 n It was a joy to many when the snow p1oup:h went throupoh with t'hrue `twin of ho1`<(.~s .~ttuche(1. Y'J]"Cl'lC l', }.hH(l Tl.I11Ll_V BOOK E0 IO0E1{`g 11. They were qulte warm when they :\(z1(`hed }1c.1'e. V! on -u n 11 II A. A. SMITH THORNTON Pa ge Five .u.., A pleasing feature was the pron n- I `,.._,-_, .,-. tntion of :1 gift by the clz1.<. Lo .'\/Ir-.~. _. Page for h '5" ll -`imes. or help as song: 1(-ador `wt Bliss M('Masto1' in :1 neat` ;peecz!1 1~ofm'1'ed to the ne contribu tion Mrs. I 21_9:o had madr-, p1`osm1tation ion .\`IcI.c:m. ]*'()Ilm'.'i:V"' CV was <'1<.*u1'cd um! 21 coumv of l`.L`:'.l.'>' dun ('ill_`_'` people. enjoyed "`.`(> ":`:!'H. 7.,`- . 1'1` and LI.c- 'us made by ;\Ii.<< Mm- t-'.- King)` '~'u-.1. ( u~ 1... _ )1 /V Mr. I ag(- ;L.~`kcd thv t`I2L.~'.~'L* for 2m'_ exp1'0.<; as to whvthvr Lino Jun o1m Farxm-r.< zmd Hm11.-xnuku-1.~ wism-(1 to` continuv thv ('nul`.\<-5 nnxt \\'int0r, and th(-_\' . up pr:u"iv:1H_\' 100 pm` cont. .-\. how mam}: hurl IOU ;c1" cont. -ttondzlm-<~ at x-l:L.<.w.~, srmw hznf; doze! stood up, um! 0\'r v` :1 <{u;.vn Iuui 1ni.~; but one sc-551011. ; A tons` 10 MW sta` \\'a.~' p1'o])0.~1 by Bliss P'h_\'lli.< .\IL-Luann on bvhalf of the Home l`I<~01mmic.< (`lass and .\h'.3_ Lynn Ih1ss on lwhulf of H10 .-\_u;;.-` cultural C1a.<. l Rcsp0*n; w:x.< mudn by .\Ii.<.< 'i`u_vIu.-, ` R.N.. and ;\Ii.<< (`m\'-.111. in t']`.ll'_E{`(` of" \`.*:`:1c Home 1'I<-onnmics (`I:1.<.<. and Mr.` Nxmzxrl W. Hzu-ri.-on on lu-nulf of f.h.> .~\g1'icu1tu1`2\l Clas.s'_ \v.. D .... .` ....`.l H`.-.o H... at` HAPPf c1,0s1NEoF sauna" M1`. Pagv said that thu . of: ~`.:he classes was lzlrgoly due to tho (~.:w- ` oporzttion given by all r~om-vrmrd. {Iv} :`r*f0rrv(l to the valuable .s`(`l`\'i(`C rzinn ` by 31.1`. J. F. Nc-lles, mho througrh ii!- 111-<< \\':1,~: llllllhll` to nttt-ml tho L:-.n- .1`.-u... trrtc by four young; HIM], and 9. chorus by six young: ladit-.<. as woll :3 an accortlian selection by .\11-_ Harri- son, were vnjoycd. - 1 A p .,,,, ,,,, L`. ...._. .-\ solo by .\Ii.<.< Vera 1:\1 (]Lii"- llL'.\_\ quen I Irs`. J. CLl1`Li.~ L1` H .. f`. (1zm} .:11L ILU Hcll. \`.Uf,'K L`! . and .\'I1:~_ J. spent a few Ur-(>1: J. I`. .\('llL`S, \\'Vl10 LlH'()Ll;I1 Zxi- \\'z1.< unublv to attmul tho Personals ELIH 'l'h1.< ..4 J\\ iend ` .l.\HHlV,`(l dlH'L Hll`21 main thim::. how zenship. 'l`hosc (`Q in1\':\1`:x]x` 1_ put. nu lion (1011:: \+ 1~r.\-1 x ..~:`di`<- - F_yfe U U1 3d Std. II\1:\~1xr\ ~ IIL'll _ nit.<- UL ` rith Mr. IUCI L'\L.\ (l ill <>nuh1,- Mn "I.- 11115 P!` \\`-(H n n n n .u. ..`.mL.` xuf ...._ 9 Ju:1'~ori on1mnzxkm.~ u`.~c.< \\`inter, put! )\\' IOU ;cr` \ at <'l:L.<.~<~.~, . in 9' :1 lnui` iLLl ould UH maple l'lV(;'. ` I{c1me'J1 and Frank Campbr.-11, u;' lxitchencr, \\'er(~ home for the week end. `:1-. LI'n.`-A T."._...l AL` '1`... ..t,. ....`. rod .,1 no (lay; 5 (Inw U1 1.: cut. .. \' l)ll_' ftllmti L. [ill Itic In I d h 2} +1` `. p 1` 0 r I rl I Lkun In 1 H1 l..U\\"ll .lU1' 3 ].U\\' Ully DIIIS \VUt5li. ; )1 J as. Robertson -returned home; Monday from Midland, \vhcre she at- tended `th-c-. Simcou P1~:':sby`cr:1'y W0-j mnn ;~: 1Iis's'ion:u'y Socie`.j.' c<).n\'z:nt'o2`. .\'Irs. H. W. I\'<:rf0o1:, of I`:,;m2;(\.? last wr,:.-k and in town. I \[u nvul WI. T Ll .'7r.u.u-...-;. nnz!` I` lUl K`,- (lidlft place , - r--- -~- ~~-v-a 1; In defence Johnston said he was uemployed with Eserig starting Sept. 117, 1931. at $10 a month for the t 1-st month and $6 a month afte) _; that. In 1932 he had 11 new agree- iment whe.1'eby he was to get $125 :3 `yeznx When he sta.1'ted to wo-rk he 3 asked )'Ii.<.s` Taylor if she would do his :\\'z1shing. She d._!,'l'(fC(i. but did not smte any dr.-nite price. He n.~`0d Lo p,'ive her 35 cent;< each time size washed which was omly every couple of \\'eerk;<. In May, 1932, she stopped doing his washing. About the end 01 |June his mother came and stayed weeks and she did his washin-3:. Mi..= 'I`u_vlo1- had not done any washing for him since May, 1932. : Mir. Evans , of B-radford, counsel lfor the plaintifi`. prroduced zz smali 'memo book claimed to have been kept by Miss Taylor, in which she had made entrie;< of luu.nd1'_vy done foy Johnston and the dale it `.\=-.'..` done. '|`hi.< book showed ve \\'2Lshn`.g.= " i done du-n`n-gr the six weeks Mrs. John- `,`. \m.~: thu-re. thouyrh i\'1lrs Johnston 1. .\Ti.<.< Taylor had \\'a.;hod 01.1}; "'\\'ic(- in all that time. ' J. R. Boys. counsel fog Johnston, 3 ' t'OI1. '.hi.< book a : docu- ment. It Looked \`e1'_v much as if .VIi.<.< 'l`:i_v1o1- had sat down and writ- 1r-n -all Hung Cfnuvuu '14- {Jun n-n.. 6-hm . The funeral of Robert James Gal- lagher, who passed away suddeniy from a heart attack on Wedliesd-13`, |Jan-uary 3151;, was held on Saturday. ]Fo1lowing a short service at the 1'O.~.. denice, a t'une-1'-`Ll service was held at '[Trinity Church, Rev. Archdeacon |Pe\'er1ey officiating. Interment was made at Bamrie Union Cemetery, \\'Iw.=1'e deceased s son, Rev_ E. O. |Ga11ag'her, of St. Thomas Cnurch, !O\\`en Sound, had (:h`c1.l`. ,'C. Pall `jbea.1'(.-r.< \\'e1`e Me;~:s1`s. Chas. Kelcey, Fred Martin. l`ho.<. Nash, Gray Han-t, 3.-\1x.-_\ , Sil`x('i`!i1- and A. F. .-\_ Malcolm- .\1I.`.`v lil.\lUl' llil(l BEL UU\\ ll LUIU \\v'l'l4.` tr~n all those items at the one time, ':m(l rt-mlt,-.rd `lw account zLftc-.r uctim. :lm(l boon tzxkun by Jolmstrm to re- .('0\'(:1' his w:x1,_-;c.<, from Ec.~*.1'ig`. Judge Wismer looked upon tho `n1att(*,- as an z1fte1'mahl1 of a p1'cv- ious :u'Ll0n. The items in the memo ilmnk looekt-(l to laim to be all uniform `zuul mzuln at the .~';.1n1r) `.imr2 with tlic. `$211110 ])(*1 l('ll. 'l`l1L- \\'<-ij_1'ht of evidcnco l1(.'('0ll. (l tn lw \'-`r_\' muvh z1u:1iI1. _'.h- plxlimifl . i l3.lLL'i' _) ZLl'N `and t'u1'lr:1' B1L1'l'if: B0 (,'u1'lin}.t Ch I.-. 10 `-,' _LAUP \.\)n\ my 42 '1;-', 1 aln>2\\'1CK. Jnr \\'hmu .~'h I-:0:-p.< }mu.~'c. On Supt. 2.9 of that _vv;11' .~!w I;211'_;'aino:1 with L's..'- rlI..-f'c-ndzxnt to do his: `.\'a. at 510 much pm` article. and claimed that .r did his w:1:<`ni11,r.>,' up` till March 20, 1933, wh-c-11 he suddenly loft without `ggivimr her anything_ . ('.1'n:<-r:v::n1innrl aha cqirl clan nm-m- -ur. unu Anne spen 1u-~ week. `.` I`..- _L-,1\1n;: nu-1' u,nyLn1ng_ C1'oss-r>xz1n1ine(l, she said n.-nclerrrd him an account lately and after Johns`on I`I.~<"1`i_r' for \\'z1g;c>`. 1,, In 11 . cannot Durn me skin. Limberup! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from your drug- gist. and in just a moment you'll be free from rhetxrnatjc and sciatic pain. sorermss. stnness and swc1hn_u. Don't suffer! Relfcf awaits you. OM, honest "FL .T;1rrr\}~: ()"'}1:15r(*' (`:3 m'T`.3ux1s of rhn-unm:im1 . in 1Iu~ `mt half cenv-~ nnd is jn4t us gvmfz fur sci- atic` m`nIr:i:l. 1t:::1Y.:'.c:u h:r""\`he, sprn . .m! :v.\'eHi'.:,:< _ amp mugging! Not one case in hfty requires internal treatment. Rub V soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" directly upon the tender spot" and ~ relief comes instantly. `St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica Iiniment. which never disappr.-znts .md cannot burn the skin. iimimr uni f\..:o N-......\I. U11IH_L': [n 188 x4-4-.\n..u \l1F:.AK1 life ~.-no.1 What's Rhemnatism? Pain only. Stop druggingl Not in Iftv reanirec inn-rnnl frnnfrnpnf Duh ROBERT J. GALLAGHER Hug D U1 d.l?\U' , J11` ZLHU A'l1I'5. `V. D. V M:-zxford; )'Ies.~'1's. Jovhn Dulc, Robert Fcdirey, ` Sbmtlwam, all of To1'0.nt.0, ;IL1}."}`.` F0:'.<._vLhe, Sew-rn Bri `xzttr Mr. r(}a}lag'11ca' \\'2J.>1 I I-1` 1'.-`I-M IQR`) nO~ f`!ul 11-1.. JDRY ACCOUNT PADDED SO CASE 13 DISMISSED L111? \\ l_'(.'K ( Laidman. `uh. ..... -\ U\ .-.., Kill./U All". \]'illlr'.l.:','IH. I'J' ' . UUYII y 37th, 1862. at Gut'h1'ic, Oro ip_ bu had lwod puu,-tically ml! in I-};u'rir.>. As 21 boy 11(- the printing trade and ludr 1_g'zL;.r,'(.-(1 in mrwspape 1' \\"o1'i; with zlminer thv I\'o1'the1'n .-\d\'2mI'0 (3 G2lZE'(' for `AUDIO L11ir`-..;u~\~.-I _/1 I7H'4-nan 'nn1v`u .`m.~. 1. .1 Ii.'I` U'.'lIX Bo\\'1in_; (ma _`.'U LUIS ]a('.ro~;<: 1na1`1`ie(1 M iss .~I1\wv:x-ru- .'\A` >`. :1 1111121 -- ~ , mu] : . A. \Vi11i;1mx<, '..' :1r;:L1~<:ri 0 Gz111;x5:h ,>`.`.' Jersey, and u r`1.,n.....v..m. ,.z: n... IHUU .K' player, .u.~:iasti(- 1nr`m1)<*2' In In .. n ` ugu `. 1'01` : rCk(>(: .,;nu_: in chm \n J11". 1. lzmdale, -H, 5.. .X.. ` ne\'m'l until just \ had . ;mdz1_V 1 is-sec! u ('d.l'.1I` " rick. for Q .147 -)c \1iU'xLCL` hxinti . \ k.I\, tut MERCHANTS ASSO. A ORGANIZED HERE! (Continued from page one) big` t:hing'.~; are happening at OLtz1`.\u. Hon. Arthu.1- Meighen, spezvkxng in the Senate the ot.h(~.r day, . A note of \.\`zwni11g when he said lm`. the time had arrived when the retail merehzumts; can no longer xnanagx t`he.r own bLISiDOS.~`; they must have p1'0`.e<:- tion. lVl`In kin. n`.-.n!n ,.+,.`. ,, I-`,\........,) LIOII. The big chain stores formed an 0?.- ga.nizatio`n only last wc-ck. Unla.-...+ the retail merchzmts O1`f4`l11iZC. they will cerfainly be left 0111 in thc cold. Wu may be clox-m- to .g'o\'c_-rnmen1. con trol 01' bL1.~'i::e.<;< 1`ig`ht. now t;'n.'.Ln we realize. L-IH,'ll' (_Hl'.{.J'I`.'LC`l', Hzn'1`_v Walmr and `Mrs. John rronto, the ma (~2u'1_v in .\"I211'<:'n. T1. 1 F` Y T'hc proposition was that merchants zmcl business men organize an assoc- iation to be aiiilizttrxl with the Retail ivlorchalits .'-\. of Caiiacla. A local association if linked up withi t-i`() Dominion .-\..<.=.m`ini`,in7w 1-saw min 2: IUCLDI ubbU|.'1Z.LL1UIl LL 1ln'KL`(1 I Dominion .'-\s.=.oci'.1ti0n, :2 1`1`0Z1t deal. A well denred 1 is (_."i`-.".*n and the parent body V in eve:-_v xmy po_~. `. is c that a meeting be held once :1 and that officers be cloctul. octcd. On the diroc`-0i'at-' rrhould be it 1'ep1'esentatiw v,.xu..- 11",. '11` I ~- `EMU LHU UL` Z1. lever) line of The pzlmnt 1 every piece 0: ltlw 1-cwi] fwd n+'nun n.4.~...v 1... Hl,'\\ % full}? JU. \\Zll'(H"l 0 I" Si1m_). MP. M.P. , I LAZ'\.' I _fore l)l"clHL' '.\'Ien .< B'.u'.1'I< I `\ I `. '! .\I1'.<. h'\'i11 vi.'~:ite(1 over 1 D. Canlpboll, WIT.` _T \ nx u. uunlpue-1|, ' Mrs. J. YoLm:_v* \-.';1.< ml] -4 to .\ '. ` mm'1:-' on 'I`bLIi` lzxst 0:1 Ll.'L`OLlL.l. of the death 01' hvv si. Mrs. J.; Fra.-=01`. M) . Yr.>unj;' and Mr and 1\`I1.~'_ E Goo. Johmton nto`-..r))'e clown on Sundzly to zttteml tlw fumzml. Mrs. Young" rotu1`nin_{: hum.-_ xvi `.1 them. Harry Fo3i.~,-ton is. 1-<~(-ow-ri115_1' from? 21 11a. `'`,It 10 inwllirtcxl on` his anlclc `with an axe one day last wt-(.-k. M1`. and Mrs, Dusto left on Satur- day fo spend some weeks in Florida. Mr. Dwsto has th1`(-0 months leave of absence from his duties at the C.N.R. ofc-<: owing` to ill health. `Nice T2nI'n:nvn fn....+nmv I\`. D.` unu 21 Urillll l<.-.I1a11t.." Assoc '1):-hind Hon. ;.l',~.1-4-.. ``I\ ..u.. \\Lf ... _'_ H`L \l'_\ \`.'| |l HIIIHH` H! \'H'- culat-` $lO0.000.000, \\`:11c.`1 \\'o':` help ('on, Czmzula hzxs -.1 debt of six biH"0n. do1lu!'.< and abo. 35 per cent. of all rev:-nue goes for interest chzu'_2'(~;~'. ` 4 to 6 per vent. cannot very Well be! Interest 1-ates from '- ju:<`-ied. Some would do away with} ` our capitalistic systvm. but what lmvo we to take its p111('<- It ]);;'-A haps needs mo Gold should; be but 21 moan: of exchzm_L'e. not to`, \ `) ( enrich a fc-\v_ ,`