Page Two Ureams or Pgans THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1" 00:. (- I rnxaimam A.Nu b'utcurJU`.N r Special attention Obstetrics .Associate Coroner for Simcoe Couiity ! Office and Residence } 50 Mary St, Phone 101 IOHice Hours: as-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.30 When all is said and done, tne wo1'1d s real wealth is not gold but labor in 'its actual results, clthe manual or mental.---Sir Henri Dc- `gmcling. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Rn:-rig Ru-nu.-L E DR. E. G. TURNBULL 2 Graduate of! McGi1ll University, ? A ontrea . ;Oice and Re-s1dcnce-Corner Eliza- bcrt and Bradford S,ts., Barrie. ' Phone 1175 %Of`ce Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-8 p.m.` 7-9 run-1 J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ofce 51 Dunlop St. West of P.0.. I Square, Second Floor) Residence: 144 Maple Avenue I Phone 700. n1o.:u1.~n\c .L.NU bU1vLn1'JUN5 Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Oice Hours: 2-3 p.1n., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Corona County of Simcoe. IVLIDD DEL I i148 Toronto St. 1 VV UlV.lI14l`J Associate Coroner, County of Simeon- Phona 61. Ofce--58 Collier 5!. Office Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.80-8 p.m. We carry a full line of Magistrates`, Constables and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases. .-........ .-. vv w.I\IIIl\\`Jvv EY}:.3."'E'1.LR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST n..:lI:. f\......:.. ornmuu.1a1' Orillia, Ontario will be at the Queen : Hotel, Burriq Every Saturday. 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoint- " ment. Univ 1211; bU1tU1`.UN Post Ofca Square Telephone 58G_.$ Above Express Oice 1 IIJDLXAFLDI D 82A Dunlop 5!. Phone 40I Electric, Hydro. Physxo and Election]: Treatnments. Massage and Corrective Adjustment; Blood Tests and Urinalysis Home or Ofcc Rates Reasonalvlnv Motor Ambulance in Connection I Open duv and night. Morgu and - - (fhapc-n In connection. L4I(,'B1'1SL`.(] CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESQ. '1`lIERAPIS'I S ROA I'\....Ip... Co OLA..- Ann Rhone B... DRS. LITTLE & LIT'n..E PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phone 213 A7 Mg.-.l- A..- DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN .uv:nm'n1>n Fnrnnnr F.\...... -3 :u.._-_ DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' Rn:-pin] nftnnfinn l'\l-..~+al>-13. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, DR. WALTER H. WOODROW L715 mnn mun.-us .-... ...-_.__ GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS Licensed nnnm>Ar~'rnnq an.-I nnnrnxr DRPTIO 1l'8l'!`.`h MISS BEULAH SCOTT Tnrnntn Q1 DI-A-A G. G. SMITH & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON Wu-.a Qn...-.v- T-l..-.n-- UKLJILK Ur Barrie Branch {C DEVI! ALI El` 30 \'[i1li(m ] go .\iiiii;L; i : Dollars I Dollars Bax rio, Ont. Look over your :requirements and place your order with the Advance. |\\Jl I Phone 23 .-3 ft- Nnrtlpern Ahuattre Printers in Barrie since I817. DOWN - 123114. PHONE 53 The Hoover Hedlite en- ables you to clean better and more easily--on dark est days, in darkest cot ners, without overhead light. The Hoover is the only cleaner equipped with the Hedlite. Liberal allowance for old electric cleaners. Telephone for no-obligation Home Trial without delay. clean .y---on dub lax-kest cap I )ovet r lite. ephone HomeT1-id In the (lr-Pinfn ii". the inn.-ze of ("um- M I 'mon.<. Prime _\ii'.~.i.-'t( 1- R. Iieilnrgtt quoteti from .~'t(Ui. -`to <`\.0w that condit.ion= 21.1-n im-pi-o\`in_u. The C Uf1- try s export ti':uir- i:< up zmd so is its revemlrr. us m-onmarml with 1219'. _vea1'. i'i1(~2're has b\*{:1`. :1 iihnxioinezml 1*i.~e ii. Empirv t.1'nd'-. and c-. in (1111 adian exports to Empire count`-Er_\. under the op<:i`z1tion of the Ot*;'.'.i'1 trade 2lfJ,')'(`(?h1L`nfE`. ("onnnodity p-rice: sccusrity prices, furni prices, empiuy ment, contract awzirds. ir1du: pro- duction zmd mining: p1'0du(-tiou h:1\'r- per cent. in the last yeai. The 1('ddf.`1' of the Opposition. Mu"- 'kenzi(:~ 1{i11$J;, ho\\`ever1`. attacks `.'m -e _s:ure:< and otiwrs quoted from the \ -incroaseri from eig`ht to SC\".'nt~-i\`70i i . Domnion B1n'oe.u of Stat.istics returns, as having been manipulated in 131:. 7interests of the Gqvernnient, or in other \\`o1'd.<. to i`l(ii(`2ltC 21 p1'()'s;)r.-r3"; tha`. does not. exist. _ The Dominion Burr.-a-.1 of Stz1ti.~`t'.c~t `is in chax'_u'e of Mn Coats, who \~.3..= app0int(:(l back in Lzmrim-'5 time, 2.1.1 _it is r:.1tlie1- lmmiiizmingf o a pu:)':ir- servant such as M1`. Coats to suggeet that he or his associates is guilt ; oi jug:g'lin;_' the Govei-nmen*L' trade ('- ; turns. This is news indeed! Now, for a limited time you can get one of the new Hoovers-- either the Popular-Priced Model or the Two-Speed Hoovei--complete with Dusting Tools or Dnstette, for a down payment de- cidedly less than usual. Hoovers, as`you know, are lower pi-iced-~and more effi- cient. All models have the patented, exclusive cleaning nction, Positive Agitation, the only effective principle for dislodging rug-`ruining, embedded grit. ing,-' lmdies is l`(`.<{')0I1L\`l1)l- '7n :1 l:v ;.>;c !me:1.~'1m~. l'o,- t'h~_ln.\' liinxlmm um`. he iiny: l)m'no by Hw people of (`;1m. i'I`he l)(vlll1`(l?1)`lf!.~' oi the 1,0-\\'n:-:l~,i;).4 ma} :counties in Czmzulzx \=.'m':- mmle HI '.h<- lgood old (lays oi` the h0r.-'e and bug- l_ \\*hon :`o1'm'ullin;,v; was slow :lt`.(l communi(`a1,ion Llm-e1't:1in. Now. with good rozuls, fast :1ut.omobil<~.= and tele- ,phone \\"ires strung all over the coun- ~try, there would seem to be no zonal 1'easo*xi for inaintainingz so many mun- icipal bodies. The time has coma iwhon eve1'_v efl`o1't must be`made L.) |reduce tax l)ur(l-':n.=. and the doubling, `up of man}; tr0\Vn.'~1l]l]')`S and coun'ic.: would he a step in this .rlirec`rIun.] The same administrative 1nac.'.ii1`.-givl could do the wolrik for areas two or! I The mull,iplivit_v .oi' munii-ip:'1l .i_` I I 1 t."m-ee times he size of our pres -nt townships quite as well. and at prau .tiea1l:: the same <-oisrt. it is the same `all -`he way up the scale; there me too many provincial bodies burdenina the Laxpa_Vm*s. The 500110;. We realize lthui; \'eI'o~1'ms along` the. lines a.;`(`.; i 0\'e1'lue. uml so`; about mljusting: ma`.- ' `ems. thc'- lretter for the coLmti'y_ ` l hr\:1!`t0n imr the] .'1tti"udc are not _u:or~:~`. or The (`mizlinl the yvzl I 7,z1ti(\n States. no mat | State: SHOULD.ENl./\RGE OUR MUNICIPAL BOUNDARlF._i \Hl UL` ql|l('Kl)' l'l']ll`('Ll".I Hl L`?,llI?Ul2l. Great B1`iz1in. withotlt qae.=t.on. ;.-, Iendinfz the van of `.'C( O`.'rlt'_\', and h\.1' llnzulmxchip in world afTairs is mo;'.' ' hn:u`toninr:. The \'.':11- dobts are solv- themselves despite the Lmbendi`..~,;' :1tti"ud0 of the Unitd Stntns. Ti...f, not bving paid, and the world on. Tho nnrr-nnr-v \\'H1 nlm :11 The world wuld appezw to be sl.~*.v-- ly recovering and people of all c(.'.1*;1 tries have lost `hat panicky feei`:.;,- lc.haa'acterizin,<.,>' the earlier plhases uf 'the depression, and are puslnngz; for- ward conident 1'-hat br:t,ter f-imes zuc jreturning. There are ho\ve\'e~r, innny ipoblems to be solved. In our own jcountry, the railway incubus, the -`angled situation in the provinci": fairs of some of the provinces, and `the unemplo_vn1ent problem, leuue lmuch to be desired. : nu. um m..+~.. nr D.-,..:rl..o IHILICII {,0 UL` UUSIFCU. i To the south of us, P1'c.=irlcr.t !Rooseve1t s e.\:pe1 iment, fmnned or L1 icolossal scale, <:zu'1'ies e1emen`s of `dangrer, and if su isfz1cto1'_v 1'esu';`..s !are not shown du1'ing the pxeser.` year the 1-epm-cussions from :1 ueonh: such as the Alnericans are bound to` be severe and unsettlinyz, to my Lite, 110119`. The Pro. is i11(`l1!`1'iV.__' ;(leb1;:< 1-unniny: into eleven gures in lthe working out of }`.i:< "L-`:rn1r~., .'1:.n if inrlustry and bU.' fail to Le spend, the whole meat >'t2'U(ft`Ll!'. ) mi} come (-1'u. down, wi `h rr-suits 21:, bad. if not worse, than those of the banking` z-ollapse of 1933. We :1-`-' `so close t.l1z1t zmy unto\\'z1\'d <.vcn`c.~: will be qui('k]_v rr-zw-ted in Canmla. Cvnnf. `Rvi"nin \\'1'H1nnf` rvmcfmn :,-. y;u-.~i on. currency . will z1l`n:.`.l cm~?ainl_\' be 1:2-r2:1tIy claried befur.2 your is nu`. Some 1'0.1'm of .~t:1lJili- -.-`ill nvz:l\'<~, in tlue Unit;,:ll \V'.1rn sl.'.l)il`i'/.ati0n is eflbct. .l. 1nzLt'tm' at wl.ul. f'1_':111`n, the :'.3ni.`v:rl. T n-=3` ;.s.i. ' able pick up in lnv and mdus-I try. When l)L1.~'inL:.<;-; men can (-nu.-it on a monetary unit of `he smne valuc' to-mo1`1`0\v as to-day they will l:1unc.1 out with new projects that `he runs- ent monetary uncertainty l1ol(l2ng'* buck. Czinmla, bec' of l1C1` clmcl bu. zlssocizxtioii, mus` follow tm.| United States in inuttcrs of Cl.1!'l.`(3l\L_\'.` 'l':l1r-n 10 will lxn V\ ., -< J :1 \vn.1i- n|' nlr-- UIIILUU DLEILUS lll lllilLL(!J'.\` (JJ. CLU'l.Cll(._\'.| 'l"wli(-n 1934 will be a year of 010.: ` tio:1.~: in Cmizulzz. 'llm1`c will be at, Ilvzist, tl]1`L'(! p1'o\'inci21l_ elec`io11.s',.a2_d; In Dominion (`ls-ction IS quite \\'1t.n.15 [the bounds of po.=: bvfow the R15-t of DPL'(`mb(`1`. 'l`he.<.e will make fO1~ solm-, u11sot'l0mnnL in bi1.~'i:\:.-.,. but they also (}I1('01l)`2l_U,`C ;_;`v\'er1`.ni-;-nL` spluncling \\"l1C]`(r tlmt is possibk, ' THE BUREAU OF STATIS'l'lC I When `he Grmxt W211` ended Britain owed the United Stutr.-s 1`oug;hly $ Sinru Hwn Rhn 11210` Short time only All dwelling {during the curt !fron for this yc provcmcn1:s `N0 oroctcd tax free :u-<`ordin,r: to :1 ` ~ fn"'1\ I-nvnm STABILIZING THE DOLLAR -. -..V _.-,v-v~vw-v ) , V, `Publiuhed at 123 Dunlop St., ' \rrie_ every Thursday n \;Auu;.', lJll4\.IJ :hc current ' year a m+.:1 4'n riur Em Northern Ahuanre Pulsliul-uni nr '19 ! l\....In.. Qt ll ... n1\4AAv .u \Il --uu c year will be t=T-`~ :his and next, and im- ts dwellings alrewdy :< free for the same period.` resolution passed by council on Monday night ` ' n `E ..!.L`..: b;;I!Ji;.,J M. D. MORRISON". W places ` rvnnf. vn The Northern Advance mrinnin ELDITURE F-L built . in Orillia r:11 hn 4...~-. 'J`l1o.s(,- who 11.;v1'n(l that the {in- :u'm-i.-ll . of the Hydro '..u.x i;vnn,; umh:1'min:1{ by [Ju`l`(2A'l2La'(:` zuui un.~/old power, \'.'ill be I`('(,'\ \`(l by l2_;'un.~.-; ;.';i\cl1 by Hon. J. 11. Uuokt.-, il_'(l`.'u .:J.:xiz'1m-..:, who 1'1 -pm't.s' that in J}:-whxha-1' lz1.t HM,` total peak tn all 53: L-'11! k.'()`D.l)iH(,:(l e.\:m~c any mcv ious r.:uor p(:u.k by mzarly 180.000 uU1:i1)0\\U1', Lhu :,u`tu:1l fi;_;'Llr(.-1; .shuw;nb- at comsump ion of .I..514,0-'10 h.p., am cmnp'.m-(1 \.ith the 1o)_'m.-1` maximum `at 1,331,237 11.1) in Dt-at-nxbr.-a~, 1930. col .vuuunu._y nu. .. .w uwnug Luulurn \ 111-. I,I'111. p(.~u.k .. .1. . .. A ...... l'fhu town council acted wisely In? di:ci(li1i_u; to replace `he old iirc `vuck, 5 mliicii `nus given good servicc, but can I no iong;u1' bu d(:pcnd0d upon. Fire _`,`11Ui12` cuuinmt-nt i< nnlv LN an-nun Members of {he town council on Monday miglit voi'ced theiw disap- '. provul of the Boaird of Education pm- `posing to spend some $1,500 on line escapes foa the King` Edwa1'd School. The money spent by the Board of ilducation must be provided by fhe town council and l1lCl\1b(.'l'.~' of tha` body know someth-ing' of me difcul._', of raising money at the p2'e.~:ent time. 1!; is only riglit that the pupils In the [school should not be subjecwd ~`o any `l1ZlSS2l.1'(i for luck 01' n: esczlp-.:.'. 'o'.zl. snul`-. e. could be 1;~mvided for {me or three would SCIYG the pupose just 215 well. If the `ax rate is to be kept down, every spending body in the town m' curtail its expenditures in every possible \\';1y. liundired (.lOll2l.l`S that. Centm`. baxiks 3.3".) in the air." i .~\u.et1'a1ia has haul one for twcrtyi years. New Zoaland has decided El! have one. South Africa is cai'efL.I!_V' iconvsidc-.ring the project. The mo. 1:-1 111.212`. in (`.:mmIn, }\`.'nnnvh`. :n+n .~ f_-;l1ting equipment is [only as strong nu LUllg_'Ul.' oe uepenueu Fire as its weakest link, and the (ire 1 t1`uck the main par: of the equi;_imc;.t, ' 1111.5" been weak for some time. The` but it is false econmy to subject` life 3 and propeity to fire fighting` equip-. ment that will not mee. en1e~1`gencie.~:. 3 i ioutlay may seem large at the time, I `AUSTRALIA. HAS CENTRAL I I BANK. FOR TWENTY YEARS] I;Ul1'bluUl. llll:',' LIIU p1`()_]eCL. in Canada, brou~gh`- ispotligllt by repeated demands o.) cht Prairie, is now attracting attenor. from high political and linancial .9141`- 1110 -3- into Ll]: - l l tors since the Royal Coniinissioii n-: COli`nl(.`11(lL:(l bllf,` central bank. A.~'. vcilih ax. )' > A- brz1ce7'-he whole E1npi2'e--wi.a.t \`..: might term :1 British C0mm0n\`.'e.l"1 Fedeial Resun'r2--sponsoL-c(l. by Ah. John F. Darling, director of the .`.1nl~ laml Bank who atendotl the Em; in: Economic Conference at 0t, awa, and who is, perhaps, the most con11n.:.~nt authority on Imperial Cur1`enc:,'. establishmenr 01 a the movemciiu :; "\ -" \'v' Zealand has pledged herself to .~up-` port he Empire Central Bank, Federal Reserve, and 111\'1tes British nations to do likewise. 'l`l1n lxnnl: A .. 4... or oil: :' r nnnh-ul `I1 cf \nuei' ramification, to Tn-1, i I l 1 c C L I 13171141511 1liJ.L1Ur1S E0 (10 1li:(5'iV1SC. The central bank in Australia, known as the Coniinonwealtii Bank, i.--. under nhe control of the GO`.';l'li~ imnt. 'l`hc Royal Commission uu-Ls tlxut Caiizula s central bank be 71; vutely o\\'nu(l, with $5,000,000 13 `In initial ttupital. A st1'on;_: c.'.unpz11111' to place the bank untlm` Go\`::i'nimeu` control is now under way, and mam [believe that the p1`i\'atcly-o\\'11c(l bank will nvever function in C21.ll:`.(1Z`.. 1 '1`l11{x Fnmmnm.-,...14l. D....i. 1 um uvuvur LUILCLIOI1 In L,2l.I12`.(1z'.. | The Commonwc-alth Bunk :-'ta.1'I;-dj \\ i1.h an approp1'ia`ion of $25,000. E `and no capital. It wo:'I:ed its way `up, despite the good-hum.m:vd cynic- ism of its critics, ZL1110.`1_1' t2'm:n1 U101- banks, ~`il1 it sznv the day xvhx.-11 11.51 1:1`o.~;idunt stood up 10 1:19 Lv.`:3u1: 'Gover1m1e'11t of A11. 11';-(2 }'<):1*'.~`E 211.50 ;111d'said: We will (ii.<`I.on.r '_-goo-.r: (-h(.-qvms ! In the y('a.1`.s 1.h:LL l.;t_\' bc-; t\vec11 it1'uis0d$l,250,000,000 by wayl `of loans within Au. whose pop- - ulution has not yet rem.-.hc-d the 7,000,000 xnurk. To-dzly, nom one E man, wom-.111 or adult child could be , found, from Sydney to Perth, f1'om1 ` .\I(`)O1l1'l1C o Port Dzu'\\'in, zL..(1 way] points, who would say 21 word .1g':1in.stl Com.monwez1lth Bank, its record I land its pro:=pects_ I !\.uA||1AI_., nu x-L113 I UH. LHI- 'Ul.l1lLy] gcuunci 1'vfL'1..d in z'(:11 .xzL.Lia.5 ,a`.~-:-`i. ::.'.u{ the 11ns;xit:Ll 1:13 had, 21 decit of : 300 on tho _\'(::u".s Opt.-1~ utlons. Hcstltuting `-0 carry out Lnoxr v'.th1'rut be(-ause 01' what it would mean `to Picton and 21 large- proportion oi the county, the directors as 21 luau 2 ;- sort are making 21 public zxppr-:11 to '- Lhc__citi7.ens, sctLing' their oI)jecL1v(2 r.` 1512.000. ' L. HOSPITALS HAVING. HARD TIME TO KEEP G(JING| Down in Picton, hhc cup} Prince I']d\\'ard Cmmty, the (113 have 1'v.-rolvvd to close HI. 1*.` !un1e. the 1101-(~< funds :u`r.: (-.omin_L; to an 1' on. Thn ( AI'llIll H`;' w-nfm .. 4.` |Irv||r'.x-.- J3. l~;v. ..,UUU. 1` .`hc Simvnv R'1'o1'111(.~i' point: out ;"liat the .-.itu:itim1 in Pic-Ion i t._\,'yi` 'c-ui 01' the l`icul`.iz~.< co1il'1`t)i1`ii1g' tn. inajority 01' lio::pi:1tls, c.~'p<:('i;1l1_\' in 1.111: sn1:1ll*1' to`.\'n:: of Ont:1.i0_ , .'i'he tom: of \ Vhitb_v, :1f'tr1' m:n;),' ';.'r::n`.~: of u:.;'i.:iti0n, (iL'('i(lL1(i that .n ';`1:hliu hospitzil could not be SU(,'(`(`SS- `(fully 0pe1'uLu(l hr.-1'0, 1)::-(-z1Li. of the clusu proximity of the 0.'hn\'zi Hus pita], and while in the 'l'uti,:;'i,- public stnntrnnn in this mattm' mm, Cil1lnf.`,'(. {it is certain that for `.h:~ ])i`I`-`vllt. ha/.~ pin] n(l\`0(':1t('s will take note of `.'}1c (iiill(:Llli.l(.`.< heixig; o.\'pe1'icnced in place; like Pioton, \"l1<.-r(- the m-urest iw.<',.x ta! is Bcllovillc, a consicle1'abiu 67-- tzmce :m':u'. 'l`l2o.:e in cl'ia1'g'e .1 hospitals any\\~l1(.-1'e, wl'.c`hor cu`..In' or privato, have no -sinecuxe when it come.s to making them pay their way, let; alone break eve'n.-Wr11tby Chronicle. LHL_`L'H.lZ $2,000. 'l`l.,. I I If you would be thankful fhmk of `r*__t`.`in;r.< 2" ` `\:":i(-"` '- `.1 dn not Thrift offer and Plxhlisher Ann Lu u.\. cu L_y.'nl;- that ` he wian-n 1) 1219 Labuzg ralia Lszruo _vca":<`.I "ill yo.-:1" oars 3,000,000 way: mlia. \\'hn."4`- nnn [nun U1 liroc'to1';s 110. `C 1'01 L11 coun Ly F : I'.I"r-1!` I 9 Religion is either caught, like measles, from some one who has it, n- or it is imparted directly by the res" Spirit of God, which, like the wind, mental.---Sir blowetih xvliere it listeth.--Dean Inge. ` nvunA4n\ um. u-~...-.-.-__ BARRISTERS, `SOLICITORS N01`-J ARIES, CONVEYANCERS, ELL. 3 Owen St. Telephone 69 BARRIE, ONT. In rw __.n , : GORDON LONGMAN `BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY I ` I ; ETb. , E Money to Loan | : Masonic Temple B-ldg., Barrie. ' 1 CAMERON & CAMERON !B.-XRRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC . I 5 Owen SL, Barrie. Phone 406. I M(')NRV Tn LOAN ` DONALD F. MacLAREN, BA_RRIS'1`I;2R, SOLlC1'1'O1{. MONEY TO LOAN l\,l.....-..\1.. 1-.......I., man Rn` 9 RADENHURST & HAMMOND `BARRISTERS, SOLLCITORS, ETC i I\.I..__-.. u... I nan -.I In-.unc-A Rnfnn I ` G. R. Foster HOOVER I uuxyo IUDLLV 0:. vun v u.n.:xnu;:; I Money to loan in any sums at ; lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - Barrie D. M. Stewart C. D. Stews STEWART & STEWART B:LRR.ISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- I LRIES PUBLIC & _CON\/EYANCERSI IA.-....... 0,. In...` -n nnv sun`: 3:! i H. Est/enm ALEXANDER CO\/VAN . BARRISTER Solicitor for obtai.::ng probate of, .\'ill, guardianship and z1dministration,! and General Solicitor, Notary (Jon- veyancer, etc. NTONFTV 'I`(} LOAN % ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISTERS iolicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyancers `Janey to loan at lowest current ` rates. Ofce: Isl Floor Masonic Temple | Bldg., Barrie. m. n rv=+.m M H mgtpn ` . BUY: S: DUID ~ BARRISTERS, SOLIC.l'1`Ol{S, NOT- ';AP.IES PUBLIC, CON`. ICYANCIZRE>, M ETC. l |.I-,,-__ A-. I A-.. -1. In .... us D-.0-.. 0! Interest * OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Office, Elmvale, Ont.` KW. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys I Successor to bre.-sw1<`Ke on men BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC | MONEY TO LOAN tun... D--. nl....l. R."-:. I Uaxuuaxmne, D\JLAL\I.l.L\.I1\.>J, .u;u Money to Loan at Lowest Rates: Ofce, First Flcor Masonic '1'ezr.ple I a \JA1|4AI4no-a 47 Ezabe-{'n. 5! x "7 ' ` With Hedlz'te- Only Lib. Money to Loan at Lowest Rate: of Interest f\`E|'!.Th"1'.`. 19 n\mrr\1 Q'T` mupuax LU pun. ` Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrio. II. I`. Successor ` A DDIQTYFD MULVLI LU uuruv Office: Masonic Tenmple Bldg. IIEIULVLI 1U L1Ut1.L\ Ofco: Ross Block, Barrie. FOSTER & McCARTHY ..__-,,. //\v vrn1\v\r1 \ b P. c. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR III. -_. an BL, Isarne. rnone MONEY T0 LOAN veyancen euz MONEY TO LOAN -... nil _ n _ .. Tn... J- R THE CANADIAN BANK 1 | i OF COMMERCE Balance Mont/aly BOYS & BOYS T.`1)C L`f'\I 1I`|'l`I\l Business Directory . McCUAlC-, B.A. * to Creswicke & Bell I an! I(`T'T`nD 111'!` T. A. McCarthy I F3165. Stewart Ie. M. 1-1. Esten .. va- Phono 218 Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund A home in Canzndzi is pre- ferable lo 21 (lr.".nI1-castle in Spain. );ul it is (`2l>`}` ()n/_)` In dream of 21 m-xv home, of lu_\ing new p0.~'s:<*Ss- ions, or of taking a pleasant \`1l<'2lli0n. Castles in Spain 1-zmnot he tradt-I for homes in Canada, but savings can. A Czlnzldiun Bank of Connm:rm..- suvixlgs ac- count is often the differ- ence between :1 dream and 21 plan. Dreams bu}-' nothing. Pla,nn'v(l sr1V1>ir:g.s (In. You will he wc_:L(-on1c(1 at any one 0 I the 800 1) r a n - In 0 s of The Canadizm Bank of Com- merce. WW FREHTINE % EWiREMEW3