Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Feb 1934, p. 1

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uu. uquipiiiuxn. neeuL:u_ It is proposed to get a 500 gallon per minute pump, and the commit- tee will go carefully into `he matter `-.k_f0a'e a decision is made. `Opposition to Garbage Franchise Mr. Frank Hzunmond u.ppeared be- fore council on behalf of Woods, who does garbzuge collection at preselrt. Mr, Hammond said he understood there was :1 scheme pro- poser! to give fhe exclusive privilege of collecting gzrrbagzc to one person, who was going to build an incinerator. 15/Irs. Woods had been collecting gar- bage for some time and so far as he knew, ttlmre was 11-0 ciorrrplaint, and Mrs. Woods would like to continue to do so. She `had been disposing of tlw 2`.'r'-`bng;e in the township, but if there was any complaint in this dir- action. she world build an inciner- zr or to (li.~'po:~:e of it. She depends on the \\'o lar;','ely as :1 livelihood. NTVI T-Invnrnnnrl (Inn:-finnnrl Hui lnxrnl- I Value of .\g.;'ri<-11l`r11m1 I3(l'.1- cat1011 Strossvd by J. L. \\"l1i1`cl(><-ii. prep'cu'uu 1u'r J.LlLl.l`I`B ue`p1'e.5:10`ns. Prizes to high pupils were present- ed by the members of the mm. Miss Hamilton was assisted in this by Mrs. W. Stone and Nlrn. Armstrong, president of t.*h.c- Senior Insti"ute. .~\ sewing kit was 2\V\'5'N'(if`d Elva Bxaclh,-_,' for 'hig`hest standing in sewing`, while Muriel Ritchie won :1 thei'mumet.ev1' for iiizikinp; the bus`. showing` in h01`..-T` n`111"sii1_2'. Miss Matleline O`) 1`_\\"OT) the prize of 21 cut glass dish forr rhl'.`i1(.'.--t marks in domestic science. M1-_ J. W. Pm\'le_v, a:~.:i.-tz1'nL ug`1'icult.ural ru- presentative. when mmouneed the wi.i- ners of the various prizes. for pro- cien-cy among the a.g`1`i(`11ii111'2li stai- _ (Ients. A book on: Live Stock. \\1i;- ' 4-rrn Hv `inn infn `Xfn/In "I"nnL\ D A ." uems. .'-\ n00K Live annex. \\11L- trm by `.110 late Wade Tooie. O.A.\'I., Guelph. was m'os(:nted to each of the followintgz Richard Saunders, general prociency; Bill Watt, public monk- inq; Jzu-k Grnv, stock ju(l;:in_t2:. and :1 pen and pencil set to Neil Wilson for 3Wi"3n < zynrlincr in n-vain nnri c.ulI pun `(Llul pullcu. b'(~.'L E0 1\'Cl1 VVIISUH LOT 3~i~'m.-L zmdinq in grain and scul j,11(l1:iw_~:. 'I"ho. rrontributing tommi the prize list were the Simcoc C0I.r.r. .y Comm`-i1 and tube Snnior and Jumor In- stifutos of Bond Head. 'I`1m `|TInI'\`\}\n\.-rs A4-` 41. .+..m ... suluu.-:~: U1 n()n(l neau. Tlve membeu-s of the staff \V\. then asked to :LCC('T)t tokens of up- Iwecmtlon of their services, p\:esenu.d lw `Hm members of `noth classes. The R';l\l7':V1f`l` nF A111/I T nnnn Qnnn ku n\' :m' Hl<`HllJl!l'.\' UL i)0U1 CIELSSCS. ll: . of Auld Lang: Syne brought the hzmquot to a close. The studo..;s then assmnbled in the Ora.n-;;-- Huh for :1. dzmrxn and the music was furn- ished by Ireland's orc`hcsrt1`a. Mr. J. Dougherty, of the United 1Peat Industries, Limited. \\'.'1r: '3 r I . " ~ ,`.'-<-nuiu fln'ln '!\.`lnn;`.nu ' ' "|' '?l'll.\' (Jun l\`l0n( V 1~\\r I.`.]:`n\\.od ` poat Industry m Gm'man_v, I":-L. nnd nt 97' Hvnnn`r1~.n Onrshrm 'p(`?lI lIl(llISLT_V `IYI U(`I'I1V1Tl_V, I"-"1 and at St. II_vacinH-0, Qur~hm-. ""nHr\~ .4` R Lalmltrju. \\':1R TX 1' ~1~'.'mi.< Club Monday :}1n\\`r-J nir-:`.1n~nc nf at any ulane 01 nrucx. Morley Livingstonz, 1`ep1`0sen-t;i11g the Rec truck, also addmessed council, and N111`. Bicklo, of the Bickle Co., Woodstock, makers of re g-:hting equipment, gave much informa1ion on equipment needed_ Tf`. ic nvnnnenri +n 09+ n 500 crnllnn R. WEBB HEADS MILK PRODUCERS The BzL1'1`i1! Milk P1-0du('e1's As s!0ciz1`i0n held their zmmlal meeting in Lhc boald roam of the u.gricL11tura| oice Tu`.\T(1a)' a1'te1'noon, with about thirty m0mber.< p1'es0nt.. M1`. Wa}- lace B1o=.\'n actcd chairlmm. l"hn nln:-`:n11 n-6` nq:nnu-. 4`-.. 1:10.: IELCL` n10~.\'11 ac-Lcu cnau-1mm. The elm-`ion of of ce.r.s for 1934 rvesulted as t'0l1o'u.'s: Pu.-sitlunt, Rus- sell Webb, L-3LroL1d; '\/(-c-I- 1'c~. 1*`. E. Fisher, Cunrllcs; Sec y-'1`1'casurcr, Chas. Millmt Cnmilrw nun vvcuu, otrouu; v('C-1"1'(:<. 1`. Sec Clias. Miller, Cundles. The meeting showed unusual b'lu1sia,sm and the sec1'et2u`_V reported an increase in membershi.n_ .....-_.. Present a` the meeting were two 3L1't.>.tun(li11y; .s'p(z:ke1`.< frm the Dairy [B'ra.nnch, Department; of Agriculture namely, J_ B. Nelson, Toronto, Whole Milk Specialist, and H. B. Walsh, Toronto. Dairy Inspector. M-r. Nel son in his address reviewed the prob lems of whole milk trade and discuss ed means by which the milk producers orguiiizatioiis througlhout the pro- vince in co-operation with the Ontario Dairy Branch, were planning to bc`.- ter eonditiolns. It wa.s quite evident that in many centres the condition of the trade had imxproved over a short time ago, due -to the co~opera- tion between` pvoducers and discri- lnrm-,< Wlwilp hi-ir-nu n+' mill: hair] in u-uu I:uLw<+crL pvuuucers anu unscri- bu`o1-s. While prices of milk paid to the farmers are still at too low :-1 level, they are much improved and there is 1'czL.~:o11 to hoye for continued advances. `Ir 1- u . . . .. . mu. v ..un.\,..v. Mr. Nelson also stressed the prob lems of surplus milk supplies, which has been ihe majo-r `problem con- fronting the producer and di.\'t1'ID11t0.v`_ He referred to the ch'ree chief kinds r\+' cnriwninc V1-c+ +1-in nun-n1n1 _wnnn`n.~ A Worsley St. residen ; who was 10- cently reminded of his oVc1'(lu0 taxes sent the following reply : Recnently I got :1 le tor Gently hinting` I had better Pay the balance of my taxes That: are due. Ill.` 1'-BJ.L'l'l'l;'u LU L116 DIITUU C'll(.'l KINGS of surplus. First, the annual su-rplus which the disiiibutor must carry to satisfy his customers; secondly, the seasonal supply, which always corms in M10 .:n1'1'nr with H14: Hnrdw nf nrn suusuxiul supply, \\ ;lllCIl zuwuys CUU]t.5 in the spring with the ush of pro duction and which is always e.\:per~1.- ed and the slump in l.1'ade ll? the hell (lay season, especially noticeable in lzu'g'er centres. The third surplus problem and one bothering the farm- cr is c.hi(:ily caused by the decline in fzmn pl`lC(.'.$`. When othe-r farm prices went down, the only pro?abl.e line left was the selling of milk. A= :1 - r gulf fnn n1:n1\.~ {E11-Innvu uvnhf inln 11115 l.U].b \'\'d.5 IAIU 5U1lLI].g UJ. HULK. I1` :1 twult. too many 1'ar1ner.= went into the business and the marke` became oo Various methods have been tried to overcome this problem, bu` the only possible way out will be 3 gradual rise in all farm products xvhereliy `he fZl1 ll1C`1`S will begin to utilize other proclucts to better ad vantage, with the result that there will not be this oversupply of milJ\., NT1. \Nni:i1 in `die +9: vnmn|'1'nri AI UH U114. \\'U'.l'li liLK'}',L7ly E15 Z1. llVUl.lIlU`Uu. Mr. Hammond questioned the 1e_g'a1- ity of ;.,"1".1nting' a 'f1`iLI1C11i.\T(: to any one when the town is not paying for the collecfion. He asked that Mr`. Woods be allowed to continuue as she had been. LT?_- \I'n\"1'\;v\ -lb:-II\-nil M u Tlnn-wnnvul [Gas Department Showed Profit of $1,656 For '*5-(ear The Gas Department, opcraued -4: a public uvfility, shows a net o,)er:.t ing prot of $1598.53 foy the y\`u.'l 1933, compawtl wih $1,239.65 for the year 1932. The gross` pmoiit on gas sold \\Lr'- loss in W32. being $4,735.47, comparoil with .$-1.7"i'S.f.'S in 1932, but 0`p<-rating` ex1)en(liLuros were out from $11,702.25 in 1932 ?o $1,213.54 in 19.` 3. An item of $62.15} is a.(ldc(l for into)-est oznrned mm ciaiigingz meters. whilr-. $24.57 is dc ductod for i11`r.e1'est paid and plcpzml servicvrr, l<.~avin_u; the yczu-`s prot 2:` $1,656.70. Ihn nnnnn] (](\11r'Il1i l)|'I\ nnvmrmf i. _ 1 NTc.t<=~'q ' "`.-""1. :p1,h:,m.'1u_ ` I`:hc Imnuzll debenture paymr.-xut is $1.f)42.57. and the decit 211'ter 211T..\.\`- ing for this is $285.57, compm-mi mu 3 decit of $702.92 a yeavr ago. Earnillgs for 1933 Gas rzu'n.~: c11zLI'_-,`(- ................ 98513 .>S lT.ncc 1-`nc`r nf rrnc l:.a- nu __ u Less cost of pms mzulo ...... Less inventory on lwan- Now, gelitlc-men, hats quite all right, I am not the least bit sore; I may be blind, but I ca.n't see What I pay taxes for. There i;~n" any sewer here, 'l"he,re isn t any walk; . 'l"l1e.r'e s been some talk of grading But that \\`a.~: mostly talk. And to cap it all, this winter, When one could lizirdly stand Without l`10l(lll1_L_,-' onto something, There wasn t any sand. I have read of Ali Baba, Ami Jesse Jamcws, of course, This is no i1m'niu'ation, For Jesse rode a horse. And I urn writing you this lutler Just to let you know, 'l`lmL if it 1521 : zlskiiig vtoo muc.. l v.'oul(l like something" for my dough. Gvrovs p rn i, Expenses : M:1int0n:m<'o nml n~~r-rut in n sta- `:I\|`\ .. ..., "Ill IIUL UL` Ulllti uvu1'->;up'p1y UJ. lllUJ\.i Mr, Welsh in his talk reported a: A SENSE OF HUMOR IIZLU UUUH His \\'m'.=-hip assured Mr. Hammond t-at ~rm. would be given the N"._xtt-.1 . ~ `Recommend Rogers Park for `nrinnrnfnr '5n57 46 536 40 477 1ug1'ul.~'.. Because of the lmppenings in the last few \\'e(-ks as :1 result of ex- posures matle by Hon. H. H. Stevens, it was imperative that the 1`L-`ail me!"- clumts organize in as many ccnt1\..~; as possible. The annual convention of the Ont-airo division will be held in Toron`o on Feb. 21st and delegates should be ]')`l'Cs(1`lt to elect a strong board of directors. A+ Hm ,.,m..,...+:,... ,4! um 13.: :1 uuu.1'u U1 uu'ecr,ors. At the convention of the Retail Shoe .\'Iei'clian2. .-\. afliliaL- ed with the Retail l\'l01`(;l1'.Lm.s' As- sociation, on J:m_ 15th, Mir. Stevens made his sensational addvress. It was t.he most. coiirageous utteur-a.nce ever made by a cabinet minister. At the banquet the head of the Canadian Retail Merchants Assoeia`.ion sat on Mr. Stevens right and the head of the Canadian i\Ianufuctu1`ei's As- sociation sat on his left. These two heads conferrred with Mr. Stevens and learned that the disclosures made llad been discussed by the cabinet at O`. fcawa for some time, and now lfahe min- ister wanted to know what support ffhey were going to get. The heads of both oi'g'anizat1ons assu.1`edlii.n that they were behind him Lo the last ditch. He then asked what shape the Associations were in. The Can- adian Manufacturers Association 18 tlioroughly ongaiiizetl, and it was necessary for the re`ail merchants to be thoroughly organized also_ l`nnr'l1i11`a' nn snrrm nf Hm Hnin fa Denite . were taken WC({`l1C:- day nig;h`. to 0'1 ganize a i.)l"d.1(`,l1 01' the letail I\Ic1`(-hunts Association in Bar- rie, to be uiliuted with the Ontario section of the Canadian Retail Mei- chants` Association. At a dinner meeting` held in the Sinicoe Hotel at which some fty merchants and busi- nn. H1(`1l\\T-`\'.n nwzcnn+ Mn 1 Tnnn. nuu.u auuu: Auuy Ixlurcxlulus 21110. Dual- ness men \\'c'1~e present, Mr. L. Jones. crgzmizer for Ontario, placed the au- Vantagcs 01' such an organization be- fore the g`at11e1'i11g. At :1 mrmtinxr nm Jtwniinrv 1 1+1. -1.. LUIU bllt, guL11e1'111g'. At 21 meeting 0-11 January 11th an effort was made to organize. but 0- ing to other att1`ac~ti-,ons in town, Lie attendance was so small that it was f.hough~t advisable to call anotlicr meeting'_ Mr. Geo Hou,gham, Dom- inion executive sec1~eta.ry, who was present on Jan. 11th., was una.ble to be present last night, and sent his 1'cgre1.~`.. Rut-nnun nil` Hui la-nnnnninnm in H. L. Jones ()n1`u1'i0 O1'0'a11izc1_' ` _ 7 _ (`D ) bpcaks at (J`rathe1'111g Last Night. l ass 1\ csoluti011 Elldoxsiug St -and of Hon. J:[. 11. blevcns. ' IXECUITIITIBHCI I\UgEl5 r&`K I0!` Incinerator The special (:ommi`tee appointcd to consider :1 site for the proposed (Continued on page four) ue L1l0'l'Uug'11ly U'l`g'2lI11Z(3(1 a1S0_ Touching on some of the things the o1~ga.m'zation is doing`, Mr, Jones cited the Transient Traders Act. Thmough pressure the law has been amended so that municipalities may charge a license fee up to $2J0 on t 1`{1Y1SiL'I1t traders, and the Association will see tha" it is enforced. Qinnn Tnmnnruu 11411:. +1~;` nmnnlrr... amcn or RETAIL MERCHANTS ASSO. I ORGANIZED HERE \Vll1 SUI,` lillil. IL 15 (2Il.1U`l'CU(l. Since Jzmuzn'_v 111311, the svpeaker said he had 01'g'anized thwree b1'zmc.`r..s, at Oshawa, Bowmzmville and Co- bourg. Hon. M1`. Stevens` a(id1'<..=s had griven impetus to the movement. Mr. Houghznm is keeping` in Cl0nC touch with H01` Mr, St:-van-s, and (Continueu on page ve) very favorable condition in this di.`- `riot. He stated that uccordiiig to his work the test of the milk of Barrie producers was better thzm in most cenvbres t.h1'ou_:hou.` the province. In addition to acting` as inspcctoir for this district, M1`. Welsh looks after .`Ihe milk testing` work at Barrie, :Oril1i:1 and OthiC-I` centres. ue ...................... .. Insurance, fm:...... VVorkmrm`.s' com- I -.~.\v.r.n ` VVUll\IlI|1H B L\.lHl' pensation 28 Salary and gen- eral expenses... 14 GS) Nvt prot on operation $ 15:18 Add : Interns" earned, bank 19 57 Ch:my;ing and sell- ing 1H('i(.'}`f<` '79 ()0 --S 82 Du(ILw1: . \\t\::, 'l.lll ll `Propzv.i ' I Ijrtdm-,t: Rnmrvu for (1-ebm- turn pa}rn1r.-nt . ...................... .. The Oldest ` Paper in the ` Oountv EXPECT 60 MEMBERS D:-(`l"H c.'1r1~io.:l to sur- plus ac-count 'I`1w 2193019 are 33:1 "11 :19 . and Nzlbilitiret: \`.'M('7. i`1"h tunros 01' $6,888.25 H.111 1 $9,510.08. I W. E. .`J Sin<".'1ir. IU`. In - I.r~n'i an :1mr~'u .h,:di(-atu:'o Act to rv-n--i tions for divnrco shall h '- Iu. P\I` 11. IL." "nun!-~ Lu()l `rmd In tum -`Y. ;in the Year 1847 Established 56 424 Eight Page U -35 3136 Waterworks Dept Show 9 Profit of $9,969 for 1933 $ 235 37 518 0.5.34, -In rln '1n`\(1l1- $ 1661 $ 1646 ,\1n\n.s.o'-1-, "1" .'1csb0n- 19:12 vht and ' ah- the The 1"mzm<-ial statement of the Waterworks Department for .hr- _v(.-ar 1933 SJh0\\'S 21 not 0po1'uti11;: prot oi $9,!)6.`).78, comnzuecl with a profit; of $1,560.23 for 1932. The revenue for the two years \\`11.~'. przwtically Li.c same, but ".110 mz1m.< .`~fL`l`\'iC0 in 1933 C0.~t $3,232.87. compared with $11,- 670.06 in 1932. From the net operating prot 1; d(rducu`~ed debenture payment of $1,142.77, interest chzL1';:_c.< of 3' 3.3.- 58, and .L"7,500 as u 1`<:. for rc-,e_rvoir improvement, {caving a nut pg-I~.",t 01' .~"..1.12f!.26 ca,x`1`1e(l to cupxlax account. In 1932 the amount C.d.1`1`lu rto capital :1('(-ount \\':l,.s' :,%200.20. 7~ _ . Water ................. .. Hydrant rental ` M. 101` 1'(rntz11 ...... .. Opemtin g 2 I\`Iainten:1nc.~e o'p(~mtion ~mnn~. nL'L Town Council Decides to Purchase a Fire Truck. 0'IH'l'Zl.LIUH UL `~n1n`n..<. nlzmt. R '7 6 Mains service .... .. 3232 }l;.' ............ .. 3412 Sand pipe ............ .. G97 V."*~.r-'0, opera.`-ors $ 1`:v1`,I ml and gas .`.n.-1 u 9'01. LXXXVII. No. 50. .p:. 1;. : and General IC.\'p. ! an (1 A4` Earnings ' -154 (\ :3 n Elm Nmtitmrn Rhmmuce an ---S 514.) 71' $Q1\ Q)` QQ Lx Set Limit at $4,000.00 for Truck and Equipment Required. 110114 40ua A rink of Churcxhill curlers, com- posed of 0. Todd, W. Allan, J. Rcive and in W. Allan (skip) rea.c.l1ed the semi-naxl round in the On`~ario Tank- a.-rd play in Toronto. In the rs-t round Chu1'c`hill eliminated Bimmpton 16 to 12, and in the second round Sa.rnia. was defeated 14 to 13. In the sem-nals however, Chvurchill fell be- fore the Hamilton Thistles 13 to 11. Lindsay eliminated Midland 13 to 11 nlun In lm nal Hamiltmn 'l`l1i.<'.l(=s CHURCHILL CURLERS REACH SEMI-FINAL IN TANKARD i..1nasa.y eummatea lVJ.l(1JH1(1 10 L0 LL also. In the nal Hamilton Thislles won from Lindsay 25 to 9. A Barrie rink composed of A. Moi`- fatt, H. D. Ellis, W. D. Griffiths and W. Underhill (skip) won the round in the Mail and Empire Tvrophy from Fergus 14 to 10, but. were elim- inated in the second round by Bob- caygcon 17 to 13. Barrie lost to the Toronto Club in the first round of `he Govern0:1`-Gonieral s Trophy. 11. McMART|N HEADS 1 EDUCATION BOARD .\t an o12::1n`iza`ion meeting of Bozuwl of Edu`cation on Monday nigznt. 'l`1'usto(r J:1._ .\IcL`Izu tin was olectui zL.~= ch:1i1`mz1n for the year 1f):3<. -I E. Thompson and Dr. R. J. S-pvoct \'.'L-1'0 a.l.'o 11-ominatzed for the oice. f`nun-u-nH-4-nnn IIVI)'l`(\ nu-nun.-.-.,l nu P.` LUWH 3 Finance--Dr. Tyror (c:h'ai1'man ). T)'LlSt(3CS F_ Dobson and A. H. Good all. WY. n-u.-nn\n~.-.1` T 1]` 'l`k...un -n. I \'.L`!'vL5 'cLl.`oU ll|UlllHla.|.-U(.l iUl' LIN.` UIHCU. Commlttces were arranged as fal- lows : L`Innn.nn `n 'I`n.-nu {/|\1r\.n:\rvvunv\ \ au. .\Iam1:p;e1nen`t-J. E. 'J`homp. (c1w.i1'man), 'I`1*us13ee.~: W. O. 1\IcKin- non and A. E. Bryson. Property and Supply-Gco. E Smith (chairman), Trustees Dr. R. J Sprot." and V. Knight. ']`1'I1:1'nn W T-Tz1nnnn11:I nn -.111 1-nzn. L1lUl'Lll'y D`U'd1'(.l .LU.I' LIIFUB yUiL1'H, Mes.=1's. N. Clake, N. x\IcDonald and Trustee A. H. Goodal were appointed to the .'-\dvisory Vocational Committc for one year, and Nlessavs, B_ Under- hill and J_ R, Dier, with Trusabee J. E. Thompson, for two years. T\.1m11hr-re n:rncm'r1` worn 'P\'x1wfn:`\ The tmvn council dc-eitied on Mon- day night to purchase a new re truck equipped with needed acces.s"1'~ ies, at a cost not exceeding $4,001). The matter was discussed at Friday s committee meeting and the report of the Fire and Police Com- mittee recommended the purchase. Rrlr`-vo Rinir nhrl AM T?nhm"l' O[)l'Ul HIIU V. l\Ill_L. ll|n. 1`1'us1:ec F. Hammond on all con mittees for the Collegiate. n n1`nHnh nf 'T`1-nefnnc Q-n1H-".1 uh l'n."?|.]}`[JUlIll.L`U Ll'Ll'olIl*l: UlllCUl' LUI" 131)}. On motion of Trustees Mcliinnon and Bryson, Ma1'_ H, A. Sims was re- appointcd as representative on the Library Board for three years, T\'TnQ=1*< N r'.'In]zn N lTnnnna]rl nun] ID. 1l1`UlUp`SOT1, IOT EVVO years. Members p:re:<:en` were Trustees ML-Mzu*tin, Dobson, Thompson, Ham mond, Sprott, Bryson, McKin'non Knight and Smith. 'Ihe reyrular momthly meeting of the board will be held on Monday evening next. HHL1.L`(:.`S I01` [DU \40lleglLE. On motlon of Trustees Smitn and Ixnurht. Inspec`0v1' John Bowman '.'.'a.~ 1`(.-2l})`p0i11t(`(1 truant ofcer for 193-1. 011 rnnnn nF 'I"1~11`:+rme Mn1(nnn21 LARGE ENROLMEN.T AT ELMVALE SHORT COURSFS Tho Smrt Courses in Agricultuie and Home Economics at Elmvalc :=`2m`Le(l on Monday and win continue for four weeks. On tihe first day 5'5 boys em`ol1ed in the A,9,'ricu1tu1'e C1:x.=.= and 45 girls in the Home Econ omics Class, making a total of 2:0, It is expected that the en1'o`iment will vezwh near the 100 mark. Corn-n..6 T Dnrrn {n n1vv\rsvrvv:r-: +1 n !l(3'cL(,'ll ll(3';ll' U10 LUU HIEJJFK. Stewart L. Page is supervising the courses but Mr. N. W. Harrison will he in charge of the boys class fou` the first. week, and B. Dunsmore, Crown Hill, for the remaindeir of the course. The f_:i!`ls= claS:' is in Cl1ZUl`_L`0 of Miss E. Cowmi, Drumbo, and the sewing ('.l:lS.=, taken by Bliss Estelle Fallon, 01' Shoclrlen, and Miss M. B. l\'IcLaug;hlin, lof Toronto. - n.. \r,u.,i.... M" L: 1 1nn...,1 ..4- -v1._.| ' O1 1 UYOIVCO. On .\Iondz1y M1`. H. L. Fon'd, uf Lhu Dominion Live Stock Branch, and formerly of Ba.m'ic, p;ave an interest ing talk on marketing stock_ In. re, etc. ........... Wo:1'kmon s com- pensation .... uuu \..:* ...$ penscs .. ton Bad debts \\ iv AH` mlmaee recommended the purchase. Reeve Blair and Ald. Robe1't; moved an amendment to the report that Mlle clause be struck oust and the mattezr referred back fo,1~ further in- forma,1;ion~. The reeve said he was in favor of 21 new truck, but as chair- man of nance he would like to see all the estimates for the year in rst and a careful checking up made and see if they couldn t keep the tax rate the same as lastt y-evur, and pay for the re truck out of this yca1"s levy. Altl. Slm.nn.nn. r'1l1nl1'n1n`n n r' Firm Szxlzmi es and ex- hnh rnn Q ----- Total operating and gen- eral expenclitum ................ .. UH ..................... .. Altc1'zLLion to of- fice building ;\'(-~" prot on 0pc=1'ation $ 9969 L(`~4 in~t-(west on bank n\'v1`(lr:1I't $ 31 75 Intm-(`wt on de- lu-nLm'(: ............. .. 233 83 Dt-br-ntLn'e princi- pal refund ...... .. 1112 77 _____9 1_.ms2 -V Add: Interest rouexived from Elv-(`t1'i(', and Gus Dept... 0 q u i pm-e-nt; I`:-ot; for _vr2m' _~,.n+ . r\\~.\ n`n..n _ $ 8H2?) R\'.(`I`\'C for 1'esez'voir 7500 173 40 L- ...$3309 95 LIl'L' um Lrucrt ou: 01 urns years 1evy. Ald. Shaun-on, cxhairman of Fire and Police, said that the matter had been gone into very camefully. All agreed that a re truck was needed, \`~`- why put it o. , Ald, Hodges said it \va.s `ahe duty of the council to provide proper re protection, and -he wzmtcd -to go on -record as being in favor of the pur dhzxsing` of a re truck. Alf} .q+nu1nv1: nnrl ,Tnn1-xu nlcn unnlru 281 00 196 40 :1- 56 U -$ 2622 71 U -35 369 8. ) R! _$ 3446 $ 8561 :$ 1408 11588 The advancement in rural life, and all that it implies, was s'1'iki-n_9;1y ii- lustratecl at the banquet and closing exercises of the Junior Funnel-s and Tlnrnn T4`nnnn1-ninc n]nb.rnn nu TI`..;,I.nv 'AGENTS ON THE JOB Objection `m Cmmcil Giving Grarbage Collection Franchise. UXCFCISUS U1 [J19 J11 Home Economics nighrt. Rumal life drab and dreary 4 in the past. Quinn H1i1n+v vnun UIIU p'dlSlD. Some thirty young` men and fully as many young ladies from the farms of the distircit` had just completed a five weeks course, studying` `nevttcr methods of farming; and home mak- ing` under competent teaciliers. It was not something` new or novel, but rather an exrtensiown course of what they have been taking up for some years, and judging` from observations on Friday night, the time was nut spend unwisely. These young` inn. and young women were learnin<,_>; soire thing more than how to detect dis- ease in stock or crops, or how to de- corate a room or set a table--tney were learning` how to live and assume he responsibility of citizenship, which should be the aim of all edu- cation. "l`l-.n 1\nmnn,\J- ..1........r.,l 1-... .~......,.L,...... Ci1lzlUII. The banquet planned by members of the classes, the young` ladies as- suming the m`ajo:r 1`espon. \\'as the most r1elig'.htful we have zu`-ten\l- ed for some time. Some two hun- dred sat; down to the well laden. tables in the Mzixonic Temple (lining hall. and included friends of` C1215. members, as well 17e`])1(:S(`nl2lLl\`41` citi7.ens from the c0u!1tr;' and town Mr. Stewart L. Page. North SllTl(`,\;c ag'1`i<-ultural represenitativc, who _s:civen such ne Ieadenship l'o Jullll` Far1ne1';< and homem:1kers_. was t0a.~,t- mnstel`. and b1'ie_V 1`efe1'red to the : co-operation given by thc `classes and by the town. A 1-\`I~r\r1-uvnu-\-u nnnuarl `IV:| n l1,.....I. HAPPY CLOSING or NORTH SIMCOE | suom COURSES More than 'l`\\'o H1111(hFc(l Enjoy 13-aliquot` .\1`l'i11lg()d by Classes. jj L`1zLs.~'cs una oy me Down. I 'I'ihe program opened with a 110211-ty sing`-song` led by Mrs. Page, who at all times gives such valuable assist-i zmce at all Sl1Cl'1 functions. I A 4-nncvf In LA T_Tn\..-.n `II`nn-.n.-nf,.. iUl`L'U ill. Ztll SUCH lU.IlCLlU`IlS. ! A toast Lo the Home Econ`om <-_= Class was proposed by Fred FiSh(.1, who as*sured -`xhe young ladies that the Junior Farmers course had been made muc h more pleasant by bhe co- operation griven by the Home Econ- omics Class. T\`Tm- Tl/Tn nu Q4.-........+ 1".-n1-v-.-. n. `~r\ .. IJYUUIUIIIS, Miss Helen>r propossed :1 toast to the p;uests, and assured all that the ('11SS(?.~`. were proud to nave so many g'uc; respond to the in- .vit.'1:`ion. I 11.. I T a: nun ..,.......\, ` 1V:IL[li IUH. Dr_ L. J. Simpson. ;\'I.P.P., re:~'.pom1- ed to this toast and commended Lhe splendid work being done by Line agricu1tu1'al 1'e_m-t:sentatives in Si.n- coe County. He thorug`ht it would be :1 ne thing` to co-nrtinue fhose short If.~....L:..........I A... v\A-|ru:\ H--.vA| TEMPERATURE FOR JANUARY 2 DEGREES ABOVE AVERAGE `Ild5lIlg' 01 a. ]'l1'e t1'l1C1K. Ald. Stewart and Jam-3s also spoke strongly in favor of i1mncdi21t<.- zu- tion. 'l`l-`A I-\-1I\Ivr\.. .....r'l .......\...1.\.. -1.` .`.- Mean tenvpIea'a`u1`e 19 degrees, be- ing 2 degrrees above normal. Lowest temperatures during the mon~t.h were 10 below zero on the 2nd, 12 below on the 18th, 17 below on the 29:11, and 17 below again on the 30th. Tue coldest day was the 29th with a. maxi- mum of 7 below zero. I"ln \-.n~1.\..L 13.. Hun vvm-.n|-ll-\ an. /11 mum 01 I DCIUVV ZCI'U. The hi;r_l1est for the m-ontih was 41 degrees regristererl dm'in,<.r the n.ig;ht following: the 24th, 'I`11n ffnfnl ennwfnn nn1`n11n1r*- ltn 1UllU\\'lIl}, ,' LDC Z4131]. The total snowfall amounted to 20 inches, being about 8 inches has than the January average. Fvc inches on the 16th was the most re- cmdcd for one day. Thr-N1 xvrn-n Hn-hf. rnine nn H10 5121:. L`U1(lL'U lUl' UHU (lay. There were 1i,r2,'l1t rains on the 5th, 22nd, and the early mo:1'n'u11.v; of :`..c 28th. l?._L...._v-.. \lI__I~L._.. Isnow, U. l. Feb. 2-Low 11 below zero; hi;:,h 3 above. '12`.-J` 9 Y nvuv 10 -.,.mn- `k:...l1 -5 l.UU\U. Feb. 3--Low, 13 below zero; high 12 above. Tnk 1 TA." 9 n1-uuyn. `kin-In 1( OLH. February Weather Feb. 1--R z1.n1., 26; 8 p.m., 3; nnw 0 '7 1`(`l). i)--L1UV\', U U'L`lU\V ZHFU, Illgu,` above. Fob, (3 .'1hn\'n. L`..L H Al. 0 DKIQQ A 1`..1.-H... IN` I`) Low. 18 below zero; noon. s. I.u|;I|6 vv \.v..w.....\. . n\In4\4 (Cnntinued on page *'r~.'e1 blUIlo The mover and secondcr of Lixe amendment had only one suppo~m_er, and the :report was adopted._ J. VV. Hurt rn'nu-n:nnrt1'nn- Hm Tnfnv- TT]3T7.;:L1?`;ie, Ontario, T.hursda,y, February 8, 1934 n\`U, b. 7---At 8 a.m., 4 bnlow; at 2 R b.~l<)\\`; n . S p.m., I7 below; --W. H. Put'u-r`; I I\1-.1 on L.\1,..... Inn-.~+ .l...- .. snow, 4.U. _ 5--Low, 9 below zvro; 111 `O 4I-~Low. 3 above; high znnur A 0 -VV. T1. l')HL'l 20 hr-Ioxv; lowmt r~-_ 1, 1-... LUllUl' 1`Z.L1'IllUl`D' LLIIU Classes on Friday 2 is no lornger ihe exis_ten-co pictured ector, .Ag'1'icuu1tu*ral Re 1`t'scI1Lz1ti\`c.~. Branch, Dept. of A`grie`u~lLum-, Tu- ronto, was the guest speaker. F. .\. Lashlcy, a.g'riculiu-ral a`ep1'esenLati`.-e, acted as toastmaster. The toast to Our Country was very ably pi-o`po. by Ben Steers. In the absence of Mr. Earl Rowe M.P., whose name was on tlhe programe as: one invited to ye- spomd, but unable to be present on account of pa1'lian1enta.ry duties, t,`.;.- r-`:spo-nse was taken care of by the audience singing` O Canada." Miss lsabcl Watson proposed 17m: tor..~=t Lo Om` Guests. This toast \va.~: to lune been responded to by Mr. Bzu'1'y Jebb, reev.e of Tecumseth; Mr. E. J _ l`Iv:m.<. move of West Gwillimbury, and M1. J E. Jamieson, M.P.P. Unfo`1'Lunatr,e- ly road condi`ti`on~s lllbhlluubb . Mr_ J. E. Whitelock, Assisfzmt D.I H. Eaton and T11`. .lu`1`ic Slater \\'.e1'e asked to speak for the guests. A mu; selection with violin and "piano was given by Edgar Ritchie and his si. Miss Muriel Ritchie. Then followed the toast to the Home l1I('0':1`omic.~: Cla.;.~'. 'l.`l':i.< wa..< proposed by Jim Bateman and responded to by Isabel Noble. 'l`hr tua.>`1. `o the Agricultural Class \\'zLs p1*opo.sed by Mary Co-utts and respon (1 to by Bill Watt, president of the boys clziss. Vocal and piano solos were rendered by Misses Evelyn Ri`<-hir- uml Helen Richardson, 'r`l'\n +n..,.t.....,.4.,... 4.1-..._ :._;.l..1.. .xi p-vevented these men from being: pres nt. and Rev. .1.` The closing exe1`ci.~3C-:3 in C0!1ll'CCU')-. with the Bond Head Short Cour:~.u. took place last Frid>ay evening, 1L~`.;. 2nd, in tihe Sunday Sc.l1o'ol room ct the United Ch,u'rcJ1, \\'%he:z1 eig',l1ty stu- dents and `:.11oir guests sat down to :1 V (:1"y delightful banquet tz1;atcl'11lly prepared by the Bond Head Senior l`nb:titute. `M.. T 1:` \x7L.'.,.1,.,.1- A~...!...._..L n- s. SIMCDE samn COURSES JLDSE WITH B.-"%N(IUET x x \ | J{\.1L'llLLl'u.5UI1, ' The toastmaster then lhtl`0(lLI.'L(i `Mr. Wuhiteloek, who g'a\'e a very in- structive a(l`(l1'SS, dealing mainly [with the value of agricullural edu cation. He referred to the fact that 130,000 young; people last year in Ontario were given seine training` by the Dept. of Agriculture tl11'ou,.gli such organizations as School Fair. -, Short Courses and Boys and Girls Clubs.` ` He cited several examples of yoLing`*i`7:.en who to-day axe farming for themselves and who credit. their `success to the education which they received at the hands of some exten- sion worker during their younger days. The speaker at this point in-ado mention of how the potato situation in a township in Middlesex Coumy wvhieh had been completely changed in a very short period of time as a result of a boys potato club sponsor- ed by the London Chamber of Com- mer:-e in co-operation with the Dept. of Agriciilture a few years ago. Why, right here in your own county you have (*.`(zLln1)l(}.~: almost similar. I am told that Mr. J. '1`. Cass-in, whom we all consider to be an authority on potato pro(lu<-`ion and marketing, got his f'11`st&start as a result of his son gettin-2; a ve-pound pota-`oes l;ll the department and showing the potatoes grown from t'.`.i-` lot at a srrliool fair at Beet01.." President Roosevel` was quoted by the speaker as follows: If you are going to do anythin_: for a man, you have to start before he is a man." The truth of this statement we-.< r.-n;- p-hasized. Mr. Whitelock in his con- clu(l*in;e' rmnanks stron_:ly advised `Jae young: people to m-ake use of every oppoirtunity which came their xvay, S'll.CIl 1 as they were doing` by taking` these courses so that they might b: _ prepared for future (i`epres:io~ns. priznc tn "hie-.lx `nun-ila umvn h1'(\Qn'1l*.. sample of 2.H.l(l but: i1`epO1`E was auopte(1._ J. W. Hart, represcnLi11g the Inter- national 'I`;'gc-k, with 21 1-epresen-`.21tive, placed the merits of the Ind;e1'nvatioi1al befoxrc the council, and M1`. Cal'- michael, of the Scagrzwe Fine Equip- mnct, S`. Catlhzwines, who will equip any make of truck. Nlnvlnv T.3vi'nrw-.+nn. vnn1~n:nn.Hnn- Hwn

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