Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jan 1934, p. 8

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The salary of the President of the United States is $75,000 a yea; and a. `= travelling, allowance of $25,000 a year, to be expended at his discre-a tion and accounted for by his certi- cate only. He does not benet by? the tmavelling allowance unless he uses it prescribed by law. King, Gieorge gets no salary from the nut- ion. H0 `ilurned over the crown estates to the nation when he be- came King, in return for a fixed an- nual pa.nn-ent called the Civil List,` w.hic.h (inelmling provision for the, members of the Royal family) now` amounts to 576,000. The new re\v-` enue from the crown estate was 1,300,000 in the scal year en(ling'} March 31, 1931, so that instead of geting an arruual salary the King, presented the nation with 724,000 in 1931. Since formation of the Nation- . 3.1 Government, the King, in order Lo; .reduce expenditure, has decided that his Civil List should be reduced by]. 50,000. V l t C l f THE BARRIE AGRICULTURAL ARENA LIMITED anxunuax, rLbKUAKY 5rd 1934, at 12 o clock noon, at the WELLINGTON HOT!-`.1. :2A12pIw u: u_y puunc zLucn.1un on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd TQRA nf 1`? n 4~|n:-1: nnnn n+ A`...-. *IW&'ig-ag`eT: TENDERS FOR PRINTING BARRIE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Notice of Annual Meeting 1e annual 2`ene1'aI mnp+.ino- MORTGAGE SALE 1J[J1_y w Duncan F. McCuaig, Barrie, Ontallo, M0rtgagea s Soiicitox. .Tn`n11zn~v TRH1 105-IA J. T. SIMPSON, Clerk, Simcoe County. Rub Paln right out with small trial bottle of old ` St. Jacobs Oll." Annual Meeting ......I .._A_,:._ , 4- :1 5- E J. H. Bennett, Prcsideui V A. F. A. Malcomson, Sec.-Treaa. ` JLLLL, DAKKIL ', Auctioneer, the 1)1'(:nHses. name- the NEW 1934 SPEAKERS-MISS ELIZABETH SMELLIE, OTTAWA, SUPT. V.O.N., .`~\.\ID DR. J. T. } HAI'{ ., DIRECTOR OF CHILD WEL- FARE, TORONTO. REI- O.RTS .017 THE YE.-\i{.\ WORK GIVEN AND AN 1i.\'ECUTlV1u' FOR 1934 ELLCTICD. nu nun VU`l'\ _- ......_.__ TO AP]E;LY ON FIRST IN\8TALMENT Amounts $10.00 $25.00 - $50.00 $10( "Jan. 16-31 cost ...$9.75 $24.38 $48.75 $91 Feb. 1-14 . . . . . .. 9.78 24.44 48.88 9'} Feb. 15-28 . . . . . .. 9.80 24.50 49.00 9i Ma.r.\1-15 . . . . . .. 9.83 24.57 49.13 9f Mar. 16-31 . . . . . . .. 9.85 24.63 49.25 9i Apr. 1-15 . . . . . .. 9.88 24.69 49.38 95 Apr. 16-30 . . . . . .. 9.90 24.75 49.50 95 TO APPLY ON SECOND INSTALMENT man I\l\ Rafo1:)a_\'eJ's are offered P.repa_v111c11t Receipts on 1934 taxes d'111*i11g the months of Ja.11ua1'y, Feb1'ua1'_V, Marc-11 and Aprll 211 the f_'01l0\\'i11g` dis<-olxntsz Miss Elsie Cloughley, O:p;ax1i. Mr. A]'.\'al1(l(:r Knox. Cl1oim1a.ster Jan. 16-31 Feb. 1-14 Feb. 15-28 Mar. 1-15 Mar. 16-31 Apr. 1-15 Apr. 16-30 Prepaylnent Re(:ei]) rs may be 0b1`ai11ed at the o'I ce of the 1`1'eas111'e1'. All cheques payable to the Town l`reasu1'e1'. Prepayment Receipts must be presented with tax bill on 01' before June 27th, 1934. V. Annuai Meeting PREPAYIG Public Library Hall Tuesday, January 23rd ;ur up:-xu (4-year Plan) Buy $1,000 for $940 (A ..-,... n1-_\ NOW ON DISPLAY TOWN OF BARRIE TAXES FOR 1934 Larger Amounf What's Rheumatism? Pain only. J Stop druggi_ngl Not one case in ifty requires mternal t!'E.1fn1Pnr Duh Amotints $10.-65` A. W. Smith, Tr;aasu1er, Town of Barrie. PHONE 491 a COPY- OU buy many things on the instalment . plan-why not buy money? You can soon buy $1,000 if you treat your savings as a monthly bill-an obligation that must be met. Buy $1,000 on a monthly basis through a new Savings Plan. Our new booklet The Thousand Mark has a plan to t your income. Call fox 3 (',Of\V_ The Royal Bank of Canada u A ;4;.u.\, ;.;.u. "PLAN TO BE THERE .$9.60 . 9.63 . 9.65 . 9.68 . 9.70 . 9.73 . 9.75 8.15 P.M. ._ _-ruu-Ill New low round trip fares now in effect (approximately 20% under previous fares) offer choice of routing, both ways via Vancouver, both ways via Chi- cago. or going one way, return- ing the other. Choice of lines beyond Chicago. Reduced sleep- ing car fares. Tickets good to return within 12 months. 34.071 2535 24.13 48.25 24.19 48.38 24.25 48.50 24.32 48.63 24.38 48.75 at the Same Rates THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 193-1.` $25.03` $24.00 (`IA AT} $50.00 $48.00 48.13 $100.00 $100.00 ..._-4\ ' $9 9/5.56 97.75 98.00 98.25 98.50 98.75 99.00 % $96.00 l'\{' (373 vemcnt connections are made for all Florida points via Detroit or Buffalo. .....,.-,. . mm Dcucn, Mmmx. Con- allF1ondn point: vin hm.-an . 7&7? Summer s most alluring charms await your coming . . . refreshing breezes . . . sunkissed beaches . . . ideal golf, riding. bathing . . . Jacksonville, Tampa, St. Peters- burg. Palm BL-ach,Miz1mi. Con- connecrinnc nrn mu! Full particulars from any agent 11 21.111. and '7 p.m.--Thc .\Iiniste;. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. The nal election for e1dc:'.~' anti.` stewards will be held at these sen- uh-n-.1 an [H and 1 `Inns ``.J;lR Sunday, Jan. 24, 1934 511': O7`. Fy Bo): B, . bower coat,} W11] sell vcryi Advance. Bar-"1 V When Orry C. Walz receives his 1Ph.D_ at the University of l{ans:i.- next June, he will know what it cc-.41 lhim. During one college year l'i~ `home was in his motor can`, in which he cooked his meals, ate, slept, Zlr;C enjoyed all other home comforts such as they were. Now he and his room mate are sleeping and studying in the Sunday School room of a. church ,which inconveniences them only on Sunday morning, when they must ".1- cate no make room for a Sunday `School class. So far the two have `paid out $1.66 9. week for food, _.:-.:7'",*h to m-nvidn thnm wi+.`.~. 90 mmnu punu. uuu $1.00 8. wee: I01` 1001.1, _ :~.::-"rh to prov1de them wxth 20 meals apiece. JGETTENC-. AN EDUCATION CHEAP I |uuu:2LL(:(1 tne uruna Terriers by 3 to! 2. The speedy Colts were seriou.~:- ly handicapped by the condition of {the ice, which made carrying: the puck -and passiiig almost impossible. The ;Terriers presented a changed line up and with the regular goalkeeper back in the nets, proved formidable all the way though. The first period went scoreless, but plenty of actionl [was provided when several c1ose-in lchanees were missed by both teams. In the .'~uecond frame Orillia had ar edge in the play when Henderson Iscomed. Coulson evened the count when he banged one in during a lscramble, assist by Scott. The final i period was distinctly in favor of Bar- lrie, two goals being scored in quicic succession. Arnott got the first on an assist by Goring and the latter got his second point a few secorwjs later when he took a pass from Re_\'nold;~: to make the score 3-1. lCurran ; for Orillia just before `the final bell Barrie had a decided edge on the play throu_L;'hout and with fast ice would have won by L) bigger inarggin. The line-up: Barrie--Goal, Hooper; defence, 1 Kennedy and liaslmer; centre, Scott; wings, Coulson and St'ra11. al- t01'1121l\`.s`, Reynolds, Arnott, Gorin;._;`, Lei,e:l1, Haynes l 0rilli:\_.(`1n-..l Q<,:n;lnn-.-nn- ll-FA--I The annual coxmgregzxtiolml um . ing` will be held on Wednesday, `Lu 24th, at 8 p.m. , 1_.u1_L_';11, nuyne.~4_ Ox'i11iu--Gou1, Sundowon; (1;-fem-.-, Laurie and Gilmour; ce~nt,1'c` Curran; !\\'im:.<, Smith and A. Millar; altcrn I at. -.~'. Rv-ntzm, Lev, Hemlerson, Mills."- ` .3`, 171111-,4 uezzguzr game to the husky lads from ` 1\Iine.~'11152' at the Kiwanis link Wed `lnesday night. The defence of Craw- `ford and Adams seemed to be the ` do\\'n1`z1l1 of the ward six boys. The score at the end of he first period was 2-0 for )Iinesing' and all t111*ou,h they hat] the edge. The second and Etlxlrd periods were more even, both lteaxns <.;w;t1.m:: 21 goal in `Ihe second `2l.]1(1 no scoung; being done in the :3t.ln':-d. l Marshall scored the only lcounterl'o1' .'~\ll2L'ndale. Don Blogg `missed the chance of the evening when he was: 1-i_e'l1t f.ln'uu_.r:h and the 'net wide open. President John Dob- son 1'vfer1'o(l in fine style. Y.M .C..-X lim=-nn_._( D/um Su1'\=c_\`ing' was zmytliing but a plezzsant job on Wednesday after- sniovon during;' hie snow storm, but four unlucky lads were to be seen map- ping` out the road at Les]iv .~; hill. "Le . is. bong (lone in a11tici;.1~ tion of the pa\'e1nIont being bi'oug;11t `tl:roL1_'.;l1 from Scholnberg. 1 Minesing 3, Y..'VI.C.A. 1 The Y.M.C.A losh their first TO`.\]l `Lezurucr to the husky '1\Iinr-. l\'iu-nnie I-inl: w,,..x `,..--.n.., ;r1rst meeting of the New Year, _` During` the evc-ni11g' ofcers were in- Istallcd for the ensuing` year as 1"Ci- il0\\`s: President, Adclinre Wisdom; Vice-President, Laura Bayliss; Secre- tary, Georgina Blair; Asst, Sec1'e`ta.iy, Charlotfe Park; Treasurer, Bessie Spean; Social Com., Josephine Blair, iMild1'ed Stinson, Maude Clark; Ac- ; tivities Com., Jean Wilson, Cha.1'lot`.u ipI\l.' pI1k11 '[J,\,.1~. Y11_--- "` l" L'_""-y >uv\,.1u.| \.uul., dU5l;`j)Il1I1`(i D1411 ', \Ia.u Ac: t1:)1v1E:es WI`1'w:(I1e -Ienloi-uI1::<>),c1;\E~I](-;1(;"]tS; F10-or conml ` ` .(. 1 I `Ive A Dun-L Irv`-\:\ ...-.. ...._-:__ I LUOO. ` At the close of the meetm-g` re- ;fr0shme1_1t;s were served and a soclal ; time enjoyed. I T WIN-ONE -CLASS OF BURTON ' AVE. CHURCH ELECT OFFICERS ! The Win-One Class of Burton Axe. iUni`ed Church enjoyed their usmil `two g'a1ncs of bowling` on T11u1'sdu._,* ievoning, Jan. 11th. After the boul- ing the n1e1nbm'.< gathered at the ihome of Miss Adeline Wisdom for the }first meeting` Dl1]'i 1)'1_]j'\ (n-nninnv Amlhn\v< ....-..... 5.. q ;v.uu14e1ene 1JOcKh.a1't. | Mrs. A_ Pugh, who was again un- lanimously elected as teacher 01 the Sunday _Scho Class, presented Jean Wilson with the prize for the highest attendance at Sunday School during I 1933. ;\O- 4-1.. ,.1,.... Al` I" I r Barrie Colts chalked up their sec- gond win last Friday night when they |d0f(:a.t(:d the Orillia I`er1'i`ers by to snccdv wm-rx K`(\1 ;H~`-` nun wu-n'o(1 111 mm style. Y.M.C..-\. line-up--~Gu B0 `on; defence. Hook and EI{.1'e; centr-., Ma1`. Wing's, .\'e.<:~ and H 2'~ `g'2'ca\'e.<; zlltorllates, Blogv, Fltxsez, ;Toml1'nson. StC\'m1. KING GEORGE GETS NO SALAR3 if-Iockey News g,`1'C.l ., z11t0rm\te.s', 3' `omlinson. Stevenson. 1 _ _ . . . . . . . . . v \4\An A Presbytc1'ian p1-ayver meeting` was held at the home of Mrs. B. Busy, Rev. N. R. D Sinclair bcmg in cizargc, Q......,...:..n. I Mr;-' H. I<`irmzu1 and son Ross rc- turncd to their home in Toronto on `Saturday after spending 21 week witn M1`. and Mrs. G, Firmun. N11: .Qih4-lniv \I~-In nr-HA4 L. inn`. a.m1 Mrs. nu, mrman. ' . Mrs, R. Smclaxr was called to Caznpbr-llvzllc, Quc., due `(I the Illness of hep mother. I Tim .\ v D ,\ 1AiiandaEe News` .AL. lLll`.\. lefcroe--PcLe Woods. BARRIE 3, ORILLIA 2 ('.HUL :1 St. n [Inn Tenders will be received by tho undersigned up till Friday, Jantlmy 26th, for re-wiring King` Edward School. Specications, etc., from A, T-T '`Ti`.T. I` Coliier St. um chm! I The Lions Club at its meeting on} Thursday evening last hoard B111! Malcomson and Fred Campbell, me r. | hers of the Older Boys Pzivliumt.-x1t,l the former 1`ep1'esenting B2l1`1`i(3 and Allandalc district and the latter Cen-l tral Simcoe district. i Ace Bailey, Toronto Maple Lcafl hockey player, who clwated (lozLLl1,f returned to Toronto from Boston hos- pital on Wednesday. It is doubtful, however, if Bailey will ever zesume his at.hlet.ic profes.~:ion_ I _.___. K_ING--In Bztrrie, on Wed11es(la, ; Jan, 17, 1934, Funeral from her Poyntz St., on Fri(lz1_v at 1.30 p.m., for interment at Barrie Union Ceme cer_v_ CAP.PEI\"l`l-.`R---On 'I`hurs(lay mom- ing, Jam. 18th, Frank Czwpen-*.er.` Funeral on Saturday morning from n his late ro. 117 Owen St. to SL, Mary s Church and Lemo- tery_ LOWER---In BZ11'l`l(`, at her late re. ll deuce, 119 Sephia St., on '1`l1ur:~:(luy, Jan. 18, Mrs. F. J. Lower, widow` of `be late J_ F. I.o\\'er. Funeral Miss Fan-ny King.` late resiuence,, u1~1'zu1ge11ie11t.` later. Tnn 1 '7 According` to Jas. ML-Grego1', game C and sh o\'e1'. there are 305 sh shanties om Kempenfeldt Bay. Heg reports no violations of the game] and shery lzmws. Some of the; jshanties are occupied by two andl, three men. This census was comq plcted Tuesd_aj.', but new shanties arei going" out eve1`_v day, so by now there may even be a.{.v,'1'eate1- number. I . S. L. Page and W, Harriso:1. who}; is assisting` at the Barrie Shortjl Course. attended the monfhly meet-: ing of the VVavei-ley Men s Club on}. Monday evening`, where Mr. Hzu'1'isJn l; was the speaker. Waverley has a. 1`.-dlz. live men s club. with :1 membe1'.~:liip; of about 65. Games, debates aildgl discussion on live topics are featured: in .l1e pi'og'i'a1n.<, u1\\'ays followed by vef1'esiiments served by the men themselves. 5 C Sutunluy afternololn while proceed-! ing; north on highway 11, Geo. Bzun-: hardt Oro township, had a cuivter tied on behind his car. As the rrml was very slippery, tuhc cuter slewc-d| oonsi(lc1'abl"y and near Cvown Hill slid into the side of 21 car driven by Frank Gray, Torcfnto. Tmic Ofllccri I-L0(l_::so11 laid a cl1aL1'g=e against Ba`n-l iiardt for not having` a driver's li-l r-nhcn ' I At the inaugural meeting of thel Parks Commission on 'I`hu1'sday, Mr.i Philip Love was elected c.hai1'man 1'or the tenth yea.~r. Mr, Love has served} on the Commi;~:sio11 for fteen years.: A. H. Good:L`1 was 1'0-elected secre I nary and J, E. l\Io1'1'ison as treasurer. _ The otlier m0mbe1'.< of the Conm11..~ i Qih :1-n T8 _\ Q4.mxixmq,. T..~ mrn ` Juu uLnL'1 nu.-u1uL`1'.< UL DUO L/J11\]Yll.,~' sion urn 1x . A. Stephens. Jens. Mc-` Martin. His W'o1'ship Mayor Cralg` and |M_ D. .\`Ior1-ison. "l..r. ..,...,..,4....l L_;_ .1, , l Mr. John Doherty, of Mo11treal,i was the>' an Trinity MC11 s Club on We(lnc.--'day evening and game ; an i1`.`ce1'vs.i12g: talk on peat manufac-I Lure. M1`. Dohorty represents a! large peat manufacturing company? \\'i`.l1 several plants. It is tlre 1ntcn- .tion to ;tart some ten or twelvei plants in Eastern Czmzula, and one is: to be stzu'Ie(l at Bradford. The com-` pzmy is nanced by some of Clix.` zzblest and xvcalthiest people in the! Dominiovn. but some preferred sharcsi will be allotted in clistrichs wlierei plants are started. Eh%5aNIA 1Vl_ JJ. .\1Ul'1'lSOH. The treasurer 1'epo1ted uhat. Lhe " year closed with mm`. a balance of; $37 on hand. It \\`u.< (lecided that the ; O01nl)1ia".Si0]1 would 1'eq.ui1-e the full; levy of one-`malt mill this year to keep 1 the parks up. c.\I:cuu\`c elccoea. l\ 1lSS 1L311zabeLr1- Smollie, Ot`zuva_. Supt_ of V.O.N., and Dr, J. l`. Phair, Director of Child Welfare. Toronto, will be present and} give addresses. `j"` I P. LOVE CHAIRMAN OF PARKS} COMMISSION FOR TENTH YEAR` -e---- 5 TRINITY MEN'S CLUB HEAR 1 ABOUT PEAT MANUFACTURE | 'l`he January session of the Cou11Ly Coun:-il will open on Monday at 2 p.m. The rst order of business will ibe the election of a. Warden and the choice ;x_1)pears to be between Reexe Ed, Duthon of Victoria Harbor andi Reeve Dennis .\."olan of Bradford. I The mmu-.11 meeting; of the Ba.rrie b1'zm(:l1, V.O.N., will be held in the LllZ)1``1l'_V Hall on Ttlesclay even`n.g,! January 23rd, when reports of tixei yea1"s work will be given and an, e.\ ecuti\'c elected. Miss Elizabeth- Smr-llio Of nurn Qnnf n+` \7 O KT nu.l The Old Age Pensions Board is meeting` in Barrie to-day, and their; are a number of applications to deal with. The County Road C`o`mmit`..ce met` in the Ceurt House on Tuesday and cleaned up the busmess of the year. Ontario is in the grip of anvothci` cold \`.'u\'c, when the te1npe1`aturci dropped :30 to 25 degrees. in a few hours on Wednesday. Last night 10 to 12 below was registered in Bar-, rio. .`~lildc1' wea her is promised for I"ri<'lay. WAVERLEY HAS LIVE MEN :3 CLUB REV. E. E. LONG, B.A. B.D. Minister Lloyd Tufford, Organist and CHOU- master. TENDERS FOR NIRING 305 SHANTIES ON BAY A. n_ r`r.u..1', _ ' Secretary-Treasurer, Barne Board of Educatlon. EAECAL NE WS DEATHS jTl71_e_l:I`Q`1'the1-n _Adv;_1nce_ "1 . 391'} Lot Letter A in the 2nd Conces,-l _ 3 sion of the Township of Oro, County ` 5 of Simcoe, coniaining one hundred, 1 fjacres, more 01: less. _ E 111": There 15 szud to be erected on saw `f_`djlan(ls 21 good barn and a brick house. '9; The property will be offered fo b3 5sa1o subject to a 1'e.=aerved bid, 1C! Term: - T011 11!.`-v nnn r n+' +l1n vvrvu There is said to be erected (.1. said ' lands :1 comfortable one and or.r.-half? storey brick veneer dwelling nousc-,: _centrally located on bZ1l(l Jdaplu } j Avenue, 1 ` l`l~.<.- said property Wlll be offered} |for sale subject to a. rese1'v-ea bnl. I , I ' l1l1`b'L1'Llll1(.`llL} l\ LllTlDC1' JDZDU 101' l$.ll'l'lC, | I y I Terms: Ten per cent. 01' the pur- llchase money at the time of salt. and -ltlge balance within thirty day. tlacle-| la ter. . 1?`m- 4-'....+1m.. +n\v\-v\a ....A ......:,..1--. I W. M. Dimvoody, who has been ap- } pointed sheri`, has sold his grain and ! seed business in Cooktown to Mr. Iro Wilson, formerly of Alliston, U LL61`. ` For further terms and particular: [of sale apply to sfnwnrf Ry gfnuynn-O i V I I i :.uuu\v1ng1a11us unu premises, namelyzj That part of Lot Number One (1) | on the East side of John St1`eu. (now; Maple Avenue) and south of Ross w'Street, in said Town of Baxrie, ac- ilcorrling` to Registered Plan iwumbei USeventecn, as more p211'tieu1ari3 de scribed in Registered Imtrument Number 13269 for Barrie, Lugetlleri i with the right of way and righ. to re- ltain sewer and drain pipes as parti- gcularly described in said Registered` Instrument Number 1826.`) for J3.1rrie_ .: T11n\`O ic unir] fn `n In-..nI'rn.'. .-~ r-t\'r] " emu SUUJCCE to 1'es1e1'VC(1 DI(1. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur chase money at the tune of sale and n i |t11e balance within thirty days there- after. T3,... K`....LL-.. L.....,._ _.._1 , A` 1 1 QUl:.l:.N'b nuu:.:_., EARKIE ' "by W. A. l\IcConkey, Auctonuc;, thel ifollowing lands and premises, name1y:| J That n:1rt of Lot Nnmhnv nun I H I I l.UO`.l, ELL 1: O'Cl0CK at 1.110 WELLINGTON HOTEL, BARRIE Ih\' `V A Jr-r'.nv1L'n\v An:-Hana; .- :~1.n *1 . -- . ! Tenders W111 be recelved, sealed,` and marked Tenders for Printing, '` 3 by the undersigned up until 12 o clock V 3 noon, January 22nd, 1934, for the- ` I . . . | v : pr1ntmg' of the Mmutcs of the County . 3 | of Simcoe for the January, June and ' 1lNovember Sessions, 1934, and 1'cording' to the i'o1lo\\'ing specier. tions :. , Kn 11. ......A.. L 'L- - ` ` of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe. | Under and by virtue of the powers! lof sale contancd in a certain mort-I `gage, which will be produced at thei `time of sale, there will be offered for I `sale by public auction on l SATURDAY .IANnAm' .-n ----- I '01: Residential Property In the Town I vauu: Uy IJUUIJC ZIUCLIUII 011 I SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 i1934, at 12.00 o cluck noon, at I QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIF Ihv W A ~\Tr-(.nnL'rx\' Al1l'{\I1nt- d.J.Lb`1'. For further terms and pzu'ticu1a1's of sale apply to n,........ 1:` M..r....:.. 1 I ..... ---. .-.`.......-5 ' The annual mcetin5.;' of the Barlic Agricultural Society will be held 121 the Police Court Chambers, Barrie,` ion Friday, January 26th, at 2 13.111. l'Elec-tion of ofccrs, reception of an lnual 1'epo1'ts, and general btlsiness. I R. A. Sutherland, President. E G. 0, Cameron, Secretary. ?Of Valuable Farm Property, m the 4 Township of Oro, County of Simcoe. Under and by virtue oi` the powers iof sale contzmined in a. certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the Mime of sale, there will be offered for gsale by public auc;ion - SATliDnAV I-`l:'RDnAnv -2...: w::.1_.LuVu1UN HU by W. A. McConkey, 'follo\\ ing' lands and ] Iv : UIUILS :- I 50 lb, paper to be used. Page size to be 21 and 40 ems. | 8 point type_ 1 To be put u.p in 16 or 32 page see- ! tions. I : To be delivered within six weeks! `after the receipt of the copy, I I Lowest or any other tender not` [necessarily accepted. } I Quote nrir-0 -nm- nnrrn Pm `J!\n[ luucessaruy accepted. I ~ Quote price per page for 300! ` coples. i T rn ntxrnmn-.. .~. . The annual niee/ting; of the .~:i1:).1`0-! holders of the Barrie Curling and} !Athletic Club, Limited, will be 1:52.11 [in the Rink premises, Clapperton S:., ion Wednesday evening`, January 24,: !1934, at 8 o clock, for the' {of recewing the report of the Dixon: ' `tors for the past year, clec-Lmg .2! `Board of Dire-tors for the e:1su.;.gi `year, and general business. . Barrie, January 12, 193-1, I P. Love, President. I ,, Alex. Brownlee, Sec"y.; 1 !BARRn-: CURLING AND ATHLETIC ` I CLUB I The general meeting of shareh-olders of the Barrie Agwia-ul-. tural Arena Limited will be held at} the Police Court, Barrie, Ont., 0.1 Wednesday, the 24th day 01' Janualy, I | `1934, at 2.30 p.m., for the purpo:'<.- of receiving the Reiport of Diiectcrz, and Financial Statement, Election 7} ! Directors for the ensuing year, Con-_' rmation of By-laws, and to t1'2msu.t 3` ;such other business as may come he ;1'9re the meeting. l All new , wlm Imm. ' Notice or Annual Meeting I Lpre me meemng. All new subscribers who have no: yet obtzlvined their stock certicates are requested to do so at once to qualify them to attend and vote at said mce ting. J H R...~...u. l)..,x-IJ , 7 -. mun: apply LU Stewart 8: Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Mortgages : Sohcitors. Dated December 28, 1933. Jvxortgagetrs 5 Dated January 16th, 1934. I I Rub Rheumatic Pain, Soreness, Stiffness

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