Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jan 1934, p. 5

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mr_ nose, I am agraxnst t.Iw.w ;~ rm-1 nu:-t. _ings, emphasized Aldu-1-mzm 'y'1Isn[1, The only excuse Hwy lmvu oil :-.--ml Misses 1\Iarg-;a:ret Martin .1nd E\ L'1ylI ` |Hog'g'zn'tl1 are s1.'rc-n(Iing' this wvek :-xtl . Huntsvlllc. i Mr. and M1'. Isaac Jen-net . and `Vernon, of 'l'rhoz'nLon, and Miss Irena: `Ellis, of L0(:k\\'0od, SzLs`k., were visi !t;ors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Jr,-ar;y !on Monday. The Presbyterian Y.P.S_ held their regular meeting in the church on [Monday cvcmin-g`. Ar1'angen1ent.< w(~"e [made to hold a ska2`ing' party In mu` l nc.-at future, "m.-211' Iuture, ' ! The Junior Institustc 11TCt_bt l-ne :home of Mrs. R. H Arnold on Wx.-~i- .nesday eve-m`ng,' of this week. I Mrs. J. H911r]n1-can anti `MT-'r uiuuullg WILD p1'z1_vc1'. i 1 Service will be held in St. Ai(lzm s 1Chu1`ch in the morning` until 'Ll.i`l.l.i' `Easter, ('.\'(:ept the rsl. Sunrlliy of every month, when it will be held in the evening. 1 , uuuI.u'1's care, 5 Mrs. McCuish entertailmd 21 num-, er of her friends on We(lnesdz;y c vc11in;z' at u pro,9,'1`es: L-uchro g lparty. ' 1 ; rmm 7n1\1n.1~ - \. - ,uu1'.s'n._ Sorry to report Mrs, H1ppenst.1t,-, of \2Vas11~a_u'o, ;`.Ir.<. Josliu'.< mother, IS Jconzned to hey bed and under Lin,- [doctor's care , ,\/[W M,.r-. I A_.L,,A ' V I I-IAWKESTONE IVY . a Long Distance call gets quick action. . In any kind of : flI'l:I\`rgnl- .... _.. IIn a fix, Long Distance is the quickest, easiest way to send a message--and get a reply. You can talk 100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. Look in the front of your directory and see the different low rates. Ll All roads led to Newton Robinson -v on Friday night when M1`. and Mrs. l`iG1'anL Hzlyor entc-1'tainc(l their cus- ttomers. A concert was g'i\'(-n in tln' S B. Jcbb as cl1:1i2n1an, the concur, ,-vm- U sistiny; of .sel(:ction,s* by the Iroluml ;2L11(l Han-ison o1'c'heS cras; hzmnoniul ',zmd .2'uit:u* by All`. Sparry; piano V solos by l\Iis.< Jean Roberts and I\/Ii.-ss i'lI J0h!1.~:t0n; .s-on;2;.~: by Joyce and ll{onnic Steers. also by M1`. J. 129])- - mu-;; 1'(:citation.< by Bernice Jo;-.~:0p; E ::o(lz1 biscuit eating` (' won by ;l)c-ris \ Vc. and Billin l0\\'c; ']>;l:.-1) d:1m=inp; by Geo_ Win(l1'o. l1if_-,l`.- ` ] land ing` by Jean Rowe; >7p`L`0Cll(`5 by 1 Roy. H, H. Eaton. Mt". Geo. B2\_VcmI't - and Mr. No1'\'ul Czwv; (liznlogmr: by .~(,-yen . _v;i1'ls. Aftzrr tho .~in;,>'in;1' of God Save `.`m- liingz lb. c1'mv<'l -'\\`rnt to M1`. .\I:1yo.1"s l1()u. for ltn1`(l`.. - \\'l`.r~<- 021011 one was 1.-'i\'r|n u l'z1m.y ` ]):lH('l' but and 1'o(1Lm. to vnzar it. - .-\f't<-1' lunch Mr. Mayor trezltml the 3 men #0 . and the ladies and ,- 0rzu13_-'c Hall from 8 `no 10, \\'iLh Mal _NEWTON ROBINSON MERCHANT } ENTERTAINS HIS CUSTOMERS Camzdimz Nzztiomzl Te/egra/1/as and Express .4444 .'_;.-.:4-....-; - ' F244 63 3; _9sV_;za% u%`F%Tg7a.Et wits 39.3. WJ IKE .L; ' JIM. mnlmineraunan .- um in I Always Use Camzdimz Express ,2`. EVERGREEN Pm/cRg>ufND Reduced Fares to VANr`nII\IIrI> n r x Y: en.-3|. mllua 'v mm ;,'5S'-,__ ' "' JI ~Ea $ in _ .-222/.m .L1 auu nenry DES. C`l1a.~:. C:.Lli(l\\'(.`ll \v1'~ot(: mzking for $200 on his s110\\` plowim: acc-oun. Urged to Buy in Barrie A resolution spon; by .~\lL.. James and Wiles askml that the I/()\"o-1-I doctor bu ln. -0 sec ru his medical supplies from local (lru_>_:, . either by tender or by ,2,1\'z.1;._; each (l1`lLg,'g'i. tlnm-0 months li: r0`.'.- Lion. 1 J,.l..~...,... C`L._....- '1 Manager also to Seattle, Wash. \` Turn Winter into Summer! Come to Cam:|dn`s Evergreen Playground on the Sunny Paci- c Oonst. Spend balmy days out of doors riding, golng. hik- ing. motoring. LOW rail fares and special win- ter rates at hotels both contri- bute to the economy ofn holiday in this sunny Canadian Play- ground on the Pacic coast. Tickets good golns Nav.15to Feb. 28 Retum limit. A ril 30. Stop overs allowed at u lintcrmcdiatc points. Full information froru any ticket agent. val VANCOUVER, B. C. VICTORIA, B.C. " also game . .._,,_., .~ r. . Sumn Evergn P 1: 1 XHUCDI V rnilf HICCS ll 3 tn pl". .VI21ny i1n:1g'iin- they habit wnlzout e o1't. <`I1il(l1'm1 to (`undiv- nvp-nincr u>n:< .~~ poe Hv \\ Ill` all. :1 u.u..u1. pm-scent blcycle, the pm- perty of Reg`. Lewis, Collier St., was . from the Colliegiate Insiitute Fridajx (.-vuning. The wheel was 1)n-.k- ed agui-nst the fence while Lewis ut- a tended biL_\'L'h' .' 1. l baskeibull game. The nainted rml uru tmmn.-(I I 1:10. lobe1't;son-Simnnon--'I`hat thanks of councll be tu:1de1'ud tu the I\;i\\'uni_: Club for the splendid address gix-Ln by Mayor David Williams, of Col- ]5'?"T\\'00(l. and Hmf :: om-m n-.' H1`. Some time over the we-ek end a two-burner electric hot; plate was stolen from the rear of the Domin- ion Store on Dunlop St. Police are i11\'cn`tig,'2L1.i11g' and are anxious to lo- cate it. L_\L'1L.' is : h b3ue . C1`C-scent bicycle, C9`. I.n\'.'ic (`.n1h'm- . mu Lence wmle Le` 1_)z1iz1t0d tr ami srroen The H.-st of the 11 (I--1I`nn, .. .l Page Five Scllllll. LAIU trimm.-(I , the gf. xv:-.c .uzL_\'U1' uanu wlluzuns, 01 C01- ]`,`13"vr\\'ood, and that ii. copy of this s-:5-,>1u`ion be ~'ent to the I{m':1:i' Club and to Mayor Williams. on hand 01' S12,:3l9.U~L_ `A petition from W. B. t\'.'cnt;.' oth431:~' asked that be pL-ace at the corner (. aml Henry Sts. (`h:I< f`:IL:|\\'nH uvu-.n4:. Lug prepa1'e(1. "Ibo sccrctz11'y of 1.11:1 Barrio Agui- culturzll Avzenu Limited 21(l\'i;s(2d OI the zulnuztl 111r-oting on \Vc(InLs:ia;y, Jan, 24th. The numzml stzuenmnz aoco1111)anyi1Lg -it sihowed a balance ` A hn?H'vn11 F:-nan \U D !"..A..4. l\.1K.-n.s'z1t1o11 [or fall on . timt quests for grants be laid ov~..-r fuf '.-or._s'i(1cmLio11 when c.~timatcs are bu- ing jp1'epa1'ed. '1 h(- stir-rr\f,:n'\r nf' 41:.) Dn....: . \.. : ....uu_,-.-u.~~ \\1L:x u.;LH`..-; 1;;];1, bw BT08. 00 :_ ;3':111t<-(I List of my 1.4, g1':1(le1' for the ice ha1\'c>t; that ;,'m\' be placed on Al1"rcd anu Wood 5.: that 21 ;:'1`u\'el walk Ln: put 011 Pet} E between Grove and Rose St: tl. g'1'2u'cl br: put on romlway M Donald St. between .\Iulca.~:tu' zu Poyntz Sts. Thu [fin-mu/-n f`nmn~:4+,.,. nuyubz DES. The 1<`i11-unco Committee recom mended tlmt no action be taken on the of Jas. I\'Iarling' for com- Llx.-n.s'z1tio11 for fall \1aues1;s for rrrnnfz hn laid n1 .. 1:. .- uuu: '.H)'.l; walks be 1;1`0Ll_s;.`i'1:< \ R: .- hr. I1'0I`I1 lllL'(.'llll`g'S or cne welIa.1'c Uoeuu. V Alderman Wilson s opposition to l the policy of holding private mort- ings case as a result of :1 ruling` by Rev. David M. Rose, Cl1Zlll"1}1Ll1 of the \Vclfar~c Board, at the rst mee*ir.,v, of that body for 193 last night. ~. that a J;-=olution calling: for <~.\-z-}u.~. " ion. pzlriles last yum`, would (-o11:1r.;m vin force`. R(.`pOl't(`l'.\` n-pre. Orillia and Toronto n0\v. wort` ordered to leave the mc<-ting by Rm . Mr_ Rose, T curvy nn~nn,.l> H.n..,. ,...4 . L uuvu \.uuuuuu1c'cu,|un:s' \'.'L 1'C 1`(}1L'l'.' red to thu town .~'ol1:H.K>r. Areaways to Be Made Safe The Public Works COIHl)`1iU.(.`f` re port 1'cconm1cndr:d 1-hut all zLu.J.`.'-.'.'.,.` be .~ccuu,-d by having," four lug; \\'cid- cd on the (-0\'0r.~:, and that p1'0pc1t;,' 0\H1v.-1's pay cost of same, wori: to be done at once; that all par ics xvii}: L'd\`: 1rouu'nim:' 1i. I-'nm- uh -.-Mn- lU'-`- L \`.'E Both to 11 |aU\rVIlu It is nearly a year since the above accident occu-rrcd. An i.1V(:ati- ;ration was made at the time anal the town solicitor atlvisecl that the town was not responsible. G A .-\1'(-hihnlrl \-nlim'+m. '1`.-._ W. J. NESS ENGAGED AS TAX coLLEc*ruR;}j THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1934. .4-..u mn- cu. unuu; Lnzlb am u`o'.1;_,-'ni11g' (1i. R hn I-nnnnci-nrl +n mu: V\'i.uK UH ILIIZZIDCEH 1'51. tction would be IaF;I:z=,.:.'.L Ul'n.`( Lim had 211.50 been 111\'c. town solicitor found taut Hm V215 in no way 1'e.~'p011.:iblc. communications \'.'e1'e tofu-: eh. 1`r\\\*n u.1.'..:,\,. mug ux.~cnu;_: requested to wxtn d1'aLin.; ; n-mu-.+...l Guest mm :1 -hyrhumt nf' I -.H.n!< .1 \:(L` Scott C Orillia, Jan. 17.--Ditl'0rL-ncc.' hf opinion bot,w-con the Public \\`;-11'm~._ Board and some mcmbt-r.< of Uh town council appeared to have 1`(*:1.`n(ui u climax to-(lay with zxnnounvomcw ny Alderman John J. Wilson, of the Pi- lief Committee, that he is oppose(l L4) exgluding; the public and the p1'i.`. -.3 from meetin~g's of the VVelf;u'u Bouiu. Alriarmnn Vilenn z nnnn_-{Han in \\ I -K} side- L1lu.L AIL- and For their action is that tl1e;.';m.- zxfrzlid l10\\`.~`])1lp(`!`S will publish S0lTI(- tliinp: about individual cases z1pplyi1i;.: far rvlicf. but the newspapm's n0\'L,r did so \\'l1il(,' tll(` mc0'ings woi'u 0]J("l, and an_v\\'ay. if they wanted to nd -Nil " ".'<~t.-= rvliuf blioro is 11ot.l1i.1;_-, to prevent "liom. 'l`ho_v will have Ln -* ._}1 1'. l)(-Hm` I-\'r-n:.\ VV2L Jan. 17.--'I'lw Birth Control and National Recovery Con- !orm1('c" to-d:1y enjoyed the bmrkimg, of :1 re.~olution votod by 500 z1t`e1;d- im: ph_v. ondor; pL`I1(l`._g, birth cmnm! bill.~'. 1\y(:tull:ll1 L,onservut1\'o member East. '1`oronto. No (-onsidumtion been given to b2'ing'in`g' on thus -lvction. which need no he held ~:'\'eruI month.~1 yet, .-\p1'll L|)[l1. The other (-.\'i."in_s: \`acunc;v was (-:u1. by the death of Hon. E. B. Ryckmzm Conservative member for 'l`0mnt.n \'n .-.-m\~.'.1......+:,..\ 1.. Born in Barri<.- 92 years ago, Mr-",. Elizabeth Link, widow of the late .-Xlfred i-ink, pa.<. 2L\\'h_V at her home in Oro on January 12th. She h:x'l been in her usual health up to a few days before her death. cczLsc(l was formerly Elizabeth Hag'art and was born in Barrie on Jzmuar_\' 15th, 1842, the eldest dz1'.1'-`h- v` of the late 'I'in1oth_v Hag'art 2-ml June Yevrry, early pioneers of Barrie. She atton(le(l the public and privzzte schools` here and took up the prot~.~,- sion 01' school teaching". In 1871 sun. murri--(l Alfred Link and went to Pro in Oro to\\'n.~*,hip shorily after, \'.-'he:`::.` she haul been a ever sinm. Mrs. Link is . by four (laugh-i t and two sons. 111-5, F;".u1r:e;e Ost1`ui1 and Miss Barbara Link, Toronto: hlrs. Rebecca Critteml-3n, Mrs. Fred H()(l,rres. John and E:'n,>:1 Link, all of Oro t.o\\'nsl1ip; also 17 g'1'z1ml(:h1l and three great _g`1'm1J- children. The ,l unnrul took piae--_ from her late re. on .\lond--*._\. Jan, 15th, . being` C0.`I(ill(` ed bv Rev \V_ .\'4-uxmzm nf Q+ 1.. -7.` i`e-i ucul, L-lull, .~ui-ncu l)L`ln_`. ,' cc by {av W. N(`\`. n12l!1, of St. .]).'.."L .-\ng'lic:m Church, Craig'11urst, '=F which deceased was :1 membux. l.1- terment at \ Vo. Oro C(:incto1'y. P21-i)c2l)I`i`.~` \\'m'n six j.l`l`ill1(i.sOHS, Cha.<.. William and .\Inlvi1lr2 C1"`h-40,` don. I*lz11'\'v_v S1o.<. ['Idp;a:'; Lek Link. Coulson, and Jan-kSi1 1ci.-'i', Soutvh Rivnr. BY-ELECTION IN SOUTH OXFORD ON APRIL 16:}: Ottumx, Jun. 17.---Writ.~4 \-.'e1`e o1ciu1L\' i. '0-day in the by- r-Ivctinn in South O.\'I'oz~d nC('C>'.,-itZl1;L"(1 by the (lwuth of T. NI, Caylcy. Lib em! 1m=mbe1'. .-\.< forecast, nomina- tion will bo on April 9 and polling an April 16th. I`1m '\H1n\- 1.`-I-3... Musical Concert Last week Lhe }>I:u`t lioiiso Q,!`- Lettv \'i. i.(`.I. and ])H.`.<(.`I1L(`,(i an hour of classical mu.~i(-. .-\mon-.1: Lin: selections \\'(-ro Drink to )I<- only with Thine I':).k`.`; I.u11m:miv1'.`_\' .'.':~; Mozart's Quartzrtte in D minor, In four movcmont.s, and one of Ha_vd:i'.~ seremulcs. it is only on rare oc- casions thzlt such compzinies \'i; Lu` smallcar I10l`tii(:1'n (`o1111nL111'itio;4 and many stu(lcnt.~' cnjo_\'- the n|:u:'1i- cent music :1 great deal. 1nn1.~:hI Lowllship, on Dec. 13th, 1846, and \\ 2l> nlarried 011 March 25th. 187-'3,`.~:nen the remaintler of her life on lot 20, coiicession 7, lnnisl, \\'ln-in 21 fznnily of eleven was raised, of which two sons and one (luughu.~r have })1"t1'(l(`.C(3d..3`O(l her. Mrs. Cross is survived by four sons and four tluug'hter.~'. t\\w:nty-\'e grzuul children - and fourteen great g'amlcliildre;'.: John 1.. of Hudson Bay Junction, Sask.; VVils0n J._. of California; Lewi.- W., .\'e\\' Westmins`.er, B.C.; Dr_ Wal- lace W., Han-na, .~\lta.; Hrs. Gareld W. Gordon, Pontiac, Sask.; .\Ir~:, Wm, J. Reid, C-raigvale, Ont.; Mrs. Hur- old l~lzL. 's and Mrs. Wilfred Stew- zut, Lefroy, and Rosie Ely, who made her home with Mrs. Cross for some time. The funeral was held on Sat- urday, Jan 13th, service at her late residence at 2 13.111, being conducted by Rev. W. L. Nichol, assisted by Rev. Mr. Butt. The pall-bearers were six g Arnold and Harold Reid, Cl1ZLS_ Best and Russell Cross and Mac Stexvart, Those attending` `he funeral from at distance were )`I1`s. Bella Paisley, Mr. and Mrs. Ja.~. Feusby, Chas. Best and Russell Cross,g Walter l<`z1irbrother, Frzmk Thompson, John Johnston. of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .\Ior:'.on~, Newinarket. 1 Trmh-n] nnA \T..:n .. The death of Martha Amn Cluff, Widow of the late Chas. Cross, who` 1)1`cdecca1.~.'C(l her about seventeen` years ago, o`ccurrcd at the family 1`0si(1c-ncc, now the home of 1101' daug'ht2e1', Mr.~;. Harold I{asting,".<. m.-an` LI.-froy. on Jam. 11th. M15, Cl'O:S haul not enjoyed good health for some time, but had only been convfmed to bed for the last few days. SIM: was born on the sixth concession, lot .16, Innisl Low11. on \\`21`.~ 111:1)-rim! rm WT-xv:-\~. 0:4-I. mummy mommg, Hm . con ducting ihe service, n.'I 3:-z;1's zzgo. mg nus 01:1 qumt. )1I`L-11. rii.<'po.~'iti0n. made many Ll .- quaintzmcves and prided hi:n. an a xxcather prophet zmzi u \'O(.'il]in'. He is su1'vive(l by one b1-other, J. Thomp- son, .=\Iim1du1e. Interment \\'a1:a lmu-" at St. Jzunc-5 C(.'!TI(,'tI(:1')`, Coigan, on Monday moming, Rev. Father V\ COT|(]ll(` I10` Thu : urn-vir-n l I 1 Miss Mary Catherine Morrison ' ipzused` away at her home, 27 Mc- `II - Donald St., on Thursday last, Jan. 1 1,11th. She ha-d been in poor healthl 1 for some time and was seized with a` , heart attack. Deceased was born at \ S'Guelp`n. a daug,'hter of the late Mr. E and Mrs. Duncan Morrison. She had. been employed with the Robert Simp- ( : son Company foy some fteen years, .( but had resided in Barrie for the pas: I l 31 years. She is survived by two: t sisters, Miss Rachel and Miss Barbara Morrison, Barrie. The funeral was \` held on Saumlzxy moning. service bu-` ing; romlwtvzcl by Rex`, W. K. Batt;., of the liziptiai Church. Interment at the VVL:>L Pl`C.~`l)' t(*llLUl Church Ceme- l(,`1"' in \'()i`.fn\\ um ..4 .... past ten years, rest our Szrurd. 13'h. Dz1vic, L;n0\xn zlmuml Be(>ton, wits } ($9 yoz11's as-'0. 011%-11. < nun?`-.+.... I Davui Lewis J`hmpson (colored) an ixnnatc :)f the Be.-ton Home for the pa_s'::cd 0.11 to his long; Saturday morning`, Janutt 1;: "Davie, as he was fam1li'.:1.5y Barrio b(.-011: g0i11,_, to bum in Oro tO`\'11.~';1ilJ aaro. He 01' 21 is`-` 0II (-11. positi-on, 1:".- nml m-mm! 1~:., .. Hblll UH ouuuruay HIOHII of Buptis`. P1'c. Lory .\'ottawasaga. n .'n.n..4 , -u.--p -uunu n ;.;u.uu ux:u1. x.. --:~--- TROUEHAE IN ORILLIA OVER EARRING OF REPORi'c.RS MRS. ALFRED LINK MRS. CHARLES CROSS DAVIE THOMPSON MARY C_ MORRISON 'm.'m. H10)` \ better o.\'cu.=o. omum famllia. 1 \ .3`.-` L. `-.Lli.'. F [-l`\(\|\.\| mun is never quesnonrrd. Matnumony makes a ma.n awfully r(~.~`tvlos :1 little before and fur ev-.-r after. unis \\ 0C-K. 1 Mr. and .`v`l!'.\'. Oliver Wilson (nee l` lit-.1 Scott, are receiving the eong1'au.1- ll latio=n.< of their many f1'i'vend.< on then` I 1' rvcenl: lnzll'l'l2l,`. ,`(.'. A miscellualeo vsl sho\\'e1' was t(.`11(l(!l`C`(l them on Mon-ll (lay evening at the homvo of Mr, and l I .\Irs_ Will Maw, when many buauuifui and useful gifts were presented. I .-\l.mut ninety guests were presentle and an enjoyable tiinc-,wz1s spent. ` The Inc-inliers of the Hunt Club C were mibc-rtainetl at the home 01 Mr. 1" and Mrs. Eldon Adams 1~eeenti_\:, 0 while Mr. Will Adams. of Burwash,` . was enj0_\'in,: a few holida.y.~' here. -`. ` delightful time was spent by the inn-1:11.-i';r and their friends. I l I .-.:._.._:.j__.__. It is only in a crowded tram or` bus that me standing of a well bred mun us never questiolwd. Mzltrimnnv m.-Hm: 21 non .....:..n--. wxuui 1L msncu. ' We \vish to Uhank all those `who xu generously contributed to the [ML- quet, and to r.h2z.nk for tht.-ip )1.-spiL;.l- ity those who billeted thv p12L}`c1`.<, pZl1'(.`ll[S nerc, ;\Ii.<.< Anne Or:-lva1'd \\'us In To- ronto last week attending the Hun- (h'<-ss(-rs' C0n\'(.-ntion, and also \'2.<'iL- ing her .~istm', Uiss Lena Orcl.urd. Mrs. :\1c.\`_ Johnston, of Minosin{.: Station, is \`i.~titing with Mrs. W. Cook this week. \I.- .....)\.1... A1:.. 1114 I I \Jl`l`lll(.`l. l The 2m,2'rl of (h::1LI1 cznlled at LnC[ home of Mr. and Mrs, Sum. Pool on Friday morning" and took home then` inl':mt son. only one \\'r*ek ohi. The funeml \\'u.~: held on Satuwlay, .~,ez-" vice at the house being taken by Rev. , Mr, MeVieu1', of the United Church. In -.1-Hm.-nt xvus made in .-\llj.,"U.~l Un~ 1011 Cemetery. Uuch sympathy 15 extended to the bereavul parents and ` l'riend.<. Miss Vcllna C1'u\\'fo1'd is 1 to Owen Sound the and of 1 uft1:1' spending three weeks p:1rents here, \H_-_- .\...... r\....1......: KIIUHLUI. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. Rach01' and .\I1'.| and .\`Ir: Frank {an-1101* spent SLmdz:.y with Mlxland Mrs. G, Gm'(ln(:1' .11 Gwxlfcl. '1... ...`,..,.u -.- J ,,.. n - nu. -Jdb. nu-u_\'. Mr. Jas_ Muir, ':11'., of Antrrn ;VIzlI is \is`iti11j_ ,` his son. Geo. .\'Iui1-, Mls. Frank .\Ia1'lr-_v and .\`I1'.s'. J. D. 0 NeilI spent :1 day last `.\'u()K \\`.th `Mrs. Jas. Hall. Earl and Hazel Buic. of Sur.nidL:`r:, Corners. spent Sunday with thuir; aunt, Mrs. F, Richz11`d. : v_`a-...a.a. I )[1'.<.`W, E_ Banting`, of '1`oro1*.to,[ and Miss Elva Ba.ntin._q, of 'l`lmr11tun,[ jspont the week em! with thu fn1';;'.~! c1"s pzu`0n`.<, Mr, and M)'.<. John Do?)-` son. ` BUH. I Euret Jcnnett spent Sunday at Grcnfel. 11.. . .1 NI`... 1 1\ I < - - ' ------~---- ----- I ; M1`. and Mrs. Fred Richardsoll` ` and Jean spent Sunday wi`n .\Ir.~,~.I Jxzm Bell at VunVIa-:~k. ' ` Z\'Iis.s` E, T=hur1o\\' is visiting hell brother, Ohas_ Tlulrlow. ' I\`I1':~`, G00. Hill and fzunily c.1'U spending` some time \yit11 um` t'atl1.r, M1`. Jas. Kelly. , Jas MzlI ;_~ m'..'o':....- . vzulcy and lsuvlmsme. i The Algwan Club met at the hc1r'- l of Mrs. S. Lester on Jan. E)r.h_. \V1'.ll an z1ttr2n(la11ce of 17. Mrs, J, ShCl.S- well and Mrs. J. I)i-.-km` arr` an the committee for next month, and roll! call will be 21-ns'wL-1'e(l by D0's ardl Don ts. . nu. vv, punx is Sp0n(ll}1;., SOHIGI time visiting` with !`1'iend.< at .\Iaph.-I Valley and Buvm1s1'de. ' 1'11`) Almuran (`Ink I`\-\n-`< ..L L1... 1...... u but p13.;.~: ill'UlU1(l, \, en Beanie -\\'2Ls the 5.541 wno ax`- rzm~g:d for Jxho feed; in other xx u1`d.a. she was the 1'cf1'es1nncnt convenur. We C011-.;'1'uLulatc her on it, buczlu.-2 it is one Izard job. 'l`l1e1'c-\\'21.~ 21 dallce zlftcr the gzL11`.:.=` It .sta.1'.Le(l about 5.30 p.m., emu emi- ed at ab01`1t the sanw time. How- evc-1', ovum 11` it was sh01`t._ it was fun while it lasted. In ud.-h rn m.....1. "11 41.". , y " "" I M-rs. Alfred Lin-k, who is 92 years of zxgwr, is very II} at time of writi;.g. _\'I1's, J` S`heI:;\ve1l has _Z`O1`1(`. to T0- rontu to visi friuntis for two \vccks. Mr. W, Link is sp0n(ii'.1;.," some| visiting` wiih .r)`!'r>rx(i< 11+ \Tan!..l 4.1uu1 u HL-\'u`1`e com. [ A number of friends from 11-uvui attended the funeral of the late G.~'\.| Sharpe on Monday, ho pa.~;. aw:13 I in his 89th yuar. S_vmp-wfihy is x.-' tended to the be-1`ea\'e .u1.~_ 0. 1 . \JZ1.l'l` in 12 Rev, M. Purnell 11: from :1 ROVCTO cold. A nnrnhuu n4 1'..:n J.J.'tIlLUIl_ [ S3nvp;1Lhy is <,~.\'Lcndcd :'o Mrs. Le -- | nox and b1'othe1-.< on the cleat; uf\ t`hCi1' si:tC1', Miss Surzth J".Lmi0s0n ssn.) pa.~7s-ed away on Saturday, Jan. 131:, after a ling'c2'ing illness. .\`IV1`S. R. (`.:n~1- chnnf Quhnvl .-..._`r.-.--u an. v Mr. Lloyd McDonald with his . Mrs, R. 'l`renton_ Q` .u.....a]... 2` /--I --- ` ` xxutu, L..iu1`Cn 'l.U p.m, ` The annual meeting: and Sllppul` of: St. Joim`.< Chu1'c*h will take place nr-.| .\Ion(1:L_v, Jun. 22nd, at mho Orange? Hal]. .-\I1 \vorshippe1's and memb -"5: .z11'c- cordially invited to be p1'e.'scnt. i . W1 1 M1`. Crzug_ , l wum-ouvu mucn almculty. -` Mrs. W. Hutton, who passed .n\'r.;,- , last Friday, was bu1'ir:` on Monday in ;'St. Jol:.n .~: Cemetery. The funeral was :tlaken by Rev. W, Stubbs, of . Elmvalvc. . .VIi.'<:s Dodds spent the week end with I The Y.P.S. met on Monday --.nd dividozl the organization into three g'roL1p.<: Missionary and Devuhona -, M1`. .\'c\\;n:).n; Li'~:1`:u'y, Mrs. A. Sni(le1'; Social, Mrs. P. Castcn. A D1`21mati(-. Committee was appointed zmtl will y;~1'c=.. 21 play. The rink, \\"l1icl1 ttml pfivcn out owing: to mu:1:- mts, vsvll be opr2rati11_ zlgain `x"1_~ wnr~l<. `l"he- next meeting will be 2". sor.'i:'1l and will l.`.Ll\'O place on Jan. 29131 at M11; G. Co-ope1"s. Miss El: Clzristie spent 21 week. at ..'izx3;`z1 I":1ll.< rocenflly, Sc1`\'iu~;< for next Sunda._V at 2:`... John s l1 z\.m., St. Peter's S p.w..l `Knox Caurcll 7.30 vi`: .... .) _.. nn :\v\1'\11n] anal-1.. icnds at Midland. I ----_-vu..w-vrgaa- I The St. John s W.A. met at tin. grectory on Wednesday last for the an- 2` nual meeting and appointed the f;I- |1owing ofccrs for 1934: Presid-;;t, gMrs, Ellsmere; Vice-Pvresiclen -., .|\1r~.-. ;G_ Snider; Secrcta1'_V, Mrs. Newm:;:1; 1 'I`1'easurr.-1', Mrs. A. Snider; Dm--as - Sec., Mrs. G. Watkins. The next mooring` will be :hold at the hemp sf 1 ! Ci';Li' UU\\'[l was not responsible. G_ A, Archibald, s0Ii(;it01`, T0- ronto, zulviscd that L`111l-.-.'.; .:-to;-mxnt , was made with Mrs. J. C. -'-\.idi.s'a.n, ;\'o:'1.h ()rilIia, who on Slrpt. 15th 121.4, y`was in_]u1'cd when she Stu-ppcd intu .1 hole on the Walk on Elizabctn 81.. Court 2.u'Lion once \ This claim 111\*cst;g'z11,cu` and the t znum -. u LC flit; `\4J.U\VIl 711] | Thanks for the good service given :on our roads recently. In splbe of the heavy snow, cars can get .`111'ougfj1 with-ourt muc.h difculty. ` A/IFS W FTnH.nn w1~n nu;-_-na .x~..~-. nu. \,1'zug'_ Rev. T, O. Ralston, of Parry Soun.`., visited Rev. and .\Irs. Newman on Szttwrday. 1`/f`l` I4`.`]QIY1Ll V'() L~ k-v.nv..l.'v.~ ., 1~`--- F on L Lm`ua_\'. ` Mrs. Ellsmere is spcndin-g an few days with M1`. and Mi's_ R. :Gavin at % Crown Hm. | I VI`!-nun`... 15. LL .--.l -77 ` ' FERGUS ON VALE MYNESING CRAIGHURST WEST oad THORNTOE ug,`t:nIlg 1unes.<. Carr spent Sattmlay v.":E2 Carr Ba1'1'1e_ h-.15 been su1i`u-.i~nf.- -vm*n nnlrl , , _-;..-...v The hzmquet Satu1'da_v was quite 2: sucucess. Why not. 2 We had even. - thing irom soup to, shall we say, '3" The tables in the .s'tu(l_y hall `were decorated in the color .11` the four schools. At the head table- the stall and officials of each school were seated. At \1.he end of the barl- quet Mr. Girdwood g'a\' :1. speech 3:1 which he welcomed the \'iSlLO1'a. He was followed by a short one by Doug`. Muir. Replies were g`i\'e11 by repu;`- sent-ativves from the \'zu'iou.< .cliu.:l.:. The ice cream di.~,u.p1)cz11'c(l very quickly. Although he big: bwl wolf" didn't . to be :1i1;.`\\`ln:1-e about, p<.-ihaps 1.`l1en- \\'0)'u .~:on.'.- lit`t1o pi;;'.~: z11'01m(l, } r:11 Rn-.IHin -\\--1. (In. ....- The Northern Advance \'lol 15 Elphick, ramming I 7 the weexl : with hcrl )r:vuL10na fasten. Fhc ;` music- ` '6 '\\'uL:kj n M 1-. i , _ mg net - ily . ! ' . ;\In-_.i - " 1 n :wi1 rich | 91115`. gwith M1`. ; hu1'st_ | Sorrv 1 u a unu wun Irlends heme, Misses Wilhulmimz and Irene 1 Clcary c11t.c1'taine(I a number 01' their` '. friends from E;};bou1vt last Satmulay _. evening. ,s Dr. R. E_ Davis zmd Mrs. T. M. *.`Fletche1' came up from I`o1*o;.Lo on 9 Sunday to vis*it their 1'at11e:r, Mr. hen.` :Davis, Sn, who is, we are sor1'y to us` `port, very se1'1'ou:<]_v ill at pmscnt. . __.__________.__..__ I` Don `. talk to me about l.m_wr-`. my read. I've had so much trouble over the p2'opu`.'t\' that I . `..:nr.u= wish my husband hadn t died !' --IL- gina Leader-Post. I , puny. i ,' . I.`he Women .x' .~\uxi]izuy of St. .,Aidz1n s Church mei. at the home of . IM1`s. Geo. O B'1'ien on \Ve(Im.-.< , `Jan. 10th. All the 0fTict`)'s wme rc-i t elected for the foI]0\\'ng' year Presi- dent, Mrs, I-Iuu Vi('e-I- resi(lu1L, _,.\I1's. Wm, Andm-. T1'ez1su1'er, Mrs. HJ21.-. Leig`h; Svxving: Com.. Mrs. Rom. '1 Walkevr, 1VI)'s_ Hnrvie (`1'a\\'for(i, Mr.-. M, NIcCL1is}1; Flom-r Com.. .\Ir.<.' 3 Geo. O'Brien, Mrs. Robt. Cr2m'fm`(i. . I'.`.he next mee1in_cr: will be held at thi- ,--home of 1VI1'.<. Mt-Cui. in F(.`b!'ll1ll'_V. 3 `After the Int,-<-2," .g' ra-!`re.-'!nnent.~ m.-1e .`-sewed by .\I.~.~: O B`1'ien and ;\ h'.~.. _'C1'a\\'fo1'd. Mn Hau_s:'hton C]O.s`<*d the meeting with .1 Service will hn Imm :.. m \:,1....:,| uuauuy evemng; of this Mrs. J. Henderson and Miss Isobel, Davus, ,of Toronto, spent the won-.' lend wtih friends heme, Misqnn Wu'11mlm:....\ ..-.J r I 1 (ontinued from Daze one) .` . ,5 xcoimnjttce to select site for the 1.1-: cinerator and arrange terms of cor.-! zract for collection of garbage." i Two Claims for Damages I Robt. S. Johnston, solicitor, Ham- ilton, advised that a writ had been! issued against the town of Banic on behalf of Mary Lcith, Allundule, claiming $2,500 damages for injuries` rem-ived due to negligence of the town._ I21 ... ....r...l.. .. -.-~- ` -`

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