Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jan 1934, p. 4

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`Reviewing Canadian business conditions of the past year and at the same time looking forward to the prospects for 1934, E. W. Beatty, Chairman and President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, thinks thecountry is on the way back to prosperity, although the way may be long, and at times difficult. In a statement published in the Montreal Star he sa_vs:--- "Of 1933 I think it is per- haps with re- liet` that most of us will say -~that`s that, and now for .19. :-l. We meet this New Year with smnethine; of a bet,t.;-r un- d(}I`St.lLl1dillL .` of what this so- called tl<-pres- stun is all about and what we ought. to do about it. We see along the road leading to its end more clearly and further than we did a year ago. That. fact has inspired con- fidence and courage and has started us moving towards the times that broadened pros- perity will bring to all. 'l`he road is not an easy one; there are 1011'." hills and difficult spots. but it offers no danger or problem too great to be surmounted by the courage and energy of the (`ana- dian people. We have before its problems that will tax the ingenu- ity and stren_-.:t.h of our leaders in statescran. finance and industry and make fzreat demands upon the patience and underst.-tnrliu: or our people, but it these proltlenis are met with courage and tlealt, witli in accor(l.'m(2e with the laws of sound econoniics \\`hi('ll are as re- lentlessly unt-li.1n:eal>l(~ as the laws of nature. this r-nntitry will 0lllCl`_`..{(! from the ptir'ziiir.: in far better shape to pr'o..",!'es.< than it has ever been before. and indivi- dual prosperity for all t-l:t.<~ :. 0!` our people will he more firmly establislted. I believe that the elusive corner we were hnpinf-I to turn tltrouerli many \-.'--zugv months, slipped past. us all unnntit-ed srnne time ago. and that. we haxe defin- E. W. Beatty, K.C. itely passed through the worst and most trying` phase of the period. 1).. .....v ('24.... 3... THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE C311 you aard ta be wealthy? EALTH, lilce many other things . . . a house, a car, a suit of clothes. . . is something that must be paid for. Sometimes it can be bought at bargain prices. But if ou haven t the nice to pay for i .7 .1 . P.-. t you miss the opportunity of acquiring the prize cheaply. It is a confession of failure to be so poor that you cannot afford to be wealthy. Your savings, the surplus of your income, systematically stored in a branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce will build up a fund for acquiring wealth at a bargain price when the opportunity offers. You will be welcomed as a depositor at any one of the 800 branches of Capital Paid Up - 30 Million Dullars Reserve Fund - 30 Million Builurs 5 than met in the Lepj` ; L l1:e1*a1'_v pm;;`1`uzn w.2. and 'I'ur>sdu_v Pro 1'. Lhtl Chmni ' _, u; uL'.\u \\'cc1(, U1`: 1, Pro\`im:i-(11 Zoolog- pzlrasitc tliseascs of afternoon lam-1.L1:c (:I&.`< nuh-nm,I Hm \.m.,uu-_ u~>uuu.\uun1_v In)` full- w.1y OD(`i'i1i()I1. My proposals at. that time mot \\'i`h :1, \'n!ume of zmprovni and snmu-rt such as, 1'runkl_\", I had not t1nt`.(-ipntetl. and I found even in })l:1('ns'. .\\'h0I`(` it was least. to ho expo:-t.e(i that they 1-om-ivod a serious considomtion th:-It .~`how-ri how \\'idr~spr<\21.d was the ('(`I71\'i('f,i()n that this prohinni had to he settled in some satisfac- tory and D0i`m:m(\nt manner. Nothing that has since lizumenod has tended to change my convic- tion that in these proposals lies the only smmr] ultimate solution `of tho difficiilty. I can think of nothing: short of this that may he nttenmtod that will offor ade- quate rolivt` from an economic drain that has in it :11! tho possi- hilitios oi` natimul (]iS:IStu1'. 'I uhzwe reason to holiovn, aiso. that El shun: this con~.'i(*lion with :1 and iiirwozisiiig` nm~:Hm' 0t` i('itixv".`+ who nro -Iivinu tiiwieht to l1`~. I an ..." ....v .\.....\,\ .,. ...\..:v :. zuwmoon Iusi. the Class enjoyed the 't(`tt(.` I )1`(m'rnn1 ow .-an l next week, Dr; `.'O\'il"l('i}1] 2001(1)`- Lg}...-,.` take 1 HHS lecture. The course in Home Economics is proving" very popular, judging by the , interest being: displayed by the young ladies of the community. Lectures in Foods and Cookery are delivereJ each forenoon by Miss Hamilton, mliilve the Sewin_.r; lessons are taught in the afternoons by Miss Nugent. The Sewing course will conclude on Jan. 19th. and will be followed by a two weeks course in Home Nursing under the direction of Miss E. Mc Alpine, of Toronto. cu u.nuu.-r me ;~'up(:1'\'1.~i0n of nine Dept. of .~\g.52i<'L1]tu1'r- for South Stmcou. Imcturc,-.< (:un1rm>nr:t: earh day at 9.30 3.111.. z:I1(l(:(n1('Iuh-:1 /1 p.m. Sucn .s'ubjccts as I<`<.-1.-(l2'n;,r, I3rccdinr;,', Car; and NIu11ug'r-mt-nt of Live Stock are being di.s'(u.~:.~'<.-d by J. W, Pawiey, as sistzmt :xg'1'icultu1'al l`Up1'(:S(:11Lati\'::, \\hil<: those (It-Ming` with Field ()rop;, such as sui.`.ahI(.- varieties, cultural nu... uuunu m.-zuxngg; wxth Field Crc (tultu p1'actict:.<. l'Lt(,.x` of su-(:(Iin;:, g'ra.1n 2 11:13 and p:L.<`tI.:;'o mixtlm,-.-', :m- La} H11!` of by F. A. Las}v.l(_-y, On V Vr.-(hmsrlay afternoon 1; trlzlssr-st met jointly for :1 . 1 LLu'(.- on Ho1',`icu1Lu1'c as it affccts fanm.-1', by Mr. Eric Slater, :1 ;.','1'l4 Eltii of` Hun D _\ f",.ll,....- ` ` An xnun-,asc-(I attendance bhv past Wf`Ck was one of the pleas im: fr.-uturus in ('0nn<:(:i0n with the trlusscs in Ag'ricuItur..- and Home Ec0nom1r.< which :11"! br-in;-; (.'m1duct- ed umlr,-r the .~'L1p:r\'i.~i(m of .~\1:xi<'L1]tm'r- fm. Hm-IL TI IURSDAY, JA VUA RY - .1 LARGER ATTENDANCE AT BOND HEAD SHORT COURSE The l{('nu~d_v. In order to clarify the situation early in the year. I oul.11'ne(l in two pnlrlic zulclrosses wlml I believed to he the only possible solution for that problem. In effect. I prnpnsml that the people of (`un- utla as O\"ll(`l'S nl'1li.n(`.'Ln:1rli:1n l\':1- Iiunul lmilxmy slmuld vnicr imo z1Dill'll10l`Sl]i]) arr:in_;mnent. with the slinrelmlclors 01' the (`.;m:uli:1n I :i(-ifio. and that. the rosultinu m'- .u`:Lniznlinn slltmld he uperzilr-d hy the priv:1tnlj.' m\'nL`d (`.0-"('('?l`Il. thus rclievinrz rzniixwmrl m:1n.lgmnent in this (-mu1lr_\' from the tnn-well pruvon (`vils nf pnlitimll influences and at tho sumo limo r(*nm\'i11;: from the path of our greatly hur- r:1.-s(\.:l poliliml lmultzrs the em l'):1rr.'Is:=m(mlS that must ever ac- (~r>mpz1n_v rosp(msil>ilit_v for rail- \\'.1v (\I`H`i'5lII(\H \Iv nrnr-nu--I- n4 ..~.. .,..\, ,;1a'1l:ll- dgcs, was delivered by 4 the class in Home Econ 10 the negative a1=:.rLunent s ably presented by .1 tr.-zun g; :.h<.- .'-\g;ricu1tLu-alish. .4 of iI1te1`e-.-."r. innlmlm: Junc .3u:Lc1', a. grad; Collwgge, and who (.'1':1tnw' :1 4"-`M '- 1_ 18th. the C':2I:$ be favozed by turer in the pc-r~ 21`, of the Domin- Ag'1`iculturc, `co lnmh mm.1_.n+:..,.. .-,u, unu W110 I3 3: a famu on 1' xtavca a very '.-:1rr.- and plant- mlcn. the fa-'11. Ls. A hcerary .hr: . 7 1,41,; n nu... Auul ill 1 and taken 01:21 s It is therefore imperative upon the L managements of those railways ) depending upon earnings to meet operating costs, interest and other . charges that all possible measures , of economy in operation shall con- - tinue in force. But when this is : accomplished the problem for : Canada is far from solved. Must Reduce Taxes. . All that is true of the railways j is true in some respect of most other public facilities, and such progress as has been made over the past year along the line of effecting economies in adminis- tration of public affairs has been helpful, but has served mostly to point the way to larger and more fundamental re - arrangements looking towards an easing of the great load of national debt, and a I`L'd1l(`llO11 of taxation the extent of which has come to assume ominous proportions. There is no need for further stressing the inescapable necessity for such ac- tion. I do not believe that any thinking Cfanatliun viewing nation- al affairs without prejudice, will deny that the drain upon public and imlividual wealth consequent upon the general railway situa- tion continues to over-shadow all other problems. and it is by far the most important difficulty that has to be surmounted before the way to prosperity lies open before us. lunuu mm at L'L'1`czl1 oy wmte and .\`Lm-I `mug, no license was required, whiluj H. B. (Jilurr-11, prosecuting`, masmai;--' ed that Mr. Mahoney, ,who ground He -wheat, \\'a.< ?-he m:mufuctu1'e1', and that :1 license was required. '.3"'2c magi. 1'(.-. his decision Ior= a week. 1 V-A __ , m -- - l (8 \\ UUK. Yc; afternoon Mag'istraLc Falconer ned Mamning S10 and <-o.=t:- or 15 days in the county gaol in IL,--= fault of pa_vment.--Bzmner. 4 | 1 I i ';;,uUus Without a iicen.~:e. "~ -.1 According` to the evidence, the pair had a novel scheme to make mor... _'. l`h-.-y arrived in town with a supp], ` 01' printed empty paper bags, on which was `"100 per cent, pure \\ l1r.'.t,` nothing added, nothing taken awziy.` Golden Wonder Products, Elmvalc` Ont." 'l`hey purchased four buslwfs of wheat 1': om Henry Watt our ;.".d f- feed nierchzmt, and had it ground at who grist nril] of Grant Nl21.l101`n._V, :\\'l`.c1`c three pounds were placed i gCilCh bag. These packages, estimated to cost about :3 cents each, were -92: 21: 1`. cereal for 25 cents each, I N_ N. Wardlaw who defended axe; zlccused, contendecl hat as the =:.'h-.a`.` was, grown in Ontario and manufw:-` lured into a cereal by W'~l1ite and 31421-4 [nin_:. license \\`:1< rnnnuvnzl ...-..n i vv.u:;un Wuntu and Kenna chztrgcd under the p l1awkcrs by-law for 5 goods without license. A(:('01'rlinn~1-n Hm ..v:.ln- NEW RACKET WORKED ON CRANGEVILLE PEOPL K? _\ cu. tlmi Cl'CZ1IC(l intcrest and z1tt,ructud u l:.L1'g;c mmibui-_` 101' .spuc:z1t.o1'.< was tried l)ol'ui'L- Police; .\lug'i. Hugh Falcuiic-1' here on 'W0(ln0s(l21.y uI'b(:1'noon, Jam. Iirrl. lC`hi-f of Police .-`ilbert McI{cill lxud Wii'ii;un White and Kcllllctll .\Iai11m.g,` cluu-g;cd the pC'(ll'.ll`.w and bv-law for <,.ii;n..- ~. ` The Barrio Wom0n s Con.s<:rvative `Association met. at the home of M` Jane b'imps~on, bus B. L. town, p1'e.<,i(li.-n't,' Webb, was instructed Mrs. SL2n`e1't ax lcatluar of vhe - : l,`uosday cvenixi-9,`, l ten(l21nco. COl].~'l(l(.`l'Lible:])l`0`Sl(lCI'1t, occupied the chair for the iness pari of the meeting`. Mrs. Stav ton (loved and members, iss 168 Dunlop Stu, with a good at- Jas. Scott, ' VICE- M 1'3. ert, wiho lms moved from her r0si,g'm1tic-n c:.-.: the secretary, M115. `.-o forward to pu1'.S-.', the gift as a slight token of I l 1 llllll `Vl`l' (H 12 (`mic peril in 1J\4\.lIL|1 D ::ulii11g Aitken Walker, recently ap- pointed General Fr eight Agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, with headquarters in Toronto, suc- ceeding R. E. Larmonr, who re- tires under the company's pension rules after 35 years of loyal and efficient service. Mr. Walker, who has steadily worked his way up to his present position. has :1." wealth of experience in the mm- pany s freight service. Fri.-r in his recent promotion he \\'1l:s Gen- eral l<`reight Agent for the C0111- pany in Montreal. {puunc works. I Unemployment rvlir,-1' and all tho z1ss`ociz1te plmses of this smial prob lvm p1`0mi.~'(.-(l to he the main tlu.-mu` of the conl'c1'(:n('(-. 'l`\\'o .s('.o1'(:-, l`1'ovin~ cizzl Govt-rn.monl ollicizlls j. ,'&|Lll|l'l".`(l with the Dominion Cabinet l\'lini;:t.-r.: and thou` (lcputitm in tho hip` 1'uil\\'.1_v connnittvo mom of the House of Common.<. hohiml ('lo.~=od (loors, `o \\ l`(.`.~iLl(` \\'i-Ln 1111- mz1n_\' problt-ms com I mon to all. The nine p1'ovim-(- were l'(`])11,'.\'(,'lll- ml by their ,m'mnim'.<. :u'v()n1pu.niml by ,:1<.~'i. mn_2`in_Q' in nu-ml;(-rs frmn two to six, lw . party com Ottawa, Jan, 17.--At the this inorm'n;.-;`.- SC:~'.~i()n oi" Lh iOl`.-Pl`OVill(:iili C0-nfcrcnct-, lopcned hero to-day, in wu..~' s officially that the Pr:-mivr provin-cc hm! outlined in tun -mploymcnt situation in his aftver which Hon. W. A, (ion 1'. of Labor, n1.',l(iL` 21 lcn;:1 nmznt indicating the intontiu early cessation of dircci. r :01` a limited progwuin of {public works. uUL a "nxmtod "public `Hun-n I`\`I\\vn\\ QC .[iu`.n.belf,:)._n:Ie5 cluzw IJQEAU the .0 ' ' mp 0men.. (basud 01 on 1026 at 100) `m 1 - - . :01. 90 8 per cent }]_lo1l1})et3 19.8 POIRL3 , - - . ' n ' r v ;~ -, LC `of 76.0 to 91.8. K be S hm 4 . A0 etc-ono1_n1c areas and all main v ';1ndu.trms \\"1th the exception of con`.- !mumcations shared in the upward _ : movement. ' In the Maritime Provinces payrolls `now Ineyczled by 10,500; in Quebec I53 52,090; m Ontario by 5G.00O- in `the P1'z1m'e Provinces by 13 600 E1,-,d In British Columbia by 13.900. ' : _Que)bec showed the largest 1-elatg-,:C. ;.%'am_ -6-4 per cena, but B1-itiuh Cui- _uun1b121f\\`;a.s 21 close second with a [J ml) 0 -4.l per cent, and 1`eg'i. ,thc }.};1`0a.t0st proportiomxl L','ELiI1` be- 'l}P;1Ce11't1:lO.}'CZl.1".~' low and high point,;_ , C p1a1.1'1es b1'ouL'h`. un tho rrnnr \l`;I h _:_.._j. TO STOP DIRECT RELIEF IS HINTED AT OTTAWA \ll ...u.. nu.` ;r1.H on JEHI. 1. v EnJr.- LI.-2 ` higlicst lcvr.-I 1'r-zzclm- on I-IN` pm-; . ! record of 13 _vc:u.< \\'u.< 127.8 at 1:". . |)c;:'innin_2,' of .\u_-.','L1.~L. 1112!). 1 Healthy Future 1 A healthy t7vzLtLm: 01' 1,I~.- I (:(.`n\ \.' 3 (luring 192533," 1-119 1'<,-pml .~Lut0s. \\:1.< its wid(:.~'};1*t>:ul r:hzL1'21ctur, all n 1.- cconvomic zm.-'.1.< and most indu.=t.riu. :.:`1'oups . to :1 1.:'1'ez1tn-1' on lz-..; dcg`1'cc in the i..1px'0\'L-mt.-nt (rvidx.-n(L:1' ul't.<:r the s1)l'i11}.:' n-\'ivul coxmmzmu-'2. The }. ,`Cn('7'ilI m1`u)'e of the rcgovcxy affords much better `,-:0uml.< for be- lief in its [Jl')'l11'&l]1(}nCy than if 11.0 gains had lwvn (-onnvd to it It-'.\' .~:pccializud lines. 5111. 4.1.. I As the rms rm-po2'ti11}.:', z1ccm`(lin;.g' Ito the 1931 c(-n.~us, <.-mploy only 45 p01` cent. uf he \\ 0)'ki11j.{' populu`.i.')n of Czu1udz1 the total n`umb`er of work- ers ab.s'o1'bc-(I back into inrIu. dur- ing` thv period \\'ouM ho <`0nsi(lcrabIy greater. The stz1Lis`iC.<, 11u`.\'e\'ur. i.~:ho\v the trend and iI1(1iL`:1tu LEIHZULA Ii: m0\'m;:; in line with thr: other lead- {ing in(Iustr'iz1I L-0un`1'ic.< of Lht: \\'m'la.. 1 When the imlr-x numI....- 1 VVH('H (91.8 on [IL-\'c-I in Inc` 10-; ..-:.1 `A11 L`UIlL__ I Loggers Increase g By in(Iust,z'iL-s by far the 1.u-gest 'inc1'o:L.~:c was in 1ogg'i11,Lg'. Here $36,275 !\\'o1`kr:1'.< were added to the \v01'king '1'orces of the on11)1oyo1`.< 1`(-porting` and the 1)e1`c<,-ntz1p,'e inc1'ca.~`c- in the indc.~: number wu.s 307.7. Construction 41- 150 J'org'e(l ahead. due in part Lo the ;p1'o_g`ram of unempIoyment relies` |wo1'1<.< and p:1yro~Hs incrr.-z1. by 43,- 31!) \`.'orkc1'-s, p1`odu<.'ing` a (rain in the index number of 72.9 per cent. Com _1mn1iczLfi0n.~ (telc;;'rupI1 mud tr-It lphom- .~y.=`L(-m.<) 1'u(-m'd(:d the only `not-rxbiw S1255 `\"0z'k(_-r.< nv n guIu1IHi'cL-]O!1.\` (teleggwuph .~y.=L(-m.<) notnbiv (I,~crr,-a. HZ-`5 \\'m'kc.-r.< or 3 pc1'(:L-xxtugc drop in UNA index numb<.-1` 101'" 4.1. The past, year 11:1: been ]`:.'!I`- ticuinrly difficult for our mi)- rozmls and there seems little reu- son to hope that (`(Hl(]iIi(\!1S are going to be much easier for those who operate them in the imme- diate or near future. Altoraitinn in Czmadafs status irmn 1.1ic- [)u:~'i- tlon we used to (-I:i :u us the. world`s chiel' DI`0dU(`(`i' nf broad- stuffs has already mnveii far- reaching in its adverse i-rt`:-c-t upnn our transportation imluslry. (`n- der most favorable. <-ircinn.<:;m<-09 gnverninsc; devolonm--it m` mhor lines of agricultural pr`-::j'H 12.11 :`< r: expnri,,`it may re:1::..1.1-I_\' in]-'0 some yours to bring the vniivnxs of` Canada's rail freighi l'~:i`k in the high figures or u. . .. ju. |u:\\.`l HI .54 In of 19.32 \\'a.< SI lhig`l1cst E J H- |L\\'Ce11 we yea1".< po `The prai.1'ies b1'oug'h`. up tlw real` 1-1.1 per cent. I n Ottawa, Jan. l7.--Reecting a steady l)11l'Ul1 of workers back into _gai11l'u1 employment after long; or sl101'1.' periods 01' idleness, ,tl1e IJomi;i- ion Bureau of Statistics has Issued ' annual review 01' employment ;(:0\`eJ'ing` 1933. A distinct upward ,`:.1-end, starting` about April 1, is `shown in the g'ure.s which are based `on thc: payroll rep0rt.~: of snne 5,140 - , employers. In all 1~l(3,900 people were added ;to the number 01' wage-ear11e1's in -.'L`ana(la by these rms from April 1 l`to Dec. 1. - During that period the : index number of employment ` V1` jumped 15.8 points , |o1' 20.8 cent, from the year low 1 :`0 ] _-A or-nn/\nn'n nun..- 1 " E E prelsidcnt, ti 1- ` business -EB. tendered [)l`C>'i(lL.'11't, instru = ` M ' um. u up, \ ICU` 10 Stavcrt, lcatlw )- I`nlH'\'.' H. the cted 'I~ ! l uur .su1'\'1ce.< no the Association. J Ca1' were unjo_\'cd, after \\'hi(. h 3;- 1.`rc-sl1n1ents were .sc'1"ved. Thu nc:~.t mt-eting will be held on Feb. 20I,h at `the home 01' Mrs. Scoxt, 32 Bradi'd1'd| St. EEMPLOYMENT INCREXEES IN NEARLY ALL INDUSTRIES I pL`(3>'l(lL.'11"u', and the ,\'I1:.<.: `M1'.=. 1101' .sux'\'ice.< 3Ca1'zi.< u11,i0\'ed. aftnr xvkmh ,. lg, IIIUU. EH21] 1 s2 A!` n.... yunsun, make St, i Miss Estllcr R`0d_L{'(.'1`S, of Camp Bu)`- iden, is spemling` 21 few days in town. E(lwa1'd C. Ja111ic.;on, of General] ` Motors Limited, Momstron, N.B., spent 1:1 couple of days this week with 1.13 jpa1`u1M.s M1`. and Mrs J I . .. wupxc U1 (lays Lms week with and Mrs. J. J. Jamicsou, gCollic1- St. I ux 1: it is wit] wil t. ]9.`:-. sonn- bo.t,1:.- do1'st.rLndix what this do sicm nhnu} nut] `WOMEN CONSERVATIVES : HONOR RETIRING PRESIDEIV I" L111.-.` weex. Mrs. Slmkcspem`, of Weston, 15 vis- iting` \vihI1 M1`. and Mrs, J. E. linson, Blake St, E\'<< I1V I):\ Tom- unwuu L'ULUl nos 01 the \\'01'l.m 1 ind;-.\' numlu.-1' strut` Dvc. 1 It l`f,'1('hl`(l its hi_2'h(.. 24 months. Tim higrh mm 1 91.6 on Jun. 1. while Li. Invnl um-.,.l`..,l . al- i1'm.< 1 1' \\'orkinj.-,' (I into inrhx.-h--r .l-x-.- ersonals . uuunuh ]. ,E|bI1'l'!"Qil nion I\'lini;:t.ur.:| )uti(.~.< non) ohiml '1; Llw I we Ts. mzlllv.- 7.--At; (-1._)5(. of sum n1` Hm I)...` un In I115 ])1'.J\`ll|(\'. 1. G01'(l0L ME..- Jc It.-ng'th_\ >L.'.l. `(- inttrntmn of 2.1: relief and og'rum of l-(l<.-rzal ....,....u-, wxm" , stzltwl u.1 of mu! (`fl in hun `mm A Reeovery TUh E. Beatty Believes ` lull ! Ill mu: 1 tum Em`: u..< pr-.:\'im.r _=\_ (lnwln; `HF uu: (`lose oil the Domin- \('(', \vhi('h' Ix ... The Nor`r11e1'1x Advance V ..u.n,-u. 1nuI(':IL(.'(l `nut in woulll m-.-ct wit g.rm101z1.l zipprovztl. Unvmploymx-nt insur:1nc(- IS ex- lpoctml to ml morlo f z1\'o;- tlmn It \\'1:~ l :u'('0`r(lv.(l at tho cm\l'(-1'0m-(\ of :1 your 11;;-;o, but it/'l`l(` expectation is that whilv all will ugrma on its ultimatu fmlsiliility, they will lll'_L'(` that no ni- tvmpt lw m:ulr> `0 lzlunch it, until the urmy oi` um.-mployetl is (r0n. D 1'(`(lllL L`(l. l`h- lnl.l'l(':lt(t Slll)_l1`('lJ of` Dominion and I`m\'im'i:1l Government; lll`2Ll`.L`ln,Q' Iwill lmvu :<<`(-oml place on tho .1__-`vn-l:1 and will (l()ultl<-.~=.~' provv mm` of tin- nmst l(nn`ty and diillr-ult quo. to ho (louil. \\"it'l1. 'l`.'1X:1.l'l'0l1 will pml) nhly bv (li.~'ru.<.<<- umlu-r the .~':u.v! hc:1ding_ .`LHiLllCU. l 1umi.'-1 IA. A, 'l':x.<(:l1m'(:z1u will mnvv that :1 . be atlopted \\'-hon.-by lhv m1n11i('i});1litinn.< will lw 1'('.-lirwcxl 0!` all H-lir-l' (0515 uml the entire ex- l7L'll(lll..ll`l'l` (l\'l(l0(l bot\'.'t`(.-n the pro- `xinv !-lll(l `lw Dn'nininn 'G;o\'c1'.nn(` .1, .<`:nin__-' <:q1Iz1.ll_v. 'l`l1i:4 will p)'olm'ul_v mt-vt with ('()nsi(lm`zxl)l(? opposition. Want Public Works 'l`ht- >`ll!L`_L"-".N'll()T`l that public \\'m'i\.< he l'('\'l\'('!l will ho more popular, zunl zu'i'i\'inp; who \v0.1'a qLu.-- tiom.-(l. in(li(-zxtt.-(1 `hut in woulll 17.- V - - in_2' from .\'o\'a St-.n`.i21.. and the 12111.11-.~` from tho 1'(2c(:ntI_\'-1'0rmud Mini. uf D2'iti..=(h Columbia, lu.r- question of untnnploymcn" rc- livf will he (ls:-hatotl u`n(I(.-1' thus }wzL(Iim.:s: Division of tho (''. the wis of im1u_Q'urating:: u .s'(`:hvL'm0 0|` public work, and Lnlc-n1ploym(-nL in- su ram co. uruugm; :LIong`_ _ The patrols went home togetl`.-;-r, but }wf'nrr- leaving` the farm Scouter Macbennzm s'h0wcd the s(-outs Air. Bell's ne h01'se.=:, cattle and ho,2'.<. ___________. About 11 11.111. Monda_v. Ricnani Wilson, Innisl, driving souuh -11 Burton Ave. in an Essex sedan, siac swiped a Ford coupe which wa., com- ing` north and driven by Hu_::I`. T..n- per, Elgin Mills, and also an O-mclaiui coupe, which was following the Top- per car and driven by W, S. Cvupr.-~ land, of Elmvale. The rurmmg boards and fenders of all three Ca'I.'i were damaged and Mrs. Topner :e- ('0-i\'e(l 21 badly wrenched knee. The Essex sedan, driven by Wilson, fail- lod to come out of the deep ruts in `the road he approached the two oncoming cars. The accident red just north of Edge s serviee alta- tion. Chief Stewart in\'esti_:a.::1, b..` i no ('Imr}_v'e was laid. pulul/S or the compass. I Last Friday ;< meeting was post- poned and :1 hike held Saturday morning, when 8 scouts turned out. The .<'co11tc1's, Mr. .VIacL0n=na:'1 Harry Rooke acting` as P.I., < n-ark 1-'-r` vaassr YOURNERVES by mo ror /coach " _ ` J` - / I 1. N/,\..r.a__.LTq/_.-__T--wW- 2nd Barrie Troop At ouy rst meeting this year we had 21 good turnout and the Patlol Leztders checked up on `the numbci 01' tests zilrezuiy pa: by their boy.', and then new tests were zwsigned to them. Signalling" is being` practiced by most 01" `hem at present and four boys are learning` the sixteen princina`. points of the Fl'i(i\ n1r>nH~n.n- nun --~--L $2025 [};1.lzLnce as per bunk book, Dec. 31, 1933 ..................... .. 7 .-\ml $19,500 fully 1'eg'iste1'cd bonds_ 117 1 vunn n 1;.-`: ".1.--- D0m_ 01' Czmz1 bonds ..... ..' E11(l0wm(-nL.< sold 19333 . .. 15335 Interest` on bonds . _.. 826 Intemst on bank account IH C21;Sh()(l two $100 nuutlm- bonds ULEH Disbu1'scments--- Dom. of" Czmzxdu bonds ..... $17500 $2.000 B.C.l)o11d1)L11'chusael 1188!} Casi! t1'zu1`sfL-.1`1'cd to gen- end account. inchuhng .<}lV[*!] nu `nnv- ,21.U!)5 THREE CARS IN u'1snu1's< Sztlaries Labor .. Sta1.ione1'_v S`uppl i,-s ....... .. S11nth'i(-s ...... .. A({\`e2'Li; . 1 Total ....................................... $3032 t ]B:1Iun('.u as per bank book, I Dec, 31, 19:53 ......................... .$ 554 ` E.\'DOW.\II l` FUND I Bzllnnrv zm m-r h-ml: Iunnlv - r.;\uuw;\11'.1\"l'1U4 Bzllzxmc as per hunk book, Doc. 31, 1932 .4 1' . ` `~-+ .,.,..... u.u.u;m., uuuu\'\"m(:n'D account .. . .... -.~...._.. Exclum_9:0 on U.S. funds Amount saved on puvcthasu of B.C. b0n(L~'. ........... .. CEMETERY COMPANY MAKING PROGRE.:a'.$ THURS]; 4*` (Continued from ;)z1,r,;e one) Bank interest, endowment accoum "" urzu ;IL'c0uIH.'. 1m~xu $113.08 saved on pur- chase of B.C. bonds Total . T\..1 Total !nlu...... Total . D'i.s'bu1'sement inln rirnu g_. Pi J. mass, Sec.- COL.'.ISlON (00 |\I\A- ~ Railroad Silunfion. 735 ((1 U 9; g Abandonment of direct 1-eh"-I and t1n- launching of a coast-to-coast public works p'rog'ram, seems to be favored at the Provincial Conference now in session` at 0:- tawa. I 1. The Elmvale Junior Inistitute hen} `. their monthly meeting` in he Women 5 - 9th. 7 The roll call was . use of cotton our bags. I the subject for the even I in e`ha1'g'e of the > ma.kc,1- I N R-es`, Room on the e\'enin_g' of Jan. There were about 48 present. answered by the Sewing,` was ing mm \\.15' Crossland HD1111. group. A very helpful and in. paper was given by .VIa'.m1 Kidd. A song was then sung whisi. ted very suitably to the subir-ct. Miss Cowan and Miss Petty, of. ihe ` Barrie short course st briey, giving` an outline of t`.~.;ir work. Th-e meeting meet with the Junior Farmers 1' or the social hiour. aff, each s]3ukc 1 adjourned .10 1 i vvuma 1:s1'o\\'n, looked after the (:0m-l fort of all. The dance was a~rr.1ngeLlI to raise funds and as a result tho1'0| will be 21 nice balance on hand. r Mrs, W. L_ Beaver (lrevc the lucky number for the silk comfortel. lllau\t:1`n plum 01 (Jen-111: Vespra.' Nearly 100 were pwesent and a most elljoynblt: time was Fpvent. A . piece 0i`Ci1CS1;1'z1. supplied lnusic mill IR/Iiss Stella Caldwell, presiclent of] I the club, with Donald )IcI{l.-c and Wilma Brown, looked after com- fO1't Th? ril.T1r'n ur-ac n.-.n..,..,\.' I A dance wz1.~: sfuged in the L`e_<.3:ion! Hall on Tu(:s(luy night by the Home-I mztkers Club of Con-trc mesent and n, mo.-+1 CEN. VESPRA HOMEMAKERS STAGE SUCCESSFUL DANCE PROMOTED .. v \4 nuu\.l\u On 'l`hu1'sd-ay ]u.~ Home Elonolnics cnjoym I~Im't House Quzu'tottIc p1`o_9;ra111 ; at L119 Collegiate. iu;.j, uLI.s(`.1'V'L.(l. On Wcdnes of Lionel Ste-\ c11,so:n, P1`0\`in(:i2 Est, will discuss (I live stock. I\ run - L41}, I 'I'o~ ('.I`,11ur.`(lz1y) the boys will vi.-:it the Pork Packing Plum, xvhuuzl judging` of live hog's ill be taken up, zmd the process of killing` and (K11.-.;. Eng` observul. ` an \Ur.:ln,..u1.... Al` ---~1 ` " Both ('l2L--:.~;u.s 1 Hui], `win.-n~ :1 c11jo_\,'v;-d. On Mun]!-.u . \J.4 \.LJ., W215 \\'lH1 thug whcu soils uml 1'e1'tilizcrs U13. 'Vn-tl1)\' /rplwnu ;;uun \\'as zLI.~:o .lnst.xLuLz~ g'n'|s 2 uI21.s'.'. 13.41. ..v.. uu_|\)_yL`I.l. On .\`londzLy 'I'uosda G_ bell, of the Cl1ClI1j>?T 0..-`\.C., with thug \\'hI'H '.l'I1l] `Flux-"31: -4---~ u\'l:1y nay. Lust Friday uf"L(.:1'n0un zm inL,-ro- - ing` pvo;.:r:un xvus put on for the boys class by L11-.: (Iumllr-5 Junior I":1rm~ us, which 0'(:2'- many i$l1f,"'.,"LfSU()lln and will be worked out ny the \'2u'ious ('1LlbS hhis y<:w1'. A pru- ;;'1'an1 \\'as zLl.~:o gjivcn by at 11`u1m)(-,1: J-I ln.s't.z1.uL.'~ ;1'ir|s at the Home Eccmomi.-5 CONTINUED INTEREST IN BARRIE SHORT COURSES Ir:Lc1'<.-st (- in 010 Show C0-umvr; in H:u`)~i::u.11d the 2lLL(.`ll(l2lIHf.` is \]{('(,'[)ilI,I.',' up. There are forty Llwcu on the mil in the Home Econ- omics c]:1..s*.~, wlu'I.- in `.110 boys clu.-5 from LwcnLy-1ivrr to thirty-vc uttvml (rwery day. ]`_k._ |.`,.;,..., ..n.......`.... .... r A ELMVALE JUNIOR INSTITUTE

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