Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jan 1934, p. 2

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This is news indeed! Now, for a limited time you can get one of the new Hoovers- either the Popular-Priced Model or the Two-Speed I-Ioover--complete with Dusting Tools or Dustette, for a down payment de- cidedly less than usual. Hoovers, as you know, are lower priced-and more ei- cient. All models have the patented, exclusive cleaning; nctiou, Positive Agitation, the only eective principle for dislodging rug-ruining, embedded grit. THURS-DAY, JANUARY 18', 193.1. D1211 ) IS never (1l1S C10I1C`.(1. Matrimony makes a man awfully restless a little 1).-folu and for ever after. Motor Ambulance in Connocionl`:. ,.- Open day and night. Morgue ufd Chapel in connection. . Established 180 D-..-2- DLA..- R9 (`I-5 I `Phone 82, It is only in a crowded tram or bus that the standing of a well bred man is questioned. NTnf.rimnn1' nn21((='< 2 man awfullv 1 l'1.1`41$l'11'.lD L D 82A Dunlop St. Phone 40] ` Electric, Hydro. Physio and Electionlc Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustment! Blood Tests and Urinalysis Home or Ofce Rates Reawnablo \ J. H. N. sxvum. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ` [Office 51 Dunlop St. West of P.C. Square, Second Floor) Residence": 144 Maple Avenue Phone 700. A UFJAV 1 All DUIV\X.EtUlV Post Ofce Square Telephone . Above Express Oice LJICBHSEU CHIROPRA CTORS and DRUGLESC THERAPISTS EA GOA l\.._I..._ DL.._- Anl VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES 'D....-:- D.-..-..L The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, VV ULVLILIIV [Associate Coroner, County of Simcoo. Phone 61. Ofce--58 Collier St. Oice Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.80-8 p.m. A. 1. mtue, M.u. W. C. Little. M.B., Associate Coroner I County of Simcoe. DR. WALTER H. WOODROW EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT I SPECIALIST J Orillin, Ontario will be at the Queen : Hotel. Bu-rh. Every Saturday. 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoint- . ment. DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University. Montreal. Office and Residence~-Gorner Elinor bert and Bradford 3., Barrie. Phong` Ofce Hours: 9-10' . ., 1-3 p.m., . '7-R n_m_ DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phone 213 47 Maple Ava. . Office Hours: fa 2~3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointxnani A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little? NT.'R__ Asarmiaha (`Av-nnar DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe County Office and Residence 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Oice Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.89 IVLIDJ DEL 1 48 Toronto St. DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN .I:chrI:oI>n nl'\vUI\*r\l\I (`nu-.4--. -1 O:_._.. GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS T inn:-ma.-I G. G. SMITH & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Look over your :requirements and place your order with the Advance. LIKIIKIV Ununn UK` I` IJI Barrie Brunch MISS BEULAH SCOTT "I'..u..._L,._ EL Dlsnnn DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON BR-.. C.......-.. 'l`-l-_l..\ AND 1:. A Licensed mnnq .4 D")! Bani.` out l\4\Jl 1 Phone 2355. Nnrth1>rnuPg huanr2 Printers in Barrie since 1847. DOWN [PHONE 53 Luis AAUUVG-I ALI-\n.|Acv ables you to clean better and more easily-on dark- est days, in darkest con- ners, without overhead light. The Hoover is the only cleaner equipped with the Hedlite. Liberal allowance for old electric cleaners. Telephone for no-obligation Home Trial without delay. ` Hun. ll. ll. Sl'\'vn.~'. I\lininl.vr ul` '1`1'u hnk: :|l`m1.:m| coIIsidm':\blu cummvnl by his vh:u';:v:: of u.nt`:1iI' p1`:u` by ah-pnn`1nn~ul.;xl and clhnin slum`o.~: in |'orvin_u; prim-v:: Lu the (h`1.rin1vnL of \\'m'k:-r.< :nul HIIIJIH retail stores. H11 St<~\'<-n,.~: :1.<. l.`..- |dup:u'L1no11L:r1 and vhuin stun-:: for lI.<- in}: Lhu power 0| n1:L.<:< lm_\'in_-: Lu ivrush the mu.nuI':u-l.urm` who vzumul. `accept price dictation fmnl them, zuul to tiustroy small robnil 1m'1'vl1:111t..~' un- 'ab1c to meet their nwtho(l:<. Qn fun nu `Hm. uni-nil Inn:-uh-unlu 'I\'|' 'aUlC 1.0 HIUCL lall(`ll' lIl('l.llU(|. So far as the retail 1nerrh:ml;\' am: concerned, every town :1ml\'ill:1,;. has been uhard hit by the p!`:1ct,ic0s ol the (lepartmental and CxllLll1>ILOl`L`S. I Some t\\'enty-\'e years a_2,"0 the ret.:Lil merehzmts of towns such as Barrie .were the of the town; tll0_\' were men of inuence, who knew eve-ry resident in the district, and [catered to their needs; they had an `interest in Uhe town and contributed largely to maintain and extend its streets, schools, C'l1ul`Cl1CS and util- ities. . 'l`.. IIINVV Ln ..n4~..!l L. .n,.-J`l.- lLlL`25'. To-(lay the retail trade is m0; done by depzxrtmental stores and chain stores, with head offices in the big cities, and only interested in 13211`- rie in so far z\.~: they can make prot= if01'ShE1l`@4hO1dC1`S in those big con- .cerns_ The town has su'e1'ed because of this, and the citizens of Uhe com- munity are not any better off, be- cause this method of doing busine.<..= lhus helped to create the conditions we have to-day. l`o\vo1'ing' prices to the p1'oducur_. l0\\`e1'ing` \\'ag'es to the \\'orkm'.~:, and throwing` many out of employment. Rnrrin fn_rInv xvnnlrl hn :1 hio~ Short time only L7HI[JlU_)lll\'llL. Barrie to-day would be a bigger `and better town 1f only merellants V owning: `,]1ei1' stores and their stock l\\'ere e. here, and the public would get better service, I ` papers aside with a feeling of deprcs ---- n TLl1'I`1 TlL',' from the city ne\vs1)a.pcrs } to the sinall .to\vn press excliangc-.- 1 that come to the editor s desk is 1l'n'L' stepping: from the slums, full uf vice, into an 0l(l-f1.<.l1lO`C(,l g;a1'den .=.\\'ee;. with lavender and thyme and the scent of pereimial owers. The [)2.}.`,'0S of the big dailies are full of murder, tl1ie\'e1'_v, immorality a. " selshness that the better news is ob. by mhese g'laring' shatterings of ,the Decalogue. One puts 1 the sion and liezwtacxhe that the world i< `so full of terrible and unhappy thing's. 'l`hr Ih 1'|ir1.'3n()' 11 n 911:. -nnvunua 4`.~ ,& I l The United States is spen(li:.;.v, some $100,000,000 in an e'0rl. `.0 curtail its \\'l10zLt crop and t;`.erel)_v raise the price, but So far it has lead little <-ll`e(~.t. Stutitics show that p1':1eti(-ally the same :wm'a<.:'e ll;-1.; be~n sown as 21 year ago. 'I`hou.='.21ds' oi :{'a1'me1's who received bon-us cheques cut. down their wheat acre-age, bat tlhousands of others who vlmal not previously been wheat growers Lum- ed to wllieat so as to share in the lbonus. The only thing that will now help ohc plan is a poor yield. Axu- cial means never did help to raise prices and never will.` Inc.rea.-ml consumption alone will bring` better prices for wheat. ululgs. Then picking up the papers that `record the happenings of the little towns around us, one gain-s rcniewcd fath in life. Here are set forth only that whic*h uplifis a community-- Lhe activities of the business men, the church items, the happy social gather- ings of the people, the marriages, births and deaths, farmers items and all the thousand and one daily oc- currences that make up the simple annuals of the geaf. common people who are really the foundation of this I great country of -ours. Snnnrlsalq arms vnv-nlv nnlxlin-'nn.l u r\ `great country 01 Scandals are rarely publis.'ne(l in the county newspapers, but if it so `happens that decency demands it, the ug'lier details are omitted. or g'iv.;11 a kindly touch that is widely differ- Ient from the unfceling publicity of the city press_ The offenders may be our neig`l1bo1's or people we 1121' e rubbed Clbows with all ou1' li\'e.~.. They are real human beings to tnur town people, while to the great cpty dailies they are merely gwains of * L. ::01'.`- that are yrround out hourly in their news mills_ Qnmn ;\'\'1(\.~ .m....1,\ ...m.1. I _.___ i For the nine months of the scal you-1' ending Dec. 31st, the National Rm-nnu Department collected 3153,- 306,477, an inc1'0:1s0 of S4,775.8 E) .o\'<-1' the co1'rcspomlin,r,r period in 19232. Tmis was Z1Chi(`\'E`(1 in spite of a sprezltl on-1' the nine months, in cu. duties, which dropped from $54,647,557 to $47.- G..3.QG1. and of exci.~'(e duties, \\ .1. ' .nr.,] 4` .... ._ c-nn or-1 --n : v---~~ U12UlL'H(, 01 L110 (l(:])2L1EmCI11;'.\' cOllCL- tlon z1ct:\'It1u.< 1'o5:;iste1'L-(1 L1`p.~\\'in;;`s. lCu.~'tom.~'. (hlfins 1-mo fmm 5:5 7/(Q .11: OOU.v`)l`i-_ A .~'lig`ht drop of $29.59"! wzts 1-om:-. terod in sundry co11oct.i`ons. In Um income tax tlivision H10 in c1-nay for the month was $1,246,313, collm-ions rising" from $1,47S.rI28 for D(=('-mbor, 1932. to $2,724,742 lant month. For the um--month period, howovm-. income tax collections dz: (-lined from .,:'37,74R.l:')3 to $5-1,51], 0S'7_ u.-..a.l4u: . (lrwlinorl OOH {Y 7-'\ .}2V,UI:}. In December all the three main b1'anchc:: of the (.lr:p2L1'tment s collu- HOII :1r`1.\'< 1'n0'3.-fnwul no-..uviy .1. THUR? luun 21(`Ll\'l1.lL`.'\` 1'e5:,'1sLe1'c(1 L1`p.~\\'in;;`s. Cu.~'tom.~'. duties rosn from $5,7rsS.~l].5 to $5..')83,07.`!; excise tu.\'~c-s, which 'n~ chulo the . tax, rose from $6,919, 8-15) to $9,7(S7.:157, while excise duticv inc)'()a. from $2.413,.`)41 to 3533,- 386,374. A .-H..-Ll .1..- .1` man Fnrv |u1I'.11' llL \\'F m1us_ _ Some times people speak ligmtly of the country newspaper, but it is ...u of the most potent and up1iftin;._r fac- t.01`.< in our national cxistence.--'fhe C1n'i. Science Monitor. Hl`l'lH|l'll !2t)S),(}7:'). T h EDOMINION REVENUE IS I WELL UP FOR THE YEAR MASS BUYING Ml .'l`l-[ODS THE WEEKLY NEW-EPAPER -~F-~ ---v.~- 7 V ..r , .. . 7 Published at 123 Dunlap 31., I \rr-in. 0-V1-rv Ihurndny H1 cu.~wln.< (tunes, \\'hlcl1 . from $30,871,556 to $8,- I112 Nurtlyrru Ahttunzu` Ii.k-A n} 12. ! nlllllnll SI I Irrili. atvnrv M. |'-I'M: Thrift offer The NOI'HmI`II /\ l.Dl'lURaAL '|'urmIl.n, Jun. 5, It!!!-I. Om: of Ml!` liml .'u'l:: ul` |'l`( Illi<'l` I(;v`(>l`L',"' .1. Ilvm'_\' un zn:-=.:uminp_' llhv pm'Ll"niiu of l'm\'im'I:|I 'l`r':|sm'm' i:: his :u|x:mnn 1-. nu-HL 0f :1 n:-\\` til-l0,00().()lH) l".~n\-`inm: .l' ()n`l:1.n-in l)-lwnLum- |. .l:nIn.'u'_v Itilln, .I`.P.`-I, and oll':~rvu In l:|u'l':- l1I:xLlIl'i(.i's, cl1nivr of \\"i|i<'h is optional \\'iLh llw ::l1b('rib(-I.~:. l. 'l'lm-(:-yn-zu` `I /(7 I)t'lw11~llIu-.4 tluu .l:u1uur_\' 101,11, .1037, l)ununn'n::.lon.., $1,000; `niicv SP9 and ill`LL*l'(.'HL; yivh; ingx -l.J:(i ,'}v Lu m:LLurit,y. 2. Six-yt-an` -`I '.-_-'/r l)cbc11LLm.-.< (mu .J:1nu:u'y ltith, I010. .D1`H`UIllill.ll.l()hn, $5()() and $1,000; price 100 in 1/enxrst; _\'i(`](ll:j.f,' 4.50`); to mzLLuriLy. ` 3. l`1ifL(!L`Il-\'L`Ll.)' -1',-`v (712 D1-hr-n1 um `m wuzm; _\-n-m:11:1.A-,' ~'l.)U`/J HlilLLll`lLy. 1 FifLuon-yczu- -I 5% Ln-bm,-11Luru.s` due J:1nu:u'y 1(i1.h, lS)~lS). 1):-nonlinu-& Lions, $100, $500 and $1,000; priccl 97 and intone-st; yielding` 4.78% " m:xtu'riLy_ ! . ....u.v. I Subscriptions for the (1cbL.ntLu'cs` WI be 1`ucciv(,-(1 at all b1'a11c.hcs of Line i (-l1zu'tc1'c(l bzmks, at all bram-.'- On` ()[lr me P1'0\'incc of Ontario .8 `..111g,.` I Oicc and by rccog.-'niz(:d bond u`~._;1l(.-r.'. and stock brokers. n A -n u ....\. .n.v\,u -.u.unu1 >3. As will be seen, said l. l'L`l]llt.-1! Hon-ry, when int<.-1-viowcal by the pit-.~:s, this isstie, in 2LCCOl'(lz1ll(.'L: witnl `(110 policy followed on our proviousl issues. serves the nm-(L: or :. lzlv-2-1.. Vlll puxtcy muuwuu on provlousl issues, needs of LI. lzxxggc-I and V1l1'iC(i class of im'<:. By Lgm provision 01' Llcnoxnixxzxtions of $1001 and $500, in addition, to the u.~'u.. ' $1,000, the small investor, sqL1aliy'5 \\'ith U10 121l`Q'(,`. `h}1.'~ in f.h.n<:- (if-hm 1 -)L,UUU, we small investor, (`qLl2llly' large, -lias in th-ese deben- tures an ideal opportunity for in- \'e.~:tment; in at security backed by all the resources of our province. A choice of three s-epurzite maturities is offered so as to meet the 1'equi1'e- merits of the buyer who (le; near- by maturities as well a.s the one who prefers a longer term. I nlm `'4' H12: nv in:-.m.l \-r\:\v~ J I" reruns 21 10 ng'C1' term. I question if niziny have the almost imp1'egnuble security that is contained in the assets of On- tario. In addition to this security` I of principal the rate of interest l.:l- very attractive and l have no (ioub our citizens will realize wlmt an op .11 portunity the issue offers of con-"c structive and protable investment. iv The proceeds of the issue will ';.e used to retire short-terin imlebtednL;s| incurred for capital expenditures of the H_\'dro-Electric Power Com missIo:i and of the Tcllllslialnlllg and .\'orLh ern Ontario Railway Commission, ioi advances to the Agricultural Develop ment Board and for unemployment relief. One of the issues to be re- tired from the proceeds of the loan is a $15,000,000 shot-term obligation which matured in New York last .\o- vember and which was repatriated re ' cently when funds were at appr0.\'i- mate parity. ln \ i0\\' of the uncer tainties of the present exchange situ- ation it is greatly to the aclvanta,-,:e of the province that this obligation should be refunded here and heid by our own people, l Due tn i1-q lnnhv q++....,.+:.m cu 4~ l`R()VlN(_IlE'. ()l-'l"l".RS $vl(),()()(),(i0'l; I I-.......:.... A The United l{in_._:(loin ranks second to Gernulny us the \\'0rl(l'.< honey inzirlu-t. From the sizintlpoint 01 C'.1nz1(li2m lieekeepers, ho\\'e\'e;', thr- United l{in_L'xlom is e:i. the maze importzint 01' the two. l-Ioney i.n- ports by the British Isles have i`ai1;.;eC lJ(.`i'.\\`(_`t`l1 5'L`\ ()I1 nnd ten million pounds yearly in recent years and lmve not shown Lne (l1'zi.~:ti(: decline wliich cl1:_1r- a<'teri7.v.-(1 German imports during` the depression period. Up until 1928 the United Kingdom drew its honey SL11; ` ply from three main sources: Uniter` States, British West Indies and New Zealvanci. Other countries c`ont1"ibuL- ed somewhat smaller amounts. With in the last three years, however, Can-. adian honey has made striking pro gross on the British market, taking; second place among` all the various - comp-eting` countries in 1931. Chief_ among Canadian provinces to ix1c1':.1.~e` notably its honey expbirt was On- tario. Tlhls province is now shipping oversea-s yearly considerably moic than all the other provinces com- bined_ I.U/\N |'rvmim- /\nn0unces Now ()nlur`m I n.... uur own people, Due to its many attractive feat- ures I am condent that the issue, will meet at ready reception from Ll1e.} investing public, concluded Premier Henry, and I urge all \\'ho conto:n- plate pL11'el1asing; these debentures not to delay in entering," their orders. \\uLuu suner rm'oug'n 11.5 cn1'orcem.-nt.| The fa1`m01's have ; through; the opezratiovn of some of these un- scrupulous dcalers, Col. I{ux1nc. .3 stated. Other losses have hem sus- tained by them 1.h1'oug'h l'l11.5 going out of business. '1`hroug,:l1 the bond- ing-,` requimlncnts the fzL1`1m.-rs wil` Le protected. I`:hn Inn-iqlnnn min ]\1\ IVA. p1'uu:uLcu. l '1`Il1c lup;islz1ti0n will be of su(Ll1 a nature 1411111; no one cicnling directly with tho fzmncr can buy at bushel of potatoes` without a. permit issued by an oflicial of the depz1.1`t;men`. Suga; mills, coimnissioxi 1ncrcil1ant.<, fruit truckers, butter and egg men, etc. will require permits and post bonus as :1 g'L1L1` of g'oo(l faith. I MINISTER SEEKS To3xvE CROOKS on-` THE ROAD The legislation which Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of .-\:.-;1'ieulture, intends to bring down in the legi;~;- lature and \\'hicl1 will require every person who bu_\z~: whole.~:a1e directly from nhe farniep to take out an per- mit to do so will drive the crook off the road," accomliny; to 2:. st.uLeine:.t, made by the minister. ' Onn infrnnrlrnv uvlxn u~.'I1 l\r\ `,-2A L.-l uruul: my me nnlnster. One `offender who will be hit. by the legislation is the bud cneque artist and the other the trucker he pays cash for one load just 0 gr/u credit for an0the1' before Ilmtlngl away to new territory. C01. lien-I nedy said that no honest. buyer met fear the effect of the 1egi.;1n.tior. Only a small minority, he stated, would suffer th1'oug'h ii-s enfo1`cem<.-nt.l The f'm'mm-.< hnvn H..-m...1.. nml l'u|)li.rahor 3 will -the Lo 5 1' bofm-n 1'm.. I 1 Don -1: talk to me about lawyers, -_my read. I ve had so much trouble - I over the property that 1 some times iwish Iny husband had31 t died 1' Rs: 1 gina Leader-Post. S . I HOOVER Lib. ` Money to Loan at Lowest Rates , of Interest f OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. In the premises formerly occupied by I the Bank of Toronto. 1 I Branch Office, Elmvale, Ont. w. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys _ BOYS 8: BOYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- `ARIES PUBLIC, CCONVEYANCIIRE>, | ET . vm.._.___ A- I ..._.. _I In .... .-o D..o... I). I-`. Mccuaxu, b.A. Succesqor to Creawicke & Bell :B`A.RRISTE R, SOLICITQR, ETC 1 MONEY TO LOAN ncn--. Dan. Rlnnb Rnrv-:A P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR 47 Elizabeth St_ Phone AMBULANCE SERVICE Jszuuua LL 1 Solicitor for obtai g probate of .vi11, guardianship a administration, and General Solicitor, Notary (Jon- veyancer, etc. MONFTV 'l"n LOAN I'\JDll`4l\ IX |VA\-\oA-Ln`-..- | BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOT-I ARIES, CONVEYANCERS, ELL. I 'l`..I__L,.___ no GORDON LONGMAN l .BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT.-\_RY ETC. IA.._.... 1... I on... CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC ` I: Om- SI Rarrie. Phone 406. I 5.1.1I`4D 1`U.DlJl.\.J 0L WA` V 131.-x;Vv1;4: I Money to loan in any sums at 1 lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - Barrie `D. M. Stewart C. D. Stewa With Hedlz'te- Only ` D1 ` G. H. Esten I \ DONALD F. MacLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN HA .... ... Tnrnnln p.`rIa, Rnrr;n. l RADENHURST & HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC I nnnngu on lnan at Lowest Rates STEWART & STEWART BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- LRIES PUBLIC & 'CON'VEY.-XNCERS I u........ .. I....... .. ...... nvurrln .: uniuu an mu. Solicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyzmcers Janey to loan at lowest current rates. Office: Is! Floor Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. la n mmm M n Eaton l5AJ(..t(..L1'1`JI<.b, bU141u1.Lun.o, u;u Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Ofce, First Floor Masonic Temple Building. 3. R. Postm- SA.1{..K15'.|.'1`.i.K.b, bU.I.a1uu.u.n.o, my 5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 406. Mmxmv I`0 LOAN nun. Money to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., ' 1VlUJ.\|11a! LU uunn Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. Balance Mbm.`/aly LV1UlV.I1l 1 1 U DUAL` Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. U1V1'.i I J. U nu:-uV Oicc: Ros: Block, Barrie. x1\.LJ.In3, mun v .u;:uu.u..-...., ..-. 3 Owen St. Telephone 69 unzrenv. nN I`, FOSTER 8: McCARTHY ____,..._._.. ../\.vm1rnr\1-in ALEXANDER COVVAN BARRISTER LA -09,. Aid-nnnm Ixwnkn D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. nnnaunu 4-A (`.1-n.nwh~1rn X1 ` Can you abrd to be wealthy? veyancer, BBC. MONEY T0 LOAN _... IUI--.-...:.. 'l`........l.. R `on St., lsarne. rnona MONEY TO LOAN THE CANADLAN BANK OF COMMERCE YOUR PRHITING REQUIREMENTS ESTEN 8: ESTEN BARRISTERS .. .'~.. 'LT1'n-Ix f`nnvl- A4` EALTII, like many other Lhings...a `house, a car, a suit of ' something that must be paid for. Somelirnes it can be bought at bargain prices. But if you l1aven t the price to pay for it, you miss the opportunity of acquiring the rize chea )l . P I Y It is a confession of failure to he so poor that you cannot afford to he wcallhy. 0 Your s;1v1n;;s, `the surplus of your income, systernalieally stored in a bran:-h of The Canadian Bank of Commerce will built] up a fund for acquiring wealth at a bargain price when the opportunity oli':r.-1. You will be welcomed as a dcpositor at any one of the 800 branches of 'en at. I enepnox BARRIE, ONT. Business Directory Capital Paid Up - 30 Million. Dollars Reserve Fund - 30 Milliun Dollars ` I 'T. A. McCarthy` Barrie. ` THICK. I Stewart I6 M. H. Esten 1:. -4;: 218! D\"(("Yi` We carry a full line of Magistrates , Constables and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases.

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