Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jan 1934, p. 1

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IIISUFEIKICO _ The town has not carried any 111- \'lemnity insurance for the past two Hears, and -has evidently saved con- siderablc, as in 1933 only $65 \\'=-).s paid for accide11ts and :'p`1b 2 in 19.32. Th.w- < h`n\\'n\'r-1' 21.1: Hun n`.`(1<:-nr tir :1 .)-:,~11I)..).a. Patrol (5-12-J. Orillia constructmn $38,964.58, 1 $10,251.22, pnh-n] {-`)(..1 R-:4!-vn iL1)L'(! O,Z'lU.`D. Patrol (3-27-1, .\Iidhu1'st to Ponc- tang; construction $130,395.06,` maintemmcc: $5,940.00. Dnfrn] F..f-Z (:\~1v-.Qn1r-no ] \f\11Y1ll`.V`U` UlillHla(."'d.ll`CU -)i),U`U.UU. Patrol 5-36, Gray-Simcoe boundary to Stayner; conlstruction $9,231.69, maintenance $697.13. pnh-n1 5-29 T?ncmnnnn+ tn AHi;~rnv-.- KIJEIIILBIIPLIICU @031 (-1.0, Patrol 5-38, Rosemount to Alli;-mxv constructmn $1,695.27, maintenance $2,562.02. ' harm] 5-220 An:c+m. `n r1M1m+.-mm I nu. zum uupo.~;Cr_1 21 11110 01 .`p':: 21%! ' 4'.-0 \OS1.'S .u1(1.1* me 'I`1".:n.~tpo1'lz.t1.m )1 Fowl Act )Z,ODZ.UZ. Patrol 5-39, Alliston o Cookstown, I construction $3,530.41, Tr.'iillt8|'l'u(`` $3,383.20. 1 1 page four) to Midlzuni, L I11-11:: I-|a\r\nr\ 1409 488 270 143 Q1 140 310 CC: 9 -* `Council lxu p1'0p,)si1lon and agreed that it would be -.1 g.;'ond thing` for the town. Tm: price `.0 bu dha1`g`0(l h~ouscho1(1e1's is 25 cems pr.-r can if placed on Lhc street 01' 50 cents if taken flom houses of b;1ck_\'2u'd.~s. A w-un+u'nn uvna nan-cu] 'I`hu1~ ,\l.l uuu zuiyuuulg mm; Savors 01 protec- tion, and point to how Englaml pr0.a pered under a free trade poIic;.*. ITrue, Englaml (lid pr0. undc-r fiee trade, and Conser\'ati`.'e Gevernnients for long` ire.~:itute to introduce pro- tection, buti \v'he-11 Eligizliiti and `.Vz1h.s were young, no country ever had higher protection. There were tm'it`s on r~.\'purt.s and on imports. Twin: Lihvrn].= f.n-r?:n' " Evn Han .wc rederal Members Speak The enthusiasm of all present was stiimilated by a(ldresse.< given by iL':1.`l Rowe, `he popular member 01 thv contitu-ency, and J. T. Simpson, nnem box for .\'orth Simcoe_ , M1`. (owe, eoiigratlllatillg` tulle .-`. -3` sociation on the gL1tllu1'iz1_L`. .<:1I(i hc could always count on Innisl C02`.- se1'vativ(-.-s beinp; ready foy battle. It. was essential that a keen i11te`.'es`~' be taken at the present time. it obviously there would be a provinmal election before the year \\'a.< out, and before long; a Federal election. The Conservatives are being` ridiculed by those who should know better; pro- fCS.~.'0lS, p1'e21cl1e~r;~: and .scvl1ola1.~' who would scorn the old political faith, and anything that of protec- fion. and nuint to how 1`.mrlsm.I n1-n_~ Innisl (,`on.<.u1'\'ative .-\ssn:i:u`.-)2`. held its annual meeting at Stroud on Friday night, and in spite of o` counter z1tt1';1<-tion.-. the O;'2111g'(: Hall \\`:1s well filled with enthusia.~'1ie .~up- porte-rs of the party. S. J. Reyn olds, p`1`(.`.~'i(i(, I]t, pzesided, 21l`.ddf'.-P` disposing` of the minutes of the 1-..~. meeting, read by the secretary, E. `V. Redh,-rn. proc~Ue(led to the e1ecti.m of officers`. It was moved and SCCu"'i'3{1 and unanimously ca.rried. that 011:; 1933 0i7ice'1`.s` be re-elected 101' an n`.iv~~.- _w:;1i'. A .<,h0l't recess was than (leclart-(I for pa_V"ing' dues and 11.11"- uruer C. [XLL1'1lh1 was kept, busy for ten minutes making` change, and a nive Lzxlzilicc \\'as 1'epo)'ted on 1`.z~.'1:. Two Federal Members Spea7; en1,husi:mn of an nrr\ u~1; uu c-xpurts and 1mpo`1'ts. T'm.- Libcrals to-day critivize the ta1'i`s, but if it had not been for we Consenntive policy of protection since 1930, \\'hcre would we be to- day ? Ha(lti1ir1gs gone on as 1`(.ml~:les.=- ly and haphazard as they were going from 1920 to 1930, what would hap- pen ? During` that period the gross cxponts o1'1'aw products 'increascd 100 per r.'e11t., and the exports of n- ished products wus reduced 60 pm cent. L ) After the close of the war every country borrowed to the limit. In- di\'idual.< and corpora`.ions, independ- ent of the nzltions, borrowed twenty billion (l<)llars. Everyone was liavizig :1 good time on borrowed money. "hat was: our era of prosp0ril;y. in 1929 this money was coming due. I\.`at.ion.< and individuals became fear- ful bc('aust_- `hey could not borrow to pay what was owin;:;. Nations be- came punicl~;_\`. Gvrinzmy. ltzily and Frzmce raisctl their tarilfs. The United States `raised the tnrill ill.'1`Gb` times. But Mackenzie Kine`. Premier of Canada said no, we will not raise the tariff. Then the United States in one .strnl;e sllut out our :x'.;'1'iv'.1ltural product.<. Naturally, the Sta.`-c'.' was our g`roatr-st market; they took 250,- 000 of our cat lc every year. Tl`.u.=. a market of $180,000,000 was shut out. Gernizmy raise(l the tarifl` on wheat .hi_q'h than the price of the wheat. Italy and France followed. Thus our exports were reduced. Up till tlu-I1 we were selling our raw products and _!;ie'ttin;: :1 dollar 3. bushel for our wheat. To Gi\`0 Young People big Nig'11t with Object of O.rga1'1izi11g Club. INNISFIL TORIES HEAR TWO M.P. S AT ANNUAL MEET {Earl h m\'(= and J. T. Simp- son Ro\'i(2\\' C0use1'Va11Ve Administ1*ati0n. In 1982 the expenditure on '.)ro`..':~~ cial hi;.=;hways in the collnty to`a.`cd $510,894, and the county's shzuu .\a:< $102,178.95. Geo. Bc(1d0\\'.<, 'l`oron~`o, tlrivir.-g a Ch(-\'1'ol(.-t couch, collided with a La- Sulle coupe, driven by C. C. Begg, of (`ohmg.rwood, near Jones Aicpna Gm'a.5.V,-'0 on l1i_L,v`h\vay 11, south oi P;.u'n.-\\`iLk, on Tuesday afternoon. Uc(.l(,l0.\`.: \'.`a.s coming north and came upon 11. tluck parked on his ..1de of the road on a hill, and as he came up to it and swnug over to the luff side of the road, he struck the Br.-gr 'car on the left front fender, The left sides of bro-.h cars were badly damaged, but the occupunL~; C.a('.2H_)L`I. . injury. 11 LU-KUII llUlIl llUll.`L'S U1 UnlL'l \_\'LL1'UJ. A motion was passed '1`hut AM. Tuck, \Vilos an(l' Gill, with tht: 1\I.O.H. and '-own u11g_>,`i11::.-1`, he 4 l{`nnHnnnJ nn n-1n`r. Gx-n\ Thcr a'ci(lr:nt happened abo At 2.45 p.m, and '[`raf.: Ofcer Thompson was called and placed Beddows car undei' seizure, charging him with reckless dnving. I Beddows appeared in police court Wednesday morning, but the cage w.;s `adjou:mr\d un-`i1 Saturday at the re- rv-unrwf n" H-xn mrlnv i1U_]Ull3l'lI(`.(l UTTH EH11 ("`.'.`."f Um nf?`mm`. RE-ELECT `OFFICERS CARS COLLIDE ON HlGHW'AY (Continued on page three) ` Estab1i` Win the Ya Eight Pagf 1847 Mr. and Mrs. Braden, Orillia, Get { Judgment For Motor Cpllision{ Mr. Michael Bradrm, Orillia, `lo<\ allowed .$l1S).08, 311-. Ihmleii $100I and Miss Bo.<.<.is~ Bow $25 in County` Court on 1*`1'idz13.'. Tho. claims m`o.~r_~ out of an a('ci(I<`.nt. in the town.-hip of Medonte on .\'0\'ombm-1' 7th. wht.-nt a war driven by John ;\Iz1_g'ec.-, 01: Jzmet\'i1le, collidvd with them when` rounding a corner. The case \\`a. hoard by His Honor Judge Ilolmes uvhn nrrlrwrxd nun gm nf r-n:+e fn kn nozxru uy r115 rl()I101`dll(l_LL'O uonne.` \vL\\. ordered one sm of costs to be paid .by `.110 defonrlztnt on the Supromc I Court scale. The counterclaim was disI11i. with costs. .nm..+ Q on 'r\n\ M xv... rm. \v.. (l1.~`mI.~': \\'1Ln L'0. i About 3.30 p.m. on Nov. 7th, Mr.` Braid.-n, 21 <'()I`itiLl\` or in O-rilliu. ac- companied by his wife and Mix: Bow \v.~m (iI`i\'iI1f..`.' in :1 Hudson sedzu: from Orillia to .VIid1and, and at a corner where the road turns sharply to the right toward Waubaushone and Midland, a Buick coupe, driven by inn-nn and f.r:1vnHinrr :1` n hi-rh vain, `d. DUICK coupe, u1`1u.'n U) Mz1g'ee, and travelling at` :1 l1i;:h rate of snoetl from the of Wau- baushene, collided violently wi`..'n the p1aintis ca,-r. Magma maintainml that 1.110 nlm n- plillllllll 5 C231`. Magoo maintained that the plain` ti"s car cut the corner too closely an immediately before and at thel tim f the collision was t1'ave].ling at ex: jive speed. Just before the imnact. Bl'<'1(l0'I1. seeing: danger, stop- ped his car. Magee further claimed that Braden did not keep a p1`0p:l` Paper in the Gountv The Oldest -A *' WRIT FOR DAMAGES `rl, :ul(l ru\\n (}I1_'..{lII1.`(.`l', (Continued on 1)ay;(.- ve) ]@1[)JB Nt'HJB1L`%- Ahmmzw _ -_ <-_ ..-~l.. Chief Ste\\'a1't is of thu opinion tmt Ta.y1o1' \Vl1.S attacked by solnn local `person. GIVIC NIGHT OBSERVED AT | KIWANIS CLUB Mlc1nb(:.1'.s of Comgcil Gr1lCb`[>`; ;\.[.-a_\'01' of ()0U111g\\'ood is ` )(`2J.l{C1'. W... -.. ........-.,.... ......._..,. It: was, said Mayor Williams, the duty of every citizen to take an iii- terest in civic a.fl'aii's. The cos`. of g.-`o\ at the present time as a serious iiia.tter. In 1920 the debi inCLL1`1`'d by Federal, proviiiciui aim muneipal governmems was $4,188, 000,000, and in 1932 it was (We! $0,-100,000,000. We have 21. senate of 96 ]11iOI]1bC1`( J drawing .'$()',000 O'il`llf a House of ommons com 0se( 0. 2-15 members (lrawiiig $4,0%0, i.;.iu legislatures with from 30 to 300 members each. In the province men.- are 45 0.1` 50 counties, each with large councils. These incur lzirge ex penses, and Lhere see-ins to be lit le ellort innde to reduce cost. The iiiemlienr of L1!(:. l)0(ll(.`S zire ti';<;ii,; to rrive Iimiest SC1'\'lC(.` bu ; the man- . -3 v a u icipzil council is the only body `man g'ive.s voluntary service. 1')........ . Lvvvvu VL .,u.W. As Taylor was walking; along; tir- tracks near the Barrie Fuel and Supply Co., a man walked ouL from behind the buildings and asked 111.11 for a match. Taylor hunted t.:.rou;;h his pockets and gave him one, after- which the man S`tl`LlCIk `him ovcr me left side of the temple with .1 ciuh. Taylor fought back, but received a second blow on the ~rig'ht uG`1T1')1v3 which rendered `him unconscious. Er, must have lain on the tmclb( for :12`- hour or more as it w " 21 out one o clock when he made way to the home of Chas. Mclndless, 11 Victoria. St., Mclndless phoned for Chiul Stewart, who made a `o11orcug'h sear".-J] of the vicinity, but no trace of the ussziilzuit could be found. The sum of $1.50 in change was removed frmn 'l'uy1or"s pockets, and a package cl. cigare1. r.cs and :1 match bo.\ `\'(l'L` found near tjhe spot where he \u..s knocked down. The injured man was '1'emo'cd to. the hospital, where his "head wu. dres>:ed. The club used was a stkk of I1a1'(1woml about; 21 foot long; ALE} tlxroc 'xnu1c.s in diameter, w`i1..-h m HicI.ed two gztshcs about an inch 1o..;v but not very deep. rvL' ;- n. . - 1- .1 llonduy was municipal night at .t`m-. I{i\\'unis Club, when men1be1'.s cl :Lhc town council were guests. Mayor David Willizun, of Collingwoou, zzrs the spezukcr and he gave an iI1st1'u(:L`."e talk on nmnicipal matters. If `]v.\. ,.n1'/I 7\rT.....-... `X73112- Jl,,, i'.LlU `id U-L` DU L1` 1 L} givv homst it-inn} I-nxlnr-H IJZULI 101' d.L'L'l(\L`IllzS Zllltl Jplb lli LHOZ. There is, however, at the prescm: :ir..e a writ issued against the town for $2,500 on behalf of Mrs. Mary Leitn, and am action pending on behalf of .\11`.<. J_ C. Addison, N01"nl1 Oiilha. In View of this, council will give ;erious consideration to a proposition made Monday night by Mr, S. McGee, of the Globe Indemnity Co., whio offer- ed to insure the town agai11::,L ucci dents on the .streets, wziys or parks to the exteii`. of $5.000 on one per- son and up to $10,000 on more tlmii one, in any accident, for 21 premium of $972. The l0\\'c>'t premium (lU0l,l.d two years a.g;0 \\'a.~: $1,200. The 111311501` will be fully discusse(l at t`..'1<; next committee meeting. New Garbage Collection System Wm, Li\'i1ig`ston appeared befoie council with 21 proposition to in-.Lugur- ate a. garbage collection system at no cost to the council. All he asked 7"as a franchise for a few yezus and ..~ase of .~:0me vacan. propertv own- ed by Lhe town, on which to eree`. an incinerator, built of brick, about 10 feet by 1:2 feet, and auot-licr buildin_4 1(i.\'18_ 1: u 9 .3 ,,..-., ............_, gun... Being more familiar with his u\`'ll town, the spcake1' said that Col!iz*.,;'- wood s big: trouble was nancing, aim! 1L had `In-(An xmvfir-HI-m~Iv alii:-nit tint`. \\ uuu 5 mg: Lroume was nnancmg, 211.1`. IL had been 1m1'ticul'zLrl3' (lifcult dur- ing; the past few _veu1's to carr_v The tax rate had not been raxsec. during the lust ve _\'ez11*s. bec.1u. i` \\".1.~: felt that 1'ni.'~:in{:; the ]`.".tC \\'0ul.1 only inc1'eu. the ar1`ea1's. An ag- ;_>'1w.~:si\'e etfort had been made `no Go`: lect tzLv~.< and 21 full-time r.o11ecto~; '- engag.,-`ed. Various methods of er-Lug; to avold paying; taxes are encounter- ed, and 21 decision in the Scott- I\'.noIr1.~on eaxse is 1'at.he1' disqL;1ete:1- 1 mg in ro_e,'u1'(1 to seizure on p1'u,mv._x` for tz1.\'es. If-' ;~eizu1'e is. not n1z1<.L xvithin kl. certain time while the e'1:'.1- [;el.~` are Lhe.1`e to be . the 11101`- ;'z1_-_~'ve (umnot be compelled to pa, ch; t:L\`e:`. IJ..l._l` 1. .. l..'..- ..,.LI,\... 2.. f`,`1`I . When Roy Taylor, age 22, was an his way from Barrie to rnis h0.r1e on Czsrolinc St.. Allandztlc, Szxtu.-.i.,;_y <,-'.'cni11g, by way 01' the C.N.R_ track, he was zzttucked by an unknown mm`- zmd after being clubbed unco11sciuu.s, vobbcd of $1.50. I\,.. 'l".....1,. . . ......l1.3..,.. -1- IALLANDALE MAN CLUBBED l AND ROBBED OF $1.5 l..'L\('-". -lvliof is 3 big` problem in C01`. v :4- woocl. Lu. )'L`Ll1` :1 \\'clf:u'u ':Ju.21'u' `lookout on the road, ihat he did not Itzlkc ])l`0})(`1` (rarnr to avoid an zlccidonc `\\'l1('n in: saw, or should have seen, [that zm zu-cidont was likely to occur. Both cars were badly daniaged Hlllti i . \\'z1.< 11-cos'.sa`;y' for Brailen to lhirn :1 car for use in his business. '.\I1`.<, Brzulen was badly bruised, in- ijurcil and .~'11f'f`ni'<>(l a nervous ;hocl;, . and was since in :1 1'un(low`n condition. Bliss Bow \\'a.e also badly biuisc.-(l land .~'ufl'r-rml (1 .\'(`:ll}) v:ouml_ Mr. Braden, the p'..1intifl', made a claim {'0 $l!M.()S for damagus, as follows: $268.08 for cost of repai1'~ in;: car, #100 for (i(!p1`l,`Ci2ltlOI1. for hii-r- of zLnoth~c1' car while his own wzis luring: 2'opair0 for C111` to bring them to Orilliu. and $00 for mNli('z1l oxp~iist-s. Mrs. Braden ask- ed for $400 for personal injuries, and Miss Bow 3100, also for p'.1'.~tom;1l injuries. \lnn-nn lnrl -.1 1-nnnfny-I-l-Jinn Fru- 1u_]u1'u::5. .\I:1.J:rz.n led :1 L`0llHt(`1`('1lln1 for $500 damages and his costs of the the ('0untr21'('laim. I Premier Geo. S. Henry is strongly 0D}>0.~'r~d to the advocacy of P1'emi.;r Taschereaus of Quebec that a Dom- inion-wide lottery be established for t`w.~ nurnosc of raising funds far chari able purposes. . 1U'L`1UL'LUl'. .`IUC1ULiL1'y'l:JCvL`2L.'U1'U).', Ward cliairmen are: Ward 1, D. H_ Coleman and R. J. Jcmmc-`t; Ward 2, Harry Hook and E. O. Rawson; Ward 3, J. Frank Jackson and W. Miller; Ward 4, Will Craig and N. Liscumb; Ward 5, J._ R.i Rolgefs` and G. E. Webb; Wr.u1'd 6, W. J. Clute and Ed. Kearns. A resolution was passed expressilxg regret at the rcmo\'alfron1 Baxrrie of M1`. F1"-.m1< Foster, S-2-., and the secre- tary \\'as instructed -no convey same to Mr, Foster. '1`1n,. `.1/'\Ix!] fnu "`l1n.\-r\I1(r1f\ I\1nn-urn;-rn+;I.n ULUUIL LU LHU DUCIUL), | Another intc1'c.sting' par: of law year"s prog:r-am \\'u.~: the a. given by local members, Mr. J;-.2.J who spoke on Rosus, M1`. Haw-1'c1'oi'L on Duhlias and Mess1's. Couvtts, VV1 .ZL by and Vickc1'.s on Gladi`01i_ T1 \'.':1: nnnnnnnnr} H111` Han (3y1f.u-'u W, J. Ness, for many year. \\'i;h the T. Beec:1`o1't Bank in Barrie, was. engaged by the town council on Monday night as 1'u1l-time tax col- lector, his duties to commence at once. 'l"he selection \\'z1s made by ballot from 43 applicants, only two balloxs being requireil. The salary of $100 a month \va.~: set. by council, . and the convtract may be tei'n1ina1e by either party on two \\ celis 11<)tic.. With over $100,000 01' unpaid ta.\c.:, it will be the duty of the c.o1lee`Lo1' to study the situation and throug"i pl'E.'.s- sure or ot.h-er\vise get those bemnd to pay such amotmts as they zure able weekly or monthly till Uhey ore caught up. The collector will be bonded to the extent of $5,000. Council Considering Indemnity Insurance rm. a,...... `\I\" At Lhc annual meetinlg; of the Bar- 1ie Conserva-tive A.~:sociation on l`l1r.;-.sday night, Harry Gartner .\as elected Dresident for the ensuing ye-.1. Henomry presidents are J. 'l`. Simp.'s:o11, M.P.; W. A, Boys, K.C.; Mayor J. F. Craig` and D1`. A. T. Little. J, R. Boys was re-eleclcd let vice-pre.siden~t; M. D. Morrison, 2nd vice-p'resident; Robt. Craig, 3rd vice- pre.5ide1it, and Geo. D. Shannon, 1th vice-president. C. D. Stewart was re-elected .-:ecreta1'y-t1=ea.su1'er, \Vn`.':I r~l1ni1'rnon nww W511-ll 1, T) LU ALI`, DUSLUF. , 'l`he need for thoirough organization \\'-as :t;1'es>Cd by the new president, as well as of-hers who spoke. It is C-.\- pected that a convention for Cc-nue Simcoe will be held at a not distant date. LU`l` r'.lllULIl(.'l' y-ear. President J. A. MacLu1'en gave 2) sholt summary 01' the ye;u"s worn Wi?-h the hard timxs, members are not as plentiful and as :1 result the fumls are rather low. The grant from tilt Government, which has always 'uv.:- n a great help to the Socie;y, was en`. down last year to $19. The ye-'41 ending: 1933 sho\\"s a surplus ui $40.02, which he collsidercd \`.;3, good in the face of great odes. Thu Hllurnv \\':1< LI mm:-1 ;.~ -:1 .1 EUUU J1! l/HU J.U.L'U UJ. `D"l'UilL UUCLS. The flower show \\'as 21 SLlC(.`L.:':I and a credit to the Sociery, especially in the gladiroli'. The 1;'ipt.s fe.l back a little, but the show did not r'nn1n far +'rn.n1 1-2n`)-vino" i1 9.. uuuu: nu anclally. Thnn d.llCI'cL11y. Then, too, the window disp';uy,a 1.. Brown & Co. s :1.`Cd store and Whin- by .~1 store were also successful. Tao border 0; zmnuals erected on the east side of the gzL;.e\vz1y to the A_.;`1'icu1- turul Park on B1'zuli'01'd St. was 2. (:lO(ilIi to the Society, Annfhnv infrwr-:Hnn' `h`H'f nf' I-nu Uy 'clllU. Vl(.'hUl'.S UI1 \.l'l':l(ll`Ull, It was announced tlla`. the Ontamiu HO1`l.lCLiltLLl21l Association meeting` Wlll be held in T-oronto on Feb_ 1-11,11 am} 151m. Tlic 0l1`Lzl.l`l0 Gludioli Show will be held in Hamilton this year on Aug. 24th and 25th. IH. GARTNER HEADS LOCAL CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIA 1 ION After zxdvzulcing 1'01` two days in succc on, hog prim-.s: held L1nch.'-m;,'- ed in l'uir]_v light trading' on the Tu- 1-o=nto stock market on \ Ve(lm.-,=r.lu_.'. Bacons sold at $7.30 f.o.b.; $7.60 017 trucks and $7.90 to $8.00 off '.'a.1'.s'. Hnizn-in whr-:\1' :1`. rv-n01: ----" I The annual meeting of the Bat :1-.~ Ho1"Licul um] Society \.":-1:: held in the Libray Hall om Monday l`;l{:`,':ll, the president giving an illusuztted talk on garden desigaling. The repoi'.~: Sl10\\'c(l the Society 10 be holding up fai1'l_\' well considering` the difculi times. The oicers were re-electc-0 for another year. p1`rN .T A 7\'lnr~l.:n-nn 1,)` May 1-lave i[11ci11e.1'zL1'0_r fan (a`ra1'buge Jspusul at No Cost to 'i`ow11. Ll'U(.'K.~'- '(lllL| v)l.2lU LU Q('_`i.UU Ull '.."d.l'S. OIALLIHO wheat a`. track shipping points is quou- at 73 to 75 cents a bu.=h<,-i. barley 43 to -15 cunts and `outs -10 `0 -12 cents. 11aIldll:(l the relief very sutisfacLo;'3. This year they are trying the worn .<;;.ate1n llirougli the council. While {the (jovermnent; pays L\V0-thll'(1a oi` \t1c cost of labor, it works out `..'.;u tin; municipality has to pay abou: 4..- per cent. and money would be sax -xi by the dircc`. relief systc,-n1, The cost of hospital care is (JLh`(.*1` burden on the 1m1nicipal'.=.y. and more beds in the l1o.~:1)itz1L~: .<.'e occupied than over _be1'01c. 1`. Would sueni tlmt there is too mucli pzL .e1'm1l1.~m at the present time. if 21 person se1':1tcl1(:s a linger, he look: for compenszition no\\'udz1y.~:. Wn 1--.2 is it all going to end `I I \II'\'{\\' \.`\/illialnaz rl\n1in-la! `lxnrw vi- 'ti1c I t '1`: HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OFFICERS ARE RE-ELECTED IS lb zul gulug Lu UHU . ' .\Iu;'o1' Williztms t11ou;:i'at. `I101 -3 should be some chz1l1g'(: in Lulu law re- ;.',".ll`(iiI1f.;' qualication. A }_)0p0l'[_\'- holder .\11o.~;o 1a:\'c.~= are not paid up cannot sit on a council board or on 2. board of education, and a person who pays no taxes :11. :11] muv be eligible as u czmdidut-e. Only 1.10- porty holders .<:hould be qualied to conduct the to\\'n".~: bL1.~.`iIl('.\'.~`. H ,.1.m.l.l kn nu. Anny n6` ..:`:mw... +n CUIKXUCL LllL.' LU\\'ll>' ULl>'lll('.\.\'. It should be the duty of r-itizens to take an i'..1.(.-rest in the selectioii 01' C1111(litli1LLr.~. for municipal offices. 'I`h-.: luck 01' in(lill'erencc on the part of citizens is (iir`(.`OLll'21g'lYig, to those who are ;:i\'i11g.*,' of their best to carry on. In these days of (lepre.~'.~.:ion we need the c0-0p(:1':xti0n of all. and it is oniy by supp().Hi:1_': to the full our F<.-1l_.z.l, provincial and municipal bodies that we can hope to pull thr0u<,1`.h. ".\Iuyor J. F. Craig on behalf of the town council thanke(l the l{i`;.`ani.: Club for the invitation to be present and Mayor Williams for his Jelpfu! message. Barrie last year hzul low- ered the tax rate to -10 mills, and closed the year with a. ba.1a.`.1ce 01 $2,000. 7!. .. ._...,uuu. The contribu!.ion of service ne'nrlcr~ ed by the Kiwanis Club was of great value to the town. In these days of stress there is great need of un-selfish service, and `.110 "Kiwanis Club of Bznrrie had always co-operated with the council, w.hich was greatly ap , preciut;-d. HOGS ADVANCE TO $8.00 U. 1lLLlL', Uub bill.` hllU\\ URU. 11'.) far irom c:-u`rymg` Itself n Hv Barrie, Ontario, Thursdcty, ETa11ua.ry 18, 1934 "vol. LXXXYII. No. 47. A!BARRlE S rI{riELoss 2' $50,759 In 1933 DUE H131-:LCl', Oth-er rc~quisition.< were: 1000 feet 2% inch hose, one motor hook ladder mick, one automatic 1'ec.hu1'ge1' for mf alann .system, one extension 1-russ ladd-er, 50 feet; one extension t1-u:.: ladder, 40 feet; one life net, `.'~.'.r.\ small hose for hand chemical tank, one adjustable hydrant \\'1`e11~c.h, six paii remen s hip boots, six Petch 11e1"nen s coats, seven alarm bells for - remen s home, one new alzxrm box ,to be installed in the re hall. 1 , CAR SMASHED BY TRAIN BUT TWO MEN ESCAPE After running; into the side m" 2. C.P.R. freight train at )'Iidhu1.~:t I;t.-L Thursday morn'ing;, Chas. A. Stroud, age 22, and F, G_ Pierc-c, :Lp;e G6 buLh of Collingwvood escaped injury, al- though their car, 21 192.`) ChC\`1`0IcL. sedzin, is 21 complete wreck. _ Stl'0lId. who \\`n< Ih-ivinw Nu. .-,. I mu: cm.` was uenmagea beyond repair After the smash Stroud and Pierce boardled the tram and left for To ronto without reporting the accidem. . A search was made in Toronto by the provincial police, but they failed to locate them. However, on Saturday Traic Officer R. Hodge-on round them in Barrie, when they were on their way to Co11ingwood_ S`l`.1'01I(] will nnnpnr in nnlir-n .-nu.-+ m;'u;-u1, is complete wreck. Stroud, who xms driving the :.'Hl souh, approached the Midhurst cross- ing at a high rate of speed, the roaul being` well sanded at the spot. The car ran directly into the side of the train, which was proceeding` towar-l;~: Toronto. Nei`he1- Pierce 1101:. Stroud werz hurt, 01- their two dogs, althou,-.;'h L112.-""c c1' was damaged beyond repair I smash Stmml nnrl Pinra-n ASKS tor New rife [ruck Chief Slhrubsole, in the rcqtlisitions sent to council, asked that a ni-.\v motor truck with pumping` capz1ci'.y of 1,000 imperial gallons per nlimilc be.pz'ocu1'ed. This request has been lnadie for several y(:'21l'S, but tilt com: ciipasscd it over. Ail] Qiwnnnnn nIm.:..n-..... I\``` 17:. cxypussca 1c Ald. Shannon, chairman of Fiw and Police, said that the town was taking a big` clhance in delzxying`-; th-. D11i`chase 01' a fire trnr-k 'In.: nw... ua.p,uA5 cl. Ulg L'|IlilIlC(`. H1 uelaymg` U1`. p11i:'chasc truck. The p1'-;-.~.- en'f,,.one-ton truck has been cmrying negrly double its capacity for 2L long time and is liable to give way 2x:._y ime. -nllllt`. Mayor Craig` 2`L_'. ,'l'C`Cd that the town was taking` a chance and he felt that serious co11sidn-ration should be gi\'z.-u the 1'na`:ter. w. J. mass ENGAGE?' BY TOWN couucn AS TAX coLLEc`ro.a uuuu` way Lo L,011mg\V00(l_ Stroud will appear in police court S21 urday morning` on charges of rech- less driving` and failing to report an {lL`L'i(li:]1t_ ' Fred Nickason, drivel` for Hutchi- son T1'21nspo1`:'., Huntsville, was as- sessml 257.50 in police court on Fri- (lay morning; for operating` a trucx of greater width than 96 inches, I 'I'vnfH:- (HR:-nu T? I-Inrltrcnn +,\`..`. -1. ]f:',1'l ,`ill.L`l" wlubn Lnau MU mcnes_ Frafhc Ofcer R. Hodg`. told `.'n;- court Lhav on Dec. 20th he was 1`..t -- ficd of a truck proceeding` south on hig'l1\\a_\' 11 with 3. load of trees 11f excess width. The truck had .struck a northbound car near Orillia. HI: stopped it and with a steel tape meas- ured the width of the load and fouztd it to be twelve and :1 half feet, 01' 150 im-,.hes. Mun-..4-..n4-A Tnt!.`_ :.. ..... ,.,1 1:..- -1` Barrie s re loss for 1.9.3.`) \\`;1.~: $50,759.50, uccordin-g to the r-spozt of Chief Shnubsole, presented to council on Monday night. Durim;,-' the your their were 82 alarms -ummi in, which 1'f.`. as i'ol1ows: Fires where actual damage sustzlined ........................................ .. 26 . Fires wrherc no (l21.1nz1g'e don 1:} _7 Chimney res 17 " Grass res 8 False ztlarmls . .15; Practices .. . J Asks for New Fife Truck a`1inF g|I'11'l1]'\cn]n in Lynx um.-...:. LOAD TOO WIDE, TRUCK ' DRIVER ASSESSED 457.5`; LDU lI1(',J'1CS. Yrlaglstrate Jeffs imposed a ne of -52 21110 costs of $5.50, About 915 T11l11`S(1Z1y nig,'ht the low] re 1n'ig'a was summoned to bCOLL's ham on I*Ii,r_-'11 St. to extin_L.uis1; :1 blaze which had started in me ;.a_y mow. The seven horses in the harm ulum: \\'IllL'I1 null sL211'Ee(l In me mly mow. horses in the barn were gotten out safely and 111u.\t J1 , H10 (1d.h1`tf.!,'0 was L-zLu.<(.-(1 by .=mr,-kc and water. J, LENNOX, INNISFIL NATIVE. WILL BE 100 ON SUNDAY Jo-lm Lennox, \V<.~st,on, will Cele bra`e his 100th birtliclay on SLl11<'luy, and thougrh sufl`::ring' : from failm,r.,v` eyr_n still retail`:-s an in- tn1'e. in :'u1-rrznt evont:~`. M1'_ Lc.1- no:-: was born in lmiisl townsliip, his mu'(-n`.< being` among the first settlers in the district. For half 21` century Mr. Lc.-nniox f:n'mml near Weston and ilwii"-13' yr~m';~j 11:.-:0 rctirecl. For '75 years he has been :1 member of Con tml Uniti-d Cl11ll'("l1, W \\'l1c-1'0 he has been :1 Sunday School tom-.l1c.`, .'\'L1]`n01'llll.f.`Tl(lCI'lt and class leadur. A lJl`Otl1C1'. Rev. Lambert Lennox, of Cavot, Pa., is 90 years of age. Forty-Th1-ee Applications; Only Two Ballots zuc {equh-ed. _ Fred E:1.~`t1z1ml. 20 Eup;ene SL, C'hZL1'g``(l with -having` liqu-o~r without a. permit, was given suspended sen- tence by Mag;istrate Jeffs Tuesday morning`. Eastland, along with Jerry Shilling`. Rama Indian, was arrested Jan. Gh by Clhief Stewart at East- land s home. Both men were mtoxi cated and Eastland had in his =_;os:sc_~- sion 21 wine bottle for which he had no permit. Boh appeared in police court on Jan. 81111 when The Indian ,waa given 20 days, while Eastland Wm. given reserved judgment. FIRE AT SCOTT S BARN POLICE COURT E11du\\'m<}11t Fund '.i`)l`2x1s $2(),5()U.00, li1vcstc(1 Lu Rc;;'iste1'c(1 Bonds. UNION CEMETERY BUMPANY MAKING Gli0D PROGRESS ' The fnnuul meeting` of the Bar`;-iel -`Union Cemetery Company \\'L1.* hexci Ion Monday evening, but as usual, the attcndzmce was sm-all. Si1u1'el'.u](ler. are e\`id`e`ntly satised witah ,.;'e~_:-311 ofciztls and (lirectors, and _]'u from the report presented, they hast everv reason to he. pun. LU .)=".IU. Jne \\'1S(10m OI mm 1:` shown by the trea.surer s :tatemc7.~;: which shows that there is now in the endowment fund $19,500, invc-s.e(l ir fully 1'0;-,v:;~::e1'e(l bonds, and Mr. I\'e.=;~' informs us that he has on hand enough to purchase miotlier $1,000 bond. Only the interest on `thcue bonds can be used for the upkeep of plots endowed, bui. during` the pas: year $974.07 was a\'21.ilab1e th1'ou_,_rh this sou1'ce_ Luu ciiu1'g, LUl(l L110 court Emit a!)L'.; . [ 2 o eiocl{ on the a t'.-e1-noon of Dec 13th he found the truck in the \\'(.':l'. ditch at the to-p 01' I. he south line hu} on highway 11. The L1`uLk -had gone into the ditch for: no apparent reaeon and upon. e.\'z1mination he i`.)a1`.d i. x.:=..~` not czzrrying the necesszuy We i_;ll(.-ctor and .<`ho\\'e(l no evidence ~13 ever i`.u\'in'-g 0.19. In the back of ll!` tiuek \\'e2'e two crates, which h .l 25 hens and one l'UL)$l .0l'. The Lu; cusod claimed o'\\'11e1':hip of `..he " .\\ 2, but \\"a_x' not the holder of 3. it :..-- poi'tu".` per mit 01' book stating av!!! l(:LOl'dlllg' the names and a(l(l1'C:`.se~: nf where {he fowl had been pu1'cha.:-*rl. Sonik made the statement, however. that he had bought them in Su-1- (l1'idg'<.- a couple of days previous 131' the sum 01' $10 and was taking` tlx. -11 to the city for (his own use. '?".:e truck also contained horse hair, deg; .~:l;ins, chicken feathelxs, and feed \v:.> .~:L1'e\\'n all over the l'l00 l`. From all appeal-azices the truck looked as 1. it belonged to a dealer in the l.)JSl11(3s. ~' of buying` and selling fowl. He be lieved the man to he :1 eontunt buyci of fowl. .\vLd.j.`,l>'tl"c1i.(i Jes found him s_.;uI3:_v on b0` 11 eliai-ges and ned him $1 and $1 costs un:le.1' the I-li:.;`l1wuy '."n-Jill; Act and impo.~,e(l line 01' $2 an! '. 0 i. \ ,;nri 4- 1 `.1: '1`:--=n :n/1|-l H ... ,, .. uu:;Ls .11 01' Act. In police court Friday mommg, Ab1'a11:1m Sonik, of Totronto, nu. as sesed $12.50 1'01` hzn'ing' no red :9- Hector on in} `truck and t1aI1spo11.;:gi and carrying" fowl w'r.i1out 21 perm 'J`1'aic O 1co1- Thompson, who .uId the cl1:11'g(:s, told the court that abL'.;-`. 9. n .`-LHL nn Han -x+' nI~|rr\nn n4` T\.\.. v Mr. Li\'ing. in a letter to coun- cil, said: As you know, the g;m'bage from Barrie has been dumped ard not 1Jl'0`[JL'1`l) burned. 315* plan is '10 build an inciner-.1to1', similar to one I built in Quebec; this would a1f1'o"(l proper facilities to the town for a co.mplu'..e sanitary disposal of g:LllJ- age. All I request from the town is to g.;'i\'e 1:10 21 frzmcliise for the re niovul of Lil`. 1Zl`L'l)2lf; \\'lllUl1 \\'d..3 11".; ...H.v nu LL .. uni- (`nu Sharel10lde1*s are urged to endow Lhs-ir p10t.<, as no further a:~'ses:;1ne:.zs zu'<,- made on plots tha`. have been pair` for and L-`x`m0\\'0d. 'I`Inn nlri I-\nn..,l A4` I`I:\|I'\/I`t\\I/-1 .. l\I'u ... lUl' uuu L'H(iU\\'UU. The old board of d11~ccto1's as re- electud on Monday night. A._...._-I C':__-__ E;,L, ,,: ...u--..u uu -uv.u.u_, uASAAv_ Annual Financial Statement for 1933 General Fund Balance as per bank book Dec. 31, 193` .... ............. 275 {c(rei1)t:+-- <. 1ts ............................. .. .-\s r` , A 0 O LIlil\ U.`I Imp1`0\'emcn.s Foundzltions Sale of lots . l>l 'Int(-rest on bonds Bank interest, Gen. (Continued on FSNED FOR TRANSPORTING. | FG`.VL V`/ITHOUT A PER.1V1l' I County s Share Of Prov. Highway Exp. $31,204 Less Than in 1932 .,W1,:Jt4.oi_ Expo-n(l1`u1`c.4 \\`m`(~ .'1:; follows: Patrol G-11-2, from b0umlz11'iv' of York and Simcoo to Barrie; can struction $29,393.61, 1m1imuna:1ue $3.(i03.(i2. 1')-Mun} 12,1 1,32 4`.-nun T).-u.`.'.` - .. The 1-Iig`11\vay Depztrtment spent $323,750.02 on cons c1'uc`.ion and $3G,~ 124.37 on lnaintenzmco of provincial roads in the County 01.` Simcoe (lux- ing I935. The county pays 20 [JC[ cent_ of this exp0n(litu1'e, 21 total of $71,9 i4.8 . _ Tv`.\'n1-nrh`n1`n~1 \vr-rr .'l~: *f'nHnu-u- .)o,uuo.n.:.. Patrol (3-11-3. from I -an-"u-. U) Sovem and Orillia to Atherley; cun- s1`u.cti0n $1,952.84, maintcnaum. $~1,41(3..32. pnfrn] {i-1`).-1 Orinin in N/Tirflznni .;Ju,.:.u;.4z., Pa.t.1'ol (3-26-1, Barrie to Sta.ynu;_- construc-tirm $108,326.56, ma1n:~.,u- zmcc $5,270.46. pnfvnl I_9.7-1 Nrwlwvqi. fn Pnnn. lllU\Lll UL Ll i._L':lL'|)Zl:_ , \\lllUll \\d.b 11'! zxctually bu1'ne(l `on the 1u'en1isc., for whidh I would ('l1a1`g'e 1.110 5211.11. l.1h: as is being charged at present. I would collect at least once 21 \\'(.`Cl\, and p1'obub1y twice :1 week. All gzu'bag`e would be put into coverul tins 0'1` barrels, \\'l1icl1 would b`: scalded ever niglllv. I feel it would be a good thing for the town um! I would be able to make e11ou<,v;h_ouL of the collection of gqzwbugo to make 11 L... .a

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