Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Jan 1934, p. 7

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I like 21 tale thz1t .~: not a. fact, I love to dance, 1 like to act, - don t like games, but all the samc,| %` (love to pl:x_v.--zmd Lifo .<, my game. 3 ~' --Bc:1t1`ic0 Macciougzxll. | Y.P.S. of Collier St. United ChU1'(`Al was held on Monday, Jan, 8Lh, the business portion of the meeting` sing capably led by the new president, ,3`,~Ei.s.~'. Jean Malcom-son. . 1' f` The remainder of the meeting` \V'a'a' 'tzuken over by the Literary Comm;L- tee, under the direction of Miss Edna. \xr.n-+ Tim ,1;-vnnnnl nm'in(l_ 12' The first 1934 meeting of Mel` I direction of IVIISS lsuna. West. The devotional period, charge of Elliott Reynolds, was 1'01- lowcd by an conci.\:e and plu-using New Year s message by the presitlcnt. An appropriate solo by Miss Winni- fred Lambe1t was much enjoyed. ML... \v...~+ {uh-mlm-ml him . fred J_.ambe1"c mucn en_1oyuu. Miss VVcst introduced the speaker of the evening, Rev, Dr. Leek, who chose as his . 'l7he Spirit, 01 Attitude of Youth. His enlighten ing and helpful remarks were muLTr. uppi'eeiute(1 by the thirty members present. Following` an illnc.<.< of suveml wculcs with pneumonia, .\Ii.<.< Sa1';;.`n Kelt-ll Currie }_)21..\`SC(l z1\\'ayz1t her home. 175 Pa),'eltl St. l\`Ii. Cunlu was` well known in io1'onto 1'01 many ya-211's l)(rfo1e ('0llllllf.:,` to l}zn'1'i._> thir- teen years ago. She had been a lczulm` in Red C1`()s.<. \\'o1'l< (l.u1'i11g' the war and a member of the 'l`o1`or.'.o Commi.<.~:ion. She xvas a.1.~. , _._-._y.. :.. as 1)....v_. _\n--:. `q'0L1SlI1'g \4UlHllll.\\.1Ull. '\ 1 2lL`Li\'(` \\'0rk<~r m on-n r`1111vr-11 11 2l(`Li\'0 \\'0r} M. mm s .-xn,,1- can Church. With her hrothei`, lid- ward Currie, she stz1i1;ed the {inn known as the Ii, and S. Currie Ladies a.nd `.\Ien s VVez11' in 1875, 21nd con- tinued u purtnc-1' in the firm until 1914, when she retired, her brother`- in-1u'.'.'. J. P, \\'at. assuming the management of the company. She is survived by one brother, 15.'(h\'.ml CLl1`l`i(`, at B:L1`i`il`. and four .~'is(:r.~, LVI`1`;\`. Annie I`I_ Hills and .\I1`.<. J, P. \\v . nu `H3. "nil ... ..-..4,.. \T..x-n--u s i.a V Ull1`l`l(!, {H l):LlxlI'. uuu L\JL|l .~..u...-, .. W'atson, 'l`m'm1to; .\Ii.<.< _\I:11'_ zxml Miss Elizabeth, Bz11'1`ie. The lLl1lu.`l`Ll was held on Fri(la_V, :1 pri\'aic nu`- vicc being: held at the homu, condu<.L- ed by Von. .~\1'ch(1c,-acon Beverley, after which the <-o1cz1_L'c proceeded to Toronto and interment made In SL. James CR.-111etu2\`, COLLIER ST, CHURCH Y.?.S. GEMS FROM LlFE'S SCRAP-BOOICII THESE THINGS I LOVE \ Resolutions Be not too slow in the breaking of u sinful custom; :1 quick, com- ag`eou.~: 1`(`. is hotter t,h;m a gradual delibe-1'ation.--~Qua1'1os. `kg. xood resolutions should not be (`an ned to one day in t'.h<`~ yo-:.r. but `rat or should be madt` and pe1`1'orm~ ed p(-rpr=tu:11l_v and :1dh(-rml to \\'ia,l\ all the loyalty of one s un :...r nr 'I`rnt.h, ' ' Science 4 all the loyalty 01 Ones uIlut'r>L;u1u- ing of TruLh.-Christiun Journal. 'li1`1nn(,-as of 1)m'p0sc is one of the most nec0.~x . of chzu`acLe1' and one of the best instruments of succcs. Without it, genrus wastes its efforts in 21 maze of inconsistcncies.-- Chestxweltl. `Dnc.-nhvn nnd thou art free.--Lon;.-;- Cho. Resolve, and thou f1'e0.--Long- fellow. nn at for one renulse. fo'1*e;:o the Do not. for one repulse, fo'1'e,9:o purpose that you resolved to effect. -Snakesr>ca1'c. purpose uuw y\ -Sna.kespca1`c. ~- )3"I`hcre are folks wining to blame their troubles on the Lord and expect manna from the same s01U`c<:_ MISS SARAH CURRIE p1:x_v.--zmu mzcxs: my guxu Miss Priscilla Campbell, superin- tendent of the Ui1uLnan1 General Hos pital, and who g1-aduatecl froin the Royal Victoria Ho.~:pit-.11, Barrie, in 1915, was si9;nully lionorcd recently when their Mztjostia-Ls King Geor-c-;e and Qut.-un LVI-ary gmciously 1`(.c(:i\ -d her in informal zuulience. Miss C2l1111)bL`1l. was 21 l}1(:l)1b( 1' of the C.i`='..A. (`.nnu-i'rI<< i`mn-, rnllrm-in_>` whicu she CANADIAN NURSE HAD ROYAL RECOGNITION THURSDAY, JANUARY 11. 1934. -A31: : b2l111DDL`ll \V"1S Z1 mt.-inner UL Lm: u.:=..n. Cong1'es.~: Tour, 1'ollr.)\\'ing spent five months in study and ab ser\`atio11 of nunsing in Great liritain. While in London Miss Campbell had the pleasure of nieeting Miss Catherine Black, a London Hospital Sln'l.'(.`1`, and nurse to His Majesty Lue ]{inp;. Miss Black, ho is in residence at Bll(:l(lhf._,7'l]a.2'11 Palace, invited Miss Campbell to tea with her at the Pal ace and later she received an invit-.1 tion to the Palace in order that she mig'ht be presented to Their Ha ` jesties and to see the changing of the Guard. l+- `run :1 fvulw 1lrxllD`l11'l"l1l r\\'nrn'- the Uuz11'(.l. It was :1 truly deliglitful exper- ience, writes Miss (lzxmpbell, and a great privilege, all very in1'o1'm.1i, of cou1". I was presentecl to Thcii Nlzijesties by Miss Black. They chat- ted about my Visits to Eny;iis'h hos- pitals and talked about Canada and Czmzldian 11L11`SCS. The King is 21 most charm-ing and noble geiitlemazi, in whose presence one readily feels at home. The Queen is a very digni- ed and _g'1"aci0l1s lady. lie: (`nInhh('H 1`Uf.I`l1'HQ 170 CI1:l(13 OI coulsu. 1 nu; J Miss I about visi` : m,.,.+ ,.I..n-m.nn- -nu ed and _g'1"ac10us lady." M155 Campbell 1`ctu1'11s to Canada early :11 January. (By Flora l\IL-Lean .-Xiexamltzr, R.\'., Toronto) This is the age of preveiltrre 11i(.f(ii(,'iI1l .. Tliv tr'.`.-1; proverb ever written is Preventioi is better than cure. At this season it is well to remember that the "common cola. lmvers vitality and leavzs one e.\- posed to almost any infection. It is not my intention to treat colds, bu`. to urge my readers to prevent dis- ease by using common sense. Lu us remember that a clean house" is the surest way to p`reven`r, disease.` By this I mean keep the organs tr.` elimination active. How ? 1. A daily bath, sponge or tub. 2. Drink at least. six [_-`lasses or H \vutey `each day. -, 3. See that the bowels move every day. Whole ax seed >' ]_)l'inii](3l1 ` over (:(:1'".l1 is a :'piL`11(lid means of I aiding", or drink a cupful of axseed tea at bed time. To make flaxseed 1 tea pour a quart of boiling; water 5 over a cup of iiaxseed and simmel for one-half hour. It is then ready for use. (It is not necessary to re- move seeds). A P.m"m-rn vr-H1'in.r-'_ oimm tile 4}. teeth : drop; ( n ? \\':11 gu rgle gurgie, 5. Sleep in a well-veiitilated room. Eight hours of undisturbe-d sleep .5 .necessary to renew the Vital force. So much for the" This alone is not suicicnt. One must see to it that the daily diet is such as meets the body s needs, hear- ing in mind that 1'1'e; fruit 01` the citrus variety 1(:z1\'es an alkaline 11.511 in the blood stream, tlius 1'ai;-ing body 1`C.`~."l.s`t2).11C('. In addition to this, it is . well to see that the feet are kept \\'arm and dry, WO1\I'E.\"S PAGE- A CURE FOR THE BLUES HEALTH I-HNTS FOR WINTER (A . ave the early mornmg Ihours, \ 3 I ove :1 baby s smi1e,---und owers, I love to feel a puppy s ears. The shadows when the dawn appear". If you've got t:hz1t.1et-do\\'11 feeling after the Yuletide sea. . . . and 1hink`c\'crybody else in town but you :|r\1\\. n\t~ntv Ah :1 +1-Sn n.. :ln.r.r~ ".{Ul`I1:.. ,' c. sometnmgg; that your 1 nu-gf fhic Pt` Ulldl, `)'ULl1 ll1\/' \v\. nub _-_-'1.-. l;lllr' 1'<,metl_\' \\"nicl1 21 well known Toronto matron _;'u\'e her friends the other day: Get 21 good grip on yourself an-Ll clr-an the hall closet. ln (.-xtrcme cases you made have to do the meal- cino ('Il)l1`:(tl, too. Sooner or later the (li.~=<'p\`e1`_\' of :1 number of interesting r<,-lics of last suimner will begin to make you forget your miseries. You will nri you1`. siLtin_:` on the floor l'C21(ll'11g` the diary you started when you were 15. ;rl2mcin_e: l'.h1*oug_(ii tilt. old photograph album, completely in- porvious to the world outside. Rnfnm-n vnn lm\'(`-. nished all V0111` 1.3 In \.'lrl4_V uuu, p(:1'v1ous E0 L110 \\'U1'1u UL1Ls1Lu'. Before you have nished all your chorus of co1`1'C.'`p0mlcn(:o zmd tidy- `ing up (which o'ug'l1t to have been done before-an(l you know it) the `. will have stoppetl zmcl you will ml H L: -1 vrxvv: nlnn tlnv SHU\\ \\lH. nd It IS ; Notliing is lovelicr with mal1o_r.r:1;.y t.l1:Ln blue, and 21 light blue Dui.-;l`. on your walls s1l1iou1(l be most zittz-;u`:.n'e. Cl'iint'/. and rum) zm` 21.l\\ l)`. more up- D(`iLllI1_'.1` thzm tho solid moliair. Co '43:` c'no. and ouo lounge (`hair '-Vlti Chintz showing: ll}1'l1i; blues, yellow and A-:;1'0on. It will not only p1'<,-.~=s3"'-: your !'u1'11itui'c but _12`l\'e Lluzt (:llf.()l`3 in\'itin_<: touch Lo your room. rlzm: ono chair in a plain colon in 1991). ll' you ewe fo1'tui1ut(: -enough to pus svss :1 writing (lesk, 21 Windsor c ).-iir ts wvll into the general scheme. Your i-epjace and built-in bookc:..~.:-, with its \\'hitL- (ri1mninp;s, will Ilxuke an (:1l'octivo backgrround for the udi" pieces of blue china and brass. lWrm'+. l1r-srr11rlv`:- f.l1(- H1110 .'x'l)'_`I'Ii. lfl ])l(`('(`S 01 mun: CHHHL zluu u1a.~.\. Don't 1)o;:rL1(i;:v `the time . ir- cha.nging' your furniture about to gut desired effects. Change it a dozen times. if need be. If you cannot take that much desired week end trip, then changing your rooms zwouml wuil prove a good spring` tonic. Try it 3 we Seeds). 4. Before 1~eti1'ix1g', clean the 2th and gz1rg'1e the trhroat. Ten ops of tinc1;u'1'e of iodine in d. glass \{'a1'n1 water makes an excellent I~n-` n . cups g-ranam nour 1`/2 cups mun. Cream butter and sugar, beat in -`ggs, then sift our, baking powder and sale, and add to first mnxture al- - ternately with milk. Put in wen t buttered muin pans and bake in `not ' ' `I1, 2 tablespoons butter, `/42 cup sugar, 2 og',:,'s, 1 cup white flour, pinch of salt, 3 teaspoons baking; powd_e". 2 graham our 1% cups mxlk. (".rr\m11 hu+.'r.m- and smear. I like beginnings, not the end, I like the read Uliut has a bend, I love to watch a wliite cloud pass, Ami smell the clover in the grass. 'rHWF:_1j\7/LNG ROOM 5 else equauy ulcu . . . unu ' life is pretty dull, we sug- ~ day : 11:11! u1n-of In (-\'h`(:m(-` 'cL\\'u_v U11 2:, 1 : else equally 1 u-un1r-Rx` \\"n1'(*h l n{lV'(` LU[)I)U(l Eldlll yUL . :1 very pleasant day_ ZISUII iU|\l 1 , trip or do.n,<: s ' 1`Ii('l'\ , , :I.n(1 luau}. u.nd The local market on Snttlrdav xv... again far below the z1\`c1-age. 3Ia:1;s-' of the tables were unoccupied :n`1{- buyers were st-zu'c~c-. Icy roads \\ 1:1 the explanation o ered for the .2 an- city of fz1.1'me1's. and many of u~.o.<-.- '01 . hand . they hzul encoL.nt':n:d many diicultics before 1cu':1iI1_g town. 1)r.n1+\-n :~v.1rn'\nIl 4-n kn Hun ,-..n1v. COWII. Poultry s'(;me(l to be the .w:1`1tn. of attmction and .~:exeml \\'lml<-. buyers were on haml to buy up lzngr. quantities of fowl. While there \\ ;-.: not 21 very heavy vemand lm-..i_x`. many ne chickens \vere 0lTe1`e sale at 17c and 18c 21 1b., while lha. older birds weLre gzoiug` at 15c :1 li). The \\' buyers were p.1yi:._-'_' top prices of 16 czmd 17c and lung little trouble in buying them at 1112: price. Sevexal QM-.~:e \`'(.-re sold at 15; :1 1b., but the supply wzxs ;~'1nz1ll. .\'o V ducks or turkeys wen: o`ered. . ,1. 1../.4. .. uLu.:\.3 UL u.u:u._y.u ivunk. u.u..\.\.. Compa1'e(l with 1z1>'t \\'0ok, eggs were more plentiful and nearly (4\'0L3 stallholder had :1 good supply. I-'rir-0;. ranged from 270 to 35 2L dozen. Tm; average for the lztrger c;:g;.~: was 32L a dozen, but `I110 demand \\':~.:~: nun laeavy. Butte1 still remained at 25c pound. In siptc of the small market, ..2'mrc was the usual abundant supply Uf _<::i.1'den vegetables, which we're in de- mand. Fresh young czu'1'ot.: w..:`r2 fast sellers at 50 a bunch, and 41:0 turnips at 3 for 10c. Other \'0_t:etz1ble. sold at follows: Cabbzure 10c _:-at-in: Chinese lettuce 3 hunches for 10; Spanish unions 25 basket; bects 15: basket; parsnips 25c banskot; nun`- rows 10c each; pumpkins 10c. and `.30: each; squash 10c and 15c om-n; c<-lnry hearts 15c bun-ch. 'I`\.,n-n \Ivnc 1:: n-n-nrl vnrinfv nf` r-nu`-'- I like it when the chimney roars, And wind is `howling out of (loors, And I may smoke or read 01' cmu'f With some one dour, \'.ho makgs me. laugh, .'aezu'ts LDC nuncn. 'I`h~e`1'c was a good variety of cu-..:`-'- ing apples offered for sale, with prices unchanged, ` On the outside market there was D1`lCeS uncna:nge(1_ On the outside market ' a splendid showing of dressed rnuats with prices a litrtle higlier. Pork was up to 10c and 12c 21. 1b., and `amb also showed a gain at 12c and 16c, but beef remained as usual. Wood , was more plentiful and several good _ loads were offered at from $5 to $8.50 a load, according to size 4nd (111 nnfv ` qao.Du a. quality. SATURDAY'S MARKET The Northern Advance Peel and core 6 tart apples mi place in crock in slow oven, adding; no water. When telrler add 1,4 lb. .~'uItzu1z1 misins to each pound of apples. Tum into deep 1)aking' I_h.~`r., :v`.|'i1\L1r\ \vH'.h . and 9'1'at0'd 1e2;`.n.'1 into deep bzLk1ng' I_h.~r.,l S]7l'iH]\]O wibh sL15.,>2u' and g'1'atc'(l or o1':111;:0; cover with top Cl'U.~L_. which has been well pricked to a1`::-" stcmn to Lscape and bake in q`.'.;..n` I ova-21. Serve with cream Boiling` VL-get-ables: calls for great pvscc-uxltions to p1`es(31'Ve the food lvaluu. For cabba;:e, turnips, onions. catlliflower and bru1 sprouts use only enough \\`at:": to cover and boil 1:<-ntiy. Cook {H0011 \'<:_g`ctzxblc;~', stun as s'pinac.h, in 21 \'m-_\' small amount of water or none at all except tin, moisture which clings to the icav.,.~_ z1f't(:1- \\'u.<`h`ing. Every mother who has children wearing: s\\ eatu1`S and pull0\`e1'.< usu:1i~ ly nds that the elbows of the sleeves wear thr0u_e'h rs`t, wvhile the 1=e;< t of the garnient may be perfectly good. When you nd that the elbows need memliiig. cut the seam very care- fully where the sleeve is sewn to the body poltion of the sweater, and (-lizi.n_'~.,'<: the right sleeve to the left side and vice versa. This brings the worn part to a spot on the inside of the elbow where it will not receive much wear, and the elbows are like new after being pressed to give 5 the sleeves the correct shape. i When you nd a small hole in any kitchen utensil-of aluminum, tin or i gxrzmite, insert the at part of.a LOTYI` mon dome fastenex' on the inside of the article. `Press it well into the hole zfnd put the other {half of the fastener on the outside of the uten- sil. Now place 21 atiron or other . iron article on the inside of utensil, V pressing it against the fastener. , Pound the outside half down with a I hammer. Your pan will be as good I as new. A granite nail and a gran- CANADIAN CLUB TO HEAR INTERESTING SPEAKER hammer. 10111` pan wuu ue as ,~vuu as granite pail ite wash basin mended in the name way have given many months of I11. SCOTCH APPLE TAR1 Wedding S tattonery Northern Advance Here's one detail of the wedding that need not worry you a partncle For our announcementsend invita [ions are correct. You'll Iinci our Prices .Ro0sonab_l,e Correct Phone 53 ` The Women s Canadian Club will have as speaker at their next meet- ing; on '1`l1ursd:iy evening, Jan, 18th, Count Nicholas Ignatieff, whose father had been Minister of lilducation in Russia belore the revolution, and who had plans for the cducu`-4-1o~n of the nizissts. He \\`a:s, 4l1O\\ 1EV'Cl', unzibic to carry out those plans bel'o=ce the war broke out. Count Nicholas lms just completed :1 tour of Czmz1d.3., speaking at various Czmzidizin Clubs, and his subject, Canzula As I Know It, should be most inte1'e. '. The Count also writes for the 'l`oru11to Saturday Night. Miss Railton, at the mo11l.hl_\' uneth- ing of the V.O.N. on '1`uesda_v Iiiglit, exp1'esse(l sincere t.l`.zLnl<.< to the exe- cutive, purticulu1'ly to the eld con`.- `rnittee, for the c0-0pe1'u.ti0n and 11.1}: \,-Nlven her at all timo;-. .".l`l1e report for Dk,`{)lllbC1` \`m`-.'.<.(,: 19 new cases and two new infants. A total of 157 visits were mzule and weekly \'.'ell-baby clinics held, with an atteml-.u 1ce of 113. A Christn1.1s party for the bl1l)lL`.'< and their m-0the1:~: was sponsored by the Florence .\'ig'nL- ingale Society and greatly enjoyed. Annual Meeting, Jan. 23rd .-\1`1'Zll1f_,"Ol1lC!1tSl have been made to hold the zumuul meeting of the V.O.N. on Tuesday evening`, Ja.nuu1'y 23111, in the Public Lib1'zu'y I-lull. ;\Iis.~x Elizzibeth Smellie, Canadian president of the Order, will be pres ent, also D1`. Phuir. of Tov'onLo. and there should be 21 large utt~.;r.(lzmce to hear these speakers. MISS RAILTON, V.O. NURSE, LEAVES BARRXE NEXT VVEFK

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