{FIFTY BELOW AT BURK S FALLS miahea Em: 1ulvIihi($rmting5 Winter Term, TuesdayL January 2nd COURSES-Shorthand, Stenographic, Primary, Accountancy, CcQ- plete Ofce Trainmg. SPECIAL-Machine Course. RATES--.$15.00 per month, wltn 10 per cent. discount when six months tultlon 1s pald on entering CALL, WRTE OR PHONE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION NOW ON DISPLAY CHITTICK MOTOR SALES Friday Eve_IT14ii_1g`, Jan. 5th INl *llSFiL LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE ASSO. . ANNUAL MEETING Orange Hall, Stroud FRIDAY, J:\_Ifl_JARY 12th NEEV 1934 S, J. REYNOLDS, President. A PUBLIC MEETING of C1tiZ011S in-tc1'es_ted 111 the 01'ection of the proposed. AGRICUL1 URAL AIIENA will be held in the For nearly cheap. at eight 0 clock a for the purpose of receiving suggestions and discussing steps tliat should now be taken. in View of the tenders received for the erection of the building` being so \'e1`_V far in (,-XCCSS of the m01`1e_vs available for that puifpose. ELECTION OF OFFICERS GEI\'ERAL BUSINESS SPEAKERS-VV. EARL ROWE, M.P.; J. T. SIMPSON, M.P. ALL ARE WELCOME I nnxnuru I'\t~ I\ S11gg`esti011s will be welcomed and a free discussloll is mvitcd. Public Meeting POLICE COURT CHAMBERS, BARBIE -ON-~ ' PHONE 491 J. F. CRAIG, Mayor. L \ I \ ; votes, 7 ness in handling` ; the G. J_ Kouhl, a candidate for coun- cillor in the Collin`gwoo'cl election on Monday, who was defeated by two suggests there was careless- , the ballot boxes. After the results of the count had been made known, Kohl asked to see ballot boxes. They had been l placed n the vault but at his insistence , were taken out again and examined in the presence of witnesses, and it was found that very few -of the seals were intact. Mr. Kohl appointed R. Noble as his agent and the boxes were re-sea1ed by returned ofcerr W. H. Whipps and Mr. Noble, and note of the conditi-on of the seals taken. Heniry Foreman, defeated candidate for the reeveshi", -has written A"c- torney-General Price asking for an inve.=:gatim1_ ' COLLINGWOOD CANDIDATE MAY PROTEST ELECTION Sunday, Jan. 7, 1934 11 a.m.-The Judgment Sea`. 3 p.m.-The Church School. 7 p.m.--The Rev. J. H. Garbig. :Remember the services of the `.7i ~ k 01' Prayer, to which you are Ev x-1 . .l R. W. REDFERN, Secretary. Collier St. United chm} __......._,, ........ ., -..... I 10.15--Morning Meditations 1n the Church Vesfry. 11 a.m.--Rcv. W. K_ Batty, 2 p.m.--Crusaders_ 3 p.m.-Church School. REV. E. E. LONG, B.A. B.D. Minister Lloyd Tuiford, Organist and Choir- master. All those interested in Christi: Science are cordially invited to a tend the service held every Sundz morning at 11 o clock in the Ame: an Hotel. Miss Elsie Cloughley, Organist .\I1'. Alexander Knox. Choirmaster It IER.;l{J: I1` REV. lO[l|S DICKFRING MINKTFR I (la " `a`:`:~1I'J'm:T1"` `I. 7 REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER 7 p.m.--The Pastor. W_ M, Dinwoolly, the new sheriff, is at his office this week and getting acquainted with the work. Sunday, Jan. 7, 1934 .. 11 Sa1e-Lady s nrnv qi-7;. RR new, SlZt: ac. Apply Box B, . Hun, Secretary. beaver coat, W111 sell very AdV.'1T1(:C, Bar-I U1 vnn..~;:a.11I at Sunday Amer: Wiandaie News!; Maurice Trevelyan 1'cturned to To- ronto on Wednesday after spending the holidays here. WTIKQ P Arnhvnep vnfnvncul {-n `has. uue uuuuays name. I Mrs. P, Ambrose returned to her home in the city on Tuesday after spending` Christmas and New Yea.r s with her parents, Mr. and Mrs_ Wil- son, Centre St. `N/cu NT (Inn-vfncnw 1nohnvnnr1' "|lr|sav| The 1934 town council wi1=1v hold. the rst meeting on Monday, when committees for the year will be 501- ected. lug new xuzu s \\'lLi1 remnxves mere. M1`, and Mrs. D. Kelcey spent the; holday with Mrs. A, Hooper, Burton] `Ave. I R/fm. `X7 D..4.+,. .....,....4. Vn1....._,I__, 9, Mrs_ W. Potts spent Thursday in AVG. Toronto. ? 7\.f...- VT` 1:V1,.nm....... rn:a2.. 0; _.,, ` db L'llL l1` uulnes nere. Mrs. C. Le\\1's, Brock St., has oeen spending` the vholldays wxth relatlves in Toronto. 1 '.\,r.. .....1~.\,r_.N (1 v_.,.._,, r- 1 sun, uenwe DE. Miss M. Gartner returned` from Penetang; on Wednesday after spend-i ing New Year's with relatives tlmere. 1-\.Tv nnr] NT-Q T) T(nIr-nu ;`11n1-:4 Han; J_U1.'U`HLU. Mrs. T. Fleetham, Titn St., wasl removed to the Toronto Western Hos pital and underwent a serious oper- ation on Wednesday. NI!` nnd T1-Q C T('11fo-hf and Min. - anon on vvcuucsuay. `i Mr, and Mrs, C. Knrgtht and Miss` Dora Knigrht and Mr. E. Ande`1s2on,f of Toronto, were holiday visitors at` the home of Mn: and Mrs. V. Kn1ght.i NT)-Q Rnnh-inn .Qf.oih1nvm+ `Inna lnzm... we Hume or may and Mrs. V. 1&mght.i Mrs. Beatrice St`einha`1`t has been: spending the holidays with Miss M._ Reid, Tifn St. VVI11 C|'Hnc:nu'n nu/I Duh rln 1...-n,-. 1\.L`.iU, lillill Db. Wm_ Gillespie and Ben Ode have; returned home after spending the` 1 summer on uhe lake boats, J 'ii`in int-ni namivnn-a n4~`4-nu `|n.~...1,..I..... bl.UlHllL'l' UH Um.` 1aKC ooats, The local aspirants after knowledge have'1'etu`1'ned to `H1-Oil` respective col- leges after spending the holidays at their homes here. `Tim F TnnrL~ Divan`; CA. `L... 1.-.. are holding their first practice at the Allandale rink to-night. Sons of England Euchre , The S. of E. held a benet euchre in the hall Tuesday night, the pro- eer.-(ls to be u;~:ed to equip the hockey team. A good number of the Iocal card svharks turned out and competi- tion was keen. First prize went to Clarence Danvers and second to Fred` _G0sney, the prizes being donated by. W. B. Webb. | LVL`\V 1ea.1".s 12'nC2`e, ` 1 The Sons of En-_9;1:md hockey squad Carl Gerhertz, of Little Lake, wnile motoring on Bradford St. on Wednes- day, sideswiped one of the town trucks driven by A. Bates. The fender and running board oi` the Gierhertz car were damaged, but little damagxz was done to the truck. The street was icy and the ztccidcnt unavoidable. I Chief of Police Alex. Stewart 1r his report for the month of Dec-:n:-- bcr, 1933, shows a total of 31 0t'-. fences and $15 collected in nes 4nd! costs_ Offences were: Fraud 1, S119`: pended sentence; theft by entry 1, 13 clue; petty thefts 3. no clue; drunl.- in clizxrgc of car 1, ten days in gaol, assault 1, convicted; breach of L.C.A. ` 6, four convicted, two Wlti1dl'ZL-V11; 'petty complaints 18, all attended to. Daniel Kenny, of Flos, charged: with stealing a certain quantity of straw, hay and potatoes while under. seizure, was arranged in police court, before Magistrate Jeifs Wednesdxy n101`Y1`il1_L",`. The accused pleaded ner. guilty and Crown Attorney Evans` put his first witness, Thos. Cavanag ` in the box. As the baili did not` have a copy of the inventory statingl the articles seized, J. R_ Boys, coun . sel for Kenny, asked for an adjuurn- ! ment as the document was very vital to his case. The case was adjourn-1 ed until Jan. 10th. I 11]. IUICUHLU. ` M1'_ and Mrs. S. Ke-rgwow, Brock St., motored to Waterloo and spent New Ye2m".s there, T`Ia,~. Qnrun A4! `L"......1.....I L-..1.,__ .,,,, V Frank N. Higginson, last yoa1's`s; [deputy in Essa, was elected recvei over W. J. C. Boake. Geo, D. Banty ing for deputy-reeve, and J. CA Ha.ug'h, Geo. Wilkinson and W . J.; McMaste1' for councillors got an ac-;' lclzunation. y c i The by-law submitted to the people `' at Monday s election to decide: whet'he1' or not Orillia should have a liquor store, was defeated, the poil` being; 1,573 for a liquor store and 1,992 against. To pass the by-law a t\vo-thirds majority in its favor is liecessary. THEFT CHARGE ADBURNED HIGGINSON REEVE IN ESSA POLICE FINES LIGHT 9-gnu, President. 9 Another lynching in the United` istates. This time the mob, as a special proof of its civilization, cut the victim s `heart out.--Petcrboro 2'1 N.\':ln1iT!C1.`. 1:` VI .n.u -`uelxt-2L-Meal boxes should be brought in, either to the church or to me parsonage, and new ones re- ceived uuring the coming week. . jl1_\ H]ZLll 1', null`, (Iihiz-l Justice of they * |C2x.n:uHu.n Sl1])'}'(`lHO Court, and Louis "H.-I101`, ()hiul' JlL\`ti(`(.` 01.` the Quebuc; `Court of thp King _s Bench. Four! `noted Canarlmn public s_0rva11ts were} | \verc_g1ven oulors of Im1;.=;l1-thond, not! curr_v1n_u: the ceremonial prex (.1? Sir, :md 32 Czmadian women w..-Le S Ixmorud with membership in various > I I i ranks of the Order of the British I".mpi1'e for services in social wolk. hospital or educational services. John Guy, condenital secretary to Lin`.-i lGoverno1'-Gencral s ofce, was award-! ed menlbership in the Order of 1.1 V British Empire. ` -bl. ;\'1('(,- \\'m'- mlsw.-I to 1x 1Mz1j(~.~:ty in the New . }I._V'nm.n I . Du`, Ohit Iffznmzuliem Q...n....`.. : I D > VEUL Unc cuunu.-1. | 5; Haynes in the Barrie nuts for the` last two periods played 21. very - ' steady g`a.me. In the last period tem- {pers bega.n`to fl:-J.re up and on difi'er- 5-em; occasions it looked like a free-' _,lfo1'-all, but the gzmle ended before 1: 5 any trouble started. l2:nvEn .-,...1 lJr\r\I-sr\\- n_,,,H I vane un "cl. mct: puss I1'On1 l<.Cy1101LL>'. I 1` In the nal frame Barrie drew a` V.c0uple of (lisustrous penalties, andi Iwhile Shorthanded Fitzgerald scored, ;twicc and Dobson once. Reymolds` lgolt 1115 second. goal when he mtereg `ceptcd a pass and xnade no mista.l~'.c., 5=Bil1 Scott showed some real `hockey 3l in this period and only hard lL1C-lsl -. kept him from scoring`. | -l A 2'0od c1`m\'rl of 1`nnf.r\1'c `lhnrlu um .ncpu. mm 1.130111 scormg. ' good crowd of rootcrs made the - :, trip from Barrie and their support ' I was appreciated by the boys. ` _ ; ious on both sides. Burns and Hagan : W , ya:-Iu 1;, xnurnton 4 Barrie took first place in the South 1 `Simcoe League when they handed; ` Thornton their rst defeat of the :season on Tuesday night by 11 to 4. Lee of Barrie started the fireworks; by starting a few minutes after the _( game started. Burns followed with `another and then R Stewart scored! * the rszt for Thornton when he ipped I ;one past Gill. For the lest of the; period the skating was fast and fur- of Barrie scored one each and Urry ;two. Just before the period ended, `M. Lennox broke away alone and` scored for Thornton while Kerr was; Yin the penalty box for tripping. i y The rst period was mild ('nn1'nn-,-nrl `I :Hocke_3; N ewsi Barrio 4, Newmafket 3 The Barrie Colts frolicked tome with an easy 4-3 victory over the Newmarket junio~rs on New Year s afternoon. The visitors got away to a slow start, when twu goals were scored on Hooper in the first period. The second frame was a ditferent story. The three redheads of the local squad, Reynold-s, Stransman and Scott, banged m tnree goals in quick ,`.sL1ccessio'11, all on nice D`d.:x`.\il1):J' m;nv< . .,..u u,um.~.. n. pampbeu drove a hard i one into the not from close rungye; and then M. Lennox repeated the act ` just before the end of the period. Both goals wrc well eztrnod. '["h.,- 1.i]i)'(] hr-rind uvno n" "D"- ocuub, uuugeu m mree goals 1n quick `succu.-ssio'n, on pasaing pxaysu In tnc third period Geo1'gc lxenncuyl ;put Barrie two up with one of his` [sizzling drivves from the blue line. l`*l1e home team put on the g'a.11ging `act abter this goal and nmnuged to: iget one countc-1. | Htliinaa im. 4-,h.. I21-in ,A.. 1%.. A`-.- I The annual meeting` of the Barrie Conservative Association will be held in the Police Court Chamber.; on Thursday evening next, Jan. 11th. ,, Avnnunullu u, ua.-uu `E l Barri-e got olf on the wrong` footl VKedneidayb11ig1ht in Orlllia, when" t ey :1 501` ed a 6-4 defeat at the` hands of the `Midland team. The Colts played good hockey all tln:ough, : b_uL tnc opposltlon goahe was Just at l1_ttle too ggowgl or had the b-rea.k.< all! 1113 \my._ 1` xre Reynolds was the! 0utsta.n(lu1g' player for the red and? `whit;e, notcnlm; tw-0 coun1.e.').; .r-.1.11`(l assistirg in the third. At the end oi the Drst; period l\'lid1-and was on top! _by `Ll-0,tDobsoin 21fI:11(l 1*1.tg;c1'a1d1bt1tlg-Q .1ng' we wme or 1e V1251 ors. n he _second `Bar1'ie_ 1'L`VC1`:)E(l the order,! Reynolds g'ott1ng' the first on a solo` e`ov1'L and Stephenson,_Arnott, vReyn- 5 olds and Scott and f1gu1'1n_:,' 1n the! second and Stran>:nw.n lnadc no mis-4 take on a nice pass from Reynolds. final r'r;mm H:H`1'in (huxur -. `to the second one. `was heavier and the players `Hagan were sent to 111 one penalty box for first period mild eoinpared Body Checking more de- termined. Kerr of Barrie scored on a three-man rush, and then came the penalties. Lee got the rst for trip- ping and shortly after R. Ste\\':.u-L and the coop when they tried to warm each other s ears. About the time they came back, Rob- ertson of Barrie went off. However, the rest did him good, he sc)red when he got back on the ice. Thorn- ton then went to work and scored two 9;oz1l.<.. from Plncn .-...-.n~.. I-I. Campbell drove l : QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIF ; `by W. A. Mcconkey, Auctoneer, the 1, 'fol1owing;iands and premises, namely: l That part of Lot Nuz11be1' One (1) {on the East side of John Street (now Maple Avenue) and south Ross Street, in said Town of Bazue, ac- cording to Reg'iste1`ed I-`lam iwunibezv Seventeen, as more particulu.ri5 do` scribed in Reg;istered ln.strument 9I\'umber 13269 for Bd.l`1'lC, Leg.-tliei` 'with the rigllt of way and right to r-e- I tain sewer and drain pipes as`part1-E |Iculz1rly detsiriberll 111lbs;1(1(l)1RCQ.'J13Et:311'i9dg : nstrumen' 'um er .5. or ;L"e, There is said to be erected on sazd , lands a COn1f0rf.nl1l(- nnn nnrl m-.,_im:4= 4 .-any Izruumc: started. ' 1 Ba1riu-Croal, 1-Ivooper, Haynes; idefence, Reynolds and l'xa.s11ner; cen-- Itre, iiennuiy; wings, Coulson and: St;ru.n:;ma1); ultem-r:utes, Gor1ng', Scott.,j ..-Xrnott, Stevenson, Liv111g`.~.1;o11`. ! v.....,.- uv-ucu 1, A n:u<:l.ang J l 1 Camp Borden broke away to a `good start when they defeated Pene- tang; on their own. ice by 7 goal. to: ' 3. '1 he camp had the edge on the play i ifrom the start and were not pu;l1ed' at any time. Stan Pa1't1'idg'e am?` Jack Kennedy led in goals, g;ei.Ling` two ezmh. Bradley, McAsl~:in and 'Ba.ker accounted for the other threc.`i Ca.1m)-Gnnl, T-InnLv- dn+`mm,. D--. u L)u.m:r uccounteu 101- the other three. Ca.mp--GoaI, Hook; defence, Par- 1tridge and Adams; Centre, Kennedy and Lalonde; wings, Campbell, Brad- lley, McAskin and Saso. I Camp Borden 7, Penetang 3 rfnvnn 'Rrn-rlnn 1-n-nbn n...-.. L, Barrie 11, Th;>rnton 4 w;n 4-..-1- c.._. __1_,,, - Midland 6, Barrie 4 l\ .4. ..u` .... LL- The l\'orthez'n Ad \'d. l\`t(: ..__-. JDGES HONOR LIST 9 have render- hed public s-:1- ;:l1tlio0(l by His 2:Lr s honor list. of the urt, Quebec Four servants were mi;-;h-thoad, not lial Drex Li` `and will not be responsible to any Notice is hereby given pursuant to ,the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having` claims 2L1`2!.i11Si2 the estate of Jane Priest, lane of the Town of Barrie, deceased, who died- on the 20th day of Novembe:, 1933, :are requested to send pmti.-ulzlrs of their claims to the un(lersi2`ne(l on or before the 8th day of J21nu:n'_v, 1934, "after which date the Executors Wlll '. distribute the assets of the estate, ( having regard only to the claims ofxl which they then shall have notice, I 1 others. _ l '_-_w_.__" 9 1- . vs As it is the Week of Prayer, the W.C.T.U. have withm'awn the month- ly meeting and hope all members will be able to attend the prayer meetings in the different churches. According' to the report of Chief :,`BIacker of the Orillia Fire Dept, a ftota] of 150 alarms were turned in `during the year. The loss from re 1 for the venr wan gm: nos: rm.:.. ---- `uurmg me The loss year was $58,396. This was a record number of res for Orillia. There were also a greater number of .'u.`('ident.; among remen than ever before. ORlLLlA'S FIRE LOSS F0!) Vl:`)\D ..;Lu1` sutu SUDJCCE 120 a reserveci b.d. ` `M Terms: Ton per cent. 01' the pur- 'chase money at the time of salt. and! _ } the balance within thirty day: tncze-I , `after. _ ,1 For further terms and partxLu1z11s! :01` sale apply to I Snug,-.r Ry Qo.........o , ---- I ` The public is hereby warned thati Air Flring will take place at Camp! Borden between the hours of 9 21.`-1.1.} ii:-md 4 p.m. daily, Si1t1li'([:i_\ a and .541.-[ idays excepted, from Znu .'i..x.'m211-3,` L01 |20th February, 1934. The buund-` aries of the danger area are : ! On the N01'th--First road 110 `th of} .Mad River. _ _ 3 ! On the East--Angus; Pine River ! `Cataxxmnpus Creek. i . On Lhe South---A line one mile; north of the line from Tioga to 5 Baxter. I 1 (`mm 4-1.. 117.; mL. n.v-_-_.... 1__,_, ,u .*1V'L llLlU. I The said p1'opc1*t_V will be oi1'erc(l,[ ;for sale subject to b.d. ' Terms : 'I`nn nmv I-nnl nl' fln rxvvn The annual meeting of th share-`I holders of the Barrie Un=ion Cemete '_'- Co. will be held in the Police Court` Chambers, Barrie, on the evening of Monday, January 15th, 1934, at 8' o clock, for the purpose of electing` directors and the t1'ansacti0`n of gen-~ eral business, including` the revialong of bv-laws. ' | | All lot owners are S'hE1l'ChOIdCfn % I _. -- 7 1 Earrie Union Cemetery F uucru is sum to DC e1'cC'LCu sazd I Hands comfortable one and om.-half ?sto1'oy brick veneer dwelling J'.ouse,] centrally located on sand i`-'Iaple|' AV-enue. , l".w. r ....`.....4... __.:n 1, .<- v ` DELXLUI. On the West-The VVcsi,cm bound- fary of Camp Borden area. , ! L, R. LaFleche, } 5 Deputy Mmistcr. i ! DCh{11`t111P~]112 Of N:1tin11n1 Twnftrnxrn ` Mag'ist.rate Jctfs, who is taking charge of the 1nag'itrate s of c- in Orillia till the IVlcCaug`hrin affair is settled, was welcomed by Mayor Good and other town oicial: on Tuesday. `my 1115 oouclbors, 1 } Shilton, Wzxhbridge & Ault, 100'- :McKinnon Bldg., 19 Meimda SL. To ronto 2, Ont. ' ueputy Mmi I Department of National Defenczz, I Ottawa, December 19, 1933_ E-_- E111 the estate of John Jame; Duncan l Banting, All persons having ciaims zlgaizist jthe estate of John James Duncan tBanting_. late of the Town of 1~`;arrie, sin the County of Simcoe, Govci-n~o1' of Simcoe County Gaol, dc-cea.sed, `who died on or about the 'I`wenty ;fourth day of November, 1.933, axe Ihereby notied to send in to the un- `dersigned on or before the Eig,'11- I teenth day of January, 1934, full pz1r- _ 'ticulars of their claims, duly veried. I Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said jestate will be distributed amongst :the narties entitled thrarrntn, `z.1uir_.r 'l:lL'LU211'S 01 Lnell` claims, (luly Vc1'1I1c(l. ;the parties entitled thereto, mxving regard oniy to claims of v.'l1ie1) the lundersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others. and the ;undersig'ned will not be liable to any ;person of whose claim the under I _signed shall not then have notice for `the assets so distributed or any pain 1 thereof ' `D.-.4-Ari at FI`.\......L,. 4.1.:._ v.`;m__ _,u l ` l/Ilb`1'8Ul. Dated at Toronto, this Fiftecmh `day of December, 1933. { Percy E. Ault, u Administrator of the Estate N of the Deceased. {RV Te .QnHnH'rn-a 'Of Residential Property In the Town! olf Barrie, in the County of I i Simcoe. Under and by virtue of the powersl ?of sale contaned in a certain I-11ol`t-l lgage, which will be produced at the} time of sale, there will be o`ercd for 1 sale by public auction on I 2 QATIIDHAV vAvuvvA--..\r .. I ` 0 ?By his Solicitors, .qhn+.n.-. \N11i.}'n .-./u., cw ..I.L4.uu ux.1uu1\ uuun, dl. L118 2 QUEENS ; thel ' following lands ` part Number On (Ix can; u_y puunn. u,uL.I.1uu U11 ; SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 ,1934, at 12.00 o clock noon, at l'IlIL`L`I\l' Llt\'I"I:-I ryxnnuvw rt. nun: apply LU Stewart & Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Mortgages :-3 Sohcitors. Dated December 28, 1933. Three electric light shades in Qur-Ian's Par-k have recently been broken by some party or parties, and the Parks Commission offers a. rewanl of $5 for information leading to the conviction of the guilty ones. FOTTCE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Mortgage Sale NOTICE TO CREDITORS Esten & Eaten, Barrie. Solicitors for Executors. ' Annual Meeting ruuz LUDD FOR YEAR IS $58,396 J. VV. Ness, Sec.-Treas. Thos_ Nash. President.` I W N-OTICE th e Just how cold it was in Burk's fFulls on-Friday morning` last is rattler l(lllllCUlt to determine. Many of the local thermomc`r,ers only 1'eg;istcr to ,'40 below zero and in all of these tn: I mercury had disappeared into time bulb. beveral have thermometers that reg'iste1' 60 below and in one instance . the mercury had disappeared in it also. The general opinion seems to be that it was from 52 to 58 below zero. It was in our estimation the most intense frrorst since we arrived here thirty years ago. It caused a good deal of trouble with the water ' systems around town and was almost 3 too cold for `outdoor work of any ` kind. The frost was accompanied by a quite dense fog`, which is also u.n- ` usual for this district. By Sunday J the mercury had risen to 32 degrees, 1 or just freezing, but dropped again on Monday to below zero.-Arrow. 1 1. i About 3.30 p.m. on New Year s day the local fire department; was called to the home of Mrs. Harold Dymcnt, High St., to extinquish a blaze which broke out in joists beneath the living room. The re was caused by an overheated furnace. The only dam age done was caused by smoke_