air Like a crimson bamncr ying` them WOMEN'S INSTITUTE NEVY LS 3110. Lguuuxlcao (lax. ... .... -- then shape our news of `OXISJLOHCU In- to loveliness, freshness and contin-u ity, rather than into age and blight. ---Mary Baker Eddy. > ` T.n1'. the new year be a year_ of Eddy. Let the year yar ixlfrecdom from sin_, a year of 5-<.:21'\`lc_e, ';a year of trust 1n God, and 1t W111 be a. happy year from rst to la.=...- J. M. Buckley, D.D. He who has found unon earth the city of his affections, and who with every onward step is only advzmcing toward a Inist, may well look upon New Year s day as a day of sorrow 'nhm~n nmn many. I am aware, to . minutes. An ('.HL'(:L1\'&5 Ill `-0 Phillips Milk of Magnesia. . digestlon to normal. .-.. nu-.. .1.-um n\x`nV with I New xears uuy (lb cu ...._, \l ..,_, . . . There are many, whom the thought of the ight of time is (ii. For me, I feel that He hath not given the spirit of fear. but of powe1`.~D1`. A. 'l`ho-Luck. A.D.--The world writes the letters carelrzssl-3 as it turns the page to re co~1`d for the first time the m.-w year but in these letters is the open secret" of the d_L'()S, for this, too, is a year uf our L-nrri. zm 2u-cepLa.1)l~_ n u__._.... Ar ..-.-..,.,. : house was .sh'abby and old an-, `knwa .v\.._ v Bear! {I 4 , HILLEPS 4 'Milk . 1.` I "4-`(T-r\QCS`lQ cl a r ,- THURSDAY", JANUARY P1'os'pc1`ity, like p0\'erty, is con. tz15;a 1C1'ski11e. TO A DOORWAY Iota of folks who think they hams indigestion have only an twid condition which could be corrected in five or ten An ctfuctivu ant~i-a.cid like ~m.nIim: Milk Magnesia. soon restores Phillips does away with :11 that. sour lane and gas right. a.fu-.r meals. It pru- veuta the distress so `gut (.0 occur Lwn hours after eating. hm. u pleaemn E-eparaxion to take! And how good i: ia r the system! Unlike a. tanning dozze -1 -in-which is but, t1:u1p->ra.ry relmf u t L0 occur MW-1 ol aodn.--which 6 best/--Phil1'1ps Milk of Magnesia nun- tnliws many times its volume in mud. Next time a hearty meal, or mo rich I diet has brought on the least. discom- Inrrt f.rv-._ Sin_u`inp; \\`zu'n1s the blpod,` m;-;; a doctor in Scotland, ___________ Whenlrood Soars _ V JILL`. @of Magnesia uw. ..... | we rinht. mfn-.r 4, 1934 1 1 ' .. ,........n 1-,, who \v1r.n _ 3 1e 5.. ity. vcget dew, w Many twee} food uchin no 1w and cook con : [mm pm or n folk 1) ll1Q'(L MW!-nclu mu Following' the severe cold weather of Friday, New Year`s mar} `Adi very poorly a.tte1::leLl. At ten o clock the tables were almost bare, but after an hour had elapsed several of the regular stallholde-rs were on l1-and after braving the swrm. Buyers were secaree and apparently the ma. jorlty of the public had citi1e1' s,e~ cured their` New Year s fowl earller or decided to celebrate wiblxcux L..e cu.. I gooe or turkey. 05-` 1+... {nu-I n`mn(l for sale. Lur- eustomzJ.ry goose ILu).'lU_y. 01' the fowl offcied 1'01` sale, key was by i'a1' the best seller, .11- though very scarce. The avemge price was 23c 1b., but some were go- ing at 20c lb. Geese were more plentiful, selling at 14c and 15c 11). Tliere were very few ducks olfersd and the price 1`Oll1all'l'(.`(l the same as the previous week at 15c and 16c lb. Chickens also were good sellers and some ne birds were o ered at 17:: and 18c lb, nun nr Hm nntnhlo l'oa.tu1"es of the and lb. One of the notable l'eaturs of 1mu`l;c*.. was the heavy supply of eggs. l\'earil~y every stallholder made a large snowing and a result; many had to be taken home or disposed of ebu- where. Prices were a little lower and the most 01' the l'arn1e1`s were only getting from 281: 'to 30 dozen. l-lowever, some were asking as lngl`: as 33c dozen for selects. The de mand was not very heavy. 13-utt.r a;_,~'a1n rein-ained unchanged at 250 1b., but indications are for a higi:-er price next week. in gunlen vegetables the S1l]_)]_Jl_,' was 1101`. neavy, with prices remaining as usual. 'l"he1'e was a good shoxvini, of winter apples, Spies being` priced at 25c and 35: `I. bzxsket, l:ee\\.ai:lu .-.7 25c baswket, Baldwins 20c and Bus- scts 20c basket. . Oz; the 0l'.t:l'.l* m::'-ket there \\\1.a a load of d1'es.<(-d niezus with 1>)1~i`L the >:'a"`~. as usual, whne tne su[.-pl;-' oi.` wood'\\a.; very scarce there L :'.:l:) only a couple of loads oll'e.u.l I211 sale_ GROWING CHILDREN DEMAND VARIETY OF NQURISHING FOOD Ravcnous in the morning, liungry at noon, and empty as a b0`ttomle.a.~ pit at niglit! That is the problcm every mothcr 011' g'rowing' `children lm: to face. What to feed them and how much is a matter of real Ln1por1.ancc. First of all, 1'0`0(Is should be allnplc and not too rich; the:re should be A i plentiful supply of fresh \'cg'ctaLblcs, meat, fruits and simple dusserts-- with milk :1 major part of the daily diet. 1 -.14`-x;ri- .<'nnnl:l hm diet. }31`uzL`.;1'ast should be subsi,antia', p2u'ticula.1'1y in cold weather, so that energetic young bodies will have enough to last till the noon mea` It should include fruit, U. cereal, eggs and toast, and milk 0.1` cocoa_ Y nnnhnnn cdnnnirl r-nnuiuf nf n1 i(`.'x.\i.I and toast, anu mun u.1- cucUu._ Luncheon should consist of at 10 /Lat one hot disl1--it makes the mc.'.l more interesting and ut,tractive; it cnnnwu fn irnnvnvn r1iD`(t.\f.i0n. OI` at "/line nuuzst: Wu: mmuu, ....._. V... ..._- bare, And the yard unkempt and b1'ov.; And there wasn t a meancr, poo:-L-x. place T1`.-(1 length and br(:adth of the town. The gate sagged low on a b1'0K cn latch At tzizr: end of a straggling 5,`-'a1'uun patch. I `. n`u`\ 1m,e1'esJ1;1n-g `dug! uI.A.1"g.cuH:, it. seems to improve digestion, or atl least; encourrage eating` all of the lunch and eating it less hastily. Bet ter fed ,the ohild'ren respond better to teaching`, show improved deport mernn; and a general increase in vital- ity. The hot: dish might be a mixed vegetable soup, :1 stew or sh chow- with EL milk pudding` for (lesserl. Many motliers disapprove of the be- tween meal snack, bull; if the proper is offered after school to ll the aching void until dinner, there seem~` reason for withholding` it. Bread butter and 21 glass of milk or u cookie or two are certain to be \vel- coined. However, the reaction of the individual child to between meal .n.n ...l.n..l.l ,|..6.-n..nin.. u-nnl mm. SATURDAY S MARKET xnuxvluuzu cuuu LU uuI.\\uL:u mum pickups should (1cte1`min<: wnetncr not the habit is 21 llealthy one Lu follow. Dinner nuxy be 11 most zLtU'.1cti\L- nlcul if such (li. as the following uru i'u;1LL1n2 'l`hc_y are uzL.~:y to mu parc, <>con0mical and 1\um`iLi0u.~:. Crnaln nF Carrot Soun--I`re1):11'(: pzlrc, ecouonnczu unu I'uunuuu. Cream of Carrot Soup-I`1'cp:u'(: unou_g'h young canots to nlakc Lxxu Ctlpri 01' small cube.-:. Cover \\`i.n Lnough \\'at.-1' ti) boil gently unL1l tcmluu Add 1 medium sized onion, 2 Lzlblt-. butter, `2 cup (lllL'.l bread crumbs, 3 cups bouvilnion (m .-at or c'niL-ken), 1 teaspoon salt, on-: lnhlx-<\m(n1 1 mm Lon mill` 0: CIHCKCH), L ICLLSDUUII SIHL, UIlL' i Labln-. .~'11;.;':11 , 1 cup top milk 01 (Z1'L`1l1]1. Cook the union .<.i0wly 111 Lin; '1)L1ttc1` for five miiiutes. Add Ch; <-1-111:1b:; zmd bouillion, the liquid oil the cz11`i'0L.~:, salt and sL1',=;'.11', unu sim- n1u;- 20 mimitcs. Add carrots and . -\\\\ 1)ni1nn` 4n hniiiluv LIVE? en Lasserule J. 1U. Cilll U` l)(-(:I'li\'er1' (cut thick), 2 la.1'g'e onio11., ~ `.~'_- ;:`1'ucn pepper, 1 stalk celery. Cut ` liver in Lubes. Dice onions. 1-IL-at hzu-on }J;1'c:1.~:.,- in pan, add liver anu onion.' and .~'n-zu`. Then put in cz1.~su1`- ole. .-\(l(l ;.;1'c-en pepper and L`\:l(`l`_\'. \'o\\' pour soup over 2111 and zuld :, cup of \\'uLc1'. Season to taste. Baku for 30 minutes. KING HENRY I. GAVE US OUR YARD MEASURE In 1511;-`lzxml, Hen-Ty I. cstabli.~;Jlu.-d a yzwd us the distm1cc from the pomt of his nose to the end 01' his thumb. 1 1001 H-nu I.-n-Inxn-nvnc \vyr-'-n us`- Ol ms nose L0 Llu: unu UJ. ma unuxuu. In 1221 three 1):u'1<:ycoms were cs- t'd.bl1.~;h(d us one inch; 12 mches one foot; three feet om: ell. Anwnnw (31`nD1(< :1!!!` R.01`l11]Y1S the loot; tl1l`(:(*. leer, 0710 011. '- Among Greeks and Romans the `3 pace was the Lmit of measurement corl-e. to the yard. 5 l{oebe1"s work on su1'\'eyiI1;.3: in Ger- many slzltcd that the lo11;__v,1;l1 of a foot ( should be determined in the follow- ing way: Stand at the door of a church on Sunday and bid 16 .ncn 1 to stop, tall ones and Small one, as ` they happen to pass out when the 1 . service is m'shcd; then make tiuem ` put their left feet one behind an-otner and the length these obtained ;shall be a riglmt and lawful Food to meas- ure and survey land with, and the sixteenth part of it shall be the right and lawful foot." 1.. 10m`. an -,m+ (lot-lnvnrl nn 'F`.m7li:h r`- : `. 'Lives can be drab 21 faded ag But the soil of the heart can grow Lilies, as white an ang-'e`. s robe, To . in :1 stately raw. Casting their shadows upon bhe oor, Lilies of gold by the temple dour." ---Ed1m Jaques. Hf.` '_ .U nHI1`LlU.:.s`. .-\uu (:d.1'1'ut.a anu :1-um. Rt.-heat; to b01lm*. Liver Casser0le-1 lb. culf O! ,.a' 1:. 1....4. H1:,.1.-\ 9 Ln-m. r\n;.'n| and la\\-'1'u1 root." In 1266 an act declared an English penny called a sterling, shall weight 32 wzheut Corns in the midst of the cm`, and 20 pence do make an ounce and 12 ounces a pound. _it. I :x'c'.1d L" u ction tween meal inc Llthy .41. he u:l<\' fn 1.3.- _ l / .`E%.`. I l\`1os-t good cook: apprnciaue .m,- &.u;- | \':mta:2;e of keeping a supply 0; cookies on hand. Thr-y ll that b;: i tween-maul void and jn'm .`i :1 hu 2.. for quick and s:1ti;=i'_vin_: (i('>`:"'!L.-`. Here are some new wu_\':<. to ('0`I1I:OL`. these delicious tid-bits--try thi.-m :1- a change from your stzLn(Lu'(1 ru';r nu-.. nu.-'n - - n,,-- , m..1.,. 1 u u||u.AAbu 4.4.-.u.. 4.....- _. Ice Box Cookies--TzLke 1 cup <.-216:1 0`f b-u`t')1', `grown and g`i"iLI1l11}l'u~(l stlgut, 2 ;g'g's, 1 teaspoon cw"n oi` salt and soda, 1 cup nut mez1t.<,, 1 .<;.~. spoon each of almond and vanilla ex- tract {Ind 41.4. cups our. I.'?r(,-an1 if.-: butter, add hc Sll_L`&l1`, c_v,';`:~' and o1.'n.,`.' ing`1'e(licnts. -2011 into two )`011.-. and let stand on a <".o*;1~ in a. pan 1.-law-`Z in the ice box. 'l`h.- cloth kt.-mm (Tu (10ll_L_,"h from {121tt(,-Hing: and St,i(fkll1f'_' tn the pan. thus iosim: it~: round shzxp-3. Slice very thin, (lu:(:0!z`.1.(: with 1121.1` :1 nut meat, :1 rasin or <'hc1*1'y, an 0m, .~: `taste su_,";`OsL;~`. '~5- 1- -,, r~-...I.:_.. R \nl1n`n 1 In I ` into small balk: talstu SLlj.,"_1,'i`.\L.\. Spice Cookies--5 whole eggs, 1 lo. brown sugar, 2 teaspoons cinnamon: 1 teaspoon ground ('1(Wf*S, 1, fe:L=pm.n vanilla, '1 teaspoon baking soda, 3 cups flour. Mix Hm nbm'n to-,-;uL2`.r:;'. add s'L1f'ci(mt Hour to handle it, 101] :u'.(l drop 1'1'(:m .1 tea- `H `-H 2.1"` I`, :1 ~\.l\r\`V\ nn:l `\~].-n I-\~{.n>_~ Most good cooks app1'~ciat,e tno ad- :1nf:\n'r> nf knnninr: supply spoon ZIP(1 .> -u -.~---..~ -u ` hot oven, 10 to 15 minutr-.=. Oatmeal Co0kies--l (`up . 2 cups oatmeal, 1 tons-poon sod-..1, 2 cu]-.= flour, 1 cup fat. 5 .-';.t,`2 nrrrrc 1,1. mm milk. Snruzul o\'(-.. 1'. flour, 1 mt. ~_- L.El.~nuU!'. :. eggs, 1/. cup milk. Spry-zul ox at pan. When done, cut squares. l lulnI.....~...- ("nnL:n mm sw( V ?1;`\ But. just by the do4o`1'\\~'ay Old 11110 \`.:nl'7] -squams. _ ` Molasses Cookies--A1 C111 ) s.\\'(31:Lul1-ii ed condr-n. milk, cup 1T`.O1?..s'.\,CS, . 1,:'_. cup . raisins, ("up \\'u1nui..~, ` 23 Graham (:i`u(-kv1`.~'. `,-~ t(3:.1.<])~-.111 g'in3p;cT, `,1 uii.~,'picv, `,-_ Li-uspooii :1`- namon, 1/; teaspoon salt. COn1_bilX'.` the condensed milk and 1H0i2LI\`SI'.. Add the Graham cracker C1`Lll`ibs. :"..':n))r` raisins mid waliiuts. Mix t,`iioi'ou;;.i1y. Drop by spoonfuls on a g`rC:1.`~`cd bu}:- ing sheet. Bake in a. mo own ; 1'01 15 min-utes. OJ! nI1v\ rlcn-I. 10-: 1:)_ 111muLus. Ch0cola.te Cookies--2-3 cup dark brown suugar, % cup sugan`, 1 tea- spoon vanilla, 4 teaspoons cocoa, % teaspoon salt, 1/ cup sour mlk, 1 egg, 2 1-3 cups our, 1 teaspoon soda, 4 tablespons fut, mclcud. Mix sugazs. vanilla, cocoa and malt n 1t.. Ll... . ...'.. FILL THE COOKIE JAR The Northern Advance ("41) cocozmut, 1, : (-.up.~'. IIULII, 4. ma .<`_.;o(n1s cm-an1 of tm'tu1'. C1'e;1'm but- L .'1` um 9311'. Add cream und 0543:`. .-\`.d `.'(`.'t of im.;`1-e(1ic11ts. Mm 11_-_..r- ly. Drop portions from end of . on to p;1'e:1s(:(I baking: sheets and b.{;:: 1: . n:inut'xs` in m0(Ien'ut(: o\`cn_ \.7v'a`.nut StI'ips-Th01'(.~ mu thw- . in m_:1km_<: these delit-ious s'r.rx-p For the crust tnrczxm 1,4 cup .~=hor`.cn- E2112. `g x-up Hour. and \\'h<:11 snlootr. am` ml in :1 .'_`l'(':1> (~(1 pun m--:\:su1".n~: about 9 by 5 inches. Bukv 12 to 15 minniwx in a hot oven. j . , u mlv tho L-mst is l>zn<.;:;, nizmc: 11in_;'. Boat 1 -..-,L":', `add `$5; `brown sog'z11- sifted to prevent lumps, I .v...:.1,._..\...m nrrv 1/. tonmoon bak- sifted to prevent lumps, 1 L1L]llf`; Hum`. `Kw teaspoon ing powder, `,4 teaspoon S2111, 1,/L cu: um-nanut, `-'_- cufn .\'a'm;.`..~, chopped, and 1/. tezwwpoon v:m..;:~. Wham the crust com `from thc ovc.1 spv`.-:11`. t`?-1': llin-;; evenly on top um; rot'.1r11 to ow-1`. bnki11g' 5 to 20 mm`- utcs longe-2'. . n. :1 , 2-n:..__ :. ..nn1 I\1,\1.'(- utcs 1ongc'2'. .-\f`L<-V2` tho 11ing.: is cool m.\k(: c()nf't:c tionm"s f1'ostin;,_;' as f011o\\=. Work 1 tzxblrrsmoon butter until it C.-rezuny and add `$4 cup con '7;-\:t :`m.m' cnu`n\' 1 1;nh1os:n00n wnrm oran}, .n-.\ L . and mm -;r., cup cm... . su;-"an-_. 1 tablespoon orange `juice, drop by drop, and `,-'_- tezi.spuu1~ lemon juice. Spread on the cake and sprinkle with `,4 cup w:-.1nut.;-. chop- ped. Cut in strips 1 ineh wide and 2 to 3 inches long. Home, school and church all need to play their p`d:1 tS in the dircull; task of rearing decent citizens, and of these the home has he earliest and most constant opportunity. It iv 9. serious duty imposed on parent,:. and it needs` to be faced seriously Wlth a constant recollection of the fact that on home inuences depend- , the cvhalracter with which a youngslmr will eventually face a world full or ' 1' I . ' uAun...u.AL;u and iu;uL1;vui..l-I--... warn A clump of hollyhocks grew, A aming riot of scarlet and gold That called to the soul of you. Their bqauty amed in tin: morning D1? VVedding Statzonery Northern Advance Here's one detail of the wedding that need not worry you a parade For our announcements and invita, [ions are correct. You ll find our Prices Reasonable Carrect Phone 53 "he Bannie branch of the .'vVomen's Institute will hold its reg;ular mo: :2.- 1y meeting in Library Hall TL1(::\i3_~,` afternoon, Jan. 9th, when the yo .11; women taking the Home Econmiics short course will be guests.` An in te1'esti`115;' J l.1`I1iO1' I-Iome1nul pro- .......m 1..,..- l-m-011 nlzmned under the Junior Homemakers pru- gram has been planned direction of l\'Irs_ S. L. Pzrgre, ..on-` vener of .-\g'rieulture. Fo`.lowin;.,-` the prongram tea will be served and a social half `hour enjoyed. UNITED CTIURCH W.M.S. MEETS m MIDLAND JAN. 31, FEB. 1 The Simeoe Presbytery Womens Missionary Society, United Churdx, will `hold the eixhtli annual inee-tin; St. Paul s United Church, .\`_.~.l- `fjaiul, on Wednesday. Jan. 31st, Lu. \7,}.[`hL1~1's(lay, Feb. 1st. .\[i. V-'. `Thomas, general sec-1-etary of the W.M.S., will be the main .<.peaker. Reports of the past year s woik Will be g'i\'en :u:d oi.'.'_~1's for the 011.-=!.li11g, year elected. M1`:':. J`.1s. R0b01 ts0n, .01 Barrie, president, will preside. I El GEMS FROM LlFE S SCRAP-BOOK If this be 21 happy new year, a year of usefulness, a year in which we shall live to make this earth bet- ter, it is because God will direct our path\\`a_\`. How important, then, t' feel our dependence upon Him !- Bishop Mathew Simpson. Each succeeding year unfold-s \vis dom, beauty and holiness . . . Life and goodness are immortal. Let us +:ho11 dmne `existence in- 1 The New Year ] J