DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON ` . Post Office Square Telephone 580? Above Express Oice .I-` \:.v...u--a -----.... -_.._ Motor Ambulance In Connoclioll __. Open day and night. Morgue uni" Chapel in connection. . h.st.a.b11sneu 15-- ru,___ no R--rig nub, : oruL,uu.La1 I 0|-illia`, Ontario will be at the Queen : Hotel, Burrii, 1 Every Saturday. 9 to to 12 noon. and by appoint- ` ment. J..1censea CHIROPRA CTORS and DRUGLESI THERAPISTS C: no: n___I__ Dluu..- Alll I: Phone 82, VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES `D-..-:2- D-___L DR. WALTER H. WOODROW EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST I'|..:II:.. f\..L...._ DR. VV. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN mu-nnc~.l>n Fnlvnhnv f`n..nl~u Al OI.-- DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Dkpu... `)1 ! A7 R-.-I.. A..- J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON c-.. :9 n....I.... C; (W... on` D IA. ano- GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS T ;t`OYIQDl` G. 6. SMITH 8: C0. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dffll DYBIICII NURSE RAILTON .I.... Cu 131...... `LIV UKULE IJI Barrie Branch unnmr 13 A n rrm NU L. A Licensed T`l'\T3 Q and J1 U1` Phono 15021: 5| at tie, Ont. ft? an d e!c'phOne for no. . 'gationHomeTrinl withmi; delay. ed to repeal the resolution la.-'.=t7.l 0 some f'il'te~n _\'ea1`.< ago that :.'z1'1w'.<,o be not conferred on CE1l1i1(ll1L1!>f,' tl1vr:-.- lg were tum,-C who looked upon the t more as l1'.!V'll1f_," an ulterior lnotire. c The honors cxL'cmi<`tl by Hi.~ 7.\Iajc.sty lthis New Year, 011 recommemlation ni \ the Prime Mnister, howe\'er;i ignore '1 `politicians and rich men, and include 5 only servants of the state and 01' the v public as they are found in every . `walk of life. J Few can object to the holler eon- 4 ferred on Chic-1' Justice Duff or Chief Justice Tellier, or the public servaiits who have given long and faithful :"e1'\'i('.e. The honor conferred on :over thirty women who liave been `cnp,'ag'ed in child welfare, community wclfar-0, hospital and red cross work is a tribute to citizens who cannot be compensated in a nancial sense for all they have done for the country. I T`lwn l1mwrn--:n=nm1(linn' vr- nf .._...__ ` L men the BUllU'L.'tt Gove1'mne:il d;-- 1; l:liL(lL' L0 z1;.\pt.'u' 21 U!'1')`llJl-0 sczmual. l`ih<,- facts are that this procedure of rt-tii'ii1_g` 1nu_2'ist1'z1t 11:15 l)ee11 fol- `lowed in many cases in Ont.zm'0 un 1(l<.-1' all ;:0vei1':nn<:11t.~`. There \v51s no isu_";:'(~s1.i0n by zm_\'<>11(.- that th(:l`O \\'a.a {nancial benefit to thv Go\'01'nm(-.nt ithc par1'y or zLn;\'0nt* but the 1'uti1'i.Iig,1` i1n215.,`ist1'z1tr;. , 'l`h<* 1ni.~tui the Go\'c:rn- gmcnt made was 111 bi,-in}.L` 1:00 c(.=11si'i(:1`- [ate to 21 1nz1g`istrato who.-c 1`ctircn1cn; v::1< :u)p:m~ntIy overdue. Talk of scandal in the CZ1:7(t1S 1`i(licuIou;<. I-I0\\'(:\'r:1', the 1)`1'w:tiu:, evmi if it is backed by both tmtlition and procucicn-ti, is not a desirable one. Out of the enquiry, which Premier Henry promises for the coming scs~ sion. will (](H]])H(`-we r-nunn ml-mw. [341 Ellcy HZXVU UUIIU J.UL' I/I`.U UULHlLrK`y- 1 The .hono1'-suspending` l'CS01ll`OL I `1919 adopted by the Commons, shou nnvmv `nnvn hr-wn nnc :11: H1:-rn \\' 1:11;) zlu-opu-:u Uy we uUn1:11uu.s', snuulu never have been )):1.~::<:(l, as `there \\'-as no legal g'1'o'un(l for inte`1'fe1*ing' with the King's prerogative, and most people will Llphold the Prime l\Iimste1' in what he has done. The Toronto Globe, which every so often goes into liysterics with eight column headlines, two-coluinn ten-I point type, a'i and pictures, has a new cause for excitement. It lclaims to have unearthed 3. case or `tra"icking in public office at Orilllu. There were complaints agzxixist the Inagjstrate in that town. There are no arrang'e1nents in Ontario for superzmuatinfa; or for retiring allow- ances for magi.sti`-.1te.<. x Ind ' ' I nl' tinunu nn- \n'n1 uvH1nn1- l':l.ll`L'(:a' 101' l]1El`C ,'l.$L1"cu;(.`S. Iiisteud of (lisxnissiiig `him without co1i11)ex1satio11, as the Governmeiir. lmi_e;ht; hzwe, done, and prob-.ibl_\' .~'houl" [have done, arrzmgements were n12).Ll-.- `to have the new 11121;`is1"l.tC pay out [of his salary over 3. period of timc: 2 L'0H1[)l.~'Si0I1'21t(1 zL1lo\\".uice. .-\fLei' t'ie ari".1ngen1en1;s were comple-tell, the retiring` mug'isti'at0, for reasons b<..~:*. |known to himself, rejected the Illa and p1'ocee to publish (.'O1`1`()sD0nd ](`n('(* 1111!] l`3(l:l\`i`rL' 5) nf' \\'|1;I'1` i` |u.uu pL'UL',1:L'uI'(1 LU ]_)llUIlS'n co1`1`usp0nu once and 21"1 all of which 1: x;1z1(lc to appuzlr tr:'r)'il)`1-re scandal. `IL -v -1H l)'n\ n\'\\n1(-hf.` 'I..,\.... um. ... YUB PRINTENE REQUIREMENTS nu-ury p1'un11s(:s 101' L110 comm); sion, will (10l1])tl(}$S come recom mtrndutions that the 1'uti2'L-1m.-111. of mz1u`i. and othrr oi<:i:11.~` con- nvctod with the court.< of justice bu placed on some new basis. All Ovm the p1u\'i11-cu mu 0'1cinl.~x who 1`.Li\`: outlived their u.<<-fu1nn.~:s, hut who are con`cin1.1vd in offiw because t.;.<: provim-0 has no provi. for 1'utirn_L: a11ow:Lnce.--London Free Press. . great extent. It has been prov:- (!{)l1cll.l.\`l'.`\'.'l_-. thzit, as thv l1l_L;`lll.>' become lo11;.:u1', the usu of :L1'tiliciz1l light, in the lay inp; puns will help the \\'int01' egg D10` (luction consi(l<:-1':1l)ly. The use of l'i_i:l1t.< < lu1`in:.;' tim. \\'int(-1' will not in- fluem-r: the _vczu"s total yield to at-._,I However, they Wlll i.n crozise nm(lucl.ion rim-imr tho -09.-nu -g'1'eu.t I-lo\\'eve1', in-o(luc1.i,on during the .e:Lso1I of good prices and :1 greutetz profi` will 1-e: The l1lg`ll yields some times obtainlcd in the Cnnmlivan lay- inu' l'0lltF'."|l.*l where, for the reason of uniformity and comparison, no lights are allowed, compare very favorably in the tow] number of eggs Llld in one year witll similar ocks that have had the advantage of lights during the winter, but the peak of produc- tion -occurs much later when no ` ..a_.`.'-3 are used. SCANDAL TALK RIDICULOUS lltlllh` LUII` \.-.,.......,\ A LL`;.v 111: nu g1 :16. S4 Shippers of live stock are now we fully .p1'otccted against Lll1l`(.'g'L11d.I2Cd 3,5 truqkiilg`. declurus VV. B. S0l110`.'.-,Lt, y-~cha11'm21n of the Ontario Mankotiug co;-`,1 Board. J1'z'egL41-arities of the p-.i.sL hj:,`hz1vc \'z1z1j.~:hc(i. Under the Hig'i1\\`;l3.. rag} Act, 211.. the p1`e_~:uiit time, c\'e1'y triuk 1y 1:1` 1.'}`2L11S1)Ul'1;ii1;_. ,' live stock is 1'C(]'.liLa.(i Id under his P.C.V. licensu to 1'urni. .1 5; a bill of hiding to the Si'ip]l(.`l`. Tic cu luw a'o1'(ls the producer an opportuni- i'che.i`r.y oi` detc1'1niiiin'g to whrom his live .11 exstock is sold. In any case, .~::iys Mr. e,_<',(`S0me`1'sct, it assures the shipper that in,_: he will get his money and 21 fuil- cm- ,in rect svtatcm-e-nit from the 1)u'l`L'ii1dSC1' LU `up whom the trucker clelivcrs his load. Ann Rn!`-rnlqn n'f' Hun hill n+' Inrlu'nn- /.-i .\ ,1; W 1 U1. guld hinap The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, LIVE STOCK. SHIPPERS GET FULL PROTELTION mwm mu u'ucKuL' uenvcrs ms iozxu. Because of the bill of lading the pvroducer also 1'eceiv-es from the com mission house or packer a. description of weights and a statement of the prices paid. In addition, the buyer is obliged to make out 9. cheque, less trucking` cliumges, payable to each shipper. There can be no issuing of gne master cheque to a trucker who in turn Cashes the cheque deducts his cha.rg'es and pays the balance to the shipper or owner of the stoclc. Cheques issued by commission iiouscs are g'L1a1`ai1tee by bon(li1'i:: compan- ies, the transaction.. The present re_2;ulations do not ap- ply to fa,1`111e1's t`1'a11spo1*ting their own live stock, nor to who pur- chase ouLrig'h~t from the l':mn<.-2' and 1 t.ra11spov1'1; their purcliuses to m;ul{cL. which adds further .5(,`(.'UYity Lo` |HAM AND BACON EXPORTS ' DOUBLED DURXNG. Expo`1*t.-4 of Juuns and bzwons from` Czmada doubled du1`ing' 1.033 as com- pared with lust }.-`our, acc01'(li11g' Lo Kofcial g'u1'C.s' announced. 1<}xport,s 101 live cattle were over.` twice as Igrctzt, shipments of eggs were . times as g`rCat, but (`house exp-o1't;s fell off, A..m...:.....+,.1.. :0 xn 1:..,. ,...u~.- Ull, A.pp1'oxin1at01_V 52,850 live cattle went from Czmad-.1 to the UniLcd Kingdom, of \v'hicl1 slightly over 1,000 i. sailed last week. About 8,500 head" went to other countries. or 21 total of over 61,000 head. Last year 1(i,)25' head went to U.K. and 11,896 to ` other countries. L` r\~(\I nxunnu-,. 0~l:r~ vvnn .. J-.-.4-.-.lln,l ULllUl' CU`|.lIlLL'll'.55. Egg` exports this year totalled` about 2,000,000 dozen. Last yea) the! total was only 272,000 dozen. On the other hand, practically no eggs were imported. Some yeams back` Canada used to export over 6,000,000 dozen, but at that time about as many ` eggs were imported as exported. (`.n11n/In chinnnri nhnnf 1 nnn Usgb \\'t5-LC IIIIIJUILUU ZLS l.`.\])U1'|al.`[l. Canada shipped about 1,000,000 pounds of dressed poultry, mostly turkeys, to the British IY11-l1'1,{(3t for the hvofiday trade. T<`.\'nn~1-ft n+' hnH'nv this vnnv n\'nnm-L l1'UlluH._) LIUUU. Exports of butter this year exceed-i ed last, but there was 23. marked fall inng oft` in cheese. Cheese exports this year will be just under 75,000,000, |pounds, z1g'ainst 86,939,900 pouml.s.| Butter exports will be about 4,400,- 000 pounds, against 3,505,700 pounds. , . flu: and Publisher I Every once in a while there is a` demand in some quarter that he chain stores be made help carry the burden of taxation. As yet a`0vern- invents in this country have not talten any action in response to the spo*`a(lie demand for a tax: on this class of store. In the United States, h0we\`e', most of the states have laws in fouc` compellmg the chain store units to cont.ribu1;e up to $150 each to the c0Il c1's of the state. {ecentlv tael state of Mic5l1i,<,1`a11 made the tax th- l1i_e'he.~:t pre\'ailin_:;` in any state in the uunion $250. C. F. Smith Company, ope1'z1ti11{_r 700 chain store units; in the state of Mic'hi_g-"an, recently took 42-] tion in the court to have the law cle~; carled ultra vires olr in case of fail- ure in this to have the amount l'v.:- duced. The judge found that the state vsas perfecty within its l`lj.f,7l1t.3 .11 imposin5.:' the tax and setting it at the fignre chosen. 'l`he`jud_g1nent \\'d.i lengthy one and in addition to .S(.`tLlllg forth the .state s rights, had somethingl to say 1`ega1`(ling the tax itself. l'l:e Smith Company will have to pay` $175,000 a year in state taxes, in ad ` dition to any tax it will pay to U`: municipalities and the national , :;e\`- ermnent. The position of another chain store group was analyzed. Tnis company has 851: stores and will haxe to pay the state $210,820 in tZ1.'.C.3. It has property values totalling $3,000,000 and on this basis the judge figured that the company pays 7c on every $10 of property value. He made no comment on the severity of the tax. We carry 21 full line of Magistrates , Constables and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases. [U \rrie, every Taursda) V`/OMEN NOVV EMPLOYED IN MEN'S HAT STORES A new sclxcinc for selling men . huts has been stmrtud in New Yum. A man _J'UL`.$ into 2; hut store and finds a good looking girl, who dcrzinle xvluzn he picks the right hat. The new uiou xyur: ln'oug'hl. to light when a. chain 01` mon s hut stores udvu1'ti:;ed 1'01` attiuctivo young women, butxvcon 18 and 25, to bo trained as ho;atL.ss and style adviser. The idea is timt nut COLU1t5 in a man s hat is the fem- inine rcaction, so a woman should be Lhcrc when it is chosen to- guage Llie effect. In `I"I' nu-nu 1r11.n\1r nm...ur. nhunli UILUCD. In fact, women know more about men hats than men lmow them- selves, a. member of he firm said. /hnn H10 via-`n1: 11-at in nnnnrl Nu: st.-Lves," u mumncr ox me urm sum. When the right hat is donned, the g'iwrl usually exclaims, `AJ1, Mr. SmiLh, how handsome you look in that fe- dorra. 1" In a statement neccntly issued by Hon_ Dr. J. D, Moznteith, Minister of Labor for Ontario, it is stated that employment in the province has im- proved by approximately 25 per cent. this fall over `the corresponding period of 1932. % Ahumarr 7 During the annual exhibition at -Edinburgh, Scotland, last month, 14,- 235 samples of Canadian food pro- ducts were sold to the public from the Canadian government stand, ex- FOS'l'h'.R 6: lV1cL.AK 1 n . ` BARRISTERS, SOL'1C`ITORS NOT- ARIES, CONVEYANCERS, E::.. I 'r..I-_L....... nu I GORDON LONGMAN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT.-\.li ETC. Money to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. Look over your :requirements and place your order with the Advance. CAMERON & CAMERON `B.-LRR.IS'1`ERS, SOLICITORS, ETC I: ('`A...... Q0 Rnrr-in Phone 406. DONALD F. MacLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN I vm_....._:.. Tnmnln RI.-In R;~n'riA_ I RADENHURST & HAMMOND `BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC nil.-...n-u en [nan nl Lownst Rates STEWART & STEWART BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- XRIES PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS I M..." on `nan in gnu mum: at ! G. H. Este IJI I1 bA1c1u5'1L1: I Solicitor for obtaij" g probate of .vill, guardianship am administration, and General Solicitor, Notary Con- veyancer, etc. MONEY TO LOAN nn:..... M .... .. 'r......I.. Rlrlon l BOYS 8: BOYS BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, N.OT- ARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, ETC. Money to loan in any sums at h uuma ruDLa1u 0.`. uun v l`JJ..'x;1\4u;uI H lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - Barrie `D. M. Stewart C. D. Stew; OFFICE: 13 UWIEN 51. ]n the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce. Elmvnle, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys nee Mont/aly Succesaor to Ureswicke a beu I BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY T0 LOAN nan--. I)-.. R`:-n-Ir Ran-in. ESTEN & ESTEN o BARRISSPERS `Solicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyancers Iloney to loan at lowest current ` rates. Ofce: Isl Floor Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. ` (1 H Tcfnn '|V[_ HA Egten P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR 47 Elizabeth St_ Phom AMBULANCE SERV1CE BA.l(.lY..L5LL1<.b, bU141u1Lux\.o, n.I.u Money to Loan at Lowest Ofce, First Floor Masonic Temple Building. 3.-uu<.15'1L1t, UL1J.b1.I.Uno, LL 5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone Mnmrav Tn I.nAN ISILI. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest n-rmrrrrvm. 19 t`HXfT"\T QT IVLUJNIDI LU LJU1-xn Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. D. F. Mccupuu, an to Creswicke `Bell nanmrmwm nI.I(`.T'I`()R. ET 1V.lUNJ1aI [U IJUILLV Office: Masonic Temple Bldg. JVLIDD, L/ULV V A.u:.:.L.1\.u4.a.u.,, ..... 3 Owen St. Telephone 69 BARRIE, ONT. A rm -1"... Nurthern Ahuanrv PHONE 53 MUNEI '.lU LAUALV Oice: Rona Block, Barrie. FOSTER & 'ML;ARTHY __-....`..... nu/\r 'vn1rnr\11(V Y of Interest OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. ... nvnv\n1'|:nn 4'n1~rnnv-Iv nr`m`lni1 | Why gamble on the chance of safety when real safety costs _so little ? THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ALEXANDER COVVAN BARRISTER `mu cm. ,.1.+..:....-..- mmk-.1 D. F. McCUAIG, B.A. nnnnani 1-A nrnauyhdzn R en 5t., rsarne. rnona MONEY T0 LOAN Business Directory Capital Paid-up - 30 Million Dollars Reserve Ftmd - - 30 Million Dollars Printers in Barrie since 1847. \..u... T. A. McCarthy I rates. . Stewart xe. M. H. Esten When you place a deed in an unlocked wooden d1'a\~c1'; an i1}SllI':lI} policy in a pigeon- hole; a will in some hiding- place; a bond in a cash box . . . you are gambling on a mere chance of safety. You are gambling with theft, with re, with carelessness, with short memories. The Safety Deposit Boxes of The Canadian Bank of Commerce are placed i11 vaults built to provide protection for the Bank s own valuables. The Bank cannot afford to gamble on a chance of safety . . . neither can you. The rentals of this Bank s Safety Deposit Boxes are low. IL v:- Phone 218': l1`.f`Li D 1`.-LRY THURSDAY, JAN{[j[ARY 4, 1934.. DOWN ciusive of the 1:111;-`e number sold by the Canadian rms exhibiting at the exhibition. The Canadian govern- ment stand exhibited over 60 in- dividual brands of various Canadian -Pnnzlal-11 c (llVluu2Ll UL foodstuffs. r11xau.;uu\| A-LLVLI oununuu Ofce, 52 Dunlop St. (West of P.0. Square, Second Fioor) Residence: 144 Maple Avenue Phone 700. AV U.Ii\-Dull 53 Worsley St. DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention Obstetric; Associate Coroner for Simcoe County _ Office and Residence 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Oice Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.80 DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Office and Re:idence-Corner Elisa- bert and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone. V165 Office Hours: 9-10`.'m., 1-8 p.m., 7-8 n.m. .f.l.lD1kILl`\lVD IXJVIJ DLJ1\6LI'\l\JL` Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Ofce Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. '1'. Little, M.D. W. C. Litfle, NI.R_, A.=s:nr-?21.A Cnmnnr VV U.lVlJ11LV `Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe Phone 61. Ofce--58 Collier 5!. Office Hours: 8~9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. L. LAECIB, iVl.lJ. A. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. '1't1.Jb1I-lI .lD 1 D 82A Dunlop 5!. Phone 405 Electric, Hydro. Physio and Electionic Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustments Blood Tests and Urinalysis Home or Office Rates Reasonable