Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Dec 1933, p. 6

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Page Six Wintering Turkeys Q 'I`urkey.s should be \vi'nte-red where they are expected to lay in thei siprinvg. Housed during` the winter months in such a place as a : ham, they have a very ne place to make their nests in concealed places,` due to their wild instinct. and if!` some provision is not made to offset. this mbit, many -of the eggs may bef` lost or destroyed by predatory uni-I mails. About the time \\'l1(3"l1 the wet 1 mash is being commenced for the; noon feed, suitable .ne.x'1.s can cz1. be constructed with bozurds of one` inch m211.e1'i:1l, <:ig`ht to twelve inches uide and three feet long, inaliing :1 _~`qI1a.1'C frame. : *-j` ISll'21Dl(1 L0 (l(.`\'Cl0]) lllL` llU('l( ])l'0lll.2J.Dly, Preparing Sheep Pelts land rape maliv :1 _<.;'00d l'ounla.tion re: The following` directions for pre- the winter t'em-iliiij.-,'_ lamb or sheep `pelts should be .._.. useful to farmers in dressing and5Cattle Export Encouraging_ Decrease cutting; lamb ca1`casses: Spread the; in Replacements pelt out flat and evenly, with the, During` the r.~;t t'01't_v-tln-ee \\';e+:.~ wool side down. Take a pound to a` of this year Cd.lli1(ll. export..-(l approx pound and a half of coarse .~-alt an(l,iinat'e1y 166 per cent, more cattle sprinkle it evenly over the pelt, ex- than the entire export of 1932, ac- ercisinig` special care with the head,cordin_L` to the Ontario Illaiketing and legs. Allow the pelt to remain in 1 Board this position for at least twenty-four. Cattle exports for l:L. year amount- hours. The pelt may then he rolled,`-ed to 1.6,-155. Latest ;.',ures for turning in the legs and sides lengtl1-ilS)33 show that Canada exported 43,- wise. Bring: the head to aboul. thel7!)2 head 01' cattle. It is intere.~'ting' point of the shoulder and the tail and to note that of thit total ()nario'.< rump to the centre of the back, andlshare was 26,284, or some 61) per roll both ends, making a tight, com-`,cent. pact pelt. Tie securely with s.trong_ .~\nothe1- ei1('ou1*:i5_riii';:' an:_-`li, in the cord and store in a dry cool place. ,live stock business is the decrease in ---- .(-attle returned to the feed lei. lie- Farm Sheep Flock placements during` the first nine A flock of fteen ewes should be months 01' 1932 were 41,031 he-L1(lOf the minimum on 2:. farm of one hun- Ontario cattle and 13,804 we-. dred acres which is devoted to mixed cattle, or a total of 5 I*i_e`11re.< fanning. Such a Iloek can be in-; for tl1(.-.<:um.- period of this yeai .uio\'.' creased with experience, but not be-'tha.t 34,314 head of cattle WCIC re- yond twenty to twenty-five, unless it turned to the farm. or a (ln-c1-1~;'.. of is desired to make a special business :Lpproximzi.1.ely -10 per cent. ..r ..1.,.,...t \'II:.`:lllY \NiHu zrnml mu-i. 'l"l1n rzihintnn l)(\('nln|< nvnn l\ll( htm l Fax"-rn News ock be~' twenty-ve, of` . :':1i~`in5_:`. With Lromi muti- zi;-;e1n(=nt and cure, an in:r<.-me through izunb-.,< van iw 5'x}3L`('t\'(i oi `F1-nvn 150 fn 175 Der cent. A ock` 1 through Izum)\_< m- `.'I\'}`nc(`L\`(l 01 from 150 to 175 per cent. of this size will ,if given oppmtun * ity, clean up 21 vo1'_v f.`,`l`(!l.1L mlnibur of 1ary, $150; _ing nancial statelnent, C. recon1n`.e'nded payment of the f0110\V' ing: 0. R_ Black, rent of ham tor meeting, $2.00; Cecil Irwin, one sheep killed by dogs, $6.00; J. W. Soules, sheep valuator, $1.00; Dr. McCallun1, M.0.H, half year -ealary $65.00, medical inspection $38.50;; mnsl share costs Bradford, $18.00; Boys & Boy, Luwnsliip :~:olici1.o`rs, $68.21; W. B. Sloan quarter year salary $130, post- age and telephone $10, meeting of board of health $3.20; N01't'l1(:111 Ad- Vance, Jrinting and `supplies, $12.50; division court, J. R. Coleman, copying tax arrears ` into township book, $10.00; C. W. Henr;~,'. half year salary $32, commis- sion work $24; F. H. Beatty, year salary $32, $24; O_ E. Todd, half year salary .332, commission work $24; Aizhur G.reen, half year salary $32, ccn1mi:s- sion work $24; Wilbert black, half year -'.~a.lary $32, commiss~ion work $24; G. W. Hewson, on account sal- W_ l_e.nno:\' Black, half year salary $75, postage $10, prepz`1\r- Henry, preparing" nancial statement. . ;U.L. .l) \'\'C).'B U'l"(l(.`l'\:`(l paid. The .~:t:mding committee on finance . ; ]11(.`(;tl!1,';' of board of health $3.20, . T. A, Sawyer, meeting of boaul oi h-eal't.h, .$`3.20; Sam l`o\'ul. rE1.i:liL;;l_-.' in- specter, $26.75; Alvin Webb. sanitary ~ in::p.=ct0r, $10.75 Wnnrl Qnhf Qfnuvn M` 1-nr-nrn an on rlori half - CO111n`1iSL3l0-I1 \V01`l\' ` \\.h.1`. 2 Consolidated Fire and Casualty Imu:anc(. ($0.; Gibson, Thom.'~;on A: Gibson; 12.-.~.. E. C. Rea; W. J_ B1u\vn,y .W. Copeland, G. G_ Green; Clerk 01 Bradiord; Boys & Boys, township solicitors; Northern Advance; Ben. Webb; H. H. New; J, R. Coleman; J_ '1`. Simpson, county cicrk, ho.'pi':aJ accounts for indigenvts; Alvin Webb; Sam. Todd; Dr. McCalium. l`vI.0.H. and claim for sheep killed by dogs from Cecil Irwin. Council `)`(:(.'011'11Yle.11d(.`d payment oi claim 1uom J. Cook for (i'.Ll11zL;,"c (:2 ca: 1111 rmui 1?, I Clilllll LIUH1 d on Maui 12. ritnluil-;< :- Innisl township council met in the Cummurlty Hall, Stroud, on Fri- day, Dec. 15tI`n, with all members present, ('.nnnn11nir-nrunc nnrl :1r-nnnn: -. 'u'n1'n UH ."')iU.l 1.5- By-luws were passed author3zin;_;: the reeve and t'rezLsure1' to bomow $2,000 1'01` current expenses. Am-rn1nf< 'f'nv Innrvnl hn nnll 1115, Lu auu L0 we supp1y 01 v1tam1n~s, nus become common p1'u.ctic.~;-_ L-5 1'urtunatcl_y there are on 1;'::r.~. mztrket not only oils which are low in vita- mins, but. also many whicrz we hi_g'r- Iy rancid and dangrxrou;-<,. O: .n'. (iou`\tf'ni quality should by c.':1mca.l1y nstrec! before use. )Z,UUU 101' CLll'1`(3IlL GXPUIISCS. Accounts for medical, hospital and burial 01. indigcn"c-.4 amounting tc $426.26 were 0'1-dered paid. I'h(- 1-nu-.n1iHmA rm nnnc-rt ` 5 zxryl 51 5 inn `Fl [Jl'US(3I1B, Communications and 21CCO11Y1Lb'S\ (31'C received f1'om the fo1lo\\'i11g; and deal`. \\i`x`. 2 f`nunn1,J..4-.-"1 `l.7`un and (V.-.,~n.-.14" . A. '1`. Bouncy, $4.37; Mel, -Ia1iiu~- Hl2~p~.'L'L`UL', Q.LU.IU Road Supt. Stewart recommended payment of pay sheets as follows: Road 5, dizch, $00.50; Ha1'r_v .-'x1`l`I1- strong $3.70; C_ Robinson, $3.35; l;i11_g' Houston, $41.47; Harry liclcey, $3.85; W, H. Walker, $3.78; G. A]- pine and Gohcen, $21.00; Wm. Brown, $3.60; Jock Locke, $2.55; 0. Hooper, $1.40; J. W. She-urd, $20.15; ,3. 95,00` -\11 T-Tnhhnvv $11 An` 14' L .1. 1. DUIIIIC), r'.`~l.OA; LVLUI, -Llil.lll1lg- $5.00; All, Hubbert, $11.40; E. Davis, $4.80; R. Stewart, $23.40; H. .>'(i.:30; 3.1. Bette.-ridge, $44.37; Selby Cari`, $5.95; A. Ric112L1'd- ,.;.-.Asl.`. .'.~`. _,uii, p'l-3.6-'3; F. .`-\1'111a'tI'0J1g`, $71.10; 1-lu. Guest, $103.85; Ernest Carr. {$13.45; J. Locke, $8.40; Tho.~:_ Harl- ing $10.05; J. VVinchester. $9.95; `Wm. Gz'.1I0\\`ay, $5.00; Alvin Webb, $3.00; Wm. Atkinso-n, $15.77; [tra-nk Hindlc, $3.72; R_ Sproule, 340; Ben. . Webb, $10. Council adjourned sine die. W, B. Sloan, Clerk. 1. A plant for l112lxI1~uid.CLUl'll1g televis- ion eqiziplnem is bi.-ingg; cstzil)lisl`.Ld in 3`Mi(l1zml, the rst in Czxiizgzlh. A ;"lease was signed lust wccl ..L.' two f` 1100,11; in the C1'uigl1cz1(l buchilg and tftlu: lU.b0l`z).L0l`_V equipment is on the 9 A way from Cl1l(.':`.lj. ,'O. liocul peuplr. will _' be cmployctl, except. `l:c21(ls of rlcpzL1't- t mcnt.~t, who are specialists. Buenos Aires, Dec. lG.-Un1ess `prices rise, 200,000 pure-b-red Pata- gonian sheep will be slaughuered `and burned in the Argentine in the ` next few nmths, 1t 1s announced by the Souther Sheep B1'0Cd01`: Assoc- ; iation_ T +`.v\r\ 1....+ .:`- r\ur\r\'l.-1 . -`ll : nnn `MAY DESTROY 200,000 SHEEP TO BOOST PRICES `{Cattle 3 1 I.` llinmtuly - ],cox'din_L'; 1 v {"n+*1.-\ nvnnvfu Fnv I-z.-4' \,`nI).. an-.nnn+ V i\\'ee on 21 f:1nn,' yet `.110 mlstakc `must not be made of c.\ pecti11g; them to get all I.]1(.`i1` 1i'.'in1.,-' oil weeds and waste places on the fulm. Supple- zmcntary foods, such as rape, me do- usirablc to develop the flock proLa.bl_v. rape `the Pcultry Winter Green Feed Green feeds 10.1` poultry in win`. :' are available in the dried form 01' leaves and plants. \G,w.i.11-.s alone are unable, for vzuiolus 1'c1.~;=uns to sup- port I101`!-1-`E11 g*1'ox=:t.h in poultry, re- gardless of the varietj," and ,.)In- bination of :;e:e(ls u.-40:1. This has been shown to be due n1a1r=l_y to two causes, namely, the fact thaL cneuls are relatively decient in 1n1ne1'z1ls :vn(l vifjnninu Cmnm1 for rlu lur v. --.m`.\ 5 'LppI'UXllIl2Ll-Uly `LU [)L`l' CUIIL. - The situuton bevo1m-s even b1ig.,ht.e1 .~ when it is 1'(.-xncn1be1'od that, u1thoug:h t the v.\':u'L 1)u1`cm:tugo is unkmmn, 21 :'considerab1c number of replacements -lfrom the earlier months of this year I` huvo :111c:1dy ba-._~:1 n1u1'ke`;cd. INNISFIL COUNCIL ld, ' , work. . . . A . u A M n n n A . .v4- n` The shing` tug ;-\1'cl1ic W was burned Lo the wz1ter s edge in '.l`.`.t:.m'11- bury hLu'b`o*1' on Dec. 7th. All the shing equipment, wea1'i.n-g apparel of the shcunon and 16 ton of coal were also destroyed. M2`. Thus. C_ Devitt has been ap- pointed postmaster at Orillia, sucue-eu- i11g.7\ir. Guo, Thompson, who resigned some \\'0-ks ago. M1; Devitt was i o1-n*- eriy a mail cloak on the C.N. 3., but for the past year has been LY] the stu 01' the Omiilia olce. Wm. Loo, Oriliia, is faced Witil a fine of $2.00 or three months in gziol 1'01--hzx\'in~g in his po.sscssio`n S7 qu;;z'ts oi` homebrew beer, 50 gallons 01' wine, beside a. quantity of moonshine \\'hi;.- key. Lee is given till C1h1'istn1'.1.s' to raise the money. 11' not he muat go to g;a ol. The yarn factomy in Orillia has been forced to close down, oxviug; to the strike at the Hespeier plant of `the Dominion W-oollens and Worsteds Co-., \\`l1`iCJ1 took the yarn supp}; from Orillia. About eighty employees an- th'row11 out of work. W2u'de'n Isaac Scott is impsroving very slowly and will not be able to be out for some time yet._ Fine completely desbnoyed the United Church parsonage at Victmizt Hm'bo-1' on Monday of mat week. Most of the downrs1;ai1' furniture was saved, but the loss sustauncd by Rev. and Mrs. Flatt will be .heavy_ Magistnate D. McC`augh1'in, 01' Ori1- lia, who tendred his 1'esig'm1ti0n sunnc weeks ago, has wit:hd.vraw.n it, and in- tends to carry on as police magis- trate. are l`(3lEl.l;IV(:ly ucncionn lll 1lx1`l1(:l'Z11S and vitamins. Green feuds by xxmcn is meant chic-fly the green leafy par*..~ of plants. .s'U.}`])'1Cl`ullt the (l0fi('1:2i1cius 01' in that they are high in vitamins and mineral coment. Shin lczwcd plants u.rc relatively greater ll: food value than thick leavcd on-;-.s, par- ticularly in so far as their ability to supplcnlent grains is conccrncu. Mid1zmd's re loss for the ycwr was $28,762. The b1'iga(Le ansxvcrcd 114 calls. In 1932 the re loss was $267,- 920. E_}3istric?c' Jhew Mr, A. C. Bishop, one of me old- est a11d'1nos't 1'cspectcd citizens of Elmvale, died at his home on '1hu-'rs- day last. He was in 1115 81st yezu: The 1'unera.1 was held on baLu1' I The heavy snow storm in the Fer- `grus district last. week compictely I blocked all roads, the snow being ve and six feet deep in places. Some mail carriers used dog` sleds to de- live.r mail when cars or horses could not get th1'o`ug'h. .--__.. BCC'c1L1.~jO Midland town council `has refused to give relief voucnt-1': for water and light uccoullts, the }'ub1ic Utilities Commission has g`i\'(:n notice that starting on Dec, 11th, it will proceed to cut; off approximately .500 services of customers in 3.1-rears. Eight hund`1`ed and seventy-ve dol-I lzirs was `uhe gure paid by Morris Baker, of 'l'01'on~to, for the aissets and plant oi the Beaufoot Shloe Cu., A1- liston, which was sold at auction by the deputy s`he.1i , Mr_ Joshua Swan, in me buseme.nL of the fax-to1';,v last week. This is part of the plant which Cl-aytloln E. Hurlb-ut installed in Allis- ton 21 year ago last August and de- clared it to be valued at $14,000. Mrs. Mary Rigg, an inmate of the House of Refuge for seven years, died at that institution on Satwrday, Dec. 9th, at the advanced age of 97 yL&1).`a. She was born in York County, 01 Irish descent, and attended the fllbt exhibition held in Toironto. P1101` to The a.1mua.l movement of Chri..'Lmas trees in large quantities from the fore.~:ts of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to cities in Canada and the United Stan,-5 has been on for some time with tile near approzich 01' the Christmas season. Fum1e1's have been hauling trees from the bush to Canadian I\'ational Ran- wny stations in these provinces, \\'hc1`o they \\'u1'( ;,=}iuJ. pi'cpzu`ato1,'- '.u loading` on [lat curs. It is estimated that the cut. is about Lhc ;szLmu 11.5 1zL.~`. 'm.,. \`-,.+;mm'. L`:xii.. LHLLL L110 cut. 15 zluoul, ..n(;- ;:2l.I`.1L' uh 12L:. year. The Cu::u(liun .\'z1ti01121i Rail- \\`:.1),'s handles approximwcuiy 500 k.'z.u'- louds of Cl11'ist11:z1s t1(3L.a ouch .~:L'.x.un. iota of folks who think they havc `vu'igestion" lnwv only an acid condition w'i:i~!h could be a2m'rm:Le(l in ve or ten minutes. An u11'o(:Li\'e Mlti-acid like Phillips Milk of ;\l:1gnesia. soon restores digestlon to normal. -v\\ .... 1 .._:u. -11 A.I...L ......n-_ Cod Liver Oils for Stock and Poultry Feeding The use of rch oils, <:<-p::(:ia]ly cod liver oil, for stock and p-:u'.h'y feed- ing, to add to the suppiy of vltamms, ~1:1:' hm-nmn r-nmmnn nr;|r*1ia~;- I... _.u... -._._ Phillips does away with all that sour- ness and gas right after meals. It pre- vents the distress so apt to occur two hours after eating. What a. pleasant reparation to take! And how good it is or the system! Unlike a. burning dose of sodu.-which is but temporary relief at best--Phillips Milk of l\Ia{1nesia. neu- trnlizes many times its volume in -V - -- I ,1 ._,,..I ._ 1...- _:..'h When Feud Soars; " EEEEEEEIPS Milk mi Magnesia The Northern Advance her comnntal to the county home she` lived in -Bzuwie. Burial took place at t. James Cemetery, -Colgan, on Mon- day Ir_1o1'ning', Rev, Father Walsh con- ducting the service at the grave. ! While rabbit hunting near Pene-! tang a week ago Sunday, Harveg; Mc- ' Master, Barrie, and his brotlier-in law, Jas_ McCuaig, lost the key of their car. On Returning M<:Master attempted to short the circuit around the switch and in doing so staited a re which completely destroyed the body of the car. The engine and chassis were not greatly damaged. Mrs, Pilon, a former teacher at Laurin, near Penetang, sued the trustees for $200 for salary and dam ages. She had been engaged in 1925 to teach. She received notice that her services were not required on July 5th, 1928, and claims this was Stock Boar in Winter The importance of exercise fOl the stock boar, partictmlarly 1n winter, cannot be overestimated. He would have a roomy paddock out of door,., close to the bzxmyard. If conven- ient, it is a good plan to let him huvu Hm: mm n{*' the vnrtl for L; F9) Buy At Home A Suggestion Remember The Dollar spent in town may work for you again but a dollar spent elsewhere never does `Just give the local merchants a chance to supply your daily needs and special purchases not 3. legal notice, as July and August were excluded from the c0nt1'act. Judge Holmes reserved _]udg'me;1L. the Provincial Wniter Fair at Guelph .by two exhibits of grain, from Allis- 'ton Agricultural Society and Cooks- town Society. In compehtion with sixteen other societieg, Alliston was awarded second place, wfln-ning $40, and Cookstown was fth, getting $15. Simcoe County was represem,ed at, Fire which started in the basement completely destroyed the store and r-esidsence of Clarke Johnston at Eady a week ago Sunday, when all the members of the family were away. The only article saved was a cook stove in a summer kitchen. There was some inswrance on the building, but none on the furniture or sLock in the store_ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1933. .::-j PREVENTS .3 SUMMER COLDS The pleasant tasting food- tonic, rich in all cod-liver oil vitamins. Scott s Emulsion Scott & Borne. Tomato. Ont. 27-3 `I -"1'/'r|'.{` -- 4'-. C1030 to CH0 DEJ.l'I1yll'u. ll. CU.[LVC1~ have the run of the yard for a few hours each day. A useful shelter, the year round, is a. cheap, portable, single-boa:'ded cabin about 6 feet by 8, and supplied with plenty of bed- ding. For winter feeding alfalfa or clover hay in racks; pulped lcots, such as man, or sugar beets; Couli- e(l potatoes and turnips, 5 to 10 lbs. daily, mwlie suitable rations. In the absence of roots, clover 01' alfalfa hay may be given cut fine and aOElkd or steeped. Beoct&3ovnc.'1`otont.o,0nt.. iiEiuIs'. b High Quality Cheese The quality of the cheese produced in Canada this year is the best it has ever been since compulsory g1'ad- ing for export \\'as initiated in 1023, and the Dominion has (.`a`iL.`.LiJil;:iiL(i a new record up to the end of October with 94.63 per cent. rst grade ch;-e;:e. '1`his represents an illcrease of 1.13 per cent. over the same per- iod in 1932, and it is also about one per cent. higher than any previous rr,-n-o1'(l during the past eleven years. The actual increase in the percentage 1 01 -frrst grade cheese during this time - is 16.63, but this does not tell the whole story, as the quality 91 Can- adian rst grade cheese is of a much higher standard now than in the early years of grading. The flavor and texture of the cheese and the appear- ance of the shipments .have much im- proved, Keep a Record Of Your Farm Business Pnesent economic conditions em- ;` phasize the llnvportance of keepmg a a record of. the farm business. No im- provement in management can be" made unless the essential fact. are known. The farm account book, pro- perly kept and studied, will bring` out the facts and indicate the neces- sary vchaniges in management. The New Year is a good time to start keeping records, so, do it now. Cooling Milk on the Farm When a substance is said to cool it gives wp its heat to the surround- ing medium. Where this medium is a poor conductor of heat, such as air, the rate of cooling will be extreme- ly slow. A can of warm milk placed in a refrigerator where the an is be- 3 low the freezing temperature requires appoximately twelve hours to cool to ` 50 degrees F. Consequently, at-1 tempts to cool milk in snow banks, or by exposure to outdoor temper:.t.ure.: in winter, are never satisl';;gtory. Water, on the other harm]. is :1 good. conductor and will cool down the milk ` over twenty times as fast as cold air at the same tenipeirature.

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