Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 17 Aug 1933, p. 6

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Pawn Si-x L1 LIULIUH clghth nr H11- WY | LED` U|.'.`L `LQUIUK7 lUl' LlH2'lL'ff(l\']' L0 1U`l* mdilo\\'. At. the Fredericton ICxpr:*.'i- u`1`T1f:llt:ll Sifitioii (-lrivr,-i' i'zick.s have been of i instzilled in_ each }_)r:n and clover hay Wit ; is kept in trpiit oi the . t.hr0ugl`.- cm I out the winter. This i.~: an added -`i0ni.~'0U)'(t(: 01' iiutrimeiit, having some .mh properties similar to greeii feed, be- an l :~:i(.l.-.5 adding bulk to the rzition and .hthl. ll1,Q` zi certain zimouiit of need- hen ed mi'nerz:l matter. _ ` Ii; As the farrowiiig tii_i`ie approaczies, H-_ the sow will staiiid 21 little more eii upito prepare `her for` feeding her ii_t~ ,. tU`te1', and it IS-\'C'1`y importziiit at tliis th(_. 1. time that the sow receives a laxative Atjdiet; a larger proportion of bran in .(_-50 V the mixture at this time and plenty ch I of ro_ot.: should produce the required di:,_ condition. On Lhv farm where only one, two [ur Hurt-v ::m4.';- urn wintered, a warm pm'l.n|rIt- mbin fm-ing the sun and lm'nt.4-4| in :1 .=4h4-lt,m'<:d spot- in 1,118 Imrnynrrl 1'9. um|oubtt:(lly the best pruvi:--inn Lhnt, the furnnrr can make for his: larnml aow:~:. In suitable wed.- tht-r t.hv- :-:nw:4 will :~zp(:n(I more or 1:3; limv fnrnyzimg in the barnyard. Free lllnm frum lruux:hL< and dampness IS t.h,- 4'hi'f' rt-qui:-cite in 21 hug cabin. "hulking: Lh!-, cabin with sL1'a\\'y horse rnn.:.urv- ur .v1,r:xw is an additional pre- rnur/inn Lnut shoultl not be ovcrl';ok Ml. ll.`...,.l :,. l|AlAg!'l7r I-.~, Hrnml :~:ow.< in thrifty condition l17Hl'IlI|)I'f(y i'2u'row .~'tron;:er and hr-:slLhivr litLm'.-: than is the case ''n uw:r~w<:i;;iit, fut, clumsy sows. Hum-:, Lino fr-vdr-r mu.~tt 1.Iuil1`(l zxgzlinst uomlition, and not use, except to `:1 limil,mI 1.-xtrer1L. or \\`h-n- Hm cn'.v.~: To-day Canadian pedigree pigs are tattooed on the ears by oicers of the Dominion Live Stock Branch, and lin the olden times Canadian hogs `were also marked, but for a di"erent .rea.~:on. In 1800 the numberless pigs ;rooting about the streets of York = (Toronto) constituted such a nuisance -that on March 3rd of that year the council at its annual meeting at Ab- _ner Miles tavern, passed the follow- 'ing resolution: It is agreed by 21 8` majority of the inhabitants of the t town that no hogs, of any descrip- e shall be allowed to run at large iiwithin the limits of the city, from '. : and after 1st of May next ensuing, 0 and it is further agreed by a ma- .-ljority that every person or person.` 5 _shall be liable to pay the sum of ve ;, shillings lawful currency for each '. I time, and for each hog found running 11 at large. It is further agreed that 2- all persons who keep hogs shall cause 8 l them to be marked, which mark shall 1- be registered with the town clerk." rls _:__..:_--. I :PE.D'.3REE MARKS AND OTHERS 'J'HU[.SD/\Y, AUGUST 17, 1933. c/my-1 AND FEEDING 01-` THE`. mzooo sow * `A EA.C|:! `ioURs Coach and Steamer QUI- only. 1 O0-MileCruise Muskoka Lakes j $3.25 Return Good One Day GRAY _cQAcH_jL1Ny3 Every Wednesday Clarkson Hotel I . We cordially invite Y to visit our store and inspect the outstanding attractions of the Nev: Ultre-modern in beauty of design and nish-quick heating-- economical in cost and in con- sumption oi fuel. Up-to-date `improvements and sound in- built quality that assure added years of dependable service. Made by Canadians-- LEAVE BARRIE 5.30 A.M..r: Q1-nulvn-1] 'T`h\1n Coach Connectxona at Toronto for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Ham- ilton. B1-antfor_d, London, Detroit, Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa and intermediate Points. Low Fares to All U.S.A. Points. LEADERS IN STOVECRAFT EEACH SUMMER JLAVI`. DAKKIL D.-DU I-\.lVl Stamlzlrd Time Tickets and Information l:;.lectric Shop RANGES Ralph R. Gribble R A R R I F., Now on display at lpn l\. urn BARRIE. izAN'G Es Enhance the joys of your Western trip--travel via Canadian National s train de luxe-The Continental Limited. This modern magic carpet smoothly unfolds rugged Northern Ontario ` - C_._,. "Ana. nunc-_.qp|-ngg the "you Tickets ant`. :~."v`.-mation at ruggeci LV unuci u U ...... .. before your eyes-across the Pi-airies-pilots you through the Canadian Rockies by the Scenic Route over the easiest gradient and at the lowest altitudb-yet keeps you with- in easy sight of the mightiest and most inspiring peaks. 5 Barrie Leave Toronto ) a.m. 7.?!` a.m. I--__ I __ HAPPY VACATIONISTS U'D'r1L., Dull. EUIU. HUI. d-Sun. and H01. Qmiy. Master William Herridge. son. of Hon. W. D. Herridge, Canadian Minister to Washington and Mrs. Herridge. and nephew of Canada s Prime .\Iinister, Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett. is seen here with his :,~.' '.'h(Z'. both of them apparently enjoying; themselves at Canada's great Maritime playgrmind. the l{aty s (`ove beach of the Algonquin Hotel St. _-\_ndre\\ s-by-the-Sea, New Br1m.=wick, where they are spending their vacation. Major Herridge joined them there for a while. RI`.J'R.\' $3.15 Tn\'e;~:tigati0n ca1'1`ied on for se\'e1'aI (lu_`< by .~:pecia1 police appointed by Re.-vc John Drinkwater, of Orillia t(.``\'n.'~`.hip, has failed to 1'evoa.i concrete evidence that the shores of Bass I.ak.n. were the headquarters of any denitely organized nudist cult, the reeve stated in an interview. `NV.-. Inn.-I rnorlir I-x-.111 1-onnvfc nhnnf FAlL TO FIND NUDIST CULT AT BA SERECG ln an lY1L1 Vl(;`\V. VVe had niany bad reports about condions out thera so we put on special police to see what was what, the reeve said. If there xvas any truth in these . about nudists nwtlinidnight carousab, the people \'-.'l1O were making the trouble all leared out as soon as they knew the authorities were checking up on them. D..Hs,..- nun-. +`,.nI 1-lvnf wish-nvc r.n `tn em." Rather than feel that visitors to the beach were unwelcome, the resi- rlcnts emphasized that all well-behaved per. were free to come to Bass Lake at any time, the reeve said he had found was the feeling of the cottagers along the shore. Heard at the ball gam'e Tuesday night: It s too bad Creemore wen : get a crack at Allandale after ail." Tcgaaaio !`{;t:m :1 the i&i;g 25 iigbmap I `Every day 10,0Uu women bur a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege- table Compound. They know that there is no better remedy for their troublesome ailments with their accompanying nervousness, back- ache, headache, blue spells, and rundown condition. WINNIPEG EDMONTON J A S D ED. ILO C KY MOUNTAINS DACI Fl C t\f\LC'f" JASPER GOLF WEEK VV I-Inn` Sept. 3rd to 9th. ID! BASS LAKE Poultry Demand Fair The consumptive demand poultry has been fairly good. Re- ceipts am being well cleaned up from day to day. Stocks of ;~torage poultry are very light. The holiday at-nsnn is. nl r-nnran, l1;m:`.i:-nu tn for H puulu_\ an: \ur_v ngI1L. 1m: Jluuuzly season is, of course, a handicap to sales of both eggs -and poultry in the larger centres. Weekly Crop Report Peel County reports alsike yields from 3 to (3 bushels per acre. Deal- ers are offering $6 to $7 :1 bushel at present. The late blow-'o1n.< on al- f:1ll'u set sctrtl but the yield per acre will be low, 0-wizig to the l".1ilu:'c ot the rst; l)lo. to properly pollin- alu and l'ortilE:cr'. Full \\'l=<`z1t. l1:1.~.' turned out in liusliuls per acre and in quality much liutu-1' Lliuu zmtici putcd :1 month ago, zu-cording to :1 1`cp()1't from l.:1ml;Lm1 (J<.)unty. Nurtlr Ul'l`li)(`l`l2lll(l lms ll wllczlt, crop \\'iLl1 u 2.5 to I50 bL1.sln,-l :1\'m':1_L=`v on the [wt- tcr Innd Crops in ('ul'lvLuI: 1111- up to 01- above Lhu a\'m'z1g(-. The out crop in l will :1\'u1u:_~'v almul `_ U bu. tu thu acre. LLUHI |.-MU ClU\'U'l`S. In ;renm'a1 Lhv vountiu.~: lying: north of a line d1'z1\\'n from Tummu to Sarnia have from slightly below to an a\'e1'z1_-.;'c crop, while the c0L1nti<:.s south of this line l1a:\'(.- between 30 and p0Lm:L< pm` colony below a\'01'z1g'e Most; of the coumius (::1.=t of Durham and Victoria report 21 crop hr-}n\\* :l\'Fi';l!"|-, Ul.'1U\\ iL\uL'u;,',l.'. Reports from other p1'0\'inc:;: . of the Dominion also indicate a low yield and reports from other (-uuntrics gives every appearance of 21 .~'ho1`Lz:g'c of honey in the main p1'o(lu(-mg` L'Ci1~ tros in the world. IJUIVIIZIXII Ell1(l bz.-low averag,-,'c. RrJnn|'1< frnnw l'll'(e=I`lIn OK August Fruit (Ix.-alors mu. take out per- mits and complete z1rrange1ncnL.s to their bonds 3; the fifteenth (lay of the present month. Altliough a great many applications have been 1'O(:()IV'ed for permits, a large number of trucker dealers and commission houses have yet; to make application, and present bonds as security for their responsibility. as required under the new Fruit Act. 'l`]'\r\ \\:\1II /\p.6~ kn. K. .4. :14 I-`,...,... LHU HU\\' I` l'l.llla :\Ul./. The new Act has been in force since the r. week of July. Until now, however, no denite date has been set when the Fruit Branch would take action to restiain fiuit dealers who have not complied with the Act and its 1`egL1l2itiox1s. 1`h (late has now been set for Augus 15, after which no trucker, dealer or commission house may continue in busine.<.s without taking out a. license. On this (late a check will be com- menced, covering all commission houses and dealers. Truckers on the highwziys will be asked to sllow their permits. Annlinnfinnc ul1r\n'I1l lxo In-arln in pU1ll|l|zS- Applications should P. W. Hodgctts, Fruit Branch, Toronto. Package Weight Variation Disadvan- tage to Producer Lately, while visiting the 'I`or-mto xv-holcsalc markets, said C. W. Bauer, secretary, Ontario Growers .'\Iarkct.< Council, I have received numerous indica'cion.< tnat buyvrs, usptrcizillg.` those from the chain store `>1-3_:'a11izatiox1.<, are becoming (lis. ctl \\'_ith the great variation in weight of .~'imilar protlucts in similar pack~ :Lg'L-S. '[`r\n1L>fn1-4 be made to director, Ontario Parliament Buildings, lib r-nniinnr-ll r-nu- 'TO1"{eC)1'\l F0 MC, '5 H v `olnatocs, he continued, con- l. an (~x2nnp](.- of this comlitlon. Pt-1'. I have 0xan1ine(1 the con- tents of .\'(}\'l`d.I bz1. of t.c~1nuto(-s, o. the sanm \\'(ei;:ht, only to nd weight vz11'i21tion.' as _::'reat` as three and four pounds in Inany E-u.~`0.< Thiq i: 5urHn0' tn Hw- bllll.`L' HHH lUUl' PULIHH.` lll Ill (7 `CD This situation is acting to the di.<:1r1\`z111tag(.- of p1'0duccr.<, since, natLn'ulI;v', bu_v:r:< are conce-ntrutlng tlwir attention on the \\'(\l1--lled L-:1.~'kct.< in tho h:u1 of the \\'}.t)lt-- 32110)` As the 3,-`1'o\"in:.:' . '0]1 eul- \'zu1ccs, and 1)ri(~r:.< drop. )'(`tLl]']1S from L11('.<(.' . moving: })d.('kaf_"l'.< wi}? dc- crcz1.<<-, `Ow r(.-. loss hving` .::.1.<-- tuinod for thv most part by t'm- pro~ (lUL'\`l'. Qn un4l1 .qu..h +Iun. u- u. .-n1nHnn~ Farm News Will be Asked for Permits after Fifteenth of August Wvllif IL-',l]Ix)`C nwngf f;11.'n nuf nnv llUL'l`l'. So until such timr: us ru,'_-'L1l:1t'.ion.< call 1'0r.s'p(-cic \\'('i&`l1t.<. \\'l1i('l1, in my ophzion, is the only 1n':u:1c:1l solu- tion to this qur-. ])l`()(ll1(`('l`.~` will 1n`ot(e(-t tlwir own int:-rt-. unlv by . \\'<-ll-llr-rl h:1. to tl1o.:<( points." Apple Export Outlook '\\'1'iti1ij.-5 prim` to 1l(-pur`tL1ro for his fth year of x\'o1'l< in ll'n- Britisli m:1rk(-t on behalf` of thv fruit 5.;10w- <,-rs of Ontario. .\lr. .-\mh':-\\` Fulton p:1_\'.< trihut(- to the loyal .-uppnrt he has 11-<-oiw-rl from tho g`i'r)\\'m`.<, thus m1ablin}_r him to gi~~zitl_\' intn-n. the (lmnzmd for Ontario l,[)[)l('.~' and build- ing up 21 ne 1*:-imtntion for Ont_Lri0 g`x'0\vn ln':1ml.< in that m:1l'l((`t. (`r\n1n1nnHnu` nn hI'nqhn:-P; fnv Hun f..'.'I`U\\'ll UX'ElIl(l.\' III H1311. lH2U'KUC. ('nnm1<-nting` on ])1'0. for the coming` . Mr. Fulton .~'1;1t(,~~' thu? there is 1-\`e1`_v inrlicutinn of lihrul .~'L1pplio.~' of npph-.< in I\'01't.h Alnencu. Nova Scotiu p1`mni. tn ham. :1 hvuxgv .crop of z1pp1u.~', \\"nil,- \7ir;:Iniu, On- t:1ri0`.~' principal (-onnpntitor in tho, United Kill}4`(i0l11. will likvly vxport fair qu:mtiti(-.< dLn'in;1' Lhv coming . :-vs-n Llmu1:l'1 tin-r<-, is not a }wz1\'y crop tlwrc-. In T3ri1i. (`n1um~ bin the crop is .-atutq-(I to hr about 20 pm` cont |i;:htwr, \vhi('h .~lmuld help the l)urrel . <-on. In I3I!I:"12x!Itl thvrv is El h('2l\')' crop of 1-uriy cooking: znpplns, which is bound 1n HIV!-I-1 Hip nri:-.1 nf (`Jtllliilll 1~nnL'- lil|l' l]UilllLIl.ll'.` llUl`|l|f,L' LIN` ('UllllH_' the to all`!-rt the prim of (",|n:1l ::1n (-unk~ <-rs until (',ln'i. Mr. Fulton (on- (?lllIl('.~' H1211. gxnml quality Ontario up- plvs will bu \`. 1lIlt(`(l and that 1.hi.< com- lnv: .<<-u~'on will he a _Vo:n- when qu:1lit_\"` will count. l"nllm\'in~: zm inspection tour Of Qnlnrio, llr dm-iz1r(-. t`n:1t tlw out- look is for 21 s,lig;l1tly lzwgcr crop of _T:he Northern Advance |Dist%rict N ews| DAILY saavag-.5 Eastern Standard Time Capt. McCannel, of Port McNi(-oll, has secured for the Huron Institute. Collingwood, a model of the st.cu1m;:' Gore, one of the rst stemnships on tl1c Bay and the rst to touch at Hurontario Mills, now pant ox` Collingwood. Nottawasagu. township council :11, .1 meeting last week, set the tax rate at 18.3 mills, as against 23.8 mills in 1932. Three mills were slashed 011` the general rate and the county rate is down 2.5 mills. Mayor J. Frank I\'clI_v, 0|` Hunts- ville, \\':x.s chu.~ as l.ibu_-rul ('zm(l.du,c for the provincial riding of Mu:-zkokuu Ontario at 1. <:on\'L-ntmn ht-Id in (J1'uvc11l1u1'. last week. [3 won f)V(.I Wulu,-1' Clurnltnlt, 01' (iruvx.-nh1n'. `. - nal vote In-inn.-,' 22%.". to I119. A shipment of 8,000 lm_L.~' 01' llrfnin Hood Hour z.n'riv(-(1 at Midluml Lxst. \\'.-1-k from the west for local uxc. It is bUim,.(lisLl'ih1It(,~(l 1,lm>u1,r|mut tin: (li:~'U'i(3C by trucks. . Mr. Chzn`lu.< Hill, M r<-. p:1.<.<<,ezl away was just one month blrtluluy. The l zLckut and 'l'in1(.-s . that Ofiiiiil. is ruupim.-; direct :1cl\'u11LzxgI_:.s' from the activity in the gold mining imlustry. Two fi1CL01`i(.'S have i)u(:n bu.~y for some time turning` out ma | c.hi11(-ry and ot;h(.~r equipment r(.-(1-L.'r;u' I in the minus. _ . ti - Be very careful about your (h:z11-| 1 . . . ,t L" 111; ; "1111 trunslents who be-5;` on the to '( _ . ` IV! 1.11 street and trom door to door. Inc and police recently began nger print:ingI,,,u all U'l1Il.~'i{.'I1t.n' caught begging ]n"I';i,,_) Guelph. The prints of 16 were ~.;e-nt ` to Ottzuvzl and word was receive-d1I_),O that c-\'er_v one of the 16 had :1 crim- `j1 inal record. One man had 1.6 con\'ic- I tions. l ` , by 5'4 John McKee, a well known Orillia to\\'n: fal`l1`l(:1' died on Thursday of last week at the age of 84 years. He, was born in E5521 t0\\'n.~'hip, but had been over half a century in North Orilliu. He is . by two wns! and seven dau;.g;'ntcrs. i The Twenty-second B1'i,';a(le 0fil_ Militia, in which the Simcoe Fores- ters are includod, went under caxvas} in Exhibition Park, Owen Sound, last` week Co]. E. Walker, of Orillia, is in command of the 35th, with Co1.1t Rutherford, of Owen Sound, Bri-,1 _<:adie1' of the camp. .1 '1`hrcc young men, all of Fergus,i Ontario, were sentenced to serve from six to tnvelve months by 1\`Iag'is- trate Gover for breaking into the office of Eplett & Robins, C01d\\'iliC1',i on the night of July 16th, * SINCLL 31.75 Summer residents at Orr Lake` have petitioned the councils of Me- donte and Flos to take steps to raise, the level of the lake by placing 21 (lam at the outlet of the creek at the: west end of the lake. ` Coltlwater council at a mecciing' last` week set the tax rate for the year at 43 mills, which is considerably higher than last: year. The school rate jumped from 9 mills to 21 mills. Without :1 tioilars of direct taxa-` Lion, Coldwater relief board raised $3,961.91 in the last nine months, and at the present time has a balance on hand of $650.51. Found gzuilty of p0sScs.~`ing intoxi- cunts illegally, Thos. Hill, age 71, of. Orillia, was . to threet months by 1\'Iag.,ri. McCaug`h1`in la. week. Hill :L for -.1 six months sentence. but the m:1;1'i. told him not to be funny. Pam-tang re b1'iga(le, at Dumla.< last week. competing; a;.;,'21inst 6:3 omen- h1'i,<._*,'ade.<. won rst prizc in the lad- lur and hose c(mto. 'I'hci1' time '.\`.1.~' 2'2 seconds, \\'h<:n tho :\\'c1'z1_g`o run \\'a.s 28 . one team taking 2 minutes and 15 soc-ond.<. REGAN SAYS KINGSTON CONVICTS WELL TREAT!-IL` Frzmk Regan. K.(`.., lm-1'<:m-c com`.-N 501 in the trial of Convict .\`Ii(-nu-l .\I<-Donald, of l\'ing`:=tm1 I c11itu11ti:1:`_v, sn:11cI1(~ to six months imp1"..=.m mont for his part in the di. there last .\:unnnm-2', voiced approval of the :xdn1ini.~'t1'21tion of the in.s'tit;uLI-inn. In H. \\\| ,4 rd` mu :nn1n\u1vx' 4`.-r L11" 1UH1llllL`Ll'3lLXUIl U1 LllL' lll.\l4lLU|,l`Jln. In th(- mid.~'t of hlfi summary `in th<- ll-t'unc<~, .\'I:'. R(.~g_.-"2111 told Ju(i~,:c E. .\Iad(lon : Mr L..,`.,. mm Hx-14' nu. n..1.I:.- I3. .VlZl(l(l(`I1 I I have bu-n told that the public is c}znnorin<,-.' for :1 royal c01mni..<").n to i11\`(3.~`ti_::z1tr* tho Kim_r.~'1(n1 PcniL.n tiary. .\.~ i< \\'nH n\\':1n~. I vnnv human` uzuy . As your honor is well mvuro, 1 had the opportunity of \'i. t.i.Is in. tO;:(-thvr with your hunor am! my f1'im`\(l. the (7m\\'n coL1n.<:'., and what I . out Llu-1'0 w:1< 21 revelation to me and \\'us in (l(C}(L`\ contrz1. to that which I L-xpm-t(.-d to ` crux Th`. n1r-11 \\'r-rn hi-inxr u'I\`I|l1 Leave Barri` 8.30 1.50 p.m. 4.35 p.m. d6.50 p.m. 8.30 p.m. 5:-ris\H\' av coxm-ust L0 Lnzu; wnlcn 1 oxpucu.-u w s(,-(*. Thu men \\'m'- being _-given ht-lpful and ])1<-a.~':Lnt c.~:\r.-ruse umL':r p1-opt-.1` . their minds "nu- ing` vuitivatnd by tlw bed in lit.-r2\tu:'- and thmr health h(-mg: gzivon the clo.<<-st attention." (",e1]0pham: nape)` fmck.< .'11'(- th.-` latt.-.~t uconomic inIl0\`:lU()ll in I`u:i;'. Tllis unu.~'uz1l material is being` u.~c- chivlly for pzn't_v ("rm-k.<, and 1n.-1mit.< 212).` number of <'lm11;:o.< by . wuatringx diffun-M 001011- {Jr timxlvtl slips. apples than last _\'<.-ur. l`la:~'t('l`l1 Owl` tnrio will be abut 10 par cc-nt. light-| er and W(`.~`t('1'n Ontario approxi- Inntm-ly 25 ])(.'l' cent. lic-uvim' than latt yt-ma Ho :ull.<: Tho quality is ex- vr-ptiomxlly good. and so far, \\'ell-` .~apr;1_vml on-liar(l.~t m'<- (`lL'(ll`l. 1 have Yl(`\'('l` known more .<,pr:xying: to be (lone in Ontario than this _v<+n1', and thorn i.< n-\'-ry imlioation that the bulk of the vrop will hv vli_::il)l< for L'(:l'll' cation fhr the export l1lll'l{L`t. Mi(l|:1ntl's oldest; y lust w(-ck. He .h past his 10151.` I RECKLESS DRIVING I , COST DENTIST $20; :m. 01 2.35 fr:(:t. At the c Ithc 2:35 feet the left win.-(.1; _'.,tou(:he the pavement, the-n th I tmncd left in z1wc:~:tcrIy dir wt-n; (39 feet, st1`ikim.;` me 3 guarll post on the wt,-.~:t side c rt"I1ig`h\\'ay, After hitting; the . I nnst i1 . Hm hr-vf .-vfx !` In local polir,-e vourt. on I":-itluy/. Dr. K. M. Mr-Vuy, I)muln;4 SI,., Tu- route, was finvd $20 for 1'4!('kIl':~:-4 driv- ing`, but lHll1iHSl'(l on n trhurgcz of low ing drunk in charge 0! :1 cm`, whin- his ('omp:1ninn, Nu-|. Shun, .-Am; plL'u(l('(l guilty to hr-in}: drunk .1: n public plum-, \vn:~' n -l 1'.l!!.:'n(). Thu rmzrtrrc wnu I: cl hu 'l`r:nlY'w 'l'h(: (:n::rg(-. was laid by 'l`r:nlYir. Om(:c1' W. A. 'l'H0n1p. who .:l,:aL:d that 0.`: the morning of /\u;.{. (Shh hr; \'us Infmmml of an .'u'<-iI:nt rm-ur (,l1ur<-hill. mu! upon ::rri\ :xl :11, :1 :..m. II()LHiI.'(: ()II'1<'<-r S. lrvim,-, of Hwl ford, who nrrivc-d uhnut. -'..':U :L..... About om milv south of (Chan:-lniii ht: .".rum! :1 Po;xl,iur' .~`r~l:1n in !h-': .......-.l ....:l .... H... ]_)UUllC [)lll('(', \\ El.~' 51 `H.\l. ` . ..I.l. . r ]: ,Uill(l l`il|l UH L111.` \\'l'.`7L FUN` "U1 L9H.` hi;:hwuy, wlnich at this point is mu 1'1 .- ed by u ht-nvy whitv Hm-. Hr fmmd the .t(-(-tlsml, Dr. .\l-\/s-y, w:-.`king around with .\'r.-];~'rm Shnu, am! but}: .~:n~H.-ti xx-1_y .-`Lz'rmj.-;l_y of liquor mu ht: r'un.~id<-,rt: H14-In both to ht: in ;m intoxir-:1Lr.-d cumlition. 'l'}u: !)U:<:1' Lhrr-<: n(:cupzmt.< of Ll1r- :21!` wt-r<: Mr. van-'1 I\`iv'.<. R. inbrrrts and Mi Dc:r,-r- 'in;,;' all 01' 'l'orm:Ln, but UH-_\' w<:r(: not in an iv\1ruvi:--.H:.a| :nn.I!nn:. {illlll mvuw`. IL. HUI)- !IL.'\ mm .Hl:`.'~Z U(:(:!'~ ing all w<:r(: i in an intoxicatml rondmrm. L The car, d1'i\',-11 by Dr. .\lc\ :.-y, `uni been planar-dim: north and had ju.~t g(`()_H](: ovm` 21 hill rm the \\ c.~'t or wmmg Iu;r'n ..4` H... uI,:.I .....,|,. I CANADIAN NATIONAL :(`U_H|L:U\tEl'2ll1lll nn L11(:\\ (:.~'L()l' ` side of the rum]. Skid marks v.':2'u|` i(l<.-ntierl on the \v(.-:~tL shoulder in 21-` .=nnk<--lil l'u.sl11'0nv.starting \\`ell down |1 on the south side of the hill umli_ |eomin_g' over the <;re.~:t of the hill, at , :tli. of 255 feet. At the end i, the wheels justl` ,tou(:he the " Iflllllt-ll lt-llf. in in u'n;~1'r-|`l\v ollun, ` .n -. . .,.........._, . M1`. and `.\I'r.<. Roberts an.i M1-5 DL-crim: conborated the doc-t01";~' on-` dance and all clzlixncd thui he hz1d,_had | `only two ;_>I:1.~'. of bee)`. They 2111 told of the on(0ming' cur '.':rc-ir:.v' `lthenx 10 turn left into the guzmi mil. \IV I f`. T-Tsn~v-is n4` 'l`.\.-n.\~n w. .. .......\...,... :\l21j._1'i.=11'2\1(~ Ji-l`f.< beforv p:1.~'.~'in;_-' = jll(i_S`,'lll(:llt pointt-d out th:1t'h(- would ' not h<-Tio\'(- tliur a car could ;:o dciwn ` a hill undvr control and take out all thv 1)o. it did. It. was rocklr-.<.-= and nr*;_-`ligzcmt tli'i\'im.r. Ho believed that `Lhe occupants .<:1\\` the oncoming; run` but y)r0lmbl_\' mi. its di.~'1.:m(-<-. Ci1'(-uinstalnm-.2 vorrlmrzttotl the (.-\'i- dem-e. of tho Oi('(`l' and nc must` find Llin 2u'('L1. }:uilty on tho 1'(,'('k- 2 l<.<.' r_lri\`in;: (-`.\:1i`},;'t-. R0;r:1rdin_L' thv drinking: clmi';:0. tht.-ro \\':1.~' 2| ;.;00d !1'(`.:1.<()11 _1;`l\`('ll by Dr. M(-Vcy why he _, loos nnl drink and did not drink . that nigrht. .-\ftv:-r careful c0n.~'idm'a- [1 tinn he duvidi-d to di. him on this (-lizirtggv. _\' Nvlson Sh:-:1, one of the occupants d of thu cm`, vl1zl1'g`(: with being: dlunk in 21 tiuhliv plzwv. ploudtrd u'uilt._\' and .. '51: nml $115 and l'l\\'i\` nf 3141,50, | 'l`h(-re is nothingg; in the \\'o'.`l(1 so `muxch zulnrr.-(I us 21 man who knows how to gun` Lu1|1appin(~.<.< with cour- age.-Seneca. Ol UH CHI`, ('I1zlr)_'_(:u \\lLll unruly. ulumx \\':1.< ned and c0. of $4.50. I Do not dare to livu without smn(- clear intention to\\'a1`(l \\"hicl1 ymn` livinp: :~'hal1 be bent. l\Ioan to lw . with all your l11l}{'lIl.---; Phillips Brooks. El l'UAlLliH'. h"HZlH l on UN.` wt-.~:L #1:` .'.'l1ich point r-uvy :01` H)` \1.-\/:-\' IIHHI il.lIl\ill HI; `I JIJH.` of `iv:-I nhnut -south of ntizuz st-tlzm Ihr: IE1. uu.v .4111. ...l` 0...,` lull HI ,'~=Hlt- -0! :.. 1. .....` LII Ill Ill`! 3 Mr mm` it zri:n'l'.- ` . 0 flit: ~ M M i.`>: ' 3. HI. l(:\"I.-y, rl `L Ixulks \'.'(:3'\: ul(lL')' '4 it: and we r(: 11 ot Ullrf t:mIuILIm1, um! not use, except. to :1 c.-xtr:nL, or where the sows :1:-4: in poor (-r;ndi1.ion, such foods as mm ur barley. 'l`hr- major part of tin: ration shoulcl ht: composed of bulki<,-r f4,-(:d.~: such as ground oats, bran and shorts; this to be supple- muntml by roots, p.rufm`rz1bly sugar hm: or mun;_:(.~l.~:. L':~tuall_v the farm- up in the Maritime I rovince.s has avzzilablr: zx .e'urplus of small and wu.~'tr: pr;tatm;:~: that hJ.\'(: no 1mu'k(:t \':1lu:,-. 'I`hI:.~r: can he uLili'/.r.-d to no hr:U.r.-1' nrl\'2znt;1_z_r,c. 11. 1.; xgond p1`a.<:ti<:<,- 10 limit the amount of cold . fed to the ;~:o\\'s and imtrr::1; the grain ruticn. The .c0n!lition and thrift of the sows IS tiiv hr.-at guide for the l`cr*.rli`~r to fol- wlow. th mental Station been hill, at land-..ll,.,l in ,.....1~ .., ` .....,l ..1,\..-.. Ln" ln s(:vcr- xw-aLhL">" D.uU II-Ill. A - .'- auu. `. mm. all to ..`..:r b.\.0 p.m. 126.50 p.m. a-daily except Sun. and H01. b-Sat., Sun. and H01. nnlv (Lnn and T-In`| nvv,

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