Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 29 Oct 1931, p. 8

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A cordial welcome to these ser- vices. Dill]. = I Barrie missed a couple of nice.( Barrie---FIying wing, Cou1son;i chances to score, once in the rst,jha1ves, Crossland, Livingston and; \`.'h0V1 Lhrrv had Owrm Snnnd m1 fhpiv T.nwrnnr'nt rnmrtpr, (Lnnrlwin and ___ I Senior Game The B.C.I. senior rugby team came; back strong at Owen `Sound on Sat-" urday, winning by 20 points to 7,? and if they can repeat at Collingwood on Nov. 7th, it will mean starting` over again. In previous games the` first ve minutes pIay'to1d heavily} against the locals, but on Saturdayl they made doubly sure that this would 5 not be repeated. ! I In fhp raf nI1u-M4-can Do---5- -J---`---1` -um. ue repeated. I` Jn the rst quarter Barrie started" with a bang, getting their first break when Morrison `broke through anof blocked a kick, which was dribbled' for 35 yards by Frawley, who fell on` it over the 0.S.=C.-I. touch line fori` Barrie s first touch, which was con-g verted. Dyment also kicked for a` point in this period. Owen Sound opened up and fought hard and got` the ball on B.rC.I. s 15 yard line, and on a series of bucks pushed the ball over for their first touchdown, x I, was converted, making the score 7-6_} `for Barrie. I In +1.- .,\.......a .......r... n - - - 4::-__..___.._ . B,C.l__SENIORS EVEN 1 mm QWEN SOUND` Score 20 :07 Victory Away; From Home; Juniors Lose i First. of Season. ` E Blue Worsted Two-Pant Suits, of! Bluebird guaranteed indigo worsbl ed. Special this week end, $25.50, at F. C. Lower s Five Points Men s' `Wear. ` 1 a position in the Radio Service Dept. Mr. Alfred Liscumbe has accepted . of Bert Taylor's Radio Store. The regular W.uC.T.U. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. F. A. Purvis, 82 Kempenfeldt St., Monday, Nov. 2nd, at 3 o clock. I. Announcement is made this week: of a new and enlarged up-to-date} radio service for Barrie and vicinity by the Bert Taylor Radio Store. (See Adv1-.,\ The choir of Central United \ Church enjoyed a delightful evening last Friday at the home of their lead- ` er, Major Wiggins and his sister,l Mrs. Pooley, being the host and hos- tess. Page Eight ......-1..... _.___. Forbelt and Restwe1l Pyjamas in new patterns of broadcloth and pyjama cloth. Patterns `the newest, prices the lowest, at F. C. Lower s Five Points Men's Wear. uy me her: (`See Advt.) I .j South African ostrich dealers say they have enough ostrich feathers in storage to supply the world during the present vogue for plumage on hats. Guards Back Model Overcoats. , Blue Melton and 'H.erringbones, new styles. Wonderful value and new ; prices. Special $19.50 and up. F. C. 2 Lower s Men's Wear. Five Points. 1 .B.C.I. rugby sweaters, sox and gym `|jerseys in stock at F. C. Lower s Five 5Points Men s Wear. '| , , j IIEHVUS, \;l'USSlZlIl(l, plvlngston d.I1U I \ Lawrence; quarter, Goodwin and ` `Crossland; snap, Hooper; insides, D. Muir and Begg; middles, Armstrong 'and Beverley; outsides, Corbett and Smith; subs, Lewis, Blair, Girdwood,: Norris, Muir. ; Thn 'R,(`.T Hnvp H1n1'v 1nnvu-1: F1111 J.V 0l'1`IS, lVllllI'. for this coming Saturday, when they play three games. The seniors play Newmarket C.I., and the scrub jun- ;Mid1and seniors, the juniors playl 'ors play the Midland juniors. It is! . hoped a good crowd will turn out for! The B.C.I. have their hands full I these. games. Joan Crawford T1'iuinphs again in` 1/17 2 " Two-Rieel Comed3;-S1ow Poison V __ Added Att1'acti0n--B0bby J ones in How I Play Golf Pathe N cws Sensational Star of Skippy `G Two-Reel Gomedy--Hey Diddle Diddle Special Added Attraction-Adventu1'es in Africa Episode N0. 8, Flaming Jungles. Don t miss these thrilling pictures. Also Metrotone News. uu:r::uu. D. H. Coleman, Treasurer, County of Simcoe.` '1-`reasurer s Ofce, Court House! D Barrie, Ontario, the 10th day of Aug-:_ nut, 1981. `laugiiing Sinners THui2s., FRIDAY, SAT. Richard Dix in Young Donovan s Kid With Jackie Cooper Monday and Tuesday, O31): Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. ,agtlThea1re LOCAL I`-H51: A Beautiful Set of English China Dinerware G'D1:'In'r A -r A -u--u-A-nr-u-.u-.-.-.-..-.._ s'rni-:1=:r `SE1-:NE" ,nn __ .. .. vnnxucu JJ.l.1.l.l..l.UJ.Wdv].'U T SISEEIAL ANN OUNGEMENT Owing to the large number of ladies collecting y this ne din~14_1_e1'wa1-e, and so that none will be diszippoilited, we ate .e2.:_tndin,g dinnemare night to include every Tuesday night, as well as every Monday night. The large salad bowl will be given Monday and Tuesday next. 1981718, UHF FREE FREE A FREE NOVEMBER 4, 5, 6 and 7 THE BIG SPECIAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1931. COURT OF REVISION Town of Barrie Take notice that the Court of Re- vision for the hearing and determin- ing of appeals against the assessment .of the Town of Barrie for the year `[1931 will hold its first sittings in the [ Council Chamber, Barrie, on Mon- day, November 2nd, 1931, at three o clock in the afternoon. Parties , having business before the court will ' govern themselves accordingly. * A. W, R-MVP?-T purcnaser. Forms of tender and further in- formation may be obtained from agent at Midhurst Station. The high- Iest or any tender not necessarily ac- .cepted. R, W. SCOTT, Supt. Canadian Pacic Railway, Toronto. Ont. . ...u.a;..n\u | Tenders will be received up to =November 3rd,'1931, by the under signed for the demolition and re- moval of timber coal chute and trestle situated on the Canadian Pacic Railway Company's property at Mid- hurst, 0nt., all machiney to remain the nronertv of the Railwnv nnmmm. nurst, unt., an macmney remain property of the Railway Company and to be loaded on cars at site by purchaser. F`nrn-1: nf +n~nAm- m-"1 -:....A.1...... :_ The annual meeting of the Innisl Horticultural Society will be held in the Community Hall, Stroud, on Tuesday, November 3, at 8 p.m. By request Mrs. Robt. Boyes, of Lefroy, will speak on Wild Flowers of California. MRS. EARL WVIGE, Sec y. U141` '.l.'!LlJ UKl:iliiU'N Post Ofce Square Telephone 586- A-bove Express Oice Join the Happy and Wise Club at On a charge of stealing a suit case: and contents, valued at $25, John` McLean was arrested and remanded; for a. week. INNISFIL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OUR NOVEMBER DRAWING CONTEST starts on Monday, Nov. 2nd. We invite you to call in and see how easy it is to be a member. Three or more prizes will be given away in `this contest. H. E. Cook s Next door to I.0.0.F. Temple on Collier St. And every one we sell kept in closed cases for your protection. We will guarantee every Chocolate Bar _as fresh. DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON ca..- ......... 'r-I-..I..... TENDERS e1VS accoramg y 1 A. W. SMITH, Tnmn uvu. 1 11, Town Clerks 5 Sale of Land For Arrgars {of Taxes cNIggA1.J_ CHURCH '- (Elizabeth Street) Sunday, Nov. 1, 1931 11 a.m.-Rev. E. R. Young, B.A. 2 p.m.-Crusaders B Ie Class. OAK -..... O.._.'l-_- (V, Notice is hereby ist of kinda nmn I uur u1't:s5c1'\\'a1'e starts on Monday mght, Nov. 2nd, with the production The Road to Singapore. Don t forget, ladies, every Monday and Thursday nights are Dresserware Nights at the Roxy. Com- plete your set in a Very short time. J. \I -I-Jul.-Il JJ.L1..IJ.l.J.:l|J Ladies affending the Roxy Theatre on Monday and Thursday nights will receive a beautiful piece of 0111' (\'i']l'] nQn1'L1+nH D1r11n1n1':-1 h11nnnn mmmm --A 77 Collier St. United Church .:.u.xu -mug; ;115u.L-3 \VJ..IJ. .LUL3U.l.VC l IJUEILLLLLUI LJIUCC OI our Gold Decorated Pyrolold Dresserware. Every a1't1c1e guarameed by the Inanufacturezc. Our d1'esserWa1'e starts Monday night, Nov. 2nd, Wifh `Hun n1-nnn-Hn-n -""Fkn 'Dnn.J L- cu ...... ._ H A Super Special Production, and at Regular I All Young People Invited. __v-- urv A ll` J55! N 4:-5-6-7 ' '(Four Days Only) THE FIRST TIME IN SOUND The Birth of _a Nation Wed. Thurs. Sgt, 'KTf\T7"E|'l\Il'13'lI'l'l3 A I: n n .I. 4.447! J. J.II\J.LJJH The Singapo1:e Thurs. Friday Saturday DIRIGIBLE ROXY REV. J. J. BLACK, MINISTER - Horace Wilson, Organist and Choir- 1 ' ,.a-nil.-o_ master. . ,,/__ Sunday, Nov. 1, 1931 11 a.m.-Rev. Dr. Powell, Supt. of ` Missions, Alberta, speaks of condi- tions in the West. cup. I. In the County of Simooo JACK Hem`, RALPH GRAVES, FAY WRAY In the Greatest Air Picture ever produced FEE! COMING----AN Aii/IERICAN TRAGEDY Monday - Tuesday /VI-nu` T\ (Two Days Only) WILLIAM POWELL IN HIS GREATEST ROLE ven that the I In On kn DA" DQN T MISS `IT 1 . TO THE LADIES I0 wnom It May Concern : I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my son, Cecil Fell. Mrs. Edmund Fell, Innisl Township. ` ......u an Univ vv vain 7 p.m.--Special ms-. Service. Ad- 3 dresses: (1) What I think of the ` Bible, Harry Armstrong; (2) What I think of the Church, Crompton Lewis; (3) Whatd think of Christ, Miss Esther How. , -.,_ _ For Sale-3000 delphinium, also 100 ` different kinds of hardy perennial - I ower roots for present planting, at ' 15c each or $1.50 per doz. H. G. Taylor, Fitton s Sideroad. Phone ' l37j. Orillia. ` To Whom it May Concern I will nnf hp vacnnnaikin House for Sale or Rent--Burton Ave., I 6 rooms, brick, all conveniences, hardwood downstairs, wired for elec- tric stove. Sale preferred $2800, rent $25.00. For `information call 1 1117w or 549. ` ` ` ..-_ Wanted to Rent-Farm from 10 to 60 acres, must have good buildings, possession at once. Apply to A. Young, R.R. 1, Allandale. Wanted---Housekeeper, light work,` clothes and board. Apply to Box ` E8 or phone 237,__1 _eI_1_tj:_1_:1{1guis}1_ene. ji"`--" I While working for the town at : sewer construction Gordon Kelly, 32 1 Burton Ave., suffered a very serious 1 injury last Tuesday when a. large , concrete block fell on his chest. He 1 was unconscious when picked up and only regained consciousness for a mo- : ment while on the way to the RV. (Hospital. An X-ray has been taken ` `but the full extent of his injuries has = :3 not been determined. Room and board * meals. All convenie tral. Phone 1551w. Rooms and board at 68 Owen Street. 'Every convenience, very central. ..---- r.usu--uuonaay mornmg, Oct. 26, a 1 `dark grey suit case between Barrie I and Orillia. Finder please return to ` 36 Dunbar Road, Toronto. Liberal: reward. iauu uruua. reward. ynnuu suuoaucxa ululc uxaaa. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes. '7 nm_ ha 1U| n...-......L It..1I..n_.. Allandale Wreckers, good used car 1 parts. 3 Gowan St., Allandale. Losv-4Monday morning, ,dark grey case hm: DANCE and .-\R'I7 WEST FRIDAY, NOV. 6th .~\dmission 15 cents, 6(1ance tickets for 250. WA L'l.`ER PERKINS Pavilion Cookstowzx FRIDAY, OCT. 30th w1th or without ` conveniences, very cen- : 3 1551w. ` Prices Oct. ween `R511-1-in , won by Miss . . . V . . uux. v.A. nus Launch After serving as superintendent 01 Burton Ave. United Church for the past twenty years, Mr. J. E. Morri- son tendered his resignation, which took effect last Sunday. The depart- Ll. ` ure of Mr. Morrison leaves a vacancy that will be hard to ll as capably as it has been handled the past score of years. He has done much for the Sunday School, which has always been an up and going organization during his regime. It was with deep regret that the officers of the church accept- ed his resignation. Mr. C. J. Seitz will take over the duties relinquished by Mr. Morrison. His assistant will she Mr. W. J. Blair, with Mr. Arthur `Pugh as secretary. The first of the round of Hal- lowe en parties took place on Tues- day evening in the United Church, when the class conducted by Mrs. G Wardman and Mrs. F. Hill were hosts to their many friends. The enter- tainment was in the form of a mas- querade, many ne costumes being * displayed, rangng from periodic de- signs to a flare for the humorous. The prizes for fancy costumes were Phyllis McNiven and Art Pugh, and the comic Mrs. Jeff Webb and Bill Scott. special juvenile prize by Miss Lorraine Rogers. of the programme consisted of solos by Misses B. Spearn and B. DeHart and Mr. W. A. Bell, and a reading by Miss Rhoda Young. A subscrip- l- 5 5 tion was raised by this venture in aid 2 I of church organizations. went to . A 1 was captured - A portion . AUUIU D1013 1.1185595. 7 p.m.-Dr. Margaret McKe11ar, the distinguished missionary from ` India. This meeting is in charge of ' the Annun- At the regular Monday evening 1 l meeting of the Young People's So- A ciety of `Burton Ave. United Church, ' Messrs. F. Dobson and F. Spearn` gave ' a highly instructive and entertaining lecture descriptive of their motor trip ` ` through Quebec last summer. Many 1 views of scenic and historical interest which they took while on this trip A were shown on the screen, through -I the courtesy of W. A. Bell, who was _ in charge of the lantern. A4`:-.\.. ............... -._ -.._-..=_L----I~-- ALI . u unvu uy av; mu: v uuci. On Wednesday W. A. Hanna was the recipient of distressing news when l which almost consumed the business block, including the general store own- ed by his brother. Before coming to Allandale two years ago, Mr. Hanna {informed of the re at Port Carling was in partnership with his brother, a and while he has no business connec- tion now, he feels his brother s loss < greatly, and also the loss which his old friends at Port Carling have suf- lfered. 1 . `.- ; weeis. The extra steel lzfying gang that` has been operating in the vicinity of! Utterson, in charge of J. Henson,' completed operations last Thursday and is now tied up for the winter. i r\.. 1I7n.J..,...,l..-- 117 A 1-~r__,,,- , W. !!'.'=.u;{.I.w vu_ vveunesaay_. ' The vSth Parker group of Burton Avg. Ln1ted_Church are presenting them eI}I'erta1n111ent at Melyxlle, neag $t0uV1lIe, 911 .Thu1`SdEjy'- 111g'hi:. I Geo. Paine of Wind:n1- la 11::-1'4'_| -pwuuviiie, vI{._11lu1`Ubl.y'*IIlgIlr. I Mr. Geo. Paine of Windsor is visit- ing his family for a_ few days this week. I U11... |L_-4'... : 1 v" - Young People s Rally A very successful rally of the _ young people of Barrie Presbytery was held in Essa Road Presbyerian Church on Monday evening, Oct. 26. Rev. M. W. Heslip, convenor of the Presb_Vtery's committee on Sunday , Schools and Young People's Societies, presided. The devotional exercises were conducted by the pastor of the ' church, Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair, with Rev. Dr. Mark leading in prayer. . Vocal solos were rendered by Irene j Sinclair and Mary Thompson. I ; Gwendolyn Jackson gave a piano solo and Evelyn Peck and Ilene Fell a ` piano duet. Rev. M. B. Davidson, of ' Galt, convenor of the Assembly's Board of Sunday Schools and Young People's Societies gave :1 very in- ` teresiinsr address. After the program] the '.'isitors were entertained to a` lunch by the young people of the church. About two hundred and seventy-ve were registered by Cam- eron Clute, who had this department. of the rally in charge. The rally of this part of the Presbytery will be` held in Fllmvale next year. Rev. M. . B. Davidson went on to Collingwood, where he addressed a similar rally for, the western part of the Presbytery: ,. on Tuesday evening. 5 l l l V l V 1 1 l l ;. urey. . . I Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Jenkins and `Mr. and Mrs. H. Modeland motoreu P0. Waterloo on_ Wednesday. ` Q 'N'1p Rn?`-1 nvbni a-rhnn n`-9 Du-..-4-.-... sat uaramal an summer, nas returned home. Mrs. Geo. Spearn spent Thursday of last week in Toronto. Mr and Mv: A `F|nn4-Low. nu... :.. J.V11'S. A. nooper over me week ena. Mr. and Mrs. F. Newman are vis1t- ing friends at Aylmer. _ a Mr. and Mrs, Cnmmmn (Iv-nu n~F\ Jug .l.1`leI1(1.S at Aylmer. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Grey of Orillia are enjoying a holiday with. the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. IT. Grey. Mr, and NI)`: I A ,Tm.1...`n. .....1 111018.. 'l'I1lS W.M.-S. Allandale News] 'bpeI1L me week: end an ner nome. Mr. Percy P. Jay of Toronto at- .tended the wedding of his sister on `Saturday. Nlisze Rnrthn T-Ina-an 14:14 load umnlz Dauuruay. Miss Bertha Hogan left last week [to accept a position with the Robtl lsimpson Co. in Toronto. NIT, and Mr: W Qfnnhonenn and ounpson no. In 1oronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephenson and family are enjoying a holiday with friends at Milton and other points. | Mrs. W. A. Jenkins ham rnfjirncadl uxenus at Muton and other points. 1 Mrs. W. A. Jenkins has returned from visiting friends in Toronto. Mr, Fran]: \f`..n1-incr mg: in 'l"lnn-nu. ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rem. Mrs. Harris Morrow of New Lowell V spent a few days with Mrs. A. David- son last week. M and NM... '1` `n v,.I....-. ....,J A1 son Last. weex. | Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Kelcey and AI-_ bert Kelcey were guests, of Mr. ana- Mrs. A. Hooper the week M)`, and NH`: F` Newman av-n `Hm !-_ U1 13513 W`K m '].'OI'Ol'l'C0. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleetham were in 'CaIedon on Sunday. NUS: Cpnrainn `R1m'v n-F '1`nu-nu-:1-n ualeuon on unuay. Mlss Georgma Blaxr of Toronto !spent the week end at her home. NH`, Pmmv P Jnv nf l"nwua+n 1:4-_ u`-am Inenus In 1'oron1:o. Mr. Frank \G.oring was in Thorn- bury Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Rakpr nf 'T`m-rmfn 1 : vicina nouce xa nereoy giver list of lands now liable fnr In-1-onvu nf Qavn. in uury weunesuay 0: H115 week. Mrs. Baker of Toronto is visiting her father, Mr. W. McCausland, who is seriously ill. Mr and Mr: .1 "I":-nc'l.v an.-I My own 15 B1'l01lS1y 111. Mr. and Mrs. J. Trask and Mr. anu Mrs. D. Jones were in Orillia this week attending the funeral of Mrs. Trask s father. My 1 D..1c....,1 ....... .-.. rn.......... .. .l1`a.Sl'S Iatner. Mr. J. Pulford was In Toronto on Thursday of last week. MSSS Glnrlvc M11nrn nf I-T11n+c11`"To ulursuay o1 xasn weex. Miss Gladys Munro of Huntsville is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D.` Magloughlin. `MTG, W pnrv (PF (`rune in x1::H>h1y magxuugnun. Mrs. W. Parr of Orillia is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid. Mrs. Harri: Mnrrnm nf `Mam T.nun:LH Mr. Orville Kashner, who has been t Cardinal all has returned 01119. `1 .'.\ \i \ .}-!_`_1I' uue-up ' ' ~Barrie-Flying wing, Stransmam; halves, Hargreaves, Dyment and Mar- shall; quarter, Hines; snap, Hare; insides, Morrison and Smith; middles, Frawley and Rumble; outsides, Mit- = chell and Weldon; subs, Clark, Dy- ' ment and St. Clair. Junior Game The B.C.I. juniors were beaten by a much lighter and less experienced -_ team on Saturday. They lost the- game through their own sloppiness, having many fumbles and offsides to their credit. Owen Sound made yards only a few times, while Barrie ` would make yards and then fumble. The locals had three or four kicks blocked, while Owen Sound had only one. Owen Sound comnletpd twn fm- mocxeu, wmle uwen sound had only Sound completed two for- ward passes and Barrie attempted only one. Tn H19 ref nnnvi-av 'Rnvv-ha fnnlz Han umy one. In the rst quarter Barrie took the wind and Owen Sound kicked off. Barrie got the ball on their 25 yardl line and forced it up the eld and Muir kicked for the first point, the receiver being dnwmnd I-w Rmirh nst 01 nmaa name to be 9011! for arrears of taxes in the County of simcoe has been prepared and 1:, being published in an advertisement` in the Ontario Gazette upon the} 16th, 22nd, 29th day: ad August, mm, 5th day of September, 1981. l Copies of sald lid of lands or an- J.V1LllI' KJCKECI Ior me nrst pomt, Lne receiver being downed by Smith. Owen Sound held and got the ball on a fumble and on a kick forced the ball to the Barrie 15 yard line. In the spannd rnmr-f.m~ Ran-in failpd . aumzusuig the score ZU to `I I01` Barrie.` ml `Barrie had the better of the play, : through practically all the game, andi s the team worked more like a machine,l - every player doing his part and doing_i I it well. Weldon distinguished him-g `.lF 3lf by running around the eld gath-; , criw; up fumbled balls. H. Dyment - and Mitchell made no mistakes in `r their tackles. Stransman caught two] I or three forward passes thrown by: -B. Dyment and tackled well. Bill Dyment was, of course, the big v ground gainer for the locals, making several long runs, and Earl Marshall! was also extremely hard to nail down in a broken eld. The line Worked ike demons and played a great game g against their heavier opponents. The line-up : \.R2T`1`iF|:.FT|\71'ntr- urinnr Q+v-nu:-~v.nn .l 133.11 to we narne 1'0 yam nne. In the second quarter Barrie failed to make yards and lost the ball on the third down when they failed to ' have ve men on the line of scrim- 1 mage. Barrie forced O.S.C.I. to kick and obtained the ball on the 3 yard line. A kick should have been called here, but a plunge was tried. The ball Was fumbled and a home ` player fell on it. Barrie held on their 1 yard ' line for two downs, j but on the third the home team went over for the only major score of the game, which was not converted. Tn Hm third nlmrfpr Rsarp fnuo'hL game, WIUCII WES HOE converted. In the third quarter Barrie fought. hard, making yards and forcing the 5 ball down the eld, only to fumble it 1 time after time. The locals were 1 superior in the kicking department, but this availed them nothing as they were offside time after time. Theylg got a break in this frame, however,5. when the Owen Sound snap threw] ' the ball over the kicker s head and! three B.C.I. tacklers nailed him be-I1 ' hind his line for a safety touch, mak-iv 5 ing the score 5 to 3 for Owen Sound." K In H19 Inst nnnrfnv 'Rsn~v-in -nut 1 ' `fit! At the b`eginning of the third per-' iod the Sounders seemed to have re- viva-d and fought hard for a few `minutes _and. managed to k_ick for` their last pe1nt,__mak1ng 7 pomts for` them. Barrie then took command again and Dyment kicked two points! [before the end of the session; I Tn Hm 1094- ,........L.... `D....... .. .....A. .4.. ` Juuure Elle cuu U.L wt; 3.`?-7-`3ll.Jl_1; In the last quarter Barrie got an-` other touch when an Owen Sound re-! ceiver dropped the ball on one of, Dyn1ont _s kicks over the touch linel and Sm1th fell on it. This was not` 'conve1~te(_i. In the_1ast stages of the gamea xglth all their sub 0%, llgarrie orce eir way up t e e and Dyniem kicked for the last point,! making the score 20 to 7 for Barrie. iR2vvir2 hurl Han 'lnn+hn- A4` 4-1.". min"! wnen one uwen aounu snap mrewl _ I, St. Mary s Parish Hall was packed' be-Ito capacity on Friday night, when the` mak-iGu1ee. Club of St. Leo's Club, Mimico,} Sound.*presented a program of musical `In the last quarter Barrie putinumbers, skits, sketches, songs, etc.` everything they had into the gamu,!Everybody. enjoyed it to the ful1.! |Lewis and Lawrence making severa1vA_fter the program, dancing was e_n-3 nice runs and Livingston and Bever-ljoyed for a couple of hours, and. ley plunging well, but they didn't}1unch served by the Christian` seem to be able to hang on to the Mothers organization. n ball. 2 - ---- ~--- ~ ! 'lJnuun .5.-...nA t\ ..-.....l.. .. ...',.,. I `D......;. `E`1-..'...... u....... I`1....`I.._.... cnances [0 score, m we nrs1:,; they had Owen Sound on them |1 yam lxne, and another at the end` `of the second quarter when they . gained possession of the ball on the' home team s 20 yard line and faileu to kick with a minute to go till half itime. '|"k,. 'l....-L ...1....,..... 1.`-.. 1.1.- v_--1_ -ume. | The best players for the locals: `were Lawrence and Lewis, who ran gains. Beverley and Livingstoni `around the ends for several nice` all Barrie s plunging gains. :Armstrong and Muir played a great 1 5game defensively. The line-up: !.1UI' Darne- In the second quarter Barrie fouj" ` ercely, breaking up several plays and Ike Weldon picked up a ball which .was fumbled on one of Owen Sound s` end runs and ran from Barrie s 40` yard line for a touch. Hare missed . the convert by inches, the ball going" just below the bar. This run by .. Weldon seemed to take all the life} out of the home boys and Barrie had much the better of the play till the! end of the half. Score 12-6 for Bar-! `I18. ' ' ` - ' ' on: any or uepuemner, 1981. or ad-` vertiaement can be seen in my omen! or will be mailed upon making ap- plication for same. In default of yment of taxes as shown on said 33:. on or before Thursday, the 17th `day of November, 1931, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, I` shall at that time in the Council` Chamber, Court House, Barr-ie, On- tario, proceed to sell by public aucv! tion the said lands to pay such ar~1 rears, together with the charger thereon. l\ LI n,` '

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