(Cont-inued from page one) viettes and two plants were donated to the superinxendent and the nurses- in-training for Christmas. In Febru- ary the ladies supplied 10 cakes and made the coffee for the nurses dance, and again for the nurses graduation (exercises in June, twenty cakes, cof- fee and cream were donated. Flow- ers were sent to an indisposed mem- ber. In January, Mrs. S. W Moore very generously donated to'our au_\- iliary two Singer electric sewing ma chines, which greatly facilitated ou) work In September, Mrs. ,A. C. Brown entertained the members to "a most enjoyable afternoon at her sum- mer cottage near Shanty Bay. For thzpurpose of raising funds, we heio J a g day on the second day of the fall fair, which brought the net resuzl of $297.50. This took the place 0: the annual refreshment booth form-` erly held for the two days of the? fair. It was a successful innovation, which proved more satisfactory in many ways. Tho uynrlz nf` H-an Hoar nny-..:..+n,.l -4- `_ oil" a good many feet - bad way it do':~' LllL` pl"clll'l(;` pl'OVlI1CC.:. Speaking of the dry area L)1'lllK`\\"d.u..`1', Lne council ueciaeo at Its i,-, L regular monthly meeting` In the town's, Saskatchewan, he said that it so hap- Cl`-`1`l\"-*` Ofllce 0 M0T1d3Y- pened during his visit to this section` that the rain A letter was read from the town- \V C pgung (l0'u in gheet-,_; `Ship .\`Ol`lCltOl`, N11`. BOLlll.l0ll .\'Iar-E`. \'.'ll(*l`(3 it had not rained in two years ;Sl111ll, in Wllicll he :1(l`:i.- the coun-'5 One hears a great many stories-`cil that the present medical oiccr orla circulated regarding conditions in tl1F`,hC'i1ltll could not be `removed from 3 west`. People in the west resent the` l)ro'tdc:`.sting of this calamity cry," declared the speaker. I ve heard, more grousing in Ontario about con-' ditions in the west than I heard out there from those who are said to be suffering. Because some are in a not mean that al` are. Only those who have lived or. the prairies know how quickly that country can come back. You hear stories that all the top soil has blown oft` near Moosejaw. The top soil there is 60 feet deep. It could blow yet and the land would still be the best wheat 3 land in the country. True, there has I not been a shower there until a shorli time ago for two years and nine months. When the rain fell on that hot land you could hear the grain growth. With the rest the land has had if it gets moisture next spring it will product a ne crop. A man who farms in the semi-arid district -has got to know how to farm. He has got to show some intellgence and a good deal of industry. There are only a certain number of men who ever will be successful." "Plug annnlrau. 1-nwnnubnrd An I-`kn nor. oflice without a two-thirds vote or the council and the approval of tne .\'linister of Health. further advised 'the council that ?he township physician, such as they plan- ned to appoint, could not sit on the township Board of Health unless he.- was ' ` resident taxpayer. Private legislation, Mr. Marshall, wrote, was Ihe only ment. Reeve William Johnstone `brought up a further objection to the project, on the grounds that the township council could not re the M.O.H., as the matter is controlled from To- ronto. Councillor Quinn, however, beleved that the council had fun power to hire a doctor. Reeve Johnstone was doubttul whether the people would sanction the appointment of a township doc- tor. He did not think it would carry. Another matter that worried the reeve was that the township, he `opined, would have to get prices from the doctors and see for how much they would take the position. ` Councillor Quinn retorted that all LL ..... nil ..An.l-A L- .-1.. iuvnn LA and Mr. Marshan E, way to make the appoint-l if ar ,( .1" l ( 1 ( 1 il \ i < 2 1 1 . ( 1 5 1 s l 1 1 l ever wm oe successlul." The speaker remarked on the car- loads of vegetables that were going from the east to the west, and point- ed out that there had been enough potatoes grown in the better sections of the west to feed the whole prairie provinces for the next two years. The snnalnar um: in+rnd11nnd hv p1'OV!IlCS I01` EH9 next CWO years. The speaker was introduced by Rev. J. S. Shortt, who paid a ne tribute to him as a distinguished public man. A vote of appreciation was moved by Mrs. Hamilton on be- half of the club and its guests, and seconded by Mrs. A. R. Beverley. `A quiet but pretty wedding was F solemnized by the Rev. A. R. Holden V in St. George s Church, Allandale, on Saturday, Oct. 24th, at high noon, H5 when Dora Marguerita, daughter of 5 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jay, Cumber-l land St., was united in marriage toir Frederick William Carling, of Camp`l Borden, in the presence of immediate l t friends . The bride was given away; 1' by her father and was unattended.':.l After a wedding breakfast at theie home of the bride s parents, the happy couple left by motor for :1 t honeymoon trip to Toronto and other points. I RailwaysmNecessary CARLING-JAY THEIR MISSION CONTINUES AS THE GREAT TRANS- PORTATION NECESSITY OF OUR COUNRTY, AND THE MANY THOUSANDS OF THEIR EMPLOYEES AND FAM- ILIES WHO ARE DEPENDENT UPON THE RAILWAYS PROSPERITY, WHO THROUGH THEIR INDUSTRY, THRIFT AND INVESTMENT HAVE BECOME VITAL FACTORS IN EVERY COMMUNITY WHERE THEY RE- SIDE, `ARE ASKING YOUR SUPPORT OF RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION IN YOUR TRAVELLING, IN YOUR SHIPPING, AND IN YOUR INTELLIGENT CONSIDERA- TION OF THE BETTERMEN T OF THIS GREAT COUNTRY. THEY WERE AND STILL ARE THE PIONEERS AND DE- `VELOPERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY IN THIS COUNTRY--REACHING INTO THE NVILDERNESS 0]? FOREST, PRAIRIE AND MOUNTAIN--MAKING THE WASTE PLACES BLOSSOM AND FLOURISH WITH TOWNS AND CITIES, FARMS AND INDUSTRIES, AND ALL THE SOCIAL _AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IN- SEPARABLE FROM OUR PROGRESS. Ship by Rail to our Mutuai Benet 1;. N Ypur Opportunity T0$2}y SPONSORED BY THE AFFILIATED RAILWAY` EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION. is; i t sectior down i _ v or} In fuvn 1112111-s Why Because COUNCIL CONSIDERS f`('Il\/INII INITV nnn V W . . l `brouglw n,,...n 'I ..L...,.L....._ ....._ .l.\..LL4.... k.1uvv\.L av nu u \A\J1.,\vJ: worried have r :\..:_._ .... ....4....! a.L..A. ..lI vvvunu nun. mu. yuoxunzu. the council needed to do was to ad- vertise, and that there would be plenty `of applcations from doctors who would be all eagerness to come. The reeve thought it would cost more than the Medical Ofcer of Health was costing at present, whose services did not cost the township more than $200. , . ' -n An .. 1 . .1,` the schools. Y-vvu Councillor Quinn pointed out that it cost `the township more than $200 for just the one job of inspecting They work it in Alberta, he said, why Shouldn't we be able to work it here ? Why, we would get 100 ap- plications from doctors in the city who were not doing anything. It um: finnllv derided to refer to U11 Lcsusaax IJLLUVD, GI&LLI._ (JV /U UJL DIIIJJ vuius Lu. Inuv uuvsv except Edison Madza, Lamps. It will pay you tg stoek up with whatever you may need at these pl-ices, and here are some suggestions: wno were not aomg anymmg. It was nally decided to refer :the Municipal World for advice, as ; stated. 9,,.:,,, _,,__ _.__..,1 ,.;. |.,\ auzocu. A communication was read a? the `meeting, `from which the members `learned that the governments had cut. the Orillia township unemployment `relief grant from $6,100 to $5,000. by-law was accordingly passed -authorizing the expenditure `of the 2535.000, and a resolufion passed se`..~ tling the expenditure for the present at $2.700, the balance to be spent `after Jnnuzwy '1, 1932. VCIL I `.1 33535 ? Tw1= : FOR CHRISTIANS (Continued from page one) We are facing` conditions at the present time the like 01' which has never been before, continued the speaker. The world never needed Go(l as it does right now. If instead of driftng; away from the church, as `some of our people are doing, there was a great movement back to the `God of our fathers I honestly believe gworld conditions would change. 1 `should like to see the organization of a Christian Business Men s Guild in 1, all our cities. There is a great eld :for men at the present time. Let me ';remind you that the people in Japan ';11`(: accepting Christianity instead or `EComn1uni. That is one of the ' hopeful signs of the times. Can we ' not look with condence to God : Can we not come to God with the ` faith of our fathers, that faith that ` carried them through peril and hard- ` ship. Surely the spiritual resources [that were adequate to their need will L be adequate to ours. i nDL1llh0' uriflw H19 vnlinf nvnhlrxm an `UU uuuquuu: LU uurs. Dealing with the relief problem 111 which the Unifed Church is so largely interested, D1`. Pidgeon said the church had been perfectly right to ask the government to mobilize every resource toward meeting the condi- tion. He said it was no time to con- sider unemployment insurance. One couldn t insure a house that was a.- ready on re. After things begin to show some signs of returning to nor- malcy it would be time to discuss in- surance against unemployment. Dr MoT.a1x:rl1lin, whn not-nmnnnied surance against unemployment. Dr. McLaughlin, who accompanied Dr. Pidgeon, and who is secretary of the Social Service Board, spoke most encouragingly of the outlook. Re- marking that some one had asked him if present conditions did not look like the approach of the end of the world, he said he had replied that it was al- ways darkest before dawn, that man's present tribulation was just the dawn- ` ing of a new day. 'l`hp challenge to-dav is not fin` mg OI a new uay. The challenge to-day is not fa` qui`., he said. The grace of God is working. God is going on doing His work and you and I must do ours. Get behind your young people-they are the church of the future, and never let yourselves be discouraged Everywhere we are meeting with new hope and new faith. It is simply a question of going forward with couz agmn .r `\....1.. LL n\`|Gr|I~v|o\l\r\ nneuun-u t\:La\d agi- During the afternoon session after the Presbytery had listened to ad- dresses on The Kingdom of God in its Relation to Economics, by Rev. J. R. Conn, and The Kingdom of God in its Relation to the Individual," by Rev. Chas. H. Forth, as well as The Social Implications of the King- dom of God Movement in Canada. prc:~`ente(l by Rcv.Rol)(e1't Brydon. B.A., :1 branch of the movement wan orgz`-:'i::ed to function within the P1'e.=b3'tery. The conference opened with a communion service led by Rev. R. T1`. l\/Invtnn ITUHIHIHIHUII lE. Morton. \V0 aw ()'('l`i1lg` fur :1 limited lime to give a reduc- tion on t110_pri(-0 of Electrical I4`i.\'tm-cs and Appli- ances that will make it well \\'m'tl1 your while to buy now. L` L V J:r.l.lL\J'.l.L.L S .|..L.L u.Lv.I.'au-- Regu 1- $9.00, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.20 FOUR-LIGHT FIXTURES- Regular $8.00, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.60 THREE-LIGHT FIXTURES-- \ Regular $7.00, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.60 CEILING LIGHTS at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85c KITCHEN UNITS at . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50 Beautiful Junior, `Bnridge and Table Lamps at 25% 011" regular prices, and] 20% off anything in the store nvnn-n+ Fiann Medan T.n*rn`n<! HEATERS TEEATING PADS IRONS l.`OAS'J.`E]:?;S; \VAFFLE IRONS, ETC. The reason for this sale is that we need the money S0 ALL PRICES ARE CASH. 13 Elizabeth s75." JOSEPH LEIGHTON FIVE-LIGHT FI_XTURES-- .rhI\ {\I'\ _ A. Three Rebuilt Washing Machines Cheap. The Electric Shop RALPH R. GRJBBLE -1 IN: "\1,. ZU'Li\','l(:F. The ofcers elected for the year 1931 were: Hon. Presidents, Mrs. William Gallie and Mrs. A. C. Brown; President, Mrs. J. F. Jackson; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. V. E. Knight;` 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. S. W. Moore; Secretary, Mrs. W. M. Reid; 'l`reasurer, Mrs. J. R. Dier. The treasurer s report showed a buiance from nrovinna vi-ur n+' :2-29, LUUIVDU. Mr. White of Whitehall is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Morley Webb. Nlr. and Mrs. F`v-pd Rnhm-t-znn and Hus uaugmer, mrs. money went). Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robertson and family were the guests of Bradford f2'ir:nds on Sunday. Fdvar nnx n'F T`n1r-nnfn cnnnf H10 J.nL1e.- LEIKE wnue (1ucK nunmng. Llghts were out for some tlme Saa- `urday night, due to the storm. ` A mmntingr nf Hm C,C,T'I` wnq hold '.'uL'1`.1'8 OH 1ue.<.(1ay evening. The second meeting of the singing course under the leadership Ff Rev. Mr. Pickering on Monday was weu attended. About fty are taking this (OUTSO. 1z'1r:n(1s aunaay. Edgar David of Toronto spent the `week end with Mr. and Mrs. Angus 3 Warnca. l "T`hn TTnHn.rl {"1-uuunla u.-.....,.. ...-..-..'|,. The sympathy of th' community goes out to Mr. and Mrsr. F. Graham in the death of `heir only son, who ziccidentally shot himself on Friday at little: Lake while duck hunting. LiQ`ht.< xvere nut for snmp timp Q-2;. '. unu .u1'.s. unas. nooercson. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Webb, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Luck spent Sun- day with Toronto friends. `uruay lllgllb, HUB LU Lilli SLUITH. A meeting of the C.G.I.T. was held at the home of Kathleen Allan on Friday night. Mr nn NT)-2 Qln-an nnrl 7\/Tn)-xr cnnnt 1` rxuay mgnt. Mr .and Mrs. Sloan and Mary spent Sunday in Newmarket. The Young; People s Society of Central United Church had two full houses on Monday and Tuesday even ing;~:, when they gave the delightful comedy, He s My Pal. The school hall was prettily decorated and the acting; by the young people was Mrs. Pearl Parr, and the parts were taken as follows: Tom Spark ,a car- penter, Dr. Alvin Perkins; Wally Al- glon, an advertising agent, Lew Bea- zver; Ma Averill, everybody s mother, i.\'lr:-t. Audrey Beaver; Lark Marie `Summ,-r_. engaged to Wally, Miss Emma Trott; Calvin McKay, a hen- ueckz.-(l `nu.-'band, Victor Brown; Mrs. Blo;-'.' McKay, his wife and boss, Mrs. Annie Wilson; Harry Booth, :1 Averill ;-`, Miss Audrey Clifton; Kit- ten Blake, a beauty specialist, Miss `Ida Rose; Dick Smith, a real estate salesman, George Urry; Roger Gail. `Wally s pal, Lloyd Partridge; Mona Mi.-`.< Iva Cole. ;-'plnnrlid. The work was directed by ` real esate agent, Sidney Patterson}! Smudge, the colored cook at Ma` Spark, Tom s sister, an ugly duckling, ` 1171 n , .2,,,, __,_, _n __ __.4n ` THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1931. LL11`, lV.lI'S. J. D. L10Il3.I'U., 13.55 WeeK. M155 Bessle Hunter vlsxted at Fer- gusonville on Monday. Th 0 0.13.9 hd 2 'n1'no'w:--:=I'vn gUSUHVlll.C 011 Monuay. The O.E.S held a progressive rzur.-hre on Tuesday evening. THE second mpptinw n'F tho cinoino ` VV E.lI`l|L'3:l. The United Church young people held a jolly Hal1owe en party on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and .`Ir.s. Chas. Robertson. .\/h- nnrl R1`-n Dnrl \X7nln1n I/I'y~ Friday the first meeting of the ' season was held of the A.Y.P.A. at St. Paul s Church. The new oicera were elected for the coming season. Mr. and Mrs. Lnnnmr R12:-1: an.-i were BIBCEEQ I01` m_e commg season. Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Black and family visited Mrs. Banting at Ivy on Sunday. Mr, and Nh-c Cnnran Pnhinenn and .-.urc Lvu \/up. Where the acting was all so well `dame, andhcompiliments can be hand- e to eac per ormer, comparisons lwoulml be invidious._ It all takes gplace at Ma Aver1l1 s_ boarding lhousgf. darndqrttinder her t}11{lI(11d1y 1-ou e e; s are soo e an e llmisguided are set right. The lively `Lark is brought to her senses and ,|.'1'ue sweetheart, while the ups-of _1Wall_v is not left forelorn, '1i'0mforted and beloved by the trans- li l'ox'mml ugly duckling, who, with. ;.Lhe help of the lively beauty special- ' ist. hecomes the star in the last `s<:A~Iw. Vith the aid of the dashing' j11'(-2-`l estate :':alesm2m. M1`. Calvin as- ::(-rts his manhood to the surprise of; `lMr;<. ML-Kay. Smudge, in the hands of Miss Clifton, called forth` '!m:m_v 21 l_\ur; of laughter. It was all but is _ '1\*.`<*ll (lone. , ounuay. ` Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson and Mr. David Corbett visited their sis ter, Mrs. J. S. Leonard, last week. T\/T1'i=.< Regain T-Tnnfpr viciharl nf 'F`mr-_. ` \..,..... I ' In b(2t\v(-m1 the scenes solos wen `sung by Mr. George Urry and Miss lclifton. Rev. E. R. Young: \ chairman of tht` r:ntertaimnent. V .\no1.ho>r evidencc- that in time of `national peril the people may be iLl`LlS (`(i to do the right thing. CHURCHILL R.v. HOSPITAL 1iAD SUCCESSFUL YEAR HE S MY PAL ` STROUD Phone 122 clubs in the Dominion is 21, with a membership of 3.643. These clubs _ hold 178 private and 50 commerciai -" I licenses. The total number of aeroplane .LI10l'1'lBOn iasr. week. Mr. Billinger of Toronto visited his son William last week. Mrs. H. Gilchrist has home after spending a weeks with her daughter Sound. In. ,.,......,.\. ....---1._.v 1-, UIILU Ivnfs. w. Magill and Miss J. Sutton spent the week end with friends in Orillia. `Mfu `X7... "l`.."1.... 2,. .-__I_.. LL- .,_, week: was a. ueclueu success. The community was shocked to hear of the sudden passing of an old and highly respected citizen, in the person of Miss Sarah Palk. Funeral was held Tuesday to St. Thomas Cemetery. mg anu report a good tune. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson were in the city on Sunday visiting the latter s sister, who is in the Western Hospital. Than Tnrlinc Air! u-HI `mane 01$ 17.... | uuac. ' A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Miller Jennett at Thornton last week. N1`. Dilnn.-...-... A4-` 'r`....,...L.. ..:-.u-.1 1_:- .u1a.uy Ways. The work of the year consisted of 122 sheets, 19 binders, 24 serviettes, 8 bandages, 24 towels, 28 dresser covers, 45 pillow slips, 47 gowns, 9 -children s gowns, 10 pneumonia jackets, 24 tray cloths, 12 tea towels, 2 dressing gowns, and the mending of _numerous articles. Total, 374 `EI"\l'\l.E.A',.A':..n.... ..I-..L._J 2, .1 The sermon preached last Sunday by Rev. R. McLean in St. Thomas" Church was enjoyed by all who at- tended the morning service. TWY. and M1`: Fran]: Dina}-mv+ .-.4.` Ll.`II(lEU me mornmg servlce. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rinehart of Guelph called on the former s sister, Mrs. A. Hubbert, last week. WIFE, Ar`H'n1`r pnforcnn k nn1'nu:'nn- n Hub. (-1. nuooert, last WEEK. Mrs. Arthur Peterson is enjoymg a holiday with her daughters in To- ronto. 7\r1 ...- (XI `.\I .....:11 ......J 1m':.._ 1 CV__LL_,, U1`1lll'(l. Mr. Wm. Taylor is under the wea- ther at time of writing. The fowl supper held here last week was a decided TED nnrnv-n11n1'1-u 117110 a11nn1rnr1 u-A nuspitai. The Ladies Aid will meet at Mrs. J. Jennea`t s on Wednesday evening. Mr. Ralnh Bell was in O1-inia rm . .)eunei'T.s on weanesuay evemng. Ralph was in Orillia on Sunday, taking` treatment for his HOSP. muveu Jnto mexr new manse. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Anderson on Wednesday after- noon. Mrs. Haughton, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Ball of Shanty Bay were present. The next meeting for the `_ packing of the bale will be at the' home of Mrs. Harvie Crawford on Nov. 4th. 1\/Tam DI1nnn1nvv .....,l .L`.....-:1-. 1...-.- LVUV. QED. Mrs. Pugsley and family have re- turned to Toronto after spending the `summer at their cottage. Kim. AH T?nn=n and Mr: `Pmr Mrs. Mark McMaster spent a few days in Angus last week. I N[l1P.}1 svmna-iv 1': ax-4-cmrln +.-. 1\/IR. xuays 1n Angus Last week. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Strapp on the death of Mrs. Strapp s mother, who resided near Orangevllle. A nurnhoar -Frnm hnvn -;++m.:n.I .1. .l1`(`,`aSl1l`l', Mrs. .J. K. Lner. balance from previous year of $332.- 01, and receipts for the year 01 $325.81, making a total of $657.82. IL`xpenditures for the year amounted to.$32`7.42, leaving a balance on hand, S 'i)t. 30th, of $330.40. ) Superintc:ndcnt:'s Report There were a total of (371 patients admitted to the hospital during the ye.-ar. and there were 92 births, mak- ing a total of 793 patients. The. number of hospital days totallea }1,_271. During the year 45 deaths occurred. '`[`1..,-.....-. ...... on ...........: 11L"cU' umngevlue. A number from here attended the fowl supper at Ivy last Friday even- ing and report good time. M1`. and 'M1`S_ J. `V Wrncnn nvcn-a summer at men` cottage. Mrs. Alf. Rouse and Mrs. Roy Kirkpatrick spent a couple of days in Toronto recently. ' l The nmnf snnnpr `hphl in H-m TTm'+- SUCCESS. Quite 21 number from the village attended the fowl supper at Essen on Monday. Oct. 26th. Whm J51: Pnavia ennnf H-m f-`nv=+ n-F is the order of the day, the herring being quite plentiful. `Hr, and M1`: Qfmnn marl Mr (nvb Mr. Sarjeant of Orillia unloaded a car of coal on Tuesday. REV. Ml`. COHTI and M1`: nnnn Havn car u; coal on Luesaay. Rev. Mr. Conn and Mrs. Conn have moved into their new The W A YYIKJ` of +1. Ln... ..c MW. 'lIl LUFUIICO I'(:`CI1Ely. The meat supper 7 ed Church on Oct. 1 cur-I-nan LV1UIl(.l21_V. UCII. ZDEH. Mrs. Jas. Reevie spent the rst of ` the week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred~ Leigh. 4T4`1' 5: Hun nrnv nf H-no Jaw Hm; IH:1'l'1Il}.',' Dtilllg qullff DIEHIIIUI. Mr. and Mrs. Stone and Mr. Clark Crawford motored to Toronto the rst of the week. 7\/Tu nun 'Z\r'fnt'\nnn. L..- LI\I\C .'... LL- I|l'SL U1 E118 WEEK. Mr. Dan. McQuaig has been in the village repairing phones this week. Snrrv fn rpnnrf H12? Mr Wnlhnr UCUUFIVCCL There are 20 nurses in `v.rainin,: and three graduated in June. Three New Members on Board ; S. W. Moore, president, and a: member of the Board for many year-s,i withdrew from the Board, also D. H C`-oleman and W. B. Way. New mem- bers; elected were A. J. Sarjeant, Robt. Brymner and Norman Clarke. Other members of the Board are: R. A. Stephens, Alex. Cowan, William Rusk, H. A. Sims, H. M. Lay, J. R. Dier, Dr. W.. A. Lewis, Dr. G. B. Jamieson, J. A. MacLaren and F.` Hammond. J Lt... \'Ill'clgL' l'{fp?ll1'llIg' [JHUHES CHIS \VC`P.K. Sorry to report that M1`. Walker lost 's summer coftago by re at }Carth`. ' Bay one evening last week. ! Onihn n numhrrr from Hnn x,-illncrn |\, kH'LIl(."\' Dkly U118 Cvemng last} WeeK. Quite a number from the village trttondmi the service at St. Thomas .Ch1.11~q11 at Shanty Bay on Sunday. iltr-V` J. R. McClean conducted the =. Mr. McClre;m was pastor lhnvra vnnv: nrrn, w >|`l'\'ll,'L`. M 1`. hare years ago. Nncc Vnn F m-re _V(;'d1`5 ago. Miss Edna O B1'ien of St. Hi1da s College, Toronto, spent a few days at her home here. \T\- T`Ln- r-"r\\!1rr. and VT.',~-~ TnIwv\:n 111'. Tlms. C1m`kr- and .-Vliss Jennie Clsxrku of Ja1`ratts were the guests of M1`. and ;VIrs. A. H. Crawford over the week end. "`i`l' HUHH,` Il(;`1';'. lilllly SPEIIL ounuay d.L n1`a(:eDr1ug(3. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Handy, Mrs. R. Handy and Mrs. L. Handy spent Sun- day with Elmvale friends. '/Hun T) `Du:-I-uizlrun nnnv-.4 Han uvnnb (`TIN \Vl\',f1 LVIISS 1V1. WIISOII. Mr. J. B. Jory and Mr. R. Watson are thinking of spending two weeks in the north country hunting. NH- and Mr: Can Mnrrinnn ovnvn U1 CH8 IIOITH C0llIlEl'y I111I1l.'.Hlf, ,'. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison gave l the young people a dance, and also Hawkestone people, last Thursday night, which was enjoyed by all. Mr: T-Inrnlrl Ogfhnrnp and hnhv nrp .\'Ir:<. H. C. Dawson and familyl . Sunday at H. Osborne- s. 7\'Tis:< T2m'H1:\ Jnvv in cnrmrlino` n -Fow .\'])(`IlL ounuuy HE Fl. USDOFHC S. I\'I1.<:< Bertha Jory is spending a few days at home. _ I MTV and Mr: T-Tnuvnrd `Rt:-1+1-nnr1 nvu-I FIEIHTITIUHU. ` At a subsequent meeting of the- Board, H. M. Lay was elected presi-` dent; F. Hammond, vice-president; J`. R. Dier, secretary, and Robt. Brym- ner, treasurer. A motion was passed regretting the severance of S. W. Moore from tn Board, and expressing appreciation, of the valuable service he has render-5 ed as president. |(lZX_\/>5 ELL HUIHB. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bertram and family spent Sunday at Bracebridge. NH` 5n1r]1\/I've .Tn,= T-Tnnr'|v,1\/T1-: P (1H_V \\'l[fl ITAHTIVHIC ITICIHIS. Miss R. Partrldge spent the Week end with Miss M. Wilson. ~.vr.. 1 n 7...." A Mr 12 w.,+=.... nlgnt, wmcn was eluuyeu uy an. Mrs. Harold Osborne and baby are spending a few days in Barrie. Min: Jnan Thnmnson .e.nnnf.1a.=zt. Rev. and Mrs. Pogson spent a couple of days in Oshawa last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wood of .Lock'port, N.Y., called on relatives here Tuesday while on their honey- rnnrm, Sp(`T'l1Tlg 3 IGW (IEYS Ill Darne. Miss Jean Thompson spent last week at Reg. Bertram s. Ploughing seems to be the order of the day. THOOYI. Miss Bernice Young of Toronto was at her home here over the week end. ` .1\/r.. .....a M... m..u.-... nmm... M... EHO. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Downey are in Toronto, where Walter is in the General Hospital having an operation. All wish for him a speedy return to health. My uni] Mva Ntnv-1r-nu `pnnnhl -nnnfnv-. Mr..and Mrs. Murray Ronald motor- ed to Toronto over the week end. My nnrl Mn: `lfnknv-f Inrnvn Hana ea to Ioronto over me weeK enu. Mr. and Mrs. Wxlbert Magulre have returned from then` honeymoon and are occuying Mrs. Quantz s house. Mr and Mn. 'I"nHnr-1: and familv occuylng 1V1I'S. \~llaIlEZ'S HOUSE- Mr. and Mrs. Tullock and fam` of Toronto have come to live in t e house until recently occupied by the | Mag'ui1'e family. - | Joseph Leighton, a resident ofi Barrie for some fty years, died at} Cool-istown on Tuesday last from; heart failure. Deceased was born at .\'e.wma1'k(:t 85 years ago, and lived` in Barrie till a few years ago, when; he went to live with his daughtel-,5 Mrs. T. Milligun, Cookstown. He was` a member of Kerr Lodge, .-\.F. anal A.M., and acted as Tyler for 24; `mm-: T-Tp was :2 stmmnh 0rnn9'(inmn.i HAWKE STONE SHANTY BAY MINESING DALSTON UTOPIA y. ' held in the Unit- 20th was a great returned couple of In Owen The `Northerii Adv: HON. D. MARSHALL ` AT CANAUIAN CLUB! I . (C0Y1i'iT1119d f1`0m Page One) ` Advice is to be sought from the: At the request of Mrs. Calder-:MUiCiPa] W01'l<'1 by the Oliimilu wood, who presided, Mr. MarshaIlit0'11f Council l`e8'31'dln8` the ap- prefaced his lecture by an account oflpointment of a community doctor, conditions in the west as he hadas advocated by Councillor J. 0. found them during a recent trip to:Ql1im1 and DOD`-1'0Y~Rceve John S.e the prairie provinces. Drinkwater, the council decided at its` i,-JLi'cgula1' meeting` in 'towu' 017 Uencd (lurinr-2` his vi. tn t:hi< letter \\':1.< romi from rho fnwmi .X.lVl., anu ZLCLUU. d..$ 1_VlL`l' 1U1' `t; years. He w2:i<}a staunfh ()}1'ang i He is survive )y .~:i.`: < augrxtrers, 'r.~.l Duncan VViggin.~<, Shanty Pay; .VIrs. T.1 Milligan, Cookstown; Mrs. Wm.i Rehill, Sunnydaiu, A1ta.; Mrs. A. W.; Robinson, Winnipeg ; Mrs. Y. 13.` Owens. 'F`l<-ming, Sa: and Mrs. A. Moffatt, Barrio. His wife dliled rears ago. Thv funera .wi ta e; }1I)1aco on F`rida_v, under Masonic aus-g pica.-'. Inte1'n'1ent in Barrie Union` Ceinetory. , I