Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 22 Oct 1931, p. 8

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For Sa1e-New Model Radio, used' three month, price $40. Phone 551, week ends. INNISFIL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Inpisl Horticultural Society will be held in the Community Hall, Stroud, on Tuesday, November 3rd, at 8 p.m. All members are requested to be present. M128 F.A1?.T. W1l(TT<`._ Sm-. v. start. The local girls held the visitors V for the rst four innings and then went to pieces. Ten runs were counted in one innings for Calling- wood. The nal score was 30 to 9. Cagitu! Theatre TI:-lURS., FRIDAY, SAT. Special Added Attraction-Ad{;e3itm*es in Afx Episode No. 7, Witch Doctors. Two-Reel Gomedy-In Conformance Metrotone News Waterloo Bridge Last week we advertised a special portrait priced at less than half the regular figure. If we get 100 orders of this special on or before N ov. 10th We will draw for a lucky number and winner will receive one of our fine portrait portfolios, valued at $8.00. 16 Owen Street COURT OF REVISION HAVE READ OUR ADVERTISEMENTS ? :1 C0l`(ll21l VVCICOYTIC E0 E11858 Se1'VlC8. Don't forget the Young People s play, He s My Pal, Monday and Tuesday nights. ANNUAL MEETING Constance Bennett s most "interesting lm to date is `Bought. .---PiQtu1'e Play Mag- azine, November, 1931. j v .. -v-vvQ -v Added Attractio11-:B0bby Jones Golf Reel Pathe News cX13'f Monday Tues. IF IT S AT THE CAPITOL IT S NEW COMING--STREET SCENE Zonstance Bennett in n. w. auu1"1', aupt. Canadian Pacic Railway, Toronto, Ont. MRS. EARL WICE, seay.` - Eonner 3:. United Church |_ Two-Reel Gomedy-(Wee-Wee Marie" G. Wilfred Jackson PORTRAITIST` TENDERS R. W. SCOTT, Supt. lanadism Panir Rm'1w: `IVES CCUl'UUlgly. A. W. SMITH, Town UNIVERSAL S BIG SPECIAL The Big Picture of the Year ONLY 19 DAYS LEFT uvuxn, Town Clerk. @114-%:ir' " DOUGLAS .l'lULll' I01" cungrega.m0I1a1 smglng. Subject-Picture Sermon The Good Sheherd in Song and Story Picture by Artist Plockhorst Music by Choristers-- ur-ru 1 ,, n 1! n1 1 _ no THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1931. The Stroud Telephone Co., Ltd., have a limited number of shares of telephone stock for sale. Anyone wishing to purchase same, communi- cate with the secretary. A_1so all subscribers see that you stock has been properly vtransferre . W. Lonnox Black. Sec y, Telephone Co. l\.rvv evu-n-n we IAVIIILII In.- Court of Revision Meetings of the Court of Revision for the Township of Innisl for the year 1931 will be held at Thornton on Monday, October 216, at 10 a.m., and at. Lefroy on Tuesday, October 27, at 10 a.m. All parties having business at this court will govern themselves accordingly. Dnfnd at (`.h1n-t-h1'1'l +111`: 121511 {luv rn STROUD TELEPHONE CO., LTD. memsewes 8.CCOI'(1lI1gly. _ Dated at Churchill this 12th day or October, 1931. III I) El__._ I'|I_..I_ DANCE OCT. 23rd WALTER PERKINS l\_ ,1, , 1 Coojtsfown oC`r".m5oth ANl\ -I`\_IE-`.l{SARY S'ERV:IC1ES Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A., of Alliston, at both services. Special Music by the Choir Thankofferings A cordial welcome to these services. nnn + -Fn-5-n-nl +1-an Vnvunn `Dnpu-J:-. a TOWNSHIP or mmsr-`u. TIM WILSON "--36% V Pavilion FRIDAY LJJJ. V V .l.JJkJ\J Orchestra FRIDAY I .l.J.JJ.U J. .I3..I.IJJ. Orchestra DORIS LLOYD W. Sloan, Clark. Phone 591w L Africa, Horace Wilson, Organist and Ch( master. Sunday, Oct. 25, 1931 11 a.m.-The Minister. EVENING SERVICE, 7 RM. n_____ _,__._:._ ___ILI, 1, , ;:p,,n , -n Notice is hereby ghen that the list of lands now liable to be sold for arrears of taxes in the County` of Simcoe has been prepared and is being Imblished in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette upon the 15th, 22nd, 29th days of August, am 5th day of September, 1931. Covies at! said lisf of lands or an-i DUE uay U1 DBPDBHIIUB 1:161. Copies an- vertiaement can be seen in my olce : or will be mailed upon making 21; . plica.h'on for same. In default of payment of taxes as shown on add list, on or before Thursday, the 17th ` day of November, 1961, at the ham nf twn n r]m4r in Hm affnrnnnn. T U. I! U155 `E11118 111 `L113 LIOUIICIX , E113 Chamber, Court House, Barrie, On- tario, proceed to sell by prublie auc~ nn the nnrl land: fn nav mu-fh Ar. 11011. U18 1!] IBDOI 50 pay 8 rears, together with the thereon. I`! ll !"._I-_...... W110, DICB80 CO Sll Dy 11110116 BBC` tion te said land: to pay such tun` rears. ton-Ather wifh the nhnraan mree HIOIIEII ___j..j.: my 01 LVOVSIDDBI, 1351, at nne nun! of two o'clock in the afternoon, I _ shall at that time in the Council knmknu 1".-mo Umuun `Ran-nan (ML UlUl`$Io D. H. Coleman, Treasurer, County of 1 'Ireaeurer s Office, Court Barrie, Ontario, the 10th day < unit, 1981. 1!} "v1.1. . | Notice is hereby given that the j Court of General Sessions of the . Peace and County Court, in and for . the County of Simcoe, will be held in ` the Court House, Barrie, on - Tuesday, the 27th Day of October, 1931 ; at 1 o clock in the afternoon, of which all Justices, Coroners, Con- . stables, Gaolers and others are ro- quested to take notice and attend. and do and perform all duties that should appertain to them. Barrie, October 14, 1931. D. H. MncLaI-en, Sheriff, Co. Simcoe. 1 Enjoy a ride out to the game --Says Taxi Tad. ` To-day we find the football hero 3. eet-footed youth. His glory lies in his perfection of the drop-kick. Our glory lies 11 our perfection of prompt and courteous taxi service. Call 44." A .. T4..u.uuuuu -5.: Anthem-The Good Shepherd ` -Barre (V a nu 11-: `Ava CEN1'R_A_L_ CHURCH Sale of Land For Arrears of Taxes REV. J. J. BLACK, MINISTER r _ 1Ir:1__., n.__.,_:,; "`_`The Lord s My Shepherg : uh Tau. Solo-There Were Ninety and Nine. / Wanted-Housekeeper, light work, clothes and board. Apply to Box 148 or phone 237, Penetanguishene. - - FOR IMMEDIATE DISPOSAL (21iz..b_.u. sh-ea) THANKSGIVING SUNDAY In `the County of Sirncoo ....4.....x4x.n.;u; v ;.nu uuAVyn Sunday, Oct. 25, 1931 \~r\v1t11-wwsn A nvw-nun-rnrw , mtwn Qrillia. `._...-- T -_ COUNTY OF SIMCOE -Hutchings { CL r\v\1-\ run!" ; 110; v of A115` IL. lv1cr'a(1aen OVEI` EH8 WEEK 110. I Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair attended the conference of the Ontario Boys Work Board at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last week, representing the ' Boys Work Board of this town. Miss l\/Tnnza. l\ fr-(".m1xlm1d. whn has i-:- For Sale--3000 delphinium, also 100 ifferent kinds of hardy perennial ower roots for present planting, at- _15c each or $1.50 per doz. H. G. Taylor, Fitton s Sidm-and Dhmm D. L1QI'lI'lg on DUHCEY. Mr,. Harry Stevens _ of Washago` spent a few days with hls brother last! week. ~~-- 4 `M3... 'm4.L..1 1u'..n....A,. ..:..'+..,: +'..:..... 1 '}I1 J.O!'0I11$0 DYE!` Elle wt:t_:n euu. Mr. and Mrs. W. 5. .L1 C`l`i and M1`- and Mrs. V. E. Knight spf 9. couifz ; of days ths week at the 1atter s cot- `ltags at Bala. . -= - - An A A` urnn ,.......:.m.J u.- .....1 EA|landale News] U111 /al'l0. -Miss Lillian Price attended the Salvation Army Congressional meet,- I-ing in Toronto the latter part of last week. MI`. and 1hf.... L` l! nu ! I2` VVEEK. Mr. and Mrs. E. Goring and E. McCormick and .W. Mcgormick OI Longford visited 'th Mr. and Mrs. C. Goring on Sun y. zfvfv T-T21-rv Qfcnvpns A4 Wnuhoon Jweex. 2 ' ~ v - | Miss Ethel McQuade visited frien-.L in Toronto over the week end. T Ma am: M w I Lit`Ie and Mr, DEUZCC, CH8 ."\I'BI1a LTRTUEIIS. Mrs. Grant Heels and children of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. McFadden over the week end. Dnvv KY D T\ Qnn1ov- ca!-4-ans.-In.-I 4-Ln Alf. Tompkins left Tuesday morn- ing on a shing trip to Northern Ontario. `|M'v'ac T.l1nu D1n:nr\ nu.-....l....I 1.1.- Ina-l`4"Gb1);11du_ .-" ' ' ev. A. A. Wall occuiped the pul- pit of the United Church at Newmar- ket on Sunday, while the pastor of that charge, Rev. T. W. Andrews, con- ducted anniversary services at Allan- dale. 1\/I ...- Dnn Dnn\- ' ..~ w.'.~u'4-inn J51. m-.1" 3. VISILUF lIl I./U\VI1 LUIS WEEK. Mrs. P. Holman and family of Nashville are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Poucher. M1. on ! M: (`Iornnnn T\/H4-nlnnll n! _u)c eacn $1.50 H. Taylor, Sideroad. Phone 1371- I VVIEH .lV1I'. ano lV1l'S. D. W. FUUCHEI. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell 01 Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Spearn over the week end. .Mr. and M1'_:_ Ward are moving in Ll. apearn OVET EH8 WEEK CHO. Mr. and Mrs. Ward are moving in- to the house formerly occupied by C. Fell on Cumberland St. Inaarn A4- `Dnnn nu:-1 F`-nub nk- DOYS VVUTK DOEFO OI CHIS EUWII. Miss Mona McCausland, who has been employed by the Loblaw Grocer terias in Toronto, has been transfer- red by that company to a position in Barrie. nu I . 1 _; _,,,1, LIVES III 1'.l`dlIll1LUIl. Mr. De]. Hastings of Midland was a visitor in town this week. '!\/fun `D '[In'lvv.o~n nni-I +'nwu'1u A-I reu 011 uumuerlanu DE. Messrs. Art Pugh and Frank Dob- son while in Toronto last week took the occasion to view the new sports palace, the Arena Gardens. rT\/fr: Cvnnf Han]: and r-hilrh-pn nf Lieu 1-Au. The town grader has been at work this week on Tifn and Cumberland streets, levelling . and lling in the holes. The ratepayers on Tifn Sf. have a sufficiently signed petition to have that street paved, but a differ- ence.of opinion between them and the town council as to the type of pave- ment is holding up the laying of a permanent road. I\.. 1|/I'nv\An-uv rxvvrxv-\1.v\rI f\n4- 1044-: {Jun (1318. Mrs. Ben. Baer is visiting with rela- tives in Hamilton. My `nnl T-`l'nc4>1'nn-n A-F 1\lh'.-Unn `xv-us ycA uAuuv..u.u ; uuu. On Monday evening, Oct. 19th, the regular meeting of the Young People's Society of Burton Ave. United Church was dedicated to Citizenship. The speaker of the evening was Rev. A. A. Wall. The I subject of his address was the Rus- sian Five-Year Plan, in which he ex- plained the vast program the Sovie Government of Russia hope to -ac complish in the next five years and the interest with which the outside world is awaiting the success or fail ure of this entirely new departure _ from the regular administrations of i other countries. The Young People's .Society have come to the aid of the ' less fortunate in this time of disi1'cs.s : and have already sent ten cases of ;lcannEd goiods to the needy in Wes`.- ern ana a. 1 .. . . . n .1 1- 15,4 v; u uuuuuu. About sixty guests of the Ladies Auxiliary of St. George's Church en- ; joyed a delightful progressive euchrn - last Monday evening in the Memorial ' Hall. During the serving of refresh- ments Rev. A. R. Holden announced _ the prize winners as follows: Ladies, ; , Mrs. Geo. Firman, rst, and Mrs. ~ Uncles, second; gents, Mr. J. O'Con- ` nor, rst, and George Goring, second. The Auxiliary are presenting another ' such event on Friday, Oct. 30, which will be held in the form of a Hal- ` lowe en masquerade, when prizes will be given for best costumes, as well as most points in the euchre. 1 ,,n n_i,____.1___ _.cL_.__-_. ..__.I .._.-.. rv... Last Saturday afternoon and even- ing Ken. Rayner had a very harrow- ing experience, which might very easily have had a tragic nale, only his courage and resourcefulness pre- venting it from being such. While herring shing from a rowboat out in the middle of the bay he attempt ed to move to another location. The high sea rolling was too much of a strain on a weak oar and it snapped in two, rendering anything that could be done with the other quite useless. For quite a while the boat drifted eastward. Rayner, hoping that some one on shore would notice his plight. ` but dsuk fell and still no aid was forthcoming. In the meantime the strong westerly wind was driving him further out toward Lake Simcoe. Fearing such an event Rayner strip- ped himself of his clothes and as the ` boat drew opposite to a point of land dove into the troubled waters and swam to shore, which he just man- aged to make, dropping on the beach from exposure and exhaustion. Re- covering after a time, he staggered to a nearby farm house where he \vns provided with warmth and sup- pled with clothng, and brought to his home. After resting awhile Rayner showed no ill effects from his adven- ture. The boat continued after being deserted until noticed by it just a few miles from where Rayner took to the water. Burton Ave. Anniversary Large congregations attended the; morning and evenng services at Bur- ton Ave. United Church on Sunday, to drift T Oct. 18111, which marked the yearly 1 ian Indian, who paddled out and `rescued anniversary festival. At both ser 3' vices stirring and impressive address- es were delivered by Rev. T. W. An- ` `t' drews of Newmarket. j_ mg he choose the topic Venturing ",with God, in which he charged his listeners to venture faith, home and truth with God. An point brought forward dress that the single successful anti- In the morn- ` `impressive i in this ad-: dote to a Godless communism was a Christianity that ventured all on God._ The subject of Mr. Andrews ievening address was "Overcoming Life. touching upon the present day w~~f..-.- -u:--:9 Rooms and board at 68 Owen Street. Every convenience, very central. _ I , ,,,_#`,- C. F. Lower and Ray Simmons at- tended the annual banquet of the Simcoe County Firemen s Association held in the Georgian Hotel, Midland, on Wednesday evening. We are moving to our new office this week, at 6 Owen Street, near the Post Office. Barrie Real Estate. Have you seen the smart scarfs now on display at s Men s Wear, Roxy Theatre Bldg. Rev. Dr. Mark, of Elmvale, gave 1 an nteresting paper on Humor in - Relation to Men at Kiwanis 3;; Fri- day. Four new mgmbers were we}. '- ~ .1. L5. -_.,,, { 1-nm?-.. 2?` `fun rnnnfn-any \4' ` uay. rour __1_;t:\v _II}=::mQ* '=omad at t meetmg. Hallowe en tea, sale of Christmas novelties and homemade baking, by ` Circle D. of W.A., Friday, Oct. 30th, 3 p.m. Collier St. United Church . Sunday School rooms. . . The Old Age Pensions Board is meeting to-day in the office of the county clerk to consider 26 applica- tions. Several of these were laid over from the last meeting for fur- ther information regarding the ap- plicants. Game Overseer McGregor reports that he has seized seven illegal nets which he located in Lake Simcoe. , The overseer is kept busy there days checking up on those who violate the Game and Fisheries Act and has cases pending in Barrie which come up for hearing Oct. 23rd and 28th, four cases will be tried in Penetang short- Iy and two in Collingwood on Oct. 26th. Every adult lady Capitol Theatre on will receive absolutely : of beautiful English ware. Garner's Men s Wear, Roxy Theatre Bldg., are now showing a complete range of the famous Buckley Hats, from $2.50 up. These hats are in the very latest styles and shades. I n -vf"_l'7 .7. ~ I Allandale Wreckers, good used car` parts,` 3 Gowan St., Allandale. T Lucky Seven ! It s lucky seven for the man who buys these shirts. See them in Garner s Men s Wear win- dow this week. Next to Roxy Theatre. Mischevious youths are thought to d be resonsible for the recent false alarms that have called out the re brigade. Tuesday evening about 9 ` o'clock an alarm was rung in from box 45, but the fire laddies were un- able to locate anything that looked like a re when they rushed on the scene a little later. Wednesday a call was turned in from box 53 short- ly after midnight and again the re department made the run for nothing. Some practical jokers certainly have a queer sense of humor. Free ! A guaranteed cigarette lighter with every hat purchased at Garner s Men s Wear, Roxy Bldg. Be sure and get yours while they l last. Constance Bennett, screen1and s most highly paid star, now playing at the Capitol Theatre in Bought, the Warner Bros. production, retains her |own dressmaker, who is also a skill- ful dress creator. She also does the actual tting and tailoring. Miss Bennett is seen in many exquisite `creations of advance styles in Bought. Featured in her support` are Ben Lyon, Richard Bennett (her; father), Dorothy Peterson and many other. Archie Mayo directea. I STAR OF BOUGHT" RETAINS PERSONAL DRESS CREATOR HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL TO ADDRESS CANADIAN CLUB Hon. Duncan Marshall, who is to be the guest speaker at the first din- ner meeting of the Canadian Club to be held at the Queen s Hotel Friday evening, Oct. 23rd, is a native of Bruce County and was at one time Minister of Agriculture in the Sifton Government in the Province of Al- berta. Of Scottish ancestry, he is particularly well tted to speak on his trip through Scotland, which is the subject he has chosen for his ad- dress in Barrie. Blessed with a wonderfully retentive memory and a splendid command of the English language, as well as a keen sense of humor, Mr. Marshall seems to be able 1 to make what might ordinarily be a , dry subject, fairly scintillate with in- . teresting stories . character of the Scot. illustrative of the His descrip- tion of the country through-which he passed, interpersed with quotations . from Burns and Scott, make such a . rangements are being l travelogue a rare literary treat. Ar- made for the accommodation of members who are unable to attend the dinner and who wish to come in during the lecture. PRICE-At the R.V. Hospital, Thurs- day, Oct. 15, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. -Edgar L. Price (nee Helen Black- stock), Montreal ,a son (Peter Mal- colm). M , depression. He pointed to Jesus and ` Paul as examples having the capabil- ity of overcoming life even amid their days of great depression. One had a real anchor to overcome all difficulties if possessed of a life such as these men. said Mr. Andrews. Special and appropriate antheins were rendered by the choir, in charge of F. Norman. At the morning service they rendered Singing to God and The Woods and Each Sweet Smell- _ing Tree. In the evening All the `Works of the Lord are Good, Praise the Lord, Oh Jerusalem and The Day is Past and Over were the anthems rendered. The congregation generously responded to the special Thanksgiving offering which was taken. . LOCAL NEWS we offer a brand new Heintzman & Co. piano, nished in berle Walnut, music bench to match. Company : catalogue price of this piano $570. For quick sale we will take $350. Cash or terms of payment if re- quired. Phone 269. The Norman Advance BIRTHS attending the I Monday night free one piece china dinner- l The B.C.I. senior rugby team was? beaten for the second time in home games when Collingwood with two touchdowns in quick succession, won 17 to 13. The juniors won their. game, defeating the Collingwood squad 7 to 1. The girls softballl team from the shipbuilding town put; it over the B.C.I. girls in a lnnselvl t-eaul Lrom me smpnuuding put} girls in a looselyl played game. ' Qav-n`nv anv\nA "" ` was not converted. yaaycu game. ' V A Senior Game ' . J In the first few minutes of the rsti quarter the locals forced the visitors back to their 15 yard line, but here! they attempted an end run mm 13` pass was mtercepted by Fuzzy Rice and he ran the length of the eldi for Co1]ing'wood s rst touch, which; I Tn {>115 rnnnnrl .........L... n__,,- I \ \/E15 IIUL COIIVEITBQ. ` In the second quarter Barrie ob- tained two points on kicks by Dyment. Collinzwood obtained another fnrlr-11 Seniors Lose to Collingwood While Juniors `Vin in . Home Games. Lallleu EWO pomts KICKS by Dyment. Collingwood obtained another touch \ by Portland, who kicked a short, high punt and then rushed up and caught the ball. This was converted, making the score 11 to 2 at the end of the first half. ` T Ha.-. 4.`L..'...J .........L.... n-..,,:. , v llflz IIHJI. In the third quarter Barrie opened up and started playing better rugby. With Collingwood on their own 5 yard line they mued the ball and, Marshall picked it up wth no one to oppose him, but for some reason he` dropped the ball. Hines did the same thing, and nally Weldon fell on it. This paved the way for a touch, however, when Hines slipped through a hole in the line. This was 1-mt. r-nn- .. . ....v...-`.. V...` v ..V.., . A ..u. Song service with beautifully illus- trated slides, including a Children s Hour for congregational singing. S1Ih1's=r'f.-P1'r-tlirp Rs-rmrm VBIECU. DCOTG ll"{. In the last period B.C.I. played like demons, but wereagain baffled by Portland s running, when he scored another touch, which was not converted. Stransman -hurled an- other of his long passes, which was completed by Bill Dyment for a 50 yard gain. He looked to be away for a touch, but Portland pulled him down 2 yards from the line. How- ever, the locals scored a touch when Hines again faked it. This was con- verted by Dyment on a fake kick. A few minutes later C.`C.I. got an- other point on a kick to the dead line, making the nal score 17 to 13 in favor of C.C.I. Tho n-0:1-nu vac wrn-n .-n34-3.... .......) B.C.I. RUGBY TEAMS DIVIDE HONORS uuwever, wnen. runes supped through lme. Th1s was not con- verted. Score 11-7. Tn H-an loci nm..'mI Dr11 -1..-.-, m Iavor OI u u The game was very exciting and well played, Bill Dyment turning in his usual good game. He ran out many kicks from behind his own line. Portland was the best player for the visitors, making several runs and getting two touches, a convert and a rouge. Bruce Dean, smart outside[ for B.C.I.. had his collarbone broken ,in 9 far-1.-`In | xur 1:>.u.1.. 1". in a tackle. I 1:...-.:., 1: r111 11 UECKIE. Barrie--Flying wing, Stransman; halves. Marshall, Dyment and Har- graves; quarter, Hines; snap, Hare; insides, Morrison, H. Dyment; mid- dles, Rumble and Frawley; outsides,] Dean and Weldon; subs, Smith, Clam, is Mitchell. I . ...u.a:..n\u Tenders will be received up to November 3rd, 1931, by the under- signed for the demolition and re- moval of timber coal chute and trestle situated on the Canadian Pacic Railway Company s property at Mid- hurst, Ont., all machiney to remain the property of the Railway Company and to be loaded on cars at site by purchaser. Wanna nf 4-anrinv an.-I 4-`....+L.,... .'.. purcnaser. Forms of tender and further in- formation may be obtained from agent at Midhurst Station. The high- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. D I Qf`f\'T"l` Qnub Town of Barrie Take notice that the Court of Re- I vision for the hearing and determin- ing of appeals against the assessment of the Town of Barrie for the year 1931 will hold its first sittings in the Council Chamber, Barrie, on Mon- day, November 2nd, 1931, at three o'clock in the afternoon. Parties having business before the court will govern themselves accordingly. A, W, R-MT`T`-I, The thirty-fourth annual meeting of the Corporaton of the Royal Vic- toria Hospital will be held in the Hospital Tuesday, October 27th, at 4.30 pm. All those interested are urgently requested to attend. By order of the Board. S. W. M-00-RE, President. J. R. DIER, Secretary. Page Eight

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