Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Oct 1931, p. 4

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+a`r"" """v1r '1`0ncr.- Wyie.< of Vancouver`! L-exiled on friends `nc-re on Sun- : ';-2.: way Home from a holiday` 1: England. He wa.< accom-. by Mi Jean and Angie? ...`.l `\T:.. 7:11.`, ` MINESING Dlllllily HE K180. bl'a\\'-" .VIr;<. I-I. Pear.=on s. i Donald Jacobs 01; : at A. Foyston s on: .12-.<. J. W. Ward of To- Sunday at Geo. Craw- Wr: H T-`nnvcnn : IVY um. rm: `.\u.< uccomg sc-.< Angief rriv anti L\[i.<.< Li1liz1n{ Lorne Johnston of: n d Mrs. Stotesbury I -"1on-ary cong;r<-xss 0:5, `N11 711 Tn)-nnfn 1n:?! to Mr. land tho run-h-n1 A4` .. u.1'_y CUIlg1'i"S OI; in Toronto last} nu; Aa LU uzzvc Urn JUL an LU (AU, SL1: that a decent homo can be kept. ' g Our zntitude should be one of open' mind, and learn something that willi help us to solve our own problems. 5 it l`1'l\":U C OcL. 4th, zuxu IVLFS. 11111 OI LIIOTHEOU. _Annv-ersary and Harvest services were held in Christ Church last Sun- day. The rector, Rev. F. V. Abbott. ;was assisted by Rev. J. N. Bloggett, leld secretary of Wycliffe College Toronto, at both services, which were attended by large congregations. lj Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W J. Lennox and Mrs. Hill of Thornton. Annxnavaomv uni` T-Tnvunu4- an*IO1y:nnc 133 Dunlap St. Mac s Fish and Chip @ Lunch Room The Bank for Savings CAPITAL $6,000,000 RESERVE Prizes for Progressive P1' for Datwing A .'I,..____._ _., L- The Mamagemexai of Omaria Eakeries Ltd. OUR MOTTO QUALITY AND SERVICE WE APiPREC.LL{TE YOUR BUSINESS PHONE 250. BARRIE, ONT. 1'HE| .~;upp1y1I1;: me musical items. 3 Rev. Leonard Ducc, of Midland, was the speaker of the evening and` gave a most inspiring address. After, the meeting the Y.P.U. of the local church served refrcsiiments and a pleasant hour was enjoyed. About 160 were present. 1 VVISHES TO ANNOUNCE A DROP OF 10 ..-'\ LOAF IN BREAD FROM SC to 7c a Loaf VVITI-I .l`Il`IE SAME HIGH QUALITY OF INGREDIENTS USED. 5BAKF?R@%?T COOKSTOVVN STAN WOOD FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1931 to Pavilion, 15 ceI'1i'.Vs Six Dance Tickets, 25 cents Whithe% Bound ? ORCHESTRA 7 PEN A sxmwes ACCOUNT AT eaucaze me masses. Now there is 3 real c-'o2-t lwi. made to educate (`no people. Formr Iv u-I-mm: +1301-n \\'m~n bur 17 Hn'I\'\` "So many people are like a sea captain starting on a trip without any sailing papers or charts "--Babscn. A regular saving of only $4.32 weekly in this Bank will, in four jrc-1-rs, become $1,000. Have a denite objective like this. It is amazing how savings GRO'\77--when you save 7`eg1./L. : All you need to do is to phone or send ymlr orders, and they will be r(,-n(1_V right on the spot when you call or send for them. any---A... .- 'l`:1kv :u1\'m11z1;_r: of mu special of'f(,-r--(li.m:r (znnkod and ready 10 sm-w .x'ov(e'n p(:0pl(: for $1.00 VICE IIBXI nunuay lTl01'I11ng at LL 3.111. 3- The farmers are busy digging their Vlpotatoes, and report a big crop. 5: Mr. and I\h*.=. Gordon Shelsweu 9 spent Sunday with friends at Craig- lhurst. "SINGLE ORDERS Iv -I430 cl. \ld.Il\l The Anatta t. Gospel Band or Toronto will have charge of the ser- vice next Sunday morning at 11 am. The fm~mr=r.= sn-9 hn.-av dio-m'no- Hmir THURSDAY; OCTOBER 8, 1931. T. McDONALD Phone 13 77 WEST Cu. 1! .. 11:11.`. 1116) `v\l.`l'|'.` lIlU.!\1Ilg 3. I821} effort to improvr: the condition 01 the masses. There was no proteer- ing. which being so abused in thi; country. The Russians devo`ion ta- cquality of brotherhood was to be` admired. 3 "152" RESERVES $9,000,000 8.00 till 9.30 9.30 till 1.30 f".1`{` 15 u;\'tf1'5llI(`." HYIU 1.134.?` Students are advanced on the 1 brains. Pupils in the 10 `er must prove their ability bef ing admitted to a unix-c-rsi some respects this 5 =tem is than our system, where stude sent to college because it is 1 able. * 'dU|U- Our A titude llany of us Yook v.'it`n suspicion. and even hatred. on the Russian ex- periment, but such an attitude xvii] never solve the problem. The five- year plan in Russia is going to be :-. success, and we will have to meet the competition of Russia in the worid markets. There are some things. said Mr. Cornet that he did not like. He hated the tyranny of the leaders, which was even worse than that of the Czar. He disagreed with the .-\`.31eism prevailing. and the moral scruples of the leaders. There were, hoxvever, some things to ad- mire. They were making a real to tho mntcpz 'T`hr>ro \v::: n nvnfcmr. 1}' \`.'J1EI'`. '[!1Cl'L` \\'L`1`(` U11`. sities and 23 hlgh schools -n 133.6 nn"\'.-1-:H5n: 211m] 1 BAPTIST Y.P.U. HOLD RALLY MRS. HANNAH WILSON SHOULD MEET THE RUSSIAN CHALLENGE' 15 IBLL IUBFE. 5; They have spared no expense in` U making their establishment as com-l Si plate as possible for the convenience` `ll of their customers and for the quickl f:and nfcient despatch of bu:~tines:'.{ Combining as it does a conipleie sei--! ='[\'ice station, this concorn offers the; ' motoring public an easily accessible, and modern dri\'e-in servicu station! A that is surely appreciated. 3/. 'l`l1Pir rvi:-n lVH'l1`l4`lI-E f'rm- an-anal.-.l Iguuu unu l.`dpl(l dL'l'\'lCL'. ` ' It makes no dilferellce \V'l1L.`tl1l` :1, ,is for the passeiigc-1` car, truck orf "'u'act.or, you will nd they have oil that will suit your needs. They have made 21 study of this feature of} ` the trade and especially of the kinds! of oil demanded for this climate. Ifll you get advice from them you will 'ne\'erl1:1\'e any trouble with any parzl of your equipment. ' We wonder if our readers lm\'rl ever thought of Bryson & Morley 11:! being engaged in the business of life-. =s:1\'i11g. A life is lost every 17 llllll-i utes through traic l1CCld('I1L~T, not to, mention the lesser injuries and pro-; Jperty damage 1'c. from the" N` <-Inn: 1-nn 'l`1~-Allin ,<:|1'nl\` i< l:n'n`r\l\: 1 c \ l ( ( I 1 ( l EQUIPPED T0 RENDER 5 I REAL AUTO SERVICE: I B1-yson & Morley Specialize? in Keeping Cars in Run- i ning ()1-der. i ` Bryson & Morley offer all autoistai the most accommodating and com~l plete service in greasing, \va.shing.5 tires and batteries. There is nothing` ileft undone here and autoists are loud in their praise of the details: that are looked after when the car` iis left ihere. . i 'rw.m, 1.n..,. ...,....,.,: .... i uuzu, 1.5 Sllftily 2lppL'BC1l1L(.l. , Their service includes free crank- ;case service. curs oiled and greased [high pressure system used; t1'ans1nis- :sion and differential service, \v:i. and polishing. They have in.~:tu1led: .the latest. equipment \\'hiCi1 gives thug best of work and nialuz a specialty ofi Igood and rapid service. .' H . nniknz nn rii nrm1:-:1 \\'h.>H1m .1 1 1 I Mr. W. Johnston shipped a car- }0ud of zxmm-.< up north this wet.-k. Apples are 21 very good crop this you)`, bu` the price is very low. ` Miss McLeod of Orillia r[)L,'nL ;L "week with Mr. and Mrs. John Li-i;:h I Mia: Jr-un Tun-n-a:un `V\nr- ....~ `\V(.'L`K wlm J1)`. and Airs. John L(.-1;:h. ;` Miss Jean LL-gg-ate has 1'<.-turnu `home after spending several days In: 1Bu1'k.< Falls: and Cochrane. ` We wan-vn+ +n Ivnnnwf Lug. \r.. 1] \\rL`UlS. Mr. and 3113. Fred McCutcheon and son of Toronto and .\Ir.~'. Albert )1c-Cutchcon of Acton spent the week end with their cousin, Mrs. J. R. Leigh. 1 \]v and \h-: Qtnnn nur. .~m'Hnn. Mr. and Mrs. Stone arr: visit.` friends in Hzuniltqn and Dray-Lon. Mr. and .`,I1'.~:. Banner of No new _m...+ .. 4', ...:L vr-.- H ,I.. ... (Continued from page one) Government is composed of a cab- inet of ten men. The police are in complete confrol ,and those who do not obey are put to death or exiled. There is no class division and it -.2 the greatest racial democracy in the world. '1.-... U3...` VA-.. 111.... ;nu1'K.~' 1"clH:' arm Locnranc. ; We regret to report that Mr. J. 'Perryman rs not enjoying his usual` 'health. WW; sixxcerely \\'i. him a! `speedy 1'(.-co\'ery. [ I It is wannrh-rl thnf M'1- (Inn T,...:.\..` .ux`. arm xizmner 01 .\'o1;i1 Bay spent a few days with Mrs. Met- calfc. T\/Tu. VII Y,.L...,.A .... .L: `nyucuy 1`uL'u\'ury. E I It in: reported that Mr. GL-0. Jordon` `will builrl :4 number of cottugt.-.~' uti . Simcoe Heighrts, Hawkr.-:- tonrA. [ : Mr, and `\ [r.- l`hnu T r.:n-1-. .....u` vouucut: mexgms, I'la\VKf.`.- L0nf`. ` Mr. and Mrs. 'l'ho:<. Lt.-i;:h and` .children of Toronto were the gur,-. Tof Mr. and Mr.-:. Wm. An n for in few (lay;~'. i ` .\'Ii.~'.~' Viola Stonv of 'l`0mm.0 spr-n. . `l}`.\.- wt-(:1-1 and wi"n her part.-nts, Mr.` and Mrs. l`. A. Stone. I I Mr and Mn. D... uI..:..v,.. ' nay. l .-\lHll\'lfl'11ll`_`/ .~"!'Vll'|_-' will ln: lit-ld lin the United (lhurch on OM. l8lh., lulsn 21 cold meat supper will l)<- liultl 't.hc follownp; 'l'un.~: Oct. 20r1.ln. A lgootl progrurnmu will ht: [)l 0Vl(lf:(l. 'l'hr.- l`:uli:.s Aid mt-L in tlw United (Ihurch on 'l'hur.~:(luy, 01:1,. 15L. Mr. nntl Mrs Arlhnr r'.......r.`..,n . J11`. an Mr. called week. \ Y.- uuu .\'1l`S. I. A. bLOn(,`. Mr. and Mrs. Bert V son Budd of Toronto .~: days with the formv:r .s` 11 1C. WI`iL{lt-y, 'l'h:- Mupl<:; I Buy. I .\In|i\'4-r`nr\.> ;;.mri.....- I` unurcn on Inl1rn'uuy, (N21,. l.``|,. ` Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cmwford `and l.:turim~ motor:-I tn l'Ilmv:Llt: l,h: first of the wt.-t:k t:nd vlxitred Mr. mm ]Mr.<. Gilbert. an-s. unnert. Thanksgiving st-rvice wzm huld at }lill.~:d:1lo on Sunday, Or-1., 41.h. 'l`h: `United Church choir of ll.'1wk4-utnnu provided the music. Mr: DAM Dam in .y:un:.... I'...1.....c. .`pc1-Ly uamzlge rcsuiung irom L119` _sume cause. Traic safety is largely. ":1 1m1t.t.m` of c\'c1`_V ilrivur being ublv l L0 stop his or her car on the spot and this cumio. be done 1mlo. thr brukes are in pcx'l'ccl condition. WC suggest to the people of Barrie th-.i*' they let B1`_\'sox1 & .\lo1`lvy ho Lhciil brake lloclor. 1 At this 0smbli.:l11n011t you will al-` w;iys nd :1 l:1x'g'l- stock of tires amt` tubes from which to choose. Shoulv you still be driving :1 car with tho old high pressure tires and wish tc` c.'1;111_.:l- `.0 l):`.il00ll.~'. or if you would, like to l121\'v.' :11`. over-s ac for you:? present b3l10OI1.~. you will nd thei:-` zm-viva -ind i`.V`r.< `.\`~-:1, ' nu. p The Five-Year Plan it. The leaders are trying faithfullyl 1; to develop the resources of the coun- 1` try, trying to make Russia se1t'- t supporting in ve years. They are- i.` fully convinced that other nations! ' will pounce on them, and they wanti 1. to be prepared to defend themselves; . and support themselves. The landio has all been seized and by collectivil : . zation and the use of tractors Rus-`ii sia hopes to export large surplusesi\ every year. With vast mineral re- 1. sources she hopes to lead the world.35 One asbestos mine now developedlt yields seven times as much as anyl seven mines in Canada. One moun-l C tain is a solid mass of iron ore, yield-} ;. ing 62 per cent. iron. Large steells mills are now being built. In the . same way the lumber industry is be- ing developed. Russia has 35 pe1`1 cent. of the oil resources of the world and these are now developed! to such an extent that in two and a i half years the ve-year plan has been; `I completed. 1 Flonf.rir- nnxvov is lxoing` rlevelrmeu i l I l uphill`. LHE,` \'\'(.`(fK enu VVRXH Ali`. "(UNI J11`-5. A. Stone. M155 E}s1e Wxlson and Mr. Jack P_ugsley have returned `.0 Toronto; Lmversxty, and Miss Edna O'Brien 10 St. Hi1da ;' College. ,`.Ir.<, T?m\'i.'- .m-nf .1 f'mx- H-.|\'; u-irh - U 1 IKL` 10 l1l1\'L' illi UYLE 1 `present ' serxice and prices ]JiLi':1.~`iI\g`. By way of completeness 1 equipped to do ail kinds of \ ing and repairing and their iviLh_a sinile" is known to ma` `Gnu-. T\.x xvn -u + LU ax. nzluas uouege. .`-Ir.<. Rncvxe spent a few days wlth 311`. and .\Ir.s. Fred Leigh an Argyle. and Mrs. Wilson of VVa.shag'o `Vcalled on Mrs. Josnn thi: rst of the um (>1: ....- .. ..-.......... V-.. Mrs. Iiennezlz . zkins and baby of Toronto are _~ Mr. and 311:. Wm. .-\1m'er. Mr. Albert Crawford has been :11 our vicinity lling 3. zxumb-':r of $.30.` ur21dir~.g a few days wizh spent 1 ,_.. A and .\Ir.s. Parker of }{ln:1;c the week end with Mr. and I Q4.-nan HAWK .=1:1blisl11nent Shouh" car `ssure zzlloons. - o\`o:`-size 0011.. Von tl1ei2' Wri;,:l(:y unn spI:n1. a few : m0l,h:r, Mm. nlu:-1, (Izu'1/ht.-w Following a lingering illness, Mrs. Hannah Wilson, widow of the late George Wilson, passed away at Dals- ton on Monday, Oct. 5th. Deceased. whose maiden name was Hannah Caldwell, was born in the township of Oro 77 years ago, and after her, moved to a farm near Dalston. Seven years ago her hus- band died. Surviving are two sons. John and Lewis at Dalston, and a daughter, A. E. Bell, Barrie; also three brothers. 'I`. R..and J. W. Caldwell in Barrie an? R. F. Caldwell. marriage M rs . \ill|.|I'CH I) I nur;'u:iy, net. 1.3; A N hur nd [:5lUl llll' wmcirrsml United . Mrs. Robt. Reid i.~' VlHil.llI;!_ friu-mt: "1 FOTOYIUI St. (lzitlmrlm-.: um] In troit. Miss Christie MrI(a_v ;-.p:nt n wm-k with frir-nds at Guthrie. Mr. and Mrs. Itoht. l(wnd::ll ;-, punt Crown Hill The funeral on Wed- the first of the \'t'(<-lc Wm, M, _.,,,., nesday was largely attended, Rev. J lVh'.s'. .Imw~', Vasey. J. Rack. Barrie, conducting the ser- ,' DEATHS , vice. "Tie nall-bearers were Messrq. 'BU'l'I.ER---At l-{awkvstum-, on Sun! We.- i-,v. Robert. Herbert and Elmer day. Oct. 3, N. N. Hut]:-p-, in hm Caldwell, Marshall and Wilson 5 79th year. Interment in St. Mark's Greave.<. lnterment at Dalston Un- Cemetery, Elhl. Oro, WI-tlllegrluy, ion Cemetery. 1 Or-t. 7th. I, __ aucc. .` Mr R`; The management of this dairy haw-` 1 am Sm-M3, in: automatic. 1-e.frigerat.ion.: Dmy_wn_ ` _wh1ch assures the mxlk bemg held an} xowq temperature of` 33 d(:;:1'0c:= at ::l.`ir h.\I1-s.Mct- E,{*7*;- ,1?`%_~`i, n""*' we =< .... . `II 0 a second rd p1'17.:- of !`].\` tn nu. -:. IHUSK 111110- you kno -) u.4IlZhUuil M115 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rodgers were! the guests of C01. and Mrs. Lang, -`-|Hai1eybury, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bremner Mspcnding a few days in Wa1kerton,' :,the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Robin! EDT`, E Miss Cryderman, supervisor `Ontario of the V.O.N., paid official visit to the local branch week. nun 3 Mr. and Mrs. Girdwood motored foi !Wa]kerton during the week end to} ivisit Mr. Girdwood s mother. - war In! my 7- 1- '\v .1 vs. u._~ w .u;. u..un-zuuu nuvuu... ` Mrs. Thos. Mckee, of North Bay.' `was the guest. of 1\ [i. Elizabeth `Rogers early in the woc.-k. , 1 11.... 1 n n,..1........ L..- ..r........M1' ;u&.;.~ \.u-A_y nu -.--\ ~-\.n. 1 Mrs. J. D. Rodxrc-1'.< has x`(.-turned` :from :1 visit with frienrls in Orange-; `ville and Hamilton. 1 Mrs. John Walker 15 spending 21` 'few days in I'rcnton. the p;u(-.~'t ofj 1V[r.<. O Brinn-Snin1. ' A .. compieteu. -Electric power being developeu and the largest power plant in the world has been completed. The very best men available in America and other countries are developing thel resources of Russia. ' The Social Side l The Russian people were never` puritans. Ground down and kept `n ignorance for so long. they are apt, to go to extremes. Marriage is :1 simple matter. Some go to a Justice- to say they will live together and} many do not. Divorce is just as` simple. If either one is dissatised.` he or slice just s:1_\'s so and the union` is dissolved. But even at that, the proportion of divorces is not much greater than in the United States The majority are Atheists and trying: to` root out 1-eligioii altogetlxei-. This :1 reaction from the Orthodox I i I v: An church, which kept the people in 351- `. iior'ancc- so lony: with no effort 1: educate the masses. V..." +1..~...,. .,~ ., .-mu 1\.. ~~ J uu ~. u u... .. nu... Mrs. Isuzu` Broley is . H: few days in Toronto. ' Mrs. V\":1he1' S:n'j(~unt is in 'I`o-` ronto vi. hm d:1u;,rhtor, Mrs, Reg`. Goddon. ] I `r. up -1- i Mr. and 1\I1'.<. Matson and fz1mi1y,f of Pz.11g`r:u'e. will spend Thzmksgivinzxl fwith .\Ir.~'. Vat.~'on s mother, Mrs. Am-l_ ihlol`. Peel St. | ~ . . 1 u ' I ! Miss .\Tm`joric: C1`v;~'\viCk(.- IS able to.` `be about ag':1ix1 after her serious if?`-i nnz: M1LK GREATEST } = NERVE BUILDER ; `nus, ;\.\,n uuu. Mr. Walter ; C`n:11`11:1m this |Ul LIlUll' [Hill I `Mr. H`z1r\'r`_v Wz1rdn121n Mm'1'1ck, son gllllil`, ."\(l(l1l Lx1'2lC(.`, [O of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Merrick.` of Barrie. the nmrriagro to take plum-_ &`1l1'1)' in ;\'0vr*mber. i ;\l0do1'n Eqlxiplnmli 211 ..\I<\1l1nds 131;: -\s.\'(31 of ` Lm-:1! L ru11u-,e1's. LHHU.` daily \ V one of the best known in this section t The Lzikeview Pure Milk Dairy i.~: S v `and is clean and .~:a:*.itzi:`y in evu-ry ( particular. Their milk comes from: ,their own herd of tuberculin tc-sum `cows. and p21stuu1`iz<> upon reaching. the plant. F-Jr `...i. they have thui 3l:m~. m21chinoi'_v `and most modern `equipment available. P:i. r of milk nwn-n.< it to 011;` hun-~ ( dred and f01't_\'-four (lx:-_:i'c-0.<. holding! ` it at that ti_`Inp(`,l LlY.llI`c'E for thirty`. minuies and then cooling" quickly; Thus the yeast-producing bacteria 1.-W I.-lixninated and the quzilitios of thc-I] milk are left unharmed. If one ha:-'1 I1x.`\ Ul` Sf-(`I1 this method, :1 visit to5> = their plant will prove that it is 111011 onlv wzv, ' 5 What. is rngztrdod as probably the highest park in the world is the National Park on Mount Rev- elstuke in me tfunudiun Rockies. on the main line of the (Janadiun Pzuziric trans-continunuzl system. It covers an area or 100 square miles and is above the clouds. There in a new motor road to the summit nf.thA vnrnnnuln I Dissolution of Parliament and ui general election about Ocobr-r 28th| were assured at London, Eng. `I Suskatclxr-xvun ranks Sncnntl to Ontario as an ezig-produc-in: pro- vince with an e.-stirna.I.<,-d. produc- tinn last your 01 Ihirt} millmn dozen Total value of poul- try products tn Canadian farmers in 1.030 \vz'..s $230,000,000. United .`:`mtes rnm.m' t:'uffi(: to New Brunmvxcl-: fur tbr-. current season up to July 31 was 12 per cem. heavier than for UN: corres- ponding period of last year. ac- cording t0`a tabulation just us- sued by the 1 rnvmci.'LI Govern- ment Bureau of Information and Tourist 'I`rn.vel. IL covers an area OX 10! the roa summit of`t_he mountain. Fivauuznllne Memorial Par_k. Nova Scollu, with ma chapel and Inmmum dedltzmud to the memory of the lwrolne of bongtellowi poem and umho Acudlan pioneers. Ium hm-n vmluad by more than 94,000 l.ourlnI.u ulnco IL was open- ed in I924, H In announced from lnumlnlnn AHn.nI.Iu ltullwuy head- qllurlurn. Htmnly dvvnlupmenl. of young (:unmlu'n Int:-.ra ml, In farming hue lru-,ru-um-,d In Hm pnlm where u. flnnudlun l'nu!mll on Days` and Ulrlu filuh Wurk Inns been formed up 4-,n~m'dlnule the junior xLgrIcul~ turul movement us :1 whole. The prnxnumm: mus been broadened to Include mucllcully every line and depurlnnem, 01' modern f1U'lu- ing, In (`unud:L M1`. and Mrs. Walter A. Findlay,` f .~\umm. announce the engagemcmi f their daughter, Adda Grace, to' Ir. I-l*:1r\'nv VV:n-dmnn `Mm-1-ir-1: arm Personals The .Nort11eI'n Aavauce I Sa )`_]0}1l1t has been In ` \\'lIl|L' E nown .::1:*.xtu:'y m evury {` +n1\....-nI:.. 4,-\ t5u1-L} r Church was lleul with young people Monday evening when the B.Y.P.U. of North Simcoe' held its rst association rally. The` entire program was put on by the; Y.P.U. of Oriilia and Midland, Orillial supplying` the musical items. i R!-\` Txnnnawi I1!-n nf Miallnnll First Baptist `.. and: for! her ' this 5 Completely Equipped 5 with Every Need. "i _Billigrds and pocket billiards are E ; primarily games of skill and science. ` land develop accuracy and a strong. " keen and quick mind, as there are alw3.y.< many combinations to solve. ;The game not only gives one ever- ; lasting enjoyment, a sustained in- "j `ierest, but billiards offers plenty of _'compv'i:i<.>1i. It is not such a eom- I . > plicuted ganie as is generally thought i` by the uninitiated. As Al Jolson, .the f1l.l'l`.0U.$', bizick face comedian says, 1 d It. i.: r-usy to play or I couldn't play ` 2-rit. Am` ~_:'u1ne can be mzulu a task i: ! Hamlin s Billiard Parlor` 1 . 11 L`: L'.1>_y -U play U1` 1. UULHUII L play .5gt._ Al1_\'l;,`2Ln1\: can be made a task 3 y Just :1in'ing it so. 1` The _2`cnera1 publ'ic d9 not, know In the Iznrg}-_ umpunt of cupltal involved 13:: pmv1m- tqr_ such r,-ntertainmcnt. `- }ho- :1vurzu,:(.- bxlhzmj L_z1bIe costs about 1 i :00 undv pocket b1llw.rd_ table abgut }:;, .()(). \V'ho~.n one cor}. placmgh v- st.-verul ot these tqbles In a rccrcationli v,`p:11:I0x`_. zxlqng wgth otheer xlucessary !a1`t1clc;', sucn as Ilght, heat and rent, , -N one might. wonder how the owner can hi make 2my_ mon-..-y .111; the small 1`a.te Li char1I,L-(I 101' 21 slrxglu game. ` A1 I-[:In1Hn < Rillizn-cl pnvlnv in 'r\rn_ _l CllllXl.',L'U lUl' ll hlllgllf gillIll_f. V i _At Hamlin .< B_11lian_l Parlor is_pro-. n,v:(lu(l plenty oi chairs for v11iors.: ,If one doesn t know the game, it will` lsurprise him how easy it is to play` E1; billiards. Drop in and watch a few, -, games; one will get. plenty of thrills `and sustaineil interest. All table." z, are kept in absolute repair and every thin_:_r is provi(.l(-(l for the experienced player. A sundry and tobacco count- er is mainrtained \\'h.-re one may in- :, (lulge in refreslnnents, and here one L-` may obtain their favorite brand of it.`l;Iill`, <:i;:ar<-tts- or tobacco. The gmanager of this popular 1`(.`CI'01J.l.lOYl,'\ parlor, Mr. Alf. Hamlin, is to bsi complimented for the clean, fascinat {A in: :nm1.<-mv-nt it afl'or thv: public, ' and those who enjoy a gamr` of bil- ili:lrrl~ or pool \-.`il llnrl Lliis an icleavl place at all times. Do you know tho` nlm,-0 most popular gzaincs ])i1l_\ C(l at` ' `-_!1i.<'p:n'lor I `. L A first prize of 555.00, a Stcollli` prize of .3.00, and :1 thirrl prize of, $2.00 ,2-""-zi for l).-st an.<~.\'<-r.-'-' to quos in Hon: in 1hr-so arm-i.:.~ nnn'1 (ruin- EBILLIARDS, POOL, 1 POPULAR SPORTS ] , , Mr. and M1'.~`. O. Whitcsitle 01 Alliston and Mr. and Mrs. Lo-.. Heidcrman of Toronto visited at G. D. Bzmting s on Sunday. ,- Misses Imiln nnrl H:-Inn Davie r_\n'I! 1 I u. 1)zmL1ng's uunaay. } Leila nnd Helen Davis and` J. II:-ndm'son of Toronto spent; the week end at Mr. G. L. Davis . Boyd Arnold and Miss Marian `Arnold of Toronto spent the week end at their home here. ' NIIN I4`. .qlII`II"\ur\l:. .'. m.r.s'. Juswn UHVIS. Mr. and Mrs. I-larvoy Corbett vis- itml with fri(-nds :11. Alliston on Sun- ` day. l_. . We are glad to report that. Mrs. S. R. Elliott, who is :1 patient in the We-.qLm'n H`o. 'l`o1onLu, is pro- g'res.s'im.r favorably since her recent .u-rinu.< npc,-ration. Visitors in the community for the Anglir-an anniversary on Sunday in- t-ludu-d Mr. and Mrs. Howard Banting, Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitoside ,all of Alliston; Miss Gertrude Bantim: of Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. R. E.` Davis and sons; Eaton and Bob of Toronto, Mr. and! Mrs. J. Mr-Knicht and Mr: r` T The Soviet rrgime was an actual fact. zmtl we should set our house in order. Over there everyone is work- ing. In thr: United States the wealtl: of the country is controlled by less than 500 people, while there are seven million in poverty without any- thing to do. Great Britain and ever- Canada are much in the same pligh'.. We must demonstmte that our .~`y:~'tem is better than ihzlt of Russia. Referring to the so-called Reds" in Canada, the speaker thought it bet-t till` 10 `ll thmn l'\ln\v OH . qfnnwu :n cum in, Lnulr nome here. Mrs. E. Shrub.s`ol(.- is \'1.~'ltn1p,' with Mrs. lsten Davis. Mr uml Mm. l.1.......... n....L..u U.-V - msren and non or Toronto, 1\ 1rs. Mr-Knight and Mrs. C. J. 1 Banting of Barrie, Mr and Mrs. W. -V I The anniversary services in the` Uniu.-(1 Church an b'uzi were welli `,attended, and in.~:pi1'ing 2ul(11`es:`*-. irgiven by Rev. J. A. Leeee, of Cook . town, a former pastor. Mrs. Pat; `more, of Orillia, a ;':uu.~'t of Bits ` Adamson, delighted with \Vuli render- ed . :1` both .ser\'ice.<. The church was tastefully decorated with autumn 1'n1'iL;_v'v and o\\'er.<. ` A new furnace has been installer: rin ihe United Ci1Lll'(,'.i1 and will add, ,much to the comfort; of church-goer.~ `} fduring the winter. New curtain: i [\'.'C-1`:/r also hung: in the basement, and H.\v0 row.~:. oi.` hooks for hanging coat-;.~ iililti (-;m.< .-irhl mm-h tn Hm Rnnrlzmiu 1 i D I V X Qo.UU .'.L1`.'(`ll IUD I)|`.`W HH.`\\`l',I`.' C ) QUIT." tions in Lh0.~'r` .=t01'ie.<. Don't ;zur_-.~'.< C2111 tho :1bm'o rm to 2`lS. you. -."\JU(f1'7. .HEI\\' Idaughtcr on Sumi f Stajrner. ` Wrxv P (1 '1 n A Dougrlas Ronald left this week for: ,Torm:1o to continue his art course.-` ` W/Tic: \/43111151 (`r-nxn-4-`nvyl unhnu-.n,1 .-.... .lUl`UHLU LU CUIIEIIIUC [HF P.1I"C Miss Velma Crawford returned on Sunday to Owen Sound, after twr; weeks holidays at her home here and L. '11-v. LOTUS EH11] .\r1X'I~'. J Mr. . ;\`I1'.<. B211`)`i(: \'i: 2 Sunday. I Congratulatiomz `.-Xlbn,-r`. Mmv on `,l..n,.-1.4. .. r\`\ O....: nu, ... .` spent w1'wn1L-1} and \.2m2tua, Cm: : tnougnt It bet- ter 10 lul. them blow off steam so lon as they were within the law rather than to aggrravate thmn. The best? way is to have work for all to do, so, (luv 21H-fhnlr. :'nnnl.l kn Ixrsr. A4` .\........'

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