Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 24 Sep 1931, p. 4

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JUNIOR FAIR BIG FEATURE THIS YEAR FUHLU LHE.` ll1'Sl UL HG \\'L`K. g Mr.-'. Boynton and ;\I1'.<. J. 7\'i.~:itr.-(1 M12. Pc1'r_\' of Ori}`.ia. I\'I `=. 'l`hos., Jack and . ' I' 10/\v\Fz\ ........ vi... BIL`. .. 1HU.., Jd\.'t\ LUH1 I'XillUll.r mt` 'l'u1`o1:tn .~'[)L:1I thv \\'c-n:-!~ end `I`.t!` Mrs. Pug. _ Mrs. Hamilton left for \`."innipc'. `on Blonday, after .spemiin5:; . 11' wer:k.~: wixh 1102' sistol`, .\Ir.<. .\Ic.\Iili2n1 ` 1 M1`. Archie .\'Ic.\li11an spcm :1 1'r~.\ days in I`o1'(mto 1'4`:-L-!}.`. ` Hrs. Black visited 1\Ir.<. )I2u'.<'na1. `the rszt of the week. =` Mr. Leonard Leigh of Toronto ;.` ` spendingr n 1'.~\\' d:1_v.< with Mr. anal, Mrs. Jas. Leigh. } Mr. Bill Fnows spr-nt the \\'oe}x?* end \\'it,':1 I'.`:12`l LL-ig'h. Mr. and .\`l)'.~:. !i`ol1ow.< of Graven-' 'lmr.<'w .-"pom ihv \-.'c=:'k L-mi with Mr.| land I\'Ir.< Smnv. I Quito :1 numlu-r from hcre zxttcml-_ ml th-~'f'u'.\.'l . at F01`:-st Homo - Churvh .\Inn(l:1y v\'<~11in,<:. ' .-\ . wn;< grin-n at the home. I of Mr. and Mr.-`. Alf. Rouse on M0113 ' day m'(-ning in honor of Miss Pearl I` Joslin. : Lam nun ..r u....1.. cnnnf +L,.,r IJUSIHI. L Mrs. John Bull of M21])1\` .<])O11t`(l1"_ \\'r-wk c-nd with In-1' p:n'c-n7.<. Mr. and` .\`Ir.<. W. ('}ollzmd.~'. M1`. Chas. Gollands, who is attend- `im: the radio coII(:;.-:0 in Toromo, wa- homc ow.-1` the wen-k end. ` \l..,. I` Tnrunu nI' 14`nn-1nuvnn:l viuifml nomc ow.-1' um \V(3|'K enu. .\[1'.<. (.7. Jones of l1Inp;1ewood visited her 1'olaL1\'es in the vxllage last; week. Mice y-nu: Jnhnzfnn nf nl1hf.\Yi]]l3 m.-r 1'omL1\'es m 1m: vxuage last, wees. Orma Johnston of Huntsville span? the week end with her parents, `Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnston. R/hum Duh! nf 'I`nI-nnfn churn L110 \\'(3(.`K C jliobt. Reid. 4 Mr and T ll". HHU HITS. VV. JOHHSLUII. . Miss Myra R:-Id of Toronto spenv `L110 week end with M1`. and Mrs. n,.,+ nnm 11100:. new. , Mr. and Mrs. Jacson and daughte`; ;of Niagara Falls called on Mr. and `Mrs. A. H. Crawford recently. \I\~ T<`r:-anlz Pr:.`r.h-in w>hn'nr>d fnl WITS. A. 11. L;1`U.\VI0l'(l l`L'CEIlLly. ' Mr. Frank Pevttric returned to' [Pickering on Sunday. after spending!` ;:1 few worrks with Mrs. Jas. Rcevie.| I f"nnn-y-ni-nlnfinnc 4-n 7\/Tr urn} Mr: IC\\' \\'(`(.`K:` \\."l[n `.\1l`a'. J35. 1YU(.`V'lt*.`. I Congratulatxons to Mr. and Mrs. illxixer O Brien (nee Miss Poarl Jos 11in) who were marred on Wednes~` K day. ! `M'v T.n. Clark nf 'I`m'nnt,o snent Laxcvlew u.'.11`y D}J'c`C)`dl--11`. up, $3.00--Sicllil C1l(l\\'e1l, 31;-'z't1e Stoddart, 14` D,u~.~ (`la-n-nnnu-..-hin P1-Iva day. Mr. Leslie Clark of Toronto spent the week end with M1`. and Mrs. T. ` McMahon. .M\- (`lnvnnnn Wnn 11:1: nnv1~|1-near` Ll Mcmanon. , -Mr. Clarence Roe has purchased 11 `new Chevrolet car. I Alf. iU1(l .'-11' . .H(`I:['llllH ( 1w- \'i;~'iting' )`Irs. Pugsley. Mis.~` Ma-.\Ii11in spent a -1. u..,. 11.... pm. I --------- ;HOW THE EXCHANGE RATE ON THE DOLLAR [S FIXED l Many people do not appear to lunde1'st.and how the rate of exchange `,is xed between the Canadian dollar 'and the United States currency. Tn Nnuv Vnvlz fhovn {c an nvr-l1L\nr!r\. and line UIHICO DEZLECS (.'llI`1`BI1Cy. ` In New _York_there is. an exchange, ; a. market, in wh1ch foreign currencles Bare traded on something the same principle` thatkstocks} are tra"(Il`edlon the loca stoc exciange. raters in foreign exchange are currency ,l brokers and international exchange '_'broker;<. The same principle exists. '21s in the case of stock trading. `When the Canadian dollar is in ex 1. cess supply without an equal demand, I 1 the price goes down, just as the price of a stock goes down when the stock Iris olfered in greater supply on the "3 stock market than there is demand to 1f take the o'erin;:s. There are various g and diverse factors that govern the supply and demand of both stocks or ' currency on any market. W Canadian bankers usually operate 1`? ti]1l`0l1Q,'i1 tthe N(2\\'fY&1'k fo_r(]:(1gn tex- cmnge, ecause o e qmc ac 1m: 1`. they get. There is, however, an in-I ternalional exchange broker in To- `ronto who also executes orders `through New York. We are all writing books-histories of our own lives, and we can omit nothimr. soften nothing; only the naked truth can be marked on those ` pag-ns.-Bc-ncher. :1. Wm. Fink-y of Sault. Ste is visiting; rt.-lativc-.~; in the vil- HAWKESTONE` MIDI-IURST l\l\ Int. L`-.. I....A ;uyrue atouuan, 14;. Boys Chzlnlpiomhjp Prize-A . r, weeks course at thr. Ontario Agr; cu';`_u1'a1 College. Uuei Ev. is off`-;>2'c-Li to the boy winning the gr`.-crest nu.-ube: of points at the Junior Fair, previoui .\1un._2': exccpt_ ernzn' Wait, 2:: held a very successfui 11211] last Friday even-. I Hurolc u-,,.L Leigg F. C. LOWER Phone 1047 SEE THE NEW SONORA RADIOS Phone 1250 56 Elizabeth St. .\ LHHL Lt pomts. Lukevh 1-nn\1n1~_1I y CA jmvval BERT TAYLOR $52.50 to $83.50 Thissummcrtakethetrlpto . the Coast you v~ a'.ways promised you:-sclf. Stop 06 for a few days of gaff at beautiful Minaki, in the Lake of the Woods District. See the Prairies at their best. Stay awhile rat as er National il "ti and enjoy fares, \;cr" the healthy, 1 N halpp rec}-en. tions e"Lodge TACOMA, pl-ovidea-in fact and JASPER BARK from Sonora Demonstrating Centre Now on Display at Men s Wear L uolumun. I ucmon _ Olzrtdrdull information re reservations, !c., in ix` \\` Q . Nix larcs, I'SI'Vd!IOns, x:., to VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, PORTLAND JASPER NATIONAL PARK your nzarcst AaonL P` l'I`\I\I\ ll Agent. These Fine Fail Suits not c:aEy illustrate the Popular Sty3e trend; but they demonstrate the extreme value de- veioped by us in all our new seasorfs of- ferings. Ambnm Exhibition Visitors to see and judge the quality for themselves I>AciI-1c :oAs1- `We Especially invite THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 193]. you can follow your favourite snort right acres; the _conti_ne_nt. follow tavounu: sport right gctoss continent. See hundred of miles of sky- pierclng mountains. Follow , r the rushxng, tumbling Fraser River toVancouver. Viuit Via fox-ia. Plan atrip aformatiou I E___,`lask' ,9.-1-.._.. -41.... Lz1k.evie\\` Dairy Sp;-c~iz1l--Fo1` the runner-up, $3.00--SLan'Ir.;v Walt. 21V Fwd Fisher, 1:); Thus. Bowman, 15, Loy Walt, 14.75; Lloyd Cumming` 14.50; Walier B011, 12.5; C. Bale u-nL- 0 >3 Dunlop St CU 'XliI3l\'slo Full information regarding routes. fares, etc., from anyAgentofCmo adian National R.-Iuvnam. aatan Lwx Railways. T-20 Ru. \\".L`K, :1. 7 L Ayr.~hire (flab ; .1 Junzor Stockman .~ Award, based C as: follows: :35 per cent. .ehowman- , ship, `.23 per Czfllt. Judging, 25 pm 5 cent. records of production and feed-` ( mg of club heifer (not necx igilg I ' ' E I E ( official). 25 per cent. uttuznrla, ,1 meetings, general ability and in'er es`: shown, etc. Prizes: $8, $7, .54, $5, $4, $3 and for every other worthy entry. Standing: 1, Stewart Bell; 2, Clifford Baldwick; 3, Fred Fisher; 4, Douglas Ferris; 5, R113` ; Loughr;-ed; 6, Ja.'~:. Spencer; 7, .\1ur- ( ray Syl~:e.~:; 8, Lloyd Cummings; 9, 3 Donald Wilson; 10, Kennedy; _ 11, Ross Kennedy; 12, Gordon For- _ hes: 13, Arnold Forbes; 14, Stella . Caldwell; 15, Helen Hawthorne. ' Shorthorn Club ; Junior Stockmarfs Award, ba.~:ed'. a:< fol2o\\'.<: 2.3 per cent. .~:h0wman- ship; 25 per cent. judginxzj, 25 per cent. records of production and feed- ` in}; of club hr-ifer (no; new-s~:a!'ily official), 25 per cent. auendzxnce a1 xne<:"ng:', g:-neral ability and in'er- e.`~.t. .-:l1own, e1c., Prizras: $8, .36, $34, and $2 for every other worthy entry. Standing: 1, Stanley Walt; 2, Loy Walt; 3, Jack Doran; -1, Ver- nar Walt; 5, Walter Bell; 6, Fred Do1;dn; 7, Gladys Walt; 8, Garnet .72.? QUU Stoc < 11 1: unu;.~5r.rt< ll. -Y1 Junior Fair Prize List Girls Home Garden and Canning Competition: 1;~:t, Nora Scythe: 90.7; 2nd, .\'o1`mz1 Tracey, 90.3; 3rd. Bessie Hunter, 89.6; 4th, Stella Cald wel, 86.7; 5th, Myrtle Stoddart, 85.0. 6th, Bessic: Kennedy, 84.6; 7th, Edn, Thompson, 82.0; Rth, Vera Chappell, 81.5; 9th, Verna Patterson, 80.6; 10th, Helen Hawthorn, 80.0; 11th.` Elsie Applegarth, 79.5; 12th, Elsie Rennick, 76.8; 13th, Una Forbes` 73.5; 14th, Helen Fi. 70.9; Jean Johnston, 69.4. n___,y 1"r-.__. r*.....J,.. r`<...-.......;:t:.._ u .......... u, .,..,.-;. Boys Home Garden Competition." 1st, Tas.ke1' Grant, 83.9; 2nd, Jay Kennedy, 82.6; 3111, Cl'iffo1'd Bald-` wick, 81.8; 4th, Walter Bell, 81.2 5th, Donald Wilson, 80.8; 6th, Fred Wiuhnv TQ- '7fl1 (ir>nrm'= .Tnl1n:1'nn mn, uonum wnson, zsu.o; um, rruu Fisher, 78.0; 7th George Johnston 77.9; 8th, Eric Johnston, 76.3; 9th : 1`:l`.\'n0\i Soulos. 75.8; 10fh, Gordon 5 Forbes, 74.6; 11th, Lzuvrcncr: .\Ic- 7 Watt.-rs. 73.3; 12th, Jack Rainbird, 66.7; 13th, Craxvford Smyth, 641.5` 14th, Lloyd Cummingr, 58.4; 15th Arthur P.obr,~rL;~:on, 51.4. Home GrountL< Planning Computi- Lion: 1, B(.'.<.~'10 Hunter; 2, Gladya Walt; 3, Vera Chappell; 4, Bertha Czunpbc-11; 5, Nora Scythes. Farm Mechanics: 1. Vernar Walt: ?.. Vera Chappc; 3, Elwood Soulcs; 4, I-Iurcld Gibson. I!nL';`1rr '1`:-ex p ' 1` NT'l _ h ` 4, 11(1n:i '1'nom1)s0n; u _ (Continued from page one) I Collection of App for the encouragement they gave Una Czimplwll; 2, Brock 1 movemciit. Co-operating with thv` sie Hunter; 4, Vvm ` Govermnent, they are helping to pro-` I-{unt,cl'. ducc a generation of scientic farm Puck 0:115: 1. V1`! ers who will know how to farm ll `Loy A. Wait; 3. H( %hsySt(;`t;Il1Lll(' mild 1])l`0tufl.)l(1` xvuy .1_ Lloyd C.(1)1mn1ing1; ese oys are he mpv n llu :1gri- Slu-:21` of ms: , cultural industr_v." ' Sto\\`:u'l llcll; 3, Sim -\n ntlnlml inhu'e~< inn` i'n:|hn'.- nl urntul .Qnnln<- 5, K .1, nzxrclu mason. B:1king-'I`L-:1 Biscuits: ll, S(.}'[lx(;S; 2, Vera Chappell; 3, lcrmey; 4, Isobel Carr; 5, ll btoddart. Apple Pie: 1, Scythcs; 2, Helen Hawthorme; 2` nie Jermey; 4, l. Carr; 5, Caldwell. Cnuv'n\(r_.._l{nI|:r- rlw--~:' I_ u Caldwell. S(e\\'ing---Hou.`~'(.~ Drr-.<.~:: 1., Myrtle Stodclhrt; 2, Stella C:Ilrl\vc:ll; 3, Vera Chappell; -'1, Ber`hu Czunpbs-ll; 5. Isobel Carr. Tea Cloth and 4 Ser~ Vt-tt('=.2 1, Stella CZll(IWr-1]; 2, jsiyrtle Stotldilft; 3. V:-m Chuppvll; 4, bi /.'/.ic Grinton. No entries in glove classu Health Poster: 1. .\'om Scythes; Z, Norma Tracey; 3, Gladys Wall; 4` V. ---:x (Tlmup-l`.; 5. BI-ssie Hunter Pt.-nmanship: 1, Stella Cz1l(l':.`r-ll; 2 Isobel Carr; 3. Joan Hutchinson; 4 n....aL.,... F. Wlwnnrl Qnnlnu V-":1 \,w:1up':., u. L....,..; ,..,,, Cz1M';.rrl1 Joan Hutchin: Nora Scythos; 5, Elwood Soules. . Tninnr Room Bounuet: 1, I` Nora Scythos; :3, l'.'1\\`n0(l BOUIOS. Dining Room Bouquet: Edna Thompson; `.2, Norm Scythes; .2. Myrtle Stoddart; 4, Vera Chappel; b __. 1`. . sccomi. A .~. .- \\`ll`\lt'(l H11` >'H\"\`I Rnrrxc-.~\ll:1mi:m Den, (31.4 5 7!! Q (`H-'-1 .\`.`-;n\\`m:m ~'- S. M. B: '\zf"3 Snnior D: 1 `Z. C 1zn`L-r 3 xn`Zn;'. S` F! Lli er; 2` ( -- Cumminfg `nar C. VS K S :\\'a1't - 'I":`_(\ . S. ,_l-3.` 1, Stewa Inf; Crawfom R230 man Tn` Stella Caldwell. 1\Ii.\:e(l Bouquet, 3 or more annuals: 1, Myrtle St'ocl :' 2, Stella Caldwell; 3, Vera Chappell; 4, Edna Thompson; 5, Norma Tracey. Apples: 1, Howard ,0 (`-.mnlmIl- 9 Rv'n1'l\' OLt:1\\'21\': 3. Bea- IJUILUIVEH xuuusu An added intero.<:ing f(`U.lll'l` oi the Junior section this yexlr \\':1.< H1: conched {mun judging competition in which 7 tmnns xvoro 1-mm`.-cl. This was held at the fair _::round.< 'l`uc.:' day xnorning and \\`:1s won by tin tonm ('0:u'h--d by 1{.:1_\' [.0ug:hm-:1 wixh Thos. Bowman. Elwin Smyll and .-\ubrc_\' Sc_\'t1ux< :1< m.-mln-r.\ 'l`l1u.~`v 1\o\`s \\`v1'c il\\`:1l`\i\'(l mu .~'il\`cI lu- H... I3-1 .\llun. ,....._. ..n-. `Fred Fisher; 5, Ted Hunter. l'1.~:`.l"; .1, l'.|\\UUu nuulvn, .), nLL'\\uLu Uvll; -l. \"v1':l Clulplwll. Six Stalks Ensilamro Corn: 1. Stzlnloy Wall; 2. Szcllu Cul 3, \'m'u Clmppcll; -l. Mam- moth Pumpkin: 1. \\"ul'.ur Bull; 2. Sh-\\':\rt` Bvll; 3, l~`o. l\'vnnu(ly; -1, Jean Johnston; 5. Jzxs. l\'-nnml_\'. l :-ck Doolvy F`o1:1lov.~': 1, Stanle_w Walt; 2, Ve1'n:u Walt; 3. Cluxs. Hick- `lin::: 4. Blorlin Couplund; 5, Loy A. \V:1`.t; (i. Stella (.".1lxl\\'ull: 7, Garnet `Walt; 8, Donald Wilson; 9, Maurice r<.\..u`. I r*....:1 r`hun...\l ` Hunu.-1'. Vt`l'lHll` ("'.. Walt; 2,; A. Howzn-d Campbell; Cumming; 5. Stzmluy Walt. Slu-:21 Oms: 1, lrod l 2. Stanley Walt; 4, F11- wuocl Soulos; 5. kcmlcth Burm\\'.<. Pwk \`.'inlm' Wlwnt: l. Stv\\':u`t Brit`; 22. Cecil Cznnpbull; 3, l'}(ln:1 'l`homp~ `son; -1. ltoss Kvnnvdy; 5, Loy A. Wall. Sln-:1I' Wheat: 1, l:`.dna 'I`11omp- son; '2. Ehm-r Pratt; 3. Sn-\\':11't Bull; 2. \'vx':1 (`h:\mwIl. Peck l}zu'lt-y: 1, Stu-\\':n`t Bell; `.2. Wullm` Bull; 3, Jack Dw.:~.n; -1. l"1'ud Dorun; 53, l!Idn:I 'l"nnn\I\cnn Rh.--xi` R.urln\'- 1 Fruit! &. \`t'l :l \ Il:\}1}H'u. 1 I..'ct\ nzuu-_\. L, `well; l. lnump_ Shun!` B:u`lu_v: 1, Fred 1'*..~ :`.rr; `.2, l`II\\`oml SuuIo.~'; 3, SIL-\'z11`t Six Wv\c1'1:\r:x (`nI'l1' I, SY:1l|]1`\' \V.'lH! 2. Liolltts; lu. L-ecu \:l1:lp])L`l. Grain Club from Stroud. Stuyner and LaFontaim> nlombnrs only. Puck Oats. registered seed: 1, Thos. S. Bowmzm. J12; 2, Gordon L. Coch- rzme; 3. Ray Loughc-ed; 4. Bill New; Bruce \V'in-e; G. Edmund Pond; t. Robert Gi1`21!`lt; 8, Raymond .\ ec-ly; S), ,I\'r~nnoth Bu1'1`o\vs; 10, George M. ' `mic. IL.-gi.~':e1'c-d Barley: 1, Jack Ruinbird; 2. Clarence Stewart; 3, Frank Cowzm; 4, Clarence Dunlop (registered peas); 5, Joseph Coch-` V71 H P, \V1llI; U. DICIIH \.l1Hl\\'L'll; F Coutts; 10. Cecil Ch:1ppol. (`.1--min (`lulu Frnm Rh-mu rune. Utility Pulletz 1, Myrtle Stoddart; 2. Vera Chappell; 3, Phil. Armstrong; 4, Vernar C. Walt; 5, Bruce Arm- . Utilify Cockerelt 1, Bruce .-\1'mst1`o11g; 2, Phil. .-\1'mstrong; 3, Ross Kenned_\`; -1, Loy Walt; 5, Mer lin Couplzmd. Utility Hen: 1, Phi}. .~\.1`m. 2. Bill .\'o\\'; 3. Ste\\'a1't `B`.!; 4 Br:.1.c<> A1'm. Vernan I` 1`K'nIL D11]: 4. 1}`.'L`.L`l.` :\llH.`LluHg; u, Vcxucu C. Walt. Li\-c- St0ck-Co1t. Draft .-\.f:1'icuIt- uralz 1. Thos. S. Bowman, J12; 2. C`. ..-....o \Y TL - Q ,T- .\ Qnnnr-nr uralz 1, 11105. .3. DU\\'1ll':lH, an; .2. E`s-wa1*t )1. `mil; 3, Jas. A. Spencer. .\`1.m\`nw.z`..~':2ip: 1. Jz`..'<. _-\. Spe,-ncmj: 2. Bell; 3, Thos. S. Bowman. Dai1'_v Calf: 1, Fred J. Fisher; Clzm1'm- S;c\\'a1`t; 3, Lloyd Cum- Sl1o\\,'m.nn. 1. Fr:-ll J. FE.-=12` Clarence Stewart; 3, Lloyd Cannxnnixtfr. S-snioz` Bull Calf: 1. Vet Walt; 2, C1'z1\\'fo1`d Smyth; 3, S`r_\x'a1'tB<-ll; 4, Loy A. Walt; 5, 'l::n-'. Bowman. J1`. Sl1owmanship- Stewart. Bell; 2, Loy A. Walt; `ts. Crawford Smyth; 4, Thos. S. Bow- man Iv - S Vm~na1- (" Wall Vlarlznf uurzm; 3), u::.m;..~ vv an; '\ -':1i`; '7, Vern'=.r (`. Walt. Yr.-arlimzz 1. \/'<:rnar Walt; Walt; 3, Carnot Walt; Walt. Shorthorn Calf: Durzm; 2, Gzn`m:`. Walt; Dan. A q4nn`nIv W..1. lJ()l'lHl; L, \1'cll Bell; 4, Star Walt; 6, Frec Live Stock Winners of ll`:\lH ('(`ll('Hl`ll U) lmys :l\\`:l cups o'on~d by the 1% Dairy. \. oh- _~..u..\ oi"... \vzuL; U, rruu uuran. and Seed Judging- the Barrie-Allandale mpHEr-.~, (:02Ac'mt! by Ray L0u;:heed- Thos. Bowman, Elwin Smyth, Aubrey Scythes. Total 1248 points. Run-` ,n r~-up: Loy Wuh. conch; OSczu Chappe], Mervin Parker, Roy Tracey. i2-17 points. I n u . /1 `rs ~ (\ n . Sc-0d--1, Geo. Buief 2, Stewart B<-I1; 3. Loy Walt; 4, Ray Lougheed; 5, Jack Rainbird; 6. Stanley Walt: 7, Bill New; 8, C. Baldwck; 9, Ray- mond Noilly; 10, Douglas Ferris. (hnmnrm -\vr,:hirn nf Avrahivn IHOIHI .\(`l||y; LU, .I)0ugla-`T rerrls. ' Champon Ayrshire of Ayrshire Club went to winner in the cow `class shown by Stewart Boll. ' ahnmninvm rnhnn in Qhnvfhnvn `(H2155 .~'H0\VY1 Dy DC(`,\\'a1"[ 1501]. Champion ribbon in Shorthorn Club went to winner of the Short- `horn cow class, shown by Stanley ` Walt. Gi 2-ls Judging Competltion-School Lunt-hr.-.<: l. Isobz-I Carr; 2, Bessie Hunter; 3, Helen Fisher. Country Gil-l'.< Wz1l`(l1`Ob(*: 1, Myrtle Rankin; 2. Gl:1 Walt;; 3, .VIz1rjo1'y Patter- son. Kitchen Plans: 1, Grace Little; 2, Myrtle St0(ldart.; 3, Ruth Cum-` mings. Rnunlf n+' Qhnuvnwnncln :1-nnlllncr ht Hllllg. Result of Showmanship standing in 4 Ayrshire classes, on a. 25 per cenv. ` h:1. Ste-wart Bell, 23; C. Baldwick. `1 21.0; Jim Kvnnody, 21.5; Fred Fish- 20.7: Donald Wilson, 20.7; D. * Ferris, 20.2; W. Lougheed, 20; Jim, Spencer, 20.0; Ray Lougheed, 19.7; i M. Sykes, 19.6; A. Forbes, 19.4; 1 i`it.`i('I1 Hawthorne, 19.2; Stella Cald- ? \\'f'ii. 10.0; G. Forbes, 19; L. Cum~. min;'.', 18.5; loss I\'(.-nnedy, 18.5. 1 Showmanship results in Shorthorn > (-I:i.<.<:-_~:--\V:1Itr-r Bell, 21.0; Stanley Walt, 20.8; Fred Doran, 20.7; Vernar " \\':iI` I!) (}:n'n.'>?. Wait. 19.5: .T:1('.k l 1 wait, zU.o;r1'eu uoran, Lu. 4; vurnar \\':12'. 119.5; (}m'In;*`L. Walt, 19.5; Jack` Doran, 18.7; Arnold Walt, 18.5: Gladys Walt, 18.5. `g ----j~-~- x .spr:nt Sunday with limrwood and Clarksburpc. Mr. Wm. C:unpbr'l1'.s. and Miss Laura Hail friends in (701-" '.'i."im: :1`. Mrs. Hail `.`:Ii.~'~' I710.-'.~i(: and M1`. Wm. (`ump- " ~- :\`UH1i'(l\' in Toronto. Mr. S. Steele has gronn to Kin::s- ton \\`her(- he will begin his studieni at Queen s' University. ` Mr: F . Cncfniln and ,u `J .. nhildrr-n nfx` Mr. Stanley 0.~'bm'ne of 'l`oronto is: 2.11 \~[LlUCH'F UlllV(`I`SlLy. Mrs. F. Costello and childron oil` Imuirm have come to live with the form.-r s mother, 1VIrs. Corbett. , \IE1l'lHf3 VVHIL; Stanley Walt; Fred Doran. +nnb and Qnru umry. .~\1 the szuno timo in thv I.iln1':\1`) Hull :1 compot.ition \\'us L'ulldl1c1c( for the g`i1'1s in jlltigillg` school lunch ; es, farm girl's \\':u'd1'obv and kilCht'.` plan. \\'i .h 20 Ontrios. Isobel Curv- came t'1r. wifh B\`&*`iL` Humor :. ....,a I GUTHRIE |plL`$ 1, l'lU\\'2ll'U OLt:u\'z1y; 3. : Chuppell; 5, Ted `II; `I, Fllfll 6, Garnax Shorthorn ; 2, Sumlr-_v 4, Gladys : 1, Jack 3, Walter .3, Vernar 7HC . (l; -3, aldwick`, 7nnu1~nn- Vance Rintoul and Dunaid Billings-E Icy left Wednesday morning for` 1{ing.~:ton to attend Queen's Univer- sity. l{ci1ler, of 'l`o1`ont0, won: the guest; of tho Misses Henry over the \\'eek| Ix!!! Miss Jessie ROL`,'(:1`.~' and Miss Ethell 1 I say. ' .1 of 1` end. ":cu :1 end. I l\'Ii.~::< McCn1lum, of 'l`o1'ontu, hm: been visiting: Miss ML-Dou1,_::1l for :1` few days. Mice Mn/.\vf.h|n':1nd N1i.\'.\' l`}li I.:lb(:2h Ll()ll 21L wmwy Lms ween. 1 Mr. and Mrs. (`.odlin;:', of lul'p:u>x,i \\'or(- the j.ll('.~lL\` of Mr. and Mrs. W.' S. Mouru over the week 1-ml. Both \\`l`I`t' forum-r xnclnbu-rs of tin (Jollicr St. United (`,`h1n'(-h choir, and (la.-li;:hL~ ed thv C()I11.',`l`ug.'::\U()ll by singillg at thaw .\'und:1_v sc1'\'ico.~'. \Ii<< I.nni<:- Hnrlhnrl null 1\ li. low days. _ 1V[iss McA1`t.hu1'z1nd 1\'lh< Eli /.abc`.|1` Rogt-1'5 attended the nur.sus' convcn-`v Lion at, Whitby this week. I Mr nml Mn-< (`.mHimv'. nf'l<`urLr11~x_| mummy so1'vu:os. , Miss l.oui. Hurlburl and Nlis.~: Frznlcus Hurlburi lc:l\'u Ln-morrow fm 'l`m'unLo, wlwrv they will zrttuml Hu- Uni\'e1`sity. ; . 1\/Iv 1.:-u'i< '.\'lvrI'iv-k lufi Ind \\/m-L`. r u Clllllt` close .- \\'l\. o1 r'n:1rmucy, luromo. .\ 1i.~;< l\'itt1:- Richzmlson. of Toronto, is the gxm-st of .\'lr.<. Jos. (,`:wz1n:1;;l1,i Louisa St. Mi.~`.< Jean Hickling enjoyed ax week and visit with friends in To- mnto. RT`. M.._. 1.1.." nr r~,m:.m..m,..1 L.'ll1\'Cl`SlLy. i M1`. I.v\\'is Merrick loft last \VL.'L`ki to resume his sLudies :1: the Collngu-| of I"h:11'mucy, 'l`01`0nt0. | \*li<; |(iHl:- Ri:-hm-uI n1` 'l`nrnmn OIILU. Mr. and 1\`Ir.<. I"r_v, of C0lIingw`ood,| spent Sunday :1! the home of Mr.` and Mrs. R. M. Price. I Mr. Howard Ro.<.~`, of Toronto, visiL~ 2 ed Barrie friends over the week end! Mr. Ernest Mclinight spent Sun- day at his home here. i .\li.<.< \'orma Guthrie spent the week end with her mother. Miss Leila Dougall, who attended the Robinson-Bremner wedding, \v-as "Hr 3111051 of Ixir. and Mrs. Harry. Morrcn during nor s?.:1y' in Barrie. ! | BRANCH OF f\Df`, _go A Lion.'< Club was organized in Bar- 1 rie on Friday evening last, with ai membe1`.-hip of 30. It is expected; that this will be increu.~ted by the; iimc the charter is presented. 'I`h:_ Lion's Club is a scwice organization. zmd differs to !{iwani.~: in that it does ' not recognize classiczilion, but buil(l.~l on pwsonnlity. ._`I`< Among its ob_iect.i\'<.-5 are: To pro-H mote the theory and practice of Line` principles of good gow,-rnmem mu!" good citizenship; to take am active in ; tx~re.~`t, in the civic, commercial, . an-i moral welfare 01' the communitf. .4 to unite the members in the bonds or ; ' frj-4i1r.l; good fcilowsl1ip and` ` mutual un(le1'.~:tun(lin9;; to provide a forum for the full and free discus-l . _:r\\'\ n4` ull \'s\uff1.v_- n+' nnklln inizn-ii.-v LUIVUIII lUf LHU .|.LlH ZUIU J.l'UU Ul5CLl>' aion of all matter.<, of public i11L`31'L`.~1L,` partisan politics and sectarian rciii gion alone excepw.-(1; to cncouraga` L-fliciency and promote high ethical .-tanulards in business and profes-I .4l(|Y1, AJUIIDH The following; p1'0\'i.~:iona1 ofccr.- were elected: Pre.5ident, I-Ienry M:-` Innis, S12; ls`. Vice-Pru.s., Frank Dobson; Znd Vice- Pu ., Dr. R. W. HL1;:hes; 3rd V`ice-Pr(.-.~:., H. .-\. Lil, gar; Secretary, Gordon Lougman. Tr.-asurer, John Hodgm-.<; Lion Tamer I T) (`|nIunrI- 'l",uH 'I'u`i Alvin 11'.-asurer, dUIlIl l.'1.UL1[.'.l.`.~} L.lUH ld.HlUl' J. D. Clulzmd; Tail 'l`wi. Alvin Luck; Directors, A. Pugh, S. Stack. W. Colc-.~:, Tony Suso; (jhairman, (`omtitufion and By-Iz1\v.<, '1`. A. Mc- Carthy. VI -IJIJ-L \I.LIl\I ` Born, on Sept. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs`. 4 Ar-'ri1u1' Hobl').<, u tluugglm.-1'. The Algon (iiub rmi. zit .\`li.~'.~: Wilda HuLchin.=_'on's on Sept. I.~L, with zu1at- 4 u.vuluncr: of 12. 'I'hc- m.-xt meetinL:`, 'will be in the church on Sept. 2Si,h.r !"no.<(: on the lunch committee urn: .\1r.<. W. Wync-,~:, Mrs. A. D. Mc- i*':ul;:,~ii and ;\Ir.~'. Ii. 'l`h0im>. Af~ tier .~:ing'ing: and prayer, .\I1'>'. Hutch- in.~'on .-`t:rv.-(l tea. I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shulswoll and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shc].s`\w.-ll spunr Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Shc-1. at Maple Valley. St,-1'\'i(:0 nr-xi Suminv mm-ninnr :1: '(l.IIl. _ .VIr.<. John Dicker has returned home ziftcr spcndim: two weeks with? `her sisters, Ida and Minnie Link, at} Jarratt. ' Ma r` T A....1..L,. L..... ,..,...- ...9 close seconu. ; When one consider.~ the long trestle table that huld the home gm--1 den vnt1'ius of the rs: junior fair section in 13128, and comp:n'e.< it wit! the magnicent . of vegetable: and grain :_:r2'0\\`n by the juniors domestic sciclme and fa1'1n muchallic.-L .\v\tnv. ~ u-hn\a any-nmu-1 H1 nn`5\-n nu.-. d'd.T!"clLE. Mr. C. J. Applebe has gone to` Oakville to amend the funeral of his mother, who dim! Saturday. I &'LL&` Ulla H : I M1-. ~. Mills of Islington is the`1 <.:ue. of .m-.. A. Ronald. ( \T\- and '-\.'TV-: Wvnrl nhannnll urn}: _`.fU(.`."[ ()1. A1113". fl. l.0nZ1lCl. ` M1-. and Mrs. Fred Chappell and t`xm.~u> sons motored from Regina, Sask., and are residing in the vi!-` .lago, where Fwd intends running his.` n1other`s farm. i 7|/I \.(. I` I)1nun-In-In+ '|n`O- Ar: I/In.-..l H1(JLH(.`1`5 1i1I'II1. 1' Mrs. C. Plowright left on N.[on(1ay]' for Huntsville, \\'h(:l`(: her son Aylmer` I is undergoing an operation for ap-:~ gr-miicitis. i .\1i.<.< Winnifred Young of Montreaij 1.: \'i.~'i7in;:; at. her home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. Murphy and"; (Iaughters Marion and Shirley af-i tended the Alliston fair and visiten ` `friends Saturday and Sunday. M'r.:, W, J ,Arm_=h'nnrr and hvni \ nurcn Dummy }llUJ1'IlUUll. I Mrs. Smy and son William of Port: ,(.'olborne were in the village on Sat-. `urady renewing old zmquaintunces. 1 (70n2'rz1tulz1Lions are in order to ; Phil. Arinstrong, who won the silver , cup at the Vespra school fair and gyulso to Marion Murphy and BYUCI. 5 ; .`n'm. who won second 2111551 ; thinl prizes. 9,` 1 A wry highly l`(3SpCCi.(i(l citizenil "p:1.<.'- away L'}ll'l_V Sunday morning ' `in the pr-r.-on of Mr. Harry Pearson, " q nl'tm' 21 linr-rim; and painful illness. ` 'He had been a resident, here nearly: Hi all hi. and lived on the 11th I_u('l)ll( l`.~.s`l()fl. Hr: was 21 good neighbor uml lllL"l]lV 1.hm1Lrht nf hv all hm 1 II'leI1(.lS D2/lLlll`L1'(ly 2J.Il(1 ounuuy. f ` Mrs. W. J .Armstrong and two! `(l-aughters are visiting in Toronto. ' Rnv. Mr. Sn-arm of AHLTIIS nrn;1('.h- (xaugmers are vlsmng m xoromo. Rev. Mr. Strapp of Angus preach- ed very an-ceptznbly in the United] (`hurch Sunday zxftorrloon. ] T\1r,:, Smv and , William nf Port`. lIL'l.`\`\'L`ll ill lilplli Vbllllfy. Sr:1-\'icr.- next Sunday morning; 21: l :1.m. ` Personals `,('l)ll('|'DblUH. I'M. \VilS g'00(l nelgnnor ` highly thought of by all his fri(:nd.'~'. The funeral was held Mon-~. day afternoon, the . at th(."`_` house being: taken by Rev. Newmzm'; of the Anglican Church, with inter-2 gum,-nt in `he Union Cemetery. To h:s' -`wife, formerly Miss Amy Stafford, of Bristol." Emrlantl, and son Fred and dauhg'tm' Ruth, is extended the syn. puthy of the whole community. (`l0me>`t.lC Sciclice :1n(1 lllflll iiiL'L'iizuiiu.: entries. which covered thu cii`ii*o ens. end of the zigxriciiltuiuil building 1!i:= year, one can get sonic idea of thc iinportaiice and g`1`O\\'tl1 this work hasf acquired since its inception three years ago. At this rate there will not only have to be more st:ibliiig' for cattle, but more space for the Home Garden section of the Juiiioi iv...-.. 1 LIONS CLUB ` ORGANIZED IN BARRIEI WEST ORG _1V.[INIE.(S.'[(I%(; _1'he Nortnem Advance ,4 -..-- .. .............. v....... , ._-1 Mrs. (D11) Brown and .\Irs.j _. Brown, Jr., of Toronto, spent :1 fewg _. clzlys a1 Lin-ir cottage. * _. Mrs. D. ;\IcCalm'm, Mr. I..esli(< _:Je1'rm-y and 3-12`. and .\'I1':~'. Leach} ,j spent the rs: of the week wit1`| g friends in Barrie. I k: 11:`. and 311-.~. ML-1,:-llun of Tommi i . vzx` 1 +?.n~ \ 1)nn~.~1r.x- ' ('1`oo late for last week) Rev. Mr. Williams, rector at Cree-. more, preaclled in St. Paul's Church last Sunday afternoon, and also ad-I ministered Holy Communion. , Cnntrrntlxlzltinnc in Mr nnrl Mm. * LIL-dllulu `I A-Uni .l. mxmswreu nony unnmumon. Comxmtulutions to Mr. and ;\1r.<.} [I-L Spence, 2: daughter. 3 1 A A Qnnith and f`. F`I~:|nl(r~nn\ I lfl. D[JUllUU, Z1 UilU]. ,'llLL`l`. ) A. A. Smith and C. Frzmkcom motored to Toronto last S:1tum':1y. " M1`. and Mrs. D. Rudfnrrl M` l`n I HlUL0l'(.'ll LO JUFUHEU H151 DZl'xU!`}ly. 1 "` M1`. and Mrs. D. Redford of To runto visited Mrs. Martin last Sun` Edgy. % nrinn'u`.'Il:~r Park um: um-ll muwnn uuy. Sprin;.;'wuLcr Park \\'as w-ll patron i7.-4! by visitors lu.<.1 Sumluy 'I`hosr: who huv- not y(.~L vi.~a'i1r.~d this beauti- ful park should do so hcftm: the Iv. -`n.'n.-. lu.~;,-:in to full. J. H. Martin and (Jlu.-stcr An.1ro.<.- are once more visiting thu full 1'.-Lin cx|1ibifing' thu Mwidhurst 1'or<:.sLr3 T stock. Much int:-rust i.~: taken in this: m-.\'i1ihil. ; L1: ..l,. ..l` IVY`. |.l l),..... vnn (I ran`. Championship Prizes Championship prizes offered fc-1 competition at the Barrie Junim Fair by the Agricultural Representa- ti\'us' Branch of the Ont.z11'io Dep:1r:- mum of Agriculture: (`.h~h-' ("nnmninn, P2'ize-A hw`. UXHIUIL. ' Frl`i(.'llIl.~T of Mr. H. l <,-zuxeon, of} ,M:m-.~'in_x.-', are very sorry to hear 0]; Ihis illnu . We hopv for :1 spt.-L-dy I l`(`(`,U\'('l')'. Mr .'Il|l| W)-4 I4`:-nnlc nl`:r-)' hum. ' rI`(:u\'I'x`y. I Mr. and .\Ir.~'. Frank Or.4<.-r haw- |1`ClLll`ll\:d u1'l.(.-r spt.-ndmp; sonic duy.` lwith rt,-lutivt-.~s and fricntls in Om. N I NHL; I-lnlnn Wk-1-u. is :v...n,ln.- ...\-.`.; t Ul'O. . . The township council met Ia.~:1; Monday. ])cp.-Rveve Downcy, who` has been sick for some tmo, was un] iablrs to attend. ` n..o.. .. nu. ,.. \\lLH l'(,'lill.lVl`.`i ZUIU I.l'll:Il(lh' Hl LII'(). i 1\'1is.< H(.`](:Il Fisher is .apu~mlin;.: sornu,` Lime witnh friends in ML-aford. Miss. Fshcr has been very ill, but we zn'(;3 pleased to say she is soincwhut im` proved. Mr, Wm Wini:-v Rnnh of Hip provcu` Mr. Marie ' Inge. ` ' Mr, - liige. ' ' Mr. John l\'iss0ck is spcntling in` few days wth Mr. H. Barnhardt oil On). 1 l`11n fnunmhin nI\|1r\n w... `nu|' MUN! LU EILLUIIU. ` Quite 21 number of the lY1(.'I {1bCT11t `of L.O.L. 3112 visited tht,-ir brethren? at Stayner WL-dnc.<(lay evening, Sept - -9th. A very enjoyable timn was` ! spent. Thu Ln I. halt] n vnrv .-um-r-c:f`u` 1 b'pL`Hl.. i The L.O.L. `dance in the ing`. mg. l i Bert smith of Crown Hill visitcdf 'his paren (:~: over the week end. ;'an- \1.~1L:x1\,g .u1`.~'. 1ug>.1u)'. few day: `with hwy ... 311* -`mu. Horne. ` Mi.<:~ M01121 Pugsl ;.', Mrs. Parkm land Mrs. I\IcLellan mo`-;orL-(1 to To `ronto the rst of the Week. a '\|'u,- Dnx-~-.+nn an/I RI`-. T Ininu men: OI .-1g1'ncu1LuJ.'c; Gir "' wees course at Blacdonald Institmo. Guelph, is offered to the girl \\'inning the greatest number of points at If-1: Junior Fair, p1`e\'iou.< \vinnc1'.~ exv cr:p'ed-~-\'era C:`p1)(*l, 18.75 points Lakcview D.'.i1` Specia1--Runne1'- nn :2 nn___.Qe..I ("nlri\vF>H 15 Championship Prize--.-\ twn.`

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