Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Sep 1931, p. 5

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`sit. uu-:11` 1101118 nere. Mr. Albert Leonard and Miss Min- erva Leonard of Toronto spent the holiday at their brother s Jas. Leon- ard. 1hI'.. 1T"l,-in IXYALL A4` 'T'.\nn4.\ nnrl 5: law nus was served The Northern Advance . the home week. A after the Toronto 1 Mr. and Missouri [nr`n]|\\nv\ `E the southerly i highway, -_ sore. PASSED BY COUNCIL; (Continued from Diverts Old Highway ` The Department of Highways wrote advising council that by order-in-: council passed on Aug. (5th, the fol-. lowing road reverts back to the` municipality, which will now be liable for upkeep: That section on` the Kng s highway, being Davis St.,} easterly from its intersection with limits of the King's` deversion and dened, to: Johnston St.; then northerly to Steele` St., then easterly along Steele St. to the northeasterly limit of the afore mentioned King s highway. Fair Grounds Extended On behalf of the Barrie Agricul- tural Society, G. 0. Cameron, secre- tary, advised council that he, in com pany with R. .-\. Stephens, president _ had been looking over the property` a(iJ.:-:-vii ; to the fair grounds, on. Bradford St., now owned by the town. It would be a big asset to the page one ) I ' fair association if this ground could} be taken into the park. As it S?2lll(lE|th1-eg men l'10\\', the present fence be moved to the south side of the -property and a seven foot chain-link fence with pro- per gates be erected on Bradford St. `This would do away with advertising boards and make a pleasing entrance. ,The cost of material for the fence 3. would be about $1.00 per foot. Hnnt this would Fnilhll no-rnpll a nre ti-zen ue ue1U1`1`eu Luis year. In amendment Deputy-Reeve Long- mar. and Ald. Shannon moved that `the matter be referred back to the Fire and Police Committee for fur- ther consideration. The amendment was lost, only four supporting it, while nine voted for the motion. When the report of the committal of the whole was presented, Deputy ;Reeve Longman again brought in a motion that this clause be not ac- cepted, and that council purchase a new re truck. The yeas and nays were taken, tho. supportng the motion being R<'_~e\'c Rogers, Deputy-Reeve Long- man, Alds. Shannon and James, 4. Against: Mayor McCuaig, Deputy- -Reeve Blair, Alds. Lang, Raymond, )'IacLaren, Robertson, Tyrer, Wiles. McFadden, 9. C.N.R Economy The solicitor for the C.N.R. Wrote advising` council that they were ap- plying to the Railway Board for per- mi.~:; to take the gatemen o the crossing on Essa Road on Sundays. _There are no engines working on Sundays now, and the service of at the gates are kept it is more 01` 1955 Of an 8YE'wlien there is nothing to do. The suggestion was made thatl Council did not take any action. Permisson was given to erect ,1-lectric signs in front of T. E. Har- `,1ey s and Simmons & Co.- ! May Close Pa_rt of James St. g Plans were presented showing the closing of the west end of James St., opposite McDonald St., to provide _for a gore. The plan did not meet 'uv+l-. 4-Ln u-{run A4` nll nnnnnl-\nI'e anti l !EPAVING STREETS I` ; PASSED COUNCIL` I WOUIG D8 anout -`,!l.UU put LUUL. : Council agreed that this would? be advisable to do and a grant of' up to $200 will be made for this purposm ` i .~!t;?m`t l`hn Am'i<-.11Itn1'nl Societv will also , ' without damage. i Decides Against Fire Truck f Reeve Rogers, chairman of Fire`- and Police, brought up the mattexi of z-. nr-xv re truck and engine. Hi.'~_ committee had made an investigation: and find that the prr:; equipment; is inadequate for the town of Barrio.` .He did not present a report, how ever, because he felt that it was up to the entire council to deal with a matter that required such an expendi- ture. The present truck is only of .one-ton capacity, and yet it has to carry as high as (5,900 lbs. Person- ally, the reeve thought that a re truck was an nb.~'0lut.e neces. for Barrie. _ A Ill T untr cnitl illtli 2].ti'Clltl0Tl B2l.I`)'l0. Alcl. Lang said that attention should lir.=t be given to water mains. Tliert: \\'(-H. lots. of places Where "there was no hyd1'ant.~:, while in othci places they \vc1'c bunched together. Thnre xvawe also many dead ends, and what use would a larger engine bu if they couldn t get water ? Deputy-Rncve Blair thought that H... ,...,.-H,..\ z-lnnvxll` hn vpfprrpd lo wun uooxsno-Wn Inenos on sunoay. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Purvis ano children of Toronto spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Purvis. Mn. (Inn LI.....4-M. I\c 'P........4... ...m..+ 11 Lucy cumun L ~,-,uu, nu.-.,. . the question should be referred 10 the Water and Light Commission to investigate and see that the water lmains are in proper condition before {council (l('(il(it .S on the purchase of lnew equipment. Reeve Rogc-r.< . that the Water and Light Comniission hail the mut- ter well in hand, and the mains as at present were quite capable of tak- ing care of any emergency in the downtown areas. Ah] nnhm-omn ns:kP(l Reeve ROL'.e1`.<, Ald. Robertson asked Reeve Rogers, why he hadn't brought in a written report recommending the nding or the Fire and Police Committee. As it was, council had nothing tanigble to work on. He further asked the reeve if he would himself recom- mend to council that a re 'truck be purchased at once. .l Rnpve Rom.-rs said he would most `purchased at once. Reeve Rogers emphatically. M:urm- Mr-(`.u:1iIz Suit emphatically. Mayor McCuaig said that the mat- ter of purchasing a truck had been discussed in committee on F`1*iday night and the concensus of opinion was that it would be better to wait till next yegr. Hi: mm-..-}nn moved. seconded by ill year. His wolxship moved. by The Coat Store SIMMONS & CO. SELECT your rst fall coat at Simmons 85 00., where choice combines the utmost in fashion and economy. Tweeds and dressy types, outstanding in the advance mode, are shown in a big selection here. oer: rurvxs. Mr. Geo. Hunter of Toronto spent the holiday at his home here. `Mr. and MN Hm-nl Wnllama nnd |A1d. Atkinson, that the purchase 01 - .21 re track be deferred this year. -I Tr. an-mnrlw-nnnf nnn11fv_T?r2nt'n T.n1\!.V- ' KJ.`.V.lV IDCUILUIXI , ,advising ;1ni.~.-sion .Sundays `three vwhen ` given -.4-lect1'ic T. | ~ 3; llwith the View of all members and ' the matter was laid over for furthcil consideration. g A letter from Gordon Reeve and ; S. L. Page on behalf of a group of ._\-uun_-_r people, asked for the use of| 1, the town hall two or three nights a iwcel: to play b.'1'lminto'i. No heat = would be required. The request was granted, ll}.',`llt. used to be paid for. D. A. Campbell advised that on .Aug. 11th, while crossing Bradford `S.. comin-,_-; out of Hart's garage, 11(- .was thrown to the pavement owing ' to faulty street. and sustained in-` juries. His motorcycle was alsr`, 3 damaged to the extent of $169.11.` I I The matter will be referred to the in- ' . company. I My Kollmnn. Cumberland St.. We Answer: COI1SlQe1`211'.l0I1. ;S. L. : 1 ,thc tlm ';would 1 -._....n>,..l l.'n4 near} 1-A kn What .s` New Mr. Kellman, Cumberland St., wrote complaining that a tenant he had in his house was unable to pa) the rent, and zisk(-d some con. ation in his z1s. It was re- ferred to the Court of Revision. I"|-H. 'I"nun1 Tncllvnnt-rx (n n:|vi~:r-ri- of Revision. The Town Insurance Co. adviscdi that settleiiioiit had been made re: the claim of Hrs. Tiieson for ziccidenil at $125.00. . `i\'T:~ T`1-I-an:-inxrvnru n11Wrn1`ih SH` an-: at $1zo.uu. Mr. Etheringzton. Dufferin St., ap- poarml bei'on- council asking that some repairs be mudv to this street He had been promi.~:ed something be- fore, but nothing had been done. The . should bv graded and gravel- led, and a culvert repaired. T1nnnhr_`Rnnvr= Tnncrmzxn said he led, and a culvert repaired. Deputy-Reeve Longman said he had been looking over the street and nds it as good now or better than the street the mayor lives on, to which Mr. liltheringzton replied than the mayor could have :1 better street if he asked for it. He was going to ght for his own street and wanted some action. The chairman assured` him that something would be done I this fall. I .~\nnouncement has been made by `F"ui`'"``i"siu!4Sled the Canadian Fisherie.~' .-\.<. e"`!,f"'"a7`_YA8'll that September H has been chosen fc`""l " N``"`1l as the opening (late for Canada`s Railways. Fish Weekfo1' 1931. and September '5" 191.h as the closing` day. Fish $ A N A D Week" is arranged for each year by the as after consultation 3 with sheries intc,-rests as to the most A T I 0 N A L suitable dart-, and serves to empha- size both the importance of the .. ~ Dominion s shing industry and the L exceptional value of fish as food. . Ob is Canada-wide so thatf You canvt always judge the tea ! , all ovei. the country public attentionlpiety of the inside by the length of is l.ixl`I"(.`f8(i to_fish_ foods and theme fae. nations uxtcnsive f1i l@l`lea` resources. 1uI1te1"S. Mr. and Mrs. Max Wallace and baby daughter of Toronto are visit- ing at Mr. Herb. Wallace's. MI` and NI)`: J53: T.nnhz'n-r` xricifpd At the Sign of the Bear In Jasper you can step from a picturesque and luxurious lounge into sports and ad- ventures that cannot be duplicated anywhere else on the nnnrine-rut. Golf on a championship course with towering moun- tains hemming in the horizon. Ride over Indian trails through :1 country of" overpowering beauty. 01` swim in the heated pool . . . play tennis . . . amuse your- self in your own way. From. Iasper continue on to the coast,seeing mighty Nit-'nnn and the wwnnder Mt. non-son emu me wonaer cities of the Pacic-Van couver, Victoria, Prince Rupert -- with` their inevi- table suggestion of a trip through the scenic Inside paguuux In Algal--,1 IHC COELSI, seeing mlgnty Mt. Robson and the wonder nla-}..- J `J... D._.3t'.A `J..- Fare from Vancouver. Via toria or Seattle to and return- $90. inc-ludlna Lona aeattle to axagway and return, $90, inchldin meals and berth. Magnir cent stmmers. All nnrn-his-. m-.-suay anernoon. I Visitors during the week includedf Mr. and Mrs. H. Bqnney and family,; Miss Eunice Dunn of Crown Hm, Mrs. C. Dunn of Barrie and Clarence: Partridge of Shanty Bay, at Free` Wice s. ' M - ur... ?\Y....\..4.:.......l.. .....1 mr- n 1 ?}}c7nz? Page Five V7 1118-5- Mr. Wm. Nightingale and Mr. G.` Nightingale are visiting at Wood- br'dge. ' .. `Tr Ahdrtnu (`.-nivnc vnh1rnorl +n Tn.` UK uge. phr. Andrew Cairns returned to To- ronto after spending six weeks at J. Hunter's. Mu nurl Yhfu. .1/fa" \If..1ln..n n.-..l mg an mr. nero. wauace's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leonard vlsxted with Cooksto-wn friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, T-Tm-h. `Pin-vi: arm J.l`.lEI1(.lS III .l.0I'0I1I0 3.110 J.VJ.a1:UJ'Xl- Mrs. Thos. Scythes spent dver Sun- day with Toronto friends. ` Mr and Mr: War] `Nina qnr` Fnm. uay WIUI '1'01`0Y1lZO II`16n(1S. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wice and fam-` ily and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wice vis- ited Hawkestone relatives last week. ve LI 1 1\/r....m.:. m.+.;..+...'.....4 +1., 1te(1 liawxestone relatlveq last week. Mrs. H. J. Marquis entgrtained the United W.A. at her hom. last Wed- nesday afternoon. Vi. dllrincr H10 xvpnlz in!-lnrh:-til enu at ner nome in mmvaie. Mr. W. T. -Allen of Detroit spent ~he holiday with his parents. .` Mr. and Mrs. 1. Allen and Mr. W. T. Allen visited in Schomberg on Sunday. Qnnrlav vieifnvc at gvlvo Rovnnlds` IJLLIUUII Miss Lavina Orchard has returned home after a. pleasant holiday with friends in Toronto and Malton. M11: rl-\nu Qnunoa uncut n\niu- Gun- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1931 ` We Will In fact, we will `give you a Change of Oil at the rate of Bus Clark, 9FVi9?_f$`a`i 98 per Gal. SEPT. 21 - 22 - 23, 1931 FREE SCHOOL CHILDREN S TICKETS Free tickets for all school e11i1c11'en in the vicin- y of Barrie are available upon application to the Secretary either by mail or in person by '_l.`eache1-s or Tmstees 11p to September 19th. Bairrie s Big Fair $11011 Hold your Baby Crank your Ford Clean your Windows nunuay. Sunday visitors at Sylve Reynolds were: Messrs. Thos. and Ben. Reyn-5 olds and Everett. Reynolds of To-[ ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Binnie n1, Minesing and Mr. and Mrs. Jias. Bin-N nie and Miss Madeline Binnie of Bar-`V 141::-. K R. T. THOMPSON STROUJS .3.-... f\....L.....l L. UNDER NEVNV MANA(-`r1<]1\IEN _l.` With Every 5 Ggllons of Gas S'l`A NDAR1) OILS ONLY Mm'\'e111b(: APPLY EARLY r . It is time to replace p1us-fours re~f ` dulent of golf balls, with dress suits`. `smelling of moth balls.-Toronto} ' 'I`n1:.a(rrnm. E I I 3 I. be in the neignbornooa 01 ezuu. Dr. Selnick and Richard Forbes ;_ took the witness stand long enough 3 to identify \ some of their missing! . property, which was with the rest of` the 1001;. Mrs. Peggy Treganza, of j;0rillia, told of Booth and Brown learning to `her husband s place twice `on Sept. 2nd. On the first visit she` ;bought 3 tires, 2 rims and 2 tubes_.l` lsfor which she paid the accused $8.; I011 the last visit of the two men she! bought from them A model Fora!` Jwheel, tire and tube, paying themj: $3.50. I whnn Mn,oi.:'rrat= Jeffs asked if the `juries to her head and nanus. Mrs. Jewell, who with her hus-i 1 `band has been occupying a cottage at Belleair Beach, is said to have been `recovering from a nervous break-'. down and it is thought she wander- `;ed away toward the highway, cover- ` ing the six miles distance to Church- I ill by foot. 3 James took the injured woman to Dr. D. Mccallum at Churchill and later brought her onto Barrie, where .:she was attended at the hospital by Dr. E. G. Turnbull. While in Barrie iJames reported the accident. to the lprovincial police and an investigation Iwas conducted by Constable John .Kelly. It is understood that no ac-1 ftion agziinst James will be taken.. I aru. Elsie Webb of Toronto and Mr. Herb. Webb of Elmvale spent the holiday at their home. A mn-nhpr nf than mnnnlp arnuml ions had stolen was worm .)z.uu. Crown Attorney Frank Evans in 1 addressing the court, pointed out 1 that robbing summer residents was getting to be too prevalent and thaw] judges in imposing sentences on those; I guilty of such an offence were get- ` ting more and more severe in the; hope that there might be :1 stop put to the practice. i 1| TORONTO WOMAN VICTIM I OF HIGHWAY ACCIDENT` by the_bencn, but all me new EU say was that he did not think the tires and other s`u' he and his compan- ions had stolen worth $200. r A++m-mm `Frank `Evans in` $3.50. I f When Magistrate Jeffs the. `prisoners had anything to say for! themselves or had any witnesses who` could give extenuating reasons foiv their actions, only Booth took the privilege of speech that was offered by the_bench, but all he had to say '21: that ho did smeumg Telegram. Constable Jack Kelly estimated to be in the neighborhood of $200. r nlnir-1: and Richard Forbes CRIME CAREERS NIPPED IN BUD]. (Continued from page one) S11nm:0 oh-. nuuse. ' Congjratulations to Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Updegraf t` (nee Beatrice Barn- hart) who were recently married and `spent a few days with the latter s ;parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Barn- : hart. Ml.b:- 1\.....'.-... A...,I,......... ..-L......A J .LV1l`. riero. vvenu 01 igimvaie spent ._._: gon n-,.;m1_\- in When she apparently walked into` day_ A number Of the P801319 around a car near Churchll on highway No.1 M,-_.-_ Strathi here are attending the Exhibition. , 11 Monday afternoon, Mrs. L.Jewe11,~he1. sister, ML; :----- i of 193 Gienholme Ave., Torontouvas. The Ladies ` so seriously injured as to necessitabef gf Miss Bag - - . . . .. her removal to the Barrie hospitai. dainty lunch M15`) B` Andre went the Mk The car with which Mrs. Jewell col-[meeting end at her home in Elmvale. . . . , - . lided was driven by Fred J-ames, Le-g M1-_ John J Allen Detmlt froy, who was on his way to Toronto` sister M1._._._ PI `he nth pawn at the time of the accident. Both 01 Mr_ Clarke , k E . Q . , . . ,-_.- , - 1 Ab . the unfortunate womans_ nee. er Ldm Oglrmn T m SC mm mg 0: dislocated and she also sustained 111-i)_-onto 1.3,,`-},1bi . . , `N ` . "i5it`2,`5 Sygvg. R9V. 11d5'~ Ju1'i\)leu~S:,t?Tn}:gI1?1ea&rh:m&vi1tli`ini1i:.r {f5}]:]I17`]s.n?]IO+'r:t`.lr}e< cauea on Irxends 1n the village. Mr. and .\`I1'.~:. Anderson and daugh- ter of Toronto called on M1`. and .\'Irs.| `Arthur Crawford recently. I Earl Leigh. Rillip Sh.-axv xrm-mam ` ronto Exhibition. `called on friends in the village. amutr, -u1`.i. ru1`VlS, OI uannlngton. Crawford and I\'Ii.<.< O Br1en are attending the To- 1 Mrs. Montie Leigh of East omi Anderson and dnnxrh. utglzue. I Mr. K. Kirkpatrick and Mr. Rich-` ard Hazlett of East Oro attended, the Toronto Exhibition. . NT?` r'.rn\vFru~rl Iain-In is .~n.~nJ5~:- - we 1 oronw Jqxnxomon. Mr. Crawford Leigh is spending a few weeks in Toronto with Mr. Lon. Lexgh. NT! nnrl NI-.~ \/Vhiln .-.4? 'I`,........ -narrie pouegiate. I I Rev. Mr. Fox of Toronto called .on friend.~: in the village last Satur- ` I Strathy of Toronto is visiting `her Miss Aitkins. "N19 Lariinc Air! wmi nl- LA 1.-.-.. `:`\l.`LIlLU.' pl`aWIOI`(1 recently. Leigh, Billie Shaw, Norman` i legiate. Clarke are attending B11`1`i(3 COL` `Mr K 1\';V`lrY\')`\`;II`r n..,l M.. n:..._. Mr. and Whife of Toronto spent a few days with M1`. and Mrs. Robt. Crawford. 1 I Viola Stone of Toronto spent` fa few days under the parental roof.` } Miss Joslin visited friends in 'ro-} .1'onto this week. ; ' 11.. I.`...~.n1, D,.u:,. 1`: n:1.-..:..._ :7. mg 21 Lew (lays 111 me cuy. { -Miss Laurine Crawford and Miss Margaret Anderson are attending` Barrie Collegiate. Rm`. Mr Fm: n+` r]`n1'nn-n ....n,,: \ 111:1` slster, bliss Altkms. Aid met at fof Bagshaw this ` daintv hmnh \\'n< cnnmrl '1'UI1[O HHS \\'0OK. Mr. Frank Pattie of Pickering is: 'j.~:p(-n his holidays with Mr". Jasz: . Roovie. ; \,`l..,. T,\....1. ......l J.',..._:1_. ,p n me. = M1`. and Mrs. Will Reid and son Clayton of Saskatoon spent last] Week at Sylve Reynolds. Mr nnrl Mr: Fold and Wl1`.<. S. Lwuvxe. ` `, Mrs. Leach and family of Barrie: are .~:pcending a week in M2. Good':'E cottage. ! \i'<: T.`/fL\l';I`l'n (Iv-ag:-n in 14...-..~l ; vv uuumgton. ' Mr. and Mrs. McCuish are spend-` ing a few days in the city. { Laurinp ('.7`n\\'Fn1'rl and `,\rTL.. Jl S. 1 rom N .T-.- '1: reuevmg manager. Mr. and Mrs Fletcher have moved into their new home. Qnrrv fn -m-_w.n-M +'l.n+ `M .'.... `n-..u.`_ uu.0 H1811` new nome. _ I Sorry to report that Miss Bertha Boynton has diphtheria, but is im- ,proving' nicely. I Miss MRS Anrinvcnn 1151: 1-ahnr-nor! Vpruvmg n1ce1y. MISS Mae Anderson has returned ` `home_after spending the summer at ` ; Woodlngton. E Mr, and M1`: 7\1..n..:ek nun m.m.,: I urzu-'ennu1'st. Miss Pearl Joslin spent. a few days with Mrs. Fullerton in Barrie. Ml`. I-IP\"\.'r2v hI4:`n'|urrn1~ n +14 . Dun!- wltn Mrs. rullerton 1n Barrie. Mr. Hervey, manager of the Ban}: of Commerce, has gone north on his holidays. Mr. McKinno11 of Barrie is relieving and NTYS Flpfr-}1nr have vnrnrorl I .\LL- ' spent ` I ental 1 5 NT`. ; um/a1 I E 311 ispent I Blrs. S i 11.. ween: an aywe neyuolus. - Mr. and Mrs. Reid and Bits. S. Reynolds spent last Tuesday in Stouffville with Mrs. Reid s parents M1`. and Mrs. Wm. Quantz. . Mr mm NH: .Ql1'a-hf and Misc Snrn' :.wu, 01 101`0nIO. I Mrs. Donald Black spent a couple I of days with Mr. and Mrs. Fellows of I Gravenhurst. 1 Mine Dmwl `r,`-1.'.. -.-,...L .. cm... -I~--. I _u1'. uuu Mrs. beach 01 M1.~:.`~:oux`1 arc vlsiting Mr. and Mrs. McCalman. I Mr. and Mr: Av-Hanr Qqmnn n4` 'I`n cU'C \'l:'lUI1g' Mr. and Mrs. Mccalman. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stone of To- `ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stone A1`. ...-.,I vur... 11.1. E Masler Russell Wrigley is spending ga week with his cousin, Jack Muckie- :son, of Toronto. l Mr: hrrnulrl 12ln..L- annn .. ..,.....I,. um.-.1 spt:I1L Ule WEEK enu Wll -h H11`. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Edward 1VIcBride and son of Toronto vi.~:ited Mr. and Mrs. McCalman over the week end. is: Rnhv Pnncn n+` I`nw-nun. ar.n... ;parents, Mr. and Mrs. . . `~".7""-'*"?5 thart. The Agrxcultural Society also` . Miss Marion Anderson returned be granted {She 1159 Of the SN): home to Atherley after spending sev-'1'0nCeS. DT0V1d@d they 41'1" 1"-`tu`d! eral days with her brother, Mr. Wm. 'it110Ut damage-_ ,_ , ! Anderson. lure Fruck Mu LI `D A:u,:.... ..z.- m...._._, : Iznmn. Wnnn\`: :-h:n'1'nr'mn nf Fire`. Iuays 111 Loronto 1ast weex. ` | Mr. Armstrong of Trout Creek is srelieving station agent for a few weeks. Mr. McCuish is spending hr: holidays in Toronto. u .Mr In: pnnvn nf Q11-xuhy `Don it-no luuuuays In loronto. .Mr. Jos. Reeve of Shanty Bay \vas relieving section foreman for a few Idays last week, owing to Mr. Leigh's l illness. ! :1/tour... D..--,a1 ur..:...1.... :_ -..-...I:._ mupuunun over me week end. Bliss Ruby Rouse of Toronto spent` `a few days with Mr. and ".\I1's. A. A. ; Rouse. (`Ann-....+..1..L:-.... A... 1|)I.. _..,,I `LL n PXIIUEFSUH. ' Mr. H. R. Aitkins of Toron`o i. -viszting his aunt. Mrs. N. N. Butler. M)`: In: 1\/rilnblnann and :v[\r\ Tnnl. I When Alex, McKenzie, of Ori1lia,: was stung by a wasp recently it 211-; fected his heart so that he became- unconscious immediately and re-` mained in a critical condition for. some time. -vnsxung ms aunt. Mrs. N. .\. Butler. Mr". Jas. Muckleson and son Jack returned to Toronto after spending the summer with their aunt, Mrs. Jas. Houston.. 1\/[I've 1:~,::n. rm....,.,.,. ..c m-..-..`- `I Mr. and Mrs. McConnie have re-l turned to Toronto after spending the summer with Mrs. Pugsley. Mr. and Mrs. Rpllv nf Dr-:1v.`nn` summer wrm lVJ.I`S. rugsuey. I Mr. and Mrs. Rally of Drayton` spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.` J. R. Leigh. * Miss Mona P1I0:Ipv Rn:-`-nf q fmu! .1. rs. Laelgn. Miss Mona Pugsley spent a few! days in Toronto last week. `Mr. Armnh-nno` n{-' T`rnn+ (`W-an]: :. ul 21.3`. 1`10|1SYOI1.. Miss Edith Thomas of Toronto \'i.<-- ited her grandmother, Mrs. Grice, over the week end. 1 `nlv Nnhf Y\/T,-"\/I'nm..ny "P CL.-......,.- uver tne weex end. Mr. Robb. McMu1'ray of Stayner attended the funeral of his friend Lthc late J. Rutherford. ` \'Vn rntrrnf fn s-nnnw4- Hunt Ml Duo. ' Y ,uu: mu: J. uutnerxoru. ; le1"s health is not improving as rapid- sly as his many friends would wish. \ '[hI- Mi: Rnnhl nf` TIv.nnIn+ nrn We regret to report that Mr. But-' My as ms many Inenas would wxsh. | 'l`hL- Misses Raehl of Hamlet are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore. 1 Mr, Aim NI :-`l\/ unrl M... A Lnc guests OI Mr. and Mrs. U. Moore. ! Mr. Alex. McMillan and Mrs. A. I Currie visited Mrs. W. McMillan t.`.*.e= ` rst of the week. " ' Mr. Jas. McMillan passed zuvay on Sept. 1st, in his 77th year. Inter- Iment was made in the little brink }L-hurch cemetery, Oro, on Thursday, l Sept. 3rd. l WIN: Jnacio T(n\r nf 'I`In-nnfn nnllnn T 1 Alfred H. Croxum was arrested at i his summer cottage at Wasagn Beach 1 on Thursday by Inspector William Stringer of the provincial police, ! charged with defrauding two sister: ' the l\ [isses Sarah Jane and Margaret Level], of Grand Valley. The ar- leged offence was committed when Croxum acted as salesman for a To- Ironto bond house, and has to do with two deals, one in Beauharnois Power and thc other in Canadian Rail am: lllarhor l`e1'minals bonds. Croxum E 2/; was release.` on $5.000 bail. hint.` IlUHU.'dy UL 1115 HOIXIS mere. `Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wallace and Bruce of Toronto spent the holiday at. their home here. T\/In A`|kno Tnnnnud 1111!. `l\/l'.`.~,~ N/TC ; bum. oru. ` Miss Jessie Kay of Toronto callea . on Mrs. McMillan on her way home Iaftx-1` spending some weeks with Mr. I and I`.I1'.<. Plant of 1{i1'klzmrl Lake. I Mr and `xvc ,T-n-1::-nn urn! Ilvnnl 'mm .=11'.~'. rum! OI l\11'Kl1m(l IJZIKO. a I Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and woe. |da.ughter of Buffalo Vlsittld Mr. and? I Mrs. Arthur Crawford over the week nn 1: 5-nnxannu | end. Al Y\/I. .u1'.s'. nrulur pruwlortl over me VVOBK `end. 1; ;.--:;n Mr. and Mrs. McI{e]ly and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Leach of Toronto `spent the week and with Mr. and I Ilobt. Andm*:~'on. up 1.~..r.,,..o r:.m..+,,1., ,.r H... ..,...n. IAVLFD. l\UUL. ."\H(.l(?I'."()H. Mr. I']1'no. Gollzltely of the northl spent 21 f v days with Mr. and Mrs. `Rom. Amerson. 11".`. DLUIIB. Mr. and Mrs. Leach of vr v1' Nfv -nu! R/`rm. `A/I. gt. .<.= Marjorie Graham is home the Orilha hospital. . Elmer O Brien of Collingwood` zthc week end under the parq roof. II`w.n1.- LI......:..n.. -1: r1-I-`.-..A V ug. . Jackson is visiting his: , Purvis, of Cannington. ' Crawford and `>\'Ii,\-\-I 1'UU].. Frank Harrlson of fhe week end with Qfnnn HAWKESTONE Mr. and Mrs. wm. nguanuz. Mr. and Mrs. Slight and Miss Sara: Slight of Cookstown spent Sunday: at Eldon Wice s. I

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