Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Jun 1931, p. 7

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O`O Women 5 Page Just keep your eye an our store for valazes during ibis 3 Big Days Saie Butterick, McCall Hats for Summer wear that will please you PHONE 25 YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE ties of the system as well as ovnr other departments, will speak briefly in French. In EH8 Op ITUIIICY I18 I138 01 210- dressing irectly the members of what he calls his family in all corners of Canada. His voice will he heard in greeting by officers in Halifax as well as Vancouver, by section workers along the line in Manitoba, by agents at lonely out- posts in the woods of Quebec and Ontario, and by tens of thousands of others, no matter what depart- ment ot` the wirlespreading railway It is not easy for a railway presi- dent to make personal contact with his hundred thousand employees, but every year Sir Henry delights in the nnnnrtunitv he has nf ad- DUE every year D11` nenry (1Cll!'1DS in the op rtunity he has of ad- 1nlwn+ l-m nulle lain F-arnilrr in all coming in; `daily eneu \VlU1 .~:zuzxu Ul`L`SSlI|g`. Chopped, hard-bolled watercress, well covered oxmaise dressing. Chnnnm] Inpnf. n1ni.=fPned C'na.te1a,i11e Patterns now 15c The orchestra. will be conducted by J. J. Gagnier, \ve11-known Mont- real musician, and the soloists will be Joan Elwes, the celebrated Engliiah soprano, and Henri Pont- brizmd, ts.-nor, who has a high re- putation in both Europe and the United States. . i is theirs or whether they live under `Atlantic Time, Eastern, Central, Mountain or Pacific Time. Sir Henry Tho1'nLon, seated in front of the microphone, is shown above on the left. Jo-.u1 Elwes is on the upper right. and the other two photographs are, left to right, Henri Pontbriand and J. J. Ga- gnier. Always Glad to Serve You RN I \ W; oxma1se uressmg. ; Chopped meat moistened with salad dressing. ; (Thnnnnd mnnt and rhnnnpd nirklnc` uressmg. Chopped meat and chopped picklec` moistened with salad dressing. \ ("'11nnnr-:1 H111`: and nfn: mnicfnnod molstenea wxtn sa1z1(1 uressmg. Chopped nuts and dates molstened with salad dressing. (Thnnn.-4| nH\'rA.: zmrl r-:21.`-rv moisten- W1U1 saiau U1'S51llg. ' Cl10p}_)ud olives and celery moisten- ed with salad dressing. Chopped ripe olives and walnuts.` moistened with salad dressing. , Chopped cheese and pimento mois-3 tened with salzul d1'essing'. l Chopped gs mr>i. with salad dressing. ? Chopped ham and .~;we(-t Pickles. Slim-d beef and dill pickle. 1 Sliced chicken and tomato moisten-I e(l with sala(l (ll`(3S.`~'lIl,1 . l Chopped eucumbt.-:'.< and radishes: 111/()l; with Silllld (in-.~:siiig`. l r Going home ! sang Lou to her- self; going home! echoed the rail a. .'h(- spell z'.10n',','. Oh, how grateful she was for that last-minute; telephone call which made this Lripj possible! Long Distance so often` . hr-V from mi. H19` h21DD\' timf. I Brzulford Wom Iy 0111:.-rtzxinml ah Wilco)-:`.~. Bond I- schools to u u! THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1931. all 11 1'1 had 21 'I\I\. 1... EISU MIL` teacher. o1- Y '- You ~ You 4 You \ But 3 \\ 1'lLUl' H1 er. Mrs. nkn nu-.3. in: to .<:.;.:.3.1, with uxp<=`'5 Of -.'?.1.<-. Mr. A. JMC1 11111)` `. 1)re.<<~l.`;w1 1);: LI!" :'a.LIn`=, x.: -smgr. A \vl1i,-h .:l:uwe(1 tuval rl-Li.-ipts zum>unL- }),.!,m.mwnt Supt,-.__Adu1t Bibk, ` ml, Eder;'valo';` 9-'.'):`.,o;2. . l-.*;l\'lYlg 2: balance of 31-71 Home R:-liq-ion, Mr. l.. A. Hill, Bar-, ~ )`l(!; 'l`cach.-1- 'I`minin_L`, Rev. N. R. D.'w DUTY Sinclair, Allzmntlnlni Boys Work, _M1' N2) 1'4-:'.l duty over p1'c.<::o.= upon us. Rny 7l`r`:1cy, I\'llncs1np,: Stqtlon; Glqls without our having time for it. Ifgwrgrk, .\l1.<.=' M. _S1ncla11', Barrm; it i-` 41 lluty it will haw its p];m_x andx(`lnll_ren:;~; Work, Mlss Vera Charles, it is 0,1131 om. mi,-tzxkun \'ilev' tlm'.il3:1rr1f; lg-1npc:[1_1)c:, l\Ir.1`. [J. C1'0\-.':l.- ;-_ out. But. no new (L1 y canlson, .21rr1g; _. 1ss1ons,_ rs. . ; c~ crowd out an 01] duty, New claimsl Loan, Mlneslng Statlon; Young DON our time must always be hm-e[Peop1e s Work, Mr. W. J. Walker, an.-wl by 111;: claim of old rlL1lio.'~'.- iarrie. NO `MORE DISAPPOINTMENTS Jl-A ...... ,.-`....-_., ..,.w..., .....u...;, 1 1t you Ld.11'l; kxll God ! 1 and Grenyillc Kleiseni .\'1/OMEI;J'S INSTITUTE L you YOU CAN'T KILL GOD! . tear down lofty churches, 1 practice crime and fraud, 1 burn up Holy Bibles, I can: kill God ! . plunder, torture, murder, I force your brutal methods,` ply the tyrantfs rod, uaufu `,,..1m+L. r~..n....:n,. unh:-A.. 3 .,- .. _,,. 11, pre. s<-u!<-rl howed 0 ,1 M la PICNIC FOOD SHOULD BE I "` SUFFiClENT AND DAINTY` l`.'.'0 (lil_\ .< U("LUl'L.' L114; :1 rh held its summer meeting, Jul fty women and girls, school pupils with thniz Bliss McLeod, gathered at ,1 ' IL-innm} 1.0 :1 vxu uug. -nu] . u ryzu Lime. .-uu: 1 1d baseball games, nu] 3-rn-ac f`nHn- unuuwu, ~.u.. of an Ontario : ~r\r\ nnz.-nazna n 3. .-\[[c1` Lw all games, lunch was :es followed, : before the vld (la). <|Ir\1I\\x\` nnnnfinrr U>ll':.l:, with' n possesses u must Iity, and her talk w.-1`im\c0.~' in joL1rna`x-1 interesting. 7 1:11 nlaue 1,1113 Lnp, tzmcc mg happy t1mc.=. .CUu, y,u.uu:1 and 11.:-toned adrlrr-.<.~: by ("In jug` of the Rona! itutc \vas held ru- - of Mrs. C. Mc- ..n\--an-:n(!' vnnnviu eggs and with may- i NEWS lllULUl' Lflp UL" IJICIUC pZ4ll'l.-y. Meat Loaf au Gratin----Bake 11 1118211; loaf compo.<'(1 of 1 lb. beef. 1 1b.E \"-?al and 1/; lb. pork. Pu`-. th1'ou9;h` grinder twice, season with 1/ onion,` and vreen pepper chopped ne. Add: cup cof tomato juice, cup of bread` crumbs, 1 well beaten egg and salt` and pepper to taste. Mold into loaf. When done, remove from oven and` partially cool. Mix 2 cups bread crumbs with cup grated cheese, 3 tablespoons melted fut, `.. teaspoon` salt, and 2 well beaten eggs. Coveri the loaf with this mixture and brown` in a hot oven (400 F.) Pninfn Ant` Cnlnrv` Sainr1-i1 011113. \J. J.IL\.' 1'0port'~: r nznnr-- ers at the town hall market last Sat- _ urday biought smiles to the faces of` the s.tallholde1's, who were on hand E with a fine showing of produce. The : ( day being fairly pleasant also help-it. ed to brighten things up. Trading` was good from the opening to th;( ,close of market. Most producc| `moved quickly with the exception of 1; butter, which was selling at 25c 21;; lb. at 15c to 18c 21 (lozen,l} `were in demand and few farm wives 5 ,h'.ul any eggs left by noon. Theren `\`.`a.< considerable poultry shown, ~\ lvxhieh was quickly disposed of, year! lings selling at. 27v :1 lb. and fowl am `,).:'\r' Hnrn;--0-rnurn nc`n(|1*',I(rI1: +`nnu~u-I ` ,- "`- "1 The appearance of summer cottag-I1 ., Suggestion is made by Dr. J. '1 I-`hair in an editorial in the current 1 issue of the Canadian Public Health 7iJournal that the first of May of eac: `year be made a Dominion-wide Child 3iHealth Day. For some years, he jypoints out, the focussing of public` `land official interest in child health in , elthis way has been attempted with a i 5VCI'_V conside1'abl":"n10a.su1'e of success` `in the United States. r Qnnnnnun/I nu-in-innllu `Inn n.-.1nn+.n-n Hugh sc-mn;.; at .:u- a no. and IOWI an 25c. Home-grown asparagus found`. rcady bu_vcr;< at 3 bunches for 25c,` iwhile in-rs spinach was also a quick f r:~li<.-r at 25c 21 ba. Green onions, mr:; parsley and rhubarb wcrcf 0il"ered at Sc :1 bunch. '. Fl0\\'cr;: and flowering and vege-T; `table plzmL~` were again a big featuret {of the market. Darwin tulips and ` `jonquils sold at 25c a dozen, while i rtlzc plants varied in price per basket . ;1'rom 15c to 25c. The rain which `followed Saturday night will be a great boon to the g1'o\vez';~', who were ;beginning to complain of the dry `weather. With a little sunshine lgarden crops will come along fast ifrom now on, and each succeeding {market will be more interesting as ithe season advances because of 1n- creasing variety of fresh vegetables. i| j______ ; COTTAGERS HELP TO PEP UP TRADE AT LOCAL MARKET` The various vitamin contents the foods we use and their effect < jthe body have been summarized follows : '\7Ln-.1 \ ~.n,\.lA.l 0,. l\i\l o TPASTE THIS ON FRONT I 5 PAGE or YOUR coox 30014;` .l.UllU\\ bZ ; Vitamin A, needed for growth; `found in fats, cod liver oil, butter, gcream, nuts, vegetable oils. 1 Vitamin B, to protect against ;neu1`algia, no;-u1' and beriberi; found in vcfzctableat. bran and yeast.` \/i1.:\n\in ('1 hi`:-\Y6IHi Q f`nnr\.'i }suc.r.EsTs MAY F1RsT_BE I CHILD HEALTH DAY ex VVEYC Iully `H1 U18 UHILEU Dbak. Sponsored originally by voluntary ` i ihealth a:~'sociation.=, this movemen`. :ha.<. gained added impetus from the isentilnent a. in the minds of 4 `many, purticularl_v th0. of AngIu- `Saxon origin, with the festivities 01' lMay Day. The value of this move- ment lies in the fact. that a National: Child Health Day brings a challenge to every citizen to take a share of responsibility for the health and pro- `tection of the children of his com- wmunity. Its success has been de- :])cll(iCl1t, in large measure, on the ilm-a1't_\ co-operation of many of the ;ol_Ti-i '1 :\;:L-ncies ` I .... Ln-. 1.-.r.,u.. 1nu..ll,.,l ..t AL?` Ullllflill ZXKUXICIBS. ` (7riticism has been levelled at this ,met.l1o of propaganda, the opponent.-2 `of its introduction into Canada main `taming: that every efYo1't should be: }uxp<:mlu(l to as.su1*(:.tl1:: mz_1:x'1'mpn1 of `inter:-.-st in the physlczzl w<.~ll-b01ng of lchilcln.-n during the entire year, am] [that the . of one limited itporiotl for the on(:0nL1'ati(m of such V .`:-ru-.51 upon an :1ctivit_v that is an all-_V(~zu-1'ouml one, is que.sLi0n:1bi.' 1:<'..-"nln0`\', 'l"m- Far-f. v-1-mnlnq 1l'.::- 'l(} ]`l`(`."(!H`. }JCl'SUIl1il OI pupil. Nu .<.1ip-; `be emp1oy(.-d in the ,'I'1u/-1'0 are two chief : ing and worship. nlm-L1 in loud in :1 rnz` -`.l`Il\l ,|Spi1'if. Om cm` ` follows : `Dun-L1. I'l'l,`.\'ll ;\Iidhur.< L".l \ u. -,1` .~:eriously boys and uh Rnmn muxn. , .-\rm.=t ~. "l`.~... Llltf r.-ml 4- Y7 OUT l?l.`.. LU L gzm: and share .. Though our !1:': and 1, yet if we try and i_`_'.')'].\' we w 4|... rnckru. 1m-.4 I"'l'Uu1l(l UIIU, I5 (]Llt'h'LlUHZU)l.' logy. The fact 1'cmain.< thu: :1r:Lic(* has been f0Ll`.`.-(1 1nr..-riLori~ 21 country in which conditions )'-'u or less compzlrable to ihosc 1:: umny provinces of Czmzxdu, is .:L13.,v`ge.~*1.ed that the wisdom ;>:u-nsion of this practice It: )u21t1'y might receive further -.L from the Ft,-derul and Pro- hvulih z1l1H1UX'i`.il-.-4, as well :1~ our national voluntary hcc.1t'!'. [IQ \ Bolshevistg and Communists, Sovlets or common sod, You can mu,rtdei{1:1nen and women, But you can ` 1 God `. urs for the next year are lI' U Lllkl` `.l' llll` LIlI'll '4) i1 with boys and our equipment inzw uquzitv and our knowledge ct try to share it with '1 will do much good. - father hath sent me, oven I you, receive ye the Holy -111. Mr. Hunter l{uss<:1l,` , ls`. Vice-Presitlent, Mr. . Ban-ic: 211d Vice- ., Mr. J. J. .\I:1rks, Barri:-j . Mr. R. W. Plo\vright, sly wrong wlwn most. of 1d girls do not join L`:1c me times the home is to u- `.in1<:.< the U.-:x(:h(.-1` fails: 4.-rson;-.1 oblig`aLion.< to the -15n:~11,-.11 u-\nHnJn .L\.-n.1,} )Ul1g'dLl0l1S 10 L110 methods should Sunday School. ..,.< h-Hi,-..~ +A.....I. E.U'1l\'iLl(:S, L-CHER Sunday School 11i'/.:11i0n of God kw thr: life that 4 . :1. Ln... :\v1l `UL U115 LUS(_'U.S:'l0Il. I Acldxw.-.<. in the a.t`te1`noon were} delivered by Rev. J. S. Shortt, 01! TBA ric, and Rev. C. D. ;\IacLe1lzm, oil rv....... ,m 11.. u'...,...o.'-. r...1..'n..+ -....,.! a. library written r > ` suggeste on `an outline of the writer. l u tures. Dii 'lC, iUl(.l lit,`\'. L. U. .\.l';L(.'L.Ull'olIl, Oil Bezwerton. Mr. Short'L's subject wz Systematic Bible Study in the Sum, day School. He quoted a writer 8:! saying that the Bible l: the only worazj of God for protestants. Thus how important it is that we have a good` understanding of it. The more im- portant the book, the more imporumt that it be understood. The Bible is by di erent men inspired by God, and it reflects the thoughts of the writers under vary- ing cireumsta11ce.`<. Dr. Patterson Smyth s book, How We got Our Bible, was recommended to Bible sturle.-nts and teacl1er.~:. All sections or" LilC proLe.~;LzmL churches find it ac- cep`.'.il)le. We need to get a good general \'l(.`\\' of the Bible. It is im- portant that the connecting links be- tween lessons be studied. Juniors should memorize the Books of the Bible; older scholars should go fur- ll:-31' into its study. It is di'icult to gel tc-ucl1e1':~_' well trained for this `work. Ten-1ninute talks before the school bg;_-gins the regular lesson were some parts of the Bible. For exainple, when lesson.~:{ are from the gospels the leader gives. We want to know something about the authors of our books on other subjects. So \'-.e should of the writers of the Scrip- `\l\. ` .. ---- : g The twenty-seventh annual conven-I 7tion of the Vespra-Barrie Sunday ischool Association was held in the :United Church, Edenvale, on Wed- Euesday, May 27th, with afternoonl and evening: session. The attendance. lihough no: large, lacked nothing in I .-arnestness. Rex`. F. G. Stotesbury, of Mine- lsing charge, of which Edenvale is a Icong'1`cg'a.'.1t)I1, opened the afternoon ieession with z; \vor.~:hip period and .e.\t,endr_`d a sincere '\'.'elcome to the .(1elc',,'v.Lcs pix" ` | Mr, W , .I, ax-cm. of Tlnrrie. the {*5 )l'\. I Mr. W. J. Craveii, of Barrie, the `president for the past two years, was gin the chair. In his opening remarks ihe related some of his experiences in lSunday School work and sug'g`esteJi }methods which he though made SJ)` , work successful. I rrlm .`.~....1 r'r\v\n1v`~\\-\nr\'n1 wm,.,...,.| You < You You 4 But 1 1 Barrie-Vespra g S.S. Association; `were omitted and the time spent in VVOIK SUCCBSSIUI. The usual departmental reports! di::cus='ing problems which had been i'o1`\va1'ded from \'zu'i0us schools. iev. Mr. StoL"~bury ul.~:.o hzul char,;e uf this (llSL'u.:`;~`l0Il. \,l,lu.~ ~ ' .n in. n\pO.'\\v1\nn\\ u-nu/: ` Tests `him. `ing to create, giving direction. Witni ,the life of Jesus Christ. ` participation in turc~ - . l M)`. Z\IacLcllan s subject was ' of Success. Sunday School workers often get discouraged \VlT.'il' the results of their efforts. There is` a tendency to lose sight of the power l of God. We should rememberl Elisha and his servant when sur~i rounded by the Syrian army. They' I I i that are with us are more than they U work all day in a garden and still ` I E that are against us. A man may be unconscious of the beauty around: Parents get a lot of pleasure Visioning the future of the child. So should the S.S. teacher, they are help-; this thought in mind we can apply; the following tests to our S.S. work:- Are we leadng the pupils into a per-l sonal relationship with God? The! speaker thought graded lessons for} ages 4 to 8 years have helped to this; end. 2. Are we giving the pupil an understanding and appreciation oi 3. Are we: leading the pupil to accept Christ asi Saviour 1 This should be kept before ` the teacher s mind always. -1. Are we leading the pupil to loyally up~ hold Christ and His cause `I We can cultivate this by giving tliem some .~t-i-vice `to p'erfoi'm. 5. Are we head! mg the pupil to Christ-like char? acter `3 Personality counts for a lo`. on the tcacher`.~; part. 6. Are we leading the pupil into enthusiastic` tlie building of a Chrstian con-__.unity 2 7. Are we devr.-lopin;.; lit the pupil an apprecia-i tion of the Value of church member- ship `I 8. .-\re we ;.5iving a Chri.~;tiz:n 2!l'.L'i'p1`L-l;:.lIl0I1 of life and the uni- `e1'.~-.- U. Axe -.\`u gviiig the pup.. zzi. UIl(lL'i`.4'luIlIllil;` and appr-:cii.1t.i0n 01. ; -iA`i`I`:`> '. l'zw. are te.~t.~: to show; d.,| '1} . |I1iI'l_Il':I\lI' lili uu;uLuA;.',: UL 1L':~UlutLUL ing committt.-_.:. A ho was providrgd by the Iidcmulu Church. 'l hn a.x'r.n:I\::' u.,~.\.,.:.:` `ed by Rev. H. W. Sn-app, of Axlgus. lLuL,`Il\illU pnurcn. . The uvcnlng worship xvus c0nduuL- Thc 1'0p01'L 01' the nominating com-'1 nxziuc-..- \'.'a< men p1"u.scnu-d zmd 21110;:- ul, `In onm rs being` i11S'LEl`:lL'Ll for Lin` coming year. The ncrw president,` Mr. Hunter Rus. of .\Eidhurst, was. in chLu`;;'e of the balance of the meet- mg. Wnunlntnnu \Un\'n nu.-4...! nu nun.-m n n- lug. Resolutons were 1)21:'H(.'(1 appreciation to I-J congregation, and L-: at the pu.-:.-ing of two pars the past year who had bm.-cl . :1? n: r-nnx-m.t. rm_ .\ll.~.~I`: v.irnmr~i and lullu U1`-i chard .;m;: :1 clnet, \`.'l1lL'll' \-xas much 1i{)p1`(.'('l2L[G(l. ! Mr. .\lLl(`L('lllll`. did not ;i:~'>.<)unce his subject for the evening address, but spoke in general terms of the Sunday school work from the time it was founded by Robert Raikes 150` years ago. The revival in Wesley time he attributed partly to the S.S. Before the coming of the S.S. boys and girls had no part in religion. It was about 100 years ago that it was rst heard of in this continent. ll , the Sunday School does nothing else ,- it keeps religion before the minds of the young. The sgeaker again re- l ' commended graded essons, although they are not always feasable in small schools. Graded material should al- - ways he used. The usual method used to be to read a verse, then ask what it tr-ac-lies. Now we centre thr- le.<.-on around one idea. The S.S. can do much for the church. The , m:\jm`i`iy of church members come from the S.S., hut there is some- .11`. 1). Min.` L-.~ in ml . . [U \ L` IXUL Lumi:-1 rd \I.A\lII LU l4\lU|A\sl.lL' ILll|lUb blllll anion, expressing` so-frowl )z\.=.-111g pu1'.<.ox1s during` . b(.'(:11 1'eg;ula1'ly; past con\'cntion.<, M1`. and . 1". Tracy. \VinnH'1-1-(I .-and l`H.: r-` 111 21 I101: UVCH K-IUU D.) ` Potato and Celery Salad-4 cups`. cold boiled potatoes, 2 cups nely cuti celery, 1 tab1e.~poon grated or .`~:c1'apedE onion. 1 cup salad dressing, 2 table-; spoons nely chopped parsley, 3 cups; shredded lettuce. V M:.. +1. .m+..+,m;- M-.1mm nnznn` LLcu;_y. w1nnIf"`-i and Ella O1`-' was much Lu-111g .- rlnnr. ' ppur, U;l|IlH` nua. up. perfect chara (- H \'t-! Jngv LLUH iUl(l botlntuou .he ladu,-: The Northern Advance expressing ladies an-.1 mu... gnu.-A...| )u.~: supp.- {I-< nf HM Watch for our `Window Display, and look for Circul- ars sent to_ your home illustrating what we will have for you, and the price. snreuueu IBLLUCB. `\ Mix the potatoes, celery, omon and half the salad dressing; place in centre of plate that has been,lineu with the shredded lettuce. Cover thej top with the remainder of the salad` dressing, or put the dressing on in` small portions; sprinkle with the[ parsley. ' Sandwich Fillings 3 Big Days Saie for June Thtirsay - Friday- Saturday Jung 45-6 Make our store your :fz1vo1'ite store. If we ha\'o11 t got what you want, Let. us know and we will gladly get it for you. .. Agents for D 85 A Corsets, Parisian and Nature s Rival, also the Woolnough Corsets and Woods Lavender Lingerie. Pay Cash and Buy for Less On New Year's night, the Cana- dian National Railway system, first railway in the world to equip its trains with radio and to build up a chain of broadcasting sta- tinnsz. xm'11 nnlnhrnfn the sanvnnth up 8. cmun UI Droaacasnng SE8- tions, will celebrate the seventh anniversary of its snrvice to thou- sands of unseen lismners. The event will be marked by a. concert, broadcast from Montreal through sixteen Canadian National and IJIUBUCZISII IFUHI AUUIILICIII sixteen Canadian National and associated stations from one and of Canada: to the other. wm aenver :1 snort auaress, mu w. D. Robb, Vice-Presiden who hqs jurisdiction over the ra io actin- mu; nnunug no .a.uuLuvuu \.1u$.:- mnn and President of the WW, will deliver short address, and . D. Robb. Vice-President. who has Sir Henry W. Thornton Chair- awg, will deliver :1 nhnrt suldv-A21 nmrl . parsley. Sandwich Fillings Chopped, hard-cooked eggs, moist;-3 ened with salad dressing`. ! ("J1nnnr:r] hart]-hni1t=>r1 DD`".< and

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