Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 May 1931, p. 8

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Pasture to Let-Horses or cattle, water, good shade, salt provided, 21:`; lot 17, Con. 2, Oro township. Apply. G. W. L. Hickling, P.O. Box 1096.` Phone 970j, Barrie. I MR. AND MRS. J. PYBURN ` CELEBRATE GOLDEN W :-ZDDiNG IHLIKC [US HOXHC lll ."Lll2.1H(.lZ1lC. I Mrs. Pyburn also came from pon-l err .s`etllers of the Oro townshipj' district, having been born Feb. 2nd,` 1860, the daughter of Mr. and .\ira.1 David Bone, of Lefroy. Her fz1t.he1',[ who died three years ago, lived to; the ripe old age of 102. Altlioughi both N11`. and Mrs. Pyburn are overl 70 years of age, they are in excel-; lent health and look as if they mighl 1 rival the record of Mrs. Pyburisi father in reaching a ripe old age. -- 1 K Is your daily work an enthusiastic, pleasure or merely a job to you '31 And do you hold the job merely for; the money it brings in ? Do you` put your whole heart, body and >:(:ul into your daily work ? Isn t it `cruel that you often think of the man; above you in business as a fool 1'01} putting so much energy, so Inuclzl thought. and so many hours when hej might get along with less effort `.7 And at tho smnn `rims vml won-1 DON'T BE JUST A TIME FILI..ER% 061` Wny you (10 IIUL progress. Well, if the truth were known it would indicate that you shirk respon- sibility some times from fear of dis- playing ignorance and some times to_` avoid doing something" which would} make you thnk hard and faster than: you wish. Ynn mnv he hoffnr tted in manv. mlgnt get along mm 1055 errort : ; And at the same time you won-1 der why you do not progress. 3 Wall H Hm H-HH1 warp L*nn\v`n if` You may be better tted in many ways to ll the job of the man high- er up, but it is pretty clear 19 your .employer that you are just holding la job and the man they put in the! |piace of tru.'~:t must be depen [enthusiastic and an energetic wo1'l `not a time lle1`.--Work. you \V]SI1. I .LIJlI -5} \JL .7. I VAL . , . . Light Delivery Box ' 1923 Chev. Sedan 'I`he above ears are in good oomlifinn and reasonably pricaod. Your present can taken as pm't pa_Vn'1ent. Safw isfnctory terms on balance.` .LII\.a LMLLM lJ\JL _ Rcm:~.1`1 that it is often sheer chance--o1' xyhat seems so-that ishapes a career, London .-\ns\vers'. publishes this story regarding Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, former Prem !ier of Ontario: ` I fl TJ T4"n1-u-nenn I-Iin~]1 (`n\*n1~nI':. I ' G. H. Fe1'g,-;uson, High Commis- sioner of Canada to England, recent- iiy declared that he owed the develop iment_of his flair for public service to :1 trump, who called at his home one I I `evening; to ask for food and shelter i ` '1`Iu. nhnmm \vi1i('i1 imi thn tvmnn E181` OI UI1L'cl.1'lO2 -.-..-.-....-, unrll uu, Aug: at twelve o clock in the forenoon. the following property: Tn 141:: 'T'nuvn A4` T)......:- _.-. 1.92.9 ?"U1"a1nt Sedan - 1929 Rugby -g-ton Truck 1929 Whippet Coach 2 1928 Durant Sedans ' 1926 Chev. Coach 1930 Pljgmouth Sedan 1930 Rugby Six-Cylinder Truck with live stock body. ! 1927 Ford Roadster, with 1929 Erskine Sedan 1926 Star Six Sedan 1 .'.....`I...l. `I1.-.'l.:--n...-- 'l);\-- I DURANT DEALER * 55 Elizabeth St. Barrie. C`VCnH1}.'_' [0 215K 10).` LOU x The chance whlch 1 `to the Ferguson home 1 Ar} hi: n\m1 r~9n-om` `ea ms own career. He nau asnuu 'for shelter for one nig'ht-but he re- ,vealed himself as a. man of c11]t.m'c:. ;So he stayed on to toach Mr. Fergu- Eson and hi_s brothers their classlcs. Later he d1sc1o.' the fact that he 'w:1s an Oxford undergrmluzxte, and onto)-vd the mi11i. becoming` fam- ; ous for his wonderful sermons. UED CARE` Haraid Hill LETTER TO THE EDITOR A NEW FERGY STORY `um Lruly, GEO. R. BURNS. - ; `_`Job yoL_1 tor; * 1'; hnr` \7 L111!` : DHt.'l'l'y. ' On the said premises there is said to be a good barn on 21 stone founda- tion, cement silb, six u(:r(:.s of fall wheat, ten acres of barley, sixteen acres of oats, ve acres of alsike and a quantity of alfalfa and red clovexnl Terms: 10 nnr r-nn+ n+` Hm mun- IUU ZUIU Slltilbll` I led the tranml : certainly shap- He had asked ...1.a `Ina. Ln ... Thursday- Friday- Saturday Richard Baribelmess in Monday Tuesday Wed. George Arliss in The Miianaire Comedy---Average Husband" Added attraction, Curiosity No. E Rib Boiling Beef Weekiy Eye Opener Phone 56 - Smoked Picnic Han1s~--Sha11k1ess Stewing Lamb Caiiier Si. U;iiiedsChzr2h Spare Ribs of Pork N ote-Not all sizes i11 each line, but all sizes from` 14 to 1.7 included in the lot. ` .-\ special. purchase that was lucky for us to get a hold of ; 1u<-ky for you to have within your reach, but not so lucky for the maker, who had to sacrice his s1u'p1us, season s end stock at a price that was so tempting. All sizes, colors and materials, in collar attached or separate collar styles. Values up to $3.00. Phone 1047 Saie of Shirts $1.15-% 3 for $32.25 M. J. BRENNAN '.l`]TIIS IS THE SHIRT BUYING EVENT OF THE SEASON STARTING FRIDAY MORNING 300 l\ Een s Shirts Go on Sale F. C. LOWER Of Valuable Farm Property in the i Town of Barrie. . Under and by virtue of the powers! of sale contained in a certain mort.-I gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be o e1'ed| for sale by public auction at the (\_,,_,____r__ xJ_x._c n ` Comedy---`irls will be Boys lVE_1lF.3_TJ_TVl* REE THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1931- -..:._.T__::_ __4--""', 3 Dunlop St. .12c ..10c . 20c .8c V..- -vuun.u5 y1u1M:lLyZ In the Town of Barrie, containing fty acres, more or less, and being more pzu'ticu1zu'1y described in regis, tered instrument No. 211149, being: the farm property formerly owned` and occupied by Stephen N. Mc- Sherry. I On Hm nah! nw.m:..m. J`1\ \\lPu 1.. _..:.I .. u..ux.~--L up uxllllatcx. Rev. G. W. Snell, of Athcrley, W111. preach at the eveni service. I ,\/[,.n1'nn-_,,Qn1n cunt nun .__:u_: UB1`- Evening--Solo, E\'c1' Safe with` God, Cantor; Miss Dori.-3 '1'u1'ncr. | pm.-ucu at me evem service. Morning-Solo, Still, Still with Thee, Custvance; Miss Sadie Bram-` ner. . -u..uv \4A|.Ac)u\.tJ- 7 p.m.-Rev. W. E. Pcscott, of Toronto. Page Eight -- ...u nun- For Sa1e-Gas range, lawn mowe1-,i 50 ft. lawn hose, bed and spring`-L! Phone 445 for appointment. (Elizabeth Street) 1 Rev. E. R. Young, B.A., Pastor J. Ardrew Wig-gins, Choir Director] Audrey L. Clifton, Organist ` Sunday, May 31, 1931 11 a.m.-Rev. G. W. Snell, of Atherley. l 2 p.m.--Young Men s Bible C1a.=.s.! I 2.45 p.m.--Sundz1}' Scltool and; Adult Classes. T"..- .....,l' UNITED CHURCH U} CANADA] 5% _-v. J. Johnalone Blnch, Minister Sunday, May 31, 1931 11 a.m.---The Ministc; 1-),__ rw 1n n n n ... Blue Taxi Phone 198 FcsN(;a;gi;][%caa;:c>a% SATURDAY?` MXY 30, 1931 4.... NOTICE TO CREDITORS DI Soliu \I u_y yuuux. auuuuu ELL L Queen's Hotel, Barri: ___()H-_ International Correspondence Schools will teach you in your home. Get ourl of the rut. Climb up where your services will be in demand. W. Hickey. Phone 351. --:----jj.-;-:j- .:.j MORTGAGE SALE I . A Dr. Banting, governor of the Lcounty gaol, has his hands full these` 3' days. Every cell in the men s quar- eters is full and it has Been neces- `__'sary to 1)luc(: some male prisoners, 5' in those reserved for women offend-5 __`ers. Evidently Simcoe County is _ suffering` from something akin to :1 ` lnvimn \ 31 The junior hardball lCzXf. \.I0 got un~f gder Way last night when Burton Ave ] ;United took the eld to face Central? _ !in the first game of a fteen-gzmre " series. "Ed. liearqs and Jack Dobson 3 ` umpired the gameaml real sur-l 3prises were handetl Du to. the small 1 `group of spectators in thn brand of: 'ball played by both teams. -I Pmnann nn H10 mnnnrl fan` (`.r-\nl.r::` | y y Mr. Edmund Hardy leaves the grst of June for Western Canada, [where he will act as examiner for |the Conservatory of Music, where he; `formerly taught. Mr. Hardy will ex-J amine in Manitoba, Saskatchewan! and Alberta. son while driving a car in an intoxi-N. 2 gcated condition, Cyril H. Barns, of; iToronto, was sentenced to ten day=;V I ________ I Arrested by Traffic Officer Thomp-) I in jail when he appeared before` ,|Magistrate Jeffs Wednesday morn-;t 5 mg. I n i E The pupils of Miss Maud C1a.xton,` `L.T.M.C., will give a. piano recital in Collier St. United Church on` Tuesday, June 2nd, at 8 p.m. .-\.s-j misting` artists: Nina Stewart, violin-i ist; Lola Fisher, violinist; Fr2mk' _Dut,cher, organist. ` I T: ! Dora Wrote she d try and come up this week end, said Mrs. James _to her husband. But I m not sure,` `and if she don.-.~:n t Conn; we could go [out of town." Husband didn t look worried. He only said, Why not ;teIephone hc1". And then Mrs. "James felt foolish for not having ntfhought of Long; Distance. _ T. i BURTON AVE. BEATS CENTRAL E IN JUNIOR CHURCH LEAGUE` `Dan playeu uy vow Learns. , Ramson on the mound for Centrzz`i had nice control throughout the; :game, and backed up by airtight sup-i lport, all but pulled a bad beating ou`.l of the hole for a win. Begg, pitcn 'ing for the winners, had plenty 01 speed and allowed only hits to Ram` say s thirteen. He deserved a betterl ` win than he got, but four errors all` ' but cost Burton the game. R111'l'nn_..`Kr-ll r`, Hllnfnw` If. Cnnl-l l I I -.uuuuu.u, 1.44, uu`;v_y u l 1 .1 Allandale was much too good for, _!Lef1'oy in a regular league xture lplayed at Allandale last Friday night. The home team scored almost at will and did not extend themselves un- duly. Jimmy Johnson continued his heavy hitting, drixing out a home run with the bases full. A. .VIar; also wielded 21 wicked bat, clearing the hz1.~:(-.~: with a triple on one oc- casion. A Reid pitched the coinrir.-tm game for Allandale and struck out{ twelve. The Lefroy team is com-Q posed of young;ster.~ and will improve as they gain more experience. Lost-In Barrie, Friday night, May! 16, a. black collie dog, having` white! face and white breast, no collar, 7! months old. Substantial reward given for recovery of same. Anyone! having any knowledge of the where-` abouts of this dog, notify Chief oil Police, Barrie. `l DUE C053 DUTEUII LHU guule. if : Burton-Kc11 c, Hunter lf, Coul-"0 son 3b, Scott 2b, Blair cf, Begg p {(1 `(lnnrr 1h Qmifh 1-`F Tm]n ca 13 and at St. Paul's Church, Midhurst nfnvn Trinity Sunday, May 31st, 1931 Preacher : Rev. Canon Fidler, M.A. Toronto SlNGER S BLUE AND WHITE TEA ROOM LOCAL NEWS ST. GEORGE CHURCH HELPFUL HUSBAND Private sale of mahogany and wal-5 nut furniture, oil paintings, china, willow plates and dishes, linen, small: C rugs and other articles, all in goodid condition, belonging to the estate`-t of the late Miss Martha E. Ross.' Apply Mrs. Chas. Perkins, 36'! Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 1561: Allandale 2], Lefroy 0 ....`l..1,. ..-.... .....,.L 4.-.. ....... `Kw ? Soda. You ll notice the difference A2111` Cl, Degg p } , Elliott ss. j rf, Rowe 55,; lb, Skinner sf. 2b, Chantler c`; Came in For nueq 1115 nuxuu auu uresseu. | Last Tuesday the Sons of Eng-' land held its last meeting of the! present term. The next: term willi open in September. E The members of the Young Peoples` ruck S0Ci0W Of Burton Ave. United gom.I Church which presented An Even-! h'nn\`nvn):ihQ` 511, Sixth p:H'1(FI1'c In any-noca4-'nI1wl :7 fUUCH!'.'1'. ` Over the week end Mr. and Mrs. `F. Dobso11 took a trip to Toronto, Buffalo and other points. : M1`. and Mrs. W. A. Hanna and !Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleetham were in _IPorL Carling last Friday. . I REE`. Gnridnn nf 'l`nvnn+n cnnn` Mr. Herbert Thornbury was in `[day. . Chm: I\'1'Ii()`1`If` 1': t __ luuy. . _ _ _ It g Chqs. Ixnlght; 1s _spend1ng a few f Idays In Toronto th1s week. a ! Miss May Wright spent the weeklo end with friends in Craigvale. V I M1`. and WTVQ, .Tnnk Hrmznn nf Tn- 1 For .`~\doption--Fine, healthy boy, aged one year, with small pension;f fair with blue eyes. Apply at once} to Box 914, Barrie. I K uuu \VlLll LIIBIIUE 11]. uraigvale. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henson of To- 4ronto were holiday visitors with Mr. ,and Mrs. Levi Henson, Burton Ave. I \Ti.<:< T\'n1'.h1rxr=n Roll nf (`.n1h'nu-wnm{ ,'riHu iVJ.J.'.S. LABV1 IIBIISUII, Dul`C0n AVG. g Miss Kathleen Bell of Collingwood zvisited friends in town on Saturday. ` 3-1)`. Wm. G0`l'i1 ]Q` of "Pnrnnfn cnnnf jVlSlLU J..l'l('.`llLlS H1 LU`vVI1 011 Daturudy. Mr. Wm. Goring of Toronto spent ;the holiday with his parents, Mr. and iMrs. C. Goring, Brock St. N11`. and T\/I've, H n11' and Pam- wurs. U. uurulg, D1`0Cl{ DE. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ho11sbe1-ger and fam- ily of Creemore were the guests of Mrs. Alice Davidson last Thursday. Bliss Darn I{nisz'h1'. nf` 'l`n-mnfn \v:\< iV.ll`a'. ."Ll1C8 JJHVILISUXI 12151} lnursuay. ` Mis_s Dom Knlght of Toronto was ;home for the hohday. Mvss=1'.'<. Jag. nml Rrnxvn-In Cnfn-: ;JlU]llU J.U1' L111`: uuuuuy. Mcss1's.Jos. and Brownie Gates 'vis1ted relatlves at Burlmgton over `the week end. (T:r!.V T.Ir.1nn (`.11. . .... t....... .. .1 Vrx. - - L118 \\'(;`E3K Cllu. Miss Helen Culross returned Tues- day from 21 trlp to '1`o1'onto. `l\/T1`. and MYE, W VpnH*ow:nn n" uu_y LIUUI 2!. u.'1p L0 J.01'011t0. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Patterson of, Perth and M1`. and Mrs. C. Mosley of Toronto visited Mr. Marvin Brown. ilast week end. [::~'< T1~r\1'\I\` D,.....L.,... ...... 4.1.` ..... .IEl5L \VE(K enu- ' Miss Isobel Poucher was the gut-;~:r. of her parents, Mr. and Hrs. C. W. Poucher, over the holiday. Maurice M0ntm*ir=1'f' Snr-ht .qI`lYII]"l'(7 roucner, over me nouuay. Maumce Montcrxeff spent Sunday; and Monday at his home on Burtoni Ave. ` Ah. .....I `H ... T T)` urn`-.. __1 , I I Tenders will be received by thei undersigned up till four o'clock in' the afternoon of Friday, May 29th,` 1931, for furnishing and installing 21 steam heating system in the Fire. Hall Building. Plans and specica-' tions may be seen at the Town` Clerk s oice. The lowest or any` tender not necessarily accepted. ; Barrie, May 21, 1931. l A. w. Smith, Town clerk. Ave. < ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilton and son] were holiday guests of Mr. and Mr.~.! I C. Goring. Mr um! \rh-2 \T M,-\7.',.'.m1 A4: mn uuuxgc ruucner. Alma Percy Iiohnan are vlsxtmg 311'. and Poucher. nxvnu +1.,` `VVfur\IP A...) `.1 \./. \.IU1'Jll'b \ Mr. and Mrs. ronto spent the" ' George Poucher. IN \-_- Dr.s.,.uv LI .r01'L parung last ruuay. Mr. Reg. Godden of Toronto spent `the week end with his parents, Mr. and 1\'Irs. A. Godden, Cumberland St. S`T('H1l (`.'1`l1'D nf 'I`nvnn+n uyau auu .lVL).`:'. J-\. uouaen, uunmerland 5!}. Miss Stella Clutve of Toronto was `a holiday visitor at her home on ,Essa Road. ':\If\~ A D...,\.. ..:l:;...) L}, , . ,1ys:a. xwau. ` Mr. A. Bonter VI.Slt(3d his parents lin Trenton for a few days this week. Miss Annin Gm-cirln n+' Fm-mun "(mu S'.'L'OIl(l `.0 by ua1'.~:me. I ` Vi.=i1m'.< at St. Gnorgc s rectory` "over the holiday were Mr. and lI{u.<.~'clI Ricl12u'd.~'. Miss Islet R. Rich-I gards, M1`. Rog`. Shunk and Mr. A. A.` ` Mn Mm v iua1`Sl(1C, on me nonday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Yorke were vis- litors in G1';n'e11l1u1`st over the holi- day. ' I .1\/rm r:.m...m 1)t\11n1-\nu :. uuy. . ! Mrs. George Poucher is visiting lrelatves 111 Toronto this week. Jnhn Rfnnlo Tr mu- nlr +1.- nu. lJ.'U1u.LV\.'.5 111 J.01'0I1EO Lms week. John Steele, J12, was at the To- ronto Conservatory of Music on Tues- xday and took part in the musical `competition for the Dr. Vogt scholar- iship. Wm. `alnanin u,v'lnn hue Rama {`l\:' u quzuuny 01 auaua and red clover. 10 per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. Subject to a reserved bid. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to Boys & Boys, Barrie, Ontario. Solicitors for the Mortgages. _-:_-_. m J.L't:1lLUll 101` a Iew uays tms week. , Miss Annie Garside of Toronto [visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. iGa1'sidc, the holiday. Ff]. \ n1'L'r- \xn:n-n v:. 11911111. 1, Wm. Gillespie, who has been sail- `ing on the lake for the past six ;\vec-ks, returned to town on Tuesday, `his boat having again tied up lthrough lack of cargo. Ruhv T-TnmiH-rm nf` T`n1r-nnfn luuuugn RICK OI cargo. , Ruby Hamilton of Toronto iwas the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. IFleetham on Saturday. E Frank Hnldpn snpnf-. H11: knlh-law I10 |L`1eeU13.ln saturaay. 3 Frank Holden spent the holiday at [his home in Collingwood. Miss Betty Coulson visited her home at Angus on Wednesday. I Miss Lorna Park of Toronto is vi.s- iting at her home on William St. I M1-_ mu] `Mn ,1 m....L- ..+,mAn.: jltillg` an ner nome Wuliam St. ] Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark attended the opening of the new union station at Hamilton on Wednesday. A number of H-m Vnnnar Dnnnlnu. at. namucon on Wednesday. number of the Young Peop1e .~: Society" of Burton Ave. United Church journeyed to Stroud on Wednesday evening, where they were` ,enjoyably entertained by the Stroud lbranch. ! Ynrw `l..:.J.... 1.1.. c__.,:_ ,1,, 1 - uxuuuu. I Last Friday, the rst day on which` the new packing plant operated on full time, four hundred hogs were! killed and dressed. ! Tn;+ '1`ncmA.~.v +1. c,..`.. -2 121.... I\;uu1L'n wmcu presemeu "An n.'ven:1 ing at Seth Parkers so successfuI1y' about two weeks ago, again staged 5 the same playlet at Holly on Tuesdayii evening. ` I` I `.\1i.-4 mlioh Diane V;-.-.'+n,1 1.m.,,.....`,: n v.:\t:uuI5. )1i.<- Edith Plant visited her grand- lmother, .\I2':<. Mcllunn, at Cookstown` I 1'<.-r.-cntly. ` ` 'l`l~.. .\H.,m,1nIn nv nm..1:..,.. mu.` E HYUS, l 1` l Mackay. 1 T1 . A TENDERS FOR STEAM HEATING" OF FIRE HALL BUILDING, ; BARRIE. 'I`!w .-Ulzmdale C.N. Bowling Club had its first tournament on Wedm-.~:-K `(lay ('\'CI1iI1;f.', when eight rinks from :I?nr1'i.r- and Allamlale competed. First; ;honor;< \wmt to W. A. Turner's rink,; land . to S. Ga1'.'~:ide. ] I \/'icHr*.1-.- 211- Qf flnnun-hi,` ....,.A....... |1\:l;L'l1L1_V. ALLANDALE NEWS 1 N. McNiL-hol of To-: week end with .M1'_~.i -- ! McKetterick of town last Thurs- and children! Mrs. C. W.| The Nortnem Advance l"yULLL1l, U1 :\ll'clll(ldl@, C(. UJUl'Z1l.CU THC ~ 50th anniversary of their weddinn`. -|\vhi1.;1li took place May 23rd, 1873. N Wit them to enjoy the festive oc- s Ygcasion were five 01' their six living`! children, who are Mrs. L. J. Stebbin.=,i ]Baltimore Md.` 311's. Chas. Cockburn ' -1 Allzmdals.-E l*1rn,c-st, Barrie; Herbe1'L,.' Allamlale; Gordon, )'Iac 1`ier, and` lCharles of Mossbzinli, Sash. ` `: Mr. Pyburn was born March lat -- 1856, at Cayuga, Ont., the son oii Richzlrd and Mary Pyburn, rea. . , pi0neL*1`.x` of tlmt. district, who camp -]to C`::zia:lzi from lreland. For fty; lye-ars he was manager of the lumber- ;. '7 d I! ing interests of the Mickle, Dyment, Co. at Grzwenhurst, where he work A ed through the wooded areas arounnl Muskoka from the time he was 21 lad` '1 of 17 years. Later he operated a` ` grocery store on Woodbine Ave., To rontu, retiring three years ago toj m-.1ke his home in Allandale. NT. 1)n1nn.u nl.-n 1Ir1I'\-\.'\ -Pun. nu '10 we n(11t01', Lne .-mvance: F `Dear S1r-I notice in the Colling-I wood paper, notication to the effect that any improvements done to` town property would not be taxed]. for three years. This strikes one, as being a fair incentive to property` [owners to paint up and tidy up, and. would seem only a fair consideration Many properties are no doubt left in delapidation because of the practice of immediately imposing a tax upon improvements, while if improvements were encouraged, after the third year would mean increased revenue on property that might not have been improved otherwise. Beside, i`. would supply extra labor for many out 01" work and it could be done more reasonably because labor and material are less costly at this time. Yours truly, awn P nnpxg iTo the Editor, The .-Xdvancez Dpnv .Q1'r:T nnnn 5n Hun Saturday, surrounded by 11ow.-:.~: bearing the co11g'L'atul;:Lions uf ruia-i t1vc.~. and f1'1ends, 311`. and Mrs. John` Pybum, of .-\l1em CO1(:b1'z11.Cd the :'nf'1.\. nnnivnI' nf r1wn1'v \xrnrH21r ----- `group 01 spectators 11 Notice is l1(:1'Cb_V given pursuant toub-all t the Trustee Act that all persons hav- mou ing claims against the estate of tl Edmund Daine D:1'vr>?oi1, late of_Camp;game, 1 Borden, in the County of S1mcoe,lpo1-ll l Flying` Ofcer, deceased, who died on'of win, or about the 19th day of May, 1930,' lug are requested to send particulars of on} their claims to the undersigned on or says de; before the 6th day of June, 1931, after which date the administrator 1 will distribute the assets of the estate: Hl having regard only to the claims of Bl; which he shall then have notice, axidigorlng 11,, Smith 1-f, j will not be responsible to any other..~7.i Ccml.-dl_Goodwin Dated at Barrie this 19th dav of1u:..m. Qk 1.1.-..m1n+.m -

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