Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 May 1931, p. 2

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Address . ~-._.u.A.u;., 4..v.;..I.~` ers. Money to loan! at lowest current - 18 Owen street, l Stewart. 1 I ' LlU:L'.V K. A. Cameron . -tn` | Phone 69. Etc. ' P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Open Day and Night 47 Elizabeth St. Phone 2 1: Phone 82. -. `nu uanvncnnl `an. \a\.II FUNERAL DIRECTORS Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. Established 1869 plan-an I9 Il-_-:- (I-1 MUSIC LESSONS EDMUND HARDY, MUS. BAC., F.T.C.M.. 'I`nm'hr-r of Pinnn r- - r. 2.. IVIAAVIILLL I Bachelor Veterinary Science [Graduate Ontario Veterinary College and Toronto T,'nivcr:~:ity. I Day and Night C`:1]I.< _-Xlytonded I Promptly. `Office & Residence, 125 Burton Ave. ,__e.-.,.. on iuuuuay, May ZD, at 2 p.m. All players and others are/ invited to be present. The greens are in excellent condition. The reg- ular Friday night tournaments will commence May 29th at 7.30 p.m., to be continued throughout the bowl- ing season. A Savings Acmunt and its 4. selling Emims The Barrie Bowling Club will open for the season on Monday, May 25, are/' gnu: En .-.v..n11....L ,7 I , `Phone 347. 9 a.m.-9 ] Business College Entrance ___.. Erm Wright, wor1d .s amateur speed typist, gave our students a demon- stration this. week. whinh vac Ant.- uyplct, gave students 4 stratlon week, which appreciated. I WU1\1.b'N [Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe I Phone 61. Ofce--58 Collier St. Office Hours : 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.20-S p.m. - ur.;V1.~\u auxcunzum 24 Dunlop Above Arno1d s Market. Telephone 378. A. 1. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner ! County of Simcoe. .1 :\.\lJ:Jb' L`. THOMPSOI Sun Life Assurance Co. of Assurance Pollcies, Pension ] I Annn-.'n-. Ofce Office Phones: Mill 163. DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oice and Residence--Corner Eliza- beth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105 Oice H0urs-9-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 n.m. Annuities Moderate Rates--Maximum Rat: Collier and Clapperton Sts. Phone 167. 1:1JJV1Ui\`1J r1.AJ(.UI, MUS. 15A(J., .F.T.C.M., Teacher of Piano, Or- gan, Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterizm Church. Gold Medalist of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music and of the Uni- versity of Toronto. 113 Worsley St., ,Ba1'rle. DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAI\' AND SURGEON Special attention to Obstetrics Associate Coroner for County of Simcoe. and Residence, 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Hours: 8-9.30, 112.30, 6-8.30 ~ G. G. SMITH & CO. l!lI|Ir.'nAI' r\lnI51~vrt\na DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Office Hours: -3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. V. Little. M.R_ A.,......'..;.. P .... -- DR. w. A. LEWIS SURGERY .-\.\'D DISEASES OF WOM. N :ennn+n (`nu-nun r~ IIUVAVV ..l' 02...--. THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1931. {(1 " * - .1 LIFE INSURANCE JAMES E. THOMPSON Assurnnon (`A --C T`- THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE DR. LEO COUGHLIN DENTAL SURGEON DR. R. W. HUGHES DENTAL SURGEON nlnn Alan; A-..nIJ .. M F. E. MAXV`/ELL -Inlnnn \/aa....i.......- C-3 uncles, ren Annuxtles hacjh/l....3... ll IJILIES -Maximum Returns CIa.1`Inm'1`.nn .Q+-G ICB no. or Canada :5, Bonds, uitips O 03 Barrie, Ont. ugm. 218 at ueII1OIl- was duly ASSURANCE COMPANY TORONTO, ONT. y....1J 111.- ;_ L,, NCOURAGEMENT to thrift thruzxgh 21 service whirh l`(E('x'i\l';5 tln`oug}mut the Dmnininn, day in and day out, iI1)Lx.~';1x.1d.-_s ings deposits, large and small, and which aims at giving cvcry depositor courteous and careful attention. (M12, Mrs., Miss) " Paid-Up Capital - 30 Million Dollars Reserve Fund - 30 Million Dollars GOOD SOLID TIMBER IS STILL TI-IE CHEAPEST, STAUNCI-IEST MATERIAL OUT OF WHICH TO BUILD A HOME, OR TO EFFECT REPAIRS. IN OUR YARDS YOU WILL FIND LUMBER IN ALL STANDARD SIZES; PRICED MODERATELY, READY TO BE DELIVERED WHEN YOU ORDER. -US E- LUMBER It is a favorite day dream to wish that some remote relative we never heard of would remember us in his will, and that the good news would be announced by the postman on his very next visit. This Coupon Will Bring Booklet by Mail kvAILn,fg:LIljrf;*A |NlCOUlRAgE,:fy1Erl~l_1'l >/-*~.-=.Tv.~ E in !\FETy-Hundred.s of miHi0n:~a of d0l}a1's worth of (,`()11S(?l`V1liH.:1y valued bunk assets ensure the safety of your (leposits. \LU inm'=:a.~;<>.s l}1r::n;;h the half-yearly coJnpm1ndin_=;' of interest. Ask (wr inc-zzi Lrz1m:h for a table HT 3;. pibzxl ilJ('i'(` .l:-`CS, (tnticd "I`l Gr0w.~s. Henry, R'esident Re}>x"es;n;t:tiJ I L I T`/--W'hatovcr the state of Im:~:in<>. or the money 1]1aI`}~:<.:l, _\'uur (lepmits are at your "i1111m`di;.-ic disposal, dollar for doihxr. ,.,_-.. --..u away. ; The great majority of people,` however, cannot command any such, capital sum, nor is 1t necessary If one; wishes to plan no\' for the income to be delivered some time in the future. : postman call every month at the same time, and leave a cheque for $100. Very welcome now, of course, but how much more so later on, when our energies begin to ag; say, when we reach age 50, 55, or 60. Just when we begin to feel like easing up and letting the younger people have Yes, it would be nice to have thei` their way, and the job. I If you want to pass the last third of your life in comfort and inde-7 pendence, or should you wish to: guard against being totally disabled and unable to earn money at any time, look into this suggestion now.` The coupon below is for your con-, lvenience. F111 it 1n and sand .'+ 4-,`-- uscuule or une Hundred Dollars month can be secured right away. l"1nn .....N.L ~---` " ` guard totally diibll th time Suggesm` n"`Provincia'1 Governments over Vvatenl com powers on navigable streams is likely - I I i Reopening of the whole question ofll `venience. in and send it toggto follow parliamentary investigationl I e relative authority of Federal andll day, Do no.1; 19; procrastination rob of the nancial structure of Beau- you of the opportunity of nding outiliarnois Power Corporation. The i just how you can secure the income company now has authority to divert - you know you Will need later on inE40,000 Cubic feet 1391` 5C0T1d 511! life. 'Beaul1arnois between Lake St. Louisi` . , land Lake St. Francis on the St. Lawr-i rxng lence River, and is about to seek ap- ....................................................................................... .. proval by the D01-ninjon of vit- i . ldrawal rights of 30,000 additional lcubic feet already` sanctioned by` J l ! Quebec. Al nhn `nor-in Han T('{nn- Flnunun i Of course, if a man or _woman has ; twenty thousand dollars 1n cash anT income of One Hundred a`, 4_ -___ .. V .. 11.1.11 \a : . rig-'h+. mm. 2 . Res. 1071 and 1534. Want P ; A - n ,~ uucn lain mr=1nLm1'.s of P nancially i11te1-ested M1`. Gm'rliner L-l1arprt.~d W. L. N[(.'DOug11](I. of I II)` I-hnivnxzwn nl' Hun 11 llll|`l'l.'o|. \\'lll`l1 l[ (.'()lll'\'s' (lll(.`. The reception of this loan is a Clin('l1lIl_`.', argzument that Canada is not _-going; out of business, and an] _nns\\'er to all those who see in this. depression a condition of affairs from` whicli we cziniiot; recover. We have had (lepressions before, worse than .this one, and soon recovered. We |.lizi\'e not lost any of our almost in- `nite natural resources. We still 9 grow the best wheat in the world and'_ {raise the best live stock. We still` 1dominate in mziny raw products and] 3`manufacture quality products. We: Y1` still apparently have a great deal of? ajmoney. In a word, we have every-l ithing we ever had-but our nerve. , Let s stop looking at the stock quo~ -'n (tations. Let's stop saying how bad i . . , eiworld conditions are. Lets stop, 8 making excuses and ki_ck any fellow: ewvho starts them again. Let s getl` idown to work. IVJUUUBU. I At one period the King Govern- ment contended that power rights on navigable waters were vested in the IDominion. The claim was contested by Ontario and Quebec and a decis- ion of the Supreme Court of Canada _ failed to nally dispose of the mat- ter. Shortly afterwards Quebec pro- i vince gave Beauharnois its authority _imd the then Federal Government approved the plans for the Work as not interfering with the rights of .` navigation. A year ago the whole situation w':~: brought dramatical'.y to the at- l tention of Parliament with the claim i that the promoter.=--who had a very |limited cash investment in propor- tion to the cost of the enterprise, 1 iwhieh \\'a.< nziw.-ml by a bond and i prefr.-rmtial stock is>'uc---l1a(1n121d-2: 1 them. a [)l`U.\T(5Tlt of .=io<:ks of 21 I fact: value of some hundred millionli and that the ultimate scheine `would raise this to probably three hundred millions. By comp:iri: it ; made all other Canatliun promotional j \"lli(`)`|H`i.~`(.`.< look in. in the ` ireturn it p1'omi.~'<-rl tlvo. iniluentia: i r.-!10Ll_J,'li in put it .'lL'l`U.~.~. The (iL`lllCUN."I K I `W215 thmi lllllili` illlli the whole cir- u:im~'i::im~.< be l'ull_'.' ii1\'esti;:atc(l am` Mr. Bennett, as l<.-.'1(lcr of the Op- 1)I). v:-.1. `.~e the \'l(`.\V that if jlill' ('il`l`liIil.s`tuIl .L'.: \`.'I'i`I' as represent-.. [i: <-mnplc-to inquirg.` \va.< (lC.~'irablc. 'l'lii~ m:211:-v u-nc \`5\i<:-ll nlruin .. I'..u i` `,.- nr--\,v V- --v._ A man said, If only somebody we didn t know would die and leave us a million dollars ! And his wife re- plied, Yes, or even somebody We did know, and only half a million ! [ After all, the world seems to be I lzwgely made up of two clu.~;ses-thosc `who talk and those who act. The italkcrs we have with us u]\vz1y.~'. ln Irood times 1h(-v huhhl. m-m- mm-. `_ti.lH\L'1'S we nave with z1l\vz1ys. in `-good times they bubble over with i1`1'L-pressiblc opiimisim. In hard `tinn-s they inopo and moan and how! --thzLt the world is coming` to an end and 2111 that is in it. But always it is the quiet, thinking, roiiti group that :u't.<, thc group on which the 151111` foumlation of our i1ut,ion:1lity May 11th and Sm-ccctliiip; days when the Czlmxdiun Go\'e1`n1n:-nt oiI'v1'L-ti :3 big 1`L`fu11(ill1. ,' loan and 0ve1`.sub- ` . it--without inaking,-' any n0i.<(.' at all. Tin.-re are good i`L`Zl.\'0n.s` why this w,:ovcr1nncnt oii'<~ring' rucuivmi such support. This quiet p;1'oup i.= loyal and conceived it to be a (luty in ;~u}mo1'L the G()V(`l'IH]l(`IlL at this timu; they fO1'c.~uL- lo\\'c1' ixitcrust rains in thv future and :u'c- gfizul to u.<.~Lm- U2:-xn.~:u]\'es of four and :1 half Lu. I.. B..- depends. They cmne 1'o1'\v'.ml onl I v mm unlil .u-.... uvun ..... (l.`.'L()\' \.`."IHP.L'I\L i` UL lUUl' ill ])U1'('L`l|l.. ovvr :moZn-1' t\\ `year 1.~u1~iml, and they are that. the Dominion of Car always be in a posmon to 1 ilxturest when it duo. 'l`h.. .-m...m:n.. nr ma. 1 cc THE BEAUHARNOIS POWER CORPORATION See Page Seven Published at 123 Dunlap St., Barrie, every Thursdag, .' ~ . '- Wt". ';' :unu uor oznplvtp mqu1r_\,' ada at 2 Immcr \\'zx.< raised again a few .. -. euro by the U.F.A. leader, Robt. dC`im"]l3` nor, who ir1.< the company inqume; rokcn its 1e:1.~:(- and that it xvzlslsus is U uthin fhre pox-.'<.-r o1'_thc D0m_it{ vsocial m ` so.-curce return 01 1*1ghL;~: wh1(:1`.| Country mputed to have 21 valm: oi . . _ _ , 3 I <.1cnL 1) n(l.<. oi HHHIODS. M1`.`L` _\m._\,m.5. I that the whole issue be re- , Umtll 1'01` to a commlttee of the Hou:~:e .t .. . . . . a. 01. an vc-stxgatlon and this 1:; now be- Burmu `me. The Primv ;Vlinistr point-, ,m,m gr JUST CONFIDENCE EH12 Nnrthert} Ahnanre He Was Left An Income? Of $100 a Month fog Life_ . A man said. Tf nnlv gnmqhndv tvnl 0+` nnnv-an :4 - _ \'lIllll\'llL zu. blll ` 11:-1: twenty-\'n hey .~tz1Lised Canada will Hnn fn nun In-..~.lI 01 me 1101150 mi, in - point-, counsel :1(I\`. rights did not` `inn 1 EDITORIAL 'l`I-IURSDAY, MAY 28, 1931 The Northern Advance Llllilllil \\'li puy bond ,,,,.7__-_ -v `r: -uuvv-\.|\V |X. IJCII t'.~LnuuL0 you Call. Molley to Loan '` 4. The woman in the home Ofce, Ron Block, Barrie should be preparotl for the census _ questions in advance, for she is the jmember of the family who will be in VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES `many case-.s called upon to answer the gang. Bunch *" inquiriv-:~'. y_ .. 1- ,- _1 1 NURSE RAJILTON ' Wrlll ) u`.m83331111)l3:ng:111E;Eon;)ndlasso? 40% Clappermn st` Ph"' 467w` lzmlc.-4 left by the enumerator who "'-:"j"-"" ` l1}1:xy.ll`m\'e <:u1ledfi11 L.l1e}ir abso11(:e,_z11_1td GEo_ R. AND E A_ BURNS zmn nos away "mm ome on v1s1.s . lshould be r.-ureful to see that they are Llcfmsed 1 3icounted in the (li.~:lri<.-L where they C H`IROPR`A'CT0'R`S and DRUGLESS ' l 1. 1', [. l. .- .- .. .. . , .1 THERAPISTS f;`,;`o`j}:`l`,`," -`` 1 `. so Elizabeth St. Phone 405 I`. 11,. L 1.. .-.,., . . . lmlmu-... 'r:r...a.... M....L...... nL--~--- u 3 -run nun,L-. ' 5%. 11' you do not have exact in- `lIfu1'.n:1U0ll ulmut such questions as '-the vuluc of your home or the ";:m1oun1, of your earnings, give the Wbost cstilnatc you 7 4. Thn xunwmn .'n 4-lun 1u.n....I! .;;uu`nu.`(_1 111 mg: (!lSH`l(.'L where th(_-y'brn`11VU1'lI\;FII:lE)'1vb" :I1g%su11.UrUJ.:I1ib`b` [`g`0`3:`_`.i `"' -` (;_ 4 . Electra, Hydro, Mechano, Physio , Do nov h(,.s1t.xte to ask the , . ;c-nsus taker to show his cmdentials. and Rad Treatments and C"ectwe ifdyou suspect that he is not a bona- Blood New`2dj::(t;'n%3:l. :'1a]ysiS Food (3 mun rat `. L 19 I 01 Co'ncentrates for All Ailments. unuuuzu 1)L'l'.iUll. 2. Meet. the ccnsusdakc-1' cour- `tuously. You will save time for your.~*<.-If and render the Government `:1 :::!'ut n.s'. by co-operating luxnh the x>11Lxn1(-mLo1' when he arrives im \.')ur hnnw '-.v.u . V, um lo I wou1d_like to }_1ave_ your booklet, Getting the Income You Please send 1t by mall mthout any obligation to me. |:\-.un LHU (IHLIHI at _\nu1' home. `I H` 1Vr\Ii ,1.ulL'}lU i..I' HHDJC l.O :menL if they divulge formation collected 1 dividual person. l 2, \1,...- ll1n Statement by the Minister of Trade rand Commerce to the people of Can- lzula at the opening; of the seventh decennial census. 1. Do not hesitate to answer the ,inqui2'ies. The purpose of the cen- i.'~u;, to collect data concerning the lsoeial and industrial conditions in the lcountry as 21 whole and for the ill`- ferent pi'o\'inct:.~:, cities and eountie,-. .~\n:,'.\-'ers to the (]lJ\:.s`l;l0l).<, will be this ptirpose only. Enumer~ ate)`: and eiiiployees of the Census 2..v liable to .=,e\'ei'e punish- any of the in- I`1'oi'1nation collected about any in ,'dividual nor.-on. l Striking` proof of the value of pub `ventability of much disease is found .in the almost complete conquest of gtyphoid fever in large cities. To- `ronto, for example, has achieved an almost negligible typhoid death rate lic health departments and the pre- ' through the chlorination of watexl land the pasteurization of milk, while in rural Ontario, in the so-called healthy countryside, the death rate is many times as great from lack oi |1hv.~e health conserving methods. ll./Ili'.L dJ.'U b'C1'2.LIHlHlIlg L0 seu agrlcui-V ' "Ttural implements to Russia are much? gin the same position as men who; ~`.make a business of selling rearmrr ito bandits. 1 1 I j: - si It would appear that the worldi' wheat conference was a failure, buti that is very often the way with met.`-l 'man s planning`. Russia is the big} "obstacle. Under the Communisti: jsystem, which makes men and wo- 3;men work for a bare living, and can: lproduce wheat cheaper than any !other country, market price will not` `be considered. The ve-year plan is. the SovieL s solution of the economic ills of Russia; it gives a patriotic}; .-tinge to what otherwise might be`E ;diagnosed as national slavery. Un- ( ;der it more wheat must be producedik feach year. It must be sold regard-s_ !less of price. The wheat producing 5 icountries of the world are facing a \ {serious problem, but those countries f lthat are scrambling to sell agricul-i 3 ltnral imnlnmnnt: tn mm mm-hi a c t The idea of a Home-Coming Week for the various centres of the pro- vince, .spon. by Mr. A. H. Wil- ford, of the Border Cities Chambev of Commerce, is a good one. it will not be a success, howeve1', unless everyone (loos his and her part. Mr. Wilford, who l(l(l1`(.`SS(.'(l the iiiwzmi: Club last Friday, explained how business could be greatly revived by country and province-\'.'i Home- Coming Weeks. The main object is to get everybody to be a part, of it --to get everybody tull gei everybody writing letters to old, timers ur:.5ing them to come honu: that. week. \XIl..\.. Ivvn .'n.n'4.-. ..,.nn1,. on nnu. ....l. I I In spite of restricting laws and; warning talks, motor accidents are Itaking a heavy toll of lives. Prem-! :im- Hmwv : Qua-rmcfinn H191 Innfnxur Leland W. Pollock has gu1'edl_ lfrom Government statistics that out of every 100 average men, at 35 I years of age, only 20 are wealthy. At 45 years of age, only 4 are wealthy. At 55 years, 20 are dead. 30 are supported by others, 46 still wealthy. At (35 years, 36 are dead or physical \\`1~r-cks, 59 are living on Ir-haritgr, and 5 are woaltl1y. I spcn(ling' all they earn, and -1 are ' LHEIL VVUUIS. \`i. \".'11.h us, we must prepare to en- iturtain tin;-n1, and this will mean ac- When we invite people to come and` : Li\'iLy and the s])cn(li11g of more 0] i Ina: rnnnnv i `lame . I10l!i|,`-\ Ollllllg \ V('1`K IS [0 UL bl SUC'| e~.<.<, 1l'.e1` i.~:. no time to waste; every-' one must get busy. Suggestions a.-` to the lx,-st. way of giving` it the wid- est publicity will be in order, but in the mu-:mlime if you are interested write your friends who are away, in- lviting them to visit their old home ,during the week of July 1st to 8th l ._j___._ wzuxulg 21 Heavy I011 OI UVCS. rrem-I |- . . u - ..' ~1e1 Hemys suggestlon that moto1.~x {be geared down to a reasonable speed` |is a tlmely one, and should be put Imto effect. I Census enumerators start out next lweek and householdexs are asked to ' be courteous and give the required information as accurately as possible. The enumerators are sworn to secrecy, and the information is for] statistical purposes only. I [(355 IIIUYIC) . The weuk of July 1st to 8th has been approved by Warden G. W. Glover for Simcoe County. If this; Homc~(Tominp; Week is to be 21 SLIC-| 1-.~<< 1`1u-r:- i< nn Hmn in \v:1:1n: r.vr>r\'.| SEVENTH DECENNIAL CENSUS THE WHEAT CONFERENCE HOME-COMING WEEK LUIS ASSOClatIOI'1 of Canada. 1 The following recently accepted `positions: Angus McNabb, bookkeep ier for Barrie Planing Mill; Stella Clute, stenographer, Goodyear Tire ,Co., Toronto; Wilbert.Orr, book- ,keeper, Toronto rm; Verna Fergu- `son, with Barrie Marble & Granite Works; Madeline Osborne, Toronto rm. I BOYS 8.: BOYS, BARRIS 1`ERS,' Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con-I veyuncers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices`, 13 Owen Street, 1'41 the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce, Elmvale, ' Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., J. R. Boys. `ALEXANDER COW. -KN, SUCCES-{ 501' to Lnnnnxh (`numn .0, nwum-. The__Canada Life 19sT32N & ESTEN, BARR1sT13Rs,i Solicitors in High Court of Jus-I tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oice, lst oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money.` to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esteii and M. H. Esten. uivu o81'VlCe examlnations. I Bernice Thompson, Stella Clute `and Bertha Garside passed their na' examinations in the Business Educa- `tors Association of Canada. i The fnllnxvinrr vnn;m+1" ......n..a-.!- , ,__ -.....4u\a:_4 AIL VV 0 Wilbert Orr and Ernest Arnold iiwere in Toronto recently writing lCiv11 Servlce examinatlons. Bernice 'T`hnrnncnn Qn.11.. r11...- GORDON R. FOSTER ?BARmsT13R, SOLICITOR, NOT- ! ARY, E'I`C. , MONEY TO LOAN .Owen SL, Rn-u-Q Dl--- 3"` .`\`.L U.LV 11} X _ ' |Owen St., Barrie. GORDON LONGMAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, E Money to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg, Barrie. DONALD F. MACLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. I Masonic Temnle Blda.. Rm-.4- IRADENHURST & H.-\MMOND-` Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Oice, lst oor Masonic Temple Building. I Money to loan at lowest rates. STEWAR_T & STEWART, BAR- v1':h=-re .Qn1u'm'+nm- `MM... CAMERON 8: CAMERON IBARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. . 5 Owen Stu Barrie. Plunnn Ann I gage Tw_'_o_ mumnx R. S. Cameron L1_l1`4-\:\AV1J1'4l\'. L)UW.'-h\, SUUCES-' to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, B:u`1'iste1', Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship and administration, and General Solici- tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Ofce: Masonic Templu Bldg. A ).-uuuo).11;1<.b, b'Ul4J.L}1'.l'UKS, ET` St., Barrie. Phone 406. MONEY TO LOAN v A L S. Carnnrnn r` - - A - -- D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Successor to Cr-eswicke & Bell ..._.u-..;u; Ln 5);; risters, . So1iio?:- and Conveyancers. in zmv .:nn-In ni- uuu \J\.lAAVl;_y(lll\a| in any sums rates. Office, Barrie. T1 M BUSINESS COLLEGE NEWS TI7.`IL-..A. l'\n- mmoxnm, b`UL:1Ul'l`UR, ET Temple Bldg., Barrie MONEY To LOAN onic Ba MONEY TO LOAN _ .:_._;__._;;____ Business Directory LDON FOSTER f I Inc` nuennw The Barrie Planing Mil!

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