Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 May 1931, p. 5

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encouragge \/zlllutllull cU11.~.L'lUu.~1u:.~.~. The Canadian National now lms '79 trams equipped with radio, and nds: it good busine.~`:~', especially 011,; long journeys. Radio is only in its infancy, and the time is not far dis-. tant when we can hear from liurope and be able to see the :~:peal:er or the performers. Tlwre are some 9- : channels in North .-\.n.ieri::v., six 01 these being in Canada and twelve shared with the United States. The growing diiculty is the installation of so many large stations in the L'nitr_-(l States, there being as many `as -12 stations on one `wave. This leads to international diflk-rences, )but these will gradually be adjusted. Opposite Bell '1"'e1ephcne Co. Square and Round Dancing from 9 p. m. to 2.66 a.m. (Standard Time) Admission: Gentlemen, 50c; Ladies free Ladies espoc-ially in\'ited-A good time gua1*a11 teed The New Black Kat Inn Always Open -. D;\1\'CE ANID DINE AT ANY TIME - New 1%!!a.1:K.aUn31AnguS J,{\f\f\,, .l.`]1is now gives the ]z1(1'1(`;s' of 13.-m-ic and sL11'mun.d~ jug` (.-uu1m'_\' 2111 0pp01'1`1111i1'_\' nl .]>1'u(-11.1'ing` the ncst mi '<,-x(-1L1si\'(-.- (.-loxos 1.'ig'111' i11 their own town. FORD TUDOR 1928 Em-(-110111 0011di1`ion. g1-oat` L-211' { <:>1' 4L.._.a___ vi ( 11 With. Exclusive High Class Ladies Ready-rm Wear and Millinery I;_ 1 0111` (10:11 . z1y SPEEDIl~G- TRUCK DRIVER IS FINED inh- BARRIE us a \'i.s'it (111ri.11g` om` 0p011i11g'. `V0 will 21pp1'C- ' _\'o1n- 1n'os011co and _\'0u1- pat1'011age. T0-NIGHT - THURSDAY, MAY 21 .s'1`_\'1(`.s and }_n-ices will suit you, and once you at Millm- .s', we are sure of flu-`rl1e1_' p;1t.1.'011age ?s.a0 ELIZABETH STREET DANCE EL-st c0nd'11'io11, tlrcs, lic-e11se. away. ch 0'! F fl t\ I` PONTIAC 1930 6 w11e0].<, great shape, with our guz11'a11tee. 4:14 A- \\`n.=, stopped wnne 1)r0cee(11ng. xlonu Txiwy Dth about 6 p.m. His failure to appear was explained by Trnfc fficer Thompson, who stated that H: had issued :1 road wa1'1'ant fox: Durrr.-11, who had paid $18.50. Herbert VV. Broese, of Winder- ump nl;-n -,\}\:n11f' xvhnn hi; $350.00 BUICK cozmn $750.00 28 Elizabetll St. good Drive Page Five Herbert W. broese, 01 w1nuer- mn.~1`0, v.`n< :1l: z1b.'~'c11t when his n:unr- \va.< (-:11]:-(I to an. to :-1 charge of speedinrr. He too had brven . with a mud . and paid 313.75 ne and costs. Hnrw-v Cnndmnn. of Toronto. found got $3.00, explameu tne uccuseu. I can't help that. You will l1avrV; to settle in the ofce or go up the` hill. i T4 :c nnalrxrcfnnll Gnmlman man-l hill. n It is understood Goodman man-` aged to locate the full amount of the ne in his various pockets. 3 `- I Everybody thought that Lola Kane was a charming` girl. That w-a.; partly due to l.ola s habit of konp-; ing up frien(lsl1ip.>:. It's so easy? nowa(l:xy.u. .~`Zly.'~` Lola. One simply telephones people. Distance doesn't mattt.-1' to Long Distance ! l,olz1 s secret is a simple one! Last Saturday night Theatre at Penvtanp; \\ 1lS taken over by John Saso on a long: lease. It is ` understood that Mr. Saso. who fast bc<-nming: :1 h10\'iY1f. , picture mag`- nate in the t1i.=t1'i(.-t, intends to insttall an up~to-d:m,- talkie equipment ar-.d make other necessary imp1'o\`ements in the Penet:1n_e_' Show hou. the Bjou`_ AS` NOR%3E See Page Seven THE SECRET NADIAN BACON FOR `cf: UNITED KINGDOM MARKETS: I (continued from page one) i imported, and a great deal of this grain comes_from North America, from the Un1ted_ States and Canada. when you conslder the long freighti haul of those grams it is plain that we should be able to produce bacon for very much less than it can be pro- I duced in Denmark, but to do so we will have to educate ourselves to what are the bacon requirements of the British market. l T7\,-m`\ 1102` h(~`L\.\.'(!PY1 snnnf nnrl` ] E The passing of Miss Gladys Wiles,: `eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. `;William Wiles, 14 Eccles St., which ' occurred Sunday evening after a long; [period of invalidism, saddened the. whole community. The deceased, who was in her 30th year, was born` in Victoria Harbor and came to Bar- rie with her family as a child. She [received her education here, attend- ing the West Ward school and the ,old Collegiate in the east end. Hav- 'ing been in the local Hydro office for ten years, she was known to lpractically everybody in town. Misc Wile: lnnvn: 1-n `mnnrn hm 'pracucauy everyuuuy 1n LU\VIl. Miss Wiles leaves to mourn her loss her father and mother, two sis- Eters, Mrs. John Hodges and Miss `Dorothy, and two brothers, Leslie and Roy: all of Barrie. VI`!-... :~r.wIv~:nn:a u.1un1n vxyoun kn!/1 1 uoy4 an or uarrie. The services, which were held `Tuesday afternoon at the deceasedk `home, were conducted by Rev. E Ryerson Young, of Central Church, {where Miss Wiles was a member, as- !sisted by Rev. J. S. Shortt, of St {An Church. Those acting as ` `pall-bearers were Messrs. Thos. Bur- ton, George Fricker, William Lam- bert, Allan Tribble, Fred Morren and `Robt. I-Iori5re< "Fl-`n nun n n4-` nn\Iyo\'a uylniz-In :un-. KODII. nor1ges.. I The profusion of owers which sur .rounded the casket gave mute evi~ `dence of the affection in which thr. deceased was held. Interment took place at the Union Cemetery. 1:. .1. '..('2`.\1`t'_y, U1 1\xL:L\1Ly, rxua. The funeml p1'oce.~`: was one of the long'c~.~~t (!\'C`1` seen in this distric`-L. Over one hundred cars formed the <'01`tage from ){ir,l1=.u1'st to the Union -"nnc!c1'\' :11 Bzxrric, where interment Fl.n .,. ..,.Hnn~ .\~ (.12. `llinesing Station community, ; .-\irl. .\`Iidlm1';~:t; il:.r;j.':1l. Road PL`.il employees N11.-. *' ,*!Y1c!e1'y 21`. took place. I)'Zll'l.'lC, \Vll(`31'E lI1L(.`l`HlBlll Those acting ve-_v McLean, Elvin Richardson, Mel- ville Wat-tie, I~Ia2'voy Spence and Gen. C`cutL'x:. .\I:1ny floral ed to the affection and esteem in which the late Miss Leadley was held.` Among those sending: {lowcr.< were Mine- .=ing Station Sun(l:\_\' So'nool. llincin-.1, Station Tu: and C.G.I.T., Imlies C.G.'I.T., .\Iidhu1'.~".', srwy, Mi(lhur.~:t; Mr. and llrs. Chu;<.: Wzxttira, Blinusirljz Station; D1`. La:- .~ l 3. , Cook;<~`own; .\I1`.<. A. Waitie, M l- l:m'. M1`. nnrl M1`:-'. \'\':n':l \V:1t.ti~ and family, Cam1'o. .~\lta.; Mr. and .\'Ir:<. Alex. \Vattir,-, Hu:`nr;-n(len,, .-\lta.; Mr. and .Vlr.'<. '7`. Hankin, Erlen- vale; Roy Long, Edmonton, A1ta.;: }'1z1.=_te1'n Star, Camrosze, .-\It'.1.; lfnitr-(l Church Choir, C'.um`ose, .\ltz1.': Mr. T. Wallwin and family, Bawic-; M1`. and `.\I1`s. A(lnm. Midhurst. 215 pal} ` bearers were Wallace McLean, Har- tributes: testi- -- I A hardball 1(':"._Q,`l.1(.' for boys undcri (-ighteen years of zxgze hm b`:'.'I] form Cd under the .supe2'\'x.~'1on of tho Bnwic Boys Work Board, and will` be known as the Chu:'ch Leagtle, as groups cnL<:ring_; teams in this league must be Church or Sunday School Iv:-n11v\(< l`unn rruI\1rn;- -I uvnn1( HVHT Hm` CHURCH LEAGUE HARD BALL TO GET UNDER V. /-\.Y MAY 27` DC Known me pnu` 14L"cl;LlL`, as rwoilpv. 'l".v0 jzzunr-~ :i week will b"! played in the A '1'i<:ultuml Park on Vl/edno:<(l21y and l"ri nigl1t:<. Six 1<-zm\.< lmve .'~:i_<.:nL-(l up and a commit- t<:-r- h::< br-on appointed lo see that the O.B.A. rulr>:-t an: lived up to and that the sclietlule is played on time. The Ranch ball has: been adopted. The <-ommitten is composed of E. l{oarn;<, Rev. W. l\'. Zutty and C. J. Seitz. 'l`lnr. nnlu nun.-n1.r. in nlxnhnnfinn DEILZ. The only (-xpen. in connection . with this lea2,'ur,- will be the pu1`cha;<- im: of a do`/.en hard l)z1ll.=, and to meet this the spr.-ctz1l01'.= will be given the opportunity to contribute toward `a general collection at the games. `_ 1 Schedule i.VIay 27--~-Bu1vton Central. 1 t 29--~Essa vs. Trinity. ; June 3-Collier vs. Baptists. 1 5--Trinity Collier. . 10--~Burton vs. Baptists. . 12-Central vs. Essa. 17--Burton vs Essa. 19-Co1lier Central. 2-'1-Baptist.=, vs Trinity. _. 26-Burton Collier. .!_ 30-'l`1'inity Central. . July 3-Essa vs. Baptists. ,i 8--Burton_` Trinity. ; 10-Baptist.s' vs. Central. - 15--C0llie1` vs`. E.<.~`a. i A point; s}.'.' of two points for` 1 a win aml one point for a tie will be ,- use-(l. 'ln<: two ll-zuling teams will 3 play oil`, home and home gaines, on date:< set by the executive. Hope has been exp1'es._~:r.-tl that tlim Mm-I.<-llzm trophy, 1"ormM'l_\' Ll.~'('(i for * ' v I .. In ,, n ..u ......I. 1. ...-. I the .B1`1Usu u1a.nseL. [_.....\....,.. Every hog` between snout and` mg V tail will not produce Wiltshire sides Colleg the kind of bacon required for th'i1lg British market. A bacon hog re- '59 Y quires a certain depth. It must have] Pmcticalll a certain length and depth of side-` Vi it must not be too thickly eshed and .155 3 not too lean. The people in Den_1:e1`s, M) mark in order to produce that type'Dorothy, of hog, went to a great deal of troY.1n}e to educate the farmers in the 5 right type of hog feed and also inwrruesday the art of feeding. home, \\ 'T`hm'P is :1 :I`1'0nf. nnnrn-funiv in.Rye1'50n ll'dL(.'S Sub U_\' Llll,` t'.\\:\.uuvc. Hope been th fornmr-1'13` us junior hu1'(lball. could again vived and used in this league. 3 ._.__. Con.~i(le1'abl(.- activity was noted i the local real estate market clurin Lhu past \vo<:k. The house on Owe street formerly owned by Dr. Pa] 'in;:, and sold to Mrs. 'l`hos. Ol: N 6l\n .1`-.~.n..-~v...< I-l1nn.~lH \\'l|5 ill hands. MISS GLADYS WILES MISS HELEN LEADLEY OBITUARY UJ Al 1-`,- the prom- '. HEIHKIH, L .5ll.`I|' dmonton, A1ta.; , ', Czum'oso, Alta.- .l won, os. 01:: c-hang, I JJJ-J..lJJ..L \J .I.Inu .L ! Mr. S. Jones of Hamilton visited ihis camp over the week end. He is ]preparing for the summer business. 511; is his intention to erect some more ihuts. i . 13,... r: 1:` u+, m-mnkaa n-.' UH` '<\ 1`l. UL. .Lx:uuu15. l There 15 :1 great opportunity in, this regard i:or co-operative porki packing establxshments such as operw ated in Denmari. recovery. 5 j . Tuesday evening the _Royal Road r Builders held a debate and social in the hall. The hall was almost lled; The debate was handled by Miss M. Murphy and Miss Edna Connell oi~ ' Newton Robinson, who took thei afrmative, and Messrs. Ross and: Earl Richardson, of Edenvale, took ` the negative. The debate was handled! splendidly by both sides, the negative} winning by a majority of 12 points. Miss Kelso of Barrie, Mr. E. Stokes _ of Minesing and Rev. E. M. Burgess of Bond Head were judges. Mr. M.` j A. Adamson, the president, presided: I Miss Mistele read a portion of scrip-1 ` `cure. Prayer was given by Rev.f G. F. Stotesbury. The subject of the`. .debate was Resolved that a college, education should be made available 2 at public expense to every young man .' and woman who shows willingnessl 1 and ability to obtain a higher educa-i 9 tion. Misses VV. and E. Orchard. - sang a duet, The End of a PerfecL' 4 Day. Mr. Andrew Orchard sang ;- When Irish Eyes are Smiling and - The Old Refrain. Miss McI\'abb . was the accompanist. Miss F. {us-l i sell gave a reading. A dialogue by= - the Minesing girls entitled Can :21 0 Woman Keep a Secret, was mug-31' y enjoyed. Supper was se1"\'ed to end. 121 very enjoyable evening. i1 I -?TC I - nuts. I i Rev. G. F. Stotesbury preached in _the United Church Sunday evening. iHis message was Make Christ You!` iIdea1. It was a beautiful discourse ,toward idealism. Next Sunday ser- `vice will again be held in the even ` ing, when Communion will be admin istered. ; rm.,. 1.-:..... n.,..:.m rm ma Amm. .,.- tereu. The King Paving Co. laid down a; mile of pavement during` their first! week. i `M... Tnnirnnh nml cnn NF I"m~nn+n v1s1~teu Mr. 11'. mce over me ween enu.I We are pleased to announce that: the members of the community that: have been sick are making speedy`; 1'ECOV81`y. 'I`nnQdnv pvm-nimr Hun. Rnvnl Rom] K. I Mrs. Jackson and son of Toronto, visited Mr. F. Rice over the week end.] \X7n nun 1-.15;-sear} +n r.n-Innnn/-a 'H'1af' Jn'uL-I-J-` ml-Ilni` `A `I Sympathy is extended to 1\I1`s..I' Armstrong, S1'., in the recent death? 01' her sistel`, Mrs. Sutherland, of` Toronto. '1`L,\ `.. \.\+1.-.. ml` Hv. ,{h- {:- | I Y LOI'Oll[O. The ; of the ccsmmunity is! also c,-.\:`.cn(led to the familly, particu-l larly the sister, Mrs. S. ;\lcLez1n, ofl the late Miss Helen Leadley, who` 1)'.1.'~::<(.-d awzxy Friday `last at her sis- ter. home. Deceased was very high- ly usteemecl and her early passing is . very much regretted. 111- nnd M1-Q, \VnH.m' Dn\x'no\` z,numl)c-rs: given by Mr. Duncan1U Cowun, who appeared in costume, '1 -, singiitg; and' bits of lrisli. ` and Scotch melody and folklore.` :..\ Mztrgaret Clemens, who '.xcted' - as Mr. (Jowz1n".< accompuni.~:t, j)lJ.`\ 1 E .- several piano selections that were`. r- well received. . al Tuesday noon a luncheon \~.':x.: he` , x,,for the visiting teams, pre. o\'e1_'; by A. G. ;\IacLellzu1, T.I .G...\l. of .;:Barrie Lodge of Perfection. ,; W. H. Tudhope, 33111 r.le_e'ree .'-M:-..~'on of Orillia, proposed the 10215: , to the Supreme Council, which w.-2: ,1'e.=po11(le(l to by District Commander Gt-orge .\`Ioore. Rev. E. Kennejr, 32nd degree Mason of Owen Sound,i :- ./v,`l10 `.vu_~; the chief speaker at tlief '_ function, gave 21 ne mlrlre<.< on the` .subject Live Your Own Life." ` "which deeply impre=.~'c his listeners. It is intimated by those in Elt4t011.\E` `niance that the recent eon was one of the most. ; the Seot- - tfsh Rite of this district hu.< held for` I x . .= . . I some time. mucn regretteu. ; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Down-c`_;` [spent a couple of days in I`m~on:0} `last week. VT`. The. (I-u.nnr.1 nn..r.rl nun-an nnv IJIZICC 1lH.l1'FLl'cly Z1.Ll,(`.1'I1U01l. .\Ir;~:. J. Maw and Mrs. Geo. John stun spr-nt 21 few days m Toronto 1'... `week. x :.x mm 1r..:+,.,1 mm.-,.1. nnv (Continued from page one) Weir, was the first; railroad in the S world to instal radio, and is stiu , leading in broadcasting. It was in!` 1924 that two stations were equip-5 ped, one at Moncton and one at Ot- tawa. Later a station :1 Vancouver.{ In 1927 the C.I\'.R. took a leading t part in the Jubilee broadaast, whenlr programmes were heard from coast`: to coast. [2 G I"l1n nnvuinx-_nnvu~nnl nvv.--4-nun A4` 4-rain, 12155 VVESK. : ` M1`. Jos. Chappel pz1s::r:(l away oni 'I`hLn~.< morning after u long and: painful illness. The funeral took! place 'J`hv.r. z1l'te1'noon. 3 Ur: .l \Tnw nml Nlra. Can. .Tn`r`.`--` { \VC;`UK. Sczrvice in the United Church me): SLm will be at 3.30 p.m. SCOTTISH RITE MASONS ` HOLD MAY REUNIONE ?.H|U\\ L`..L`nI:-L`. \\'!th then` tr l4....,.,. Friend:~:hips for .<: .~.i{.:'n pr-oplc virtually `:1. .'u\\\' 1` n.. :- L?'.Il"L"*Xll,`|"\lH L a sxmple thing" I nr `Fur Pv 11:`. nu`. my Ll.~| old intlmucy 1.~: TOOK NINE DIAMOND RINGS AND FORTY DOLLARS CASH (Continua-(l from page 0110) at his window Wednesday afternoon: M1`. Willium.~' imme(liatel_v 110ll0(ll. the police. With the (l0.sc1'i1)t:u.. furni.~h<,-cl him by the proprietor of} Lhe robbed jewelry :~:tore, Constable `Case Look up the chase. Shortly af- ".m'\'.';:"tl. Bilzult;-uu, who zm.~`we1'ed tho` `(ls-~=c1'ipti0n given the ofccr by Mr. Williams, bandage and all, was found walkim: along the C.N.R. tracks in Al1:u1d-.110, about a mile from the scene of the robbery. He was arm re: and l0(:kr'd up. When . 9 ml 51+ fl1r- nnlir-n afnflnn llnn nlnn ! c. N. RTEADS IN RADIO BROADCAST` l'(."."l.L`Ll dllkl JU(.'Kl.'(,l U1). VVllL`il >'l.'dl'L`ll- mi. mg diamond rings and $40 in_ cz1.~'h was found on him. Included: in this sum taken from the safe of. the jc\\'C]1`_V store wu-re two 571,00 billsl dutc.-(1 1870 zmd payablc only in To-: `romo, that had be-gn in the \ViI1iz1ms! family for year.-'. All told more than` $150 \\'l`l'C found on the uccused, who (-Inims-d ho had made 1111 but the k"1I\ in O-u~unnu'\-nzr I ed at the police station the nimy: -)L'i)U \\ K L` LULU h $40 in `trapping. Questioned b_v 1-. confessed Hu...n v.-..n-.~ 3. T {MICE . thre f\"2l." x`un121mu_-u J11 L` [nu-. May 28th, able the police to *.'c.~sLig;z1tio11. om: N1-:1:D:< T LOSI:1'I".'~} (Continued from 1mg'e one) I - 1 `Ir n mu. `mit-gncd before Police 31:1 t11i:<(Tlmr.~(l:`.y) momi .....-.-.n.L.rl in 1-I1-`I\I`IV uni -1` 71-.. . EELNESING ppmg. I led Chief Sta-\-.':u't, Bil-` . fa-ssr,-(.1 to ha\ i:1;.r served in Po1't~mouth neniten-3 Imft r.-omlniuod in Sudbury' '\\'11lCl1 (.`Il21Ul('.`(.l LIl`:.'lll LU C'dl'fy J.U1'L_`/`V mt-ssages on the same wire, and leave 5 the evening free for broadcasting. \ Through 21 chain of hook-ups their people of Canada are able to hear \ the voice of such men as1{i11g] "`~L\()1`ge, Ramsay Macdonzxld, the and His Holiness Damn Z! U) _'.5\... (JUL UL LU` KAI `riemls. Pa1'ting's~-~d`- `n1:1`.1L-1'. Now:ul:1y.< 1L`.~: Lo ru`ain frien(1.-1, nezu =ing Long` Distzmcu the! 5 never lost. 5 I l . I The Northern Advance o u.m., fLll`H`.r}1` Al EM _._., -_ _-__ . ..-.-.. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert McCannl ' spent Sunday at Alliston with Mr. ?and Mrs. Stephens. ' :1 Utopia and Angus ball teams play! ied fa friendly game on Monday, the 3}score being 9 to 5 in favor of the! _, g Utopia team. Very good for a start. `Just keep up the good work. A l 4 l 13 `fed- I Mr. and Mrs. Leon Biggs spent thel week end with the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Jennett, Ivy. ` 1|/r_'__ 7;, -1 :- vvuu. nu. n\.\.1\ uuu. \ Mrs. Harold Bell has bee sick list, but we are glad she is recovering`. nrr_. ___ ,1 mm, 111,-, , , . Canada does not produce much goou rne . talent, but. this is an erroneous idea. 1`-rominent part i\`Ii. All it needs is mobilizing and train- ing. Last year a series of sixteen broadcasts on episodes in Canadian history was given, which was greatly appreciated. The main idea is tr: encourage Canadian C0nSCi0llSl1OSS. trains equipped dis- ..... ...:.,\ 1I'r\ nun l-unnv 4`\-nun l<`n1-nnn on, .-:poKe Ieeiirigiy 01 me Leadley him played in the church work, especially as a soloist. Her patience under ,e;reat sufFerin;z:. and calm acceptanc: of the inevitable, when told there was no hope for her recovery, set anl i'.\?:\H`.}Jl{` of Christian fortitude. Bliss Leadloy. who \\'a:< 33 years of age, is survived by a sister, Mrs. Mc- Lean, of llidhurst, and a brother,l ll. A. l.<-ztdlr-_v, of Ki`t.~'(-oty, Alta. Funeral procession 1l1n lnn()`;m.l 5-\'-'-1* irxrl in 1'l1l.`< (llSi.1`l(' _. . _....-,. ... ....-....,...., ..v Miss Brailey of Orillia. was the[ "guest of her sister, Mrs. L. Racher,j over the week end. ; 1.12,, 71- 11 n n 1 1 Barrie, Ont. pecial argains .|.v\l.l.a.a.InJ .I. .l.IJ.V Ovorllauled, read}` to ` ch'iV(- :1\\'a_V xnfh Iivense, gz1.-' and oil. $250.00 Friday May 223 and Saturday May 23 DON T DELAY ANY LONGER if you want to make a big saving on a reliable used car. This mammoth sale of de- pendable used cars is your opportunity to g__e_t the greatest values We have ever offered. Act quickly . . . select your car innnediately . . . come in to-clay ! Gg LAWRENCE & CO. UTOPIA ` FORD ROADSTER Used Cars 'l`IIL'~1{SDAY, MAY 21, 1931. ju Dont Overlook These First Choose Your Dea,1er-Then Choose Your Used Car ! I been on the{ ...-. n-In,-`I 4-,. ur\v\r\\.r-I PI-IOETE 278 LADIES `WEAR :U11 U11 Llll: to report .\.\'.\T(`)T`.\'C`E 'l`T'TEf[R (]{._\.\']7) 0PE.\'i[NG- IN MILLER S In Goodwill (Continued from page one) Other Traffic Cases Previous to the Phi1ip=' ('Zl.$v. 7: charge of 1'c-ckless d1'ivin_27 \`.'a.< pre- fm.-red against William Durrell, who stopped while proceeding` north '\i'v nth ahnllt 6 n.m.

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