Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 Mar 1931, p. 8

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I A special meeting of the share-' holders of the Stroud Telephone Company, Limited, will be held in the Community Hall, Stroud, on ` Monday, March 16, at 2 o clock p.m., ' for the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to the switchboard oper- ator and lineman and other busi- Lamp Stand Special Robinson Hardware -G'UARANTEE - VVit11 every half ,pi11 r of Martin-Senour Enamel pure1mse(l, an u11.nis]1od Lamp Stand, wired. ready to paint for only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..98c You can nish in any color desired ONLY 15 OF THESE Phone 1040 for Delivery Quality Hardware at Lower Prices THURSDAY, MARCH 12, ,1931. ~.u-y..- I 1 Soloist, Miss V. Strange Duet--0 Master We Would Seek Thee -Matthews Mrs. H. J. Heath, Miss B. DeHzn't 7 p.m.-Se1'ies of Lenten Picture Sermons. III. Christ Before Pi- late, by Munkacsy. Copies of the picture will be distri- buted at close of service. Solo--Jesus is Standing in Pl- late s Ha.ll-Mrs. H. J. Health. So1o--A1one in Dark Gethesmane -Mr. Lambert. Anthem-The Saving Victim -.VIatthews. Rev. J. Johnsiuue Bl-:\c\:, Mhxister MISS BRYSON S PUPILS TAKE HIGH STANDING The following pupils of Miss Jessie R. Bryson were successful at the mid-winter music examinations, which were held in the Toronto Con- j servatory of Music in February: Mrs. Vernon Hook completed the A.T..C.M. piano examination (teach- ' er s course), obtaining honors in demonstration lesson and pedagogical routine. Mrs. Hook has now com- pleted all the requirements for the A.T.C.M. diploma and is entitled to use her degree. ;\Irs. Hook, who has received all her training from the primary grade from Miss Bryson, had previously obtained the inter- mediate theory examination with honors. Miue flanvrri-n-A l\/Inn)-a n'F rn .Qi9-. CENIRAL. CHURCH Ud \JUUDC- 2.45 p.m.-~Sunday School. Luke` 1 l'10I'l01'S. tion, has also completed the A.T.C.M. Miss Georgina Moore, of Oro Sta-ii piano (teacher s course), obtaining ` honors in demonstration lesson and pedagogical routine. Ma-.<. Rov U1-rv has obtained hon- examination (SCIIOOI graue). Miss Maudie McDr)ug`a1l passed with honors the intermediate counter- point examination. Mrs. A. E. Baker. of New Toronto. peaagogwal rouune. Mrs. Roy Urry ors in inruermediate singing. R/He: Dnrnfhv Rrvcnn has nsa m 1nmermeu1a:e slnglng. Miss Dorothy Bryson has with honors the elementary s examination (school grade). 1'\/Ha: Mnuxrlin Mr-Tinnrrnll Page Eight Olnt EXEITIIIIHCIUII. Mrs. A. E. Baker, of New Toronto, has obtained first class honors in in- termediate harmony and history of` *n1n,c(` ITIUSIC ful in the primary theory examina- Miss Mary Johnston was success-N tion. I` USED CARS 1930 Durant 4 Sedan 1929 Erskine Sedan 2 1929 IWhippet Coaches 1928 Durant Sedan 1928 Durant Roadster 1927 Star Six Sedan 1927 Star Four Sedan 1927 Pontiac Coach 1926 Star Six Sedan 1929 Ford Coach 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1922 Studebaker Touring The above cars are in good condition and reasonably priced. Your present car! taken as part payment. Sat- isfactory terms on balance. Harold Hill DURANT DEALER 55 Elizabeth St. Barrie. Advertising in The Advance 1 an advance In your sales. the switcnboara oper- bus1- E. A. Guest, President. W. Lennox, Black, Sec'y. Everybody We1con;e ES" ---Sla/ce r pertalnmg ator `anus - 1 ; pasgedl smgmg mny NEWS 1 LocAL_yEws hon-` Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hook returi1- The play, It. s a Ming," by the-'; ed Saturday from an extended trip-Allandale Girl Guides, at St. Paul s, _ through the western provinces. Innisl, Monday, March 16th, at 8', M1`. A. C. Bonter is visiting at his pm]. Admission 25c and 15c. home in '1`rend;on this week. NUS. V. E. Knight spent :1 few Dan, McFadden, of Vespra tow-11-. days in Nexvniarket last week. `ship, came to town last week to col-! IVIIS. Ed. Huxtable returned to T0-ilect $25 bounty on a wolf he shot, re-I ronto Monday after attending the cently near his home. This is the] ' iuneral of her father, the late C._ R. 9th bounty paid out by the county 1 Lewis. treasurer since the beginning` of meal` I] Misses Adeline Wisdom and Bessie year. :Qncu,a1-|1 ennui` Hun \VPPk end Tith tnrougn Ule wesu.-ru pxuvunuco. at last Mm ma T-Tr|vfnh]I= mhn-nod to Lewis. Bessle :Spear11 spent the week end with friends in Toronto. My mm! Mr: A Pmrh snent. 21 few friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pugh spent. a . days with friends in Aurora rthis xvppk, b V week. N um week. 1 _ _ Mlss Annle Garsxde was a vlsxtor at her home for a few days durmg the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornish. wrho the past week. `Mr. and Mrs. Cornish, I had intended leaving for Florida last Saturday, were forced to post- pone their departure owing to the ` illness of their little son. I Aunnnnnnannnf wan nnnrln Snturdav For Sale or Exchange-Sma11 cashi` grocery and dwelling in Barrie, do-'T ing good school trade-ice cream, ` tobaccos, candies, etc. Established knitting machine business in con- _ nection. Well away from competi- tion, nice bright corner. Books show results. Write or inquire Northern Advance, Barrie. - I ` St., and was known some years ago [illness of their l1t.tle Announcement was made Saturday ( that Nicol McNico1 had been ap- pointed engineer for the village of Forest Hill. Mr. McNicol is a grand- son of Mrs. George Poucher, Tifn ` J in Allandale, having attended school hnvn 111 Al here. here. Harry Benson and family moved to Hornepayne last week, where Mr. Benson has been appointed division: a1 engineer. M1';. John G01-me` returned on al engineer. Mrs. John Goring Wednesday from Winnipeg, where she `had been visiting` her sister. -2 A,`__I lllll UUCKA VA;`AI.lll_` A A n . . ; - V . V -. ` Owing to the indispo.-;i1on of t;he`?;1] Bishop of Toronto, conrmzvtion was ` ' not held in St. George s Church on Thursday. 1~.,.u____1...-.1 -3 `r ,.,..\..-...H.~n A nc_gl , years ;uu ...e..._,. . nod b the Barrie rost OI me man- The Brotlmrhoocl of Locomotive adianyL0g.3on`t_o replenish their le_ Firemen and Enginemen held :1 very lief funds is the St. _Patl.ickaS Day successful progressive C11Cl`l1'e in the euchre to be" held in we club 1.03; L.O.L.. hall Friday evening, Mar. 6. Tuesday evening, March 17th, Allthough the heavy snow fall overnthe amusing and intensely human the week end was sudden and entire- picture Lrig`htnin , with Will ly une:~:pec*od, it did not tie the rail- Rogers in `he lead, which will show way up as it would have done a few at The Dreamland Monday, Tuesday 2l__L`O. Snow plows were shut and Wednesday for the Legion: out in all directions early Sunday benet. __:__1_;_ -...1 LL--. 1.-.} LL- A...n,.`|n~ nlnn.-, and A4u\/nA4oI ...... ..-.....`, ..V...._ ,9, overli 1 rail- i : sznt; ` lnight and they had the tracks clear- !ed by Monday morning, so that not i a passenger train was ` behind schedule. This sneaks well for mod- , ern equipment and eiciency. 1 ....; rm.......,:.... um vnuwnrr D.mn1o = [U111 U\]ULylllCllL L|lL\| tTH]\.lK;II\._ya 1 Last Thursday the Young People s 1 League of Burton Ave. United 1 Church attended the .VIontreal 1 i\Iaroons-Toronto Male Leafs hockey , game in Toronto. They left here in 1 six motor cars late in the afternoon and were joined in Toronto by other members of the organization, who ac- companied them to the arena. um... o..~,m.. 1`f\l11'` nnrn A ( Culllpilllltu LXICHA LU Lu: o.Ls.uu.. About twen y years ago A. C.l_i Kendrick lost the medals presentedil to him by their llajesties Queen Vic-l1 toria and King Edward VII. for ser- < vice in the South African war. Six : weeks ago Mr. Kendrick acquainted': l those in` authority in London, Eng., ; of his loss and last week he received l e duplicates of the lost medals through 2 the courtesy of the War Ofce. : The Burning Bush hockey team of! ' Essa St. Presbyterian Church, in charge of C. Clute and Bob Sinclair. I 1'n.unnun,l `n T.Tun4..~u-Hln nn Q-xi-an-Ann` 135521 DE. fl'SUyL('31`l'clIl \.xllul'CIl, U1 jou1'ne_ved to Huntsville on Saturday to battle the High School team of that. town. They lost the engage- ment to the much heavier Huntsville * team by 2 goals to 1. (`mm 'T`...~...-1.... nuA.n'v.n. #1.. ALA! at STROUD TELEPHONE CO., LTD. nu I.'_y .. 5vyuu uv ;.. [- I On Tue-rzday evening the choir of Essa St. Presbyterian Church held a 1 well attended St. Patrick's social at _ the home of Mrs. Goo. Leslie. Thel- evening was spent in games, contests,i` ` etc., ,after wl~.ich it took the forrn`.' ` of a box social. The first and sgeond |` prizes for the best der:o`.`ate?l boxes 1 went to Miss Kathleen Irwin and Miss _Agnes Reynolds. Other prizes win- Pners were Helen Hedger, Rachael I Hagan and Pearl Reynolds. ` l and gave journeyed to riuntsvine Saturday `that. itrsam choir Patrick s The contests form . of second, Agnes ners ALLANDALE VS. HUNTSVILLE Manager Bob Sinclair and Coach C. Clute took the Essa Road Church` hockey team to Huntsville last Sat-- urday for a game ville High School team. l`he was a thriller from hell to hell and, Referee Macdonald handled it per-| . fectly. The Huntsville team aver-` [aged thirty pounds a man heavierl than the Allandale boys. On their` ' line up they had Alameno, a juniori ' O.H.A. player, and Irwin, the regular. goalie for Huntsville s intermediate; team. 3 Alameno scored the only goal ol; 3 the game when he was handed a pass! [out of the corner in the last two} minutes of play. The Allandale for-| wards starred throughout the ganze, Irwin plenty of work.! Arnott and Kashner each missed thei open not in the last period. Hooper| in goal for Allandale was nothing short of marvellous. Several times Reynolds at centre for Allandalcl made his heavier opponents look l'ool- ish with. his Htricklyl manoeuvers.i `nu with the Hunts- say Come, not Go, to their chil- game dren. __ ' I The annual boys servlce of Gen- tral United Church was held last Sunday evening. The choir loft was crowded with boys and young men. There was a fair audience, consider! ing the stormy night. The boys lee the singing, under the direction o1~ Mr. Wiggins, and rendered a ringing! chorus. Mr. Dutcher presided at the organ. Jas. Cameron, member of the Boys Parliament for Barrie, gave an address on the workings of the Boys Parliament and what it was! trying to do to help boys. Master; Harry Livingston rendered a comet solo, I Love to Tell the Story." Three members of the Crusaders , Club delivered three challenges. Victor Brown addressed a challenge` to parents. If they thought the church and Sunday School good: things, they should lead the way and The parents might. take more interest in the play of the young) people. The difference in ages need not rob them of the pal-ship with their children which would mean so, much to both. Fred lielland deliver- ed a challenge to the Church. Co- operation was his message and thisl alone meant success to both young` men and the church. Howard Guest gave a rousing challenge to boys and` young men to then and there, right now, consecrate their lives to Christ. The young people of to-day hardly realizr-d their power and the conse- quences of that power if it were turned in the right direction. The Chi-i.:tian life was not an easy one.` It was a great task, a great venture l'or truth and righteousness. The. sooner they enlisted in the s(-rvi(*r- of - be forw Christ the hv-tter it would them and for the world. I 01 a pass two for- gamc work. the last Hooper goal at Allandale opponents with tricky manoeuvers. When it is (',OI1>2l(lOl'('(l that Huntsville played a junior and an interme player and the fact that they were muvh lwzivier, it can easily be seen, that Allan(lale_ certainly made a creditable show1ng:. ll11ni..<\'ill(- lwnvitlml :1 uunnrxr hp. i 4 l (.'l'U(IlLZLDHJ HllU\\'lIlg. I[unt. provided a supper be- fore the game and :1 (lance after-I wm'd.< and an excellent. time is re-1 ported by all. | FINALS IN BADMINTON PLAYED MONDAY NIGHT I lmcnt (lu1'in<,-,' the past week. After The Garrison Badminton Club play- ed off their annual handicap tourna- many exciting [.',`:l1n(_*.i in the diflbrenli rounds, the nals were played off onl Monday night. ` In H10 lnrllne ulna-lrnu W/liq: H Car- munuuy Iugull. i --~- ,- In the ladies singles Miss ll. Gzn'- On Momluy night in the nal gzune 1 rett won from Miss K. Kennedy, and of the Orillia hockey tom-nnment,!1' in the men's singles A Boyd won C0ld\\':1t(.-r defeated Barrie 7 to 2.L from J. R. Boys after a very ne and captured the Eplett trophy`.- game, in which the play 1'c.-ucln-(1 z1iB.'1rrie was the first to score after-H high stamlard. `a few minutes play, but Goldwater t The Midland club had arranged toltied it up bl-l'01'e the end of the I come to Barrie yesterday, but owing first period, and was leading` 3-2 at t to the condition of the roads, the the end of the . period. They, game was postponed until u latericounted four goals in the lust frame 1; date. Instead of the match with Mid- and held Barrie scorless. t lnntl fl-In Iolnk lnnlrl n v-nnn:]_1-nlxln _ ,,,,_,T, . nlll SI,ZlllL\1I'(l. tojt t later'c Mid-l a land, the club held a round-1'obinl tournament during the evening, which every one greatly enjoyed. :1 Don t forget: the big; matinee at` the Capitol Saturday at 2.30. Every-` body will receive one Amos n Andy I chocolate bar. Wonderful program ` I to entertain you. Splendid comedy ` feature, two-reel all-talking comedy,i ' also Mickey Mouse. I Keep Friday evening, April 10th, open for A Little Bit of Fluff, a play to be put on by the Camp Bor- ` den Dramatic Society, under the aus- _ pices of the Barrie Post of the Can- - adizm Legion in the B:C.I. Auditor- _ ium. Admission 50c and 25c. Watch llfor further announcements. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA A1: a meeting 01' the Conservative` Association held Saturday night, it was decided to institute a drive for membership at once. Plans were al- soo made for the holding of a social evening in the Town Hall Thursday . evening, April 9th. The committee. , chosen to complete arrangcements for ths alfair were Miss Ethel Dougal, ` D. H. MacLaren and the secretary,` `5 Ed. Shuter. - Among` the many activities plan-i ned by the Barrie Post of the Can- 1 adian Legion to 1 '1ief .Patrick s ` be 1_1e1d ro6x`n;. m._--,:-.. --..\........ 1\/r......1. 1'7+`l-. um] Miss Marjorie Creswicke has issued invitations for :1 pupi1 s recital to be held on the afternoon of March 17th at the home of Mrs. Howard Dy- ment, 72 High St. This .will be one ' of the interesting events of the L month both musically and socially. | She was newly married and very iinexperienced in the ways of house- Ikeeping. One day she was preparing ifor a little dinner party. If I could i only remember the recipe for than .scrumptious cake mother made ! . she sighed. Then she brightened . suddenly, flew to the telephone to] l call her mother by Long Distance 1 She got the recipe-and a lot of helpful advice ! fl WILL HOLD PUPILS RECITAL `BOYS SERVICE HELD AT i | CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH` 1 '__."- I CR`.-\V.I'I.\'--~h1 Iovmg memory 3-`S our; ` dou1'l'}1'1ninz1, who ]):l.~`.`~'(:(11l\V2ly: Maw-h `IR. 1923. ? (mar xurmmu, wno pu. away, Mur(-_h `I3, 1923. Oh, how we miss her, words cannot.` tell, 1` the Bright. happy fzlm: wt` lovnd so: well. 'I`h,- s\\'cotcst of Int-mm*io.~' are alli that are left, 3 Of :1 (lvur (l:1umh`e1'-onc of the -:1d]_v missed by father and I I `I I I I br\.~4t." E mother, sislt-1' and brother. i I , ICOLDWATER WINS ORILLXA HOCKEY TOURNAMENTI. A(lvu1`tisi11p: in The Advance means an advuncr: in your sales. (Elizabeth Stree`l) Rev. E. R. Young, B.A., Pastor 5 J. Andrew Wiggins, Choir Director E Audrey L. Clifton, Organist 2 Sunday, March 15, 1931 11 a.m.-Forward-Looking Proph- ets--T~he last three of the Old Testament. Story for Boys--A Can- ada Goose. ._ .... n ,,,1_,, r 1..1.n. The N ortnern Advance IN MEMORIAM ,BARRIE LOCK-UP l SHELTERS DRIFTERS r.:.n.-.--.-..- -..-v-V - ._-..._ _ ___,- (Continued from page one) cup that cheers than did those eleven men seated around that pack- jing ease. Nor was Old Bill taking :any chances on their deporlment. & Nn trrnhhin . vou fnllersz there-':a Eillly (!hilHCL'.H` H1011` (l(3p01'llllL'Ill,. 1 No grabbin , you fellers; I I I just unougrh to {:0 around, In: said, ::ml Lhv rst bozo who grabs gets :1 funny poke in the face, got me '3" When it came to doleing` out the: Huninul - nf Inhn:-nn nil] in :1.-4 I ll Iunny ])UKU In MIL` Jucu, gun nu; . I :`1imi(-(I supply of tobacco, Old Bi11.a.-s ;.s'unu-(I the szunv gmwmlissinllo tactlcs, lnukim,-; sure that (such man got thv ux:wL number of puffs that were com- im:; to him, and no more. ` Mnntlnv mnl-nnn' nrrlvrxd. and tho` `ll`l1.',` L0 mm, and Monday morning; zn'rlve(I, and the` limit of the town's hospitality was: ` n-nclu-(l. The lwzlvy snow which lmd! dirlven these men to seek shelter wzw `ready to provide them with work and} `the means to get proper lodging and` `food. Given the golden opportunity; w to clean sidewalks by Chief Stewartn [most of the drifters, one of whomt ':\vus busily occupied in playing soli-g ' tuire, decided in favor of the open} road (`. ) and :1 chance to bunk in v the police station of the next town.` Three. have of 17 and 18 vear-3. MIG PDHCC SEZLIJUII OI EIIB DUKE EOWIL Three, boys of 17 and 18 years, hit. the trail for Camp Borden, where they hoped to enlist, and the incident of these storm-bound travellers was ' just another entry in Chief Stewart's lmolcs. CAPITOL VVG are giving you this beautiful silverware and want you to form the habit of regular attendance; and in a ri0n you will enjoy the outstanding book- ings fhat we have arrallged for the coming seas0n-`rhe Very latest and nest e111m'tai1m101'1t-\\'11i(:h you camlot a r'fm.'d to miss. Cuiiier St, Uni%ed"'h:rch Scr(:(m s ]3mmdi11g' Nit VVits Pouring` Laughs into a Show loaded with nrise Comedy-dE ep on the Deep Added attraction-K1'azy Cat Cinderella Thursday Monday-Tues- Wednesday Here s one `of the Big Talkies of any Year Cecil B. de Mille s production MADAM SATAN The De Mille genius for speetaeillar effects. for excitement and beauty, for drainatie <,-ontrasts, is given full sway in this story of a wife who is too good for her own good. Scenes of 1-evelry on a. Zeppelin, which is wrecked by :1 storm, form the spec- taeular liigh-spots of this 1u1forgettz1ble talkie ! Music and ga_\'et_\'. the sex and silks of society, comedy and d1'a1na-\\'l1at a combiimtion for thrilling eiitertaimneiit ! u .5.-- COMING-Sit .l.`ig`11t, Captain A}1])10ji1C]{," ;\'e\\' )[oo11, Billy the Kid, Min and Bill, T110 Great 1\I0adow, l`l1o Easlest \\ ay, 'Pa1'1o1', ~ . v ' ' " .. ' 7 ' , Bedroom and .l:}:11'h, Dance Fools Dance, Pzud, R.ed11c111g, ' St1a11g- ` ors May Kiss, '|`mdvr 1-T01"1.1," :111d1nm1y more of the co111i11g season's very latest and b(>si` `pu-.1T111'0s. VVestminster Pattern is guaranteed to be made up on full 18% Nickel Silver base, the best metal obtainable for Table Flatware, and is plat- ed with pure silver. The knives are silvei-plated on high grade crucible steel. Made in Canada by one of the largest nianufaeturers of Silver- plated Tableware. ;.... 7 p.m._--'1`hree Crowns for Every Man. BIG MATINEE SATURDAY 2.30-E.verybody attending will receive Every Thursday is Silverware Night By Jeanie MacPhearson with Kay Johnson, Reginald Denny, Lillian Roth and Roland Young Mighty Stars of Rio Rita, The Cuckoos and Dixi-aua" Featuring the Song Hit-Live and Love To-day BERT WHEELER and ROBERT WOOLSEY a nice fresh Amos n Andy Chocolate Bar. Iomedy, School s Out DAMES --- ACTION - SURPRISES Sunday, March 15, 1931 11 a.m.--The Minister. Anthem-The Roseate Hues I

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