Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 Mar 1931, p. 7

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.~ ,5 boullion cups, that happy season. The hostess may_choose any kind of a party she wishes, a luncheon, at dinner, an evening bridge, or an afternoon tea with all the charming green trimmings. We will suppose it is to be a luncheon. If a large table is to be used, be sure it is spread with a ne linen cloth, preferably one with a clover leaf design or one of those new green satin damask cloths. Some hostesses may be fortun- ate enough to possess a luncheon set of the Indian lace that so closely re- sembles Irish crochet; Nothing could be lovelier or more appropriate than such a set. A centrepiece of sham- rocks and pink frezias or a plant of pink oxalis is most effective com- bined with place cards made from Shamrocks or Paddy s Hat cut out of green cardboard. The ingenuity of the hostess may be allowed full play when it comes to decoraiions, wided she does not overdo things. `he luncheon menu might consist which were sent to the Barrie Shelter me swweci. while pleasing variety was given by poems from a Canadian writer, read by Miss Simmons. A social time with refreshments, served by the hostess, concluded the meeting. LUL mu. us.-.\,..u......., The Price s Corners Women's In- 1 stitute met to-day at 2 o clock, at the ( home of Mrs. Alf. Bard for their regular monthly meeting. Roll call was answered by an Irish joke. There was also a paper given on Ireland, descriptive of the beauties of the Emerald Isle, its history, folk- lor and superstitions. . 1 < 1 The Clowes W.1. met at the home - of Miss McKay recently, with ; thirteen members, three visitors and`: nine children present. The roll call ` was answered by suggestions for` using stale bread. An appreciative` letter from Mr. W. J. Justice wag read, acknowledging the two quilts` K` cream of green pea soup, served last month by this branch. I celery and olives, chicken croquettes served with french peas and creamed potatoes; fruit salad ,in mint jelly, with cheese straws; vanilla ice cream sprinkled with chopped green candied cherries and blanched almonds Serve this ice box cookies cut with a sham- rock cutter and garnished with thin bits of citron to represent the veins in the shamrock. Coffee or tea may be served as desired. "Fun 4-ho -Fnllnuvinrr 3-nninn fnr w i th : The members of Elmvale Women s Institute and their families held their annual At Home in the Parish Hall recently, with about eighty present. Progressive euchre and erokinole were played for a few hours. The winners at euchre were Mrs. Al.i White and Mr. R. A. Cooper, while the crokinole winners were Miss `Betty Black and Howard Hart. Af- lter refreshments, Messrs. Harry +.he|Baker. Verne and Will Beardsall and will come in handy. iislation." 1ne prugrauuue was_...-. - For the tinted pinwheels, spread a terspersed with community singingl? whole slice of crustless and very fresh buttered white bread with white The February meeting of the 9'` cheese that you have tinted a deli-:HomingS Mills W0men,s Institute cate green with pure vegetable color;l was held at the home of MrS_ Robh n mu it up like 3' miniature jelly r Carscadden. The roll call was an- 1 and wrap 1 wax paper t keep swered by A Humorous Event in C res? P` Sf."`Y= t`.1T;`= ft `h };1w1y School Life. Miss Millie Mar- , R3931 in sices \Vl1,"l a xery s alp;s1}a1]1)g.ave a giperton tiff t;1P,ri.ncip1ets C ' ' o ress. e s resse e impor - 1, For shrimp and green pepper ance of selecting styles and colors toi . sandwiches, use four slices of whiteisuit the individual type. Miss Flora 1 bread; butter two of them on both Dean gave a paper on The Value of sides, two on one side. Build up the Good Reading, pointing out the edu- four layers, using mashed and sea-' caional value and inuence of the soned shrimp for the two outside ll- right kind of books. also the import- ings and green pepper cut ne, fori ance of choosing good books for A _ thp centre layer. Mix llings with children. Mrs. Wm. Ferris then read` Salad dressing. Press down rmly When You and I Were Young,` (it is well to wrap them and place Maggie, telling about the life or under weight for a time, in a cool the author, George Johnston, and place) and at serving time, cut down Maggie, his wife, who lived near in slices, then in narrower ngers. l Bartonville, Ont. I | , . l TOP 0 THE MORNIN" |`HTC ETJCCTRIC SHOP 13 Elizabeth St. FAIRBANKS - MORSE House I ighting % Plant G11umnt'eec1 in p . . . . .. condition. A snap for somo one. Suitable for farm or summer home. GRIBBLE 8; BURTON COST AROUND $500.00 WILL SELL AT $20()_00 With Water Pump The regular monthly meeting of the `Coulson Women s Institute was ~he1d at the home of Mrs. Jas. She1s- well yesterday afternoon. Roll call was answered with a St. Patrick s un -kn n Lake St. George Women s Institute .` held its March meeting at the home of Mrs. D. G. Watson yesterday af- ternoon. The roll call was answer- ed with an Irish joke or verse, and the whole programme was suggestive of St. Patrick s Day. During the afternoon a quilt that this branch has hmm making` was comnleted. I T-HURSD-_ Y, MARCH 12, 1931. afternoon qullt mat mm um been making was completed. The regular meeting of the Severn Bridge Women s Institute was held . at the home of Mrs. T. J. Forsythe ; recently. Home nursing form- < ed the subject for the afternoon, I 1 . ` ' . 1 In-L ` joke., i ` ; 1 | 1 .;were Al. 1 = v1Betty Harry alBaker, and` Mrs. R. P. Burton furnished the music for a few hours dancing. child, which is a chance in a good?` home. Will people interested in`,, these unfortunate little ones kindly" get in touch with W. J. Justice, boxlsy` 914, Barrie, for further particu1a1's.';1{ 875` DIVORCES GRANTED `:5 IN CANADA DURING 1930;}; it ` Total of 875 divorces were grantedlr in Canada during 1930, according totc a return issued by the Dominion t Bureau of Statistics. Of this num- E ber 247 were granted by the Dom- inion Parliament and comprised mar-15 WOMEN S INSTITUTE NEWS ____ ... Creighton Women s Institute met` 1` at the home of Mrs. George Camp-` C hell on Tuesday, March 10th. The.C ra11- call was answered with sugge=&{C tions on how to remove stains an `\ irust from linens. There was a pie'\ [contest at this meeting. The pies were I judged and a prize given. Mrs. J. 1 Reid gave a. paper on The Women's} Institute, and Mrs. W. R. McLean`1 u read current events, after which 21,] lidemonstrgition was given on makingg` "paper owers. 11 :_.__ " . Barrie. by Mrs.!"` . Edna 3` on ``Leg- *3 was in-1 C singing.` I3 Ers. 1 illie . 5 him when he arrived ! ` Jim Kendrick, on his way home after a long business trip, was de1ay- i ed by a snow blockade. His wife 1 would be expecting him. Jim re- : membered the telephone. He got in I touch with her at once; he "would be|< about three hours `late. And a 1 piping-hot dinner was waiting for ST. PATRlCK S DAY BRINGS SPRING INTO THE HOME SUBSCRIBE $10,782.00 TO WILLINGDON FUND The women of Canada contributed 1 a total of $10,782.42 toward the presentation to Lady Willingdon, ` and still further sums are expected? The sums were given through the national convenership of Miss Mil-` _ dred Bennett, sister of the Prime ` ' Minister of Canada, with Lady Bor-"` den as secretary. All amounts were` ' given without a campaign being held. i With the larger amount diamond ` given without campaign oemg clu. - With the larger and emerald ear rings and a dia-=f mond and pearl ring were bought as ` remembrances from the women of Canada to Lady Willingdon. Through ` Mrs. G. Howard Ferguson, wife of the Canadian High Commissioner,` the gifts will be presented in London. next month before Lady Wi11ingdon'_ ` departs for India with the new Vice- TOV. roy. The balance of the sum co11ected| will constitute a donation from Lady Willingdon to the Victorian ` uwlrw nf Nurses. . 1' [Lacy W luluguuu I Order of Nurses. The following donations were re-Q ceived at the -Children s Shelter for` l the month of February : D F` T a-.1r\r11v1r`11r>,= nnd wemers: SHELTER DONATIONS FOR i MONTH OF FEBRUARY` the month 01 .t<'en1'ua1'y : - B.C.I., sandwiches and weiners;'\ Barrie W.I., candy; C.G.I.T., cake` and sandwiches; B.C.I. Girls, sand- [wiches and cake; Grand Jury, case `of oranges, box of chocolates, candy.| X 'I`hn=r= gmmlies were xzraiefully re-`, iof chocolates, candy.[ 1 These supplies graiefully re-SW ceived. There are some ne boysi _ ,and girls at the Shelter ready for}e; placement. They are well traineda land are all Canadian children and . worthy of the right of every normallli _ chance in good,.S` i in`, i kindly" box-15, ; pa1'ticu1a1's.l_i :d.X1(1 gins at um: DJIIKJLDCJ. u.u.._, -e- trained, l:,I;`g_t}?1.e0?11thSarn,%:aI:)f (::_`}71ei,1'eI::)r:1,:a({[ing and Higginson, the clerk was in- y `structed to write sheep Valuers ask- good. . _ inling them to meet council at the nexi kindlymmettng 5 they nght 9 solution whereby a more uniforir boxl 1 . 1_ d 1 I pai'ticulars.'Va anon wu1d be 1 Ce upon Sleep , ikilled or injured by dogs. . I The reeve informed council that Sand conrmed. _ r_-_ I On--motion of Councillors Bant- .-375 the Department of Highways would : 1930:not consider in any way subsidy on 3 -? `-thre closing of roads in the township, -, in1d)iitizfiZir5ii1Viii5 `:%%i5%i?1`;t`i`1`;' _ , _ _ .on eega es 0 oo oa s conven- i'=I3-3 f1'=`SS;1 {by ;)m;1h1::1 Lion other than the road superintend- 3 ureau o aisics. s u - m,_ grahtled thed-Dom` e The following accounts were Dre.-l _inion Parliament an comprise mar- seated and ordered paid: t'i'iage dissolutions _ in Ontario and! Mm-xicipai worm supplies I-0,.` i-` Quelgleci) lhe remainder W;/eref gfwshcep Valuers, $3.28; D. H. Coleman, .Cl`0 Y 19 V31'1U-9 00111` 5 0 P count trea ur r, Toront hos ital -. Jother six pll-pvinces`; iJ1V.()lVeI( l.i No gig Hi1dayLang'ord, $23.25;oJohnpDun1i-1,`: a?:he,,r;3mc:i::: had Premium on Globe for 3 _ _ _ itownship, $265.20; A. .B. Coutts, only one marriage dissolved in that Vespra telephone system, $85_10_1 f3Shi011 Since Chfed91'atih- M.0.H., account in full to Feb. 4th, British Columbia headed the listi$13_00; Stewart Mcquay fumigating for 1930 divorces, the gures in theiin 193'(), $15_()(); Rom, Cole, road` Pacic wast P1'Vh1Ce being 255- superintendent, attending convention`! Ontario had 207, Alberta 151, Mani- and work to date $3050`. H_ L_i toba 114, Saskatchewan 62, Quebec Jennett, repairs t0 g.,.ade1. $ 1_85. X` 40, New B1`l1h5WiCk 27; and NVa`Coxworth, attending Good Roads `s S0053 19- This total, 0f 875 W515 comreiiion, $15.00; Arthur Coxworth. [(3 59 more than the previousAyear, and 254 yards gravel, lot 26, Com 7; mwas the largest in the countmfs 1115- $34.60; Jas. Jennett, 246 yards L11 tory. Since 1913 a total of_7,'756 graveh 1otg 26-27, Con. 7, $247.95; geidivorces have been granted in theiw_ Dempster 13 yards gravel, lots 's. D0m1Tl1h- , 26-27, Con. 7, $14.30; W. Hatton, iel FY01 the bureaus 1`etu1'h 1t 15 covering `for bridge, lot 15, Con. 10, 1g apparent that a large _number of`$54.30_ _-s_ Canadians seek _ dissolution of the B3-_1aw No_ 544 was amended ap- n- D13-1`!'13ge bonds 111 the _Uh1t9d State? pointing Robt. Arnold attendance ng The 1'c1_tSt Veal` fill` Whlch 3 1'_eC1`d 151ofiicer in S.S. 13, instead of Herb. rs. kPt _m_the United states 1'5 1922 Dunn, and Jas. McMaster, fence na and 1t 15 hted that m_ that Yeijuivieiver in northern division instead ig-- there were only 544 divorces in of John Dobsom in-icahaday but th'7`1'9 Were 110 fewer A by-law was passed authorizing ig.`thm 1:35? Cahathah C11P1_eS Who b` -the reeve and treasurer to borrow tamed divorces from United Statesmoney fl-om time to time to meet 3: 1`1"rti-iS.number Says the return, t1l;)e31current- expenditure for the year` ba 315b f_1'hE`3dd,36-.2 }"31` Cehti 9f thle Cnuncil adjourned to meet at i.ii- gm. 318 t `V0599? gmhltc 1h t iTh0rnton on Monday,, April 6th. nite ta es uiing t e year to w_ M_ Dinwoody Clerk In! nnnnn nzv rncnw-in!` in `Fnrriirrn noun- 3,05 all the jolly times for party ' giving, _St. Pat/rick s Day is perhaps the jolhest. It comes along at_ a time when people are weary of Wm- +m.- and pmrpr -for snring` and even`- 14.-ourts. _ t This number, j also formed 36.2 per cent. of the number of divorces granted in they ' United States during the 1 couples married in foreign coun- Iries, while at the same time the per- centage of the Canadian-born popu- `ulation to the foreign `born amounted, ;`to only 8.1 per cent. . ` n s 5 `ALLISTON SCHOOL BOARD ` GETS LEGISLATIVE GRANT: i On the guarantee of the Alliston `Board of Education to make certain `necessary improvemenis in the town s | high school building to relieve some of the present congestion, such im- provements to cost around $2,000, Dr. A. H. U. Calquhoun, Deputy |!Minister of Education, has informed ' the board that the legislative grant for 1930 will be forthcoming. The board having done this at a recent `meeting, there is a distinct feeling of lrelief among the citizens in genera1.| Qirnnnn (".mm`..v 'T`rnnsn'rm`. Harrvl relict me clnzeiis in g(-.`ll(:l"dl.l ` Simcoe County Treasurer, Harry} lColeman, is ready to forward $10,- {000 the moment he is satised the Alliston school is entitled to it, and the treasurer of Dufferin county will ;be doing likewise, but it may be` I I inecessary to give the treasurers of the other three counties, York, Peel and Grey, formal notice that main- `tenance charges are now payable to this school. The grants will aggre- igate $15,000. I 'FT:Lvin2` felt: the bower of the De- lgate .S1n,uuu. ; Having power partment of Education when it chooses to assert itself, Alliston can realize that it is useless for a mun- icipality to hope to successfully take issue with a provincial government. I l Canada will hear the voice of the Prince of Wales, speaking in South America, when the opening of the British Empire Exhibition at Buenoe Aires on Saturday, March 14th, is broadcast. The Marconi Company will bring His Royal Highness speech by short wave and it will be broad- cast from one end of the Dominion to the other by the Canadian Nation- al Railway chain. The address will ;begin at 1 p.m., eastern standard . time. `muncr-1 or WALES ON AID MAI SNOWED IN =u.|:.a UN AIR MARCH 14th The Northern Advance time when people a.1'e_weary 01 W111- ter and eager for sprmg and every; thing that suggests the approach 0.. that happy , Thu hn_ r.n=-.9: mav choose anv IFITNF. WEATHER DOES NOT HELP TRADE AT MARKET` Home-grown radishes were again :on the market at 5c a bunch. Wintei vegetables were unchanged in price. with the exception of carrots, whici` sold at 20c a basket. Some ne Hub- bard squash was displayed at one .|sta11, selling at 15c and 20c each. 'n [Parrsni"~s are coming` to market in, nllarger quantities at.25c a baske".: ,_`Cabbages are about the cheapest`; vegetable just now and can be hadi d at 2 small heads for 5c. I Thu `F-.11!-rnnl-Q whn nH"m` their \Val'eQ 1 | 1 In spite` of the ne weather that prevailed Saturday, trading was dull at the farmers market. This fact did not seem to make much differ- ence in prices, which remained prac _ tically the same as the previous week - with the exception of chicken, which sold at 25 a lb. straight, without 2: varying scale. Poultry was more plentiful than it has been for the , past. month, but the demand was poor. Fowl sold at 20c a lb. and I geese at 20c. > There sepnierl to be a bi` SLIDDIY at `we. There seemed to be big supply ` of eggs selling from 25c to 30c a `doz. One farm wife who had brought to town an ex.r3. quantity ` of eggs, nally sold out to a whole- sale agent for 18c 21 doz. Butier was ,1sti11 33c lb. to `the customer buying `lseveral pounds, and 35c a single `pound. , Hnme-m-mvn 1-adishes agam F The regular meeting of Essa town- ,'_lshp council was held at Thornton on '|_March 2nd, with all members pres- `.{ent. Minutes of last meeting read 1 Sand conrmed. H nn..~m.+;nn nf (`.nnm-.111ors at 2. small neads I01` oc. _' The farmers who offer their wares ` on the outside market are still bring- ing in home butchered pork and beef.1 Pork was priced at 13c and 14c fore` and hind quarter cuts, and beef was] quoted at 15c to 17c. A few pigs : heads were selling at 50 each. One, _ farnier had a couple of setting hens .lfo1' sale at $1.50 each. Light wood `land hard wood are still a big feature ,Iof the outside market. , ll ESSA COUNCIL Smashing record after record, the beautiful 26,000- ton Canadisn Pacic linsr Em ress of Japan holds an est-abhsheq reputatxon as 1: me queen of the Pacic Qcean, both In speed and comfort. Her latest accomphshment, on her last 4,280-mlle trip, east- bound from Yokohama to Vancouver, was to com- plete her journey in 8 days, 3 hours and 18 minutes, thus beatmg her own previous record by 3 hours and 40 minutes. Apart from this she holds records Undiisputed Queen of the Pacific at ` nfornx sheep 1 dy mship, l ubsidy onven- ntend- 'e [)1`\3' l ts for wleman, 1'-2` Dunn, E :e for] Coutts,` $85.10. b. .ig`ating . :, road. 1 vention` [Y T Women s Page For a Well Stacked Paptry McCuiough 3 Grocery Phone 2 1 5 OUR FINE FOODSTUFFS AND YOUR CLEVER COOKING QUITE A COMBINATION, EH I Buy where quality is re1iab1e-that means NOW and HERE LAKEVIEW DAIRY LAKEVIEVV Dairy products are rig- orously pasteurized and p1'epa1'ed in strict co11fo1'1nity with the pure food laws. The Lakoview label is your guarantee for 100 per cent. purity, as well as rich, wholesome goodness. between Vancouver and Honolulu; Honolulu and Yokohama and Yokohama and Kobe. The last)- mentioned record is considered the ship's beat speed performance in Japan's history. The com- mander of this great White Empress, Captain Samuel Robinson, indicated after her last trip that she has still more power in reserve and may well hang up another record in the near future. PHONE 70 Page Sevep be serveu deslreu. : Try the following recipe for the` soup : Cream of Pea Soun-Put one num- ' Cream of Pea Soup-Put 1 ber 2 can peas, liquor from can, two cups water and one slice onion in a saucepan and simmer for fteen min- ' utes. Press through a sieve, saving out one-half cup peas for garnishing. : Add one teaspoon sugar, two cups ` thin white sauce and salt and pepper : to taste. Just before serving add one slightly beaten egg yolk and one 3 cup cream, and heat without boiling. Serve in cups with a few of the whole peas in each. Top each with a spoonful of whipped cream and sprinkle with minced parsley. Serves eight. F`m- rho mnnlded salad use a pack- It s `top 0 the mornin .I m sayin to ye, ` Whoever, whatever, wherever ye be~ For Sp1_`ing s in the offin And W1nter s a-wane ; The birds in the eaves nae a-chirpin again. And 1ife s full of gladness For you and for me, So, it s. `top 0 the mornin I m saym to ye. For the moulded salad pack-1 age of lemon jelly powder, avor, sparingly ;w;th mint extract and tint'of Mrs. J. Berry recently, with am with the harmless green vegetable: attendance of nineteen. The roll call coloring that may be procured fromiwas answered by My Favorite: your druggist. Have ready two; tablespoonfuls each of crushed pine-.J. Harrison then gave a reading The apple, chopped canned peaches, apple, Farmer. A paper on Table Setting grapefruit and orange pulp Stir intogand Decorating Was read by Mrs. aspic and pour into individual`lR. Elliott. Mrs Connell gave a hum- moulds. Serve on crisp lettuce` orous reading. A very interesting leaves with mayonnaise. Garden contest was Won by Mrs.` If one prefers to entertain at af- Harrison and Mrs. Berry. ternoon tea, these sandwich recipes.Connell then gave a. paper Leg- handy. islation. The programme mm. +1. +in+m1 ninwhnels. snread altersnersed The February meeting of Fisher s Corner Institute was held at the home \ t ( Vegetable and How I Serve It. Mrs. 1 I l I

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