Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 Mar 1931, p. 2

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gage Two DR. R. W. HUGHES DENTAL SURGEON ..I..... AL....- . N MUSIC LESSONS -- _-\`- - zvvn nrrlw um Innuuu NURSE RI-ALTON _ __-uI.... Q0 pl-unn Umce nours: 12.80-2 p.m., 6.80-8 p.m. :j::.- \N (IKULK ur Barrio Brunch nvnnn rn A 1 rnn`\ 7l'UiV Phone 487w. nus! Barrio. Ont. The cost of a systematic garbage aced m tms way. I collection should not be high and cer-I tainly is in the interest. of every; '|nn11::1}`1n1r1(>1` in R:11'1'ie. I tauny Is In Ene lnu householder in Barrie. Published at 1 23_Dunlop St.,_s. an-ie,_ every Tb ursdaz, GARBAGE COLLECTION A "JUST SENTENCE Why Not Try The Silver Arrow Taxi Travel in Comfort in Heated Sedans Our Motfo is CARE and COURTESY Next Door to Dreamland Theatre Day Service 25c Night Service 25c @112 Ngrlggrn Ahuanrr THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1931 EDITORIAL The appearance of spring andi summer orders are responsible for`; improvement in business conditions 4 during the last few weeks. Emp1oy- \ ment is gaining somewhat in antici- pation of spring activity. The gen-' erg} belief is that the worst is past; that we have survived it and can look -.,. +1.`. -Fnf-nvn xvii-h same mnf-idence.i BRUCE WJLSON, Hop. PHONE 44 ` After much conjecture and specu- l `Iation on the part of the pqblic re- ` garding who would be appointed t0 5 represent Canada at Washington, af `official announcement was made last I Isaturday by the Rt. Hon. R. B. j ;|Benne1_1t that Major William Duncan Herridge, D.S.O., M.`C., of Ottawa, distinguished lawyer, veteran of the great war, son of a noted Canadian `clergyman and scholar, had been chosen to succeed Hon. Vincent Massey as Canadian Minister to the United States. VF}-.n+ 4-lno nnnninhmninf (lid nnf. m(2.r>.1 ~ l lelergyman and scholar, had been sold out or Lllls popular prouuct. zlf the radio scenery seeker can sur- vive this air billboard, he may seek ( another road. Ah ! This looks bet 1 That the appointment did not meta` ter! It says, The Afternoon of a v wit-h the approval of The Globe, 15 Faun, by Debussy. That ought to 4 apparent in an entirely uncalled forxbe tranquil enough. It is, at the be- i editorial comment appearing in Mon- \ ginning. But hardly has the faun [d3-Y S issue Of T0l 0I1 t0 S Veterallidecided to call it an afternoon when daily, to the effect that the Prime around the corner comes a large ano ~ Minister has made a mistake in ap- noisy billboard. This assures you i pointing to such an important post that Go Gettem Gas is the only I one who is totally untried and un- thing that will make your car run. V tested, and that his act calls for ex-lforward. To use any other gas is I planation to Parliament and to the like tying your car s rear end to ai -country. hitching post. In fact, ordinary Jn.umpn+.1v 'T`lw G1obe s idea of a grades of gas are good only when] lcountry." ! Evidently The G1obe s a` `perfectly suitable Canadian represen-' Native to that highly commercial and itrade obsessed sister country to the: south, is an esthete, a writer of plays} and supporter of the musical and} dramatic arts. i 1.`..;.1m.o1u +.-m Hnn G]nhe s edi-1: ' an inuential and dignied place inI_the heavy hand of billboardiziug." ` . America s social and inte1lectua1"l`hat a similar movement for radio - spheres was only of secondary im-'billboard elimination is under way 1:. dramatic arts. gtnat can uuvui. Ur: nap... in .,.._,.. ., J EVide11`-1Y `J00 the G10be S edi-aradio set to enjoy music only to nri. torial writer overlooked the fact tl1at;uu1t wh-at he has invested in is in Premier Bennett in announcing thellarge part the right to open his door A aPPl11lm11t; 3150 ZBVG '00 the COLIN-`,to a thousand and one ballyhoo arL- , try his reaisqiit. The (t}1obte1;std\v`r{As1lf.ifst,5, lwho _too ofjdeii 1difl`e1~ fl-0111 tho; 1 corrcspon en repor s a er ami iar circus si e siow announcers I paying high tribute to Major Her-`only in the accents used. 1 1 1 1 ridge -9 q\131iC.3ti0I1S, Premier B011` The movement for the elimination nett emphasized that the most im-of objectionable roadside billboards p01'taT1t task devolving upon Can-iwhich will give motorists an oppor ada s diplomatic representative atltunity of enjoying the scenery is as? Washington is that of`suming large proportions. Now the _ close intimacy with the business mindppublic is realizing that its prcciou: ; of the American nation. To reservc,;iir highways have also fallen under - portance. Diplomacy, the business apparent to those who keep their ears of solving problems of concern to'to the ground. In some instances the Canada and the United States by advertising is so aggressive that it means of personal contact, was actually defeating; the very end Tl | paramount duty, the Prime Minister is designed to serve. ris:nl2.1-Ad. . gtne nrst. tlme In mstory one cure- `monies were carried out by ' native- born Canadian. It was to t. Hon. Lyman P. Duff of the Supreme Court of Canada, as acting Administrator of the Government, that the distinction of opening Parliament fell in the absence of a Governor-General. It - has quite frequently happened that ' sessions have been prorogued by | Chief Justices of the Supreme Court, - but it has never been called into ses- sion a Governor-General. ii =;On the present occasion Chief Jus- * tice Angclin is in the south on sick I Iileave and Mr. Justic Duff replaced llnhm UNWARRANTED ATTACK eclared. Why, we wonder, does The Globe GOVERNMENT JUSTIFIED nvn fn hr: like that? I Radio channels have often been! likened to the highways of the air.| To-day in America, like the moto1| highways, these other routes are filled with advertising bi11boards.| spoiling the musical scenery which is their normal charm. Qnni-or! of flan (Hui n1' 9 vnlliin cnl that have survwcu in arm can Louis `to the future with some condence. ` The reconst-ructzion period must of necessity be slow, but spring is here| with new hopes and aspirations. `Seated at the dial of a radio set,. the seeker of beauty nds himself in a position analogous to the driver of a motor car. A splendid road I: found. It is called Hungarian Rhapsody by Liszi. Suddenly a[ vocal billboard breaks in upon thet satisfying mental picture the rhap ` sody has brought and announces that unless you eat _Piif s Pz_1.rticu_1gJ,y Pickles you have lmown only a dis- llnal world. If you haven't tried Pi"s Pickles you ought to stop listen ing and hurry down to the nearest! u grocer to get some before he is all` )`sold out of this popular product. .H` +l1n vnrlin ,v:r-nnnrv .enr+km~ mm sL1r- n `M10113 I'l0l.`l Ylal. cnarm. I I r forward. = radio listener `radio AI . __.1.._s `.... 1...: 'be tranquil ,decided . :n\1nL-4 Ill] is, the be- a `grades gas when `operating in reverse. By this time, like the motorist, thcntgrjng the is beginning to think` that seeking beauty along the ether ipatliways is an illusion, ]that can never be kept. a promise He buys a music, nr` them. An offer of the Christian Brother- hood of Canada to build an industrial school for boys at Alfred, 40 miles from Ottawa, in Prescott county, at a cost of $200,000, was accepted by the Cabinet. The school is to be re- cognized for commitment of Roman Catholic boys and will accommodate 100 boys, who will be given adequat agnicultural and vocational training in an elfort to rehabilitate those en- institution. 'l`he usual grant is to be given to the school, which is to be patterned after the: lstyle of Bowmanvillc school for boys. The brotherhood will administer the 1 staff. Linn '1` l. Kr-nnr-{lv_ l\.l'ini: `operatmg 1n reverse. m an e =1`21dio thinkigyant 1 lthat j promise`sLy1e 01 [that alT I: by uradio music, x-1r :5t,3,`_ jtliat invested in` Hon_ tllarge Ag,-jcu] vlto one art-|Ag1-icu] Hists, who too often difler mm,-Q, `ifainiliar circus side show wjm [ - only um-3; 3 i l`hn movement elixninationmecd f( `only the accents useu. elimination!` Iof billboards` iwhich oppor itunity is `suming the] `public nil` hi<.rh\\`:1vs BILLBOARDS OF THE AIR One of the most widely discussed; acts of the Bennett Government is the recent order-in-council banning imports of furs, lumber, coal, pulp- ` wood, sh and grain into Canada from Russia. "Winn nnh'nn 1179: 9 r`P'fI1'li1`.P '|`l3,\')0nS from Russia. The action was a denite response to an alleged trade offer from Rus- sia whereby the Soviets agreed to i buy certain machinery in Canada, ; prov-ided Canada permitted the im- : portation of Russian coal. Such v coal was sent into Canada in large; , quanties last year and the question ' . of an embargo upon it was under ` _ consideration when importers suspend- . ed the movement for the winter : months. I Tn nzltl-inn +n nnlincr with this months. In addition to dealing with this specic question, the Government now lays down a general policy. Evidence of persuasive character has been forthcoming to show that the products banned are largcly produced by forced labor, or in any event by `labor which is paid a few cents per day-the average is said to. be 28 cents. The position taken is that ad- mission of such goods in competition with Canadian products must inevit- ably mean a lowering` of Canadian standards of living, if not the de- struction of industries and conse- quently larger unemp1'oym`ent dim- culties. 'Y`kr. lnsnnnrlnv nnnrlnrnin nun:-+1'nh \l1'JQ CLIICIES. The broader academic question was raised as to the wisdom of helping `Russia to make a success of her ve- year plan by absorbing her products. Obviously the action of no one coun- try could be more than a minor fac- tor in the eventual oulcome of the experiment and Canada's policy rc- presents what the Government be- lieves to be the best interest of Can aclians rafhers than an incursion into Soviet affairs. A nn{n+ urkinl-i 1101- knnn `union ! 1: DOVIBI zurairs. A point which has been raised by opponents of the Government is that Canada, in need of export markets, is deprived of this Soviet business by the Govcrmnent s net. This is not entirely true. The Soviets need, among other tliings, farm machinery. Canada makes good farm machinery and there is nothing,` in the world to prevent the Soviets buying it. But when the price of buying: it is to throw Cunadi:m labor into direct com- petition with prison and peasant labor, the Bennett Government says the cost is too high. 'm1r-rn \\Vn< nicn Hun cnrrrrr-:Hnn It was no light task for Magistrate w Jeffs to pronounce sentence upon the ; three jail breakers, Manson, McLeod 4 and Moore, last week. The outburst 4 of these young criminals cannot be 4 condoned in any way, and sufficient j evidence was produced to make it plain that they are dangerous to be at large. They even gloated in their beastial act, and showed no signs of repentance when taken to Ports- mouth. Qnmn Hninlz Hm .=pnt.enc_e was un-I we cost IS 100 nign. There was also the suggestion thrown out with the Soviet offer that Russiz1--if iil(}m1'O])0SiL'i0n was na- <.-opte(l by (`:1nud:1---wou1(l :1;:ree to a confermice on wheat rnzwketingz. 'I`here is nothing: in the history of the Soviet sLz1tnsi11:1i1s11ip to give con- fidence to `nor undm'tz1kim:.<. A confm'nn(-0, of (.'our: means: nothing Any agreement arising out of one would be observed ju.~:L so long` as it suitml the intm'es4L: oi` 1-mmnunism to continue it. And any nxzremneni would most undoubtedly bv the be- ginning of 21 web of owr wonomic encrmu-hnwnts upon Canada. nunnn. The (-0n.~'(.~|1sus of opinion .`-I(.`I`lnH to be that tho wm'st is nlrnnrly huhiml us. Stocks of goods in merchants hands are not heavy and nt-ccsanry replacements must. very soon creme greater activity for both nu1mx1'nc- turcrs and rmimnry pro(lucerss.--`Pm. dent, Dominion Bank. hm-im: tho past nino yours out im- ports: of bituminous (-0111 from the Hnilml 91:1`:-:4 hnvo l'ull-u about ten mu! :1 h:1H' pm` cont. Ow-1' 5:00 mu-.s'ts' pnizl $100 each j for lh:- ]))`i\'iI('9p,`(` of nttnmlinr.r :1 bun- qm-I, In Ein.~'lnin, the scimltist, and p('l'h:l]):; Hwy got. their money's worth. nu. - The Northern Advance }w1::s<'s DOINGS AT THE I I ONTARIO LEGISLATURE I one: I The problem of whether municipal lincome taxation should be resumed in the province promises to prove one of the most contentious (lCl):ll(,'I-5 during the present session of the Ontario Legiislaturc. This was shown when amendments were introduced and presented for second reading by Arthur Ellis, Con., Ottawa South. and A. E. Honeywell, Con., Ottawa North, which ask for abolition 01' the [taxation and also that it might be ioptional to those munic/ipalities de- siring it. , i hm-irlml nnnnsitirm arose to the taxi Decided opposition arose to tax] `being 3-b011Sh0(l from Toronto, Hum-' ilton and members of other -`tics, the chief opposition coming from Russell Nesbitt, rC0n., Brucondulc- l,Toronto, who contended that city `would lose $2,500,000 if the tax was Jjemoved. D..nmmv Hnvnvv nnd Attornuv-Gen ismng 1:. lwas removed. Premier Henry and Attorney-Genv eral -Price both agreed the question of most importance and urged that when the bills are in committee much consideration should be given to tliem. An nn'm- nf um Christian Estaif. 1 ` T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Ag'riculturc, at a meeting of the; Agricultural Committee of the Legis- was instructed to get in touch `with Dom-inion authorities at O1;-` and impress upon them the 'need for investigating the cream con-t tent of ice cream sold in Ontario;; [also the necessity for the immediate iestablishment of some sort of brand, I for all tubercular tested cattle. Col.` ' Kennedy intimated representatives '_ would be sent to New York state thisi year to study the dairy situation there. A complete survey of the province will be made so as to pro- " vide the d`partmental records with a check, as regards butter fats produc-I tion of all dairy herds. This is to be followed by a policy of introduc- ing better bulls to areas with pool" grade herds so as not only to im- prove the standard of the herd, but indirectly the quality of the milk. [E To consider reformation of thei `g system of electoral registration, A.r spoke to his motion asking for a sel- tion. Ontario s present system of compiling the lists he claimed is anti- quated and under which thousands are left olf the list. Mr. Nesbitt even favored the system in force in Aus- tralia where compulsory registration `is maintained and under which over ninety per cent. of the voters actual ly vote. In the last provincial elec- tion it was stated an average of forty per cent. voted here. revamping the lists, and offered the at co-operation of the chief election y_ oicer and the At'orney-General's as department. Premier Henry ob- me served that the Government is at Ed present giving thought to the prob-[ lem and with the A H Am-nc (`innzm-vavn. Russell Nesbitt, Bracondale-Toronto,_` ect committee to delve into the ques-_ Attorney- General Price favored some form of; aid of the law oicers, some plan will be considered before the next session of the house.` Carle- 0 n o llC.ll.lJCl' The rent; Safety Del ll` THE CANADE. OF C 3 31 Capital Paid-up Reserve Fund - ""vv-aEs .' [ `l ` l Possibility of the Prince of visiting Canada in 1932 is seen in the invitation which Rt. Hon. Sir George Perley will extend to Hisfl Royal Highness at Buenos Airesll within the next few days. Siril` George will ascertain if it will suit =_ Busuness l I l cannon R. FOSTER `;BARRISfI`ER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ; ARY, ETC. ` MONEY T0 LOAN `=Owen Sh, Barrie. Phone 69. I GORDON LONGMAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, l Money to Loan l Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. Etc 1 CAMERON & CAMERON lBARR.ISTERS, SOLlCI~'sI`ORS, ETC. l 5 Owen St., Barrio Phone 406. MONEY T0 LOAN D R l"`.....-....-. K A ("_.",,.,.,."., oexore 13118 next session 01 we nuuse. A. H. Acres, Conservative, Calrle-:1 ton, ,speaking' on the debate on thei` Speech from the Throne, assailed tax-5 ation, the Canadian banks, the West-1 ern Canada wheat pool and co-oper-i ative organizations, the system oil ! luiqlier education and high wages. Mr. Acres devoted his address en- tirely to agriculture, claiming many! conditions could be remedied. Thei present burden of agriculture, he maintained, was so heavy as to be` , unbearable, attributing this to the dc-` cline of farming in the province. Canadian banks, he claimed, had fail-I, , ed in their duty in not interesting , themselves in ag._-:1'icu1tur~e with an, ounce of prevention. He urged that under the present system of edu- cation, those who receive it should` , pay for it. | l 11 ...m..1..... n1:..,... 17 urn c....+1.i 7 IMPROVED TONE IN BUSINESS |lJ(|J' JUL Ila | Farguhar Oliver, U.F'.O., Southi Grey, also speaking on the debate. claimed that the high cost of insur- ance for rural applicants added to the general distress, and making farm buuildinp:s very inammable. He asked a readjustment of the rates. I n ,- n ,, n 1' 1. 1 Ltuua. l Premier Henry declined to institute any governmental action in response [to a motion of H. C. Nixon, Progres- slve, Brant, who asked the Govern- ment to appoint a committee to delve into the allegation that atheism ex- ists and is taught at he University of Toronto Mr. Nixon referred to an ` (:(llt01`-l:ll in the Varsity, the under- 'l`oronto, which, written by a stu- dent, alleged atheism exists at the institution. Premier Henry in ash- inp,-; Mr. Nixon to withdraw his mot- ion, declai-e(l he had every faith in the Board of Governors of the Uni- ` eersity and its eaput to handle the situation. 11" they fail to do so, J`:-r-mier Henry intimated the depart- ment of education miixht step in to settle the matter. 1:u,..... 4- 1,,ld(lll.lL(,` paper of the University of 1...: ,, , .1 .~s. uv|\. mu, uuuwus. Steps to combat at new threat zusninst Onturios cattle export trndu with Uri-tuin are being: ttalccn by Hon. 'l`. L. Kmmcdy, Minister of Agricul- turr-, who is sending it special repre- .s~a-ntntive to Emrluml to watch the .~`ituntion in the interests of Ontario's, raising industry. Premier Ben in-ti: lms ulrcmly asked Hon. G. `Ho- wm-tl Ferguson, Cnnzu1u s High Com- mi.~:sionm- in London, to request the lh-iti.-zh C0vcrmn(`n~L to withhold cer- tain now rngrulntions which impose new lmrdt-n.~~. on steamship compan- ies engap,'cd. in trz1ns])o1'ting cattle. 'l` rap:ulut.ions lay down a new type of ttings with which ships must hr: r-quippod if permitted to carry \ uiiit: l0 Britain. munnu IR. 5. Cameron I I I r 1 RADENHURST & HAMMOND- Burrlsters, Solicitors, etc. Office, 131; oor Masonic Temple Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. i DONALD F. MACLAREN, B.A. BARRIHRER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Mnnnnin Tnrnnll Rl('U,_ Rnrr-in S I`EWABT & STEWART. BAP.-I i Haven, olicitou, Notaries Public and Convoyancers. Money to loan 1 m any sums at lowest current I 1 rates. Office, 13 Owen street, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. {EISTEN & ESTEN, BARRISTERS, Q oI-n_1L_-,_ :_ VYJ._L r1__,_,L ,5 nuectzro, uyuro, nocntno, rnyno and Radio treatment: and Corrective` Adinnh-nnnin, ALEXANDER OOWAN. SUCCES- o-1,A,_- Some think the sentence was un-`] duly severe, while others think thatll the lash should be a part of the pun-in ishment. The magistrate no doubt : considered the sentence from every : angle and decided that society would be better protected by imposing the sentence of twelve years rather than by a shorter sentence with the lash In this we agree. The youths will be given plenty of time to reflect on the error of their ways and it is hoped that when they are set at liberty they will strive in some way to make restitution. BOYS & BOYS, BARRIS 1`ERS, Qnunvgua \T..ln.J..- 'I')..L1l.. IV-.. GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS Licensed OHILROP.R.A:Gl`ORS and DRUGLEBS . rnnmp. A main A.uA.uAL\u|-. natal: 80 Elizabeth St. Piano 405 Elect:-o, Hydro, Hochnno, Physio and Radio tnntlnenh and Cnrmativn | zuuuuununu. Blood, No.1-Va and Urinnlwia Food Concentrates for All Allmenta. __.__._.... --...__...--........---V, WS_> l1-v:`it(:;'s in Higlh Court of Jua- tiu, Notaries Public, Convey- anura. Ou, lat oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest ourront rates. G. U mu-.. ...A M 11' 113.4... s_A..aL44sJ341alAJsl.I vv u (341. uuvvuu- nor to Lennox, Oowan & Brown, Bax-rluer, Ioohor for obtaining probate of Wm, udlnnship and administration, on General Solici- tor, Notary, Conveyanoer, etc. Money to loan. Office: Masonic Temple Bldg. -\/Au u. LJ\JL|J, IJrL.I.u.uu.\JAA3A\vu, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con- veyancera, etc. Money to loan at lowest rate: of interest. Oices 18 Owen Street, in bhe ormisesl lormerly occupied by the ank of! Toronto. Branch Oice, Elmvnlu. Ontario. W. A. Boys. 1(.C., `M.P.. J. R. Boys. \1$.LU'1\EI., DULLLLIJ 1. U13, 1:: J. Mnsonic Temple Bldg., Barrio MONEY T0 LOAN D. F. MoCU.AlG, B.A. Barrister. Sdlor, Etc. Suuouor to C1-ouuiokn & Boll "nlnnu `A 14.3- | Why gamble on the chance of safety when real safety costs [so little ? At the last meeting of the Orillia . town council a garbage collection . by-law was passed and Orillia. wili ; have :1 general garbage collection 21: soon as the `council completes ar- \ rangements, decides on specications and secures tenders and contracts. rm__ \....1..... n.-.m~n.-I 1.,-...,1._,+. n. auuley no 143 Office, Rou Block. Barrio. CANADEAN BANK COMMERCE yomc lemplo nxug., na MONEY TO LOAN - 30 Million Dollars - 30 Million Dollars Business Directory W}I4:rI you place :1 dead in an Ul li()(`.kl:(i wooden (il'ilV.'('r; un inslirarlmz puiitzy in at pigeon- hnlcg u will in smm; hiding- pl;.u:<:; a bond in a cash lmx . . . you are gambling on u more chance of safety. You are gambling with theft, with fire, with carelessness, with shnrt memories. The Safety Deposit Boxes of The Canadian `Bank of Commerce are placed in vaults built to provide protcctlion for the Bank s own valual; cs. The Bank cannot afford to gamble on a chance of safety neither can you. rentals of this Bank s Deposit Boxes are low. ` 'I'.HU1%DAY, MARCH 12, ,1931. {the Prince s convenience to revisit `this country next year, the main .purpose of such a trip being to open flthe International Wheat Exhibition `_and World Conference on Wheat ;|that takes place at Regina. nave it geI1c1'u.1 g,zu'uu;_.',:: x.uuv:\.uvu um; The by-law passed regulates the method of handling the refuse at the premises and the way in which the cost is borne. Under the Municipal Act, the cost may be assessed against the land which is served, or it may be included in the general tax rate. The latter was the one decided on by Orillia. nnavhzn-a n`? 9 mill which rm $1.000 :uucJ.A\..a a Dv\.u.u uuu only im-ilbillbo appar the byiadver theiis act Ministe1is des declared. C have to be like that? T--: On The present session of Parliament Mayor Johnston estimated sets one precedent inasmuch as for r that the cost would be about three~,the first time in history the cere- impo` imnnipg were r-.m'1'ied out bv a wood 14:51 1: Laavuaaaavai Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assurance Policies, Pension Bonds, Annuities Iu...I.._.. a- D..s-.._lUl-..:........ n-s....... L'J..LLu)..l\J.I.(LLV n.|1JJ DUAUUAHVLV Special attention to Obstetrics Associate Coroner for County of Simcoe. Office and Residence, 50 Mary 3!. Phone 101 Office Hours: 8-9.30, 1-2.30, 6-8.80 I-ll\n 1-. U. lLll\l`AJ\ll`ln Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Ofce and Residence-Gorner Elin- beth and Bradford 813., Barrie. Phone 105 Oice Hours-9-10 3.111., 1-3 p.m. `LR hm, Moderate Rates-Max'Imum Returns ru_u:.__ __..I r1I_._____L-_ QL. IF1lnD.lL/IILLVD ILLVJJ DUJVUIIJULVD Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Oice Hours : 2~3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. '1'. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Auociato Coroner I County of Simcoe. DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN M` Associate Coroner, County of Simce ` Phone 51. 0fco--58 Collier St. Olce Hours: 9,0 am 1090. ) 1-\n1 RSHLR nrn Ul`JN'1'Al4 5UlUJ.`;U.N 24 Dunlop. Above Arnold : Market. Telephone 878. | lVl\JhII\a Iauuuunuu EDMUND HARDY, MUS. BAC.. F.-T.C.M., Teacher of Piano, Or- gan, Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music and of the Uni- versity of Toronto. 113 Worsley ` St.. Barrie. . 7, FUNERAL DIRECTORS '9 Motor Ambulance in Connection '4 Opnn \hr: and night. Morgue and Chapel in connecuun. Established 1869 n. ___z.. n... iVlCTORlAN ORDER OF NURSES R-s..:- R.---u-In that the cost would be anouc lznreew` quarters of a mill, which on $1,000` assessment means 75 cents a year. rrwm mr..++m- n+` n rrnrhacrn collec- IV U 1901'; 1&1-A 40$-_ ; Clapporcon SI. Phone 82 G. G. SMITH &_co "PT-7:-F LLOYD _ __---Is-5 III` DRS. LITTLE & LJTTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS PL..- 91'! A7 Mani- Au- DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON cs___.--1 _LL-...L:-... ;__ l`\L_L_L__'__ I U Viurv - FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Open Day Hid Night nnnhnh St. Phono 2|! uutlstc |\usca Collier and Clapperton Sta. Phone 167. AuuAnu\-nu n\v-un LIFE INSURANCE JZAMES E. THOMPSON .2 IV- DR. E. G. TURNBULL -J.__L_ _A nt_n:n 1'r_.2_____. assessment 7:: cents year. The matter of a garbage collec- tion in Barrie has been under discus- sion for some years, has come when some action should be taken. It is quite apparent that a condition will exist in the Agri- cultural Park dump this spring equal- ly as bad as last year, and the health of our citizens should not be men- aced in this way. l"lnn I-ncf NF 2 , garbage, and the time ` l

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