_._.___ Farm News llax-izing Ontario Farm Products winners in the Ontario odulhs competition for On- `ien held at the recent nter Fair, under auspice: 3 epartment have been an- e The first prize of $100 5 gs account in the Ontario 'n t Savings Office goes to L. Bull, of 18 Edglcy Ave.. 0 unction, and the winncxi r ) ;took part in the event. I Winter Fair Winners Q Durham County Junior Fzn'mer.= captured the Hon John S. Martin ltrophy in the annual inter-county live stock judging competition at the :Provincial Winter Fair, Guelph, wit!` [a team score of 2,191 out of a pos- sible 3,000. Peel County ranked second, Ontario third, and Welling- ton fourth. Twenty-ve counties Peel County `team won the Glen Ormond trophy I In the inter- for the team with the highest stand- ing in heavy horses. = county seed judging competition for ' the Fischer Trophy, Oxford County ` keenly contested and the fair proved ` led with 2`. total of 2,491, closely followed by Durham, Kent and York Counties. The O.A.C. students live stock judging competition for the Day Trophy was captured by fourth year with a score of 5,144 ou`; of a possible 6,500, by 21 mar- gin of 75 points over third year. The competitions in every class were to be one of the most successful in ' mnnv vonuc, I nu ux; unr Ln many years. (The Bradford intern1ediates hem the rst hockey practice last week; iin preparation for the 0.H..-\. puunus. J In approximately 75 per cen`. of: these crops an increased yield per iacre is indicated over 1929. - Average crop Yields t The nal crop estilnates bulletin l of the Ontario Department of Agri- t culture is of more than passing in- - terest, giving as it does the average ';crop in the past year. The average "yield per acre in these crops is production in practically every field, I given as follows: Fall wheat, 26.?` - bushels; spring wheat, 22 bushels: - oats, 39.5 bushels; barley, 34.3 bushels; rye, 17.7 bushels; ax, 9.8 bushels; buckwheat, 20.6 bushels; peas, 19.7 bushels; mixed grains, 39.2 bushels; husking corn, 59.4 bushels; beans, 13.4 bushels; fodder = corn, 8.40 tons; alfalfa, 2.20 tons, alsike, 1.46 tons; sweet clover, 2.08 tons; potatoes, 114.8 bushels; turn- ips, 342 bushels; mangels, 366 bushels; sugar beets, 356 bushels; carrots, 13-1 bushels; tobacco, 1,006 pounds. Tn nnrn-nx-irnnlmlu '7: `nnu ,..\..A At` uuucr me new 1eg1s1at,1on the own-I er may use his own grade stock for.` breeding, but it is said the new measure will induce many to butch- ler their grade bulls. `becoming effective July 1st, 1931.] J Officials of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and the Middlesex I Live Stock Improvement Associa-,7 ' for h-zwing this done. The object is7 ` to raise the standard of pure-bred ` live stock in the county. One of` i the most important clauses is thati only registered bulls mays be offer-i ed for service and no scrub animalsi can be sold for breeding purposes: Under the new legislation the own- mav use his n\v'n o'r:1rlo =+m.1, 4-M fion were ve largely res onsiblef J New Better Bull Area After months of preparation, which included census taking of Middlescx registered bulls, Middicsex County has now been declared a better bull area under che pro visions of the Cattle Protection Ac`, becoming effective 1931. ,OmCizt1S the Ontm-in nnnnvhnnn4- uuns asxea 1n the competxtion. The department oicials express themselves as extremely pleased with the results of the contest. Several thousand contestants took a part, and the answers given by the majority show that the lessonsl which it was hoped to teach were Well learned by thousands of town and city shoppers. uuier awards. ~ IThe competition was staged in connection with the Depai-tment .= program planned to increase the demand in town and city for On- tario farm products. The competi- tion was staged at the Agricuitura] Dcpartment s exhibit at the Winter Fair, and a `close inspecion of the various sections of this exhibit can supply answers to the seven ques- tions asked in the competition. denartment nfoink nvnwncc merguson, mu. 3, Lialt, Unt. IT-wenty~ve prizes of hampers of Ontario apples and 25 prizes of bags of Ontario potatoes make up the other awards. l'I`l-m `nnrv|v\n4-u'4`:nv\ ..-..,. _;-..-.1 ..___.. of the second prize, $50 in a similaz account, has been won by Mrs. T. Milne Jamieson, of Hespeler, Ont.;' and the third prize of $25 in a sav- ings account goes to Mrs. A. D. Ferguson, R.R. 3, Galt, Ont. I [T5WeHtV-v nrizpg nf harnnavu n'F Average Crop Yields Agri-I 2 than nassincr in.. ; When you are making out your, ;ChrisLmz1s list, be sure to put down: [a year's subscription to The North-' ern Advance as a gift for some member of the family or a friend. He said he was a strong adovcate [of the quota allowance for Empire .countries on British wheat pur- lclmses; it. would enable Britain to? deal with subsidized wheat and Rus- sian dumping. ` us.vc:., ucvuz . I . a 4 very nne record. Premier R. B. Bennett of Canada had said there was danger in delay, Mr. Baldwin went on. 3I"hat is not a threat, it is a statement of fact,l he said. Why is there danger; Because if the Mother Country will not make scal treaties with them, other countries will jump at the chance. You run the risk of let- ting` the British Empire slp into the economic orbit of some other coun- ` try." He added with emphasis,i Never, never. I `LL. -..:..1 L- ...-- ` I LIHUCU. Despite `hat they gave no alter native policy to the conference. The Government gave no load to the con- ference of any kind. That is not a very ne record. Prmninv `R D D.........u. ..r nu v veiopment or the Empire. I IThe government, said Mr. Balm- win, had been fully aware the vitall question at the last Imperial Con-.1 ference would be economic co-oper-5 ation. That was .<.ho\vn in speeche;~:l of the ministei-.9. They knew the; Dominions would urge that this] could hes` be (lone by Imperial pro-f ferenees. But the Government had_` made up its mind before the con-' ference that they were against Em-P pire preefrence, Mr. Baldwin con-` tinued. l | H`hm.:4... n._;. .1, - \ Ll Winners at International I Ontario expert grain and seed growers brought honor to Ontario and to themselves by winning nearly forty prizes at the International Grain and Hay Show at Chicago. In keen competition, Ontario men this 3 year brought home two champion- 1 ship and one reserve championship, 1 as well las other high prizes in al- ( most every class in which they com- peted. /Iheir success should encour- age many others to prepare for the World's Gralin Shown at Regina in 1932. The Ontario Department of Agriculture has awarded prizes of $50 to each Ontario exhibitor at the International winning a first prize in any class. They included: Mrs. M. Maycock, Port Milford, first prize and championship in eld beans; Hugh Jeffrey, Whitby, first prize in soy beans; R. F. Almos, Hagersville, first prize in alsike seed. Special prizes of $25 for On-`C tario exhibitors with the highest. y standing in certain classes (rst g prize winners not eligible for these specials) went to the following: H. L. Goltz, Bracebridge, eld peas; Douglals Dunton, Brampton, alfalfa; William Batten, Burgessville, red b o b b clover; Alex. Rettie, Norwich, oats. x I BALDWIN APPROVES PLAN I OF PREMIER BENNETT Glasgow, Scotland, Dec. ].3.--Tlll: l'C`n'L` .l,l'Cll department of ihe Con.ser- _' ' vative party is busy workinjr out the` -l.~eal problems involved in the] - wheat quota scheme and other Em-' , pire economic co-operation projects, ' Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, formeri Prime Minister, told a big gathering: here last night. We are working on it so that we may be ready tu start the moment the opportunity is' given us, he added. We believe the future development of tlm_ country is wrapped up in the de-I velopment of the Empire. I. .`OVe1'nm(`-.nt. mm up nnm. VISIT TOYLAND-SECOND FLOOR-CHRISTMAS TREE AND SANTA GLAUS--'3_`T.T.3,`;`3'L"`_i DECEMBER 23rd, AT 2.30 P.M. BRING THE LITTLE ONES. Pay Cash and Buy For Less Our store will be closed all day Tfriday following Christmas, December 26. Open on Saturday again with new bargains for you; evenings from Monday, December 22nd, until Christmas Eve. sEE THESE WHEN IN OUR STORE HAT ST.\1\'DS -- DUSTERS- TABLE TRAYS - PIN CUSHION S CLOCKS - CIGARETTE CASES -- BRASS TRAYS -- KETTLES JANDLE S'J`IC`1\'S - PAPER WEIGHTS SETS OF MANY KINDS -_ __-_.'-... -..-a..-. `via 11 .:.J.lJ.I IJ.r.I.VJ;l \lJ.`u "_ - I-IANDKERCI-IIEFS - SOARFS - PURSES - TIES, BOXED _ BRACES - HOSIERY - GLOVES - NOVELTY NEEDLE WORK. ;\[EN S SHIRTS - PYJAMAS, SWEATERS. NOVELTY GIFTS OF ALL KINDS GET YOUR CHOICE OF GIFTS WHEN THERE ARE PLENTY TO CHOOSE FROM. VISIT OUR STORE THIS NEXT FIVE DAYS AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR FULL RANGE OF BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS AT PRICES THAT YOU WILL SAVE ON. -bF:.v2.&lsAzl;Iruazru-.zuy..9-.-p........_._, _.... _. _ , I DON T LEAVE IT TO THE LAST MINUTE TO DO YOUR CHOOSING. \ K ggzxtn STORES limited Too Much Silage 4A.uthori~ties claim that silage is an extra. good feed if it is not abused Trwo kinds of abuse are to feed too much and to let the surplus accum- ulate in the mangers. It should not be forgotten that silage largely wa er. If the cows are encouraged to cram themselves with silage at the expense of grain and hay they will not be getting enough nutrients to sustain their bodies and a prot- abled ow of milk. Preferably the grain should be fed on top of the silage so that it will be eaten first and then not more silage than will be eaten readily. If there is a sur- ; plus it is well to clean this out of the mangers daily. The Northern Advance Just Five More Shopping Days Till CHRISTMAS &T CALL AND INSPECT OTTV`. PT AN '1'. VISITORS WELCOME. G-U"J7")r~ I. ALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Butterich, McCall and C11a.te1aine Patterns Our Big December Linen Sale Still Going Strong Hundreds of useful Linen gifts for your choosing. PHON E 577 `Wright Cleaners PHONE 25 " l.l\':\ `~ iii>LiLuLt`.\ <:Uul-I` tiliimrzizii izirt in tli-:` /ith the aid and insti-uc-' fcoulcl supply to girl stu ' /' ese schools, any girl would I after the three months`! .:'{;6erea' t0 her, to nook, sew 1ni-{(1-y home nursing`. Thu! ` gould ie taught to grow pom-I /nd wegit at les_cost and to? V/love faining condiioii.= general-l ,r,Dec1-eged production costs was _ of thQde_partment s _m:ijor prob- ; `ms fm-lWh1Cl1 :1 solution \v;i.~: bra- hg sougg and _the co-operation_ of /ll cou:-I Councils narnestly solicit- Perfection results on every garment, from overcoats to the sheerest, most exquisite articles of feminine apparel. BUT if your family budget does not permit a new outt, at the present: time, you can appear well dressed and respectable with What you have by having it dry cleaned and pressed at the most satisfactory, eicient and modern cleaning and pressing plant north of Toronto. to o.rde1- your new Suit or Overc0a`r for the llolidays. `VG are agents for the famous BRADFORD n1ade-to-y0u1-- measure gzu'men~ts. Call and see the splendid assorhnont of ne fabric-s we have to show. Perfect t gua1'ant'eed, nost tailoring, and prices right for qllality merchandise. 37 ELIZABETH ST. Always Giad Serve. You Page Eleven Renfrew and Lana:-k V`/on Eastern Ontario counties were all represen-ted in the inter-county judg- ing competition conducted at the Ottawa Winter Fair on December 2 and 3. The A. H. Acres trophy, em- blematic of the inter-county Seed Judging Championship of Eastern Ontanio, was won by the Renfrew County team. In the inter-county Stock Judging Competition, Lanark forged to the front and secured the Peter White - l Arophy for 1930. -IVIOYC 3ChO0IS '1y establjsl 'io of vocat lture, admi along lines s 'onal schools 51 by Hon. er of Agrict quet in his } ly. We el Kennedy in opcmatio 2 _iA':.'_ H: ".1 (10 H --inc: wr-I I mr {$ cou1d 3 I/ ~:ho _~- {/' aftez t ::';6ered \\mi.~:tLL 1017 -More Schools in Agriculture establishment throughout vocational schools in administered and oper- si1.`il-ar to those of in the cities, was Thos. L. Kennedy. honor at Brampton IV. we 0Kn9(`f.. (lnnlnra(l Agriculture, speaking at_ (IVHURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1930 J; 01m.-ration in L-very county uel, 111 nus 1101101` an nrampton t (K 7! xy. expect, declared el Kennedy. to have these! I ` \/Vi: can (in it and we? -`do ii." He ms,-ntionevl c :!n 1n. ..,..`...... n....:- :.. f!\.`rI: