Wanted--!1`his week, one Battery Radio set, in good condition. Box. 942, Barrie. uecemner, wou. _ Any motion to quash or set aside this By-law or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and `cannot be made thereafter. 11.-.11 Had: Qv.-1 deny nf 'nnr-nrnhr`-1' iand cannot be made tnereaxcer. ; Dated this 3rd day of December, ' 1930. l I 'I' Q......=n.. ! ` Notice is hereby given that z\ By-law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe on the 28th day of Novem- ber, 1930, to provide for the guaran- .teeing of payment by the County 01 immnnn nf the debentures of the [OI UCCGHIDEI`, LVOU. , Any motion to quash or set aside this By-1aw or any part thereof mus: `be made within three months aftei the first publication of this notice `and cannot be made thereafter. I T\nl-A/I }1v\1'a QUA Janr nf Flor-nn11'\nI` oer, wau. Any motion to quash or set aside this By-law or any part thereof mus`: be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. I n..+...,z +1.:. -2...! mm .-.4` h.....,m1..=.. izmrl cannot be made Lnereazner. Dated this 3rd day of December, 1930. I T Q:.......-... NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY--LAW NO. 1748 . Notice is hereby given that :1 `By-law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County 01 Simcoe on the 28th day of Novem- ber, 1930, to provide for the guaran- teeing of payment by the County 01 Simcoe of the debentures of the Town of Midland to the amount U1 [$14,043.32 to defray the cost of the iconstruction of a sewer in the town park, ordered by the Department or Health of the Province of Ontario, in the Town of Midland, and that isuch By-law was registered in the Registry Division of the County 91 Simcoe on the 3rd day of Decem- ber, 1930. ' I Anv n1nHnn fn nimnh m- Ant. guide {UNI CEITITIOE De H1809 mereaner. I gggted this 3rd day of December, 1 . I 'l' G:..._...._ NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. 1747 J. T. Simpson, County Clerk. .:-uluu:xu--"1-Lrnz, Arm, xe aomlera of the Lord ---Booth 3 So1o-Se1ected-Mrs. Laidman. 7 p.m.-JTopic, The Divine Per- - sonality and Supreme Work of Jesus. .Anthem-O Worship the King Anthe:m-Suirit Immortal, fromi Attila .__.`7n1-II`. J. T. Simpson, nnuvnfv J. T. Simpson, Cqunty `Clerk. 9 ~--- I J. T. Simpson, County Clerk. J. T. Simpson. County Clerk. J. T. Simpson, ! County Clerk. umpson, County Clerk. 1: IS useless to IOOK tor unemployment renet work in the City of Toronto, as only BONAFIDE RESIDENTS OF TORONTO FOR AT LEAST 12 MONTHS WILL RECEIVE CONSIDERATION for em-` nlnvrnnnf nn nnv nnnrnnlnvrnnnl vnlinli 1A1t\ul.r ......l-..b..l..... Ln LL2- v--_, _._ _ V- aw-notr Notice is hereby given to NON-RESlDENTS OF TORONTO `that it is useless to look for unemployment relief work in the City of Toronto. onlv BONAFIDE RESIDENTS m=' TORONTO FOR AT LL!-ID] lz muvurla wu..L. Iu:.L;r.1V1:; LlUN5ll.)EKA'l'lUN tor em-' ployment on any unemployment relief work undertaken by this cit . y n1:'n'r 0: un.-Mo M......_ 151:1 Mayor's Ofce, Toronto, Nov. 14th, 1930. 5- Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trqstee Act that all_ persona haying claims against the estate 01. E11242`.-.}.:'.. Theresa Sevigny late of! the City of Toronto, in t e County? 9f York, widow, deceased, `who died "on or about the 26th day of August,' A.D., 1930, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of December, 1930, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the estate, having re- gard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and will not be responsible to any others. Water] at Barrie this 27th dav of PHONE 108 TO THE ELECTORS OF BARRIE: As one of the successful candidates in Monday s election, I wish to thank the electors of Barrie for their support in electing` me as Reeve for the year 1931, and I shall do all that is humanly possible to justify the condence and trust placed in 1ne. ` .ti'i*Y Gifts For TO THE ELEKGTORS OF BARRIE: I wish to thank you for the splendid sup- port that was given me at the recent election, especially the unsolicited workers who took such an active part on my behalf 011 such an inclemeiit day. I will endeavor to serve you to the best interest of the town. To the electors who were good enough to give me their unsolicited support in the recent contest for Second Deputy-ReeVe, I wish to ex- press my sincere appreciation and thanks. I am deeply grateful for the expression of con- dence in me, and trust that I will be able to fulll the duties of myoice with credit to you and myself. My one regret is that through this contest and my success we have temporar- ily lost two faithful and painstaking council- lors. TO THE ELECTORS: wishcs10tende1' his sincere thanks to those electors who supported him in the recent muni<=ipa1 election. .A.Il1Il8Cl'!1--"l.lI1'1E l.ITlII101'I'.a1," 11'0"! Attila --Verdi I So1oists-Miss Victoria Strange, Mr. Moore, Mr. Knox. Friday, Dec. 19th, Maunder s beautiful Christzaas cantata Bethle- hem, will be rendered by the choir. Admission 25c. To my friends and neighbors, especially m wards 1, 2 and 3, I desire to express my ap- preciation for their loyal support in the recent municipal election. Although not successful In wimling the second deputy-1'ee\'eship, it is g1'at.ifi11g to know that a prophet is not alto~ gether without honor in his own country. Uneinplo(y;n-entz Iie'lie-f `A703: City of Toronto _ :_ L-..-L-. ......-._ .- Mnxv l')!.`GII\I'SI\v'rl:- An -r.-nun. Hubbard s Hardware` VVith modern, handy Iltensils ranged on the kitchen shelves and hooks, cooking is a real pleasure. In our greatly augmented hardxvare array you will. nd scores of items that will make housework easier and more efeient. .PUBLIC7~JoTIcE FOR USEFUL, SENSIBLE GIFTS, SHOP AT GIFTS THAT MAKE GOOKIN G AND HOUSEWORK EASIER ! V. E. KNIGHT Grratefully, `r "' (Elizabeth Sine!) ~ . Rev. E. R. Young, B.A., Pastor J. Andrew Wig-g1na, Choir Director Audrey L. Clifton, Organist Sunday, Dec. 7, 1930 10 a.m.-C1ass Meeting. 11 a.m.--Ecc1esiastes, Life s Elegy. Anthem--fI`arry With Me _12amm1n -GrORDON LON GMAN. THANKS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 14930" J. R. ROGERS, Reeve. -W. J. BLAIR BERT S. WEMP, Mayor. 930. -J. F. NELLES BARRIE j'JJGl\-IVVLJJ So1o-Se1ected, Mrs. Cairns. 2.45 p.m.-Sunday School. 7 p.m.-?I'he Parable of the Net --Welcome for All-sorts Anthem-A Song in the Night -Woodman 0-1-.-_;_ 1: ru .v 1: vv `j VV UUUHLGIIJ Soloists, Mrs. Chantlcr, Mr. Urry 3 Solo-Se1ected, Mrs. M. L. chanuen} ' ' "' :--l UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA De responslme In any owners. Dated at Barrie this 27th day of November, A.D., 1930. Duncan F. McCuaig, , Solicitor for Executrix.` Rev. J. Johnntone Black, Minister Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. Organist and Choivmaster Sunday, Dec. 7, 1930 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11..- _ .1. -., , Notice is hereby given that a'1l,g creditors and others having claims` against the estate of George Christie, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, gentleman, de- z ceased, are required on or before, the twenty-ninth day of November, , A.D., 1930, to send by post prepaid or to deliver to A. F`. A. Malcom- son, Dunlop Street, Barrie, Executor of said estate, their full names and addresses, a full statement of` their claims, duly veried, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, and after said date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, ha.vin~g regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. n..+..,i ..+ 1:......:.. +14. +...,m.+..,..:..n. 1 Wanted to Rent-100 acre farm, inv Innisl township, close to highway. Barrie Real Estate Oice. uThe remains of John Rutherford were brought here from Regma,~. Sa.sk., last Saturday for interment in the Union Cemetery. fI`he ser- vice took place in Burton Ave. United Church, in charge of the Masonic Order, Rev. A. A. Wall con- ducting the service. Mr. Gordon Longman, Master of Kerr Lodge, conducted the Masonic service at the grave. The body was accom- -panied by Mrs. Rutherford, former- ly Miss Pearl MacDonald, of Allan- dale, and Mrs. MacDonald, mother of Mrs. Rutherford. Deceased was well known in Allandale twenty-two years ago, being at that time em- ployed by the G. I`.R. as agent. nave nau nomcei ' Dated at Barrie this -twenty-ninth day of October, A.D., 1930. Stewart & Stewart, Solicitors for said Executor, Barrie, Ontario. Everybody cordially welcomed to our sznrv-inns. _CENAT&RAL% CHURCH NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORg~ JOHN .$;nmRD Mrs. R. Dawson left last Week to take up residence in Montreal, where she has accepted an important position with the Spirella Co. of that city. Vh-, Pprov Jnv nf Tln1-nntn visitpn To Rent--~Fine comfortably furnish-` ed house Apply Barrie Real Estate Oice. . E11111: ClDy. M12. Percy Jay of Toronto visiteo his parents on Cumberland St. last week. .F_nnm1.3 "I`n11r1'I'\1!:na Jane y-nhn-nazl fn George `Tompkins has returned to Toronto after an enforced vacation at his home on Essa. Road. While opening a sealer of fruit the jar slipped and broke, painfully cutting his wrist, which required twelve stitches to bring together. Mr, (T, W, Pnimhnr met with an sutcnes to ormg togenner. Mr. C. W. Poucher met with an unfortunate accident last week. |While splitting wood the axe slippeo, 7 gashing his foot, infection setting In a few days later. Residents of Allandale will wei- come the decision of the county council at their last session to adopt fI`ifIin street as a county road. T-his will probably mean the paving of this street at an early date. .Mr_ Flrlpn Rnnmz, was in tnwn last U115 SEPEBE 31? an eamy Gate. Mr. Eden `Boone was in town last week attending the reunion of tne 167th battalion. Innvnn Qnv-n1n111~ `Tr annnf fhn JJDTCI1 0an,auon.. George Seymour, Jr., spent thel week end at his home on Bradfordl Q4- 1:. Frank Walker is visiting at his land St. IS VISIEIII} 1 land St. Tnnlr T gana at. Jack Needhzun visited friends in town over the week end. Vernan Bah-and is able to be out again after a very serious operation which he underwent in Orillia some [months ago. Cl\/I've Rfnniwnn Carina` nnid 2 shnvfl IHOIILHS ago. Mrs. Stephen Goring paid a short` visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Goring`, Brock St., last week. I Mr: T`) (`Jnnnvnn ha: vnfrrrnp! |\J.`u01`1ng, nrocx on, 12151 weex. ; Mrs. D. Cameron has returned` from an extended tour of pomts 111 Canada and the United States. M.. A 1z.,1...m ..:a:+,.,: ..+ 11:. ` Page Eight nau--scan uanaua anu EH8 UI1lEe(l anates. Mr. A. Kelcey visited at his` home on Burton Ave. over the week end. A`1r\r\r`n1r\ :0 uvn'lI nu:-non:-u+nrl In `the town council for next year. end. Allandale is well represented in First Deputy~Reeve W. J. Blair and` Aldermen E. McFadden and S. N.l Hurst are men who will take goon \ care of the affairs of this commun-l V it)?- M1' and Mr; T. n Qnnrvnxv In?-._.. 1n 1oron1:o on -xuesuay. . Mrs. Isaac Smith of Longford Mills visited her brother, Mr. 2.; Goring, Brock St., before leaving} for California to spend the winter months. Canadian National Recreation Assoclation On Sunday afternoon, Nov. 30th,l: ional Recreation Association held Its ` annual meeting and election of I officers. President Frank Foster oc- : cupied the chair, and other officers ' present were Hon. President W. B. Way; Hon. Vice-President, W. J. Little; Secretary Bert Lougheed and iin the Y.M.vC.A., the Canadian Nat- ' lI`reasure1~ W. J. Blair. "I"lnn can:-give:-xv 1-csnnv-(>414-I Hn-3+ 1-kn I M1 . and Mrs. L. 0. Sparrow were, in Toronto on Tuesday. N|'1'.e_ Tsann Smith nf T.nnp`fm'd ` for the use of the skaters using the ureasurer W. J. DL21lI' l The secretary reported that the i association had a. very successful`: year in all branches of sport. (The ` annual -picnic to Midland last Jury was also `conducted by this organ:- zation. The possibility of entering new elds of sport was discussed. It was decided to build a club house: open-air rink, which will again be! operated this season. l lThe nmcers for the ensuing` vearl were leCT.e(l as IOUOVVSZ | I-Ion. President, W. B. Way; I-Ion. Vice-President, W. J. Little; Pres)- dent, Frank Foster; Vice-Presidene, ,J. M. Mills; Secretary, Bert Loug- iheed; Treasurer, W. J. ,B1air. l operatea mls season. I |The officers for the ensumg yearl elected follows: Una DMnn:I`nh+ TIT `I2 \l7uu- T-Yn-n lM al th St. Andrew s Y.P.S. ity by Vera Lyons. Old Story is True, was we on npr structive. All welcome. . ' l There was a good attendance onl onday evening of the members 01!; The devotion- ' exercises led by Mary \ve re (Thompson and Carroll Love, while e topic, entitled Our ResponsibiI- - to Spread the Gospel, was takeni A solo, That Old,`.; ll rend- A cred by Fred Thompson. Ross. Vfurnzbull, vice-president, occupied `~ _ the chair. On Monday, Dec. 8th, Mr. Geo. Brown will give a lecture 2 Buffalo Herds, which should ow: to be both interesting and In- ` TAKE NOTICE that: Woman Wants Vv ork--Plain sewing, looking after children, anything. Mrs. Segar. Phone 1158. Coming to Dreamland s00n-- `Common Clay. l 1. The Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Barrre intends to construct as a local Im- provement an eight-inch sanitary, sewer on Clapperton Street from the existing sewer on Clapperton Street at the corner of Wellingtor and Clapperton Streets, a distance 01 ` four hundred feet northerly oz. Clapperton Street, and intends IL ` specially assess a part of the cost T upon the land abutting directly or the work. ` 0 'T.~.n ,mo:w...+n,I mmd A4-` nu LHU \VUTK. l 2. The estimated cost of thc work is $960.00, of which $320 r.~ to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot frontage tc the ratepayers is eighty cents. Thr special assessment is to be paid n fteen annual instalments. Q A *r\oHHnv1 4-n 4-T-in unit} (.-un., HILCCH illllllllll IHSLHIUICHES. i 3. A petition to the said Coun- cil will not avzl to prevent its con- struction, but a `petition against tnr work or manner in which it has `vbeen undertaken, may be made pur- suant to section 8 of the Local Im- provement Act, to the Railway and Municipal `Board, `by a majority of the owners representing at least one ~ half of the value of the lots which %re to be specially assessed there- 01`. I01 . :1 4. A by-law for undertaking the work will be considered by the Council at a meeting thereof to be ~ held on the 5th day of January, 1931, or at 9. regular or special I meeting thereof to be held there- after. afar! n `Darwin hm. A 1090 i`Ll`C for. 4 A IIel'. Dated at Barrie, Dec. 4, 1930. A W mvmrn mp ST. ANDREW S Y.P.S. TOWN OF BARRIE of Melville, Sask., home on Cumber- Wanted--4G;ir1 for office, knowledge of /bookkeesping, typewriting, etc. Apply Box B, Advance Office. 1:16U. PI, Clerk. I Good values at low prices in all lines of ladies lingerie and hosiery at the Mary Payne Shop. At a special matinee at Dream- land on Monday afternoon for the benet of the Boy Scouts, when toys were brought for Christmas distribu- tion, great interest was taken by the school children. Stacks of useful toys were brought and will be dis-- tributed by the Scouts. Barrie Post of the Canadlan. Legion held a very successful euchre ` party Monday night in their club rooms, when about 100 guests were present. Gordon Longman, success- ful candidate for the second deputy reeveship, was given an ovation on his appearance and later presented the prizes to those having the high- est scores. ' stop > zero, all 45 of the men were Wie1d- ` the frigidity of the 3 In spite of temperature Tuesgiay morning`, men reported at 7.30 man of public works, all anxious to to the fore- . 45` 1 get back on the sewer constructioin ` job which the sudden advent of winter and Monday's blizzard put a to. By 8 o c1o<;k, with the thermometer registering '7 below _ ing the pick and shovel on the tn - 1 butaries leading down to the main storm sewer on Collier -St. ` Two friends were taking an even- : `ing walk down town. Suddenly one . the other. Why, it s a long` trip ! Not by telephone. Look at that sign-`Visit `Home To-night--by Long Distance! Well, I m gomgl to-right now, old man ! of them stopped and exclaimed} I m : going home! !To-night ? asked Coming to Dreamland soon- Common Clay. :J. Cameron Elected [ Member by Boys porting their supporters to the polls. UUWII. ' I` Polls were located at Central!` United Church in Barrie and A." I{endrick s store in Aliandale. Like old campaigners, the three cand!-. 'dates, Jas. Cameron, Robt. Sinclalr }and Ross !I`urnbu.ll, spent a busy day getting out the vote and trans- Shnrtlv after the nnlls n1n.==,d_l pO)`l21'l]g men` supporters to me pousn Shortly after the polls closed, Gordon Longman, acting as return- ing ofcer, declared Jas. Cameron, 5 l `of Collier -St. United Church, elected ' vwith a majority of 49 over Sinclair, ` ;who stood second. Cameron polled a big vote in Barrie and Turnbull got` lmost of his support here, too, while Allandale went almost solid for Sin- ` I clair. nn 1. .. .. W=anted--Private bachelor apart- ment, well furnished, 2 or 3 rooms, central location. Communicate with Advance oice in rst instance. on; 3 .The result of the eiection in eachl Ipoll is given below. l IV n- 1- I11 !SUBSTANTlAL lNCREASE m BARRlE'S POPULATlON| ---j- I -The birth rate in Barrie is loon-l ing up a bit. During the month orl ;November the arrivals of 20 new 'citizens were registered with the town clerk. Marriages for the same `period totalled 9 and deaths 5. This is a vast improvement over the re-l cord of November, 1929, when the. ,number of deaths was in the major-` I ity. -j-_ ` "`- ""\`--4 uux, ;.'/uu, uu pxuvnuu .L\.lL mu. b uuuu .. Grandmother docsn t, of course,iteeing nd many thrills in life nowa(lays.lSimcoe of the debentures , One which she does get-which she`T0Wh Of Midland `E0 the am011hl'- 0? treasures and looks forward to rsi$2`71,820.00 to defray the cost of ` that which comes every week when'the construction of certain local Im-|` her little granddaughter talks to her P1`0V0m011t5 in the TOWN Of Midland. l on the long distance telephone. The and that S11Ch BY-MW W115 l`@EiSt61'9(l words which no letter can equal are. i the R9l."i5'Cl'Y DiViSi0h Of the Is that you, g1`andm0the1'? |County of Simcoe on the 3rd day of December, 1930. Anv rnnliinn fn nnnsh or set. aside SHOULD LEARN 7130 I THINK FOR (Continued from page one) he looked back. Always keep look- ing ahead. Rneinncg 'mm1 nwx nrlinxr nnf: tn- lllg il.I1C'cl(l. I Business men are nding out to- day that the things Jesus taught while on earth must be applied to business, and the man who brings hrs business up to a high standard is the one who knows the right and does, it, Tinznich _ ie an wnf.r-11.: 0110 N10 `KNOWS EHO lllgnli EIHQ (1009. it. Unselsh service is the watch- word in business -to-day, and the business man who is really success- ful must have a kindly consideratei feeling to all. !The time was when business men looked on their com- petitors with suspicion and envy, but that time is past, and co-operation is taking its place. Choose your. vocation carefully and then deter- mine to be the best, not forgetting that the will to do good is the big thing. 1 IT}!!! gnonknr wn.c i11h'nr1nr\n hv! nu: mmg. I. IThc speaker was introduced by A. E. Bryson. and A. R. Girdwood at the close expressed the apprecia- tion of the students and the club to Mr. Cairns for "his able address. I Any insanity in the family ? asked he insurkmce doctor of Mrs. Suffragist. W011. nn-nnIv nnv `lnnahann E(;_Sa1e-Rea,l bargain for quicl-{I sale, price low, Dodge Sedan, 5 pas- genger, good running condition and m excelleruz order. Moore's Shoe Store. ouuruglsc. | Well, no-only my husband imagines he is the head of the house. Central Kendricks... Totals . INSTANT VISITING A WEEKLY THELL LOCALS Cameron Sinclair Turnbull I en : `2 ,1 1 The N01`1?1u::1`u Advance I Notice is hereby given that as |By-law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe on the 26th day of Novem- ber, 1930, providing for the guaran- teeing of payment by the County of Simcoe of the debentures of the VII- lage of Bradford to the amount of .$40,000.00 to defray the cost 01 establishing, maintaining and oper- ating a. system of waterworks In the Village of Bradford, and such By-1aw was registered in the Regis- try Oice for the Registry Division} of the County of Simcoe on the 3rdI day of December, 1930. Anv mntinn tn nungh nr set asimr-. Collier St. United Church! uay OI uecemuer, J.-`IOU. Any motion to quash or set aside this By-law or any part thereof mus: be made within three months after the rsit publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. hn+nr1 1-1-n Qvrl rlnv n4-' `nor-nnwhnr and Ca.I1I10B [)6 111308 t.ne1'ea1u:r. Dated this 3rd day of December, 1930. I 'I" Qiunngnn NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. 1744 Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe on the 26th day of Nove1n- ber, 1930, providing for the guaran- teeing of payment by the `County of Simcoe of the debentures of the V1`:- lage of Bradford to the amount of $8,000.00 to defray the cost of ex- tensions to and completion of a system of waterworks in the Village , of Bradford, and such by-law was ' registered in the Registry Office for ` the Registry Division of the County of Simcoe on the 3rd day of Decem- ber, 1930. A-nv rnnHn`n tn (mash nr sot asido Der, wau. Any motion to quash or set aslde this by-law or any part thereof mus. be made within three months after the rst publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. n..4..,u us. -2..,: 4..., Iv? nnnnmm. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. 1743 and CaTlnOE De T115108 I}HI'eaIIC1'. Dated this 3rd day of December, 1930. I 'I'` Q:........-... NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. 1745 Notice is hereby given that al_ By-law was passed by the Council of" the Corporation of the County of . Simcoe on the 28th day of Novem- ber, 1930, providing for the guaran- teeing of payment by the County of Simcoe of the debentures of the Town of `Midland to the amount of ` $16,000.00 to defray the cost of the construction of sidewalks in the ` Town of Midland, and such By-law was registered in the Registry Oice 'for the Registry Division of the County of `Simcoe on the 3rd day of December, 193 0. Anv rnnnn in nnach nr ant nqitln `,uecemoe1', 1}l'6 U. Any motion to quash or set aside `.this By-law or any part thereof mu:-1 be made within three months after `the first publication of this notrce =and cannot be made thereafter. l n..+.;.-1 4-1..:= aw: r`u11 me ngmmnn. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. 1746 Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Council or the Corporation of the County of Simcoe on the 28th day of Novem- , ber, 1930, to provide for the guaran~ . teeing of payment by the County of Simcoe of the debentures of the . fI'own of Midland to the amount of $9,136.18 to defray the cost of the construction of certain local im- provements in the Town of Midland, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry Division of the `County of Simcoe on the 3rd day of December, 1930. Ann mnfinn +n nnnciw nv ant nairln i8I1(l CEIIHOE De lTld.(1 EEZ'C2i..[L(`.`I'. Dated this 3rd day of December, 1930. 1 I '1' :............ Preacher : ...u4u; v A.l4.\u.I.A.uL\4a. L;u_aLv v 4\.u..1p..: I` Dr. S. D. Chown 11 a.m.-f1`opic, - ZThe good om days with anticipations of 21 better New Day. Ant-.hem--Arm, Arm, Ye Soldier: of H19 Lard ._.Rnn1-J1