? -plan ahead Ebr @ h1iIn1_a any Get G Brunswlckgglo VV A TC, gems and gift; that last seem to shine brighter as the years roll by. Gifts from REEVE'S JEWELRY STORE stand `-`above the ordinary" as the Christmas Gift. UL Llll: .~'u:1.:.Un. A01-"(l as excellent. tlzwr-- keepers, gv.zn-m~.tem1 hv n: jewelry is a lasting memento A LOVELY article of of sentiment -- Beautiful V U3. e Feature the Bolova ldies VV1'ist the nmve.=vt the sons 11. nvnn, . V J. J. _.y_g1_.AC RING VV ii L('ll mod:-1 .\'ot=,~d $.r\~n ALANB'KI:E' ..,........ \.uu1.vuu1.C J\J\\Cl` 1'_v. Scores of styles in our present up-to- date stock to add the touch of chic for every gown. Man s special watch in the new 1931 design, seventeen jev.'el.'<, in handsome open faced case of ne lled _r2'olrl. \Tl1iS is one of the `vmgv b0;:`~'t. w.xlur;< we offer in our pre- l1ol1rla3' selling` event. We Fnfvlrn H-us Rain..- u::uz1;c .~'(.-Hlng` event. We Feature the Bolova WATCH We are fezuturing the new clip brooch. Charming desi_<.r,ns of this new brooch are shown by us and will set off` h2u1(I. gowns and hats this \'I`A'l` "BROOCH THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1930 j :\ ORILLIAMAN OF $120.00 Monday, No mer granted C Lia, judgment his car when Ford truck driv of 1-Lawkestone 1930. In pro: ihis worship sa.i nd on the evi on the part 01 no dispute as -t sustained. The judgment for $1 ing counsel fee POPULATIC .The populatio June 1, 1930, J` art 9,934,500, a 700 over the 1 yestimated popu and territories i llsland, 85,800; 900; New Bruns bec, 2,734,600; M-ar L'Ltoba, 671,5 882,000; Albert. n`]11l11hin WV g (ponnnued Irom page nine) Elished in 1880 by the appointment ;of Sir Alexander Galt, who had been i `a member of various cabinets in Canada for a generation. The ap- pointment, ,however, was a dis;: '_pointment to_ Galt, and he resigned in 1883. Sir Charles Tupper, who followed as High Commissioner, held office till 1896, when he return- ed in response to a call to assume `the Premiership of Canada, a few : weeks before the election, at which [his party was defeated. Lord ;`StratAh(-ona took ofce next, and re- imziined until his death in 1014. IM ' . :1 new pace in the scope of his gcontacts and in the liberalit_\' of his I ]ll10.<'plt:-1lll.'_V. He raised the ofee to ;' ia plane from which it has not sincrl i The troubled years oflf ,the \\'.',u' brou_9.'ht fre.~h 1'espo1isilJil-; lities to the London Office. Si)` (}eor_:(: Perley took clizmre in Junc,. 1.`)1;1__ rst z1.: acting Commi.<,sione:',` I-xrul `.-mu 10171 1.- wnn.-u |promo1:1on or whatever cause he ha.-`I [LIL heart. Mr. Ferguson ha~7 been :1 party man, but 11 his new oflice such ties will be forgotten. He will re- xprc,-. the Dominion of Canada; his ll)u: will be to promote his coun- ltr_v s interests and the interests of `ihe Empire. This is :1 worth-wliilel Ifzisk, and Czmatlians belio\'c,- he \\'E!:' '=.'.`orl< hard at it and wish him e\'oi'_'-.` mccess in his undertaking`. I I J.?l1`!_. and from 1917 to 1922 out High Commissioner. For a time l`,(? was Biinister of O\'er. I`.'Iil1~` `_tar_v .-\ll`air:~`, and a member 01' ilhe r;<=t Imperial War Cabinet, a 'repre. of Canada in signing the Peace Txeaty and a delegate to we League of Nations asseinbly, he ;hroug'ht new honors Hon. Peter L-arkin held the olce Train 1922 till his death in Februar `last. He saw Canada insitallecl in lne building in Trafal genle1'taine(l lavishly itriumph in his 3 gar Square, and scored 21 to Canada from European nations. Mr. Ferguson goes to London at a critical period in Empire afI'air.-. a period calling for wise :~'tatesman- -ship, for the broad outlook that will comprehend the requirements of all parties of the British realm and for a vitalizing energy that will create Ienthusiasm for the development 01' 5trade between some four hundreu and fty million people. He is qualied for the task. His Impel- ialism is unquestioned; also hr.-: vigor of action and his emluisiastic promotion of whatever has! ,:.1t Fm`9`1I: l1n.- imm. - nrst acting Commi.<. as perman- ! to the o'ice. = ' y collections of debts i ' L5 . """.~. --.-- .,, ,. ...`. ` ,'~ '7.- .I.?f1C?_1`.?"-`.T_4_? --swpva-.*m*r*r% population of Canada as at is officially estimatea an increase of 137,- 1929 esvtimate. The yestimated population by provinces is: Prince Edward Nova Scotia, 553,- Brunswick, 423,400; Que- Ontario, 3,313,000; M=ar'L'Ltoba, 671,500; Saskatchewan, Albenta, 660,000; British Columbia. 507 nnn- v..1,,... rm....~ :I,0UU A complete census of Canada will [be taken next year. At the last de- cennial census in 1921 the popula- tion of the Dominion was 8,788,483 This year s estimate of 9,934,500 in dicates a g'1'ow1.h of 1,146,000 or 1.: per cent. in nine years. `FERGUSON ACCEPTS THE LONDON POST uuxumola, a!}'l,UUU; Yukon Te1'rI- tory, 3,700; Northwest 'I.`e1'ritories, 9,600. A r=nvnn'|n.+n l1r\v\.~1u~ -4` r<._..-,1 -H .... ...L\,.. ...u, u . L,uuU , ou:'nCd.'LCI1e\Van, Columbia, 507,000; Yukon `t01`_V. 3.700: NOl'fAh\vDQf 'T`I:1~v-1'!-nu~1'ne. V W , ,, __ _ .__ ...._.. . . ._..-..- .>uu\\ 11 UV L15 l!`l(l Extended terms are available on Oh` had""`)'n"" . rchases which may be made in 1121 I . payments without extra charge. ~`0ar' Reeve s Jewelry Store > ORILLIA MAN GETS JUDGMENT $120.00 IN DAMAGE SUIT Nov .24th, Judge Wis- Cyril A. Muir, of Ori1- for damages done to he collided with a driven by W. G. Mathews at Washago, Aug. 29, pronouncing his verdict said in part: I cannot evidence any negligence of plainrti . There is -to amount of damages plaintiff should have $120 and costs, includ- of $15. (Continued from ed bv the nhnn1'n1-nu RADIOCRAFT CORPORATION LIMITED O TTAVVA - TDRQNTO, CANADA THE A BEST IN POPULATION OF CANADA The Northern Advance rman - . I fhnn HAVE THE ONLY PLA}{'J` IN S1'MC`0E COITXTY I`I;.\(\'].';\VGr A TTOUS FLOVV OF XVI-IITE SOLVENT. GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED PERFECTION & SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PHONE 10.`) DUNLOP ST, QUICK E In Cleaning Is White Cleaning Solfvent USE OUR TIME PAYMENT PLAN 1`. 1 I [Z\' CO.\T"l`IN- QT T" lT` \` N` Come in and see Brunswick Radio-He:1r Bx-'unswick Records reproduced on Radio with Panatrope. Be sure and ask about the Brunswick Christmas Club offer. .lt's easy to provide your home with complete entertain- ment when you join our Bruns- wick Radio Christmas Club. You pay ve dollars clown and a small weekly or monthly payment until Cliristmas when your Brunswick Radio is delivered. Then you can enjoy its marvellous TRUE PERFORMANCE while paying the balance in lconvenient installments. Famous for TRUE PERFORMANCE The beauty of Diamonds lies in their brilliancyhcolor, absence of blemish and per- fection of cut. Stones pos- sessing these qualities never decline in value. We invite you to compare our prices and values.