J. T. Simpson s Maicnjfi 888 Over E. C. ruryj Discontent is_ the want of self reli- nno &.A\. -`1 -. ....4.`....;. ) will be Primu )Ii11i.~:t.=1- in Con'e)"v:1ti\': .-\d,m1n1.~:t1`at1on. HON. R. BIC.\'.\'rET'1` HU IC.`-`Z HCLIVI`. IULIIII. UJU for service. 'l`h:-1r cnntri r the ultxmayto success of 1 was by no moans . [er they all went wild \\'i1 nit joy when the return :he result of their com-r-" nun +n H-univ Inuul L-nnnnl-1 \\' o SC (`Au d:1_v.: If T L. 0` g'ot.tcn 1 -; teleph ;ta1-t_ tuner: `d 3; mcmb `ion, ed as rnml 1 YOU 0 Slklllulllg HUIIILY. It was a bad day for the Liberals, ve cabinet ministeus falling by the wayside, and in all 38 being defeat- ed. With 86 Liberals in the House, among them being :1 number of good (lebate1':~', the .~`.`,':.~.`lOlla' :~:hould prove inte1'r:.sti1:g`, and C21nv.(lz1 is assured of a sound, p1'og'1'c.<. 21dmiui. for the next four or five yt,-ar.<, at llcast. o-A mu 4, union 1. _ .\ionl21y \\';L< a bad day not only .`for the Go\'e1'nment, but for the In rlependt.-nts. The (:l';'(.'tl011:' of 1930 mark the reulm again to the two old party 5}, L;~'e1n. In all the groups 7only t;\venty were elected. In On- {tario )'li:<.< Agnes Jiuephuil t-he Qsole remuinng camlidute 01' Lhe once. `powerful United Farmeixs of 011- tario. Mr. Bennett will not need to 'look for support among the depleted independents groups, and for the 1`St time since the war 21 Govern- _ment goes into office with a clear ready made majority. lnfm'Ps1. nnw in (`r-nfrr-vrl nn ()0. n:au_v made ma_]or1Ly. Interest now is Centred on OL- ytawa, wliere cabinet making is occu- lpying: the attention of Mr. Bennett. `Not only has he pledged himself to call a special session to deal with un- employmenvt but the question of Canada :< representation at t.he Im- perial and Economic Coliference must be speedily decided. His task of cabinet making` is simplied by the election of over a dozen ex- cabinet ministscrs ,as well as several former Conservative leaders of out- standing ability. Tt was :1 had (luv for Hip l,ihm-21:, LlL`lt`ilL(.'(l EKHU IZIUH` heads the mar adnir one Quebec scat stii s1audi11g of the pa)": Conse1'\'ativc.< '-Libe1'a.1.< United F-.u'mc-1 P1'0g1`e.sSiV`e>` .. Libe1'al-P1'og1-e.~.~nr Labor Independent Doubtful L'Jl<: LU... \".H\.> `3,111 provmce e.\_c-pt Hl`!tiSh ibut lnu blg ;..L,;12....- '\'.`d : uvl.,.~..n ... not returnng to me . 01 an aw- cidnm, Ernest Everton, of Gilford. zzpps.-aretl before .\12\3.{`ist1'at(* JefT'.< in police court VVcdne.< n1omin;r. ` On the rat r-h:1rQ'n_ that. of t';Ll. \\m:1`t', 11) L1 '4' 10:11` .<(:d1;:', N11`. JBL-nnett will have 23 :~`uppo1'te1'.=. at llezxst. O1:L;11'io 5;-nu.) :35) Conserva- ltives, P.E.I. 3, Nova Scotia 10, New :Brunsv:ick 10, ;\`lzmitoba ll Saskzv: `('l1G\\'2111 8, .-\lb'ur1u >1, l31`it.ish Colum- ibia 7, Yukon 1. \lnn.l-nu \\`t|.~ .. l.a.,l ,1... A4 nnln I |COUNClL TO SETTLE I PACKING PLANT SITE i Bzu`1`ic town council will hold a . .<-.<. to-night 1'l`liur.<(lay) ito deal with the p1`op0. of thr` iPork P:'.lCl\'C1'.\' Corporation laid bu- lforc the nl(:lnlJL'l'.~` last \\'L*C.-k. It is [un_(tle1b'.~itoo(l Llmtutilicb qlllegtionl ofl.-1 {SL118 c site wi c L-'nite V (G- lcided, so that work may be siarted {as :~:oon_ as 1iossib_le on the construc- ltictni o1Tl2p L12o60(i0d]p\lz11t1]L. `I'li"l`.c Sl'(.` on im ., W10 )5 10.. es .\`lcConnell, of Toronto. which has ibeen umlcr con. ,i.~' consid- [ercd the most suitable for the loca- `!tion of 2-. packing` plum. Howe.-\'ei'. Wlit has been intimated Llmt a petition ifrom 1'<.-. in that district ugaiiist the locating of such a factory in '.l1r-iv l1r>iu'hlinI'i1nnri wll hn lIl`(*QOY`|f0fi l'I<)11. U. .13. Iimnu-1'1` \\'i]! II,,, \I - -. ..,..\ - R - n {Jung (,iL)\ ('!'llHiL`]l1 1I<,|er-1'ed ! and ]*`i\'u _\i]IliS1C|`.\' G0 I J)u\\'11 tn J)(`i'<*;11. this is a birthday you have for umil just, no\\'--turn to your telephone. A ;1re<:`~.ing: by long` (lis- telc-plionu i.~ 21 form 01' 1'0- nlcn-.ln'zmce that is ul\\'ay.< '.1pprucia1- v. compliment and it will take lyou only 21 fr.-w minu1u.~, for out-015 ltown calls a1'<:- as simple to make `now as local om.-s. l\'r3ni11;: rates, l-:1:n`linn' 91 700 n in, A'|`o'\ r-l1r\2n:-r QUEBEC A SURPRISE 1x111. .Ll. J}. .lJ\'Ill1"ll ]l[a\'e Mz1;jm'i1`_\ of :30 New I u1'lia1n(~m. The King Gm-umment ;-11-utcd and Hun.It.1 wk Hun .\: --,~ -..3 nin{;~4....H "otul `1\n f`. .. ponce court we-nne. i11()1'nHl;. On the first charge, that of 1'ul. 1'eg'i9*cration, which the court; deelzn-c.-(I was 2). ;~:r:1'iou.~' offence, E\'o1'to11 xvasi ned S10 and costs, amounting to; $1-|.T.-'. .-\1thuog'h it w21.< evidx.-n'.i 122.11 an Aim-rican car had been; ditched on the hig'hw:1_v ju.~t norm of S11-oud through czu'e1essn0s.< on the pa1`tof'Eve1`ton in coming onto, the highway without stopping`, bc-j can u the driver of the ditched cm` did iot appeal` against him, the tv.-rg L-11n1'ge.< of rr~ckle; (ii'i\ i11_`.E and no , 1'r-turning- to the . of `fin zu-vi-` rh-nt \.v(-re (li.~1nis. j ' . sun m c pzuiwos IS : 'iv(< . LL. 1). DUIIUULL ministration. With still in doubt, the -nv .-in; {c - EighfWl;a.(g mm`. in (very -`ti: Columbia, L -..';x; in Quebec, Iou1': Mr. at (I\ 5!) (`.nn: has been 3. Bennett hn \\`H|\ in 24.3 I'Ix\~\v 138 KM: 701. LXIX. N 0. 22. UP ON THREE CHARGES, CONVICTED OF ONE. Charged with false registration of his motor car, 1'eckl+.=s d1`ivinp,' and not returnng to the .<('m1(,- of an an-~` (4:32-m, Rrnrast T-4\'m'fnn. of Gilford. St(-ph(.>n I.(.-acock, p1'01'v.'<. of" LunnomiL-.< in .\IcG1lI L'1Ii\'(:1s'1t).', znul; well known author and humorist. is szxid to be slated to ll VV. Moon-c s place on the Tari advisory, I\:lI'd. ..\.w. VV- .4. nvn.u\4ntd.441Ll1.A.4 ....u~.., | whose Government was swept from power on Monday. I 13.810 VOTES POLLED \_. ' mm`. W. L. .\*I.'-XCKENZIE KING. I 1} . the I ro1]f.~~ }:u`1`ie made a record Monday 17.: magmcent majority that was ml up for J. '1`. Simpson, COns.'-`.1'- 1 Ex canclklate for \'o1\t-!; Simcoe in i ~'n/In ,-11 r.l...n+-"nu \ `.\5~n] I`lI\` an up I01` J. v. Fcdczal alt:-c us up of rm HI (H\'iu'nn.- .11: un1.>1uu.s }.{z1\'(* J11`. bIm1\.=:1:`.' mjority of 788, an increase of ~)\-'er M1`. Boys majo1'ity'of ($7.3 `5'2.7.(3. Cr)l1in'.rwrmrl. 1\.n\\'sAvm- (`LE 2209 nj. for Simpson 788. (Continued on page ve) advance pol] JIVLD IVIAJUKXIY " OF 788 FOR SIMPSON` 1926. 1.` 1151 `cll.'CL!l`' ? 1'I.>tu1'n.= pol] bx 1.1:) 103 R: (1"LU 5, \\';1.~1 we mamiea decrease in 311'. D1'u1'_v`.,< maj01'itio.~: in Mon-g rlay`.< contest compare- with thosuj givm him in 1926, undoniable evi- dmce that the ex-Premior s strong`-' hum; are decidedly weakened. In` 1926 the township of Oro 2`z1\'ev Dmry a mz\.jo'ity of 5!-L. 1101-.i:1v his majority in that section was 271.` 7` f':1Hin, n' nf' '77!) 'Y".~n rmun;ln'n* 00 110 rm II 110 (:1 )1 121 100 128 216 108 190 no 12133 110 128 Em Kurt!) mm Ahmmme .'\ . Ill L} I .` Ll from the 311'. Si Inps 11 inm'p2r:1= 51!` 1'0; V thzm. gaLl1er_~ at OdLife1lo\v;~: Hall` Monday night to listen to election 'l_:'(-1u1'n.<. They '111'cz*.:ly knew 111:1? '_\'orth Simcoe was safe for the Con- s<:rva.tive party by a majority of 93 I with .~:e\`e1`al polls still to hear from,`- `and cag'<:1'ly awaited news from the country at large. From S 0'('lncl~:_ Barrie time, when the I'<`: retm*n=' from other Ontario "idings bugun :u come in, the crowd -teadily increased until by 10 o'clock there was .=.`.anri ing room only. A rlivnof fnlpav-qhlm xvivu u-EH: 1111` ` I It was a wildly enthusiastic crowd` I I . .. m..u...u.. vsim kr-._1)t North Smcoe in the Con gservative ranks by :1 mz1Jo1'ity of 1 nv.-r IV, (' Wren-v ms n1u_}01`H:y 111 mm secuon :11. falling of)` of 270. The township of \7espru gave Drury zx m2.1jo1'ity 0` 271 in 1926. Mona! his Vesprn mzljority was 39. anothr-31' marked (in- crease of 232. '.\I1'. D1'm'y' only gains were at Sunni-`lale an-J $:l12:,\'n~1-. T110 FnHnu.'ncr ' 1; 41>\ -an n--1`: `s1rm>s0N s saiacriaan 1 WARMLY `R;3CElVED{ "ed and the z111:1ou11c1.-1m.~nt that ting room oluy. i A (ii1'ec}t( e1g1'ap11 wirle dwith 2:111 `operator a een insta 9 in ` e ihall, so that quick service could be `given. Herb. Robertson acted chairman, announcing to the crowd the latest n1es.5ages that came in over the wire. As. the crowd increased he was relieved by Major Knowles, ;'\\']10 brozlidcastfed this 11`)etu1'f1`11s t?rt\1ug~h 121 megapione orbe em: 0 10:-`c istanding: in the back of the hail. {Every Con.'<.ervative gain was grrcetul ,with an uproa.r of enthusiasm. F1-ct istamped, hands were clapped til`.I `they stung`\i11 an attempt to adu- =quz1te1y c.\:p1`e.~t.< the gmticzttioii `.112! crowd felt. This was pa1'ticu]211"\' 1111.: of the nianncr 111 which E21 .' 'I0\\'c'.` splenriirl majority was greet- I`homp;~:on had won in Orilliu. Th!` :H'1`i\'5Ii nf .T T giinncnn t--.1. i _ , ! `\'1('T<;l' and ()1`hc1's .hX])I'L`SS" .T\]>]_n'm-1z11jo11 of F1110 I : .\la1jm'iT_\'. i `;1en(1er(-u r|1.>1n` nu. z1x1l_I'zLt,_l1s:1'.a ;The u11Lhu. b;-camp n11cct10u~'\ `and even .sovc1'ul Lil)e1'aI.< of mzmy: _vea1'.~; . were .~:e<,-n to join m; 1111: Ch(:(:1`iI1;_.'.'. i f\n `.~[JH.`Il(ll(l worn mac mm been alone on` ;hi.~: behalf by the Conservative work- _r_.~1-s in the 1'i(1ing`. He paid a t1'1buI-- lstutimz that the crmlit for Lhe sun: :ce.<.< the (.'oxi. had achieved `in this town was largly due to j.\Ir i l:1ir`.< pm-v.11i211' ;:L-nius for or- `was on. but having: won his ght he to W. J. Blair. campaign manager, gamzing: and his ability to pick the. rigrht mam 01' \vom;111 for the job Lhu: hnd to be (iOI1('. Mr. Simpson (.~.spc<:- ially thanked the women wo1'kor.~7, who hzul hr.-mu 1i1'elo. in their e'0rts., Hv >`t)'\'--`.~'I'(i tho fact that througrhoua` thv .~n1i1~u ("1mp:1iI)`n thv fI)`(.'21L(`.~" , harmony had existmi in thv ranks OI ' the organization. He had made no campaign promises xvhilse thv hz11`Iu assured his suppoi-t that he would; do his b('. to nu-mt the condt-m'rs' `.h<- --1-;~1or.~ of `.h- riding had . in him. H1 llllll. W. A. Boys. I{.('., ex-_\I.P., who ,followed M1 . Simpson 0.\ })1`es. hi~ `kevn gzruticzltion at the re.sulI 0: :t.lu- local czunpaign. He Lhougrht .\`Ir.l ,Dru1'y owed his smashing defeat 1 .hi.< insincerity. A man who stand.~'l {up before the public and declares he !has always been a free trader and }.~tilI is while professing to support a protection budget is not being hon- {L-. with the people, who have show- {Ml their (list.1'u. of such an uttit,u(I- ii: no unn1i.<`t2Lkuhle manner, said fZ\I1'. Boys. \R:-ennndintr tn vnnnnfml vnnnncru "` and handkc-1'chie1's to acclaim him.I 1`lLOIl1[).iU!1 nau W011 1n U1'1l11L1. | The a1'ri\'a1 of J. T. Simpson call; ed forth throat splitting cheers as men and women stood waving` hat` {A wife and (l2Lll_L',`htt :1` `=o1m-wheru in? ;H1<-'cr0\\'d looked on with panlomm`: ] Lpridv at the \\`o1uic1'1'u| 1'(.-cm-ptiu|:; }tcmim~-(1 their hu.~'bzu'1d and fzLt,l1s:r.; 1'T`hrA u-mhumi on }\'u-`Inn. 3n6`,.,.o:,\..,.x ..... .u.\,....;.. | On mounting` the platform Mr. Isimpson 1node:~'1;]y accepted the 1'0us~ `ing reception tendered him by ex-, ;p1'.~.<.~:ing; his zLpp1'eciution of the` `. miid work that had been alone 011' `>`.1i< hn11:|H' hr Han {`nn.-zuvx-nvn \xvn\1.- i on`. boys. i BR:-. repeated requests ;for :1 speech, W. J. Blair said he ithougzht after this election the elec- .Ior.< of \'ort,h Simcoe would never 'hz1\`<- to defeat E. C. Drury mzuin. ;c-wn if the Globe, through its radio lbroarlcast ,had declared Drury would `come l)zu`k .-tronger than ever. I .\Ien who go into public life must [stand the acid test of sincerity, (le `dared Mr. Blair. When men like Mr. Drury get out and score the- (Continuecf on page four) l J. T. SIMPSON \`,..u. ;:,2ul1.~' were at :111`.n.Au1Jt- 11:1`! .31 Th : following` 1.< an ac statement 01` the p~ ` poll: BARRIE GIVES MA-JORKTY OF` 7915: who elm Barrie baseball team went into th- |1ead in the norbhenl 0.1)..-\.. 5_-'ro'u-:- Tuesday night when they won ow.-r ,Ca.mp Borden by 9 to 5. The local `line up \\'z`:.s somewhat changed from-. the last clash between these two" teams, more hitting power being` add~ " ed to the Bzxrrie team. .-\rmit.ag'~::_ went to r.-`t in phxce of Dobson, the ilatter going to third lmse. ButIer,_ |\v(-.-nt to left eld and Lynch czmw; [out to play the right field posrition. `The change worked out to ad\'ant.a!J:!:? `lfor the home team. - I n11'. u-`an 1..-n-.1nIn+.-.1 l.n+ \"l...l. "}ance in town, wa.~: on the mound for iIUl' L-H8 ll()lTlE team. .' r L21\\`. who completely barTled lbhe Ba` 'ie ba4t.te1'.< on his last appear}? the ':isito1':~:, but he \\'a.< no puzzle to lthe locals on this occzision. lin difliculty in nearly v.-W-i'y inning _]i land was taken out in the fth zmzl". lreplaced by Lennox, who `\'d.-S sonny limp1'o\'emenL, although lacing` toucli4:,l;3p lfor hits wl1ex1 they were most neecbgd Iozl. - I :BARRIE TAKES LEAD EN GROUP g'x3Y WINNING FROM AIR FO'RCE.,: iczunp Lnrec unearnea runs. . ` Tribblc aagin did the twirling` for ,tl1e locals and was in good form.. lHe was backed up by e1'rorle.=~ ball `by the ineld and a running one lhanded catch by Walls in centre Isaved a bad looking situation. Tllara navf crnnxn u-ill `hr. nl-nv...l ms cu. .' Barrie took the lead in the r. innings when Moore beat out a bun. ,. -and counted on Butler's terric; [homer over the left e1de1"s head.3 |The locals kept pushing runs over`. ;till the score stood E) to 2 in their`! `favor, when a couple of ca1'eless_ `plays in the o'..l;;-Id allowed the`; I I I `camp three Lmearned 1 T)`I'hh1r~ :15)-`Tin (Ii Han 1`\\n'\-Hno` f'rr. .~.uveu 21 Dan looxmg` sltuzmon. ; I The next game will be played to-` imorrow night (Friday) when Cree- ,more will tackle the locals at thr- iAgricultura1 Park. Q Great men don't tell `their virtues; they try to 5 lthc.-ir po.=sibi1it<=..=.-La,dy ; It was with sincere regret that the citizens of Barrie and throughout the county learned of the death of Charles Erne;~:t Wright, at his home ,in Penetanguisliene on Tuesday. He had been in poor health for several I iyears, and though able to be around much of the time, he was quite laware that the end might be r,-xpt-ct led any time. Mr. Wright \\'a.`~: a `true son of Simcoe County. Born in Penetanguishene 71 years ago, he .marle_hi,s' home there all his life, but his inuence and henefaetion spreazi far beyond the confines of his native town. When a lad he worked with zhis father in the butcher l)u.s'ines.<, land carried on after the latter".: id:-ath with inarkeul .succes.~' for -10 wyi-ar.<. .-\:1l1i.~' l)u.~:ine.~:.~; grew, his, ifrientls increa. which i.~: the highe.~'1 3 `tribute to ` any man. Mr. '\Vrig`~hi `took an active interest in his town `and community. He served for ,`.~ev-n years as reeve of Penetan:_.- and in 1901 was honored by being c.ho. as Warden of the county. He was then elected as Mayor of his ,town, st-rving' for four years. He {also served for six years as chair- man of the License Board for East Simeoe. During the war period Mr. Wright was actively identied wit` all patriotc movements and was chairman of the tercentcnnial com- -mittee in 1921. \ , . `C. E. WRIGHT, EX-M.P.P., PASSED AWAY ON TUESDAY A s\ r,uu11cl1 Consc1'\`ative, 1112! ,Wright took a keen interest in pro-1 `.....,..~.,\. nu 4.r;..L. vincia] affairs, and in 1923 was pre-I vailod upon by Hon. G. Howard Fe1'- ! guson to allow his name to go be-I fore the convention as the . {bearer for Centre Simcor-. 'l`hr` situ- lution looked l1opeIe.as for the Con- |`. caL1.<(-, but Mr. Wright won t, , ,,, , Poll Ward 3 had the distin/:Lion of voting more aged voter: ihan any other section of Barrie. Canon Reiner, zlged 97'; .`rIi:_< Mary Rose, 91; M1`. Cu\`;mag'h, 9-1, and M1`. Swillne-1'ton, 83), were among` thn.-. in the: same ward :1 woman voter, so badly c1'ip])lL`(I zhrt .`~_ne had to he ca-.r1'ied I'1'0m the r.-nr \'.'hicf! b1'ou;;ht her to the polls, c.\w,1~ cised the franchi.<;. HELD RECORD FOR Af`_I.`l'\ \. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTH SIMCOE LADIES .A\\'N`!) (-}EN'.l_`LI : I (In.-.s'i1'c in L-.\'t`0nd In you my (1(5('}) :1])])l`O('i;11`i()1'l .f'0.1' the . S1l])|H)I'1' au(m' me at the Jmlls an .\1`o11'(lz1y, .Tn]_\ }8t]1. By _\'0111' vnfes _\fun (,'.\'])1'0SSP,(1 Very d(>(-i. _\'m11~ ;1ppm\';1l of the policies of tho Lihm';11-C0nscr\'u ri\'o pm-`r_v, and of 0111' lu;1(1('1`, the Hon. R. B. 1`}onn -r -11 1 `r(*1'm se1'\'(> ` ~_];a:1;ri,_bntarid, -1ur;aAay; J IIXIJ FLIIK AGED VOTERS I? will be my cnd0a\'u.1- during tho nf `rho ]n'CScnt Pa1'liame11`r to you 10 flw best of my abilit_\'. ]3:`u'1'ic Roll(:(1_AUp .`.l'z1j<).1-iffy of 788 for Co11se1'\'-ativc Calldidatc. . *1`e.\"-`1`t. 1 mto ii LGOW 5.-"you. 3,-,.. . hey b1;,_1,)`l loc;1!g,;1"M;:`lb ' zen 119.40 t\\,'c',21'5a,m_;.` . war to Ba)` um. .-\rmita_. mihhl, )1` '-, 35)` Butler, nn( I czxmr-"_ t ad\'ant.ar:;<: plctely barTled' ex 1i.~: apnear - A ote]. ' fats`-1 ` 5 . cm _' i1111i11g<`l_%%: 21 fifth and g -' :- esho so111e',L,m:m buinw touchv Ifm mg " '-,pected :1`: ne2c1~1,d0Zen xd l-5:-fguyf 9:1 eat E, , . f, utIm" tnrrir-f('a1e lg ' _J.'U1lk'H. Dd.l'U'clUU.i . UUUUL .54 H111"? long and 16 miles wide. It is w.-ry lcnsely populated, ove,r 00 per con`. eing` blacks. '1`-here EL very n; l`:ote]_. wlxere you can get every com I _ ilfort and attention. In fact. it,i;~: tou .11mZZIem$'1'01'1na] for the one who wishe.'< 7..- '` e .wa53gct awav for a holiday from cit`: mnmg glife. 311'. Cameron. ='.Li it" did nnV] ,1thC f_i,fFh_n` 1 Suit. him. so he rentc-d 21 house, 21114` - 10 db 50117`? nn ~:.mn.'...- 4-n.m,I mm ..:..~ t a(h'ant.~.1r.':!:3 pletely xi: for :. g,`1'c`.\ , n .` the . town mm: 1, 1m:....! 1 a man 027;; show them .-\sto1'. Your faithfully, '|l'II`V\ '2 The West 1n(lir:.s has been ovr.-.1~- gisazted as I'=.u- as bu.<,ine:~:.< or possibit , fltie of bllsillcfa is concerned. Sone "'1ga1'cane-, cotton and hemp arr,- `g.`L'o\vn, and Bermuda supplies Lezlr`, [;onior2s, Ea.<`u.=1' li]i;':.< and such lik 'but the nati\'e.< are not anxious tr. _ E`{e_\'e1`t. 1.hem. ; f1nInn- I--.v ha.-3+ +'u.n-.1 L!ulH'u-,- v'.. ` L`->3ll`.`:L [)iZiCL` U1 His. beautiful ilite bays. rl-.,n.. L...nn- 1f`i1. UkfLll.lL11LU PILIUC, kill UL'IlL(Kl \\[l.' f ittie It is 01" coral 1"o1'n1atirm. :.l1e1'(-, being little level grounil .-.'l'm;n :1 three-(lay trip will talcrg on: jgto Ba1'bad0cs, the climate get.tin;: Lmilder. Tli1i.~: ifland always re- 'naine(l B1'it.i;<.l1, the o*.he1'.=. being` 2:`. ..\'ar frequently, and were .,m~ imes Spanisn and some ti??.'n- `rench. Barbados about 24 milr-:~ lrmzplv `nnnnlnfrzrl nvnv on nm- arm. '1 ',` R. H. Cameron, bf the city of Toronto, but now Tesiclerlt of Barrie several moutkxs it. 3 l `he year, was the speaker at Kiwzmz , '4) Friday last. i He gave some inter- i`c;-tong` facts about the West [mix ,{s1ands, \\".*.ich he has Visited st.-Vera! imes, and spent a winter on the 's'1and of Barbadoes. "9 The West Indies has |.n ~nr.;~.- been ow.-r nu : W I ..`.-..1.,.,} us {nu n.- nn. an c;<-Cotmsoller DJ-uI'y s )Iajo1-it) in Every 'l`n\\'11. 1.:-5:; 'l`hzm in "|(I")I._` E. suit 211;`: inquiry found that or: xvas .-\:- igpected to e11g`ag'c at least hall a -`dozen S(3l`\'Zlllt.S. 'l"hc- lcasz you ll _o1' yourself the more you will bvj j'tl2oug`l1t of. ' The nat'iVe:~: are a lmpfsf ';:'ca1'ef1'ee lot, but respectful zmrl ' eager to please. Six sl1illin;=_':< a xvo-`.; considered good wages.. I 'I'VL.. XXI-..` Y...11.... .- .. ..I ....L .-`... lfgjli. 311'. L/:Ull(:`l'Uil. \'d1(l H UIU H0`. !SOME IMPRESSIONS :10? THE WEST mnuas '!`;to spend a few wee .. w......v.w bvx/\` ..`.,.,L.,... The Wc.' Indies a p1ea~'z111t pizzm but there 5 I P =; no country in the world like Canada isaid Mr. Cameron. We, as Canad~ Iians, hme a heritage that we should `gbe proud cf and we should measum gup to our 1'espons1b1I1t:es as cit17.en.~ 'of the finest part of the Briti. Fm- P E pre. 3 I ! Now that the elections are over, `concerted action should be taken by ', Barrie, Collingwood and : jinuhicipalities to make another effort 110 1'et;ain the air base at Camp Bo;'-| Iden. It. :< worth making an effort. Simp.<.on, Liberal, and G. H. Mur- dock opposing. In 1926 Mr. Wri, was again succe.=;~i1'ul ug`z1in: Eben l`0(l(l, Liberal. Owing` to failing l`.ealt.l1. ho could not stzmd for re- clnction in 1921!, and rr-1'iro(l. l llv is . by his \\'l(l0\V, .\`leu_. Ann Clmluo. Tlhc fllnoml will talu- plaue on F1'i(luy, August l.~'t, at '2 p.m., to All Saints` Church. Inter- 'ment St. Jzunos Cemete1'y, Penman}:- :11is.lmnr=_ I jout in 21 t,hreu-co1'ne1'ed contr-st, Dr.` l I .` l ` H` L` I Ch: ment - ui. rrm 4 \.|AuuA\.||\ . i Tlhosc who will attend the 1'unoml ;<<:1'vic: from Barri(.- include W. A. .Bo_v.<, ox-.VI.P.; J. T. Simpson, Fed- eral member-elect; H. H. Creswickc. ,(I`ounL_v Wzmlmi, and others promin- ent in Lhr: Conservative organiza- tion. `J. T.` SIMPSON. GET BUSY ! t.`l`4L`-`f. boat from Hahfax, tin f lmportzmce is Bermuda. 1`\1l|n1. ml] II.-.n+r..vl u-J-. nuug pollii nm: No p1`c\'i0us campaign in the his-: tory of .\'o1'th Simcoe riding aroused such enthusiasm among the Conser- vative workers as the one that has resulted in such a splendid victory for their candidate, J. T. Simpson. From the time the election writ was issued the Conservatives set to work Ito perfec'; an org-siziizatiori that could not be beaten. Under the able dir- ection of W. J. Blair, who was (-ho:-`en campaign manager in Barrie, men and women worked shoulder to shoulder throughout the town with the (letermination to keep t.he No1'f;.h Sinicoe seat in the ranks of the Con- : party. hll\`1`(I nn tn rrrnntpv r> n1-f. hv iwv EARRHE GAVE 1 sum A mwmrv; . party. I Spurred on to greater effort; by the knowledgze that the contest in this riding was to be one of the keenc-;~:1; fought bzitt-los of the cam- paign, the workers systeinatically` went at their task. There \vas con- dence zmd :1 detorniined spirit from. 1 the out.<(-1`. n.r....,. +1. |...,i lfll,` Ul.lLSl".. Before the czlimmig.-`n had been 111 pro,-1'1-e. two weeks, every polliiw division wz1.< o1';,rz1nized to pi'e\'em_ o\'m'lappin,<: and duplication of e'o1`t.! Cvcry worker had his or hm` job annl conct.-1m'2:te(l on it. How well Lhc-_-. per1'o1'm0d their duties may bu- _iuds.:e(1 from the results. A 1'rm1nwx nf Hun Inna] vnlnnnixrni I the women. _]Ll(lLCL`U Jl'Ulll UH` l`>IUlLS. A `feature of the local campaign was t.he magrnieent work done by '1`o their lot fell much of the drudgery in the cont-:. It can be said to their eretlit that not one woman 1`efu.~'e(l to perform any t:1.~'k that was a 'ig'ned to her. They were grhting for the security of the ho1ne.< of Canada, and they never let up until the polls closed. .-\s a mat ter of fact the \vomen workers in many .~',(:Ci'.lOl1.~` outnumbered the men. and it was graciously conceded by those at the head of the campaign and by the candidate him.` the U\'l3l`\\ l1(3l111lll}4' defeat 01' Mr. I')rur_v \'.'a.< due to the Con. \-.'o1nen workers. The tenacity which they carried on through bu: season of the year and scorching heat of the last few proved they had the eouragze 0. their convictions. They thought ` terms of victory only from the start. At the convention at Stayner and most of the ]11(}l'tl11{. ,'.'- held in \'ariou.- p:l1`t' of the riding the women turned out in .~'urpri. numb:-r.<. In Co] line`wood the men were loud in prai.<" of the splendid women's or;*anization there, declaring: that there would be no doubt about ;\'Ir. Simpson :< ma- jority, as the Con;~:er\'ative women ol that historic town were doing" .~'ple'1 tliai did team work. I`1~.n nbl .-+nn:lkn.- flan .-lnltv-II-1.` nl :-*4 .... .. ,.-,. \ll 5Pork I- acke1-.~' ;under. that the question of :1 isuitable will be denitely de- `cided, work started `,a.< soon po.~:. construc ition of the $125,000 plant. T'!*.-;- `site Tiin St., owned by the .`.li.<.s- lbeen [ered most. Etion 2-. iit nfrom 'the such in their neie'hborn(m(l wll be pre; `to the COUIl(`il to-night. SOMEBODY S BIRTHDAY 7 thi.~: for until _iu. ,telephone. that is taki- you 1'r,-xv minutv.-.~, `town tails make ,now .~;tar1in_L` at 7.00 ;)..m., are cheaper 1:han ever before. 'Pm"r'o(-t 'l`o;1m \V'm-k c-uuld NUT Fail. S}>l<>11did ()1'g'2111izz11`i>11 and! i i I Conservatives Sweep the , Country; Get 138 Seats |(H(l [(32111] \VOI'K. ` The old st:mdby.<, the . 01 u , w 10 `V0 can m';_-' M (2 mo lth arty 1 111 11 "1 n I \ since the (lays of Sir John .\Iz1cd0n- ald, were no less active. Youth. too lmetl up k\1:nn om +1". u1Hn-men oulnnnuu A4-' `v The ixxrt divorce writ to be i.<. in Ontario since this province w:.1.< granted antimony with r<-spect to (li- vorce, w-.1.< lr.-d VVednes(iay in Ham- .i1t.on. The writ was a Supreme Court writ and will be tried in the ordinary way. I ever received. ."lHC(.` Llltf (l2l)'5 01 DIY dOlll1 .\l2lL`(l()ll' loo bution to 5' ` cainpuigzn No wonder triumphant I .-"howed the i effort. Due to their loyal suppom i North Simcoc gave J. 'l`. Simpsonl the largest majority any Conser\'zx- tivo candidate runnim: in this ritlinjz .11.. m.`-.51` .\11'. Days 1'naJ01'1ty 0I H14) in W126. Collinfzwood, ho\\'cve1'. (1731! not '10 as well for 111'. Simpson :1.~ If | did for M1`. Bays , \\".-m rec;-ivr:rl :- 1)'w,i-nity of (759 in 1151!; from tx1:n pm : of the 1'idin:1', wit; 0 Mr. Simp- s majority \\'.'1-' r Sgnicant of the zattittxde of r;:-:; (1~`-L".<)1`s, \\':L`. the marked decrease in '1' TT1'nrv -_- 1~nzn'n1-h'n.~ in Tran,