go 21110 See ]I more was liquor there." Metcalf denied all knowledge or` the wine being placed in the truck until after the a1`1'est was made. when Peachman told him what he`. had done. .efe1'rin_2; to the ``row, he said Holt had told him to get out of his l10l1S(` and he refu.~:v to go without his coat. Holt made :1 pz1. at him and the _2'ht was on. After the three boys had :.1nsw:1~ ed to the e_hzu`ge of (li'unkem1es.i with a. plea of guilty, William Holt was charged with di:~:o1'de1'ly conduct. to which he, too, pleaded giiilty. Frank Hammond, 1'<,-pI.'.<:.-n1.ii1r_i l-iolt, asked for ir.~nienc_v on. thr: ground that the man had :L])pe:u`e volunta1'il_\' and luul _`.,"(}Il\;ll into llli: to under (l.`\I`.)`(`]Hn'* i)i m'rr-anion. I-la .< quite \'viihin his ri<:lit.< in c-_iec'.- : objection;ibl<- pzirtiu-.< i'm;w. his In (nnl lnx 1':-l1~ 1l-.-.` '1 .--v \ i: I. .-. .n.:..,i uf*31?.TD -- _-...... ......-.._-__.s..-n-..u-Dongs...-.-u.-.unuuvm-v-.,2-=-uxnuz-.:1..-c . ~..~ .. Special _ LOBLAW S ``sPEcIAL`2a " I'.`3='L'L:~. q-xarurnk 1r._'.;III-f`..~_ 1.-A-.1>.'-:5 BORROWED CAR COSTS . CAMP `BORDEN CHAP $20 A queer sort of mix up resulted from "the appearance in f)=)1ir'e court last Friday of Harry C`n_n.`tz':m-.i, of Camp Borden, z1rre. under rim; Hig'hv.'ay Trufc Act for i`.-1'. ic- produce his permit while r.1`:Tvix*f;' .. car with light and brake :1`.-1'4-c`r.~:.` I~Ividr.=nce showed that the m:m driv- Have been sold on this market for many years. The discovery to reta?n all the natural avor is only of recent years, and has resulted in a demand for these \vonderf~J canned herrings, that have made Maconochie s the largest packers in the world. Special - FANCY QUALITY. I-IALVES --- F`ines`a - .-*.T$.~.. .-_mr.-1:. .r.A-.~,,-mm -.~r~.- - Special -- Maconochie s Kippered and in Tomato Sauce 37;?! `.31? @1152` -ta-;*-.:;,. nary. am can. use manna ,.e-mm Special -_ ZJUGGET SHOE" Special - LIFEBUOY-THE HEALTH m"'l\... am :ugh1in-Buick A.I.UU\.I\JL\l\I1l.J.\J pa .l.LL1J1J\J.l\/\.I. (.u.u.\.I. Lu. .l.Uil.;ClvllU LJCUKLUC .:;.,,.1r.. _1 . 1, "" ` 7_0Z. R.E?%K3$*, ~ TINS .a..x.. wrrzrr: It wa. L between the pi. (1e1'\\'a1]s--z1n (1 this the engine. These Specials on Saie Week of Aprni 3 to ;~--.n.-aua...__...._.-_.. ..._._ j_:..______._ | was, an ` cmployc ]\.nH:};1\' ~ only to :.:e G1'11C10]1Cjv the ;r:ne1'n] momle :11 ` of all our G1'oc0te1'1: I Is true t \"1S, and V.`.'( r~navuY.-u-nn .` VVe close promptiy at 12.30 :.\.m. every Wednesday. Advance HEALTH IS `NEALTH VVATCH OUR WINDOWS -WE ARE FEATURING THIS WEEK u-;-jun nusauu--.n.-m-_ 720111 0%1:s`McLaughlin?Buick Q!!!i!2:,f01" as LOW as $1345 ES 113 \V0l.11(l (10 110 $000. Addressing Metcalf, Magistrate Jeifs said it was time he knew that minors are not entitled to get liquor. ``In my opinion, there should be an example made of minors procur- ing liquor, he concluded, which was evidently his reason for increasing )Ietcalf s ne. n-. fln -.n1I~.m-ihv M` Hm T,:m.m. n..L..4xu\.u1L.ALV-1JLJ1\.41\. LIUW UUVCID at 1-V wider price range than ever with the new Marquette! \\"'ith its thrilling speed . . amazing power . . and surprising economy . . Marquette faithfully reflects in its characteristics of performance the pre- eminence of its makc-:r-McLaughlin-Buick. Here are all the qualities you desire in a motor car. Distinctive design! Luxurious comfort! Performance such as only McLaughlin-Buick and Marquette can Elizabeth St... Phone 919-B!'\I .Y`. 'l'cLAUGHLIN-BUICK now covers :1 ...2J_.. ._..i . _ VV L`(.1HL :'(1I benech ` eiciencjv 1\\r\`I4\]/1 r\V,`\ LU'lir',\ U? U. \'.' -`c .:.o\\.' that Wednesdzw 112 `\n11r\`f':n: 3 inp: said car was not Chu1t1'21ml at CHAP all, although his name was given and [P the c_ar belonged to him. BP.C11lS~C .-,1(-.3 of this circumstance 21 charge under u.t,_.,m.j, the joy riding section of the code the ;\."z1s laid against J. A. Hammond. al- l`: "iinsr :0 of Camp Borden, who had taken :1 Chartrand s car, on which he had ic :1`.-1'<'c`r.~1.`been doing some work, out for al t1l`i\ - . drive without the owner's pe1'mis.=ion. nu nas resuueu m demand for these wonderfg canne largest packers world. -..._..... .`._ ......._.-m. IV`.- 4-4...`...- ` ~ , as m--a-.1 ` "re F .1 xx 7" ` I u:=w " sfz1I f. WE SELL Foi LES; .uctca1I`s nne. . On the authol-Ity of the Liquor Control Board, Chief Stewart took Holt s permit away from him. It will ho sent to the do-p:u`tn1e11t to be dealt with. g Esme @ P` V\ hen customers enter our Groceterias to buy this or that" or try to prevail on them to Buy unknown merchandise of uncertain qual` ity, yielding large prots. `X,-L: L2 fl: .1 our stock consists of well known brands of quality merchandise, in the selection of which every care has been taken so that it is practically impossible for you to get anything that will not be entirely satisfactory. You are*left free to shop and select for yourself whatever goods appeal o you most. MARQUETTE has :1 larger piston displacement than any car at its price. Here is brilliant pick-up and more speed than needed. Other features include Mechanical \Veatherproof Four \Vhcel Brakes; Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock Absorbers--front and rear; full-length springs, and new, sloping Non-Glare Windshield. The bodies by Fisher exemplify some of the smartest creations `of modem craftsmanship. _. - T A A-~ WE DO NOT HAMMER AWAY! cnocnrmus co.u1?1'1=n` 4.11 \/(.1 JAR Half Pound '1`!-IUI .SD.-\Y, APRIL 3, 1930. T2: achieve! And value that simply cannot be equalled at Marquette prices. See our display of new McLaughlin-Buick and Marquette models. Their list prices vary from $1245 to $3100. Drive the car that best suits your desires and your purse . from the sturdy Marquette coup to the big 7-passenger: McLaughlin-Buick limousine. The G.M.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan will gladly be placed at your convenience. As.r~:orted .s.n.u;.;vJ. u\. Colors TIN Asso ciale Dealer: W. HUNTER, Alliston 6-OZ. TIN When stopped by the trztfe oi:-zn-. Hammond gave Cha1'trand's name. knowing that the car was liC(`6)`1.<"i under that name. No real harm v:;L.- intended, so the case against Chart- rand was dismissed and 1 ne of $20 and costs imposed on Hammonzi as a lesson against the a.pprop1~iatin:; [of other people's property without their consent. \\ \ Q \ 1 W\\ \\ EASY WAY TO RUIN ENGINE .\'.'\ U1. ,<:'mt1on `L`l'l(l rzw: .-Ln:-n H- awe per_}u1'eu mmsen. Here the dufcncc `arm nf` Rs-vuH`nwl .\I1'. Evans` -.-..~...1 Han; +- 5ai"rd`wdL MFW W 5M3 M & . Evans---Well, then, how did iii a 111.: nonor." Questioned further, Metcalf eon~i fes. to having); paid for the wine.. l`Zvans--1 suppose you know that it is a serious offence to 11 ve liquor in a truck ? Witness--"Yes, sir. ppen that the police caught you` with the wine in your truck 1" Witness--I didn t have time to go and if there liquor there. Metcaif denim] nil knn\\'i1-rirrr: nr' Ladies and Niisses Coaiss --- Sl I`}(`l.\L \'.\Ll'|.S -- - \\'()f\'Hl'IlH*`l'L .\SN()l\"|`.\ITIC.\"|` -- COAT DISPLAY BY ONE OF THE LAB`)-k3V.Z'~I COAT HOUSES IN CANADA uo_]ect.1onumo r: and he ft.-It t encc would pcrh 'ements of the +1. lwn :\ \\`.\f\.'fxr` cHIL1REN s COATS, cHfLDREN s RAIET COATS AND REEFERS coast down g`rz1(lo with the turned ofT. Doing so will I. gasoline into thr- r-\'?indm'.~'. \\'z1. of!` the film of oil pi. howl and cylin- ._nnrl Hui: mrxnn< dnmsurn fn }\lll.l.l.\ I~Il?\' .\'l` I ()l l'L.\l{ l Hl(,`l'I 1115 05,112. HOLE IUZKIC 1 2 x 1 3, -Tnmmnml. 1'1 -nI':un1h1Iv :oun: for Metcalft. chzirge of iIle_ ;ai \;QQD!l 51: {f hat] nnf mum: L110 (xulcncc council, K14 Evans, of Bradford, objectn- that; the examination was not followings! the line of the charge. 1 Evans--I am just trying; to shox. I xvhut a C3.1`(31(:5$ young man the ac- cused is, and how lightly he holds his honor. nnui-1`nnn,l J.`....;L.... \r,..,_u- ,-.. r --THE COAT STORE- mm (-ynn- d:1I11f1}2`(3 tn d a fine 5 in jail ;s. Wil- of $20 . 3 one of Iolt was ;ts, the 3 that it 7 advice, agistrate mew rt iould hich irlnunn-:Ir\Ii ; Of course, pected that these large cars will be }available at prices the average motor- ,1st.can-pay. At least not for a iwhile. But there 15 21 constantly [growing group of motorists that will gform a considerable nucleus of pros- gpects for such cars. These will still lhave their high-priced eights, but `will add the 12 or 16 to their stables, just as the average motorist nowadays is beng importuned to add a small type car for shopping and general city utility to ll his two- car garage. his ..lI .L.. `n.'t,. 4A...]...,t, . I it is hardly to be ex- I | .`\`('lllIl}i'. l`4\L'l'.\'UlXC HZIU Z1 _`.;UU\l Llllllf. 5! The `Rev. A. P. Holden 01' Allan :j(l;x1c vi "ted M1`. and .\i'r.<. J. B. Mar- ftin 121 Tuesday. ;\I1'. Holden gjo-_ `i1=": 1:) preach in SL. ".l's Ch. mi 4l(. \'l:L'_\/ Sunday afte1'nu.m. First our-3 Lgvice will be held Easter Sunclzw I ' :1fte1`noon. Mr. Jones of Hamilton has thu- .llumbcr assexnbled to build his sum- mer home near the creek 011 the county hill. \r.. 1.... nr..u:,. 11.... ...,...,.,1 :m,. S : _L (.'El1`S LULl1"5})CCU ' gCZ1I'S, able vehicle has no 1-) .L'orwz1rd and seven rc\'ei`se. It is powered by 21 1917 McLaughlin- Euick mmor which had piled up well over 150.000 miles of driving` in `\'e>:t(~1'x1 C':1na(la in its o1'ig'inal pa.~:~ I01` ms 1'en1arx- less ` thz-.n_ " .sL-nger chat. '5 before being tted mto the 3,: ton truck vrhere it ie now u.<::(l. .~\`z1L-ml of tho 1'cg;ul:u truck t1'2msn1i. the: o\\'m:ri11.~:talle the .\1cLaug'hlin-Bu1ck L1'ansmiss1on. T110 re.~'L1lt 1.5 that there are two Age-211 lrxvr-1-4 ('h.vnn~n-r u'n'I)Im \- nnn nnt ------ I Om; .-Xlbcx-ta truck (11'i\'c1' can af-i ford to laugh at the introduction of! .four-speed gears, for his remark- ahlv \'r:hv'r-In hzw nn Ir- H1:-n 113.! COLU1ly lll. I Mr. Jack Wutliv has movr,-d into '-his new residence. . Uiphthe1'iu has broken out in the '.'iIi:1;re. Two scholars contracted this Ih'e21d{,-(1 (lis<)z1. All the chilclren (:1; Lin: school have been irxoculated b_v ?Dr. Simpson. MORE _-\.< 1115: \'(-211' \\'a.~; the big year for new m;i ycaxr may become the 0L1Lstzm(iin_4.{ 3':-zx1'1'01' even 11ighC1'-})O\\'(`1`n :(l and multi-cgxlindcretl czu'.~:. This predic- tion is not vain boast, since its comes _\11nd<:1' z1uLon1bi1c.<, this` from some of the most prominent engineers in the industrv. J_L\Jlll GUIKIU U t:ng`In(:L-1'5 H1 -\r-r-nwlinrr All`. 1u\'L1n.<, com}. I 101' .`.lr-t('z1!It. Lli`_`_"L`ll that the cl go illt-:11] lm`.'i11g be (li.~;1ni:~:.~'e(l, as it had not bvxwn proven by the <:vi l3rou_-zht out. He Zl(ln1lHL(`(l that the l)o_\'.< haul br,-en fooli;~:h and we-7'0 rca(l_v to pat): the penalty for their folly. but there \'z ` no clulibcrate intent shown. The Crown advocated that Holt s pwxnit. be returned to the depart- ment for cancellation. He felt that young` men who went to work to get drunk on the deadly combination 01 beer and wine, which produces the .h3S`gest kick for the least money, s owed deliberate intent and asked the court for a conviction, `zlding that the magistrate might take the opportunity to give he boys 21 good talking to. P1-nnnunr-inn` `il`l(l0'mnnf Hm rnncric. l:1lgllH.`C'LS .-\cc01`dm-" orltles, L118 IIIIYI-'1 -\4l\ n'.. (.'Ull.v( {R J.El>'1D, L118 .\(3\V XOYK 21111201110-. bile .~l1ow, initiating the new year in motonlom for 1931, will include a? least half a dozen multi-cylindered uutomobiles--and by these he meanri cars of 12 or 16 cylinders. That is quite a 1'e\'ela.~tion in light of the fact that we have hardly nished in-i` troducing, let alone trying out, the; new eights. f\L` ,.......... 1; 1- L_, n [in the church last; Wednesday after- inoon. Mrs. Orrick, the pgesidelnt, was a e to e present. T e zuies {were very pleased to see her back [again after her long illness. The people of Cundles put on n H0!-j.' ~:1;r'--<:~'.-ll })l:``,' in the l\Ii(1hu1`s't Jhall last Friday evening. The plily fwas entitled Making Over of Dan :DeImis. It proved a great success, iuml Lhe hall was lled. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wzlttie am; lspentling; a few days in Toronto with! ;their son and (lzu1g'l1ter, Mr. and Max` ]l\lel\'illc Wattie. I A 11I1I\'\]\/\\I A4` Han 1\'1r\v\\]\n\:v (A3 Drug! i The W.A. of St. Paul's Church mezi lmenuue vvatme. I A number of the members of Post 145) attended the opening of the newl '1'oom.~: of the B:u'rie Post last. Fridzly, nv.r-ningr. l'IVr.-1`;;one had a ggoml timc.1 Rev. Holden f Ml:-110 \'i. and w:.. 1.. A m.m;. l\' \n. LIn1,|.... :> ..-._l ..... b......,:,... J Despite all the tendencies towarzll the' larger motors, however, Lhel popularity of the sixes--and the` fours, because of 21 single manu- fz1ctu1'e1'--remains supreme. The ' eight, or the 12 or the 16 is the cull \\'r> lwmm in rnvn lml Wm _m-dim: c1gnL, 01' Inc L2 0)` me 161 we hope to own, but th type is the one most 01' us ing`. Grzuluully the eight i into the eld to the point we may C011.x'i1lCl' that, tc p1'o. for popular Lx. <..\`('lu. nm\`udu\'.< one mm In .,. t x-run] ..v/.n Mu. , .. , yond c-vp n 6' many (\ , . CONSTRUCTS 20 GEAR TRUCK '22: ;STE~Z.33 "l1Cl' Cl good u..1- nu 11 no nau neglected to sign that, too. The youth said No, he had .~_:i,z`,ne that all right. Then the Crown read the declaration on the pernlit which stated that no minor shall procure or attempt to procure 1iquo1 on said permit, and that the one signing it was over twenty-ona: _\'uu1'.~: of age, proving Luctczxlf in ;)lu(:in;,-i his signztturc on such 21 p.,-mm id` have pcrjtwed himself. Hr-rn lxhrx ml.-1`:-n.-.,. .-..m..;'| ` I 4 I i 1 l y POWER FEATURED IN NEW MOTOR MODELS MIDI-IURST H0101 01' ims that ondmon :1 -\ -.-r. m. n-/-. OI [HO 1110512 promlnont industry. to one of these auth- ..nn :4 nnnul r'n.-1u- LU UlIl,' U1 L.'1(_`.sl' Zl'.l[!1- nnu ss noted Ior 111.; the New York automo-' ifinfiI\n` rho nnur unnu .`n ` JUL` and x-.-. n r ii DO Double 1':n~1~..* 7 HUXIUII like In ) 1?. L118 CH1 ] ;nv_- . is :m- buy-[ is (zuttin ! 1- n0 -.- \\ {Lb LU L/`T .` 1.I1o11,r:ht it 51 the accused cumstzxnces, 1 because of 2 nnon. ' M1`. Percy Corbett of Bowmzmvillcl called on frimuls on W(}(1)10S(1Z1) . I M1`. Blythe McConkcy of Windsor] land M1`. and Mrs. Bert ';\'IcConk(-3' land 5011 Bruce and Miss Wilda .\"es;~ iof l`o1'onto \'i.s;ito I\Ir.<. Rod. .\'I<- {Conkcy and Mr. and ,`.'.-2's. Lennox ;.BI:1ck on Sunday. I r Tho \':m1vr vnnntr nnnnin -12-u xri\,~.I {VDIZICK OH DUH(lLly. ` [ The Nantyr young` people are giv- `ing 21 play, `_`H1s Uncleie NL-Ice, In the Commumty Hall for St. Paul : `Church on [`L1es(lay evening, April 181.11. All come and have :1 good I nIau{:11. i E .`.`Ir.=. Givens has returnccl after. 1. a \\'ook'.< holiday in To ! I` ronto. E VI\.\.ln LALAIK time of 1': branch of him on U1 . which requ several sti: llhii Ukfilll kU\\"(l.ll lb few dz1_v.s` in l`o1'ont0. Co11:.v;1`:1t11laLio11s to Leon:u' and M1`. Wm. Rb Ph(:lp.~;ton, who were :.,;'.J Pz1u1 s Ihurch on Sutu !n..nn ` )Ii.<.< Ada Walker spent the wow}: loud in Toronto, the g'uL-st of her sister, ':\Ii.=s Mary Walker. NI)`. .Tn(-k Nfzwknv n Fnw "',`l\'L' ,, , . I On Wednesday evening a number Iof the congregation of St. Paul's iChurch met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunter and had a social evening`. The time was spent in` euchre and at the close an address: was read by Miss Fannie Smith toi Miss Meta Leonard, who has always taken part in the Sunday School and Women s Auxiliary, and \\':::` pre-I sented '.`.'ith a dozen -`tainless knives` and forks. All good `wishes go with -n-22' Lo `nor future home. Lunch \\'zL~ [served by the ladies. : M 1:\..n,z 1n,mn..,1 1r.. .\nm.... [ELL-.\.[idA'd11Cl. of Orillia, 17.. w U1 lJl'llHd., 2lC(IUIl Mr. W. J. Le Scythes were I Wrzdncsday. n tn... rm ' VV (.`(lIl(,`>ZU2l_V. Mis. Jean (`nn n>\-I) tn]-M B2JAIFOIiDi3Ys :3AY M FOR BOOZE PAR"1 Y;:A . :u1.=s Mary walker. Mr. Jack Mackay spent a few (1a_v.~' in Toronto with his sistel`, Miss Ma)`- ion Mackzxy, of Grimsby. Nfrs. Shnrnn nf Tm-nntn run: 51 V0. 1011 Mucluly, G1 urnnsoy. Mrs. Sharpe of Toronto \`.'as :1 re- cent guest at the home of N11`. and ;.VIrs. John Emms. R/Two Tmm ..::.:4m1 ...:n.. 1-. .5- ;.u1`s. .Jonn umms. Mrs. Love vxsited with her son. Ernest Love. for 21 few days. ` Thin VDQ Hnlrl n vnu-u Cno-n~-n:.+ L:.1`I1esL LOVC. 101' 10W (lays. The Y.P.S. held a very inte:'e:~;t ing meeting at the home of L\Ii.<~ Elizabeth Johnston on )Ionda_v niqlut. The citizenship committee gave the members many problems to t 1ini-: about and also had a splendid 1`e1'ie n `of great leaders in politics. Miss Hilda Donn _D(!l`.(1ln_L` some tune h-.- You n n Tnnn H u l'(:ll1l:`(`L VVhi1C -nn`..- `Vu- uu El Mi: an: zsv m we VH1: ;<>d recently. 9 \\'o1'l-ung" in `.h1n|-cnn Tn n n .r,.1 1'}! `L-Ht.` 1` 21 l)(1(l >01` 21 tree whil~ J the head. causi `QL']1`.il`O(] medical : sdtchos to close US :JUJHlL`L :3 Ixathleen mold spen (Continued from page one) Accused Proves a Minor When the accused was called to! the stand he gave his age as 20. years, identied his chautfeur s li-{ cense, which he had omitted to .~:i2`n,; and admitted on examination by the} Crown that he had owned a Q1101; permit about a year ago. ; Crown Attornev Evan: nah-ml him 7`. 1u:::y. re all :"lad to see If . .-`\1e.\:. mc 22 in after her Opt.` .1tio!: 11d. up-1' sister, Miss Brown. in, z1ccon1p:x`nied 1101' 120mm. N. Leonzml and Mr. Thos. in Bowxnzmville on rln xv EITIIRIE STROUD IVY MCLAUGHLIN-BUICK 5 Valve-in-Head Engine develops 98 horsepower in the 124- and 132-series and 80% horsepower in the 118-series. Safety is assured by Enclosed Weatherproof Mechanical Four Wlieel Brakes. Lovejoy double-acting Shock Absorbers in unit with new longer rear springs make for greater riding case. The Frictionless Steering gear_h:1s :1 Road Shock Eliminator; and the Non-Glare Windshield further contributes to safety. V 01 with he u uvnn ..- I Mom `n. Ri'-"..tI.~=m1, of .. "it- LIE St. Siltllftilly u1't.o1' n ; Bowmzmvillc 1 nkey Windsor (1 1` :m.- giv- nclc s in 1 1 aul evenn1g, 4 1 :1 good. ufte: |_~. L and Mr. Alberl I I spent the week! f\`|'{1 permm about 5 Attorney Evans asked him. if he had neglected to sign that, too.? vouth said No, hr- hail \`;O`I'1nll` su. is \'isiti11g` with . . I IS spendlng` al. the bus} k nvu .- 4-1 ;u:c1 fallmg Inn` -1 u Mlly, il \\UullL1 !tt('Ht1()11 and vn The Northern of Toronto fro :11 Friday` specmx L051 C` . `H `kcgi I-2 1I.:u.x-:1 .-u- g ,.-.4.-,.,. .,._..;-_.._ ..--_ . :1--. run: .~.:._'.2l.v:.4u:;~.1s.n*:.-._.-.-...'.n:xr.` ...,.., ` "L .-_' " '.`*"T`. "` i.) 3736 L133. -~ 9.5 .1. ;..".4`.'l .'..J.L.:! .-........ .-.. .. ...... .. .... - (`J-nan-'.n'| '1TTTl.\."l'|'.1| ! Lilllg L0.' ' . . . 1'? t Pronouncmg Judgment, the magls .L.;ld trate dismissed the case of having against Metcalf, and imposed ne o`f $50 and costs or 30 days jail: on the charge of drunkenness. Wil-l,1 e_f'l bert Peachman drew a. ne $20:f"1 and costs, and Ernest Rogers of!`S_t.. 3-15 and costs. William Holt wasll' ordered to pay $5 and costs, thelgml court remarking at the time it:fr was useless to give him any advice,1pe_l as it would do no good. lluf Arlrlrpcxincr Nlnfoalf Mao-ic1>ra+a `V111