Eight 'l`(md(-1`;-1 will ht,- umlvrsimna-d up Lo E 22nd, ]!)3H), for L110 :1 ct-mnnt walk and .~ :1rk,]3:u'riu. Plnn tions may bv mun ,O'u-1, 12: Dunlop . l....m..o .... ...... 0., }TENDERS FOR WALK AND STEPS szlrily zu-ct.-,ptv(I. U1` Ill] PUBLIC NOTICE RE DUGS BIG HOLSTEIN SALE ill'l'l"JLl'U. ` P. Love, Chairman. Parks Commission. LOCALS W. Smith, Town Clerk. ba . I`i 1 Mm-i`.m~n A(iv:m-u `jl ;Wl. L(.`ll(l(.`l' n0L The Soldier Settlement Board of! (.`zuxz1dzz 0fl'e1's for Sale by Public Tender 50 Acres, N.W. }.1, Lot 24, Con. 1, Twp. of Oro, County of Simcoe. The purchaser of this pronerty must rely on his own inspection and knowl of the farm and not on the 11l)()`.u or any otlier particulars or 1'ep1'e. made verbzllly or in xvrizinir by employe.:-;~; oi the Solrlia-2' Settlement Bozml. ]`m'n~.< of sale are 10 per cent. of the piirvlizlse price in casli on IV`. ceptancv of tender, and the balance in twenty-ve equal annual instal- ments, with inte1'e.<,t at 6 per cent. .~.m- -,.n,...n~. nn Hm ..mm.4:......'- .v\ L... L:;ivun that :1 by- th(;- 1mr(-,LiI1p,' of 11151., to 1'(.~.s"Lx':1in I l......-.. n. HOME mgm. W_il;a-on ` Scot- U`) .2H'(l I)zxu'y- If-"[` :11 _vn-:12` :t.L]<~(l The 'w:n'(l :..:.... in Toronto. RI... l.`.l..-un Qndfl-u ` _-nun! .unvnv-ul Miss Audrey Foster spent Sunday!` I 1n (Lox-onto. 1 Mrs. lidgur Smith spent several; (lays lust week ._ in 1`oron`.o \\'iL'l1- friends. } Mr. Harry Earley, of Detroit, isi spcm:ing' 2; few days in town with` friends. \ T\/Hm: Tfnw D1-nn cnn-n+ +1-an uvnnl: Ant] Il`l(`.I1(lS. Miss Kay Price spent the week endl in foromo, the gL1(:sL 01' Miss l\lz1r-` l;.;':11'c`u I\1:1cMzu'tin. I T-Tzn-nlzl Qmifzh nf "{`m*nmn, . ;.;';u'cL' .u:1c;\1:u`un. I Harold Smith, of Toronto, speni over Sunday with his p:u'c11'..~:, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith. I/Hue M111';a1 T3nrlfHcr\n uni` NEE: \.u1u|uu_y ......u.. , Adult Bible CIz1ss--311`. J. Thompson, teacher.. Anthem, O Taste and See, Goss; Solo. Man of Sorrows ............. ..Evi1le1 Mr. S. W. Moore I "101`OX1`I`.0 over me weex emu. I Mrs. 1\IuryvSw'.1yze, who recently `nmzule :1 motor trip to 'I`o1`onto and I . I . Hzmlton, has returned home. l M.. 1 H emu-I. nr \,':uIm.~.Iq1,, anu Mrs. A. w. bnncn. Miss Muriel Paddison and Miss .-`~.Icx-.m(lrzL Penny \`i>'itcd f1*ic11 in '[`o1'onto over the week end. H... mm... Q..~..w.n mum ...m,m+h~5 IFZELHIIIEOII, 113.5 1'e1;u1'neu 1101110. Mr. J. H. Smith. 01' Willowdzxlv, and a former resident of Bzu'1'ic. is spending a few (lays with his sister. Mrs. Sanclm-son, Bradford St. Mr. and .`,h`.~`. Ch:1.<. H('k!i!!f.`,` arc 1nnunn~ Tn. Dnllnxvilln Conn-.1-n ll`. LUHI In leavmg for who re M rs. 1 nn.~1u- HI Iously m. M's. Ted Price (nee B1`.-xckslock) was :1 visitor at her home on Owen St. recently before lcavinj_,r' for Mon- t1'cz1l,whm'e she will in future 1'<.,-sir_le.l n\ H_;~ I`unhn~. |`nn!r ....,.,nnnun.'n u'czu,wn01`e snc mu m Iu'.ul`U 1'<,-511,10. I Mi.<< l`I\'CI_vn Tuck, ucc-oxn_n:1:1ic-rii by M155 M.'u'g`211'(;~t B11cks1.0ck,, mot01'~1 ed up from Toronto S;1tu:'dz1_V to` spend Sunday at their homes here. WIPE. V .l)_ Mnvtnn hn: ].'\\'(|l' hnr Mrs. E .D. Morton has leu. her -home on Dunlop St. for a term of? `sir: years to Mr. F. G. llo.tc1's mull `family, Toronto, who will lakc p0.~'.~ Ispenu aunaay an mexr nomcs nere.l : session) about the first of April. 1' ------j--&--------- I u I "`~\':` -vu i'v*ui:'io.~: :2`. local 1'CZll' estate oices disclose the fact than `there is :1 dirth of houses for rent that are really rentable and up-to-l date. It would pay some 01' the` owners of property that they are anxious to lease to do a little rc- lmodelling. Personals g 101' DCHCV ill. Mrs. H_ickli11_q .~: I`n.l 13.4.. In . _ . . _ . . D ~..--...~, . ,_...... Series on the Ten Commzmdmcnts.l V. Family Ties are Sac1`ed--Honou1' thy 1":~.t11er and thy Mother. .-\nt.hcm, Father Within Thy Cars," -Su11i\'zm. Solo, selectecl--.\I1's. H. J. He:Lth. aiwmg addie NI%"r`:` Per Tin tin we Lightning Suds That Last---Large Package .;.e:.;,~t:mN's M mm .4` " ,;,~ 15' . `-" r:- .-. s_ .4 ~'. \,nu.:. rm Be11evillc_ nI,~lZnnv .~ .1-f`::mn 0;;-` _~AMB--Choice Quality. EAN"L,ITj,Tff Jmicc `Quality, ` C. _ 1 Large Size T E ~o]_3Cim 30ca Doz. as V 3 _Si*EC1'A.'.; FOR FRIDAY AND SATTJELDAY 1 D1, . iicklnxf: Szlturdzty, nu .. ..n.. \\'lll U" LI:Lu1nl:u Ll) LX|l.' u.'nIH'(`l`. 'l`mi:lw.~t will, be <)pc,-null at l`o- ronto, Ontario, on March 21. I930. l`l1ol:ii:hest, or any tr.-ndnr not nccc-:su1'ily zlccuptt-(l. ll` the land is not sold on the (late :1bo\'<.- mention- ed, the Board will be pi'cpure(l to receive offers to purchzisc until such time as it is nally (1ispose(l of. 'l`rmlm-R should he in nlnin nnw-1. MONDAY -1 UESDAY- WEDNESDAY NEXT Entire Proceeds for Kiwanis Community Activities Aylmer Choice Quality Mo11day-'_I'usT1ay-Wednesday, March 24, 25, 26 Weston s Fresh Crispy Wafers--B" Package Graded accmding to governmezzt standards. Every egg guaranteed. I- 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Rm`. Gurnett Lynd, of Grahamsville,` will preach. Mid-Week Service every Wednes- day an 8 p.m. 4 Sieve----No. 2 tin Reserved Seats 750 Plan. opens at .\Iul~nnn.sm:'.e ln.s11mn<:,- ()I`:'i-<: l*`I'id;1_\', .\I21I'<-l1 21, :11 5) u.m. Reserve your Seats early Collegiate Auditorium 32c- SI\" .\'I. Tl .Y :'.\IlTT\'S'l"Hl`ll. JHIS'|' l ,\l('i` il3].E](i.li l' Sl l'.\l."i` Clever Dagncing--'I'unefu1 Songs Gorgeous Costumes-E1abora/ce Scenery -100 IN CAST- BARRIE S LEADING TALENT U1 `Zr 1 11(- 'I'\'FIf`I'I"l' SAUSAGE Tasty, Easy to fry, lb 20c BOLOGNA _ 9g i5E`'iBfE` Lff "1'2l'<')t'r'1Q`1'J*'_:" JJ\I.l_IV- Per Lb. Box Large Boxes for 23% ]. (-r.~sun:1I |)iI'<~Iim ml as-1 -r `l'|t\Tf'l'lf\'Y'Y'9"I -11`: I 1.:-- - Ea LB. 'l`HUJ{Sl)/\Y. MARCH 20. `.930. F Pk 3 for 22 33 JCT HIIH Itiach by an :a tender will bv- '|`nn 1}. IIITK`, 215-? IT. IS nnauy (llS[)OS(?(l OI. 'l`mui-rs should ho in plain envel- opes nmrkod "l`en for the nu):- chase of 50 acres, \'.W. 1,1, Lot 24, Con. 1, 'I'\\'p. of Om. County of Sim- .~\dd1'r\.~'s tenders and cnquirirrs to r-no, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA: IKr1g1'egz1tiona]ists, Methodists, '-Uresbyterians, worship at worse wzw-n IE c_~ Douglas Jerrold. Wantc-d--By reliable woman, house- ` keeping; situation with two or three` adults, town or country. Apply Box; E, .-Xdvancc Office, Barrie. i The Soldier Settlement Canada. (7. `M. Nixon, Dist. Dutc-xi nt 'l`o1-onto. On1.. day of 1-`(-b1'11:11'_V, 19530. Rev. J. Johnstonc Black, Minister (Elizabeth Street) REV. A. E. B.-\1\'ER, MINISTER DUSIUCSS I l'OpOSlKIOn5 WARD-PRICE-CRESWICKE CO. 109." Cash--Balance in 25 T. E. BISSELL isk Harrow CENT_RAL_ CHURCH D. C. HOWARD EVERYBODY WELCOII It.` 24 Mulcaster 5t., Barrie. Farm for Sale or Rcnt~-12G acres. clay and clay loam, good building.~ and in good state of cultivation, near` schooi and church. For pzlrticulars apply at the Advance Ofce, Barrie-.. Sunday, March 23, 1930 [L01-ace Wilson, A.R.C.O. .:-ganist and Choivmaster 1-uV1n.gUI:. Dnur Homes to Buy or Rent Business Propositions uRD-PRl(",F.(`RFSV\/l(`KF' ( r- Eveningg Service, I p.m. _., .1,, rn,,, ,_,1,, 1 1 a.m.-Tho Minister. val nursin.g doi1e--Apply to -3. Neely, S6 Vary St., Phonel THE CELEBRATED llulll Ull LHU illIlUl'LlZZlL : tender must be acct accepted cheque for >2 not accepted Lh - 1's:tu1*ncd to the tom {ms 2 l.:n1-.n_~4v nu "nu 4.. FARM FOR SALE ANTIQUE SHOP mm on P..-u m. 1)., For Sn.le--Si.\:-roomed brick house. on best residental street in Bzxrrlc. all modern convenlienccs, gzwzlge, etc. Apply at the Advance Oicc. Phone} 53. likr: '~:.n , For Sale By the mens] L nnrnnn In , ,, ,_ , _ , -_ - -. ! Market Hill Cornet} Hl Cilll. Oll .', 1111 zst cent. zuno1-ti /.z1ti.:-n plan. st accompzxniutl nnnn fnv Inn H-' 311310."- late `LIUHl_HilI --.'ll| Ll In ]1fc.- Board of Supt. Hn.. `)1 VVun .- or gentleman to rooml _b0:-rd m prlvate home, near ve po111L.~'. Apply B'ox F., Advance Om-r`. ,- A . 4 9 L. 20th _ UN- I Mrs. E. Rossiter, of Toronto, visit-i` `ed Mrs. F. W. Dobson. 5 ~ Mrs. Boyce, of Caledon East, is? Ivisiting Mrs. A. E. Fleetham. i M1'.'<. C1u.~'.on wa:< in Bradfo1'(1 this} week a.Ltendin_e; the funeral of hay} :-nn:n , Ward Six Live News cousm. M1`. and .\I1`s. .-\. Pugh visi Toronto on Sunday. 1 \h-: VV Wnwl nf 'I`m'm1fn. |1`oronto aunuay. -, Mrs. W. Ward, of Toronto, ,is Vis- iting her daughter, ,Mrs. R. L. Mc- Master, Cumberlzmd St. : Mrs. J. Patton en-tertained a num-, ber of friends last Thursday eveningi at 21 .500 p:11'ty. `: An 0\`Olli1`._9,' of rather an unu nature took place in Burton A\'e.: 1United Church on Tuesday, March] `I '1 E 18th, when Mrs. F. W. Dobson and; l\Ii.< Patton, teachers of thei '1 ` ' = entertained the`, X12111.-nu 'I"n n 1-nnrn ",)lI1UlI`}' . eI1Leru.I1nL-u mu, '1n0the1's of l:he children. The room.; `was tastefully decorzvted. in keeping? .with the festival of St. Pat1`iek.j I.-\bou`. thirty M:-i'n~ pre.=ent and spentj` `:1 really W01-t.h while evening in] social time and p:et.ting' to know`. leach other better and thus s`t1'e11p:Ll1-" eninp; the bond between the 1101]]Ol and the Sunday School. A pleas- .in_e: and s,ui'p1'i. incident, to the liostesses at lea. , 0ccur1`ed when Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. l\`ICQl.121(l'_" on behalf of the mothers, p1'esent.e(i, 111:4. Dobson with 21 silver cake plate: and Miss Pzxlion with :1 beautiful pic. ture as an expression of appreciatiionl olf their splendid work with the ehi1i (ren. NOT NXCE BUT HE HAS - I SEVENTEEN GIRL FRIENDS 5 I x.n(:1n1c.~'. 1 `Sunday, 30th--Ensign and Mrs.; Powell. 11 z1.m.---Topic, Sancti-j E Fication--What is it and what isl it not." 3 p.m.--Sun(lz1y Scbool. 7 p.111.-(..'1',-LLL Sulvzltion .`.Icctin;:,'. Topic, The Nameless Prophet. Monday, 31st.--Hea.r Commandant and Mrs. Graves, of Mltllzllld. A; special topic. ' Tuesday, April 1st.--Thc last day of, . the Eiglit-Day Campaign. But if; the-rc .s :1 revival, look for more announcements. Topic, Selfi Righteousness or Filthy Rags, or| is your religion rags or do you] wear rags '1 1 I beginning March 24 to April 1, 1930 1 EIGHT DAYS REVIVAL it` CAMPAIGN I f . . l Every week night at 8 o clock I` Monday, 24th.--Topic, Sackcloth and! Ashes. Humi1ity-Confession---l Prayer--for ot-her. Do you prayl} for Lin: .<'.11vuti0n of others`? I`. Tuesday, 25ll1.--Capt and Mrs. Fur-[V dy, of .\'ewmzu-ket. Special Topic.|t Wednesday, 26th.--Adjt. and Mrs.1_q Gotlden, of Orillia, will give 11!] special topic. Come and hezxrgr them. Thursday, 27th.--Ensign E. H.( Powell, 01' Barrie, will lccwrc om]-_ How we Got Our Bible." Three 3 lectures in one. Don't miss this.`\. Do you know how `I If not, comcjs and 11.-211' this lecture. 11; Friday, 28tl1.---Topic, Christ Tri-1} umphant, by Ensign Po\\'ell.1 'l`l1ic\'c.~: :m(l mocking jeul0u.~:_v 0f . . and overcoming the devil. He was Lriumphzmt. Tlwn? U10 Dreadful Contact nnrl Q=.+i..' For S::le--in Barrie, or exchange for G1-z;\x;1hu1'st property, small store", gfrouc-z~ics.. tobaccos, school supplies,, park across street, good ice cream trzulr-, well away from competitiornt Book-= kept, will show results. Amly Box l)., .~\dva.nce Ollicc, BZ`l.1`1`lC. . | lll1lI|UI'Zl-l lvI!l'0ll_L"l1 L-l1(. l1' ll1llll01'l1lHV. `The girl said that the man, a white` man, has 17 girl f1`iends in Ram`-ll and that he is not a nice man., [The case was adjourned sine die"! 'ith the condition that the g'irl re-! turn to Rama and keep away from` the man, and that the man keepj u\\':1;' from llama and leave all I11~: tlinn rrl : nlnrm : ucvu. me was Lrunnpnzmt. Then? Dreadful Contest and Satin,` Reserved Forces. vsaturday, 29th.--Topi:, "The Power of the Tongue, by Ensign Powell. I Love or Malice. Friends or! IC11mni(a<. ' 10'}? Cash----Ba|ance in 25 Years The Soldiur Sr-Ltlmm.-nt. ourd or (Janzuln o t.-rs for Salu by Public 'l`(:nd 100 Acres, Elf; Lot 30 Concession 7, Twp. of Essa, County of Simcoe. Thu: 1)u1'c}ms<:1' of this property nmst 1`(`l_V on his own in.s'p(:(:Lion and k11()\\'](:ri_ 01' L111: farm and not on UN: 2lbO\'lr or any other purLi(:ulur.s or 1'1-111':-sentzttiom mzulu vcrlmlly or in \\ )'iI.iI1.',' by cznployun-s 01' `.hr_.- Qn1:H:.u-~ Q..64l..u....` 1):. J 3113.5 SALVATMN ARMY; m w) Soldxc l` u `.~\ free-\\'jll offering will be taken up` `at each .\'L,`]\'i('(,`. The h21ll_wi|l bu` 1wzn'n1. A cz1mpz1i_Q'n song book fox` i Lwcryonc. All welcome. i 1 r1u(:cs5z1I'JJ not sold ed, the u-nunnn. 1\ UL) chu ., . lil.\l.' Ul 'l`\\'p. : :\ The 3 Cuiiier Jnited Churcigi, nL1H).', uy cxnploycm U1" Sc.-Ltlmm,-nt Board. nu M` ..l.. -..-,.;.11\ m x.. M. .\nxon, msL. I 1:1; |`m_runlo, ()nt., Iuln'11:n'_v, 1930. FARM FOR SALE l'hlV Ll'l|Hl'| Soldier i|l`Iil'U r 100 of I-` . 4 Collier Street .-i Illlllll Imultl ms own lnsf. tht: farm :1 any Ltions ` III nxnnlnun :- (mu: zumv 1 will In: [1 Ln |)lH'('h:L\`t: inully lispu uh` In in n \II'\ . 1051;. u |HH'('H: Ulllll SUCH nully Ili.`s`pmu-(I 01'. ml In: in plain 1-nvul- "l`-mlu./` for Lhu pur- 'rc-s |'I'v: Lot 30, (Hm. 1, (Iuunty of Simcm-."| I-rs zuul 4-nquirius 1.0 Settlement Board of! Canada. \'(vnn HIM Qnnf I mu. Dist. Supt. 0111.. this `)I . nupu. this 20th .1, ,u. - MC Owing` to the slides to be used b_V `Rev. J. J. Black in giving his 1 n.m`1`t1'm'e1o5.-;ue lecture in Collier St. ' `3"nm35;C]1L11'c11 on Wedntbsday ni_ not an--I ' `iriving in time, the lecture \\`2lS posh `"~"""'i})onod and will be _::,'ivc11 on Fridztj" T0 A""-`nig'ht, I\I:11'ch 21, at 8 p.111. 1, ___;i_ \ . . | slted ml """' LL'1'_y, V`VlHldIll fl. FIUUSOU, `-VHO S[\\\'[ _M1`5- service in the British .\'m'y, the "0 '<`:Roya1 Marines, and the Canadizmi he1`1'iperma.nent force in Quebec, and B. iSt1'athearn, who was 21 native of , -iOro 0\vn. :1 jmvglcr, and fori F0 0"!mz1ny years in business in Ori1lia_i Th1`30 and at one time in Kelso, B.C.. He] thh`-"\\':1s in his .-'(.-\*cnt_v~thi1'd year, but C0m"`se1've(l o\'e1's0z1;< (il1l iI1f.',' the Wholr,-i Inc-riorl of the Great War. Both died; T5' i Monday. ' owell. I ____j_..__ L51 1 For Spirella Corsets, see Mrs.} '.John Hobley, 201 Elizabeth St, suc- cc-.~:so1' to Miss Willers. ', VVomen`s Canadian Club. Mrs. ;Athe1'ton Smith, of St. John, N.B., iwill speak on From the Land of L-2 IW/Tnn'|n fn `r.hn\L:\ml of tho T nIm<. in `the CTol1e;=iate zxuditorium is to be _ ;g1`z111te(1 to the `Kiwanis Club for the _ ` 111it1s u'<:I . free of chzn'_L,-`e was not 1ic01'1'ect. The mzLt.`Le1' was I 1 I , , _.! The report 111 last week s Issue t`.:t1t| E <;and membe1`.< of the board were [agreed that as all receipts we)-e for` community work unde1'taken,by Lhe| club, there should be no charg.-,`e, and` . the impression was yriven that the D1 . , , , -. - - I mxattm as dmpoaed of. It wlll be ,, Ttaken up at the next meeting 0!. thel f "board. | Sunday School in all departments, 3 p.m. Young` Men s Bible Class M1 . J.I. F. Wildman, teacher. All young men cordially invited. \.)..lA. 1321.1- f`I....` NT`. T 17' . ;w111 speak "rrom me Lama 01 um. |Ma])le to the\Laml of the Palms. in `Public Libr.'u'_V Hall, at 8.15 p.m.,' iMonday, March 24th. - --- I H; After probably the most rigrid in-J `jspection yet made for :1 pu1'(--lurr.- sale in the Dominion, Fieldman Robb. . r`Ho1tby announces that 60 head of ) lthe best indi\'i(luz1l Holstein camle _\'u?A gentered for one sale in Canada hf1\`v'3[ :becn accepted for the co-operatixek "1breeders sale, which is now '?ly announced for Weclne.<(l:1_\', 31:19- 5 14. These entries have been chosen " from p1'ovince.< both f:ZL.5L and West. P f'IlUIll4.' m uuuwu vvu(1nL.~:(1:1y m;:m. r As 21 lad of 18, Jum(:.~: Wjlsm J-Robertson, born in .-\yr.~;hir:,-, Scot land. czunt: to Cunzuhx in UN: _\ |`.`1! 1875. With his n2L1'(mts he sI:I.I](-( in Middlcsex County, Ontario. Thl ,OnLz1rio Govcrmncnt soon ul'tvr\-zzm ']zLppoint(:(i him l 1'of'esso1' of Dairy 1 ing in the .-\1.:ricu1Lu1':Ll CO(,`,;'I 21 Guelph. In 1800, at the :1;-;<: of 32 . the l`r,-derztl G0v(.-1'nmm1L L)`:1I1.~:i'c:1'1'm him to, Ottawa as Dairy (,`on1n1is.`ion (er and Ag.{1'iculLuri.s'L at Lhr: Centrzx I`I.\'pex'i1ne1LLa] Farm. f During: the war years he \\':1.x` :11 ' active voluntc,-o,-1` workc-r in mum czLp:Lcitiv.s', but chit-Ily in crmm,-<.-Lim wiLh the R011 Cl`0.s'.i Such.-ty. I ` , , Q The recent Lliuw and .~:ubsequenLi `cold \\'oa.bl1o1' and falls of snow `have made conditions for wheat eld: 'and meadows just about perfect. A :bankot of "ice left over wlieai. and `clovcrs after the Jzmuury thaw xvus cloz111o(l o' by the wa1'.n1 rays of last ;week. "he mild wezvtlier did not last: dong` L-nou5;l1 to start g'ro\\'th and w:1 immediately followed by frost and a `protective cove1'in_9; of snow fori k\\'l1CLi.`, timothy and clovers. --&--n-1 Dr. J. W. Robertson, Chief Com- ; mi:~:sionc-1' of the Boy Scouts As- `sociation of (fz1m1(lz,1. died at his '11omI.- in Ottawa Wcdnr:.~:(l:1y night. 1 :1 Inf! (1? IN .[:1n1r>< \\fi| { .-\ double military funeral was `held We.(lnesdz1y after at Orillia. lwhen two veto)-an;~: of the Great War! Iwere buried in St. _-\nd1'e\v"s Ceme-! tery, William H. Hudson, who s:\\\'{ crn-vlon ln Hun R1'l1`;cl \'-may Han` CANADA S CHIEF scou"r E DIES AT OTTAWA I .\'0`ti(-0 is }n<:1'.-by ;,:;ivvn law was p:1.~s(*(1 at council on the 17th ins1.., (logs !'r0m rtnlnimr :|L l.'n';_-_'(,-. ()wm-r.: of (logs :11-1; n)LH'u,-(1 Lhut it is now con.-trzu'y to tho: '|`own By-l:Lw.a' to al- low dogs to run at l:lr`;_fv. Wht-n do:,:s am: taken on the streets they mumt be on It-:1.~'h. l)n;:s fnuml run- nime: at lame will be impoundml and Llnluss cluimml by tlw owm-1' zlml (:n.~'1;s paid will be dt-. on Lhrs -xnimtion of .=.(-vun1.v-I.wn hnln-< `(U?ClLllfll LU IIICCL (lU2ll'IL l'Iy. ` To-ni_echt the men s club is having an Irish .\'i_9;ht, with 21 specially prep:u'ed program. The Parish Aid }has commenced 1'c-11ezu';<'.11s for IBz1b.<. :1 Mary Roberts ?.hineh211"5` izub-deb. comedy, to be put on ini Ethe parish hall early in May. ` i s I I I ;`wAR HEROES ACCORDED E , MILITARY HONORS AT BURIAL; Barrie Rea} Estate Office;