Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Mar 1930, p. 2

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'l"l`.o liunicipzll Law Conmiittec of: the Le.-_rislatu1'e on Weclne.'~:day ap proved in principle the bill g`i\'ir}{: the oi ?/-S and towns power umlerl the Publc Health Act to licr-nrar: amll regulztte barber shops and beauty na1`lnr<. The bill was introclucetl on br,~half of the city of Toronto. money I0 Loan Ofce, Ross Block, Barrie. QIVINID 1 PA 3- DUl1lK'll\JK, I`4'1 Masonic Temple Bldgu, Barrie `1\I()N'I.`.Y TO I.(\.\\` ').\ />.NDlu`R COW.-\N, sucmrq. ll 10 l.|'llIIn\' (-`,nu'nn .\\ H: Immediate and Safe Relief H. H. Eneswxcxa yr .qI\l:r;Inu Kl.-.-..... omc lemple bldgu, R521 MONEY T0 LOAN 'en .)l., Dnrrle Vhone MONEY TO LOAN Y A .-..n--.-... T` BRANCHES: BARRIE, ALLANDALE muuu-11 Ulll('(:, l*)In1VlIl.', W. A. Boys, K.C., M.l ., VR. Ul I'll no Block. .:"fANK?I0R0NT0 Business Directory Df\lu D. hxnnnnruu ---- ' I n;;(//// `/6711 ,_/`///' Save for His Futuve la.) U\\'L' Ste\\'urL. Open 21 Savings Account for your boy. The smallest sums deposited with us during his early years will grow quickly into a valuable fund that can be used in any emergency. rA.xU:_,' l1Ullllu.l, Pilin- ..-Iping to prevent I uu:uV ' K. A. Cameron] WHAT IS THE ANSWER? The BANK fl; SAVING; M l(Hlll Ill 0 Him-:~', p(51`n`Iisr-F r Bank of ldlmvnlu, r` M I) Barrie. 1\b.KDlQ 1&1. 40% Clapperton St. MUSIC LESSONS I~`.D.\IL'ND HARDY, HUS. BAG, F.'I`.C.I\I., Teacher of Piano. Or- gan. Vocal and Musical 'I'heor_v. I Organist and (`.hm`r1nastor of St. Androwa Presbyterian Gxurch. Gold Medalist of Toronto Consor- vatory of Muaic and of Em Uni~ \'e1~sit_v of Toronto. 118 Won-slay St.. Rnrv-in. .a\ VICTORIAN ORDER 01-` `NURSES Rnvv:n Rumpus`- Ul`4LV'1 .`llJ UlCU1UUN 24 Dunlop. Above Arnold's Market. Tnlcbllone 878. ROBERT H. SMITH, EYFISIGHT I Sn:-(-inIi; sur-r-rxssnr fn n I? Wnclr As.x'ovi:1u Co DI.n..A R 1 VV \_ll|'1IIJlV Coroner, County of Simcou Phone 61. O|'cc--58 Collier St. Oico Hours: 8-!) n.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. A. 1'. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. DR. E. G. TURNBULL Grmltlzxte of .\[uGil1 University, Moutrual. ()t1'u-v and Residem'c---Co1'nor Eliza- beth and Bmdford Sts.. Barrio. Phone 105 Omcc Hours--9-10 z1.m., 1-3 p.m. 7-S n.m. ' DR. C. A. ARNOTT (McGill) PHYSICI.-\X .\.\'D SURGEON Ofce and Residence, 97 Elizabeth St. (Fo1'mc1'l_\' Dr. .~\rm1ll`s Ofce) Pknn- ::7 DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I 6 t Special attention to Obstetrics Associate Coroner for County of I Simcoe. `Office and Residence, 50 Mary St. Phone 101 iO11'1cc Hours: S-9.30. 1-2.30, 648.30 1 u,1-ease spots on wooden moors are very sightly and sometimes very hard to remove. Put :3. little chloride of lime in water, cover the stains with it and let remain for an hour. Then scrub and rinse as usual. Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connectwn. Established 1869 I1! n } Phone 82 > FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND -EMBALMER Open Day and Night I47 Elizabeih St. ?hone 21 1 uumnl 1'1. b1\11'1'r1, 1Il'}h`1UxH'1` Spcwialist, successor to O. R. Rusk. 53 Dunlop Street, Barrio. Hours 9-12, 1-6. Phone 80. . G. g.sM1TH & C6 Published at123 Dunlop St., Barrie, every Tbursda; 1'3 p_nl-v DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE 1'H\'SI(`l:\.\'S .-\\'D SURGEONS Phone 213 A7 M...-.l.. A..- DR. w. A. LEWIS stmclmy AND DISEASES OF WOMEN C\`n1';1I?n Fn1Inv\nr I`,.....4.. ,.r o:...... Po C. LLOYD Grease spots wooden oors erv . ohrlv and :nmnHma= \'z1s~1- THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1930. Motor Ambulance in Connection u 1 on I H. A. Sims, .`.Igr - ELMVALE DR. R. W. HUGHES DENTAL SURGEON um. AI....... A......I.I-.. M 53.6 3 ./w. FUNERAL l.3l'l"l8 branch \'URSE RIALTON nun... Ra DL..._ \ l.`\.\s3 .-\.\u bL.Il\'.ul9U;\`b` ne 213 47 Maple Ave. L)ice Hours : . 7-1) p.m., or by appoin1.n1om A. T. Little, M.D. [ll]:-_ A/LR Aaen.-:.L.. I` .... --- AIV L}l\lJI`.I'( U1` Barrie Branch .'I'DQL` `D! A 1 run. \ L'l'. :\I'I11`1ll . Phone 557 DIRECTORS I1 Ll1\ Phone 467w. Barrie, Ont. 218. DAYLIGHT SAVING n1:nt,lvr of inlmducin_~; dz: uving in H:ll`1'iv for at Jun ml .-\u_-.:u. \\':'.;< nu-ntiunvd an 1 ,1 Two Tim` Nurtlgertt Ahuamre The fact of the matter is Canada has witnessed year after year the disappearance of farm products! from the export market. Eggs have completely vanished from the list of Canadian overseas export products,` While butter seems to be going the same way, followed closely by bacon. I\'aturz1lly the worried producer wants; to know what is to be done to make` it possible for him to market his sur- plus wares. He has every right to` expect his government to take a1 hand in helping him keep such mar- kets as he had secured. Most of us can remember some of Mr. .\Iother~' weIl s campaign speeches, in which he promised to do all in his power ` (the same old line of talk) to :~'2).fe- guard the farmers interests. Well, what is the answer '. A situationl` whivh can be viewed only with con- c.-rn~~ Mr. .\Iother\\'ell's own wordsr. nu.` nI|\ -nu ... .. .\loml:t_\' Hi]: to [w li\'i(Ivd 'I`lll'l\'.\'H.<\\'. )l;\l{(`|l `.10, 19230 EDITORIAL .. ,. 0]` x`l4x`SKx` A 1,000 mile boat trip from Vzmcuuvcr through the colorful Inside I u.-;:~.u;,u:. See glaciers, the Klondike, .`iL.'uu\v:uy. Uurgcous scenery . . . Congn.-niul in-lluw - trnva-Hers. Tours may be made by various routes. c..n - :- Visit Canada s great mountain country this summer. Sue the mighty scenery of our Far West. Ivfukc Juspcr Park Lod;;c in Jasper NntionnlI ;1rk your mountain In.-zxdquurtcrs. Ride, climb, swim, golf, tennis`, motor, <=*v`'- I-..u'n`Ie : ctamsr On to the Pacic . . . A 500 mile trip from Jasper . . . pus: towering Mount Robson . . . following thc turhulunt I"r:.-L-r River to Vuncuuvcr. livcry turn :1 new thrill . . . every mile a vista of spc(:t:u.'ul:tr beauty. `___ an lL`-7 - [)()\\ ('l' H. but ' lu do : 1| isvlls: u u \u. night. I .... 1.. (lay- la-us! (llltwl from x'it1`.`.\'l1: (0 do no. l,):1_\'- __~`m " lDg` 1u:1_\-' lmw its :ul\':1n-I \I:1_L'<'.~. hut uu lhv ullwr hand, it llilli its (ll.\`:l(l\':ll1l:l_L`,`\`>'. 'l`lu- lk)lll'l.\l il`:llll(.] will luv :11 its hvi_-.:lu duriu`-.: the` nioul.h.< of July uud .\u;.:'u. uud for bu. pl:u-vs to vlusv :11 live 0'g'lL)\'l\ it would scuxu to us that con- sidvruhlu l)ll.~ lll\`.~`S would bu lost. Thu f:1x'uu-1-.< should also bu consider-| ml. 'l'2n-re is ('Oll>`l(lCl'1ll.)lL` inter-I min_gliug.,-` now between those who` work on tho farm and those of the town. lf gzuues of any kind are` called for an hour earlier, those from the {arm will have to stop work an hour earlier also, and this is not al- ways convenient. 0 .~ . . . ..l,.....L:.... ..L._._1_) L- highly respected citizen of Essa 'l`own. drove from his home on {the 7th line to Lc-froy on businr,s.~: lon Saturday, March 8th, and while [inn the home of J. E. Baker took : ill and pn: away in :1 few minutr.x<. The funeral service _w2Ls held home on Tuesday, ln`If:I'In(.'Tlt l:{:I1n;: made at Stroud cemetery. . 1'. King was in his 70th [year and leaves a widow and six children to mourn his loss. Friends and nr.-ighbors: L-xtcnd their sympathy to the fzzmilv R Mr. David King, a well known and 5 BOARD OF EDUCATION ESTIMATES llis W01'>:l1ip Mayor McCuaig on Monday night told members of the uouncil t-hut they could not do other- wisv than :l('L'L'[!t the cstinmtcs pre- >`\`lll(`(l by the llozml of l`l(lLl(3iLtlOl`l, which are over $l`. .,000 l1i_<.:'l1vr tlizuv in 19:29. We cannot :Lltogebl1er :1p;reu with his \\'01'sl1ip, and \\'c kI1o\\ iof L'(l.\'(`>3 \vln-r- councils have rcl'u.~:ed Ito accept cst.iin:L1c.~: presented by l .u'd.:' of liducution. If the coun~ cil does not accept such estiiiizntcs {the Board of lduczttion may demand ltzhat the i;<. be submitted to the 'r:1tepuycr.~', but that is as far as theyl can go. While the Board of Edu- cation is elected by the citizens, just as members of council are, yet the council is responsible for the ex Ipemliturcs, and may withhold any `grants till the ra.tepz).yers authorize the expenditure. I rm..,. A":......-- ..4,, . v - . . . V u 4\.1J\.A|\.AlvklL(S- The estimates presented by the Board of Education may be justified, but in order to keep the tax rate within the limit the have to neglect work that should be done. In arriving at the total expenditures for the year it would have been in the best interests of the town had members in the town of the council and members of the` Board of Education got together and trim all estimates to the best advan- tage. council will - From now on there will be :1 nom- inal charge of 25 cents for a divorce decree in Moscow. If the applicants are poor, however, the fee will be as` `low as the equivalent of five cents. {It looks as if Moscow, not Reno or iParis, would in future be the divorce amecca to which temperamental wives iand movie stars will wend their way. lor is the Soviet government launch- `iing a tourist campaign or some- j thing ? I | Concludinyz, Gandhi said he had |]c-ft his seminary at Armedabab for, `good, and that po.=.: he was ad-I dressing them for the last time. I EGANDHI TOSSES DEFI TO 1 l GOVT. TO ARREST HIM | Asladi, India, March 12.--)Iahatma iGandhi, in a speech here to-day, cal]- ied the Message of Salt. deed the} `Government to arrest him. Aslali wn: Hm f-`n~a+ 1.-.1+ ,.4: mm` uuvemmenc to arrest him. .-\..=.1a1i was the first halt of the volunteer civil disobedience marchers who set out with Gandhi from ah- gmedabab early this morning, begin- -ning their campaign for Indian in- i dependence. C-nnrn-ii said +1~.-at +1..-. I` ------ ---A uepenuence. Gandhi said that the Government `had arrested his lieutenant, Vallab- than Patel, for hs intention of ad- 'dres.=ing a public meeting. I Let the G:()\'81`nn1(=_nt nrrncf rnn vurL-s; a puonc meeting. Government arrest me {for actualy doing 50. said Gandhi. Th? Natinnnlief lanrlnr cam 41...: 1101` actuzuy doing said Gandhi.| Nationalist leader said that the salt tax was collected stealthilv, `and therefore amounted to theft. `His followers must be prepared f0Y| ,the \\'or: even death, in their cam-J lpaign for the removal of the salt) |t21.\'. ...._yu nun: v \.uu.uv. Serious consideration should be g'i\'vn the matter by the town coun- cil beforc an yaction is taken. J.\' aft semmm-v nf Av-mmlv-1 UHCC." Premiere Fr,-rguson s hill to (extnmi the term of the Ontario I.ra;;i. from four to vre years \vz1.s intro- duced to the I.r.-;_ri. 'I`hi.' bill will apply to the iiff: of thr` pro.-'rAn` Parliament, which mt-ans: that On- ltario is not likr-]_v to :~:r.-re zlnotimr r.-lr.-(ztion until 1.93-'1 at the r~urIi<-,:=t. I Oniario is in :1. pr,-(-ulinr y)()sitir)I1 lthut rI:quirr::< some lr:Lri:~'l:I.tivr,- r-m-rr-r-- tion, said Pr:/-mir:r Ft-r;.:u;~:0n in in- itrmiur.-im_r his hill, All vn'n\vir1t-1--: in wuu UJ. v):J,UU.l.,-I-16. ] An interesting` feature of the re- port is the fact that sales in No- vember, December and Jzu1uar_v dropped in comparison to the cor- responding months for 1928. No- vember last showed :1 decreased sale of $10,030 December $923,802, and J:zmuury $170,984. Commenting on this situation, the report says: IL must not be thougln tliut similar reductions will of neces sily apply the year round. They will if the i(:g'l1ll111l[(.` demand is not in creased; if the tourist btlsiliess re- nmins stutiomwy, which is not u_". pected. (,`hang'e of C0i"lL`1`l'L'lO1'l:-'h`.':l_s |f.'re1le an unusual and peril-c1l_\' llemtiinzite increzizse in the deinzmd. L:1sL winter inlluenzn and fqverisli colds were prevalent. Doctors ud- vised the use of brandy. l`hi.< year there was practically no inlluen7.:1. In the first half of January, 1929. 2,146 cases of brandy were sold. ln the same period this winter only 1,410 cases were sold, 21 reduction of 34.3 per cent. Rum is also 1:111:0- ly used for colds and inlluen7.a. In the same period in 192.9. 3,522 C:1SO.< of rum were sold and in the 5111m- period this winter only 1.7423 en; _a reduction of 1,779 cases. or 50 per cent. \'n`Hvn u'3nn enlns .~`\I\1I~.\1l .` 1...... .-Lures in operation 15 122. Evils resulting from the abuse of liquor have been ever present. says the report, in discussing the general situation. The sin of ldrunkenness is still with us and iprobably will remain with the host of other : and crimes: that scourgzel humanity just so lom: as human nat- ure is what it is and until that `Utopian day arrivr.-.4 when police,` `prisons and criminal codr.-s liuve no ljuri:-`diction for a continual exist-l lence. per cent." Native wine sales sl1o\\`e(l :1 lm`_:o increase, leaping 108.7 pm` cont. ln 1928, there \\'o1`o69S.028 gallons ed to 1.693.242 g:1llon.~*. Comment- `ing on this phase of the sales, the report. points out that the g' increa; is in excess of money rc~ ceipts because of the abolition of the luxury tax. which resulrted in :1 lowering of prices by the w`inerio.<: amounting to a 55-cent drop on gal- lon quaiitities and 10-cent drop on the price of bottles. T119 rnnnvf nnin+: nu! Hun. +1. sold , while last year the gure climb-t "me prlce OI Domes. The report points out that the Dominion Govormnent receives more iprot from the sales under the act Ithan the province. The Ontario Government in 1928 paid the Dom inion Government $l5.000.000. while lin 1929 the figure rose to $17,005.- i000. `BL-,.....~:..,.. 1.:- p,._L...., -1 ;uuu. Discussing this feature, the repout states: The net prots of the pro- vince, while large, are relatively small compared to the Dominion revenues received from the liquor traflic. The dimcult question of sale` s largel yrenderin_r_r possible as it does these great Dominion revenues, is entirely looked after by the pro- vince. Should the quest of 21 pro- per division or allocation be ever con;-:idered it is manifest that the ratio of the present division of the prots of the traffic should be en- tirely rever. and the greater pro- portion received by the province. A surplus is shown nf so. 7RA 907 puruun recelveu my the province. surplus shown of $2,764,297. 21 gross trading prot of $11,566,658 and a net trading prot of $8,751.- 680. OOU. Six new stores were onened. locat- ed at Scarboro Bluffs, Merrickville. Pelee Island. Ottawa, Hearst and Lancaster, while the total number of stores in operation is 122. T7.\`il: rraanhinu fvnm +1.". ..1...,... `Sales under the Liquor Control Board during `the scal year 192!) totalled $55,360,569, and which not- ted the province :1 prot of $7,751.- GSO, according to the report tabled in the Logislzztum by Hon. W. H. Price, A`tto1`ney-Gena-1'21], on Wed- nesday. l`n f.l1l< flrrnvn Sc nalrlml nlhnu I\1~n When a member of the Liberal Government acknowledges that the. steady decrease in the exportation of Canadian farm produce has creat-| ed a situation which can only be viewed with concern, as the Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Minister of Agri-I culture, has done, the public can` bank on it that the situation is; pretty bad. ! 1..-; ...-..1- L1.-. ..,_L 3.. AAA i uesuay. To this gure is added other pro- ts, including sales of permits amounting to :,%909,70'8, making :1 total of $9,661,448. An in1r-vn `Fnufnvn n? H. H.110 ` 680: With Thgjfgislature The Nortt1c1'n Aclvmme & `-"' 1 Tho commtn cause 0! dlguutho X. M4 `alum in umduu. Boa. am-no altar. WU` thin mmtlon, and It bulum tho , r-nu] Honmuning that will nautrallll the 0&- ::-:- -` I In the umnsihlts thin to take. THIEI I I-:4 w plnyalniuml tall lo puhlh to 1 41.. j Phrllipu Milk 0! Muunanh. PHILLIPS A Milk ..A.` A = vm puyalnlunl tall the ` I h{Hi ' vulumo In acid. It not: 3 ` dinpelhalj ull wurmm is noun gun; pa Mugnds. 1 On. pt.-anful of this dnllghl mum `com m-/ntrtlllo may um: In quick, and Vary uppnnnt. I vrlmhs uyulmn In uwentnnbd. Do bl Iii parfucl. nmtturhl nmd remuur It )1 t :4 good fur ohlidmn, too, all! phi, _ bar then: in talus. 4 Au drugntxxro bu tho gauulna, n nd`. luau! prmiucl. mu: uurm,-41 out .\Ir.~:. Dyrv \\'(`I' from :1 party rmtit.-_-ti :1 fin- mom of Mr. 1' }n'i;::1du w.'1>: rum to be ) ('.`-7(fU(`ll 1' by :1 Izultlc-1'. ' It,-1' 4-(mun). IELUIICQ. Chicken raisers, ` Graham, are more away from the practice of leaving; `chickens outdoors. He told of a ' case where a prospective raiser in- formed him he intended building a ' twenty-storey concrete structure in ` which he proposed to house poultry. ` Loans outstanding under the Agri- `cultural Development Act on Oct. ' 31 last were $23,835,887, Hon. John said Professor and more getting, S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, informed the Legislature. In 1927 the l oans were $15,531,360; in 1928 they were $19,465. The amount out- standing on short-term farm loans for the last scal year was $133.- 999. Hon. Mr. Martin explained that there have been no actual loss- es because the reserve fund for that purpose has taken Care of the short- ages. The Board, he explained, has taken no foreclosures in the last three years. l-lrm Mn T3..I....,- "' ' I I r l Lurce years. 1 Hon. Wm. Finluyson, Minister of` Lands and Fo1`c;<.ts. informed thc= `Legislature that the .`\'ewz1ygo '[`imb:-rl Company, Ltd., of \Visc0I1si11, incor-] porzntm] in Czmzulu, has no timbm; license for pulpwood in the pro\'im-ca.` The Govermm-nt roc<:i\'c(l from this! [company $15,862 in tzxxution. ,......_, vuu. 3 Last week there met in Ottawa: some forty ofcals representing Pro-1 vincizil Agricultural Departments,` Canadian Live Stock Unions and Co-i operative Associations to confer to-.` gether on the export condition. Thei honorable minister told the press when the conference convened that it was in continuation of various! other assemblies held to improve con-i ditions in other departments of thei industry. I { 'T\'L.,. `....4. -5 LL- .___r., , - rs I 1:. In`. l"z1ir, town s0li<-,itm* for Iingwootl, hm] :1 vIo.~:(: cull fmm hm: burned out Inst week. Mr. \\'(`]'(` on 1.h<-ir way I nurtv :11 0 -- regulations Other sLll)jucts lo cmnu before the connnibtec include wlu-lln-r 0ntzu'io should huvv :1 buck-law. wlmroby dour shooting will bv (`un- nod to buck only; Llie u.<<- of (ln;:.~4 in hunting and the matter of closed season for foxes; li<-,vi1.~'iny. n1z1tlm's;'~ wolf b0lll1Ll(`.\`; .s'n:m-s, rut wllers; :spunring` and Line nmltwr ul \vl1oLl1c1' pike and picl\'urul consitlcu-x". gzxmc lish. Fu1'tl1e1' (l(`\'(.`i0[)l]1t`llL m tlw drill ing in the lip;nito li(ll.s' :11, lll.'u~k- smith Rapids were (lisclosml in in ports issuul by Hon. (`li:11'l(-.4 Mr Crozi, Mii1slm' of Mint-.<. 'l`lii.< )'('|u)I'l lshows tlmz in :1 in-w lrilling :ll'I*.'l l I -1 u. shall lu- n tl1ickmn<.< ol li_u;nil- of :38 l'm~l \v.-1,< found. which is L'o11si zm vxm-l~ lent sho\\'in_v.' and p1'ol)ul)l_\' thu i2ll'_l.:'- est tliicknoss that will bv found in the li:.:`nitu (i(,`\'(.`i0])l1lL`lll'. .-\111uml::1ei1ls to Lin` .\linin_Lr .-\<'l. in-tx'odu>cod to the Lcgislz1.uin.- by llqn. C-l1:11'lv.< .\IcL7n-:1, `.\1mc.<. wurc (luclztrctl 3:11, J1`lll s(2ction.~[` [oi the m]ilnin_-.5 in .10 1'c_:u;1.1oi1s ('11 for furlln-r Lig'lLle11ii1;;' of mine work to the miners. Hf|1l.- l - ..\lini. ui l:~'l(l\'lL)l'_\ Lu prult.-vi .. .. .u...\_m. 1uLM*l'(!lll0.\'l$ in chickens and turkeys is becomin_e: :1 problem. but in c0mb:1tting' it, Pm- .fesso1'G1`ulu1n1 szlid t.hz1tcl1iek(-n.'-. should be kept on` manure (lumps. In the raising` of turkeys much care should be taken during` the .shin;.: season in keeninp: turkeys away from sh-worms, which he said are the worst carriers of black-head, :1 liver disease with which turkeys are afllicted. To make turkey r:1`isin' protable and successful, they should be givexx :1 food trough. mu! Hm iulll XIllHl.'l'-3. I The .`\(-t has l,n<.-on (.-\'0l\'c only after con. t,l1ou_<.-(ht zm said Hon. Mr. Mc(_?r-:1. II, will stuxltl 3:: :1 model to all )n'u\'inm-.<. Ont:u'io lms sonmtl1ing now wlxicll l lmlic\'c will \vo1'l-; out (rnlinuntly well in the mi11in:.: in Many con fercnces were held with minin;: olliciuls bvforu the bill w as p:1. Hnn (`!.m.-..-._ u 11.... w- - - _- ...... \, uuu\l.'_y 1`1l`l.\'lHi given trough, and the food should not be scattered on the ground. Sunlight must be taken ml- vantage of, while the turkey need. a clean Iublc. 1`he orgzms'm in the turkey can be treated with sulphuric acide, and while checked the tube:-A culosis still lives. but :1 half minute of sunlght will knock it out of ex- istence. m.:,.1..,\.. ..-=-~ -` - l.VllII\. of Magnesia /Wei??? HI IDIDII-n .._.AI_. _____._:__;___ Mir`, for Cni- call from kn LIIU IlItUU|.l'l \I| lIIlI\'\I\l\ light . July and nu-nl council mevtin_:: l\Iembu~.< .~'v.'n`lnu4l lw ii the quxmtioll. but it will lw at next committvc nm~xin_::. The council may ,lmw | pu. :1 ivy-l:1\\' lo (lull utll-'1 -. ,,,,uu u :IIl"ll 1 from '|`hr- I :;.;:uw u(,-Iu.s' :11, Hl.'u'k I`:-- M.-V ' Mint-.<. '!`hi- - ill. L: 11.11 l;l:1'/ling: Vain lm. .,., nu um` H\'I!l lmmv. Thv fin and Hr. I:1irh:1 1 H11.` st-<-mid slor:~ firv \\':1.' soon ur ,, . .u.\l Ul _-ml s:|1.is1':1v1m'y to mining call [)]'()1L`('l way Honk: xvhnn Hll'\' I the livizw '. fin"- lr. I":1ir hm! wnml .-1m-[ml , GORDEN LONGMAN ' Hurrintor, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Ross Black, Barrie, Ont. I (MTICO, King I r1. r1. \.Kl;DWlL'Kl:; iiarrimnr, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Mmmy to lmm at I-wwost Rates of interest. nm..- |r:.... n|....|. I! think it would Ln- u11lm-.~:< tlu-rv is :1 citis.--n; hght .~`:1\'ing my \ . I . HUYS 6'; BOYS, R.-\Itl{.lS'l`I*IlS. .H`uli'iLur.-;, Nolm'i(-:4 Public, Con- v:~y:um-r.-4, 4.-tr. Mmu-y to loan nt lmw-ul. rnU~.s~ of illLcI'('Ht. ()i'-.~', I I 1 I I . . j 1.`: Uwvn .\`l.rm-1., H) the pern11.~xn.= l'ummerly 0('(`ll]Di(,'(l by the , 'l`m`mlu. l'.'LllL`ll ()fT'l('(:, Ul|Lll'it). .,' I I) 17.... S'l`I'}WAR" & S I`EW.-\R'l`. B.-\R~ risn-._-rs. Solivitors. N()t(1l'iCS Public 5 nml (`nx1\'u_\'am'urs. Money to loan ] 1n uny sums at I0\\'estcu1'ront rnten. Oicv. 13 Owen stn.-ct. Hnrrin I`) M .Qt.m-...-0 I llC.H"l`l*IN & l`IS I`l'IN, B.-\l{l{IS'l`ERS. Solicitors in lligh (fnurl of Jus- ' tiru. N()tm'i-s Public, Cm1\u~y- umw-rs. ()fl'|('o. Int our I\`L'I\-uni;-I ! CAMERON 8: CAMERON :BARRIS'l`T'lRS. SOLICITORS. I /I`C`. 5 n\\/an Sr Rnrr:n 131.....- Ant: RAD ENI{URS'1` & H.~\1\`1MO.\'D-- Bnr1'ist4'>rs, Solicitors, etc. ()'u-c. 1st floor Masonic 'l`omplc Bui1ding:. 1\1om-y to loan at lowest rates. DONALD F. MACLAREN, B.A. I3Al{RlS'l"lG'o`.. SOLIC-l l`OR, .I*I'1`C.` lVlns:nn;t~ TAn1n`n Rlrln Run-.- runs or be me cause of dangerous stom- ach troubles. These first si ms of pain and indig-estionphould never e nqilected. and quick relief can bu obtained y tak- I ing a little s Diapepsin after eating or when pain is felt. 1 zmo s Dia.non.qin in:f_nnHv nnnlrv-n1. eating Wnen pam is felt. npo s Din,pepsin instantly neutral- E7os.t11e excess stonmch acid and soothes, I Ywrls and strengtlrnns the inamed stom- urh 1.`:Lir:;_r. Lhu.-5 ` " m.':!_in:: normal, pain- '_Ii;:".~.r.'Inn 2 `..- xing Drewant I Sudden pains in your stomach are sure signs of excess gastric acid. As time goea on this acidity ma. lead to gas- tritis be the of nnizeroua 3t0m- I _7gZ g7}.vZ2;Pce,ze/Mr] fuiur-3 t, T.`.x.. .. _.,_3._.. -- ..--.-~-ru bu-sauna-4 luvluo QB DLLUU nngeroua 3 com- I Siam; of mun gzxillinns have used l upe s Di:Lpepsin or the syn - "J ~.m:l sure relief of indiges- 'Enn am} n'l'n:l stomach troubles. Follow viz:-ir example! `let .1 60-eent package of `l upe .- l)inpepsi11" from any drtiggist; ly, nmiter lnbw severe your pains and -mswl: troubles have been you will get ... .. nml safe relief. 3 A \llllll'IU. VV J. R. Boys. \IAI`..\/A1Vlll`4l\'. LUW.-\N, b`lJU(Tl.`..\` H01` 10 Lunnnx, Cuwun &. lh'o\\'n`. linrristur, Sulicitur for oM:1inin;: of will, p,;'1uu'dizm::|Iip zuni :ulmini:'lr21Linn, nml (lvm-ml Schm- lm`, Nutzu-y, (3on\'\-_\':nn'vr, on-. !\lnnvy to loan. (H1 im-s: Hinds Hlm-k. No. K I')unlop St. D. F. MCCUAIC, B.A. H:xrri.s'Lm', Solicitor, Etc. Successor to Creswicke & Bell Mona) 9!) Loan (Turn Rngm Rlnrlr Rn.-.-in uru. .'VuulI'1t-s l'1ll)ll(`., U0l1\'vy~ I ()'u-v, our MIl..\'()lli(' 'l`e-mplu Ih1i! Eurrie. l\l0nn_\' tn hum nt, luwvnt current. x`z1tv.~a. (2. ll. Hater: uml M. II. Ntvll. I 'l`-A " IN STOMACH | uuy sums Ollico. lhu'x'i(`. I`). M. nn l\I\lD 1 Inna, .)U1.;1L,1`1'UI\'.b`. 5 Owen SL, Barrie Phone 405. WTQNWV 'l"('\ TO.\\Y T he

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